Inadequate person. Appropriate behavior

consciousness or human psyche is a concept that has several meanings. In the general case, this is a certain correspondence of human behavior, which is dictated by similar criteria of the person himself and the environment.

Adequacy to the material world is the correspondence of a Man’s defensive reactions to such manifestations of the material world that affect him, which pose a clear threat to his existence, in order to preserve his integrity.

The highest principle of natural adequacy, reflected in natural metabolism in this regard, can be formulated as follows: when we build our personal criteria, accepted by man for everyday guidance, into the field of creative Criteria of Nature in a consistent manner, then we are the creators of a positive new one. If our criteria contradict the creative natural ones, then we are destroyers.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


from lat. adaequatus - equal) - correspondence, equality, equivalence. In the theory of knowledge, A. means the correspondence (or similarity) of the reflection (image, knowledge) to the original object, due to which they have the character of objective truths. A. represents the correspondence of the characteristics of the content of the image and knowledge to the characteristics of the original. In scientific knowledge, a special role belongs to the determination of the types of correspondence between the structures of the display and the original. In mathematized knowledge, these correspondences are expressed through mathematical mappings, or morphisms, such as. isomorphism and homomorphism, homeoorphism (when displaying topological relations and structures), different types of similarity (geometric, etc.) and equivalence. Establishing the type of structures (spatial, temporal, genetic, etc.) and the types of their correspondence to the original lies at the basis of various cognitive activities (modeling, calculation, forecasting, design, construction) and practical activities. The level and degree of A. mapping to the original object are assessed by three main indicators of A.: 1) the reliability of any image, knowledge (and for theoretical knowledge - its evidence); 2) accuracy and completeness; 3) depth, or significance, of the display of the original object. The question of the degree of A. reflection of an object is associated with the problem of the relationship between absolute and relative truth, essence and phenomenon, the criterion of truth.

Anna basis

There are different situations in life and people behave in them depending on their character. If the behavior is understandable and not surprising, it is appropriate. If the reaction does not correspond to accepted norms, it causes a feeling of criticism. You can hear about such people: “he behaves inappropriately.” What is adequacy in the understanding of the average person and what else does it mean?

General definition

The term has synonyms: correspondence, identity. Most often it is used to characterize human behavior. Actions that comply with generally accepted rules and culture are considered adequate.

Arriving home, we undress, hang warm outerwear on a hanger, and put our shoes on the shelf. This is appropriate behavior. Imagine that a colleague came to work and instead of sitting on a chair, he sat on the desk and put his feet on the chair. He whistles songs and even forgot to say hello. This does not meet the standards and is therefore considered inadequate.

When we sit down to eat at a party, we eat our food carefully, trying not to make unnecessary noise. At home, we can eat something with our hands (especially if we are very hungry), chew and talk at the same time. How will society and our family perceive this?

These examples provide a deeper understanding of what adequacy is. After all, actions in one situation are quite appropriate, but in another they are unacceptable. If you are accused of inadequacy, this is a subjective opinion and not a reason to panic. Perhaps you are simply unpleasant to the person.

Where is the line between adequacy and its opposite?

Some people are so scrupulous and dependent on public opinion that they put it at the forefront. A person understands what adequacy is and fully acts in accordance with established boundaries. At the same time, he is guided only by norms and leaves no room for making his own decisions.

There are cases when there is no need to talk about adequacy at all. A person’s behavior and morality not only deviate from their usual boundaries, but become dangerous to others. These are clear signs of mental illness, the diagnosis of which should be made by a psychiatrist.

Adequacy and age

Society strictly ensures that a person’s behavior and clothing style correspond to his age. It is necessary to accept guidelines and values ​​in order to look decent, first of all, for yourself. An elderly woman or man repeating looks amazing. It’s strange to hear obscene or teenage slang from the lips of elderly women.

At the same time, when a child tries to imitate adults, everyone is touched and does not take it seriously. Adequately assess your age and adjust your behavior so as not to lose yourself. Older people should adequately perceive reality and remember responsibility. Young people must understand that adulthood will definitely come, and then only memories will remain of their youth.

What is adequacy in science?

The term is actively used in many sciences, including mathematics, physics, and econometrics. It applies to models that are being researched. If the calculations made are correct, and the finished model showed the intended result, the adequacy test has been passed.

By examining the object, developers determine what options there may be if the model fails, and whether this is possible. If the results fully correspond to the calculations, it is customary to say that the design is adequate. The conflicting results make us think and re-evaluate the original studies.

To comply or not?

As long as a person lives only within approved boundaries, he has no room for. What is adequacy? This is identity with someone else’s idea of ​​​​the norms of life. Someone decided what to do and what not to do. Complete identification entails a loss of individuality, and a mature person is able to have his own idea of ​​norms and rules and act as his conscience dictates.

17 February 2014, 10:04

Adequacy- performing the same actions in similar situations.

  • Adequacy (mathematics)- compliance, coincidence of any parameters, satisfactory from the point of view of certain goals.
  • Adequacy of the actual result (probability theory)- correspondence of the results obtained (for example, after an experiment) with the result of the calculation. The concept of adequacy can appear in probability theory, in relation to the obtained result of a calculation and in relation to the actual result. For example: when throwing dice, the probability of getting each of the numbers from 1 to 6 is 1/6. It would be inadequate to say that a 7 will definitely roll (an example of an inadequate calculation result). Also, it is not adequate in relation to the statement that only numbers from 1 to 6 can be rolled, the case when 7 is rolled (an example of the inadequacy of the actual result)
  • Adequacy (psychology)- the degree of explainability of an individual’s actions. Compliance of an individual's behavior model with known models of behavior.
  • Adequacy (philosophy)- compliance of the existing with the expected. Obviously, the variability of the “expected” makes the concept of adequacy relative. And from this we can conclude that, for example, the same “event” can be perceived by different people in different ways (identified by some as adequate, and by others as inadequate). It depends on the degree of awareness of the possible options of what could happen. The less awareness, the larger the list of events that are inappropriate in a given situation.
  • Adequacy of the mathematical method- the degree of compliance of the formal model assumed by the method with the nature of the phenomenon studied with its help.

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    - (from Latin adaequatus equated, equal) English. adequacy German Adaquatheit. Compliance, coincidence k.l. parameters, satisfactory from the point of view of certain goals. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    adequacy- and, f. adéquat, e adj. Correspondence, identity. I vouch for the literalness and adequacy of the meaning of my translation. 27. 12. 1877. Fet N.V. Gerbel. Lex. SAN 1932: adequacy; IAS 1957: adequacy… Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

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  • About the fate of the subjects. RelationSubject Others. Formation, adequacy, autism, E. V. Kosilova. The book is devoted to the analysis of the existence of the subject. The subject is considered in the aspect of its various relationships, primarily to Others. It is shown how, when forming a subject, Others create the most important...
  • About the fate of the subjects. Relation 171;Subject-Others 187;. Formation, adequacy, autism, Kosilova E.V.. The book is devoted to the analysis of the existence of the subject. The subject is considered in the aspect of its various relationships, primarily to Others. It is shown how, when forming a subject, Others create the most important...

In disputes between people, you can hear the term “adequacy” almost everywhere. Each participant in the dispute tries to doubt this quality of his opponent as actively as possible, shaking his incredible adequacy in his face. Is this mysterious property really of decisive importance in the life of every person? Unfortunately, most people who use this term have a hard time understanding what adequacy is.

Adequacy is simply conformity to something. That is, a person can be adequate or inadequate regarding something; it is incorrect to use this word in itself. It follows from this that adequacy is a relative concept.

Adequacy assessment

How to understand what is adequate and what is not? No one wants to be branded “inadequate,” because this label can completely change the attitude of others towards you. Often, adequacy is understood as banal compliance with generally accepted standards of morality and behavior. Moreover, actions that are adequate in one situation may be inadequate in another. In most cases, this concept is simply a person’s subjective point of view on how others should think and behave. Therefore, if someone accuses you of inadequacy, this is not a reason to panic at all; perhaps this person simply did not like you.

Of course, there are generally accepted values ​​and moral standards, non-compliance with which is considered horrifying savagery. But don’t forget about your own values, because the majority is often wrong. And a person who builds his life according to the principle “everything is like other people” can hardly be called a conscious person, although he does not lack for adequacy. Therefore, do what you think is necessary; others will evaluate your adequacy.


Of course, sometimes there are extreme cases of inadequacy. For example, when a person’s behavior is completely out of the generally accepted framework, it becomes downright dangerous and abnormal.

In most cases, this indicates mental abnormalities and sooner or later leads an overly unusual subject to a hospital. There are also opposite cases, when the poor fellow knows too well what adequacy is, trying to strictly comply with its harsh framework. This person’s opinion is fully consistent with generally accepted norms; they completely shape his inner world, leaving no room for his own conclusions.

Age appropriateness

Compliance with your age is no less important in modern society than the presence of values ​​and guidelines that are understandable and accepted by society. An adult acting like a child can look extremely strange. If a child behaves like an adult, then people find it funny or cute, but do not take him seriously.

A pathetic impression is made by adults who communicate in teenage slang, or by old people trying to look youthful.

There is a time for everything, do not forget what adequacy is when trying to become someone you are not. The younger generation needs to remember that their adult life will yet come and they will remember their bygone childhood years with envy.

People of the older generation, on the contrary, do not need to forget that childhood has already passed and there is no way to return to it, so it is worth accepting all the complexity and responsibility of adult life.

Meaning of Adequacy

Be that as it may, full compliance with social norms does not leave any space for one’s own opinion. Therefore, there is no point in chasing the notorious adequacy; it is better to listen to yourself and enjoy life. After all, what is adequacy? Just conforming to someone else's idea of ​​what is right and what is wrong. By doing what others do, you will inevitably become the same as them, completely losing your own individuality.

You should not prove to someone your adequacy or, conversely, try to impress someone with your inadequacy, trying to show yourself as an extraordinary person. To be yourself, to act as your own mind dictates, and not ephemeral “universal” norms of behavior - this is what shows the maturity and adequacy of the individual. Of course, there will always be people who want to reproach others for inadequacy and impose their worldview. But can their pathetic attempts lead a strong, independent person astray from the right path?

Adequacy as a personality quality is the ability to correspond to something in one’s words, actions, and deeds.

People in ignorance, passion and goodness have different understandings of what needs to be met. A thief in law is adequate if he meets the expectations of the lads, that is, he lives according to the “concepts” and complies with the laws of thieves. He should not serve in the army, cooperate with the police, and has no right to family life. For a person in ignorance, adequacy is the ability to meet the requirements of the situation and the expectations of people of his level. For example, a gang of guys and girls are walking in the sauna, and suddenly one of them says: “I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t snort, and I treat women in a friendly way.” At first no one will believe him, then they will consider him crazy, which is equivalent to inadequate, and, most likely, they will make several physical comments.

A person with the concept of passion - I want to live honestly, but for myself, tenderly cares about his adequacy, otherwise partners will not want to deal with him, and the business will be at risk. The opinions and assessments of others are important to him. Being on an egoistic platform, he opposes himself to other people. Therefore, for him, adequacy is the art of balancing a balance, where the expectations of others are in debit, and one’s own selfish intentions, desires and goals are in credit. When credit exceeds debit, clashes and conflicts begin with the outside world, which gives a person a harsh verdict - not adequate.

For example, a woman abandoned her husband and children, turning all her attention to her career. Having achieved some success, she felt financial independence and began to disrespect her husband, who earned less than her. Popular wisdom says that behind every successful man there is a loving woman. A successful husband is the merit of his wife. As soon as a woman stops respecting a man and looks at him disdainfully, as if he were lost, he sinks and cannot do anything with himself. A woman can incinerate and humiliate with one glance. A man, if he is an atheist, cannot be inspired on his own. He needs a woman. The fact is that a man feeds on the energy of heaven, and a woman on the energy of the Earth. Woman dominates the Earth. A man inspired by a woman has tremendous power. When a woman neglects her family, she mocks her nature. Not a single woman became happy from climbing the career ladder. A woman can realize herself in building relationships with close people in the family. She is happy when she is behind her husband, and not in front of her husband. Violation of the hierarchy of happiness by a woman is a sign of inappropriate behavior. We see in debit a man humiliated by neglect, relying in vain on his wife’s reasonableness, and in credit we see a careerist who has forgotten about her responsibilities. In the context of this example, adequacy appears as a woman’s compliance with her nature, which dictates the need to fulfill her family responsibilities, inspire a man, showing attention and respect to him.

Adequacy is always the correspondence of something to something. In a person, goodness is compliance with conscience, reason, one’s moral principles, and the good of other people. Those around him may consider him inadequate, but for him their subjective assessments have no weight. Surely, many would consider the Indian prince Siddhartha Gautama inadequate. As a sixteen-year-old boy, he left the palace and went in search of himself. And he found it, becoming known to the whole world as Buddha. The great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy surprised his contemporaries with his “inappropriate” behavior, although he himself did not think so, preferring to walk barefoot on the warm grass of Russian fields.

Another “inadequate” - Russian millionaire German Sterligov, being at the peak of his business career, abruptly gave up everything and went to live with his wife and five children in a village in the Moscow region. He lives like an ordinary peasant, conducts subsistence farming and is quite happy. It was he who gave the first clear definition of downshifting in Russian: “Downshifting, due to historical specifics in Russia, means returning to the ground. That's how bad it is for you in the city, that's how good it is for me in the wild. My lifestyle changed, my self-esteem then changed when I lived a normal life. If before I measured success in dollars and rubles, now the measure is the health of children, the happiness of the family, in a word, completely different categories.”

Following the voice of their hearts, people in goodness understand their adequacy only in the context of compliance of their actions with the requirements of conscience and reason. We did not come into this world to live up to anyone's expectations. Realizing this truth, many people are leaving cities, not only as families, but as entire communities. They organize their own settlements, where they engage not only in agriculture, but also in crafts. The Ark was one of the first to appear on Russian territory. It was founded near Kaluga by a married couple, Fyodor and Elena Lazutin: he is a former physicist, she is a leading economist. Other families joined them. Only here did we become truly happy, says Elena: “I came to this gradually, looking for some kind of meaning in what people do in the city. I got more opportunities for self-realization here than if I had stayed in the city. We have a lot of musicians, there are artists, psychologists, and many programmers. But we are all united by common views on life.” There are currently 50 adults and 40 children living in Kovcheg. In total, 82 similar settlements are scattered across Russia. 52-year-old millionaire Fabrizio Simonini left his native Italy and went to live in a Rostov village with his beloved, 38-year-old Oksana Savchuk from the village of Sokolovo-Kundryuchenskoye near Novoshakhtinsk.

The label “Adequacy” or “Inadequacy” is incorrect regarding the person himself. It is not people who are adequate or inadequate, but specific actions, convictions and beliefs in their heads. Every person has in his head both many adequate beliefs and many inadequate ones. And these specific beliefs, psychological attitudes, stereotypes, suggestions, superstitions and beliefs can already be assessed - whether they correspond to reality or not. Guided by their beliefs, people take certain actions. If the result suits them, then they acted adequately. Millionaire German Sterligov is completely satisfied with the result, because his actions were in tune with the voice of his heart.

Adequately perceiving the realities of life means being aware of the consequences of your words and actions. Migratory birds gather for warmer climes, and Crow asks to go with them. The birds persuade her: - Why do you need to fly? You're fine here too. The road is long, dangerous, you will perish along the way. - Take me with you, I am a strong, brave, proud bird, I can stand it! “Okay,” they agree. - Let him fly. Let him try for a day or two, and then come back. There is a two-day flight across the sea ahead: - Crow, come back, you won’t be able to stand it, crows don’t fly that far. - I can handle it. I am a strong, brave, proud bird! There is a four-day flight ahead without rest: - Crow, are you tired of living? Come home before it's too late. - I am a strong, brave, proud bird, I can stand it! The flock has become worn out. Not all of them, even the hardened ones, made it to the shore. Poor Crow flopped down exhausted on the stones, resting. The eyes are closed. I still don’t understand whether she’s alive or already dead. Everyone surrounded her in delight, and let’s praise her: “Vorona, you’re great!” You are truly a strong, brave, proud bird! “Yes,” sighs the crow. - Yes, I am a strong bird, I am a brave bird, I am a proud bird... but stupid!

Petr Kovalev 2013