The easiest way to make any dish festive: flowers from vegetables
Decorating dishes is a real art! If you want to give your table a festive look, the best option is to cut decorative elements from...
Studying the dream book: interpretation of dreams as a method of divination
The future fortuneteller was born in 1911 in a poor Bulgarian village. While still a little girl, Vangelia lost her mother. According to one version...
The forgotten crime of Poland: the attempted occupation of Lithuania An excerpt characterizing the Polish-Lithuanian War
Polish-Lithuanian War (1920) The Polish-Lithuanian War of 1920 is a rarely used designation for the armed conflict between Poland and...
Age periods of human development
How different are the impressions of what we read, hear and see depending on age! I remember when I was a child they took me to the circus. How much joy...
Gavrilin, Pavel Fedorovich Excerpt characterizing Gavrilin, Pavel Fedorovich
Gavrilin Pavel Fedorovich – flight commander of the 402nd Fighter Aviation Regiment (265th Fighter Aviation Division, 3rd...
Gavrilin, Pavel Fedorovich Excerpt characterizing Gavrilin, Pavel Fedorovich
Gavrilin Pavel Fedorovich – flight commander of the 402nd Fighter Aviation Regiment (265th Fighter Aviation Division, 3rd...
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