Eating in the fall to avoid gaining weight. How not to gain weight in the fall

It is no coincidence that the apple opens the list: this most traditional fruit for autumn can be used in everything from drinks and main dishes to desserts. An apple is a great addition to your diet. It is low in calories, but at the same time it is full of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Apples help maintain the required blood sugar level and suppress hunger. In addition, the reduced salt content in fruits prevents the formation of excess fluid in the body, since apples have the property of retaining moisture.

2. Cinnamon - the spice of aristocrats

In the Middle Ages, cinnamon was considered an elite spice that only the rich could afford. Cinnamon contains a lot of manganese, fiber, calcium and iron, which makes it an indispensable seasoning for food.

6. Laurels to bay leaves

Reducing the amount of salt you consume daily is an important step towards weight loss. in soups, sauces and meat dishes it will add flavor and aroma without you having to add a lot of salt. Add a couple of bay leaves to your soup or spaghetti (just be sure to remove them before serving).

7. Carnation - the highlight of the season

In addition to the fact that cloves promote the breakdown of fat, recent studies have also found that this spice improves insulin production in patients with type 2 diabetes. Try adding whole cloves to vegetable dishes and meat or poultry dishes before grilling them.

8. Look at the root... of ginger

Taking ginger daily can reduce muscle pain caused by physical activity, by 25%.

The less muscle pain, the more exercise. Try adding ginger to stews or soups. It is best to store chopped ginger in the refrigerator to keep it fresh.

9. Everything is garlicky

Garlic contains a substance called allicin, which helps reduce levels of bad fats and cholesterol. Garlic is a natural appetite suppressant that works in several ways. stimulates the satiety center in the brain, reduces hunger and increases the brain's sensitivity to leptin (a hormone that helps regulate appetite).

10. Coriander-healer

Being a natural diuretic (a substance that helps remove excess fluid from the body), it improves the digestion process and helps the body, which is important for weight loss. Before cooking the meat, we recommend sprinkling it with finely chopped coriander. It is also great for preparing vegetable dishes.

11. Sage

The magical properties of sage have been known for a long time. It helps improve digestion and is also a popular weight loss aid. Add it to food or drink it between meals, brewing it like tea - this is a great way.

12. Turkish beans

These fiery red beans are high in protein, low in fat and high in fiber. One of the main disadvantages of a low-calorie diet is that you constantly feel hungry.

By eating protein-containing foods such as beans in small portions, you can, however, be careful: Turkish beans should not be eaten raw, as they contain a toxin that causes red cells to form clots in the blood. Boil them thoroughly before eating.

13. Chinese cabbage

250g of cooked Chinese cabbage contains only , while it is high in fibre, calcium, potassium, beta-carotene and vitamin A. It is also high in moisture, which helps promote satiety and greater weight loss.

14. Dates - Bedouin food

If you can't pass by a bowl of candy, add some dates. They are just as sweet, but they contain a lot of fiber, vitamin B6, manganese and potassium.

They energize and regulate salt balance. It was not for nothing that the Bedouins took them with them to the desert: dates served them, satisfying hunger and the body’s need for food. However, remember that you are not in the desert after all - a couple of dates is enough!

15. Magic Mandarin

If you don't want to dial overweight, fighting the coming autumn cold, ! Not only are they excellent antioxidants that promote weight loss, but they also strengthen the immune system. Each fruit contains less than 50 calories.

16. Uncut garnet

Pomegranate, which got its name due to the similarity of the grains, is indeed precious. It contains many nutrients, and the high fiber content helps regulate blood sugar.

Pomegranate peel contains a lot of vitamin C and K, folic acid salt and potassium. However, you should not drink only the juice; eat a few pomegranate seeds as well. The fiber they contain promotes weight loss.

17. Brussels sprouts

With just 10 calories per sprout and half fiber and half protein, eating Brussels sprouts will help you feel fuller longer.

With bacon and garlic in olive oil, adding salt and pepper to taste, or simply fry it in olive oil until crust forms.

18. Cut, cut, cut cauliflower

Cauliflower is an excellent antioxidant. It contains what promotes weight loss. Instead of mashed potatoes, try mashed cauliflower, it has four times less calories.

20. Pecan - Indian nut

The pecan was highly revered by the North American Indians. And for good reason. It contains vitamin E, calcium, manganese, potassium, zinc, fiber, many antioxidants, as well as fats that are beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Studies have shown that when people include nuts (including pecans) in their diet, they lose weight and are able to maintain the results longer than those who follow a regular low-fat diet. It's easy to kill a worm with pecans.

21. Negroes sell chestnuts near Concorde Square...

“A country where chestnuts are grown will never know what hunger is,” the French like to say. And they are right! Chestnuts contain a lot of starch, which satisfies hunger for a long time. They help reduce weight and cholesterol levels, regulate blood pressure and are good reasons to eat them all year round, right?

22. Pork is man's friend

Believe it or not, pork is a source that helps keep you full longer and also helps maintain lean muscle mass. Since muscles help burn fat, it is very important to keep them in good shape. To keep pork lean, you need to cook it without fat.

23. Autumn soups, charm of the eyes

In the fall, when it gets colder, soups are an excellent way to lose weight. Made with high-carbohydrate foods such as beans, rice, or vegetables combined with broth, they allow the carbohydrates to absorb more liquid in the stomach, which promotes greater satiety.

Studies have shown that serving as a first course helps reduce overall calorie intake, but creamy soups or soups that contain too much pasta should be avoided.

24. - Duck. With Apples. It looks like it's cooked well.

“It seems like she doused herself with sauce on the way.”

Really, how sweet of her!

You can treat Baron Munchausen any way you like, but he knew a lot about food. is a nutritious source of protein.

Adding variety to your diet is very important. Skinless duck breast contains selenium and only 140 calories, 3g fat, 28g protein and 4 times more iron (4.5g per 100g) than chicken or turkey. Selenium and iron help restore strength if you are too tired while working out in the gym.

25. Musick, well, is the goose ready?

Engineer Bruns (from “12 Chairs”) asked his wife for a reason. Goose contains many amino acids and is an excellent source of zinc, which is very important for the enzymatic reaction mechanism of the body. And although the fat content of goose meat is higher than that of chicken, it is more suitable for the autumn and winter months. It tastes much better with spices, lemon and orange zest, which make it very nutritious and healthy.

With the onset of cold weather, not only nature, but also human metabolic processes slow down a little. Unfriendly weather outside forces us to spend more time at home. We are increasingly warming ourselves up with hot sweet tea and buns, trying to compensate for the lack of endorphins and sunlight. Autumn gatherings in cozy cafes with friends certainly lift your spirits, and warm, voluminous clothes skillfully hide extra centimeters under their folds. How to curb your appetite in autumn without compromising your own mood? These 10 simple rules will help you create an optimal diet and physical activity.

Eat potatoes

Yes, yes, it is this root vegetable, often mercilessly excluded from the diet of those losing weight, that will help maintain slimness in the fall. It's all about the special starch contained in potatoes. It has a complex molecular composition and takes a long time to digest, leaving you feeling full for a long period. Of course, for dietary purposes, it is best to eat boiled or baked potatoes. For dressing, choose olive oil or low-fat sour cream.

Include animal protein in your menu

In winter, the body burns a lot of calories to stay warm. Of course, this fact cannot but please those who fight for a slim figure. However, a calorie deficit greatly increases your appetite. And, coming home from the cold, we are ready to eat “a whole bull.” To control your appetite, you need to include animal proteins in your diet - poultry, rabbit or lean beef. Protein is necessary to maintain muscle mass, in addition, it provides the body with the very necessary fuel, without being deposited on the sides and waist. Often, a good old steamed minced chicken cutlet with a side dish of buckwheat is much healthier than green salads with high-calorie dressings.

Eliminate hidden calories

Before you put supposedly “diet” cottage cheese or yogurt into your food basket, carefully study the packaging and pay attention to the calorie content. Often it exceeds the permissible limit. The deceptive maneuver of manufacturers is to reduce the fat content of the product and replace regular sugar with harmful sweeteners. If you really want to purchase a dietary product, choose foods labeled “low-calorie” rather than “low-fat.”

Love the contrast shower

This simple SPA procedure will not only allow you to wake up faster on a gloomy autumn morning, but will also help your skin maintain its elasticity. Sudden changes in temperature are micro-stress for the body; during these seconds it tries to maintain the usual 36.6, spending extra calories on it.

Use aroma therapy

By using essential oils It is possible to lift your mood, strengthen your immune system and even curb your appetite. Scientists have long proven that pine and citrus smells can speed up metabolism and minimize attacks of uncontrollable hunger. The essential oils of juniper, bergamot, lemon, grapefruit, lemongrass, lavender, rosemary, patchouli, mandarin, geranium, cypress and sweet orange have the best properties for weight loss. You can use an aroma lamp or a special sachet into which you first add a few drops of the oils you like.

Spin the hoop

On long autumn and winter evenings, when all you want to do is watch quivering melodramas, wrapped in a warm blanket. Use your TV time wisely. For example, spin the hula hoop while you follow the development of the plot of the next reality show or series. In an hour you will burn a sufficient number of calories, strengthen your abs and tighten your waist and abdomen.

Have a hearty breakfast

As mentioned above, during the cold period the body requires more calories. And to protect yourself from hunger pangs, learn to eat breakfast properly. Don't try to skip your morning meal - during the day you will want to eat three times more than if you had breakfast. Nutritionists are sure that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After all, it is she who awakens the metabolism and gives energy for the whole day. Ideally, in autumn and winter, breakfast should be hot: it will be much warmer for you to get to the parking lot or public transport stop.

Go to bed before midnight

Sleep is the best healer. It is in sleep that the body restores the strength spent during the day. There is an opinion that “beauty sleep” is only until midnight. It is during these hours that processes of deep regeneration of skin cells and the production of hormones, so valuable in matters of beauty, occur.

Eat honey

Honey is an incredibly healthy product. It can be successfully used to maintain your desired weight. Of course, it is worth remembering that for all its beneficial properties, honey is a high-calorie product and should be taken exactly like medicine - in microdoses. Try taking 1 teaspoon of any natural honey on an empty stomach, thoroughly dissolving in the mouth. There are so many minerals, as well as other useful compounds, in it that no pharmacy vitamin complex has ever dreamed of.

Drink water

When talking about losing weight or stabilizing weight, one cannot fail to mention drinking clean drinking water. It is she who removes harmful toxins from the body and participates in the processes of fat dissolution. Without water, alas, it is unlikely that you will be able to lose weight seriously and for a long time. Learn to drink at least 2 liters a day, and within a month you will notice positive changes in the scale value. Of course, you shouldn’t drink a bottle of mineral water before leaving the house, but in the office, try to drink a glass of cool liquid per hour.

What methods do you use to avoid gaining weight in the fall and winter?

There is nothing strange about the fact that after summer we put on a few kilograms. Man by nature is designed in such a way that it is easy for him to lose weight in the spring and gain weight in the fall.

“As it gets colder, it takes more energy to heat the body. The summer diet is simply not enough for this, says Natalya Fadeeva, Ph.D., nutritionist-endocrinologist at the MEDEP Family Dietetics Center. “In addition, in the fall, due to a decrease in the amount of sunlight, the production of the hormone of joy, serotonin, is reduced, and subconsciously we strive to normalize our emotional background in other ways. Most often - by eating something sweet or fatty. A decrease in solar activity also leads to a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones. But they are the ones who stimulate and accelerate metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, with the onset of autumn, metabolism slows down and we gain weight.”

As you can see, we are getting better in the fall for quite objective reasons. But don't despair. It is possible to maintain weight with the onset of cold weather. This is what nutritionists advise.

Eat small meals.“Ideally, you should eat 5-6 times a day every three hours,” says Natalya Fadeeva. Digestive system in this case, it works uninterruptedly, bile, enzymes and gastric juice are regularly released, food is fully processed, and the blood sugar level is stable.” The risk of overeating with this diet is minimized.

Start your meals with hard fiber (greens, fresh vegetables) and end with quickly digestible foods. For example, for lunch, eat a vegetable salad first, and then potatoes or meat. “This will ensure good intestinal motility and slow down the process of rapid absorption of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index,” says Rimma Moysenko, nutritionist, Ph.D. Head of the Medical Center for Aesthetics and Health, author of the book “Drop the Excess.”

Eliminate cooling foods and dishes from your diet. With the onset of autumn, we often begin to overeat simply because we want to stay warm. Therefore, replace the cold soups and side dishes, teas and iced juices that are usual for summer with warm dishes and drinks so that the feeling of warmth, comfort and satiety remains with you for a long time. “Use the so-called, for example, garlic, cinnamon, ginger, basil, bay leaf, cumin, cardamom, cloves,” advises Gillian McKeith, nutritionist, author of the bestseller “You are what you eat.” - They can be eaten raw or cooked. These products stimulate blood circulation and metabolism in the body.”

Do not get carried away with teas, decoctions and infusions. All of them contain tannins, which promote fluid retention in the body. Therefore, if you replenish the body’s basic need for fluid with such drinks, especially drinking them after 19 hours, dehydration and swelling are guaranteed. To reduce the concentration of tannins, brew the tea not too strong. And don’t forget that half of the liquid you consume per day should be.

Increase the amount of iodine-rich foods in your diet. These are seafood (shrimp, oysters, mussels), sea fish, seaweed, algae. Replace regular salt with iodized salt. Iodine is part of hormones thyroid gland and stimulates their production.

Get enough sleep. In order not to gain weight in the fall, you need to sleep at least 6 hours in essence. Lack of a good night's rest leads to an excess of stress hormones in the body, which in turn raises blood sugar levels. And chronic lack of sleep leads to a decrease in the production of leptin, a hormone responsible for suppressing hunger, and an increase in ghrelin, a hormone that signals to the brain that the body needs energy and would like to refuel. As a result, you run to the refrigerator again.

Play sports and move more.“In addition to the fact that physical exercise burns calories, it also stimulates the production of endorphins - pleasure hormones that reduce stress levels and help cope with autumn depression,” says Natalya Fadeeva. “As a result, you don’t feel a strong need for sweet and fatty foods in order to eat up the problems that arise and overcome the autumn blues.” It is advisable to train 3-4 times a week for at least half an hour.

1-2 times a week arrange. The calorie content of the diet these days should not exceed 1000 kcal. Completely exclude vegetable and animal fats and sugar from the menu. During the day, eat only one low-fat food, such as low-fat dairy products, fruits, one type of berries, vegetables or vegetable soups. In the fall, it is best to unload on hot porridges, vegetable soups or boiled lean meat. Such dishes saturate and warm well.

Follow these simple rules - and even in the fall you will remain slim and attractive.

Autumn... Blues... Tendency to contemplation, mental tossing... to depression. And how can we avoid eating up this sad mood with foods that, alas, only add extra pounds to our figure? I don’t want to go outside into the cool and gray air to take a walk, I don’t want to move at all. It’s better to cover yourself with a blanket, pick up your favorite book or tablet, put a box of chocolates or buns baked by a caring mother next to you and eat them all in one sitting, washed down with a cup of hot tea. But wait! And in autumn you can find your own special charm, albeit with a bitter taste, and even manage to gain even more weight at this time of year than you managed over the summer. How? Take these simple “autumn” tips for your soul. Perhaps they will help you correctly focus on losing weight this fall and approach the New Year with an excellent number on your home scales and in a great mood.

Don't harm yourself!

And don’t worry too much about switching from the hot summer with its light meals and drinks to more high-calorie and fatty foods. This is absolutely the right step. After all, the body needs to stock up on fat before the cold weather in order to intensively warm itself during the winter cold.

The fact that your food has become more saturated is good and correct. Don't beat yourself up about it. Don’t go on strict diets and fasting days, no. Consume protein food, which adds energy to the body and prolongs the feeling of fullness for a long time. Dishes with complex carbohydrates will also add energy. Such as porridge cooked in water, premium spaghetti pasta cooked al dente, vegetables, fruits.

Just eliminate pastries, white bread, and sugar from your diet. Or reduce their consumption to a minimum. Do not allow your body to starve during this cold season. It’s better to reconsider your diet so that “both the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe.”

Fruit and vegetable days

Isn’t autumn the time when it is richest in local, perfectly ripened vegetables and fruits filled with vitamins and minerals? Pasta and porridge are, of course, good. But right now there is an opportunity to eat a large amount of excellent fruits and vegetables, which just the other day were ripening in vegetable gardens and farmland!

Craving something sweet? Nibble on an apple or pear. Do you want something juicy to go with your cutlet? Wash one raw carrots or fresh cucumber and crunch them as a side dish for the cutlet. So saturation will soon come, and you will get a minimum of calories from food, and you will pamper your body with additional vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Prepare vegetable stew, zucchini pancakes and other vegetable dishes for yourself and your loved ones.

In order not to forget about vegetables and fruits on the table, wash several fresh such products at once, peel them if necessary, and place them on a plate, placing them in a visible place. You will notice that your hand no longer reaches for candies hidden far away, but takes what lies closer to it - much more useful and at the same time no less tasty!

And now you can sleep...

Have you eaten? You can also sleep. Sleep is a great healer and destroyer of extra pounds. In autumn you desperately want to sleep. So sleep well. A well-rested body burns fats and calories obtained from food more actively. So, sleep will only help you this fall.

Don't freeze!

Put summer and light clothes, robes and slippers away in your closet until spring. The body must be warm, otherwise it will try to stock up on heat and warm up in the form of fatty, sweet foods. In the evenings, take not an invigorating shower, but a hot bath with the addition of relaxing essential oils, put on warm, cozy slippers to keep your feet warm. Drink hot green tea, hot ginger drink and a slice of lemon. Don't freeze and don't waste your body's energy on warming it up.

Love autumn with all your heart!

Love autumn and treat it with all your heart, accept it with all your heart as it is - golden, with beautifully falling leaves, with the tart coolness in the air, with the noisy rain outside the window. It’s also good to change hobbies in the fall and add new hobbies to your life. For example, now it’s good to sign up for a swimming pool, yoga, or learn some types of dances. You can warm up in the sauna, or you can learn to sew and...replace all the curtains at home, replacing them with more “fun” ones, or even update your wardrobe.

Autumn also has its own charm, its own bliss, its own peculiarity. You can love and diversify this time of year so much that it will be a pity to part with it, and you will look forward to the next autumn season, instead of a hot, sultry summer or spring with its mud flows, eternal colds due to falling immunity.

And remember the simple truth that eventful time flies by very quickly. Before you know it, the first snowflakes will begin to swirl outside your window. Have a nice autumn and good busy days at this time of year!

Photo: Elizabeth Crego/, Paul Grecaud/, Vladimir Vuletikj/, maridav/

Nutritionist, psychotherapist

Autumn - “a sad time, the charm of the eyes” brings various changes to our body, one of which is seasonal depression and increased appetite. And if you have lost weight over the summer, then in the fall there is a high risk of gaining weight again. How should you eat at this time of year to feel comfortable without gaining weight?

With the onset of autumn and a decrease in daily temperatures, our body’s need for high-calorie food increases; according to the laws of nature, the body intends to create a fat reserve for the winter. It’s completely natural that your appetite increases, and you want fattier, high-calorie, and for some, sweeter foods than in the summer.

What to do to avoid gaining extra pounds? Limit yourself in food? Go on a strict diet? Unfortunately, many people do this, but under no circumstances should they do this. Such a “solution to the problem” is fraught with exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, increased stress, irritability and anxiety, and in addition, will negatively affect the figure. After all, constant restrictions on food necessarily lead to spontaneous overeating - or even just gluttony.

How should you eat at this time of year to feel comfortable without gaining weight? Modern natural dietology claims that our nutrition should depend on the time of year. And there are serious justifications for this: the need to maintain energy balance in the body depending on the cold or warm season, the restructuring of the body during the transition from one season to another. Changes in hormonal status: serotonin level (in summer, during sunny times, its synthesis depends on the amount of sunlight, physical activity, mood, level of active oxygen - being in the fresh air)
In addition, many healthy foods(vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries) ripen over the summer and accumulate maximum healing properties. Thus, healing support comes to us from the food itself, adjusting the delicate hormonal system of the gastrointestinal tract and preparing the body for upcoming seasonal changes. It's time to accumulate these food medicines for the winter both in the body and in the form of preparations for the winter.

Where you live is where you eat.

One of the basic rules healthy eating states that people best assimilate foods that are traditional for their climate zone. It is in the fall that our climate provides the best conditions for creating a varied, complete and healthy menu. Vegetables - pumpkin, zucchini, squash, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and seasonally ripe berries, fruits, mushrooms, nuts - this is a whole unique pharmacy of various biologically active substances - vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytoelements. It is at this time that even potatoes, usually rejected by nutritionists due to their high calorie content, contain the optimal amount of minerals. It's time to stock up for the winter.

Everything has its time.

In order to feel calm and not worry about extra centimeters on your waist, you need to reconsider your diet. If in the summer the ideal food was cold vegetable soups, berry ice cream, salads, and cold drinks, then in the fall they are replaced by hot soups instead of salads, vegetable casseroles and hot drinks. The temperature of food plays an important role in metabolism, so to avoid storing excess fat, do not lower your metabolic rate with cold foods. Hot vegetarian borscht instead of okroshka, stewed zucchini with mushrooms instead of a sausage sandwich, warm compote, tea with berries or jam - all this will help warm the soul and boost metabolism.
If in summer it was possible to skip a meal in hot weather, then in the fall lunch should become a regular and obligatory daily event. It is naive to believe that you will not make up for a missed lunch with a hearty dinner. Don’t think that you can tame your increased autumn appetite by not having lunch! In order not to gain weight, you need to eat regularly and not go hungry. This doesn't mean you need to go on a high-calorie, fatty, meat-heavy diet. On the contrary, in order to accumulate vitamins for the winter, you need to use the fruit, berry and vegetable spectrum of autumn to the maximum. Instead of meat - use mushrooms, instead of fat - vegetable oil.
And, of course, with decreasing daylight hours and colder temperatures, the approach of seasonal depression is associated, because of this we are drawn to sweets. “Hit hands”? There is a better way. Sweet is different from sweet. Easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar) from sweets and other confectionery products, and even in combination with fats, are the best way to gain weight quickly. There is a great alternative - complex carbohydrates contained in berries and fruits. So, if you have a craving for something sweet – for God’s sake! Fruit for breakfast, a spoonful of jam or honey for tea, a piece of homemade light fruit pie (apple pie, berry pie with a lot of berries and a thin layer of dough) will perfectly satisfy the psychological need for sweets instead of candy or cake.

Resist cold syndrome.

The most common consequence of temperature changes in traditional Chinese medicine called cold syndrome - these are diseases associated with hypothermia of the body and against this background an exacerbation of old chronic problems - osteochondrosis, cystitis, bronchitis. It’s very easy to catch a cold in the fall: we’re so used to light and sexy summer clothes that we don’t want to change them for warm sweaters! And the sun shines brightly and creates the impression of warmth! No matter how trivial it may sound, one of the main conditions for autumn health is to dress warmly. This will help not only avoid exacerbations, but also maintain your figure. After all, cooling the body requires high-calorie nutrition! So the best remedy for autumn cold syndrome is a light and warm sweater for a cold office!
Another important reason for the development of osteochondrosis, hormone imbalance and fat growth is a decrease in physical activity. If you started actively playing sports in the summer, and then, with the arrival of autumn, you gave up, consider that you have reduced all your summer efforts to nothing. Try to allocate time in your autumn schedule for morning exercises, jogging or at least a regular walk of at least 1 hour - and you will preserve and prolong the wonderful effects of summer!

And in conclusion - an “autumn” menu for a good mood and a great figure.

6-9.00 – light breakfast: fruit, herbal tea (try brewing ginger with rosemary and sea buckthorn), you can add bran bread toast with grated chokeberry and apple (or jam)
10-13.00 – lunch (second breakfast): toast with jam, or zucchini pancakes with sour cream (for some types of constitution, lunch and dinner are necessary!)
14-17.00 – lunch: light porcini mushroom soup, some potatoes, sautéed onions and carrots, seasoned with dill and sour cream, for the second course – durum wheat pasta and a lot of homemade tomato sauce (tomatoes stewed with sweet peppers, onions, garlic), on dessert – sea buckthorn (or other berry) jelly
19-21.00 – light dinner: 1st option – salad of fresh tomatoes with feta cheese, onions and garlic, bran bread toast, 2nd option: baked pumpkin with apple, with the addition of garlic and cheese (cut the pumpkin into thin slices, add some sour apple slices, sprinkle grated garlic and a little grated cheese - and into the oven for 20-25 minutes) - an ideal addition to a glass of healthy dry red wine.