What needs to be done to strengthen the immunity of a student. How to strengthen the immunity of a child to a schoolchild - increasing immunity

Not everyone is given to be Pushkins in order to sincerely and with inspiration admire the fall. Little sun and heat, a lot of rains and viruses - what kind of romance is there. And parents have one more reason for concern: for 9 not the most affectionate months of the year, there is school. Do you want to know how, during a period of increased stress and literally gray everyday life, not to lose the strength accumulated over the summer, to maintain health and increase the immunity of a student? Then let's talk about it.

Immunity on a plate

The first thing that comes to mind in the context of maintaining a child's health is immunity. The stronger it is, the easier it is for a growing organism to cope with various types and volumes of loads, the more successfully it resists attacks from viruses and infections. Therefore, all the forces of the parents are thrown in the fall and winter, first of all, to strengthen the immunity of the student, from hardening to the introduction of heavy artillery: vitamin complexes and immunomodulators. But none of these techniques alone give a 100% effect, otherwise the fall-winter season would not have scared overcrowded clinics and absences due to illness. Because any of these methods are helper. The formation of immunity is not a momentary matter, requiring consistency and adherence to principles from the moment of conception of a child and throughout life. And here it is extremely important to know how the immune system works.

In the middle of the last century, the Australian virologist Frank Burnet developed the clone-selective theory (Burnet's theory), for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize. The essence of the theory is that the human immune system produces antibodies to suppress antigens carried by bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. foreign to the body. The accumulated antibodies are the key to the safety of human health. Antibodies are produced in the bone marrow, then migrate to the lymphoid system, as well as to the intestines, the state of which directly affects the formation and strength of immunity.

Are you still wondering why a child easily "picks up" viruses, gets sick often and for a long time, gets tired quickly in the classroom, and has difficulties in school? Do not grab onto pills, start with the main thing - clean up his plate. In 9 out of 10 cases, he "eats" his problems during the day.

Eat for health

“We are experiencing one of the worst food disasters in history. It’s not a lack of food, but an excess of garbage we eat, ”said the famous British chef Jamie Oliver, when he was asked how he assesses the nutritional system and structure of the younger generation in the modern world.

Adults can be deceived as much as they want on the account of the fact that their children certainly eat correctly and in a balanced way, and there is no such thing in the diet.
a hint of "rubbish", our scientists from the Belarusian State Medical University show a different reality. Overabundance simple carbohydrates, deficiency of complex, lack of protein and micronutrients, as well as flaws in the diet are a factor number 1 in the problems of overweight children and the cause of every 4th non-infectious disease "from childhood": myopia, scoliosis, gastritis, chronic hypovitaminosis, diabetes mellitus Type 2 ...

According to statistics, at least 50% of cases of cardiovascular disease are directly related to unhealthy diet. An incorrect diet is the cause of about 40% of cases of cancer of the lungs, colon and rectum, kidneys, prostate, Bladder in males and about 60% of cases of breast, uterus, kidney, intestinal cancer in women. 35-50% of overweight people due to malnutrition sooner or later are diagnosed with diabetes 2 types.

Is it any wonder then that 9 months of the school year become for children a test not only for the ability to learn, but also for the strength of the student's immunity? And should the child's health be compromised, which is easy to prevent? The questions are rhetorical.

We offer you 5 gold food standards, following which you will not only help your child to endure the attacks of seasonal viruses, but will also render a good service by contributing to a better assimilation of educational material, increasing efficiency, concentration and perseverance.

Oddly enough, the last point can be one of the most difficult to accomplish during the entire school year. Despite the organization of school meals, control over whether a child has eaten or not is almost entirely within the area of ​​his personal responsibility.

Irina Chizhevskaya

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatrics, BelMAPO

Energy is consumed not only during active movements. The brain also needs to eat. A break between meals for more than 4-5 hours increases the risk of hypoglycemia, i.e. lowering blood glucose levels. Fainting hungry is not uncommon among schoolchildren, especially those who do not eat breakfast at home. In addition, all digestive organs work in their own biorhythms, and the production of enzymes, hydrochloric acid occurs rhythmically. If a child skips a meal for some reason, and a lot of hydrochloric acid has been developed, this is a factor of damage to the gastric mucosa, which can develop into an ulcer if this happens systematically. What is popularly called: the stomach eats itself. The second point: bile secretion is disturbed. If the interval between meals increases, bile stagnates in the gallbladder, which in turn leads to the formation of stones. Therefore, the child must eat properly and regularly. This is the guarantee of the health of an adult in the future.

There is only one way out: to include the gift of persuasion. In the end, it's not about taste preferences, but about the food that the child's body needs to provide itself with energy for mental and physical activity.

Under heavy loads, immunity decreases even in an adult. What can we say about a child of six or seven years old, whose environment, lifestyle and daily routine are changing dramatically? Fortunately, on September 1, most children come to school healthy and refreshed after the summer. The task of the parents is to help the child switch to a new regime without harm to the psyche and health.

Every year, with the advent of cold weather, parents are faced with endless colds of their children. Of course, it is impossible and unnecessary to completely isolate a child from viruses, but it is quite realistic to reduce the number of diseases. Read below for tips and tricks on how to strengthen your child's immunity in winter. Ventilating the room If you often do not ventilate the room, bacteria settle into the room and die only after 8-10 hours.

Avoid stress

Stress is not always physical overwork; it is also psychological pressure. Proceed from the principle: "It is better to praise than to scold." It is clear that in the first grade, where no grades are given yet, there seems to be nothing to scold for. If the first grader is not doing well or has not been praised by the teacher, do not show that you are disappointed. On the contrary, say that you believe in your child. Don't greet him with the question "How are you at school?" or "Did you do your homework?" Better ask how he spent the day, what he liked. A day at school is not only about lessons and assignments, but also conversations, friends, games. Let the child feel that you are more interested in him, and not in his success.

Restful sleep

Any teacher will say that it is easy to identify a family with the correct daily routine based on student behavior and vice versa. In order for the child to be active and attentive in the lesson, he must come to school well slept and rested. To do this, at least an hour before bedtime, exclude the computer and TV. Modern parents are sorely lacking in time, and few can resist the formula "Do your homework and you can play on the computer." While busy, spend some of your precious time with your child. You can play a board game, get some fresh air, read a book, tell a story. Help him relax by leaving behind the worries of the day.

Good mood in the morning

Start your day with a smile, and get ready for school without haste. Organize everything so that your child has a quiet breakfast. For any person, especially a little one, family and home are a zone of comfort and safety. Respect the child's personality and privacy. If you're in a bad mood, don't give it a go. A careless or harsh word can ruin your child's mood for the whole day. Come to school early so that you can unfold your notebooks and pens before class.

Create a positive attitude. Rejoice yourself. Try to cheer or make your child laugh in the morning. A laughing person is relaxed, not aggressive. Laughter normalizes breathing and lowers blood pressure, improves overall well-being. Five minutes of laughter replaces 40 minutes of rest, at which time the level of antibodies and the activity of leukocytes increases, and with them, the immune system is strengthened.

Natural vitamins

Apples, pears, grapes, plums, watermelon are much more affordable and healthier than any vitamin complex in tablets. Of course, it is easier to buy a pack of chips in the store than a kilogram of apples in the market, but should a child suffer from parental laziness? For a person to be strong, he must eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Vitamins are best absorbed in their natural form. All red and yellow vegetables contain beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A: carrots, red peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin. This vitamin is responsible for the strength of the immune response. For vitamins A, D and E to be absorbed by the body, fats are needed. Add a spoonful of sour cream or butter to a salad of carrots or tomatoes. If you are giving yogurt to your child, do not use low-fat yogurt.

The source of vitamin C is all sour: rose hips, black currants, lemon, citrus fruits, sauerkraut. This vitamin is responsible for the production of immune cells. B vitamins - seeds, wholemeal bread, nuts, buckwheat, legumes, mushrooms, cheese. Antioxidant, vitamin E, the body gets from nuts, seeds, sprouted cereals, unrefined vegetable oil. Rich in minerals herbal products- nuts, legumes, seeds, whole grains, dark chocolate. Include broccoli, strawberries, kiwi, salmon, turkey, zucchini, and squash as often as possible.

Healthy eating

The fact that the child went to school is not a reason to stuff his backpack with bars and packs of cookies. If the student needs a snack, give him a bottle of water, a grain cracker, an apple (cut in half and remove the seeds), carrots, nuts, and raisins. When it comes to homemade food, remove all artificial food and you will have a healthy meal. Avoid bars, cakes, candy, sweet biscuits, soda, bag juices, chips, hamburgers, and other food junk. Explain to your child that this food is vitamin-free, unhealthy, and obese.

Sweet can be replaced with berries, fruits, dried apricots, raisins, dates, honey. Instead of sweet cheeses - ordinary cottage cheese. The fact is that the preservatives, dyes, stabilizers, emulsifiers contained in sweets not only reduce immunity, but are almost not excreted from the body, leading to serious disorders, weakening of the immune system and excess weight. Otherwise, every mother knows that little man needs proteins, that is, meat and fish, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, potassium (baked potatoes, apricots, nuts, buckwheat, oatmeal), probiotics (onions, garlic, bananas) and fresh herbs. There is not always time to run into the market or prepare healthy food, which means that for the sake of the child it is necessary to properly organize your regime, to avoid the temptation of quick snacks and sugar-containing surrogates.

Loads and overloads

Modern parents approach education issues radically: English from the cradle, dancing from kindergarten, at school - additional classes and sports sections. The greater the mental load in school, the stronger the counterbalance is built physical activity... A first grader who strives to meet the expectations of his parents may not always say that classes are a burden for him. From fatigue, the child may lose interest in classes. It's not that training and sections are harmful, but that everyone has a limit to endurance. Excessive exercise reduces immunity. Mom should carefully look at the child and, noticing severe fatigue or apathy, offer him a break. Remember, you never dreamed of getting sick in your childhood? They treat the sick person carefully and carefully, bring tea to bed, you can read, draw, do what you like. It is better to skip a couple of classes and resume them with pleasure than to bring the child to chronic overwork.

Outdoor games

The child needs to be outdoors more often. There is a possibility - use it, there is no opportunity - find it. Take a walk, for example. Not to the grocery store, but a little further - to the park, to the forest, to a picnic. You can ride bicycles and play badminton. Many courtyards have table tennis tables. Buy rackets and go. In the evening or in the morning, you can run to the sports ground on the horizontal bars. On the weekend, invite your friends and play football. Go to a museum, wander around the beautiful places of your hometown. This is the most difficult point for parents, because due to lack of time, we rarely listen to children. Ask, talk, tell. Believe me, the child will remember for the rest of his life the minutes when mom or dad reveals themselves from an unfamiliar side, even during a football match or a walk.

Free time

Each person should have personal time, which he disposes in his own way. When planning educational activities, leave your child alone for at least a couple of nights. He has the right to rest or do something interesting for himself, just do nothing. It only seems to you that he is not busy with anything, in fact, he is thinking about something important. In general, idleness is unusual for children. They themselves seek and find something to do. A girl may want to learn how to sew doll dresses or bake cookies. Boy - hammer in nails, build or break something. If he wants to learn how to draw a little man or a dog, show how it's done and don't drag him straight to an art studio. There are checkers, chess, board games. Not every type of activity should have a professional focus, something can be done for the soul - without contests and competitions. Support any activity that the child enjoys. Unlike a computer or TV, this activity is emotionally satisfying for the child.

Natural remedies

In nature, there are many agents that increase immunity: echinacea, ginseng, licorice, eleutherococcus, lemongrass. You can make apple, orange and lemon teas. A decoction of rose hips is useful. You can mix it with tea, add honey and drink it cooled down like a compote. You can make berry juice, or you can whip up frozen cranberries or currants with a spoon and add to tea.

For colds or for prevention, you need to drink herbal teas. Raspberry leaves and twigs, chamomile, rose hips, linden, black currant and strawberry leaves, Sudanese rose (hibiscus), mint, eucalyptus - each herb has healing properties. Natural remedies help the body better than pills.

It is impossible to make sure that the child does not get sick at all. Two or three colds a year is not much. If you think your child needs immunostimulants, be sure to talk to your local doctor.

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Every year, with the advent of cold weather, parents are faced with endless colds of their children. Of course, it is impossible and unnecessary to completely isolate a child from viruses, but it is quite realistic to reduce the number of diseases. Read below for tips and tricks on how to strengthen your child's immunity in winter. Ventilating the room If you often do not ventilate the room, bacteria settle into the room and die only after 8-10 hours.

Helping a first grader get used to school

Your child is going to first grade. Congratulations! But this will be a difficult year, the whole family will have to try. Indeed, at the very beginning of training, while a first grader gets used to school requirements, learns the necessary behavioral skills, masters educational skills, he especially needs close attention, support, encouragement, the presence and control of loved ones. Success stories: 1. Do not refuse to accompany first-graders to school, even if you do not need to cross the street.

Should I vaccinate my child against the flu?

Doctors advise getting vaccinated against the flu in the near future - during October, so that the wave of the disease expected in November-December is to be met fully armed. Our consultant is the pediatrician of the Boris clinic, Konstantin Elinevsky. The flu shot is being developed by the World Health Organization. It includes those strains of influenza that are predicted to cause illness in the coming season. These predictions are made depending on which strains of influenza were most often recorded in the previous season.

Spring sickness of children

Contrary to popular belief that children get sick more often, the colder it is outside, with the onset of spring, the queues at the pediatrician's office have increased. We asked Konstantin Elinevsky, a pediatrician and neonatologist at the Boris clinic, about what children get sick with in spring. Spring is not only a lot of sun, bird noise and first foliage. It is also a reduced immunity. Several factors play a role in the decrease in immunity in children: hypovitaminosis, since the supply of essential vitamins in vegetables and fruits by the end of winter is significantly reduced; hypodynamia.


Many children are exposed to frequent illnesses in early age, therefore, caring mothers are trying to apply dozens of remedies to strengthen the immune system. A disease is not always a weakened immune system, it is, on the contrary, a signal that the body is fighting a harmful virus. Find out how to boost immunity in a child 1 year and older.

On health issues, they must consult with specialists. The first person to contact is a pediatrician. He will prescribe the necessary tests, give recommendations on taking medications. Sometimes you need to consult an immunologist who will prescribe treatment, additional research, if necessary, will tell you in detail how to increase the child's immunity. When to contact an immunologist:

  1. The child was exposed to ARVI disease more than 6 times a year, or complications appeared after the infection.
  2. Frequent,.
  3. In case of diseases, the temperature does not rise (the body does not fight the virus).
  4. Allergy.
  5. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck or armpits.

A few tips from immunologists on how to increase the immunity of a child:

  1. Do morning exercises, sports, play outdoor games during the day.
  2. More vitamin C in the diet (ginger tea, honey, lemon). Get ascorbic acid from your local pharmacy.
  3. Give plenty of fresh berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs.
  4. Temper your children and go for a walk in any weather. Do a contrast shower, do not try to wrap up the child and teach them to drink cold drinks.
  5. Get seasonal vaccinations.

How to increase the immunity of a child with folk remedies

Natural treatment in order to strengthen the body's immune system effectively. The parent does not have to run to the pharmacy for expensive funds. How can you increase the immunity of a child using traditional medicine:

  1. ... Even the aroma of these vegetables helps to kill harmful bacteria and viruses. You can add finely chopped garlic or onions to dishes, or spread them around the house peeled.
  2. Fermented milk products... It is saturated with useful bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which improve the intestinal microflora. Calcium, contained in yoghurts, cheeses, sourdoughs, also helps to strengthen bones.
  3. Lemon... If you are not allergic to citrus, feel free to add a little lemon to your diet.
  4. Nuts... Mix different types nuts or one with honey, let's eat healthy sweetness for the baby. Honey is also a great way to boost immunity: choose buckwheat or lime varieties.
  5. Decoctions and fruit drinks... Rosehips, chamomile, currants, and blueberries in drinks are very beneficial for promoting health and protecting against infections.

How to increase the immunity of a child after antibiotics

The use of antibiotics helps to cope with diseases, but it does not leave the body without leaving a trace. The protection of the immune system decreases, the microflora of the stomach is killed, so the child's strength needs to be restored after taking the drugs. What measures should be taken after the course of the antibiotic:

  1. Consult your doctor about taking remedies that restore the intestinal microflora and the body's defenses. These are not only medicines, but also fermented milk products.
  2. Natural remedies are among the most effective. This:
    • decoctions and teas (lemongrass, rose hips,);
    • aloe;
    • lemon.
  3. Reconsider your diet: eat less foods high in fat, sugar, spices. It is better to balance the food and use only the boiling or steaming process for processing. There should be more dairy products, dishes on the menu.
  4. Morning should start with exercise, and in the afternoon there should be outdoor games.
  5. Temper your child, do not avoid walking in the fresh air, go to the bathhouse.
  6. The elimination of toxins is perfectly carried out with plenty of drinking water.

How to increase the immunity of a 2-year-old child at home

Before strengthening the child's immune system using various means, eliminate stressful situations from his life. Also, make sure that your meals are balanced. Broths and infusions with a specific taste cannot always be offered to the baby, he may not drink them at all. How to increase the immunity of a 2-year-old child in this case? Healthy sweets will help you. Recipe:

  1. chop raisins, dried apricots, nuts;
  2. add a little honey, lemon juice;
  3. stir, store the mixture in the refrigerator:
  4. give the baby a teaspoon of this composition three times a day.

How to improve immunity in a 3-year-old child before kindergarten

Love is something that an adult parent can give to their baby at any time, and it will be the best cure for infections. When a child feels care, warmth, then the kindergarten is not afraid of him, he will not get sick, and stress does not threaten. Be sure to start the morning with exercise, give more vitamin C and fresh berries, vegetables, fruits. Alternate rest and active games, be sure to take a walk on a fresh vacation. Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene, after each walk on the street, use the toilet, teach children to wash their hands.

How to raise the immunity of a child at 4 years old after an illness

When the baby is ill, his body is significantly weakened, and it is necessary to prevent re-infection. What will improve the condition:

  1. Ventilate the rooms in the house, thoroughly do wet cleaning, dust off.
  2. Monitor your child's hygiene at home and on a walk so as not to replenish the "reserves" of viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
  3. You need to drink more fluids, eat right, eat less sweet, fried, fatty, starchy foods.
  4. A good mood greatly affects the strength of the body's defenses, so use active games that your baby likes.

Video: how to increase the immunity of a child with homeopathy

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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It would seem that all the misunderstandings are in the past, the child has already grown up significantly, went to school and now, for sure, he will not get sick 2 times a month. Mom happily starts looking for a job, but it wasn’t there, the student was both sick and sick with a certain frequency. Due to colds, one has to often skip school, catch up with peers, replenishing lost knowledge. And the pediatrician every time issuing a certificate insists that it is necessary to increase immunity. It is necessary, no one argues with this, but how to increase the immunity of a student?

How to Build Disease Resistance

Taking immunomodulators is not always safe for children's health. Forcing a child to jump into an ice hole at Epiphany is also not a reasonable option. What to do and how to help a growing baby to improve health?

In fact, it is not so difficult to increase the defenses of the baby's body. The main thing is to choose the right tactics. Here the rule will be appropriate - do no harm. So, they train the child's body, developing resistance to diseases in the following ways:

  • Correct balanced nutrition;
  • The use of vitamins in the off-season;
  • Hardening procedures;
  • Strict adherence to the daily routine;
  • Compliance with sleep patterns;
  • Providing the child with a calm psychological environment in the family;
  • Correct and timely implementation of hygiene procedures;
  • Complete refusal of self-medication;
  • Elimination of your own bad habits in the presence of a child.

To strengthen the immune system, the child must strictly adhere to a certain daily routine. He must have a certain time for games, for study and for rest. The child should get up and go to bed at the same time. In this case, the body will begin to work by the clock. Biorhythms are very important for children's health.

Teach your child how to properly wash and brush his teeth, take care of his nails, the condition of the ears and the cleanliness of the nose.

It is known that not only dirt, but also pinworm eggs accumulate under a child's nails. Pinworm infection occurs in an autoinvasive manner. At night, the female pinworm lays eggs around the anus, causing itching. In a dream, a child scratches the anus, and in the morning, during breakfast, the eggs again enter the baby's body.

How to improve immunity in a student correctly

The child should receive fresh vegetables and fruits daily. Not the last place in the baby's diet should be taken by dairy products, foods containing zinc, potassium and vitamin C. During periods of changing seasons, additionally add multivitamins to the child's diet.

Feeding a child with raw vegetables is quite difficult, so here the mother needs to be smart, for example, make a vegetable salad, but at the same time put it on a plate in the form of an animal or a cartoon character.

Instead of the usual sausage sandwich, give your child an apple with you to school.

Dairy and fermented milk products contain useful lacto- and bifidobacteria. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines and the colonization of the baby's microflora with beneficial bacteria. Interested in what is the relationship between the gut and the immune system? Dairy products contain probiotics, a kind of "live microorganisms" that a child needs for normal development and increased immunity.

Limit your child's sugar intake as it slows down the body's process of fighting germs.

Temper your child!

Do not smoke, and do not allow anyone to do this, in the presence of a child. Passive has a detrimental effect on the state of the child's immune system. The smoke contains a huge amount of toxins that have a destructive effect on the immune cells of the child's body.

How to increase immunity in a student was considered. Tip: Try to spend as much free time as possible with your child. Love him, pamper, holte and cherish. After all, it is known that diseases are caused by nerves. A calm child is a healthy child! Provide your child with a healthy psychological environment in the family.

The article will be of interest to both expectant mothers and parents of schoolchildren who seek to increase the immunity of their child. By following the recommendations for improving the immune system, you will strengthen the health of babies and create conditions for their full development.

How to increase the immunity of a child under one year old

The baby's immune system is already formed by the 15th week of intrauterine development. Therefore, the newborn's body is already protected by non-specific immunity, which eliminates any foreign substance.

The baby's plasma cells do not produce antibodies on their own, but there are immunoglobulins in his blood that have passed through the placenta from the mother. They continue to come with breast milk if a woman is breastfeeding. Only from 6 months the child's body begins to synthesize its own antibodies.

There are two critical periods in a child up to a year, when the immune system is especially vulnerable:

  1. First month of life... Immediately after birth, the baby comes from sterile conditions into a world full of bacteria, viruses, bacilli and other microorganisms. During this period, it is especially important to maintain breast-feeding and prevent viral disease.
  2. Age from 4 to 6 months... During this period, the destruction of maternal antibodies occurs. In this regard, the risk of developing intestinal infections, inflammatory processes of the respiratory system, ARVI increases.
By creating certain conditions for the baby and performing specific actions, you can increase the immunity of the baby and protect it from infection:
  • Room temperature in the premises - + 21-22 ° С.
  • The relative humidity in the premises is 50-70%.
  • Regular airing. In this case, the child should be in another room, without drafts.
  • Daily bathing in the bathroom at a temperature of + 35-36 ° C, after the umbilical wound has healed.
  • Air baths for 20-30 minutes several times a day.
  • Daily outdoor activities. The first walks start from 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing them to several hours.
  • Breastfeeding, at least before the introduction of complementary foods. Healthy nutrition for a nursing mother during lactation.
  • A well-established regime of day and night. Adequate sleep, the daily duration of which corresponds to the norms determined for infants of different age categories.
  • General strengthening massage, gymnastics.
  • Vaccination and subsequent revaccination against dangerous types of infections.
  • Parental love and affection. Favorable psychoemotional environment in the family, frequent bodily contact between parents and the baby, admiration, latching on to the breast, gentle hugs, kisses, strokes contribute to the correct formation of immunity.

Dysbiosis is a common disease in children of the first year of life. It negatively affects the state of the immune system and reduces the protective function of the body. Therefore, it is important to populate the intestinal microflora with the necessary bacteria, applying it to the breast immediately after birth. If a microbial imbalance still occurs, you should contact your pediatrician and start timely treatment.

Increasing immunity for children under 3 years old

Starting to walk, the baby seeks to explore the world around him as quickly as possible. Contacts with children are increasing different ages, while the immune system is not yet ready to attack the majority of infections and viruses that are common in the external environment.

Basic rules for strengthening immunity during this period:

  1. Healthy eating. Diverse and balanced diet- the basis of strong immunity. The daily diet of the baby should contain vitamins and minerals, products of both plant and animal origin, that is, fruits, vegetables, meat. Be sure to give fermented milk products. Limit the consumption of sugar and confectionery, avoid spicy, fatty, smoked foods, foods containing preservatives, stabilizers, artificial colors.
  2. Long walks in the fresh air in the morning and afternoon. The child's body learns to react and adapt to changing weather conditions.
  3. Compliance with a specific daily routine. Develop a clear schedule - waking up time, feeding, walking, bathing, sleeping. Try to follow a daily routine both on weekdays and on weekends. The lack of a regimen negatively affects the work of the main systems of the body - the digestive, endocrine, nervous and others, which subsequently leads to a deterioration in immunity.
  4. Mandatory airing of the nursery before and after naps, as well as before bedtime.
  5. Gymnastics and massage. At the age of 2-3 years, children are happy to repeat various physical exercises after their parents, so do not be lazy to do joint morning exercises. General massage activates muscle activity, improves blood flow, which has a positive effect on strengthening the immune system.
  6. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. From an early age, teach your child to be clean - be sure to wash, wash your baby's hands after the street, before and after eating. Brush your teeth up to 2 years old with a child's toothbrush soaked in water, after 2 years - with a brush and toothpaste.

Important! Protect your child from secondhand smoke. If parents or family members smoke, every effort should be made to protect your baby from inhaling tobacco smoke or odor. Cigarette smoke kills and irritates cells, disrupts the protective functions of the body, affects the development of mental and physical abilities, increases the risk of bronchitis, asthma, and otitis media.

To boost immunity, enrich your child's diet with natural antioxidants. Antioxidant-rich vegetables: potatoes, beans, artichokes. Among the berries, the leaders are blueberries, cranberries and blackberries. Antioxidant-rich nut crops: hazelnuts, pecans, and walnuts.

Prepare berry fruit drinks and compotes for your child, brew herbal teas, make a mixture of nuts and dried fruits - all this will strengthen children's immunity and preserve health.

How to raise immunity in a child over 3 years old

Towards the age of three, children begin to attend kindergartens, mass entertainment events, early development clubs and other institutions. Previously uncommon infections enter the body, and the child begins to get sick.

This does not mean that there was a decrease in the baby's immunity. The defense system does not yet contain specific antibodies that kill specific pathogens. If a child is sick for a short time, the course of the disease is tolerated easily and without complications, then there is no need to worry. After all, there is a natural process of the body's struggle with foreign bacteria, which the baby's immune system successfully coped with.

If a child falls ill no more than 6 times a year, then this is considered the norm. If the diseases proceed without fever, become chronic, treatment in most cases is ineffective, it is recommended to visit a specialist and conduct a standard examination of the child's health.

To increase immunity, preschoolers are shown all the procedures carried out for children. younger age.

  • Start with gymnastics, which will prepare and warm up your baby's muscles. Then water procedures: blot the body with a damp, cold towel and rub it dry.
  • Get used to the contrasting soul. Make the difference in water temperature during the first procedures insignificant, increase gradually.
  • Let the baby walk barefoot as often as possible, especially in summer, on uneven surfaces - pebbles, grass, sand.
  • If the child's arms and legs often freeze, then do contrasting baths: prepare two basins of cold and warm water and alternately lower the hands or feet into one or the other container.
If a child is lethargic, he often has enlarged lymph nodes, dark circles under the eyes, he gets sick easily, and the recovery process is protracted - be sure to plan a trip to the sea in the summer. Moist air saturated with sea salts, sunbathing, swimming significantly increase immunity and strengthen health.

If there is no way to get to the sea beach, you can do it at home. To do this, purchase smooth, medium-sized aquarium stones from the pet store that simulate large pebbles. Put them on the bottom of the baby's bathtub or in a wide basin, fill them with warm water and sea salt and let the baby walk over the stones for 4-5 minutes. With daily exercise for a month, such procedures will be a good prevention against many colds.

Several rules for the full formation of immunity in children over 3 years old:

  1. Do not wrap your child up. If you are sweating, it is much easier for him to catch an infection or catch a cold.
  2. Encourage physical activity. Don't let yourself sit in front of your TV or computer.
  3. Don't overfeed. Excess food inhibits the development of the immune system as the body expends its energy to digest and fight off excess carbohydrates and proteins.
  4. Organize your baby's sleep and rest correctly.
The period from 3 to 6 years is optimal for starting active sports. To strengthen the child's immune status, the following basic sports are recommended: swimming, martial arts, rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating.

But it is not necessary to enroll the child in the sports section, cycling, rollerblading, skiing, playing ball in the yard will help to strengthen the immune system. At home for exercise, you can equip a sports corner with a ladder, rope, rings and a turnstile.

How to strengthen the immune system of a student

The schoolchild's body is experiencing serious psycho-emotional stress, the daily routine is changing, the requirements for discipline are increasing. The child experiences stress and overwork, which leads to a sharp decrease in immunity. If the parents took measures to strengthen the immunity of the preschooler, then it will be easier for the child to withstand the increased loads in a secondary educational institution.
  • Distribute the daily load evenly, set a regime where the time for classes, rest, and lessons will be determined. Do not sit up in the evenings, the recommended time for wakefulness is up to 22 hours.
  • During hardening, go to more serious procedures - pouring cold water, a more contrasting shower.
  • Encourage sports and physical activity.
  • Watch for a variety in your diet, add vitamin complexes if necessary.
  • Maintain a favorable emotional environment in the family, do not pressure the child with lessons, explain, help, let the baby feel your support and love.
If the child shows symptoms of decreased immunity, it is important to start the correct treatment in a timely manner. That protective function needs correction, signal the following factors:
  1. Frequent viral and respiratory diseases, for schoolchildren - more often 4 times a year.
  2. Persistent pustular skin lesions.
  3. Long and severe ARVI.
  4. Poor healing of cuts and injuries.
  5. General depression, weakness, pallor of the skin.
To strengthen immunity, in this case, the specialist prescribes immunocorrecting drugs: immunostimulants - probiotics, Omega-3 fatty acids, fish fat, vitamins; immunosuppressive drugs - Cyclophosphamide, Cyclosporin, Rh-D-immunoglobulin, immunological tolerance inducers - Grippferon, Immunal, Bronchomunal, Anaferon, Timalin and others.

Remember that unskilled treatment of the immune system can lead to even greater suppression of immunity, make the body susceptible to the penetration of various infections. The reception of pharmaceuticals is prescribed by a specialist after carrying out the appropriate laboratory tests.

Increasing immunity with vitamins for children

Deficiency of vitamins, trace elements and minerals is one of the factors leading to a decrease in immunity in children. The risk group includes residents of megalopolises and allergy sufferers, as well as babies after illnesses, with disturbed sleep and rest, as well as with excessive physical and psychological stress.

Saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals is better to start with natural products rich useful substances... Multivitamin complexes are introduced when it is impossible to enrich the child's daily diet with the necessary elements due to seasonality, poor appetite, allergies or the baby's refusal from certain foods.

Each element is involved to some extent in the normal functioning of the immune system. Correct, balanced nutrition is the key to good immunity in a child. It is important to monitor the diversity of the diet so that all the necessary vitamins and minerals enter the growing body.

For the intake of vitamin A, children should be given carrots, liver, eggs, pumpkin, dairy products, for the intake of B vitamins - fish, meat, cereals, cauliflower, peas. Vitamin C is found in foods such as cranberries, blueberries, black currants, oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruit, green vegetables, and vitamins D and E are found in yolk, butter, seeds, and nuts.

Zinc is very important for the functioning of the immune system. It normalizes the functioning of the brain and spinal cord, regulates the functioning of muscle and bone tissues, and influences the development and growth of the child's body.

Selenium deficiency leads to a disruption in the normal functioning of the immune system, therefore, seafood, cereals and cereals are mandatory.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for the immunity of children

It is quite difficult to compose and maintain a child's diet, taking into account the daily intake of the whole variety of vitamins and microelements. To prevent vitamin deficiency, many parents introduce pharmaceutical multivitamin complexes as additives. When choosing a vitamin and mineral supplement, first of all, be guided by the age of the child. Many complexes are designed for children over 4 years old.

The following drugs are considered popular on the vitamin market:

  • Multi-tabs Immuno Kids... They contain lactobacilli, 13 vitamins and 6 microelements, are prescribed for children 4-12 years old.
  • Vitrum Kids... Contains 10 vitamins and 12 microelements, is prescribed for children 4-7 years old.
  • Pikovit tablets... Contains 10 vitamins, calcium and phosphorus, is prescribed for children 4-6 years old.
  • Pikovit syrup... Contains vitamins A, B and C, it is prescribed for children 1-2 years old.
  • Kinder Biovital gel... Contains 9 vitamins and 5 microelements, it is prescribed for children from one year of age and older.
In the absence of an allergy to honey and nuts, it is recommended to periodically give children such a vitamin mixture: raisins - 1.5 cups, almonds - 0.5 cups, walnuts - 1 cup, lemon - 2 pcs., Honey - 0.5 cups. Peel the lemons and mince them along with the raisins and nuts. Squeeze lemon juice into the resulting mass and mix with honey. Place in a dark place at room temperature and incubate for 2 days. Give your child a teaspoonful 3 times daily one hour before meals. Store in the refrigerator.

Honey to strengthen the immune system of the child

Honey contains 22 microelements necessary for the body, as well as vitamins A, groups B, K, E. In the absence of allergies in a child, this bee product is an indispensable way to naturally strengthen the immune system. Honey water is indicated for children over 1 year old, for its preparation dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm boiled water.

For children from 3 years old and older, a mixture with honey is useful to raise immunity. Ingredients: apple - 1 pc., walnuts- 1 tbsp. spoon, dried fruit - 1 tbsp. spoon, oatmeal - 3 tbsp. spoons, natural honey- 1 tbsp. spoon, lemon - 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour a little warm water over the flakes to swell and absorb all the water.
  2. Grind nuts, apples, dried fruits using a meat grinder or food processor.
  3. Combine the chopped mixture with the flakes, squeeze out the lemon juice and add honey, mix everything.
  4. Store in the refrigerator and give a teaspoon each before meals.
Honey is useful both in pure form, and as an addition to drinks, a bee product is added to:
  • Warm milk.
  • Seasonal fruit and berry compotes.
  • Sea buckthorn broth - mash the berry with a mortar, pour boiling water over it, leave it to cool.
  • Infusion of ginger root - chop the peeled root, put in a thermos and pour boiling water over it, keep it for several hours.
  • Rosehip decoction.
The concentration of honey in a drink is determined by taste. Try to make it not sugary, but not sour either.

Lemon for the immune system of children

Lemon is a natural source ascorbic acid, it contains 11 vitamins, 7 microelements, including zinc necessary for children, 7 macroelements, organic acids. The use of this product helps to maintain the balance of vitamins and minerals, strengthen the immune system.

Lemon can be given to babies from 10 months. Begin to inject with a couple of drops of lemon juice, which are diluted with a teaspoon of water. If there was no reaction, then they make lemon water and give it to the baby for the prevention of various diseases.

Lemon water recipe: per liter of liquid - one squeezed lemon and a little sugar. Per day children's body 200 ml of such a drink is enough.

For older children, add a slice of lemon to tea, and also cut citrus as a dessert, sprinkle it with sugar or grease it with honey.

The following mixture helps to strengthen the immune system: lemon - 4 pcs., Aloe juice - 100 ml, honey - 300 g, a mixture of ground nuts - 0.5 kg. Squeeze the juice from the lemons, combine with the rest of the ingredients and stir until smooth. Transfer to glass and refrigerate.

How to strengthen a child's immunity - watch the video:

Immunity performs an important function, providing the body with reliable protection. Poor ecology, low physical activity, increased mental stress negatively affect the state of the immune system of modern children. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to methods of strengthening immunity, to take care of the child's health from birth, to support and improve it in the preschool and school years.