Stages of speech development in children. Cheat sheet: Specificity of speech development disorders in young children Some patterns of speech development in young children

Your baby was born. The happiness of parents cannot be overshadowed by any difficulties and problems that, of course, confront them. In the first days of life, a newborn, with the help of adults, adapts to existence in the new world. It turns out that the child already knows something: he sucks, swallows, blinks and screams louder and quieter. This cry is a reflex one, with its help the little person tries to express his feelings, that is, to show that he is in pain, uncomfortable, or wants to eat.

Basically, the scream consists of sounds similar to vowels. A healthy child screams loudly, cleanly, while inhaling shortly, but the exhalation is long. Listen to the cry of the newborn: an alarming symptom can be a too shrill or very quiet cry, weak sobbing instead of a cry, or lack of it. In some cases, these signs indicate organic brain damage, which can cause various speech disorders.

1-3 months

And already since one and a half to two months the child smiles at you, and to everyone who bends over the crib or stroller and communicates with him.

From about two months old, the child begins to gag, that is, primitively hums. The cry becomes more expressive - intonations appear in it. For example, screaming over wet diapers is different from screaming when your baby is hungry. But if the cry is monotonous, this may be a sign of some pathology of the central nervous system.

At three months a healthy child stops groaning and starts to walk when you talk to him and smile at him. Of course, the baby walks alone, but in the presence of adults he does it much more willingly and more actively. Let the little one hum, because this is a training of voice, speech breathing, auditory memory. In the process of humming, breathing, voice, and movements of the oral cavity organs are trained.

3-6 months

In three to four months the child is already laughing. With the help of laughter, he expresses his emotional attitude to the person with whom he communicates, to the world around him, to his feelings.

Be attentive and listen to all the sounds that your baby makes. Emotional communication between an adult and a child is extremely important already in the first stages of a child's development. Try to talk to your child more often, and with different intonation, voice all your actions.

Feeding is especially important for the full development of the baby, and in particular for the development of his speech. During feeding, a positive emotional contact is established between the mother and the child, which stimulates both the social and psycho-speech development of the child. During breastfeeding, the baby's articulatory organs are trained - lips, tongue, soft palate. It is these organs that are responsible for the pronunciation of speech sounds.

The more you communicate with your child, the more actively he seeks to communicate with you. Your every conversation with your baby is a stimulation of auditory attention, auditory and speech memory, activation of vocal reactions.

From four to five months the child starts babbling. Get ready for the baby to babble for up to seven months. Goodbye vowel strings! Hello, the first harbingers of consonants! The oral cavity increases in volume, which means that the tongue can move more actively, and the child can pronounce consonants. The first consonants appear "b", "p", "m", "l", which are pronounced with the lips and tongue. But keep in mind that while the baby makes sounds involuntarily, and children of different nationalities at this age pronounce the same sounds regardless of what language they will speak in the future. Deaf children, on the other hand, do not babble, the sound reactions that they had earlier gradually fade away.

6-12 months

Between six and twelve months of age the child begins to repeat the same syllables (BA-BA, MA-MA, PA-PA) and tries to control the pronunciation of sounds. The kid plays with sounds, and at the same time trains the speech and hearing aids.

New sounds gradually appear: "g", "k", "d", "t". The child babbles more actively when you communicate with him, tries to listen to what you are saying, wants to draw attention to himself with his voice - in general, he tries to become your interlocutor. This desire should definitely be encouraged. Little by little, more and more syllables appear in the child's arsenal, and they become more diverse. By the age of one, most children switch to babbling words, and some use pseudowords, that is, words without a specific meaning. With the help of these words, the baby tries to play and communicate with you - and you must find the time and energy for this. Playing with a child should not turn into serving a duty. You should enjoy communicating with your baby!

On a note!

The game contributes to the development of not only speech, but also the personality of the child: the baby actively studies the world around him, his thinking, attention, memory, emotional perception develops. If the baby does not play, does not follow verbal instructions, if he has a poor babbling vocabulary or does not babble at all. It may be due to speech disorders or diseases of the central nervous system or brain.

The vocabulary of a one-year-old child is from seven to fifteen words, and the baby uses mostly completely simple words: "dad", "mom", "give", etc. It's not scary if some sounds from a simple set ("a", "Y", "i", "m", "n", "p", "b", "t", "d", "k", "d") your baby does not pronounce clearly, but what some of them are completely absent in his speech. Remember: in the first year of life, the baby is just preparing to master speech.

When a child turns one year old, it is a milestone for parents. Every day the kid more and more actively imitates the speech of mom and dad, every day he understands you better and better. However, sometimes he calls different actions and objects with the same word. Moreover, understanding is ahead of vocabulary, that is, the child knows significantly more words than he can pronounce.


After a year words-sentences appear in the child's speech, denoting different phenomena depending on the situation. For example, the word “drink” can mean a request for a cup, juice, etc. And from one and a half years old, the baby uses sentences consisting of two words: “I want to eat” - “I want to walk.” When the child's vocabulary reaches an average of 50 words, the number of phrases immediately increases. However, in most cases, the kid builds phrases incorrectly, without prepositions and conjunctions, and some sentences are difficult to understand.

2 years

By the end of the second year of life, there are already 250-300 words in the baby's active vocabulary (the words he uses). In his speech, there are most of all nouns denoting the names of toys and surrounding household items. Nouns are followed by verbs, followed by adjectives, but gradually their number will increase. Remember that the volume of a child's vocabulary and the quality of his speech in general largely depends on how adults communicate with him, what words they use, whether they find time to talk and play with the baby, listen to and understand him.

Your two-year-old child pronounces the vowels "a", "and", "o", "y" correctly, but with the sound "y" there are problems, the sound "e" can also cause difficulties. Children replace some complex sounds with simpler ones, soften solid "t", "d", "s", "z", but such "difficult" sounds as "w", "g", "l", "r" are generally ignored. For example, the crumb says "dinya" instead of "melon", "apka" instead of "paw", "yba" instead of "fish". This only indicates that the child's articulatory apparatus is still being formed and is not yet able to cope with more difficult tasks. This is why the baby simplifies some words: shortens them or removes “uncomfortable” syllables or sounds from them.

3 years

In the third year of life, the child better understands the speech addressed to him. He communicates more actively with adults, begins to understand simple questions and asks them to those around him, first of all to you, dear parents. Now the baby is able to follow rather complex verbal instructions.

If you show a child pictures that depict familiar objects and toys, he will not only recognize, but also name them. Sometimes the kid names the actions that the object produces - "The car is going." Phrases are becoming more and more, although they are not always constructed correctly, however, the child distinguishes between the present and the past tense. Every day the phrases become more complicated: now they consist of several words, so a three-year-old child can already tell you about what he saw, what happened to him, what new he learned, what surprised or frightened him.

It's time to tell the kid fairy tales - not very complicated ones, of course. If you ask a question about the content of the fairy tale, the child will be able to answer it, especially if the magic story resonates with events and phenomena known to him. And if there are repetitions in the fairy tale, the kid will happily continue the phrase, although a detailed retelling will not work out yet.

The child's vocabulary is also growing - there are already about 1000 words in it, and there are many more verbs. In addition, the baby begins to use prepositions, pronouns, and adjectives in speech. So far, only participles, numerals and gerunds are missing.

Many children at this age speak incessantly. Listening to the crumb, you can notice that in his speech there are practically no collective nouns (clothes, birds, etc.), word-names prevail, and the simplified words that were used last year are gradually falling out of use. The process of word-creation is in full swing, which delights parents. Some savvy mothers even write down the pearls of the heirs in a special notebook - and they are absolutely right!

What is word creation?

If a child tries to create his own words, this means, first of all, that he began to pay attention to how others speak, that is, to analyze the language that he is mastering. New words are created either on the basis of existing ones, or are born as something completely new, not previously used in the language of the child and those around him. One of the reasons for word creation is the physiological imperfection of the articulatory apparatus of a small child. It is the difficulties with pronunciation that prevent the baby from mastering new sounds and sometimes force him to come up with his own versions of the pronunciation of words.

A three-year-old child still replaces and skips sounds, under-speaks and simplifies words. The sounds "r", "l", "w", "z", "s", "z" are especially difficult for him. Speech in general becomes more expressive, but it is difficult for the baby to speak in a whisper and his voice is still not strong enough. Together with speech, the child's thinking, attention, memory and creative imagination develop. You notice that the child's play activity has become more diverse. While playing, he often comments on his actions. As before, try to talk to your child more. By vocalizing your actions, you effectively stimulate both speech and general development of the baby.

Time flies by very quickly, and by the age of four there will already be about 2,000 words in a child's dictionary. The kid comes into contact not only with his family and friends, but also with strangers. He himself initiates communication, and even overcomes everyone with questions, but he does not always listen to the answers to the end. Adults should be patient with the "why-cheeks" period. Remember that the question-answer relationship is a powerful stimulus for the development of not only speech, but also logical thinking, imagination, attention and memory.

The kid is not yet able to independently tell about the events that have happened to him logically and consistently, and the retelling will be confusing, but competent questions and tips will be invaluable for him. Thus, you support the child's desire to communicate, which is extremely important for the formation of his personality and the development of communication skills.

So, the baby's vocabulary is expanding, not only nouns and verbs are presented in his speech, but also adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and service words. The child often uses words like "mine" and "yours." However, the child's active vocabulary does not yet contain generalizing concepts, although he may find it difficult to use a generalizing concept in a suitable situation. For example, if you ask a kid how to call oak, birch and spruce in one word, he may not answer that these are trees. And if you ask what the term "dishes" refers to, the kid will probably find it difficult to answer. But ask the baby where he can drink the juice, and he will answer: “From a cup”, “From a mug” or “From a glass”.

The child's speech becomes more correct and competent. He is already able to construct phrases of four words and even more. However, in some cases, the kid makes mistakes, especially when it comes to grammar, for example, the use of plural nouns.

The baby's articulation apparatus is gradually strengthened, he pronounces most of the sounds correctly. Difficulties arise with the sounds "r" and "l", with whistling and hissing sounds (sometimes "s" is replaced by "w" or vice versa). For example, a child says "bow" instead of "pen", "wook" instead of "bow", "hoe" instead of "hat", "jubs" instead of "teeth".

The kid skips sounds and syllables less often, does not say words. However, in polysyllabic words, the child can skip a sound or syllable, rearrange them. At the age of four, some children already have completely clear speech, others still do not succeed, but in general the pronunciation is improving. At the age of four, a monologue speech arises, but the child really masters a monologue by the age of five.

5 years

Five years is an important stage in the development of a little person. The speech of a five-year-old child is varied, meaningful, colorful. He can already listen carefully to adults, analyze and establish causal relationships. The phrase becomes more detailed and competent. True, some grammatical errors still persist, but now there are much fewer of them than before.

The baby's speech becomes more expressive. The child not only accurately recognizes the intonation with which he is addressed, but he himself is able to convey various emotions with its help, can speak louder and quieter, and pause.

A baby's dictionary by the age of five can contain up to 3000 words! Now all parts of speech are present in his vocabulary, and general concepts appear, for example, "clothes", "furniture", "jewelry" and others. Speech hearing improves: the child recognizes the sound in a word by ear, picks up words for a given sound. Due to the fact that the child's articulatory apparatus is strengthened, sound production is also improved. Speech breathing also develops. The kid is able to pronounce vowel sounds on exhalation for 5-7 seconds!

The child gradually ceases to soften sounds, less and less skips sounds and syllables. In words with a large number of syllables, he still makes mistakes, mixes sounds that are difficult to pronounce ("s", "w", "z", "z", "h", "ts", "p", "l"). For example, "Sasha" turns into "Sasu", "iron" - into "zhelezho", "cup" - into "checker", "rollers" - into "roriki". This is due both to the imperfection of the work of the pronunciation organs, and to the fact that the child does not yet clearly distinguish some sounds by ear.

Over 5 years old

Five to seven years is the senior preschool age, a time of rapid development of both speech and personality of the child. In the sixth year of life, a child is able to accurately formulate his thought, to highlight the defining features of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. The kid listens carefully to your question and answers it independently. He is able, without being distracted, to listen to your answer to a question of interest to him.

The child tries to compose a coherent story about a specific topic. Most often, he succeeds, and if any difficulties arise, he begins to be critical of his own speech, as well as the statements of others. When telling, the child tries to convey his emotional attitude to the subject. Thus, monologue speech develops and improves. After watching a movie, the child tells in detail about what he saw, and it becomes clear who or what he sympathizes with. He is able to tell about the story that happened to him, the events in which he participated. It is important that the child can tell not only about recent events, but also about what happened in the past, for example, a year ago. Children are happy to look at the photos and tell who is captured on them, when and under what circumstances.

By the age of six, a child's vocabulary can be 4,000 to 4,500 words. It includes abstract, abstract and generalizing concepts. The child knows how to select antonyms, synonyms, definitions for objects. For example, to the question: "Who swims?", The kid will answer: "Fish", "What's going?" - "Machine", "What flies?" - "Airplane", "Who is crawling?" - "Snake".

Of course, mistakes in the use of words are still possible, but in general, the speech of a six-year-old child is literate. A phrase can contain up to 10 words. The articulation apparatus of a six-year-old child allows all sounds to be pronounced correctly, so most children of this age speak clearly. But some babies only begin to make sounds like sibilants, hiss, "l" and "r" by the age of six. The pronunciation of such sounds should be fixed in the child's speech, and often this happens gradually.

Now the baby can, of his own free will, speak louder or quieter. As a rule, he speaks at a normal pace, however, when talking about something, he sometimes pauses to think and formulate a thought more accurately. Speech can speed up in an emotionally significant situation when the child is agitated, agitated. At such moments, the baby has less control over his speech: it becomes less intelligible and legible, the child “swallows” individual sounds and syllables, rearranges or repeats them, does not say words.

In the sixth year of life, another important process takes place - the change of milk teeth to permanent ones. This can also cause violations of pronunciation, blurred diction. The nature of the bite has a certain influence on the quality of speech: a child with a malocclusion may incorrectly pronounce some sounds. At this age, the child, as a rule, distinguishes well the sounds of speech by ear. The kid is not only able to hear sounds, but also distinguishes words with given sounds and syllables among other words, selects words for given sounds, hears the mistakes of others.

Sometimes the child has difficulty distinguishing between acoustically or articulatory sounds, such as hissing and whistling, soft and hard (the baby says "swing" instead of "poppy", "chai" instead of "tea"). Trying to determine the first sound in a word, the child may be mistaken: the first sound in the word "chicken" is called "s", and in the word "sliver" - "w".

By the age of seven, the preschool period of speech development ends. A seven-year-old child easily communicates with adults, asks questions adequate to the topic and listens to answers, is able to listen attentively, without distraction, to the interlocutor, to maintain a dialogue. He clearly separates the details and the whole, the particular and the general, he has no difficulty in using generalizing and abstract concepts. The child uses simple phraseological phrases, understands metaphors, can joke, distinguish between the direct and figurative meanings of words, selects synonyms and antonyms.

The child expresses his thoughts in a reasonable logical sequence, correctly builds his story. He is good at describing both what he heard and what he saw, and in the story he conveys his attitude to what he is talking about. The kid can tell from memory, fantasize and put his fantasies into words in such a way that the story is interesting for the interlocutor.

The phrases become more detailed and consistent, there are no grammatical errors in them. Some children sometimes use words inaccurately - this applies to almost all parts of speech, especially nouns and verbs - but as they grow up, the child stops making such mistakes. A seven-year-old child usually pronounces sounds correctly, his speech is clear, legible, and he arbitrarily changes the tempo and rhythm of speech, the volume and pitch of his voice. The child speaks expressively, with the help of various intonations, conveys his attitude to what is being expressed, that is, his speech is emotionally colored.


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of studying the features of the development of children's speech in the norm

§one. The main stages of the formation of a child's speech

§2. Development of understanding of speech in ontogenesis

§3. Development of the vocabulary in ontogenesis

§4. Development of the grammatical structure in ontogenesis

Chapter 2. To the question of the need for early detection of deviations in the development of the child's speech

§one. Causes of delayed speech development in early children


§2. The specifics of the process of mastering the native language in children with developmental disabilities




Speech is not an innate ability, but develops in the process of ontogenesis in parallel with the physical and mental development of the child and serves as an indicator of his general development.

A child's speech is influenced by the speech of adults and depends to a great extent on sufficient speech practice, a normal speech environment and on education and training, which begins from the first days of his life.

A child's assimilation of his native language takes place with a strict regularity and is characterized by a number of features common to all children. For the correct diagnosis of speech disorders, in order to understand the pathology of speech, it is necessary to clearly imagine the entire path of consistent speech development of children in the norm, to know the patterns of this process and the conditions on which its successful course depends. In addition, you need to clearly imagine each stage of the child's speech development, each "qualitative leap" in order to notice in time certain deviations in this process. Knowledge of the laws of the development of children's speech in the process of ontogenesis is also necessary in order to correctly build all correctional and educational work to overcome speech pathology.

Time dictates its conditions: now, by the age of six, a child should not only speak cleanly, have a fairly rich vocabulary, be able to clearly express his thoughts, but also read, write in block letters, and be able to perform sound-letter analysis of words. Therefore, the sooner deviations in the development of speech are identified, the earlier classes with the child are started, the greater success can be achieved in work. Especially close attention is required if the child lags behind in speech development.

Due to the fact that at present the number of children with speech disorders has significantly increased, and as you know, correct speech is one of the most important prerequisites for the further full development of the child, the process of social adaptation, the identification and elimination of speech disorders must be carried out more early dates... Therefore, the study of the development of speech in young children, as well as the identification of deviations in the development of speech at an early age is the most relevant topic currently. The plasticity of the child's nervous system is not infinite and significantly decreases with age, therefore, work on the diagnosis, prevention, correction and formation of speech should begin at a very early age (V.K. Orfinskaya, K.A. Semenova, E.M. Mastyukova, M. B. Eydinova).

Purpose of the research: to study the features of speech development in normal and pathological conditions in young children.

The object of the research is the speech of young children.

The subject of the research is the specificity of speech development disorders in young children.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks :

1. To study the scientific and methodological literature on the research problem.

2. Consider the features of speech development in young children.

3. To reveal the specifics of the process of mastering the native language in children with developmental disabilities.

Study structure: The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of studying the features of the development of children's speech in the norm

§one. The main stages of the formation of a child's speech

In the literature, a lot of attention is paid to the questions of the stage-by-stage formation of speech during its normal development. In the monograph by A.N. Gvozdev, in the works of G.L. Rosengard-Pupko, D.B. Elkonina, A.A. Leontyev, N.Kh. Shvachkin, V.I. Beltyukova et al. Described in detail the formation of speech in children from early childhood.

These authors from different positions consider and define the stages of speech development. For example, A.N. Gvozdev studies in detail the sequence of the child's assimilation of parts of speech, sentence structures, the nature of their grammatical design. Depending on this, he proposes his own periodization.

G.L. Rosengard-Pupko considers 2 stages of speech formation: up to 2 years - preparatory; from 2 years onwards - the stage of independent formation of speech.

A. N. Leont'ev establishes four stages in the formation of children's speech.

1st - preparatory (from the moment of birth - up to a year);

2nd - preschool (from one to 3 years old);

3rd - preschool (from 3 to 7 years old);

4th - school (from 7 to 17 years old).

Let us dwell in detail on the characteristics of these stages.

The first stage is preparatory. At this stage, preparation for mastering speech takes place. The initial period of speech ontogenesis - this mystery of the transition from silence to the word has attracted the attention of many researchers.

The child is born, and he marks his appearance with a cry. Screaming is the child's first vocal response. Both the cry and the cry of the child activate the activity of the articulatory, vocal, and respiratory parts of the speech apparatus.

At 1.5-2 months, specific voice reactions appear - humming. These include the sounds of grunting, joyful squealing. They can hardly be identified with the sounds of their native language. However, it is possible to distinguish sounds that resemble vowels (a, o, y, e), the easiest to articulate; labial consonants (p, m, b), due to the physiological act of sucking, and dorsal (g, k, x), associated with the physiological act of swallowing.

At 4 months, sound combinations become more complicated: new ones appear, such as gn-agn, la-ala, ph, etc. In the process of "humming," the child, as it were, plays with his articulatory apparatus, repeats the same sound several times, while receiving pleasure. If someone from the family is nearby and begins to “talk” with the baby, he listens with pleasure to the sounds and, as it were, “picks up” them.

With the normal development of the child, between 4 and 5 months of life, the next stage of the child's pre-speech development begins - babbling. During this period of babbling sounds, a sign of localization and structured syllable appears. The vocal stream, characteristic of humming, begins to disintegrate into syllables, the psychophysiological mechanism of syllable formation is gradually formed.

At 7-8.5 months, children pronounce syllables such as ba-ba, dy-dya, grandfather, etc., correlating them with certain people around them. Babbling is not a mechanical reproduction of syllabic combinations, but their correlation with certain persons, objects, actions. "Ma-ma" (mother) - says the child, and this applies specifically to the mother. In the process of communicating with adults, the child gradually tries to imitate intonation, tempo, rhythm, melodiousness, as well as reproduce the sound elements of the sounding speech of others.

At 8.5-9 months, babbling is modulated with a variety of intonations. At 9-10 months, the volume of babbling words that the child tries to repeat after adults expands.

The first words appear towards the end of the first year of life. There are some differences in the rates of speech development in boys and girls. There are indications that words appear in girls at 8-9 months of life, in boys at 11-12 months.

The second stage is pre-school. During this period, the volume of babbling words used by the child expands. This stage is characterized by the child's increased attention to the speech of others, and his speech activity increases. When pronouncing the first words, the child reproduces their general sound appearance, usually to the detriment of the role of individual sounds in it. The assimilation and development of the phonetic system of the language follows the appearance of words as semantic units. Words can express a complete, complete message, and in this respect equal a sentence. The first words are usually a combination of open repeating syllables (ma-ma, pa-pa, dya-dya, etc.). More complex words can be phonetically distorted while preserving part of the word: root, initial or stressed syllable. As the vocabulary grows, phonetic distortions appear more noticeably. This indicates a more rapid development of the lexical-semantic side of speech in comparison with the phonetic, the formation of which requires the maturation of phonemic perception and speech motor skills.

After a year and a half, there is an increase active vocabulary children, the first sentences appear, consisting of amorphous words-roots:

Daddy, di (daddy, go)

Ma, yeah kh (mom, give a kitty).

Thus, within a year and a half, there has been a quantitative leap in expanding the vocabulary of children.

At 1-3 years old, the child rearranges, lowers, replaces many sounds of the native language with simpler ones in articulation. This is due to the age-related imperfection of the articulatory apparatus, insufficient level of perception of phonemes. But typical for this period is a fairly persistent reproduction of intonation-rhythmic, melodic contours of words, for example: kasyanav (cosmonaut), pyamida (pyramid), itaya (guitar), titayaska (cheburashka), sinyuska (pig).

As noted by N.S. Zhukova, from the moment the child has the opportunity to correctly construct simple sentences and change words in cases, numbers, persons and times, a qualitative leap in the development of speech takes place.

Thus, by the end of the preschool period, children communicate with each other and others, using the structure of a simple common sentence, while using the simplest grammatical categories of speech.

At the age of three, the anatomical maturation of the speech areas of the brain practically ends. The child masters the main grammatical forms of the native language, accumulates a certain lexical stock.

Preschool stage. This period is characterized by the most intensive speech development of children. Quite often there is a qualitative leap in the expansion of vocabulary. The child begins to actively use all parts of speech, word formation skills are gradually formed.

At this time, a more differentiated use of words is formed in accordance with their meanings, the processes of inflection are improved.

At the age of five to six years, the statements of children are quite lengthy, a certain logic of presentation is caught. Often, elements of fantasy appear in their stories, a desire to come up with episodes that did not exist in reality.

In the preschool period, there is a fairly active formation of the phonetic side of speech, the ability to reproduce words of different syllabic structure and sound filling. If any of the children have mistakes, they relate to the most difficult, little used and most often unfamiliar words. In this case, it is enough to correct the child, give a sample of the answer and “teach” him to pronounce this word correctly, and he will quickly introduce this new word into independent speech.

Thus, by the end of the preschool period, children should master a detailed phrasal speech, phonetically, lexically and grammatically correct.

The level of development of phonemic hearing allows them to master the skills of sound analysis and synthesis, which is a necessary condition for mastering literacy during the school period. As noted by A.N. Gvozdev, by the age of seven, the child masters speech as a full-fledged means of communication (provided that the speech apparatus is preserved, if there are no deviations in mental and intellectual development, if the child is brought up in a normal speech and social environment).

School period. The improvement of coherent speech continues. Children consciously master the grammatical rules for the design of free utterances, fully master sound analysis and synthesis. At this stage, written speech is formed.

§2. Development of understanding of speech in ontogenesis

The development of children's speech understanding is summarized in the work of N.S. Zhukova, where she distinguishes six levels of speech understanding. When examining young children, it is especially important whether the child understands the spoken speech.

Level 1 - verbal attention is expressed, listens to the voice, responds adequately to intonation, recognizes familiar voices. A healthy baby goes through this level from 3 to 6 months.

Level 2 - understands individual instructions in familiar phrases, obeys some verbal commands: "Kiss mom", "Where is dad?", "Give me a pen", "You can't", etc. A healthy baby goes through this level from 6 to 10 months.

Level 3 - understands the name of individual items and toys:

At 10 months. understands only the names of objects and toys,

12 - 14 months recognizes them in pictures,

15 - 18 months recognizes them in the plot picture.

Level 4 - understands the names of actions in various situations: "Show who is sitting", "Who is sleeping", etc.

At 2 years old he understands two-step instructions: “Go to the kitchen, bring a cup”, “Take a handkerchief, dry your nose”, etc.

At 2 years 6 months understands the meaning of prepositions in a familiar concrete situation, in a familiar situation begins to understand the questions of indirect cases: "What are you sitting on," What are you playing at, etc.

Level 5 - understands read short stories and fairy tales at 2 years 6 months. - 3 years.

6th level - by the age of 4, he understands the meaning of complex sentences, understands the meaning of prepositions outside the usual concrete situation.

§3. Development of vocabulary and word formation in ontogenesis

The development of a child's vocabulary, on the one hand, is closely connected with the development of thinking and other mental processes, and on the other hand, with the development of all components of the language system: the phonetic-phonemic and grammatical structure of speech. The formation of vocabulary in ontogenesis is also conditioned by the development of the child's ideas about the surrounding reality.

The very first words in a child usually appear by the year. These words (most often mom, dad, woman) are sentence words that express a whole thought. With the help of one and the same word, the child can express some kind of complaint, and a request to give him a toy, "take it on hand", etc. In the future, the child has more and more new words, which he gradually begins to associate between myself, trying to build elementary sentences out of them.

At the first stages of acquaintance with a word, the child cannot yet learn the word in its "adult" meaning. At the same time, the phenomenon of not complete mastering of the meaning of the word is noted, since initially the child understands the word as the name of a specific object, and not as the name of a class of objects.

In the process of developing the meaning of a word, mainly in children from 1 to 2.5 years of age, the phenomenon of shifted reference, or "stretching" of the meaning of the word, is noted. At the same time, the transfer of the meaning of one object to a number of others associated with the original object is noted. The child isolates the sign of an object familiar to him and extends its name to another object that has the same sign. He uses the word to name a number of objects that have one or more common features - "shape, size, movement, material, sound, taste", etc., as well as the general functional purpose of objects.

L. B. Fedorenko distinguishes several degrees of generalization of words by meaning:

The zero stage of generalization is the proper names and the names of a single subject; at the age of one to two years, children learn words, correlating names only with a specific subject; names of items, i.e. is for them the same proper names as the names of people;

By the second year of life, the child learns words of the first degree of generalization, i.e. begins to understand the generalizing meaning of the names of similar objects, actions, qualities - common nouns;

At the age of three, children begin to learn words of the second degree of generalization, generalizing generic concepts (toys, dishes, clothes), conveying in general terms the name of objects, actions, signs in the form of nouns (flight, swimming, blackness);

By about five or six years of age, children learn words that generalize generic concepts, i.e. words of the third degree of generalization (plants - trees, grasses, flowers; movement - running, swimming, flying), which are a higher level of generalization for words of the second degree of generalization.

The enrichment of the child's life experience, the complication of his activities and the development of communication with people around him leads to a gradual quantitative growth of the vocabulary.

According to V. Stern, by one and a half years a child has about 100 words, by 2 years - 200-300, by 3 years - 1000-1100, by 4 years - 1600, by 5 years - 2200 words.

According to A.N. Gvozdev, 50.2% of nouns, 27.4% of verbs, 11.8% of adjectives, 5.8% of adverbs, 1.9% of numerals, 1.2% of conjunctions, 0.9% of prepositions and 0.9% of interjections and particles.

The formation of a child's vocabulary is closely related to the processes of word formation, since as word formation develops, the child's vocabulary is rapidly enriched at the expense of derivative words. If a child does not own a ready-made word, he “invents” it according to certain previously learned rules, which is manifested in children's word-creation. Adults notice and make adjustments to a word independently created by a child if this word does not correspond to the normative language. If the created word coincides with the existing one in the language, the people around do not notice the child's word-creation. Children's word-creation is a reflection of the formation of some and at the same time the insufficient formation of other linguistic generalizations.

The mechanism of children's word creation is associated with the formation of linguistic generalization, with the phenomenon of generalization, with the formation of a word formation system.

§4. Development of the grammatical structure in ontogenesis

The development of the grammatical structure in ontogenesis is described in the works of many authors: A.N. Gvozdeva, T.N. Ushakova, A.M. Shakhnarovich, D.B. Elkonin and others.

In the works of A.N. Gvozdev, taking into account the close interaction of the morphological and syntactic systems of the language, the following three periods of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech are distinguished:

Period I - the period of sentences consisting of amorphous words-roots (from 1 year 3 months to 1 year 10 months). This period includes two stages:

1) Stage of one-word proposal (from 1 year 3 months to 1 year 8 months). During this short-term stage, the child uses only individual words as sentences. In the speech of a child, only a large number of words that are used to express his desires, needs, impressions. At the same time, to clarify the meaning of his statement, the child uses gestures, intonation. The first words that the child uses do not have a specific grammatical form. These are amorphous-word roots. In different proposals they are used in the same sound design, without modification. The main part of the words is made up of nouns denoting the names of persons, objects, onomatopoeia (boo, bb, meow), babbling words (di, mocha).

2) The stage of sentences from several words-roots (from 1 year 8 months to

1 year 10 months). At this stage, the child combines in one statement first two, then three words, that is, a phrase appears in the child's speech. There is no grammatical connection between words. The child combines words into statements, linking them only by intonation, by the generality of the situation. In this case, words are used in sentences in the same amorphous unchangeable form. Nouns are used either in the nominative singular. numbers, or in a truncated, distorted, unchangeable form. Verbs are presented either in the indefinite form of the 2nd person singular. imperative numbers (give, nishi, paat).

When combining amorphous words-roots, the child still does not pose and cannot solve the problem of choosing the desired grammatical form and uses the same word forms in different word combinations.

II period - the period of mastering the grammatical structure of the sentence (from 1 year 10 months to 3 years). This period includes three stages:

1) The stage of the formation of the first forms of words (1 year 10 months - 2 years 1 month). At this stage of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, children begin to notice a different connection between words in a sentence. Unlike the previous stage, the child begins to use different forms of the same word in speech. The first grammatical forms of nouns are the following: forms of the nominative singular. and many others. numbers with the ending "y", "and", forms of the accusative case with the ending "y", sometimes genitive forms with the ending "y" appear, the ending "e" to indicate a place, while the preposition is not used. The first grammatical forms of verbs are: 2nd person imperative singular. numbers, forms of the 3rd person unit. numbers of the present tense without alternation in the stem, reflexive and non-reflexive verbs. By the age of two, adjectives appear, more often in the nominative singular. masculine and feminine numbers, but without agreement with nouns.

2) The stage of using the inflectional system to express the syntactic connections of words (from 2 years 1 month to 2 years 6 months). Inflection in the Russian language is characterized by a wide variety of inflections (endings), which are systematized when forming into various types of declension of nouns and conjugation of verbs. Due to the complexity of the inflectional system, the child cannot simultaneously master all forms of inflection.

For a certain time, children use only one, the most productive ending, which A.N. Gvozdev calls them "dominant". Other variants of endings expressing the same grammatical meaning are absent in speech, are repressed, they are replaced by productive inflections. So, the forms of genitive nouns are plural. numbers have several endings:

"-Ov", zero ending, "- her", among which productive inflection is the ending "-ov" (many spoons, knives).

A characteristic feature of children's speech at this stage is the desire to unify the basis of various forms of the word. At the beginning, an unambiguous connection of the root and inflection is noted, which is expressed in the absence of alternation, fluency of vowels (with a hammer, levs, humans).

Thus, at the initial stage, the child learns the most general, most productive rules of shaping, and later masters particular rules, exceptions to the general rule. At this stage, there are many grammatical inaccuracies in children's speech.

3) The stage of mastering service words for expressing syntactic relations (from 2 years 6 months to 3 years). A characteristic feature of normal speech development is that the assimilation of prepositions occurs only after the assimilation of the main most functional grammatical elements of the language - inflections. At the initial stages of speech development, there are no prepositions in children's speech. But this period is not long. Having learned to highlight and use inflection, the child then introduces into this construction the missing third element - the preposition, expressing the lexical and grammatical meaning with the help of the preposition and inflection. At this stage, the child correctly uses simple prepositions and many conjunctions. At this stage, the coordination of adjectives with nouns in indirect cases is fixed, the development of complex and complex sentences in speech continues, many official words are learned.

Thus, many grammatical forms are generally mastered, but the morphological system of the language has not yet been fully mastered.

III period - the period of further assimilation of the morphological system (from 3 years to 7 years). During this period, the child systematizes grammatical forms according to the types of declension and conjugation, learns many single forms, exceptions.

During this period, the free use of morphological elements (word creation) is significantly reduced, since the child masters not only the general rules of grammar, but also more partial rules, a system of "filters" imposed on the use of general rules.

Thus, by the school period, the child has mastered basically the entire complex system of practical grammar. This level of practical language acquisition is very high, which allows a child at school age to move on to understanding grammatical patterns in the study of the Russian language.

speech children norm deviation

Chapter 2. To the question of the need for early detection of deviations in the development of the child's speech

§one. Causes of delayed speech development in young children

The cause of speech disorders is understood as the effect on the body of an external or internal harmful factor or their interaction, which determine the specifics of a speech disorder and without which the latter cannot arise.

There are various reasons for speech impairment. Let us briefly characterize the main causes of the pathology of children's speech:

1. Various intrauterine pathology, which leads to impaired fetal development. The most severe speech defects occur when fetal development is impaired in the period from 4 weeks. up to 4 months The emergence of speech pathology is facilitated by toxicosis during pregnancy, viral and endocrine diseases, trauma, blood incompatibility by the Rh factor, etc. In this case, the subcortical parts of the brain, auditory nuclei are affected, which leads to specific violations of the sound-pronunciation side of speech in combination with hearing impairments. With intrauterine brain lesions, the most severe speech disorders are noted, combined, as a rule, with other polymorphic developmental defects (hearing, vision, musculoskeletal system, intelligence).

2. The leading place in prenatal pathology of the nervous system is taken by birth trauma and asphyxia. Birth trauma leads to intracranial hemorrhage and death of nerve cells. Intracranial hemorrhages can also capture the speech zones of the cerebral cortex, which entails various disorders of cortical genesis (alalia). With the localization of brain damage in the area of ​​structures that provide the speech-motor mechanism of speech, there are predominant violations of its sound-pronunciation side - dysarthria.

3. Various diseases in the first years of a child's life.

Speech defects occur depending on the time of exposure and the location of the brain damage. of various types... Particularly detrimental to the development of speech are frequent infectious and viral diseases, meningo-encephalitis and early gastrointestinal disorders.

4. Injuries to the skull, accompanied by a concussion.

5. Hereditary factors.

In these cases, speech disorders can be only part of the general disorder of the nervous system and be combined with intellectual and motor impairment.

6. Unfavorable social conditions leading to microsocial pedagogical neglect, autonomic dysfunction, disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere and deficits in the development of speech.

Young children who are brought up in an environment with a limited or defective speech environment (deaf-mute parents or parents with speech impairments, long-term hospitalization, limited social contacts due to various serious diseases) lag behind in the development of speech.

For the child's normal speech development, communication must be meaningful, take place against an emotionally positive background and encourage him to respond. It is not enough for him to hear sounds (radio, TV, tape recorder). Unfavorable conditions: the absence of an emotionally positive environment, an ultra-noisy environment, delay the development of the child's speech

Speech develops by imitation, therefore, some speech disorders (unclear pronunciation, stuttering, violation of the tempo of speech, etc.) may be based on imitation.

Speech disorders often occur with various mental traumas (fear, feelings of separation from loved ones, a long traumatic situation in the family, etc.) - this delays the development of speech, and in some cases, especially with acute mental trauma, causes a child psychogenic speech disorders: mutism, neurotic stuttering. They also have an adverse effect on the development of a child's speech: general physical weakness, immaturity due to prematurity or intrauterine pathology, diseases of internal organs, rickets, metabolic disorders.

Thus, any general or neuropsychiatric illness of a child during the first three years of life is usually accompanied by impaired speech development.

The entire period of speech development from 1 year to 6 years is considered sensitive, i.e. especially sensitive both to the perception of the speech of others, and to the influence of various factors of the external and internal environment. There are three periods of increased vulnerability of the nervous mechanisms of speech activity, during these periods there is a risk of dysfunctions of its functions even when exposed to minor exogenous hazards. In these cases, a critical period in the development of speech is a predisposing condition for the onset of speech disorders.

If, during the sensitive period of speech development, the child's body undergoes the influence of any harmful influences, then the normal process of speech development is disrupted. This occurs either due to the elimination of a number of necessary conditions for the formation of speech (impaired speech communication with adults, hearing loss, etc.), or due to the emergence of new "harmful" factors (a sharp increase in sensory information, constant noise environment, an abundance of new people in the environment child, change of language environment, etc.).

In addition to the fact that the entire period from 1 to 6 years is considered sensitive for the development of speech, against this background, hypersensitive phases are rather limited in time.

The first of them refers to the period of accumulation of the first words. Conventionally, this is a period from 1 to 1.5 years. The hypersensitivity of this phase is reduced, on the one hand, to the fact that adequate verbal communication between an adult and a child allows the child to quickly accumulate words that are the basis for the further normal development of phrasal speech, on the other hand, insufficient verbal communication with an adult, somatic and mental stress is easy lead to the destruction of the forming speech. This can manifest itself in a delay in the appearance of the first words, in “forgetting” those words that the child already possessed, and even in an arrest of speech development.

The second hypersensitive phase in the development of speech refers on average to a period of three years (2.5-3.5 years). This is the period when the child actively masters detailed phrasal speech. That is, at this time, the child makes the transition from non-symbolic to symbolic verbalization (from concrete to abstract-generalized forms of communication), from monosyllabic phrases to complex and hierarchically organized syntactic and semantic structures. It was during this period that internal speech programming became more complicated.

During this period, the child's speech becomes a means of his intellectual and speech development. A child of three years old has increased need in speech activity. He speaks constantly, addresses an adult with questions, proactively connecting the adult in communication with himself.

Any, mainly, mental stress during this period, as well as any types of sensory deprivations, can not only change the pace of speech development (delayed speech development), but also lead to speech pathology (stuttering).

The third hypersensitive period is observed at 5-6 years of age, when contextual speech is normally formed, i.e. independent generation of the text. During this period, the child intensively develops and significantly complicates the mechanism for the transition of an internal plan to external speech. A child at this age, on the one hand, is extremely sensitive to the quality of speech samples of contextual speech of adults, on the other hand, mental stress can lead to speech pathology (stuttering), and limitation of speech communication, a low level of speech environment lead to insufficient formation of monologue speech ... In the future, this deficiency is poorly compensated and requires special assistance.

Critical periods in the development of speech play the role of predisposing conditions; they can have both independent significance and be combined with other unfavorable factors - genetic, general weakness of the child, dysfunction of the nervous system, etc.

§2. The specifics of the process of mastering the native language in children with developmental disabilities

The formation of speech in young children is the subject of research by scientists in various fields of special pedagogy: N.D. Shmatko - for hearing impairments and various forms of mental dysontogenesis; I.Yu. Levchenko, O. G. Prikhodko - for movement disorders; O.S. Nikolskaya, E.R. Baenskoy, M.M. Libling - for violations of the emotional sphere; E.A. Strebeleva - with organic lesions of the central nervous system; Yu.A. Razenkova - with the consequences of social deprivation.

A child with any form of speech impairment, regardless of whether the lesion affects the central mechanisms of speech, or only peripheral, or both together, will have to master the native language, first as a means of communication, and then as a means of thinking. To do this, one has to go through the difficult path of mastering the language as a system in which all its constituent parts and elements (words, morphs, phonemes, etc.) are in regular relationships.

Children with speech disorders are making progress in mastering their native language slowly and in a peculiar way. At each stage, they experience certain difficulties in assimilating certain units of speech.

Features of the accumulation of the initial vocabulary

The time when the first words appear in children with speech development disorders does not differ sharply from the norm. However, the terms during which children continue to use separate words without combining them into a two-word amorphous sentence are purely individual. The complete absence of phrasal speech can occur at the age of 2-3 years, and at 4-6 years. Children's initial vocabulary includes:

Several correctly pronounced words in 1-2 syllables (consisting of sounds of early ontogeny of speech);

Outline words in 1-2 syllables, rarely in 3 syllables;

Onomatopoeia words;

Fragment words of the names of objects, animals;

For example: Luda B., 2 years 8 months, the total number of words is 23.

bbc - calls toy car

meow - asks for a toy cat

bo-bo - shows a tied finger

a "m-a" m - gets a toy dog ​​out of the closet

be "-be" - calls the image of a goat

but - calls the image of a horse

Mariana T., 3 years 7 months, the total number of words - 27.

ma - calls the mother

pa - calls the father

de - calls the image of the girl

ma - calls the image of the boy

va - Sasha (father's name)

fight - calling his brother (Borya)

no "va" - no bunny

ty - asks for a bird

pa pa di - daddy let's go (wants to leave)

Even the first words of children can signal an unfavorable beginning of the development of their speech: "ma" (instead of mom), "pa" (instead of dad), "ba" (baba) or the word "mom" refers to the father and other persons.

Regardless of whether the child began to pronounce the first words entirely or only separate parts of them, it is necessary to distinguish between "speechless" children by the level of their understanding of someone else's speech. In some children, the level of understanding of speech (i.e., impressive speech) includes a fairly large vocabulary and a rather subtle understanding of the meanings of words. Parents usually say about such a child that “he understands everything, he just doesn’t speak”. However, a speech therapy examination will always reveal the shortcomings of their impressive speech. Other children find it difficult to navigate in the verbal material addressed to them.

A striking feature of speech dysontogenesis is the persistent and long-term absence of speech imitation of new words for the child. It is possible that with age, individual children develop the ability to repeat individual sounds after adults (up to the sound p) with a complete inability to combine them into the lightest words.

An interesting feature abnormal children's speech during this period of its development is the child's desire to use open syllables. The desire to "open a syllable" is most clearly manifested in the addition of vowel sounds to the ends of words in cases where the word ends in a consonant. The child, as it were, completes the word: meat is a ball, a cat is a cat.

The shortening of a word due to the omission of syllables or one syllable is one of the characteristic symptoms that accompanies children with speech impairment for many years of life. As speech develops, this defect can gradually be eliminated, but it always reveals itself as soon as the child encounters a new complex sound-syllable and morphological structure of the word: matanei - policeman.

The first words of abnormal children's speech can be classified as follows:

1) correctly pronounced: mom, dad, give, no, etc .;

2) word fragments, i.e. those in which only parts of the word are preserved, for example, mako - milk;

3) onomatopoeia words, with which the child designates objects, actions, situations;

4) outline words, or "outlines", in which prosodic elements are correctly reproduced - stress in a word, the number of syllables;

5) words that do not at all resemble words of the native language or their fragments.

Dysontogenesis of speech is often characterized by the expansion of the nominative vocabulary to 50 or more units with an almost complete absence of verbal combinations. However, the most frequent cases are those when the assimilation of the first syntactic constructions begins when there are up to 30 words in active speech, but at an older age than is normal.

The morphologically indistinguishable use of words is the main regularity of the early stages of speech dysontogenesis. There comes a time in the life of children with speech underdevelopment, when they begin to associate already acquired and newly acquired words with each other. However, words in phrases are used only in one form, since inflection is not available to these children. Phrases include:

Single correctly pronounced words of two, less often three, syllables (consisting of sounds of early and middle ontogeny of speech);

Outline words in 2-3 syllables, less often in 4 syllables;

Words - onomatopoeia;

Words are fragments of nouns;

Words - fragments of verbs (much less than nouns);

Words are fragments of adjectives;

Words are fragments of other parts of speech;

Nominative in place of other case forms (singular);

The nominative plural (ending and) in place of other case forms.

For example: Larisa A., 3 years 10 months.

Mom, Avka babi wuuu - mom, Slavka and grandmother left.

A characteristic feature of the used word combinations is that the words combined into sentences do not have any grammatical connection with each other, although outwardly individual word combinations may look like correctly formed grammatical constructions.

Despite the known variety of meanings that the child wishes to express in his statements, he completely ignores the formal (categorical) means of the language he is assimilating. Chaotic combinations of words, which are either their outlines or their parts (fragments), together with onomatopoeia words are used by the child in only one form.

At this stage of development, the child is not able to change the words: mom - mom - mom; or drink - drink - drink; doll - doll - dolls.

Nouns and their fragments are used mainly in the nominative case, and verbs and their fragments in the infinitive and imperative mood or without inflection in the indicative mood.

Some children have an extremely poor verbal vocabulary, replacing the names of actions with one general word "dei" (does), others know several names of actions, but in either case, the endings of the indicative mood are absent in the child's vocabulary -yet, -it, etc. ...

Children with impaired speech development for a long time and steadfastly do not notice the grammatical variability of words in their native language, involving more and more new words and their fragments in various combinations with each other.

Normally, the morphological elements of words begin to be recognized and isolated when children accumulate a small vocabulary. It is noteworthy that the category of words is the names of actions, i.e. verbs, makes up 1/2 of the category of words - names of objects, i.e. nouns.

In case of speech developmental disorders, the verbal dictionary is negligible in relation to the rather extensive subject dictionary. The child's subject vocabulary appears to be over-enriched in relation to the stage of his speech development. At the same time, this vocabulary is always insufficient for the calendar age of children,

According to A.N. Gvozdev by 1 year 11 months, the stock of verbs was 50 words, of which initially they were used only in the imperative mood.

In cases of speech developmental disorders, the morphological division of words or the accumulation of specialized forms of designation with the help of grammatical elements most often does not have the character of a sharp jump, as is the case in the norm.

The peculiarity of grammatical changes in words with impaired speech development. The first grammatical forms of words or the initial stages of mastering inflection in these children are characterized by:

Correctly pronounced words in 2-3 syllables;

Outline words in 2-4 syllables;

Cases of using case endings, and for verbs the endings of the 3rd person, the indicative mood of the present tense;

An extremely rare use of words - onomatopoeia;

Words - fragments of nouns;

Words - fragments of verbs and their incorrect forms;

Nominative singular and plural forms in place of other case forms;

mixtures of case forms;

The presence of adjectives, numerals and other parts of speech. (nail)

If during the normal development of speech, the once reproduced form quickly "captures" the series of words and gives a large number of cases of formations of word forms by analogy, then with violations of speech development children are not able to use the "prompting" pattern of words. Therefore, there are unforeseen fluctuations in the grammatical design of the same syntactic constructions.

A characteristic feature of speech dysontogenesis is the fact of long-term coexistence of sentences that are grammatically correct and incorrectly formed. One and the same word in the same syntactic construction can be used by a child in different types, and the appearance of correct word forms does not lead to a dynamic elimination of the old stereotype.

A chaotic and disordered combination of lexical and grammatical means of the language characterizes the disturbed course of the child's speech development. In this case, the root morph is very slowly enriched with the necessary grammatical elements: inflections, suffixes, prefixes, and if they are perceived, then they are used inappropriately for a long time.

Unlike children with normal speech development, who use the grammatical element syntactically correctly within the meaning of one case, number, person, children with impaired speech development use word forms for a long time and persistently, regardless of the meaning that needs to be expressed in connection with the syntactic construction used ...

The period of intensive use of morphological elements of words in the development of anomalous children's speech is characterized by the expansion of the volume of sentences (phrases), elements of the construction of complex sentences, the correct use of some grammatical forms of words. In the statements of children take place:

Correct pronunciation of words that are simple in their sound-syllable and morphological composition;

Outline words in 4 or more syllables;

Complete absence of onomatopoeic words;

Words - fragments of nouns, Verbs, adjectives and other parts of speech;

Nominative singular and plural forms in place of other case forms;

Replacement of case endings within the meaning of one case, mixing of cases;

Prepositional constructions with correct case endings;

Prepositional constructions with incorrect case endings;

Original forms of verbs, adjectives and other parts of speech.

In underdeveloped children's speech, agrammatism indicates that some inflectional elements are associated with certain meanings in a child, for example, elements (less often -ax) are associated with the meaning of a set.

Materials of the pathology of children's speech reveal that often, on the way to mastering the correct grammatical form of a word, a child searches through variants of combinations of lexical and grammatical linguistic units. In this case, the selected grammatical form of a word is most often directly dependent on the general level of formation of the lexical-grammatical and syntactic structure of speech.

For example, at different stages of their development, children formulate the answer to the same question in different ways: “Who did you come to us with, did you come with?”

1. "Mom" - a form of response in children who use separate words or sentences from amorphous words-roots.

2. "Mami" - in children, in whose speech individual cases of inflection may take place.

3. "Mom" is a common form of the word at the first stages of mastering inflection.

4. "Mom" (without a preposition) - in cases of relatively developed phrasal speech and relatively developed inflection.

5. "S mom" - in the most severe cases of manifestation of agrammatism.

6. "With mom" - only for children with a sufficiently high level of speech development.

Even with a sufficiently developed phrasal speech, an incorrect combination of word elements is often observed.

Features in the assimilation of prepositional structures. The assimilation of prepositional constructions by children with abnormal speech development takes place in a peculiar way.

In Russian, the meanings expressed by prepositional constructions are extremely diverse and complex. Different inflections are used in combination with different prepositions, which makes it possible to express a variety of meanings.

Let us recall that a characteristic regularity of the normal development of children's speech is that the assimilation of prepositions is carried out only after the most functional elements of the language - inflection - have been mastered.

With speech development disorders, children, without accumulating the necessary set of inflectional elements (in this case, inflections) and without learning to move the word along the inflectional scale, prematurely turn to the reproduction of the most isolated morphological element - the preposition. For a long time they do not notice that preposition and inflection are connected by relations of simultaneity and that their combination represents a certain unity. Inflection and preposition appear for the child in the verbal material perceived by him as variable elements that vary in various combinations with the lexical basis and therefore are not perceived by children

The pathology of children's speech is replete with examples when children mix both inflections and prepositions with each other, since the one-step expression of grammatical meaning through several units - P (preposition) + K (lexical basis) + F (inflection) - is not available to them.

In most cases, the child simplifies the combination of three elements, giving preference to the lexical basis of the word as the most "material" and frequency unit of speech, combining it with an amorphous element that is present in his active vocabulary. In place of prepositions, vowels are often pronounced: "a", "y", "and". The use of these vowels in place of the preposition can be partially explained by the pronunciation abilities of children who omit the consonant sound of the preposition and retain only its "vocal" part: "a" (instead of not), "and" (instead of from), "y" (instead of in ).

However, in most cases, the "vocal" substitute for the preposition is some amorphous preposition, common to many prepositional constructions, in which the child seems to leave, "reserves" a place for the future auxiliary preposition word; he will have to develop from an amorphous preposition-vocal: “akamani” (out of pocket), “atui” (on a chair), “a kayoku” (under the oilcloth).

Many prepositional constructions of anomalous children's speech may indicate a peculiar understanding by children of the meanings of official words: they say "from the bucket" in the meaning - to pour out of the bucket; “Behind the oilcloth” in the meaning - to hide under the oilcloth; "With a knife", "with a ball" in the meaning - to cut with a knife, play ball, ie in the meaning of compatibility of action with an object. (9)

In conclusion, let us say that the combination of verbal elements by children that are incongruous in the grammar system of the language being learned is possible only if these elements are extracted by the child from the linguistic material he perceives as one, which, as psychophysiological studies of recent years have shown, with the processes of analysis and synthesis flowing in the linguistic consciousness of a person.

When speech development is impaired, along with the beginning of the process of dividing verbal forms into morphs and combining the isolated elements into speech sequences, the use of words in a morphologically undifferentiated form continues for a long time, i.e. in the form in which the word form was extracted from the language of others, without restructuring its connection with its own utterance. The coexistence of these two dissimilar phenomena is one of the striking signs of speech dysontogenesis. Undivided into morphs the use of words by a child indicates the predominant action of imitative, reproductive mechanisms of speech. However, the reproductive abilities themselves in children with impaired speech development clearly reveal their inadequacy, which is expressed in a weakened and fragmentary imprinting of verbal material.

Thus, children with speech development disorders have a reduced ability both to perceive differences in the physical characteristics of the elements of the language, and to distinguish the meanings that are contained in the lexical and grammatical units of the language, which, in turn, limits their combinatorial capabilities and abilities necessary for creative use of constructive elements of the native language in the process of constructing a speech utterance.

Interestingly, the same violations of language norms are observed in children. different ages and with different speech diagnoses ("speech underdevelopment", "alalia", "speech delay -", "dysarthria", etc.), that in the process of the development of their speech, some incorrect words "disappear" and others "appear", the number of syllables in reproduced words, the vocabulary expands, the first grammatical constructions are mastered.

The specific manifestations inherent in speech dysontogenesis can be expressed in their entirety, and to a lesser extent, both quickly and slowly eliminated from the child's speech practice.

speech children norm deviation


As in normal, so in pathology, the development of children's speech is a complex and varied process. Children do not immediately and suddenly master the lexical and grammatical structure, the syllable structure of words, sound pronunciation, inflection, etc. Some language groups are acquired earlier, others much later. Therefore, at various stages of the development of children's speech, some elements of the language are already assimilated, while others have not yet been assimilated or assimilated only partially. The assimilation of phonetics is closely related to the general progressive course of the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of the Russian language. Hence such a variety of violations of speaking norms by children.

Until a certain point, children's speech is replete with inaccuracies that indicate the original, unmotivated use of such building material language as morphological elements. Gradually mixed elements of words are delimited by types of declension, conjugation and other grammatical categories, and single, rare forms begin to be used constantly. Gradually, the free use of morphological elements of words is declining and the use of word forms becomes stable, i.e. their lexicalization is carried out.

A child's assimilation of his native language takes place with a strict regularity and is characterized by a number of features common to all children. for the correct diagnosis of speech disorders. In order to understand the pathology of speech, it is necessary to clearly imagine the entire path of consistent speech development of children in the norm, to know the patterns of this process and the conditions on which its successful course depends. In addition, you need to clearly imagine each stage of the child's speech development, each "qualitative leap" in order to notice in time certain deviations in this process. Knowledge of the laws of the development of children's speech in the process of ontogenesis is also necessary in order to correctly build all correctional and educational work to overcome speech pathology.

At the age when the process of speech development has not yet been completed (2 years 6 months - 5 years), the specialist needs to distinguish between what has already been formed in children's speech, what is just beginning to take shape, and some lexico-grammatical and phonetic manifestations should not be expected at all soon. The analysis and assessment of the child's speech activity is impossible if there is no specific data on the formation of children's speech in the norm, since they provide the qualification of speech defects and the choice of rational and economical ways to overcome and prevent deviations in the child's speech development.

It should be noted that the earlier the developmental lag is diagnosed and the necessary corrective and developmental influence is carried out, the less is the expression of the degree of lag in the initial stages of development and the greater the likelihood that further correctional work will give positive results.


1. Arkhipova E.F. Speech therapy work with young children: Textbook. Benefit. - M .: AST: Astrel, 2007.

2. Askarina N.M., Kistyakovskaya M.Yu., Ladygina N.R., Eyges N.R. Development and education of a child from birth to three years. - M., 1969.

3. Belyakova L.I., Dyakova E.A. Stuttering. Textbook for students of pedagogical institutes in the specialty "Speech therapy" - M .: V. Sekachev, 1998.

4. Vinarskaya E.N. Early speech development of a child: Actual problems of defectology. - M., 1992.

5. Vinarskaya E.N. Early speech development of a child and problems of defectology. - M., 1987.

6. Gvozdev A.N. Questions of the study of children's speech. - M .: Publishing house of APN RSFSR, 1961. 7. Gromova O.E., Solomatina G.N. Logopndic examination of children 2-4 years old. Toolkit. - M .: TC Sera, 2004.

8. Efimenkova L.N. Formation of speech in preschoolers. - M., 1981.

9. Zhukova NS Deviations in the development of children's speech. - M., 1994.

10. Zhukova NS Overcoming speech underdevelopment in children: Study guide. - M .: Sots.-polit, zhurn., 1994.

11. Zeeman M. Speech disorders in childhood (translated from Czech) / Ed. and with a foreword. V.K. Trutnev and S.S. Lyapidevsky. M., 1962.

12. Koltsova M.M. The child learns to speak. - M., 1979.

13. Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. Formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. - SPb Union, 2001

14. Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. Correction of general speech underdevelopment in preschoolers (the formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure). –SPb .: SOYUZ, 1999.15. A. A. Leontiev Psycholinguistic units and the generation of speech utterance. - M., 1969.

16. Speech therapy: Textbook. For stud. defectol. fac. ped. higher. study. institutions / Ed. L.S. Volkova, S.N. Shakhovskoy. - 3rd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2003.

17. Lubovsky V.I. The main problems of early diagnosis and early correction of developmental disorders // Defectology. 1994. No. 2

18. Lyamina G.M. Features of the development of speech in children preschool age... - M., 1992.

19. Violation of speech in preschoolers. //Under. ed. R.A. Belova-Davydova, - M., 1997.

20. Fundamentals of speech therapy work with children: A textbook for speech therapists, kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, students of pedagogical schools / Under total. ed. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, prof. G.V. Chirkina. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: ARKTI, 2003.

21. Basics of speech therapy with a workshop on sound pronunciation: Textbook. manual for stud. wednesday ped. educational institutions / M.F. Fomicheva, T.V. Volosovets, E.N. Kutepova and others; Ed. T.V. Volosovets. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002.

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23. Rosengarb - G.I. Pupko Formation of speech in young children. - M.,. 1963.

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25. Filicheva T.B. and others. Basics of speech therapy: Textbook. manual for ped students. in-tov on specials. "Pedagogy and psychology (preschool)" / TB Filicheva, N. A. Cheveleva, G.V. Chirkin. - M .: Education, 1989.

26. Fomicheva M.F. Education in children of correct pronunciation 2nd edition P. - M. 1971

27. Reader on the theory and methods of speech development in preschool children: Textbook. manual for stud. higher. and Wednesday. ped. study. institutions. / comp. MM. Alekseeva, V.I. Yashin. - M .: Academy, 2000

28. Shashkina G.R. and others. Speech therapy work with preschoolers: Textbook. manual for stud. higher. ped. study. institutions / G.R. Shashkina, L.P. Zernova, I.A. Zimin. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003.

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So by the end 1 month In life, a healthy baby already reacts to communication with him: he stops crying, focuses on the adult.

2 month characterized by a smile when communicating, moreover, at 6 weeks it will rather be a kind of "oral attention", at 8 weeks - a natural smile.

3 months. There is a complex of revitalization when communicating with an adult, "humming." Such sounds arise as a reaction to a smile and a conversation between an adult and a child, vowel sounds, as well as consonants, prevail r, k, n .

4 months. The first laugh appears - screeching in response to emotional communication with an adult, and by 16 weeks the laugh becomes prolonged.

5 months. The child reacts to the direction of the sound, "sings", changing the intonation of the voice.

6 months. By this time, a healthy child has the first syllable. ba or ma ... An initial understanding of the addressed speech arises: the child listens to the voice of an adult, reacts correctly to intonation, recognizes familiar voices.

7 months. The kid is already ready for play activities with an adult, uses various vocal responses to attract the attention of others.

8 months. There is a reaction to an unfamiliar face. At this time, one of the most important indicators of the normal development of speech is babbling, i.e. repetition of the same syllables: ba-ba, yes-yes, pa-pa etc. Sounds are used in speech: p, b, m, g, k, e, a .

9 months. The child actively communicates with the help of gestures, happily plays "okay".

10 months. At this stage, the baby uses at least 1-2 "babbling words" (such as lala, baba ) that are understandable in a specific situation.

11 months. Already uses at least 3 "babbling words" that are understandable in a specific situation.

1 year. By this time it is normal developing child already uses 3-4 "babbling words", understands individual words, correlates them with specific objects. Understands simple instructions accompanied by gestures ("kiss mom", "where is dad?", "Give me a pen", "no").

1 year 3 months. The vocabulary increases to 6 words, the child understands a simple instruction without a gesture, shows familiar words in the picture.

1 year 6 months. Shows one of the body parts, vocabulary 7-20 words.

1 year 9 months. Shows three body parts, uses a two-word phrase ("Mom, di!" - "Mom, go!", "Give lyalya" - "Give a doll"). Vocabulary 20 words.

2 years. At this stage, a healthy child shows five body parts, has a vocabulary of at least 50 words. The kid understands and correctly follows the two-step instructions ("go to the kitchen and fetch a cup"), uses pronouns correctly me, you, me , sentences are built from two words. By the age of two, the child is already mastering sounds: p, b, m, f, c, t, d, n, k, g, x ... Whistling sounds ( s, s, c ), hissing ( w, w, h, u ) and sonorous ( p, l ) it usually misses or replaces.

2 years 6 months. Correctly uses pronouns in speech me, you, me ; repeats two digits in the correct sequence, has the concept of "one". The child understands the designation of actions in different situations ("show who is sitting, who is sleeping"), the meaning of prepositions in a familiar concrete situation ("what are you sitting on?"). Pronounces sounds correctly: s, s, l .

3 years. Vocabulary 250-700 words, uses sentences of five to eight words, mastered the plural of nouns and verbs. The child says his name, gender and age; understands the meaning of simple prepositions - performs tasks such as "put a cube under a cup", "put a cube in a box", uses simple prepositions and conjunctions in a sentence because if, when ... The kid understands the read short stories and fairy tales with and without pictures, can evaluate his own and others' pronunciation, asks questions about the meaning of words.

3 to 7 years old.

We remind you that children who are steadily lagging behind by one age period are at risk, and must be consulted by a child psychologist and speech therapist.

4 years. In the speech of a four-year-old baby, complex and complex sentences are already encountered, prepositions are used by, before, instead of, after , unions what, where, how much ... Vocabulary 1500-2000 words, including words denoting temporal and spatial concepts. The child pronounces hissing sounds correctly w, w, h, u as well as sound c ... The softened pronunciation of consonants disappears.

5 years. By the age of five, the child's vocabulary increases to 2500-3000. He actively uses generalizing words ("clothes", "vegetables", "animals", etc.), names a wide range of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. Words no longer contain gaps, permutations of sounds and syllables; the only exceptions are some difficult unfamiliar words (excavator). All parts of speech are used in the sentence. The child masters all the sounds of his native language and uses them correctly in speech.

Between 5 to 7 years old the child's vocabulary increases to 3500 words, figurative words and expressions are actively accumulating in it, stable phrases (not dawn, in haste, etc.) The grammatical rules for changing words and combining them in a sentence are mastered. During this period, the child actively observes the phenomena of the language: he tries to explain words on the basis of their meaning, reflects on the gender of nouns. Thus, language and speech attention, memory, logical thinking and other psychological prerequisites are developed, which are necessary for the further development of the child, his successful schooling.

A child is not born with an established speech. To answer the question of when and how the baby learns to speak - correctly and clearly, like adults, pronounce sounds, connect words with each other, changing them in gender, number, case, build sentences of varying complexity, coherently, consistently express their thoughts - it is not unambiguous. Speech mastery is a complex multilateral mental process, its appearance and further development depends on many factors. Speech begins to form only when the child's brain, auditory and speech-motor apparatus reach a certain level of development. But, even with a sufficiently developed speech apparatus, a formed brain, good physical hearing, a child without a speech environment will never speak. In order for him to have speech, and in the future and develop correctly, a speech environment is needed.

However, this is still not enough for the child to develop speech. It is important that he himself has a need to use speech as the main way of communicating with peers and relatives. In communicating with others, the baby at the initial stages of speech development imitates sounds and words, i.e. "Adjusts" his skill to their pronunciation. Gradually he enriches his vocabulary, he forms the correct pronunciation of sounds, he begins to speak in the same way as adults. But if the baby spoke, only repeating after the people around him, then he would never be able to use speech in various situations. In mastering speech, the language ability of the language is important.

The first year of a child's life is, as it were, a preparatory stage for mastering speech. During this period, the baby develops auditory and visual concentration (he listens to the sounds of speech, seeks and focuses his attention on the source of the sound, on the speaker's face), understanding of speech develops, in the process of humming, babbling, an intensive development of the articulatory apparatus takes place. Communication between a child and an adult is built mainly on an emotional basis, and with the appearance of the first meaningful words - with the help of speech.

In the second year of life understanding of speech of adults, active speech is intensively developing. Up to one and a half years, children do not have phrasal speech. If there is an appropriate situation, this function is performed by a word sentence (for example, a child, asking for a car, says. "BBC"). Such words-sentences, depending on the situation, can express different meanings, and they appear in children at 1 year 3 months - 1 year 8 months.

From the second half of the second year, the child increasingly begins to use two-word sentences ("Mom, BBC"). and at 1 year 10 months he uses two-, four-word sentences, but the words in such sentences are not grammatically connected yet.

The number of spoken words that a child uses by the end of the second year varies from 100 to 300 words for different children.

Some children develop grammatical relations between words, agreement of a noun with a verb, and a change in the noun's case ending. However, prepositions and conjunctions are still missing in the sentence. Most of the phrases uttered by the child are structured agrammatically, not always accessible to the understanding of the listener.

At this age, children quite clearly begin to pronounce such vowel sounds as a, y, and, o, but the sounds s, y are replaced by the sounds u, e; most consonants still either do not pronounce at all, or pronounce them incorrectly, replacing them with sounds that are simpler in articulation. A number of hard consonants are replaced by soft ones. Basically, this refers to the sounds t, d, s, z "dyai" instead of dai, "syanki" instead of sled), there are no hissing sounds, sounds l, ry, r.

In the third year of life vocabulary increases 3-4 times. The child knows the names of many objects around him. He begins to use verbs, pronouns, prepositions.

At this age, the child is able to perceive simple, small-sized fairy tales, stories close to his life experience, can answer some questions about their content.

Despite all the achievements in the development of the speech of children of the third year of life, they still do not pronounce many words clearly and correctly, which is why speech as a whole is not always clear to others. Having already sufficiently developed phonemic perception (children no longer mix words that are similar in sound, sometimes differing only in one sound), the kids try to "adjust" their pronunciation to the generally accepted one. But they do not always succeed, and they replace the missing sounds with others that are easier to pronounce, for example: r and l are replaced with the sounds and or l. hissing and hard whistling sounds - with soft whistling sounds, and sometimes with sounds t, d ("syuba. tyuba" instead of a fur coat, "syanki tyanki" instead of a sled, "zyk, hatch" instead of a beetle).

In pronouncing polysyllabic words, children continue to experience difficulties: they cannot always preserve the syllabic structures) words (shorten words), rearrange syllables, replace or omit individual sounds.

Children may not always be able to use the vocal apparatus correctly (for example, they cannot answer questions loudly enough and at the same time speak quietly when the situation requires it).

In children of the fourth year of life there is a noticeable improvement in pronunciation, speech becomes more distinct. Children know well and correctly name the objects of the immediate environment: the names of toys, dishes, clothes, furniture. In addition to nouns and verbs, they begin to use more widely other parts of speech: adjectives, adverbs, prepositions. The beginnings of monologue speech appear. In speech, simple, but already common sentences prevail, children use complex and complex sentences, but very rarely Initiative to communication more and more often comes from the child.

By the end of the fourth year In life, the pronunciation of children is significantly improved, the correct pronunciation of whistling sounds is fixed, hissing sounds begin to appear, in some children - sounds r, l. However, most children still have some imperfections in sound pronunciation: the absence of hissing, sounds p, l, which is not yet a pathology in the child's speech development. At this age, children can make mistakes, wrongly use stress, shorten polysyllabic words.

The child has a fifth year of life there are significant advances in mental and speech development. An increase in the active vocabulary (from 2500 to 3000 words by the end of the year) creates an opportunity for the child to build his statements more fully, to express his thoughts more accurately. Children begin to master monologue speech.

At this age, children gravitate towards rhyme.

The child is able to recognize by ear the presence of a particular sound in a word, to pick up words for a given sound. A sufficiently developed speech hearing of a child makes it possible for him to distinguish in the speech of adults an increase and decrease in the volume of the voice, to notice the acceleration and deceleration of the tempo of speech, to catch various means of expression.They can themselves reproduce various intonations. By the end of the fifth year of life, many children pronounce all the sounds of their native language correctly; however, some have a distorted pronunciation of some sounds.

In the sixth year of life the improvement of all aspects of the child's speech continues. Everything becomes cleaner pronunciation, more detailed phrases, more precisely statements. The dictionary grows by 1000-1200 words per year. Increasingly, generalizing nouns, adjectives denoting material, properties of the state of objects appear in the child's speech.

The child masters the grammatical structure and uses it much freely. At this age, the child is already able to independently reveal the content of the picture; but when composing a story based on it, he still often concentrates his attention mainly on the main details, and often omits the secondary ones.

However, grammatical errors are still encountered in the speech of children: incorrect agreement of nouns with adjectives in indirect cases, the use of some plural nouns in the genitive case (“pears” instead of pears), a change in the cases of non-declining nouns (“There is a clock on the piano”).

In the seventh year of life, a child's speech becomes more and more precise in terms of structure, rather detailed, logically consistent. When retelling, describing objects, the clarity of the presentation is noted, the completeness of the statement is felt.

In the process of verbal communication, children use both simple and complex sentences. Children correctly coordinate words, use case endings.

The pronunciation side of speech reaches a fairly high level. The child correctly pronounces all the sounds of his native language, pronounces phrases clearly and distinctly, speaks loudly, but depending on the situation, he can speak quietly and even in a whisper, he knows how to change the tempo of speech, taking into account the content of the utterance.

Most children at this age have a sufficiently developed phonemic perception, the skills of sound analysis of words (they can select sounds in words, select words for certain sounds, establish a sequence of sounds in words, divide words into syllables, sentences into words, etc.).

However, even at this age, children are not always able to accurately use words; speech is not always flawless and grammatically correct. The reason lies in the complexity of the grammatical system of the Russian language.

Some children may have shortcomings in the sound design of words: incorrect pronunciation of sounds (more often whistling, hissing, sounds p and l), fuzzy or indistinct pronunciation of words, inaccurate use of stress, etc.

In preschool childhood, naturally, the process of mastering speech does not end for the child. The enrichment of the vocabulary, the development of grammatically correct speech, the improvement of the ability to express one's thoughts with the help of speech, to convey the content of a work of art in an interesting and expressive manner will continue in school years, throughout life.

teacher speech therapist
Abramova L.A.

Knowledge of the stages of development of children's speech allows parents to notice deviations in the child's speech development in time and contact a specialist in a timely manner. The earlier the correction is started, the more successfully the defect is overcome.

0 to 12 months

1 month. By the end of the first month of life, a healthy child already reacts to the interaction of an adult with him: he stops crying, focuses his attention on the adult.
2 month. A smile appears when communicating, at 1.5 months it will rather be a kind of "oral attention", and by two months - a natural smile.
3 months. A complex of revitalization appears when communicating with an adult, active "humming" (this is the first stage of babbling). Such sounds arise as a reaction to a smile and a conversation between an adult and a baby, mostly vowel sounds, as well as consonants k, n, g .
4 months. During this period, the first laughter occurs - squealing in response to emotional communication with a close adult, and by the end of the fourth month the laughter becomes quite long. The child begins to distinguish between close adults and react differently to their approach.
5 months.
The child begins to respond to the direction of the sound (looking for the source of the sound and focuses his attention on it, for example, on the speaker's face. At this age, children begin to recognize non-speech sounds: a phone call, the noise of a car, a dog barking). "Sings" by changing the intonation of his voice.
6 months. A healthy baby has the first syllables ma or ba ... The child develops an initial understanding of addressed speech, he listens to the voice of an adult, reacts to intonation, recognizes familiar voices.
7 months. The child is ready for play activities with an adult, uses various vocal responses to attract attention, and shows interest in sounding toys.
8 months. The kid begins to react to an unfamiliar face. During this period, one of the main indicators of the normal development of speech is babbling, i.e. repetition of the same syllables: Mother, yes-yes, ba-ba, pa-pa etc. But the child cannot yet correlate the spoken words with objects or people. There are sounds in speech: e, a, p, b, m, g, k .
9 months. The kid is already actively communicating with those around him with the help of gestures, plays with pleasure "peek-a-boo" and "goodies".
10 months. At this stage, the baby uses at least 1-2 "babbling words" ( lala, boba ) that are understandable only in a specific situation.
11 months. Already uses three or more "babbling words" that are understandable in a specific situation. A child can put different meanings into one and the same word, replacing whole sentences with them ("pi" - to drink, water, a mug, etc.).
12 months. By this age, a normally developing child uses 8-12 "babbling words", understands the most frequently used words, correlates them with specific objects. Understands simple instructions accompanied by gestures ("where is the kitty?", "Give me a pen", "give me a cube"). Knows his name. Likes to imitate the sounds of various objects and the voices of animals. Laughs with pleasure. Understands over 20 words.

1 to 7 years old

1 year 3 months. The vocabulary increases to 20 words., The child understands a simple instruction without a gesture, shows familiar words in the picture.
1 year 6 months. Shows some parts of the body, uses about 50 words in speech.
1 year 9 months. Uses two-word phrases ("Mom, di!" - "Mom, go!", "Gimme" - "Gimme a bear").
2 years. At this stage, a healthy child shows all the main parts of the body, his vocabulary is 200-400 words, mostly nouns denoting well-known objects, as well as verbs denoting simple actions. The child understands and correctly follows the two-step instruction ("go to the table and take the book"), correctly uses pronouns in speech me, you, me ... By the age of two, the child is already mastering sounds: p, b, m, d, n, t, k, f, g, x, c ... Whistling ( s, s, c ), hissing sounds ( w, w, h, u ) and sonorous ( p, l ) it skips or replaces with simpler ones. Incorrect pronunciation of many sounds is characteristic (this is a physiological norm). Understand the meanings of spatial prepositions ("Put on the table", etc.).
2 years 6 months. Uses sentences of 2 - 3 - 4 words. Complicated non-union sentences. Repeats two digits "one", "two" in the correct order, has an idea of ​​the number "one". Knows how to use diminutive forms of words. The child understands the designation of actions in different situations ("show who is standing, who is swimming"), the meaning of prepositions in a familiar concrete situation ("what is the book on?").
3 years. The vocabulary is growing rapidly, it can be 1000-1500 words. Often, children create their own rules of speech, words ("half-friend"). Makes sentences of 5 - 8 words, nouns and verbs can be used in the plural. The child says his name, gender and age; understands the meaning of simple prepositions - performs tasks such as "put a cube under the table", "put a cube in a basket", uses simple prepositions and conjunctions in a sentence because if, when ... The child understands the read short stories and fairy tales with and without pictures. Remembers text well and reproduces it. Begins to ask questions about the meaning of words. Names colors, shapes of objects.

4 years. The vocabulary is 2000 words. Complex and complex sentences are already encountered in speech, prepositions are used by, before, instead of, after , unions what, where, how much ... Words denoting temporal and spatial concepts appear. The pronunciation of many sounds has been normalized. But there are mixtures of sibilants and sibilants and may be absent. R and l.

5 years. The vocabulary increases to 2500-3000. The child actively uses generalizing words ("vegetables", "clothes", "animals", etc.), names many objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. The sentence uses all parts of speech. All speech sounds are pronounced correctly. Determines the right - left in oneself, but not in others. Knows simple antonyms (good - evil, big - small). Uses past, present and future tense in speech. Can count to 10. Knows the purpose of objects and can tell what they are made of. The ability to extract sound from a word appears.
from 5 to 7 years old. In the dictionary of up to 4000 words, figurative words and expressions, stable phrases are actively accumulating (in haste, dawn, etc.) The child knows how to tell and retell, tries to express his attitude to what is being told. Uses complex sentences, abstract and abstract concepts in speech.

The assimilation of the grammatical rules for changing words and combining them in a sentence begins. Thus, at this age, language and speech attention, logical thinking, memory and various other psychological prerequisites necessary for successful schooling develops.