Classes with hyperactive children 5-6 years old. Correctional games, exercises and activities for hyperactive children of preschool and primary school age

BBK 88.8 A 88

Artsishevskaya I. L.

A 88 Work of a psychologist with hyperactive children in kindergarten. Ed. 2nd, add. - M .: Knigolyub, 2005 .-- 64 p. (Psychological service.)

ISBN 5-93927-073-5

When making the necessary additions, this cycle of classes can be used in correctional and developmental work with primary school students.

The manual is addressed to practical psychologists and other professionals who provide assistance to children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

BBK 88.8 ISBN 5-93927-073-5


Recently, parents, educators and teachers are increasingly faced with children whose physical activity goes beyond the concept of a simply mobile child. Most children preschool age differs in mobility, impulsivity, spontaneity and emotionality, but at the same time they can carefully listen to an adult and follow his instructions.

It is difficult to establish contact with hyperactive children simply because they are in constant motion: they do not walk, but run, do not sit, but fidget, do not stand, but spin or climb somewhere, do not laugh, but laugh, get down to business or run away without listening to the task to the end. Their attention is absent-minded, their eyes wander, it is difficult to catch a glance.

Parents complain that the child does not give them peace - he constantly interferes in the conversations of adults, something happens to him all the time, and in order to achieve obedience, you have to raise your voice, but remarks and punishments do not bring results.

During collective lessons, such children often jump up from their seats, do not understand what the educator or teacher wants from them, and cannot complete the tasks to the end. The hyperactive child receives the most comments, shouts, "negative attention"; he disturbs other children and usually falls into the ranks of the "outcasts." Claiming leadership, these children do not know how to subordinate their behavior to the rules or to yield to others and, as a result, cause numerous conflicts in the children's collective.

Hyperactive behavior begins to appear in most cases after the age of four and continues until adolescence. However, some people in adulthood continue to retain the traits of hyperactivity: excessive mobility, fussiness, impulsivity, emotionality and talkativeness.

The most difficult period in the life of hyperactive children is associated with entering school. Despite the fact that after the age of seven, children become more diligent, the problems continue, and the so-called "attention deficit" comes to the fore. It is difficult for students with hyperactivity to focus and keep it on one thing; it is difficult to remember and follow the teacher's instructions without being distracted by extraneous stimuli. For several decades, both in our country and abroad, biochemical studies of the work of the brain of such children were carried out, as a result of which a decrease in metabolic activity in the frontal and middle lobes of the brain, that is, in those areas that are responsible for controlling behavior, was revealed. Thus, one should not blame the child for the lack of desire or volitional efforts ("maybe, but does not want to1"), it is necessary to understand that the problems associated with his education and upbringing are the result of altered biochemical activity of the brain structures ("wants, tries, but can not!").

In domestic medicine, children with insufficient maturity of certain areas of the brain are diagnosed with "minimal cerebral dysfunction" (MMD) and associate it with certain "harms" experienced by the fetus during the mother's pregnancy and childbirth. Children with MMD are less resistant to stress, their mental performance is reduced, motor awkwardness, increased fatigue, and excessive sensitivity are observed; boys may be hyperactive, aggressive, stubborn.

Observations of scientists have shown that MMD is more often accompanied by a decrease in attention and mental performance, and only some children have hyperactivity. However, hyperactive children always suffer from attention deficit disorder. In recent years, specialists in such cases have diagnosed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In 1997-1999 this syndrome was detected in every fifth preschooler in central Russia (according to I.P. Bryazgunov).

What help can psychologists provide in identifying attention disorders in children, combined with hyperactivity?

First, it is necessary to advise parents to take their child to a consultation with a neuropsychiatrist to make an accurate diagnosis and differentiate ADHD from a number of conditions and diseases in which similar external manifestations are observed.

Secondly, it is necessary to explain to teachers that a hyperactive child is not “harmful” or “bad”, it is simply more difficult for him than for other children to restrain his motor activity, he is not to blame for this. In dealing with a hyperactive child, the educator should try to observe the following rules:

=> do not "notice" small pranks, restrain irritation and do not shout at the child, as the excitement increases from the noise;

=> if necessary, use positive physical contact: take the child by the hand, pat on the head, hug him;

=> sit at the first desk during class to reduce distractions;

=> in the middle of the lesson, give the opportunity to move: ask to pick up something, bring something, offer to wipe the board, etc.;

=> Praise for every manifestation of restraint, self-control, openly show your delight if he brought something to the end.

When conducting meetings with parents of children with ADHD, the psychologist should popularly describe the causes and signs of the syndrome, convince the parents that only persistent, consistent and special educational methods can smooth out the manifestations of this condition. The psychologist invites parents to read the list of signs of ADHD (see Appendix) and mark those that are manifested in the child's behavior. This will help parents understand that they are not alone in their "struggle", that they have special - active, curious, creative - children who need help to master their own behavior. A psychologist needs to set up parents to work with a child for a long time, sometimes up to adolescence, to give each one “Recommendations for parents of hyperactive children” (see Appendix). After this meeting, parents must come to the conviction that consistent and calm teaching the child to work attentively, to restrain his impulsive desires and reactions is the main therapeutic and educational task that will ultimately lead to success.

Kindergarten psychologists can contribute to raising hyperactive children. In their arsenal there are enough games aimed at the development of voluntary processes and attention. An equally important factor is the collectivity of games, their competitive nature, which creates additional motivation for children to master their behavior.

The course, consisting of 16 remedial sessions, is intended for older preschool children.

The number of children attending classes is 5-8 people.

The reason for enrolling a child in a correctional group is: a doctor's diagnosis, a psychologist's conclusion, observations and reviews of educators, the wishes of the parents.

In addition to the hyperactive, the correctional group may include insecure, impulsive and inattentive children, as well as one balanced child. The latter serves as an example to follow (but without excessive praise for his exemplary behavior). Insecure, fearful children get the opportunity to be more active, and at the same time, their safety is guarded by rules that are mandatory for all members of the group.

Before starting the main course of classes, it is advisable to carry out individual work with hyperactive children aimed at developing attention or controlling impulsivity.

Group lessons can be held in the morning or in the afternoon. The duration of the lesson is 30 minutes. Each of the correctional lessons includes games for the development of attention, control over impulsivity and control of motor activity, psycho-gymnastic and body-oriented exercises. (The need to introduce the latter is explained by the fact that, according to the observations of physicians and psychologists, hyperactive children not only poorly control their behavior, but also poorly control their own body, do not sufficiently feel parts of the body.)

At the beginning of each stage of the lesson, the recommended duration of its completion is given.

Classes are best done in the music room - it is spacious enough, there is carpeted flooring and at the same time there are few distractions.

For better organization, the introduction of the group into the hall and removal from it is carried out in the form of a game of "Train": the children line up in a column one after another. The first of the children is a "train", the rest are "trailers". Children put their hands on the shoulders of those in front - "the trailers are linked", and, making the sounds "Tu-tu", "the train enters" or "leaves" the hall.

Psychocorrectional work requires a long time and, of course, more sessions. This complex should be considered as indicative, from the individual parts of which additional lessons can be composed. Children are happy to play the same games many times, and the benefits of the proposed games also lie in the fact that they allow them to train insufficiently developed mental functions.



=> building relationships between the psychologist and the group and the children with each other;

=> development of coordination of movements;

=> development of emotional and expressive movements.

Materials for the lesson: medium-sized ball.

1. Exercises from "Yoga gymnastics for kids" (see Appendix) (2-3 min).

2. Exercise "Walk in the woods" (7 min).

The psychologist invites the children to take a walk in an imaginary forest. Children repeat the psychologist's movements: they walk quietly, on tiptoe so as not to wake up the bear, step over the deadwood, move sideways along a narrow path around which nettles grow, carefully step along a shaky bridge thrown over a stream, jump over bumps in a swamp, bend over, collecting mushrooms and flowers, reaching up for nuts, etc.

■ You can ask the children what they know about mushrooms, flowers, trees, etc.

« The stone and the traveler "(5 minutes).

The psychologist says that after a walk you need to rest. Invites some of the children to become "stones", and others - "travelers". Children, who represent stones, sink to the floor, clasp their knees with their hands and sit motionless, tense. Each of the "travelers" sits down, leaning back on the back of a child depicting a stone. Then the children switch roles.

■ At the end of the exercise, the psychologist asks the children: were the “stones” comfortable or uncomfortable, hard or soft?

4. Game "Pay attention!"(5 minutes).

Children stand in a circle. The psychologist takes the ball and enters the center of the circle. He calls out the names of the children and throws the ball. The child, upon hearing his name, must catch the ball and throw it back. = The game is played at a fast pace.

5. Exercise "Pass motion"(5 minutes).

Children stand in a circle and, at the signal of a psychologist, pretend that they are passing a large ball, a heavy weight, a hot pancake, a flower, etc. to each other.

■ The exercise is performed silently.

6. Final stage (3-5 min).


=> development of arbitrariness and self-control;

=> development of attention, observation and imagination;

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder; cassette with calm music; easel (stand); blackboard and chalk (a sheet of Whatman paper and felt-tip pens); stick (length - 30 cm).

1. Exercises from "Yoga gymnastics for kids "(see Appendix) (2-3 min).

2. Game "Picture a phenomenon"(8 minutes).

The psychologist and children list the signs of autumn: the wind is blowing, trees are swaying, leaves are falling, it is raining, puddles are forming.

The psychologist shows movements that correspond to these phenomena:

"The wind is blowing" - blowing with stretched lips.

"Trees are swaying" - shakes outstretched arms.

"Leaves are falling" - performs smooth movements with his hands from top to bottom.

"It's raining" - performs small movements with his hands from top to bottom.

"Puddles appear" - closes his hands in a ring in front of him.

When the children remember the shown movements, the rules of the game are explained: while the music is playing, the children run, dance, as soon as the music stops, the children stop and listen to what the psychologist will name. Children should perform movements that are appropriate for this phenomenon.

3. Game "Aircraft"(2-3 minutes).

Children squat far from each other - "planes at the airfield." The psychologist says:

- The planes hummed, hummed, hummed, rose and flew.

The children hum at first quietly, then louder, get up and start running around the hall, spreading their arms to the sides.

- We flew, flew and sat down.

Children squat down, waiting for the psychologist's commands. This is done several times. At the end of the game "planes fly to the sea" - children sit on chairs or lie down on the carpet so as not to hurt each other.

4. Exercise "Annoying fly"(2 minutes). The psychologist says:

- Imagine that you are lying on the beach, the sun warms you up, you don't want to move. Suddenly a fly flew in and sat on the forehead. Move your eyebrows to chase the fly away. A fly is circling near the eyes - blink them, flies from cheek to cheek- inflate each cheek in turn, sitting on the chin- move your jaw, etc.

5. Exercise "One two Three- speak! " (10-12 min). Children sit on high chairs. In front of them is an easel on which a small board is installed (or a large sheet of thick paper is attached). The psychologist draws the seashore, waves, seagulls, a steamer. Then he calls one of the children and in a whisper invites him to add an addition to the drawing (depict a cloud, a boat, a pebble on the shore, another bird, etc.). The easel is turned over, the called child follows the instruction, and the drawing is shown to the children again. The psychologist asks the children to determine what new detail has appeared in the picture and name it, but only after the command is heard: “One, two, three - speak!”. = The picture is supplemented one by one by all the children.

6. Exercise "One big animal"(2 minutes). The children and the psychologist stand in a circle and join hands. The psychologist says:

- Imagine that we are- one big animal. Let's all breathe: step forward- inhale, step back - exhale.

The exercise is repeated 3 times.

7. The final stage(2-3 minutes).


=> development of arbitrariness and self-control;

=> development of attention and imagination;

ð removal of psycho-emotional stress;

ð development of emotional and expressive movements;

=> development and improvement of communication skills.

Materials for the lesson: three to four medium-sized cubes.

1. Game "Forbidden movement"(5 minutes). Children stand in a semicircle opposite the psychologist. The psychologist says:

-I will be showing various movements. You will repeat all but one movement.

First, the psychologist shows different movements (for example, arms up, to the sides, etc.). Children repeat them.

The psychologist then names and shows a “forbidden” movement (such as bouncing) that children should not repeat. A signal is given to start the game. Children repeat all the movements of the psychologist, except for the "forbidden" one.

■ Mistakes usually cause violent emotional reactions, laughter, but children should not be taken out of the game.

2. Game "Zoo" (8-10 min). The psychologist says:

- Now try to depict the movements of various animals. If I clap my hands one time- jump like bunnies, clap twice- waddle like bears, clap three times- “Transform” into storks that can stand on one leg for a long time. We start the game.

3. Exercise "I am carrying a cube and will not drop it"(10 min). At a distance of 5-6 meters from each other, two rows of chairs are placed (according to the number of children).

Children are divided into two teams. Each team occupies a row of chairs.

The psychologist places cubes in the palms of the children in one of the teams. Children must, marching like robots, carry the cubes, hand them over to the members of the other team and return to their place. Children who receive the cubes do the same.

■ If the children can easily cope with the task, the cube is placed on the back of the hand or on the head. At the same time, the nature of the movements changes - children should move smoothly.

4. Exercise "Humpty Dumpty"(2-3 minutes).

Children stand in a circle at arm's length from each other and turn the body to the right and left. At the same time, the arms hang freely along the body.

The psychologist says: - Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty collapsed in his sleep. Children squat or fall on the carpet.

5. The final stage(2-3 minutes).

Children sit on the floor in a circle. The psychologist asks the children to say which task was the most difficult today. Children, passing the cube to each other, alternately express their opinion.


=> development of arbitrariness and self-control;

=> development of attention and imagination;

=> development of coordination of movements;

=> removal of psycho-emotional stress;

=> development of emotional and expressive movements;


=> development of group cohesion and trust of children to each other.

Materials for the lesson: ball.

1. Exercise "Let's tell and show"

The fingers of the right hand are alternately bent.

We can show everything!

They clap their hands rhythmically.

These are the elbows- Let's touch on them.

Clasp both elbows with palms.

To the right, to the left we swing.

These are the shoulders- Let's touch on them.

Place the hands on the shoulders.

To the right, to the left we swing.

Tilts to the right and left.

If we swing forward, then we will touch our knees.

Bends forward, touch the knees.

One two three four five!

The fingers of the left hand are alternately bent.

We can show everything!

They clap their hands rhythmically.

2. Game "Pass the ball"(8-10 minutes). Children stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other with their eyes closed.

■ You can modify the game: the psychologist closes his eyes, and the children (with their eyes open) silently pass the ball to each other. As soon as the psychologist says “Stop!”, The ball remains in the hands of one of the children. The psychologist, without opening his eyes, tries to guess who has the ball.

3. Body-oriented exercise "Pump and Ball"(5 minutes).

The psychologist invites children to split into pairs. One of the children depicts a ball, the other a pump. Each child performs movements in accordance with the assigned role.

"The ball is deflated" - the child is squatting.

“The pump inflates the ball” - the child makes the appropriate movements with his hands, accompanying them with the sounds “S-s-s…”.

"The ball is getting bigger" - the child gradually gets up, puffs out his cheeks, raises his hands up.

"The pump stops working" - the child pretends to pull out the hose.

"The ball deflates again" - the child slowly sits down, releases air from his cheeks, lowers his arms.

The exercise is repeated several times, then the children change roles.

4. Game "A locomotive with a name."

Children sit on high chairs located in one row against the wall. The child who will be the first to portray the train is selected using a counting machine.

“The train sets off” - the child gets up from the chair and slowly runs in a circle, alternately working with his arms bent at the elbows and saying: “Chukh-chukh-chukh”. Having made a circle, the "little train" stops near one of the children and pronounces his name.

The named child becomes a "train" and stands in front, and the first child becomes a "wagon". Now the two of them "go" in a circle with the words "Guh-guh-guh" and, "approaching" the children, choose a new "train".

The game ends after the last of the children depicts the "train".

S Children repeat the name of the child, who is representing the "train", while he runs in a circle.

If necessary, the psychologist asks the "train" to move more slowly so that the "trailers" do not unhook.

"Clowns"(2-3 minutes).

Children stand in a circle and raise their hands up. At the command of the psychologist, the following movements are sequentially performed:

hands go down;

arms bend at the elbows;

hands relax and fall down;

the body bends, the head goes down;

knees bend, children squat down.

Children sit on the floor in a circle. The psychologist asks the children to tell them which exercise they liked. Children passing the ball to each other alternately share their impressions.


=> development of arbitrariness and self-control;

=> development of attention and memory;

=> development of thinking and imagination;

=> development of emotional and expressive movements;

=> removal of psycho-emotional stress;

=> development and improvement of communication skills.

Materials for the lesson: sheets of thick paper and felt-tip pens.

1. Game "Space travel" (10 min).

Children stand next to the chairs along the wall in one row.

The psychologist says:

- Imagine that you turned into astronauts, and the chairs- into the rocket. You have to go on a journey to another planet. Put on your spacesuits.

Children pretend to be wearing spacesuits.

- The suits are on. The cosmonaut crew makes a lap of honor before boarding the rocket.

Children, walking one after another, go around the hall.

The psychologist reminds them that they are wearing large spacesuits, so they need to walk slowly, with their legs wide apart.

- The astronauts take their places in the rocket. Children sit on high chairs.

- Attention! 5 seconds left before the start. The countdown begins: "Five, four, three, two, one, start!"

Children imitate the sound of engines.

In the course of the game, you can invite children to “experience overloads (lean back, snuggle against the back of a chair, strain the nights and arms) and depict a person in weightlessness (get up from chairs, perform slow, smooth movements).

- General readiness is announced. Before you is an unknown planet. The rocket is landing.

Children pretend to buckle up. They put their hands on their knees, throw their heads back, and strain the muscles of the body.

- Congratulations. The landing was successful. Children relax their muscles.

- You will now land on an unfamiliar planet. Be careful. You have to tell all the inhabitants of the Earth about what you will see.

Children get up from the chairs, legs wide apart, walk around the hall, carefully looking around.

- Attention! This is the command post. All astronauts need to return to the spacecraft.

Children sit on high chairs.

- Stay focused, soon you will be in touch with the Earth.

Children lower their heads and close their eyes.

2. Exercise "Interview"(2-3 minutes). The psychologist says:

- The land is in touch. You have to answer the journalists' questions. Answer in chorus, but remember that the Earth is very far away, the sound will not reach immediately, but after 3 seconds, so you need to speak only after counting “One, two, three”. Is everyone ready? Let's start!

- Are the astronauts healthy? One two Three!

- Are there people on the planet?

- What color is the sky?

- Is there water?

- Are there any animals?

- Do you want to go home?

■ You can think of any questions related to the description of the room.

3. Exercise "Rostok"(2-3 minutes). The psychologist says:

- Now imagine that you have planted trees on the planet. Show how they will grow.

Children get up from the chairs and squat down.

The exercise is repeated several times. At the end, the psychologist asks which trees each child has planted.

4. Exercise "Swimmers"(2-3 minutes). The psychologist says:

-It's time to head back. Children sit on high chairs, imitate the sound of engines.

- The rocket is approaching the Earth. We sit down. What happened? We did not land, but “splashed down”. The rocket was at sea. We'll have to get out of it and swim to the shore.

Children get up from the chairs and, imitating the movements of swimmers, run around the hall and sit down.

5. Drawing on a given topic (10-12 minutes).

Sheets of thick paper and felt-tip pens are distributed to children.

- Imagine and draw what each of you could (would like) to see while traveling on an unfamiliar planet.

Children carry out the task.


=> development of arbitrariness and self-control;

=> development of attention, observation and memory;

=> removal of psycho-emotional stress;

Materials for the lesson: red, yellow and green circles; screen; stick (length - 30 cm).

1. Outdoor play "Traffic lights"(.5 minutes).

Children put their hands on each other's shoulders, walk around the hall and hum, imitating a bus. The psychologist, depicting a traffic light, shows the "bus" circles of different colors. When the red circle is shown, the children should stop, the yellow one - "hum" and march in place, the green one - keep moving.

- And now each of you will be the driver of your own car. Pay close attention to traffic signals and follow traffic rules.

Children, posing as motorists, move around the hall and follow the traffic lights.

■ For violation of traffic rules, you can “put the car in the parking lot” - put the child on the highchair.

2. Game "Attentive eyes"(5-7 minutes). The psychologist says:

- You drove, drove and arrived at school. Let's see how attentive you are, how well you know each other.

The psychologist offers one of the children to hide behind a screen or curtain. The rest of the children take turns answering questions: what is his hair, eyes, pants or dress, etc.

The exercise is repeated several times.

3. Exercise "Do you know the numbers?"(2-3 minutes). The psychologist says:

- Well done, you are all very attentive. Now let's see if you know the numbers. You need to answer in chorus, but only after my command.

The psychologist draws some figure in the air, and after a while gives the command: "Speak!" The children answer in unison.

4. Exercise "Let's tell and show." The psychologist says:

- The break began. Stand near the chairs, listen carefully to the rhyme and follow the movements it says.

Together we walk merrily

And raise our knees.

We will clench our fingers into a fist

And we will remove the back.

Hands to the sides, forward

And turn right.

Hands to the sides and down

And turn left.

Children, following the movements mentioned in the text, sit on the chairs.

5. Exercise "Do you know the letters?"(2-3 minutes). (The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one - see point 3.)

6. Exercise "Who per who is it worth? "(5-7 minutes). The psychologist says:

- You are very attentive, you know the letters, you know the numbers, now let's see how you memorize.

The children are lined up one after the other, and one child is asked to leave the line and take a close look at the children. Then he turns away and, remembering who is behind whom, reproduces the names of the children in order.

■ You can invite the children to change places, and the driver - to arrange everyone as before.

7. Body-oriented exercise "Barbell"(3 min).

The psychologist invites children to attend a physical education lesson and imagine that they are lifting a heavy barbell. Children spread their legs wide and strain them. Bend forward and clench their hands into fists. Slowly straighten, bending tense arms at the elbows, jerkily raise an imaginary barbell, then lower it down and relax the muscles.

8. The final stage(2-3 minutes).

Children sit on the floor in a circle. The psychologist asks the children to say which task was the most difficult today. Children, passing each other "magic wand", one by one express their opinion.


=> development of attention and voluntary behavior;

=> prevention of fears;

=> development of orientation in space and tactile sensations;

=> development of speech and imagination;

=> development of emotional and expressive movements;

=> removal of emotional stress;

=> development and improvement of communication skills.

Materials for the lesson: scarf; a cloth bag and 7-8 small toys; ball.

1. Game "Zhmurki" (8-10 minutes).

The driver is selected with the help of the reader. The psychologist blindfolded him with a scarf. The driver's task is to catch one of the players. The caught child becomes the new driver, the game continues.

Every child should be in the role of a driver. If the player is "caught" for the second time, he is offered to sit on a chair, and a new driver is chosen by a psychologist.

2. Exercise "Sipes"(2 minutes).

Children gather in a circle, squat down and close their eyes.

The psychologist says:

- So we woke up, stretched sweetly.

Children open their eyes, stand up slowly, stretch their arms forward, then raise them up, take them behind their heads and rise on their toes.

- They stretched sweetly, smiled at each other. Children stand on their feet, put their hands down.

The exercise is repeated several times.

3. Exercise "Lemon"(2 minutes).

The psychologist invites the children to imagine that they have a lemon in their right hand, from which they need to squeeze juice. Children squeeze their right hand into a fist as much as possible, then relax it.

A similar exercise is performed with the left hand, then the children sit on the chairs.

4. Exercise "Magic bag"(5 minutes).

Children examine 7-8 small toys. The psychologist, unnoticed by the children, puts one of the toys in a cloth bag and says:

- Feel the bag and guess what is in it. Children take turns feeling the toy in the bag and express their assumptions. The psychologist takes out the toy and shows it to the children. The game is played several times.

5. Exercise "Describe the toy" (10 min). The psychologist puts all the toys in a bag. Each child in turn comes to the bag, takes out one of the toys and composes a story-description about it.

■ If you have any difficulties, you can ask the children questions: "What is the toy made of?", "What color is it?", "What does it consist of (what does it have)?", "How can you play with it?"

6. The final stage(2-3 minutes).

Children sit on the floor in a circle. The psychologist asks the children to say which exercise they liked. Children passing the ball to each other alternately share their impressions.


=> development of arbitrariness and self-control;

=> development of attention and observation;

=> developing trust in another;

=> development of orientation in space;

=> development of emotional and expressive movements;

=> removal of psycho-emotional stress;

=> development and improvement of communication skills.

Materials for the lesson: scarf; easel (stand); blackboard and chalk (a sheet of Whatman paper and felt-tip pens); pointer.

1. Body-oriented exercise "The blind man and the guide" (10 min).

The psychologist places several chairs around the room and divides the children into pairs.

One of the children in the couple will play the role of the blind, the other - the guide.

The "blind man" is blindfolded, the "guide" takes him by the hand and leads him around the hall, bypassing the chairs.

Then the children switch roles.

The rest of the children ("spectators") are watching the couple.

S After each child has played different roles, you can ask: “Whom I liked to be more -“ guide ”or“ blind ”. Why?"

2. The game "Flies - not flies ”(3-5 minutes).

Everyone stands in a circle. The psychologist names different subjects. Children should only raise their hands up when the psychologist pronounces the name of an object that can fly.

■ The psychologist, provoking children, raises his hands up when pronouncing each word.

3. Drawing a person together and the game "What has changed?" (10-12 min).

Children sit on high chairs. In front of them is an easel on which a small board is installed (or a large sheet of thick paper is attached).

The psychologist draws the head of a man. Then the children take turns approaching the easel, whispering the part of the body that needs to be painted (neck, shoulders, etc.), and completing the drawing.

At the end of the joint drawing, the easel is turned over, the psychologist introduces some detail into the drawing and again shows the image to the children.

Children should "take water in their mouths" and be silent. The psychologist gives a pointer to a child sitting quietly, he comes up to the board and shows the emerging detail.

■ Additions to the drawing are made several times.

4. Body-oriented exercise "Snowman"(3-5 minutes).

The psychologist invites the children to stand in the pose of the person they have drawn and says:

- Our little man cannot speak and cannot move. Imagine that he was on the street in winter, snow fell and fell on him, and soon the drawn little man turned into a snowman. Let's try to portray a snowman.

Children spread their tense arms to the sides, puff out their cheeks, make a sad face and stand motionless in place.

- Our snowman stood like that all winter, but then spring came, the sun warmed up, and the snow began to melt.

Children gradually relax, lower their arms, “go limp, expose their faces to the sun” and squat down on their haunches. The exercise is repeated 3 times.

5. Final stage (1-2 min).

At the end of the exercise, the psychologist says:

- This slightly sad story ended very well. Under the gentle rays of the sun, the snowman melted and turned into a cheerful stream. The brook rumbled loudly and set off. On the way, a kind stream fed flowers and herbs with water. Soon he reached a large river, merged into it, and embarked on a long and wonderful journey.


Development of arbitrariness and self-control;

=> development of attention and coordination of movements; -

=> removal of psycho-emotional stress;

=> development of emotional and expressive movements;

=> development and improvement of communication skills.

Lesson materials: red, blue and yellow squares; long tape or rope.

1. The game " Chants - whispers - silent "(5 minutes). The psychologist says:

- Guys, keep a close eye on the squares that I will be showing. If you see a red square- you can jump, run and shout if yellow- you can only whisper, and if blue- you need to freeze in place and shut up.

The psychologist shows the squares, the children follow the instructions.

2. Exercise "Sunbeam" (3 min).

Children squat down and close their eyes. The psychologist says:

- We played and played and got a little tired. We sat down to rest and dozed off. But here's a ray of sunshine:

touched the eyes - open your eyes; touched his forehead- lift your eyebrows; touched the nose- wrinkle your nose; touched lips- move your lips; touched the chin- move your jaw; touched the shoulders- raise and lower your shoulders; touched hands- shake your hands; touched feet- lie on your back and kick your legs. The sunbeam played with you and disappeared- get up guys.

3. Game "Who is the first to jump into the circle"(5-7 minutes).

A large circle is laid out on the floor with the help of a tape or rope. Children stand around the outer perimeter of the circle. The psychologist says:

- When you hear the word "home", quickly jump into the circle.

The psychologist utters different words. Children are waiting for him to say a word that serves as a signal to jump.

■ After several plays, the signal word changes.

4. Game "Do not rush"(5-7 minutes).

Children sit on high chairs. A chair is placed at a distance of 5-6 steps from them. Children take turns coming up (not running up!) To the chair, bending around it and, without haste, return to their place.

After everyone has gone around the chair, the task is to go backwards.

5. Body-oriented exercise "Clowns" (see Session 4) (3 min).

6. Final stage (3 min).

Children sit on the floor in a circle. The psychologist asks the children to tell them which exercise they liked. Children passing the yellow square to each other alternately share their impressions.


=> development of arbitrariness and self-control;

=> development of attention and imagination;

=> development of emotional and expressive movements;

=> removal of psycho-emotional stress;

=> meeting the need for recognition;

=> development and improvement of communication skills.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder; cassette with calm music; stick (length - 30 cm).

1. Exercise "Let's say hello" (5 min).

Calm music sounds, children walk around the hall. If the psychologist claps their hands once, the children shake hands, if two - with their shoulders, if three times - with their backs.

2. Game "The sea is worried" (5 min).

Children run around the hall, depicting the movement of waves with their hands. The psychologist says:

- The sea is worried once, the sea is worried two, the sea is worried three, the sea figure- freeze!

Children should stop and hold the position in which they were before the command "Freeze" was sounded.

The psychologist walks around the hall, examines the "sea figures", praises each child for the unusual or beauty of the figure, for immobility, etc.

3. Body-oriented exercise "Plasticine doll" (5-7 minutes).

The psychologist divides children into pairs. One of the children in the couple will play the role of a sculpture, the other - plasticine. The "sculptor" must sculpt the "doll", giving the "plasticine" a certain pose. "Plasticine" should be soft and pliable.

■ After each child has played a different role, the psychologist asks: “Who liked being better: a sculptor or a plasticine doll? Why? Was it comfortable for the doll to be in the position that the sculptor had invented for it? Why?" etc.

4. An outdoor game "Needle and thread" (5-7 minutes). One of the children becomes the presenter - a "needle", and all the rest - a "thread". The child, who plays the role of a needle, runs around the hall, changing direction, and all the other children run after him.

The host changes, the game repeats itself.

■ Every child needs to play the role of a needle.

5. Exercise "Humpty Dumpty" (see Session 3) (2-3 min).

6. Final stage (2-3 min).

Children sit on the floor in a circle. The psychologist asks the children to say which task was the most difficult today. Children, passing each other "magic wand", one by one express their opinion.


=> development of attention and self-control;

=> development of memory and imagination;

=> development of emotional and expressive movements;

=> removal of psycho-emotional stress;

=> development and improvement of communication skills.

Materials for the lesson: easel (supply); blackboard and chalk (Whatman sheets and felt-tip pens); pointer.

1. Game "Arrange posts! " (4 minutes).

Children are lined up in a column.

The psychologist who plays the role of the commander takes the lead. The column begins to move through the hall. When the psychologist claps his hands, the last walking child should stop. This is how the “commander” arranges all the children in the order he intended (ruler, circle, square, etc.). ■ One of the children can be the commander.

2; The game "What has changed" (10 min).

Children sit on high chairs.

The psychologist says:

- We arrived in the winter forest. Be careful and try to remember everything that you see.

The psychologist puts an easel in front of the children, on which a small board is installed (or a large sheet of thick paper is attached). Snowdrifts, spruces, bare trees, clouds are drawn on the board (sheet).

Children look at the picture, then the psychologist turns the easel over and adds some detail to the image: a bird, a butterfly, a flower, a snowdrift, a mushroom. The drawing is shown to the children again.

Children should "take water in their mouths" and be silent. The psychologist gives a pointer to the child sitting calmly, he comes up to the board, shows the object that has appeared and answers the question: "Can this object be in the winter forest?" If the child has completed the task correctly, the children clap; if the answer is incorrect, they stamp their feet.

■ Additions to the drawing are made until all the children have been at the blackboard.

3. Exercise "Snowflake"(2-3 minutes). Children sit on high chairs, eyes closed. The psychologist says:

- Imagine snowflakes falling from the sky, and you catch them with your mouth. And now the snowflake:

lay on the right cheek- inflate her;

lay on my left cheek- inflate her;

lay on her nose- wrinkle your nose;

lay on my forehead- lift your eyebrows;

lay down forever- blink your eyes and open them.

The snowfall is over.

4. Game "Winter fun" (2-3 min).

Children are divided into two teams. Teams stand in ranks opposite each other. The psychologist says:

- Imagine that there is a thaw outside, the snow has become sticky. You make snowballs out of it and throw it at the members of the other team. But do not forget at the same time to dodge the snowballs that fly at you.

5. Joint drawing of a snowman (5 min).

Children sit on high chairs. In front of them is an easel on which a small board is installed (or a large sheet of thick paper is attached).

The psychologist says:

- Now we will all draw a snowman together. Everyone will draw one detail.

Children take turns approaching the easel and, following the instructions of the psychologist, draw first the lower circle, then the middle, upper one, depict parts of the face, a bucket on the head, a broom, etc.

6. Body-oriented exercise "Snowman"(3-4 minutes).

The psychologist invites children to imagine themselves as snowmen.

Children stand up, spread tense arms to the sides, puff out their cheeks and hold a given pose for 10 seconds.

- And now,- says the psychologist, - the sun came out, its hot rays touched the snowman, and it began to melt.

Children gradually relax, lower their arms, "go limp" and squat down on their haunches.

The exercise is repeated several times.

7. Exercise "Skiers"(2-3 minutes). The psychologist says:

- Today we walked through the winter forest, played snowballs, made a snowman, and now it's time to go home. Imagine putting on skis and heading back.

The psychologist simulates putting on skis and moving skiers. Children repeat after him.

Having lined up in a column "skiers are leaving" from the hall.


=> the development of arbitrariness and self-control;

=> development of attention and sense of humor;

=> development of emotional and expressive movements;

=> meeting the need for recognition;

=> removal of psycho-emotional stress;

=> development and improvement of communication skills.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder; cassette with slow calm music recording; postcards cut into two parts (pictures); red, blue and yellow squares.

1. Exercise "Dance of the Snowflakes"(3 min). Children enter the hall where calm music sounds. The psychologist says:

- Imagine that you are snowflakes whirling in the wind to the music - slowly, calmly, beautifully. As soon as the music stops playing, take the hands of the person next to you. When you hear the sounds of the melody, keep dancing in pairs. When I say "Stop!" I need to stop right away.

2. The game "Stream" (4-5 minutes).

The psychologist gives each child half of a postcard (he keeps one of the halves) and explains the rules of the game:

- First, everyone will find a match for themselves, and for this you need to determine who has the other half of your postcard. Couples hold hands, lift them up, stand one after another, forming a "corridor". The child left without a pair passes under the hands of the players, chooses someone, takes his hand and leads him along. At the end of the "corridor" a new couple gets up and raises their hands. The child left without a pair runs forward and also, passing along the "corridor", chooses a pair for himself. New couples are the last to get up.

■ The game is played at a fast pace.

3. Exercise "One big animal"(see Session 2) (2 min).

4. Exercise "Looking for bugs"

The psychologist says:

- I will read the story. Pay close attention to my speech. If you hear any confusion or something that cannot be,- stomp your feet, and then explain why you interrupted the story and correct my mistake.

A story with absurdities

Once I was going to the forest. I took my dog, backpack and skis with me. I come into the forest, put on SKATES and start moving along the track. Suddenly my CAT saw something. A RED Hare was sitting under the tree. The dog SOUNCHED, the hare started to run. The hare jumped ON THE TREE, and the dog Crawled after him. The hare ran away from the dog, because he runs SLOWLY. Then my dog ​​began to dig the EARTH and dug out - what do you think? MUSHROOM! No, of course, not a mushroom, but a mink, and a RAVEN lived in that hole. The dog sniffed the burrow and RIDE further. I followed her. I wanted to eat. I took out of the PORTFOLIO two sandwiches and a thermos of coffee. I gave one of the PIROZHKOV to the dog. We ate, and suddenly I heard the sound of wheels and the whistle of a STEAMER, which means that the railway is close.

We followed the sound of the train and soon reached the station. At the station, I took off the SKATES, took out the money from the SUITCASE and bought a train ticket. A few minutes later we got into the coach of the BUS and set off on the way back.

That's the end of the fairy tale, and who listened - well done!

5. Game "Chants - whispers- they say chalki ”(see Session 9) (4 min).

6. Game "Broken phone"(4 minutes).

The children and the psychologist take highchairs and sit in a circle.

The psychologist says:

- Let's whisper a little more- let's play "Broken Phone".

The rules of the game are explained to the children: the psychologist comes up with a word and whispers it into the ear to the child sitting to his right, he also whispers what he heard to the neighbor on the right, etc. The last child says the word out loud.

S Usually the last word is not the same as the original one, which provokes violent reactions from children.

The psychologist gives the children time to express their emotions and continues the game.

7. Game "A locomotive with a name"(see Lesson 4) (5 minutes).

8. The final stage(2 minutes).

The psychologist thanks all the children and notes those who were especially attentive, kind, etc.


=> development of arbitrariness and self-control;

=> development of auditory attention;

=> development of emotional and expressive movements;

=> development of tactile perception;

=> development and improvement of communication skills.

Materials for the lesson: an envelope with geometric figures (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, ovals, rhombuses); ball.

1. Exercise "Let's tell and we will show "(3-4 minutes). Children stand in a semicircle in front of the psychologist and perform the movements that are mentioned in the rhyme.

Right hand- on the shoulder, left arm- on the side. Hands to the sides, hands down, And turn to the right.

Left hand- on the shoulder,

Right hand- on the side.

Hands up, hands down

And turn left.

The exercise is repeated several times.

2. Game "Listen and answer"(5 minutes).

Children stand in a circle. The psychologist takes the ball and enters the center of the circle. He, alternately throwing the ball to the children, asks to name a plant, animal, toy, car brand, etc.

■ The game is played at a fast pace.

3. Game "Brownian motion"(5-7 min).

Children walk around the hall, trying not to hurt each other. Having heard the command of the psychologist "Close your eyes", the children close their eyes and walk slowly towards the center of the hall. When the children get closer to each other, the psychologist says:

- One-two-three, take the one who is near by the hand. Do not open your eyes, but guess who it is.

Children feel by touch who is standing next to each other, name each other's names and open their eyes.

4. Game "Guess the Figure"(7 minutes).

Children sit on high chairs and close their eyes. The psychologist takes an envelope containing various geometric shapes and says:

- Do not open your eyes, but guess which figure I will put in my palm.

The psychologist places one figurine in the palm of each child. The child determines by touch which figure he got, names it, then opens his eyes.

■ The game is played twice: first, the psychologist puts the figurine on the child's right, then on the child's left hand. If necessary, the names of the geometric shapes are specified before the start of the game.

5. Game "Edible- inedible "(5-7 minutes).

Children are lined up. The psychologist takes the ball and stands in front of the children. (The distance between the psychologist and the children is 5 steps.)

The psychologist, naming an object, alternately throws the ball to the children. If the name of an edible object sounded, the child catches the ball, and the inedible one repels it. With the correct execution of the task, the child takes a step forward. The one who first reaches the psychologist becomes the leader.

The game repeats itself.

6. Exercise "There were two bears ..."(2 minutes). Children stand in a semicircle in front of the psychologist and repeat the words and movements after him.

7. The final stage(3 min).

Children sit on the floor in a circle. The psychologist asks the children to tell them which exercise they liked. Children passing the ball to each other alternately share their impressions.


=> development of arbitrariness and self-control;

=> development of attention, speech and imagination;

=> development of coordination of movements;

=> development of emotional and expressive movements;

=> removal of psycho-emotional stress;

=> development and improvement of communication skills.

Materials for the lesson: three to four medium-sized cubes; long tape or rope.

1. Exercise "I am carrying a cube and will not drop it"(see Session 3) (8-10 minutes).

2. Game "Circus artists"(12 minutes). Children put highchairs along the wall.

The psychologist uses a tape or rope to lay out a large circle on the floor and says:

You were as agile as circus performers. Now, be alert and focused, like an artist before a show. Imagine being behind the scenes and waiting to enter the arena(points to the circle). You can slowly talk, move, warm up, rehearse your number. But as soon as you hear your name, you need to get ready and, counting to yourself to three, go out into the arena and portray someone- juggler, tightrope walker, strongman, magician, trainer or his animals.

■ After each "speech" the psychologist pauses for 5-8 seconds.

3. Body-oriented exercise "Clowns"(see Session 4) (3 min).

4. Game "Yes" and "no" don't say "(3-5 minutes). Children sit on high chairs.

The psychologist says:

- I will ask each of you a question. When answering it, you should not use the words "yes" and "no".

The psychologist takes turns asking the children the following questions:

- Are you at home now?

- Are you 6 years old?

- Do you go to school?

- Do you like to watch cartoons?

- Can cats bark?

- Do apples grow on a tree?

- Is it night now? Etc.

one". If the child uses the words "yes" or "no" when answering, the psychologist repeats the question. During the game, each child can be asked to answer 1-3 questions.

5. Exercise "Let's tell and show"(3 min). Children stand in a semicircle in front of the psychologist and repeat the words and movements after him.

One two three four!

They clap their hands rhythmically.

We sweep the floor in the apartment.

Simulate movement.

Five, six, seven, eight!

They clap their hands rhythmically.

Come visit tomorrow.

Smoothly spread their arms to the sides.

Eight, seven, six, five!

They clap their hands rhythmically.

We will play together.

Jump and squat.

Four, three, two, one!

They clap their hands rhythmically.

We will give you pirogov.

Stretch your arms forward, holding an imaginary tray of pies in your palms.

Until then we rest-

They sink to the carpet.

Let's lie down on the side and fall asleep.

They lie down on the carpet, close their eyes.

8. The final stage(1-2 minutes). The psychologist thanks all the children and notes those who were especially attentive, kind, etc.


=> development of arbitrariness and self-control;

=> development of attention, thinking and speech;

=> prevention of aggression;

=> development emotionally expressive movements;

=> removal of psycho-emotional stress;

=> development and improvement of communication skills.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder; cassette with major music recording; towel or scarf; funny soft toy (Science Fiction); sheets of thick paper, felt-tip pens (colored pencils).

1. Exercise "Turtles"(3 min). Children squat down. The psychologist says:

- Imagine that you have turned into little turtles. Night has come. Turtles hid under shells- sucked in and lowered the heads, pressed their paws to the body, closed their eyes. The turtles sleep sweetly. But then morning came to replace the night. The sun's rays glanced at the turtles and began to wake them up. The turtles wake up slowly. So they carefully wiggled their toes, opened their eyes, slowly, slowly raised their heads, stretched out their necks and looked around with curiosity. Time to get up- they straightened their legs, stood up, reached for the sun, raised their legs up. Oh, what a gentle, warm sun today! Good morning turtles!

2. Game "Listen to the command"(5-7 min).

Children move around the hall to the music. The music suddenly stops. The psychologist whispers the command (raise your right hand, sit down, jump, sit on a chair, etc.).

Children follow the command, the music turns on, the game continues.

3. Exercise "Whisper the answer"(5-7 minutes). Children sit on high chairs.

The psychologist says:

- I will ask you questions. Anyone who knows the answer stretches out his hand, clenches his fingers into a fist, and raises his thumb up. Show these movements.

Children carry out the task.

- When I see many fingers raised up, I will begin to count: "One, two, three." On the count of three, you all have to whisper the answer together.

The psychologist asks the following questions:

- What time of year is it?

- What day of the week is it today?

- What is the name of the city (village) in which you live?

- What number follows the number five?

- What is the name of a baby cow?

- How many paws does a dog have?

- How many paws do two dogs have? Etc.

4. Game "Zhuzha" (6-7 minutes).

With the help of a reading-count, the driver is selected - "Zhuzha". He sits down on a chair in the center of the room. “Zhuzha” is holding a towel (scarf) in her hands. The rest of the children begin to tease "Juju", grimace in front of her, uttering the words:

“Zhuzha, Zhuzha, come out,

Zhuzha, Zhuzha, catch up! "

"Zhuzha" sits patiently on a chair. But now "patience is running out", she jumps up and shower one of the children with a towel (scarf).

The salted child becomes "Zhuzha".

■ Care must be taken to ensure that the blow is not strong.

5. Drawing on a given topic (10-12 minutes). Children sit on high chairs.

The psychologist shows the children a funny stuffed toy and says:

- Guys, Fantastic has come to visit us. He knows how to tell funny, incredible stories. Listen to one of them:

“Once I was running across the lawn and jumping up and down on one leg and then on the other. Once I jumped so hard that I flew into a cloud. He sat down on it more comfortably and decided to travel on it. The cloud flew and flew and suddenly collided with another cloud. I was thrown up, I rolled over my head and started to fall, but I don’t understand- up or down? What do you guys think? The fact of the matter is that not down, but up, and fell on the star. The star was very hot, so I could not stand still and began to jump and jumped to the extraordinary flower. I admired this flower for a long time. All his petals were multicolored and so bright that I had to close my eyes. And when I opened them, I ended up in my bed at home! It was a dream!"

The fantastic wanted to draw what he saw in a dream, but he did not succeed. Let's help him. Take sheets of paper and felt-tip pens (pencils), draw a dream Fantasy.

Children carry out the task.

6. Final stage (1-2 min). The fantastic thanks the children, praises their drawings.


=> development of arbitrariness and self-control;

=> development of attention and imagination;

=> development of emotional and expressive movements;

=> removal of psycho-emotional stress;

=> development and improvement of communication skills.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder; cassette with major music recording; medium-sized ball; hoop; cards depicting faces in different emotional states (joy, anger, surprise, resentment).

1. Game "Checkbox"(5-7 minutes).

Music sounds. Children march through the hall. At the signal of the psychologist (flag raised), they must stop moving and fix the position in which the signal caught them for 5-7 seconds. On a repeated signal, the movement is resumed.

2. Exercise "Compliments"(3-5 minutes).

Children stand in a circle. The psychologist, giving the ball to one of the children, compliments him. The child should say "thank you" and pass the ball to the neighbor, while uttering affectionate words addressed to him. The person who received the ball says "thank you" and passes it to the next child.

■ Children, giving compliments and words of gratitude, pass the ball first in one direction, then in the other direction.

3. Outdoor play "Owl"(5-7 minutes).

With the help of a rhyme, the driver is selected - an "owl". The rest of the children will play mice or birds.

At the command of The Day psychologist, the “owl” sits down in the “nest” (a hoop lying on the floor) and closes its eyes, while the children start running around the hall. When the psychologist says: "Night", the children squat and freeze, and the "owl" goes hunting. She looks out for those who are moving or laughing, and "takes" them to her "nest".

4. Exercise "Emotions"(7 minutes). Children sit on high chairs.

The psychologist takes turns showing the children cards with faces.

Children, having determined the emotional state of the person depicted in the figure, silently raise their hand. The psychologist says: "One, two, three." On the count of three, the children should all whisper the answer together.

At the end of this exercise, the psychologist invites children to depict the following emotional states using pantomime: sadness, resentment, joy, anger, surprise, calmness.

Children carry out the task.

5. Body-oriented exercise "Ship"(3-4 minutes).

Children stand in a circle. The psychologist says:

- Imagine that we are on the deck of a ship. To avoid falling, spread your legs wider and press them to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back.

The wind blew, a wave rose, the boat swayed. Press your right leg to the floor, bend your left leg slightly at the knee, touch the floor only with its toe.

The wind died down- straighten up, relax.

Attention! New wave. The ship swung the other way- press your left leg to the floor, relax your right.

The sea has calmed down- straighten up, relax, inhale deeply and exhale.

6. Final stage(2-4 minutes).

Children sit on high chairs.

The psychologist suggests remembering what good, pleasant words everyone has heard today.

Children remember compliments given to them. The psychologist thanks the children for being considerate and kind.



1. Children walk in circles one after another and hum like little trains: "Tu-tu-u-u-u".

2. Stop, stand in a circle.

3. "Set the alarm clock" - squeeze the palm into a fist, perform circular movements at the solar plexus: "Dzhik-djik-djik."

4. "The alarm clock rang": "Z-z-z". We will stop him - the children lightly hit the head with their palm.

5. "Sculpt a face" - hold hands along the edge of the face.

6. "Sculpt the hairs" - press with the pads of the fingers on the roots of the hair.

7. "Sculpt the eyebrows" - run with your fingertips along the eyebrows.

8. "Sculpt eyes" - touch the eyelids with your fingertips, run your index finger around the eyes. Blinking their eyes.

9. "Sculpt the nose" - hold the index finger from the bridge of the nose along the wings of the nose down.

10. "Sculpt ears" - pinch the earlobes, stroke the ears.

11. "Sculpting the chin" - stroking the chin.

12. "Draw the sun with a nose" - turn their head, draw rays with their nose - perform the corresponding head movements from the bottom up: "Zhzhik-Zhzhik-Zhzhik".

13. They say in chorus: "I am good, kind, beautiful", pat themselves on the head.



One two three four five!

Bunnies went out for a walk.

Bunnies hid behind a tree.

Is there a fox or a wolf here?

They look out from behind the palms.

One two three four five!

Stand up and clap their hands.

It can be fun to play.

Jump or spin in place.

One two three four five!

Fingers are alternately bent into the cam.

What are we going to paint?

Compress and unclench the fists.

I’ll draw a lion.

Depict a lion.

To start- head.

They put their palms on the head.

To make it look true, I will draw his mane.

Raise and join your arms above your head.

And now eyes and ears, So that he listens to rustles.

Place your palms on your ears.

Here is a handsome lion ready!

Clap their hands.

He winked-

They wink.

And he was like that!

Squat, cover their face with their palms.

One two three four five!

Fingers are alternately bent into the cam.

We can show everything!

They clap their hands rhythmically.

Show me quickly, my friend, Cockscomb.

Show fingers bent at the phalanges.

And now the duck nose.

Show fingers connected in a pinch.

And now the goose tail.

The fingers of both hands are connected, the thumbs are hidden inside the palms.

One two three four five!

Fingers are alternately bent into the cam.

We can show everything!

They clap their hands rhythmically.

One two three four five! Fingers left to dance.

Compress and unclench the fists.

The little finger is dancing on the porch

Nameless- near the stove,

Average- near the bridge,

Pointing- in the bushes.

Even the biggest

Squatting dance went.

Flex and unbend matching fingers.

One two three four five!

Compress and unclench the fists.

The fingers will rest.

They put their hands down, shake them with their brushes.


Circle the numbers in front of the statements with which you agree.

My child

very mobile, runs a lot, constantly twirls ………………………………… ..1

sleeps much less than other children …………… 2

very talkative ……………………………………… ..3

cannot play or do something quietly, calmly ……………………………… .4

can hardly wait for his turn (in games, in stores) ……………………………… ..5

begins to answer without listening to the question, or, conversely, asking a question, does not listen to the answer ... 6

often interferes with others, interferes with the conversations of adults ……………………………… ..7

cannot calmly wait for a reward (if, for example, they promised him to buy something). ‘….. 8

often does not hear when someone speaks to him …… ..9

easily distracted when they read a book to him ... ... 10

often does not bring the started business (game, task) to the end ……………………………………………… 11

avoids activities where prolonged concentration is required ……………………… ..12

It is possible to conclude that a child has ADHD if within six months At least seven of the listed symptoms are observed in both childcare and at home.

1. Maintain a positive attitude in your relationship with your child. Praise him whenever he deserves it, emphasize success. It helps build self-confidence in the child.

2. Avoid repeating the words "no" and "no".

3. Speak with restraint, calmness, softness. (The shouts excite the child.)

4. Give your child only one task at a time to complete.

5. Use visual stimulation to back up verbal instructions.

6. Reward your child for all activities that require concentration (for example, working with blocks, constructor, board games, coloring, reading).

7. Maintain a clear daily routine at home. Eating, homework, and sleeping times should be consistent with this daily routine.

8. Avoid crowds whenever possible. Staying in large stores, markets, etc. has an excessive stimulating effect on the child.

9. When playing, limit the child to only one partner. Avoid restless, noisy buddies.

10. Protect your child from fatigue as it leads to decreased self-control and increased hyperactivity.

11. Give your child the opportunity to spend excess energy. Useful daily physical activity in the fresh air - walking, jogging, sports activities (gymnastics, swimming, tennis, but not wrestling or boxing, as these sports are traumatic).

12. Remember that the inherent hyperactivity of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, although unavoidable, can be reasonably controlled by these measures.


Before starting collective play lessons, it is advisable to conduct several individual training sessions with children. This is especially needed by children who are disinhibited, inhibited, overly shy and children with poor coordination of movements.

When conducting individual lessons, you can use the following games and exercises.

1. To develop arbitrariness:

=> “Yes” and “no” do not say ”(lesson 14);

=> "Flies - does not fly" (lesson 8);

=> "Edible - inedible" (lesson 13);

=> "Forbidden movement" (lesson 3);

=> "Forbidden word": the child, following the psychologist, repeats

all words except one, which was "designated as forbidden."

Instead of this word, he may, for example, clap his hands;

=> "One-two-three - speak!" (lesson 2);

=> "The sea is worried" (lesson 10).

2. For the development of attention and memory:

=> “What's gone?”: The psychologist puts 10 toys on the table. The child examines them and closes his eyes. The psychologist removes one toy. The child opens his eyes and determines “what has disappeared”;

=> “What has changed? »: The game is similar to the previous one, only the toys are not removed, but replaced;

=> "Attention - draw!": The psychologist shows the child a simple drawing for 2 seconds (see: Nikitin V. Educational games. - M., 1985). Then the drawing is removed, and the child draws it from memory;

=> "Listen to claps": the psychologist agrees with the child that if one clap sounds , you need to march in place, two claps - stand on one leg (like a stork), three claps - jump (like a frog);

=> "Consider the toy, and then describe it";

=> “Remember and repeat the movements”: the psychologist shows three different movements, the child watches, remembers and repeats them. Then four movements are demonstrated;

=> work at the table on sheets: "Proof test", "Labyrinths", "Connect in order", etc.

3. For the development of motor skills and coordination of movements:

=> "Spillikins": small toys or matches are heaped on the table. They need to be taken with two fingers so as not to touch the rest;

=> "Pump and ball" (lesson 4);

=> "I am carrying a cube and will not drop it" (lesson 3);

=> "Clowns" (lesson 4);

=> "Walking in a line": the child should walk in a straight line, placing the heel of one foot in front of the toe of the other and keeping his arms out to the sides;

=> "Cross claps": the psychologist and the child stand opposite each other; First, an ordinary clap is made, then a clap with the psychologist's hands on the child's hands, again an ordinary clap, then the psychologist's right palm claps the child's right palm, again a regular clap, then the psychologist's left palm clap on the child's left palm and the usual claps;

=> "Robot": the psychologist says that the child will now turn into a robot that only knows how to obey commands. The child freezes at attention. Then the psychologist gives him commands, for example: “Three steps forward, two steps to the right, right hand forward, two steps to the left, left hand to the side, lower arms, stand still”;

=> any finger or gesture play that the child has difficulty with.

4. To overcome shyness:

=> "Dunno": the child is offered to play the role of Dunno. In response to any question that the psychologist asks him, he should make a surprised face, shrug his shoulders and say “I don’t know ...”;

=> "Bunny was scared": the child should imagine himself as a hare who is afraid of a wolf, and depict fright with the help of pantomime;

=> "Angry wolf": the child uses pantomime to depict an angry and hungry wolf;

=> "Cockerels": the child, using pantomime, depicts a brave cockerel, a proud cockerel, a sad cockerel, a cheerful cockerel;

=> "Delicious candy": the child should imagine that he was treated to a delicious candy, and show how he unfolds, takes it in his mouth and slowly bites it, while his face depicts pleasure.

Chistyakova M.I. Psycho-gymnastics. - M., 1995; Kataeva LI. Psychologist work with shy children. - M .: Knigolyub, 2004.

5. To activate the subcortical structures of the brain:

a) breathing exercises:

=> breathing with a delay on inhalation / exhalation - first in its own, then in a set rhythm. It is performed sitting on the floor "in Turkish" or kneeling, palms are placed on the diaphragm area;

=> the child, sitting on the floor "in Turkish" and raising his hands up, takes a breath. When exhaling, he slowly leans forward, lowering his arms and saying: "Down";

=> the child, sitting on the floor, spreads his arms to the sides, clenches all fingers, except the thumb, into a fist. When inhaling, the child raises his thumb up, with a slow exhalation, gradually lowers it down and whistles;

=> the child, lying on the floor, puts his palms on his stomach. Taking a slow breath in and out with the stomach, the child imagines that a balloon is inflating and deflating in the stomach.

Breathing exercises - see: Belyakova L.I., Goncharova N.N., Shishkova T.G. Methodology for the development of speech breathing in preschoolers with speech disorders. - M .: Knigolyub, 2004.

b) exercises to normalize muscle tone:=> "Snowman": the child is asked to introduce himself only

like a cobbled snowman - the body should be very tense, like frozen snow. But the sun warmed up, and the snowman began to melt: first, the head “melts” and hangs, then the shoulders drop, the arms relax, and so on. At the end of the exercise, the child gently falls to the floor and lies relaxed, imagining that he is a puddle of water;

=> "Tree": the child, depicting a seed, sits on his haunches, his head is on his knees, his hands hug his knees. The "seed" sprouts and turns into a tree - the child raises his head, then slowly gets up, straightens up, raises his arms. Suddenly the wind came and broke the tree - the child bends at the waist, relaxing the upper part of the body, his head and arms hang lifelessly;

=> "Fingers": in a sitting or standing position, the child bends his elbows and begins to squeeze and unclench his hands, gradually accelerating the pace. Then he lowers his arms, relaxes and shakes his hands;

=> "Boat": the child lies on his back, stretches out his arms. On command, he simultaneously raises his head, straight legs and arms. The pose is held as long as possible. Then the child performs the exercise lying on his stomach.

c) exercises for spatial orientation:

=> the child takes the ball in his hands and, at the command of the psychologist, raises it up, lowers it down, puts it in front of him, to his right and to his left, puts it under, on, at the table, etc.;

=> the child jumps on two legs forward, backward, left, right;

=> "Find the treasure": a toy is hidden in the room. The child must find it, focusing on the commands: "Two steps forward, one to the right, etc.".

These and other exercises - see: Ganicheva I. V. Body-oriented approaches to psychocorrectional and developmental work with children. - M .: Knigolyub, 2004; Goryacheva T.G., Sultanova AS. Sensomotor correction of mental development disorders in childhood. - M., 1999.


Alexandrova E.M., Kurenkova N.V. Psychological support of children of primary school age: Teaching-but-method. allowance. Part 1. - M., 2001.

Bryazgunov I.P., Kasatikova E.V. Restless child. - M., 2001.

Vygodskaya I.G., Pellinger E.L., Uspenskaya L.P. Elimination of stuttering in preschoolers in the game. - M., 1984.

Goryacheva T.G., Sultanova A.S. Sensomotor correction of mental development disorders in childhood. - M., 1999.

Zavadenko N.I. How to understand a child: Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. - M., 2000.

Kataeva L.I. Correctional and developmental classes in the preparatory group: Summaries of classes. - M., 2004.

Kataeva L.I. Psychologist work with shy children. - M., 2004.

Kryazheva N.L. Development of the emotional world of children. - Yaroslavl, 1997.

Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Cheat sheet for adults: Psychocorrectional work with hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children. - M., 2000.

A.A. Romanov Targeted game therapy for behavioral disorders and emotional disorders in children. - M., 2000.

Samoukina N.V. Games at school and at home: Psychotechnical exercises and remedial programs. - M., 1993.

Snegireva L A. Games and exercises to develop communication skills in preschoolers. - Minsk, 1995.

Strakovskaya V.L. 300 outdoor games for the health of children. - M., 1994.

KhukhlaevaO. B. A ladder of joy. - M., 1998.

Chistyakova M.I. Psycho-gymnastics. - M., 1995.

Shevchenko Yu.S. Correction of behavior in children with hyperactive and psychopathic syndrome. - M., 1997.

In some cases, perinatal encephalopathy (PEP) is diagnosed immediately after delivery.

For a detailed description of risk factors, mechanism of development, diagnosis and correction of ADHD see: Zavadenko N.L. How to understand a child: Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. - M .: School-Press, 2000.

The author thanks the speech therapist N.E. Egorov for the provided cycle of exercises "Let's tell and show" (see Lessons 6, 13, 14 and Appendix).

Picture material contained in the game: T.A. Tkachenko Funny stories. - M .: Prometheus; Book lover, 2002

Zavadenko N.N. How to understand a child: Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. - M., 2000 .-- S. 88

Nadezhda Pastukhova
Outline of the individual lesson "Reducing impulsivity and hyperactivity"

Target: decrease in impulsivity and hyperactivity.


Development of attention, arbitrariness and self-control;

Elimination hyperactivity and impulsivity;

Elimination of anger and aggression.

Overcoming disinhibition


Hello, today on our occupations there will be many different exercises, I ask you to carefully listen to all the instructions, take your time and complete the tasks with me. First, we need to warm up. Let's pretend that you ...

Exercise 1. Relaxation "Sprout".

Target: elimination of anger and aggression.

I. p. - the child sits on his haunches, bending his head to his knees and clasping them with his hands.

Instructor: "Imagine that you are a small sprout, just emerging from the ground. You are growing, gradually straightening, opening and rushing upward. I will help you grow, counting to five. Try to evenly distribute the stages of growth."

At the beginning of mastering this exercise, for each account, the child is called a part of the body that is activated at the moment with absolute passivity, relaxation others:

"one" - legs are slowly straightened,

"two" - the legs continue to straighten and the arms gradually relax, hang like "rags",

"three" - the spine gradually straightens (from the waist to the shoulders,

"four" - we spread our shoulders and straighten our neck, raise our head,

"five" - ​​raise our hands up, look up, reach for the sun.

What a fine fellow you are. How great we have managed to grow. Tell me, did you manage to relax? Was it difficult for you to distribute the stages of growth?

Now imagine that you and I are sitting by the fire ...

Exercise 2. Functional exercise "Bonfire"

Target: formation of attention and voluntary regulation of one's own activity.

The child sits down near the "fire" and fulfills the appropriate command of the instructor.

By command (verbal instructions)"hot" the child must move away from the "fire",

at the command "hands are frozen" - stretch out your hands to the "fire",

on the command "oh, what a big fire" - stand up and wave your arms,

on the command "sparks flew" - clap your hands.

Okay. Now you and I will do this exercise. You must perform movements with me at the same time, and pronounce these words, let me first show you ...

Exercise 3. "Pinocchio".

Target: overcoming disinhibition.

Together with the leader, the child performs movements simultaneously with speaking poems:

Pinocchio stretched

Once - bent down,

Two - bent down,

Three - bent down.

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently, he didn’t find the key.

To get us the key

You need to stand on your toes.

Well done, you are good at it, you listened carefully to the task, and therefore did not confuse anything.

Let's paint with you, but not in the usual way. You and I will draw with both hands. Now I'll tell you how.

Exercise 4. "Mirror Drawing".

Target: widening the field of vision, improving perception.

Put a blank sheet of paper on the table, take a pencil each. Draw symmetrical patterns with both hands at the same time. When doing this exercise, you should feel relaxation in your eyes and hands, because when both hemispheres work simultaneously, the efficiency of the whole brain is improved.

Well, let's see what you did, great! Do you like your drawing, or do you think you could draw better? (if yes then you can redraw)

How many tasks we have already completed, now you need to rest a little and gain strength. I suggest you breathe deeply now, but as you exhale….

Exercise 5. "Breathing exercise".

Target: improving the rhythm of the body, the development of self-control and arbitrariness.

I. p. - sitting. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, pronounce the sounds: pf-pf-pf-pf-pf. Breathe in.

Exhale: rrrr. Breathe in. On the exhalation: s-s-s-s. Breathe in. On the exhalation: w-w-w-w. Breathe in. On the exhalation: mo-me-me-mu.

Do you feel relaxed? Was your fatigue asleep?

Now, listen very carefully, in order to correctly complete this task, you must listen carefully to the task. ...

Exercise 6. Functional exercise "Teapot with a lid".

Target: development of concentration and motor control, elimination impulsivity.

The child sings a song and gestures.

"Teapot (vertical movements of the ribs of the palms)

Cap (the left hand folds into a fist, the right hand makes circular movements over the fist with the palm).

Lid - cone (vertical movements of fists).

There is a hole in the lump (the index and thumb of both hands make rings).

Steam comes from the hole (spirals are drawn with the index fingers).

Steam go - a hole,

A hole in a lump,

Bump lid,

The lid is a teapot ".

Now let's try again, just faster…. Will it work even faster? Was this exercise difficult for you?

The next exercise will also need to be done slowly at first, and then quickly. Listen to the assignment first and see how you need to do it.

Exercise 7. "Ring".

Target: Removing muscle clamps.

Alternately and very quickly, we sort out the fingers, connecting the index, middle, ring, little fingers in a ring with the thumb. First, you can use each hand separately, then simultaneously with both hands.

Well done, now let's use both hands at the same time. Okay.

Now let's do it quickly. Was this exercise challenging?

Now you need to be especially careful….

Exercise 8. "Stretched out - broke".

Target: normalize hypertonicity and hypotonia of muscles.

The starting position is standing, hands and the whole body are directed upward, do not lift the heels off the floor. Leading: “We stretch, we stretch up, higher, higher. We mentally lift the heels off the floor to get even higher (real heels on the floor)... And now our hands seemed to be broken, limply hanging. Now the arms broke at the elbows, at the shoulders, the shoulders fell, the head dropped, the waist broke, the knees buckled, and fell to the floor. We lie relaxed, limp, comfortable. Listen to yourself. Where is the tension left? They dropped it! "

During the exercise, the facilitator should draw the participant's attention to the following two moment:

show the difference between command execution "Lower your brushes" and "Broke in the hands" (relaxation of the hands is achieved only in the second case)

the leader must check if his body is completely relaxed, indicate the places of the clamps


1. Anufriev AF, Kostromina SN How to overcome difficulties in teaching children. Psychodiagnostic tables. Psychodiagnostic techniques. Correctional exercises. - 3rd ed., Rev. and add. - M., 2009.

2. Badalyan LO Pediatric neurology. -M, 2007.

3. Bryazgunov I. P., Kasatikova E. V. Restless child, or all about hyperactive children... - M., 2006.

4. Zavadenko N. N. How to understand baby: children with hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder. - M.: School-Press, 2008.- 112s.

5. Kuchma V.R., Platonova A.G. Attention deficit with hyperactivity in children of Russia: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Prevention. M.: RAROG, 2006.

6. Lokalova N. P. 120 lessons of psychological development of the younger schoolchildren: ed. 2nd - M.: 2007.

7. Shevchenko Yu. S. Correction of the behavior of children with hyperactivity and psycho-like syndrome. –M. , 2009.

8. Elkonin D. B Psychology of the game. - M .: Pedagogika 2006 -S. 287.

9. Elkonin DB Psychology of teaching a younger student. M.: Knowledge 2008, -64p.

Rida Zidikhanova
Synopsis of classes with hyperactive children of older preschool age

Summary of classes with hyperactive children


=> building relationships between the psychologist and the group and the children with each other;

=> development of arbitrariness and self-control;

=> development of attention and imagination;

=> development of coordination of movements;

=> removal of psycho-emotional stress;

=> development of emotional and expressive movements.

Materials for occupation: medium-sized ball, cube.

1. Exercises from "Yoga gymnastics for kids" (see Attachment) (2-3 minutes).

2. Exercise "Walk in the woods" (7 minutes).

The psychologist invites the children to take a walk in an imaginary forest. Children repeat movements psychologist: they walk quietly, on tiptoe, so as not to wake the bear, step over the dead wood, move sideways along a narrow path around which nettles grow, carefully step along a shaky bridge thrown over a stream, jump over bumps in a swamp, bend over, picking mushrooms and flowers, reach up for nuts, etc.

You can ask the children what mushrooms, flowers, trees, etc. they know.

3. Body-oriented exercise "The Stone and the Traveler" (5 minutes).

The psychologist says that after a walk you need to rest. Invites some of the children to become "Stones", and others - "Travelers"... Children, who represent stones, sink to the floor, clasp their knees with their hands and sit motionless, tense. Each of "Travelers" sits down, resting his back on the back of a child depicting a stone. Then the children switch roles.

At the end of the exercise, the psychologist asks children: what were "Stones"- comfortable or uncomfortable, hard or soft?

4. Game "Picture a phenomenon" (8 minutes).

Psychologist and children list the signs autumn: the wind is blowing, trees are swaying, leaves are falling, it is raining, puddles are formed.

The psychologist shows movements that correspond to these phenomena:

"Wind blows"- blowing, stretching out his lips.

"The trees are swaying"- shakes outstretched arms.

"Leaves are falling"- performs smooth movements with his hands from top to bottom.

"It's raining"- performs small movements with his hands from top to bottom.

"Puddles appear"- closes his hands in a ring in front of him.

When the children remember the movements shown, the rules are explained. games: while the music is playing, the children are running, dancing, as soon as the music stops, the children stop and listen to what the psychologist will name. Children should perform movements that are appropriate for this phenomenon.

5. Exercise "I am carrying a cube and will not drop it" (10 min).

At a distance of 5-6 meters from each other, two rows of chairs are placed (by the number of children).

Children are divided into two teams. Each team occupies a row of chairs.

The psychologist places cubes in the palms of the children in one of the teams. Children must, marching like robots, carry the cubes, hand them over to the members of the other team and return to their place. Children who receive the cubes do the same.

The exercise is repeated several times.

If the children can easily cope with the task, the cube is placed on the back of the hand or on the head. At the same time, the nature of the movements changes - children should move smoothly.

6. Final stage (3-5 minutes).

Children sit on the floor in a circle. The psychologist asks the children to say which exercise they liked. Children passing the ball to each other alternately share their impressions.

Related publications:

Abstract of a physical education lesson with children of senior preschool age "Tourist hike" Objectives: 1. To improve and enrich the motor experience of children. 2. Form the correct posture, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, improve.

Synopsis of a developmental lesson with older preschool children "Share the joy" Purpose: to acquaint children with the emotion of joy, to create a favorable emotional atmosphere. Objectives: - to contribute to the creation of a positive.

Synopsis of a developmental lesson with older preschool children "Country of Moods" Objectives: 1. Continue teaching children to distinguish between different feelings and moods. 2. To develop emotional expressiveness through facial expressions, pantomime ,.

Summary of a modeling lesson with older preschool children "Yabloko" Abstract of educational activities for artistic and aesthetic development with older preschool children. Purpose: to develop.

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development with older preschool children Summary of educational activities with older preschool children Topic: Dream - wings for flight Purpose: creating conditions for.

Synopsis of a lesson with older preschool children "The Mystery of the Bean Seed" Objectives: To acquaint with the structure of the bean seed. Learn to find a small plant in a seed, to see the similarity in the structure of seeds of different plants.

Abstract of the lesson with children of senior preschool age on artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) "Colorful summer" Inna Vladimirovna.

    Ø cut garland

    Ø drawing by cells

    Ø crease paper

    Ø drawing with paints, colored pencils

    Ø finishing

    Ø lay out a pattern of sticks, matches, pencils

    Ø play with beads, lacing

    Ø drawing by points

Development of speech.

"Lost Things"

Scattered people live in a big city. They often lose different things and forget their names. A person who has lost a thing can turn to the lost and found property, but he needs to accurately describe what he lost. The presenter puts the phone on the table and says: “Now the first team that has lost their item will call. The other team will have to guess what it is. " First team: "We lost a blue one, with polka dots, with a black handle, under which we were hiding from the rain"

The considered games and tasks of a playful nature allow children to develop qualities that are valuable for the upcoming school education in a fun way: attention, self-control, observation, intelligence, perseverance.

As a result of children's systematic participation in play, the foundations of school readiness are laid. It is not necessary to turn games into a semblance of an activity, you need a sincere, lively emotional communication between parents and children during the game.

Correctional work with hyperactive children 5-7 years old

Hyperactive children are impulsive, overly excitable, they do not know how to restrain their desires, to control their behavior. They are characterized by motor disinhibition, fussiness, restraint and irritability.

The behavioral features of such children indicate insufficiently formed regulatory mechanisms of the psyche and, above all, self-control of voluntary behavior. The main direction of correction of emotional-affective behavior of hyperactive children is to change the nature of their motor activity. The following methods are used to accomplish this task. 1. Observation of the behavior of children in various types of motor activity in the conditions of a preschool institution 2. Conversation with educators about the peculiarities of the behavior of children during physical training and outdoor games. 3. Comprehensive assessment of the physical activity of each child at certain regime moments. 4. Work with parents. 5. Organization of control motor tasks. When developing the content of psychological and pedagogical correctional work, one should rely on the following provisions: - To positively influence the child's development process means to control the leading activity - The corrective potential of the game consists in the practice of new social relations, in which the child is included in the process of specially organized game activities. - Emotions play a primary role in the regulation of the behavior and activities of the child, his orientation in the world around him. Corrective work with hyperactive children is carried out in two directions

The first direction is daily work on the development of movements and self-control of children's behavior during walks, motor exercises are used in a playful form individually or with a small subgroup. Exercise games are aimed at developing attention and coordination in children. The rules are explained in detail and each movement is shown. In the process of mastering the rules and content of the game, children should act according to the instructions of an adult and under his supervision. The second direction is work with the family, which includes the following tasks:

    - To form in parents a positive focus on the organization of emotionally intense interaction with the child (individual consultations, conversations, etc.)

    – Promote active training materials in family practice (game exercises of various orientations).

Of course, it is impossible to achieve the disappearance of ADHD in a few months or even years. Moreover, signs of hyperactivity disappear as they grow older, and impulsivity and attention deficit remain in adulthood. In a kindergarten setting, the educator must rely on the child's cognitive development. First, the psychological characteristics of children with ADHD should be examined;

· Build work with a hyperactive child individually. He should always be in front of the teacher's eyes;

· Change the mode of employment with the inclusion of physical education minutes;

· Provide the child with the opportunity to seek help in case of any difficulty;

· Channel energy into a useful channel (wash the board, water the flowers, etc.).

Second, maintain a familiar grading system;

• praise more often;

· Introduce a constant daily routine;

· Avoid overstated or understated requirements;

· Use the elements of the game and competition in the classroom;

· Give assignments in accordance with the capabilities of the child;

· To break large tasks into successive parts, controlling each;

· Create situations in which a hyperactive child can show their strengths;

· Ignore negative actions and encourage positive;

· Build the upbringing process on positive emotions;

· Remember that it is necessary to negotiate with the child, and not try to break him!

Third, contribute to the elimination (removal, disappearance) of aggression;

· Patiently teach necessary social norms and communication skills;

· Professionally regulate relationships with other children.

Fourth, explain to parents and others that positive changes will not come so quickly; that the improvement of the child's condition depends not only on special treatment and correction, but also on a calm and consistent attitude towards him. What should you remember?

Hyperactivity is not a behavioral problem, not the result of poor parenting, but a medical and psychological diagnosis that can be made:

1) by specialists;

2) when the child reaches the age of 8;

3) based on the results of special diagnostics and observation of the child for 6 months.

The problem of hyperactivity cannot be solved by volitional efforts, authoritarian instructions and beliefs. A hyperactive child has neurophysiological problems that he cannot cope with on his own. Disciplinary measures in the form of constant punishments, remarks, shouts, lectures will not lead to an improvement in the child's behavior, but rather worsen it. Effective results of correction are achieved with an optimal combination of medical, psychological and pedagogical methods, one of which is exercises, games, and other psychotherapeutic means. The use of play therapy in working with hyperactive preschoolers. One of the most effective psychotherapeutic tools for working with children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is play therapy. Play therapy has ample opportunities in helping hyperactive children, significantly smoothing out their motor restlessness and fussiness, allowing them to control their actions and deeds with the help of a certain game plot and related rules and roles. Particularly useful in this regard are collective games of a rhythmic nature, conducted under the guidance of an adult, in the effectiveness of which we have repeatedly been convinced in the process of our work with hyperactive preschoolers. For a restless disinhibited child, play is the only real opportunity to actively immerse himself in a play situation, to focus on it at least for a short time, and thus acts as a kind of analogue for a child to meditation of adults. immersion can take place only if a sufficiently optimal level of motor activity is ensured in the game, when the transition to a calm rhythm is carried out gradually and unobtrusively, manifests itself as a natural and necessary element of the game plot. In other words, in order to achieve a therapeutic effect, it is important to maintain such a rhythm in which intense and energetic actions are replaced by moments of calm and relaxation. When working with hyper-mobile children, it should always be remembered that the child's forcibly restrained desire for movement finds its manifestation in violent hysterics and destruction. Therefore, the task of a specialist is to find the possibility of positive use of the motor energy and activity of such children, which is especially successfully carried out in collective plot rhythmic games, accompanied by a poetic text and calm singing. While conducting such games with preschoolers, we try to use their fine motor skills as much as possible, and therefore finger games are an indispensable element of joint play action. In addition, we definitely introduce game plots in which it is necessary to maintain balance and perform mirror symmetrical actions, which, according to the testimony of some experts, have a therapeutic effect on children with motor disinhibition. Psychocorrectional work begins with individual lessons based on positive reinforcement. Against the background of pleasant sensory impressions, a game plot is built, which is transferred into a drawing, a game at the table, which allows you to keep the child in a certain place and gradually move on to the formation of self-control and cognitive motivation. Active attention is stimulated through the child's hobbies. It is effective to include hyperactive children in a psychocorrectional group for preschoolers with impaired constructive communication. Classes are conducted using psychological games and exercises (outdoor games, psycho-gymnastics, free and thematic drawing, storytelling, fairy tale therapy, relaxation exercises), which improve attention, develop self-control, and increase self-esteem of such children. An important point is the psychologist's regulation of the time spent by such a child in the group, the creation of a flexible work schedule.

Games for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

1. "Convey a good mood" warm-up game. Purpose: to create a positive emotional attitude. 2. "Reader-mumblers". Purpose: the development of the arbitrariness of mental processes, attention.

At the request of the teacher, the children repeat the phrase: "There is a bull - swaying." The first time they say all three words aloud, the second time they say aloud only "the bull is walking," and the word "sways" to itself, clapping once in the same time. For the third time, only the word "goes" is pronounced aloud, and the words "the bull - sways" to himself, accompanying each word with a clap of his hands. For the fourth time, they say all three words to themselves, replacing them with three claps. So, it will look like this: Option 1 1. Going - the bull - swinging. 2. Going - bull - cotton. 3. Goes - Cotton - Cotton. 4. Cotton - Cotton - Cotton. Option 2 1. Rode - Greek - across - the river. 2. Rode - Greek - through - cotton. 3. Rode - Greek - cotton - cotton. 4. Rode - cotton - cotton - cotton. 5. Cotton - Cotton - Cotton - Cotton. Option 3 1. Gave - a duckling - a hedgehog - a pair of leather - boots. 2.Gave - a duckling - a hedgehog - a pair of leather - cotton. 3.Gave - a duckling - a hedgehog - a couple - cotton - cotton. 4.Gave - duckling - hedgehog - cotton - cotton - cotton. 5.Gave - duckling - cotton - cotton - cotton - cotton. 6.Gave - cotton - cotton - cotton - cotton - cotton. 7.Cotton - cotton - cotton - cotton - cotton - cotton. 3. "Be attentive."

Purpose: development of attention, memory, the formation of self-control of motor activity. An adult invites children to show different movements - exercises. After showing the exercise, the children all repeat it, after showing the second exercise, the children remember it and repeat first the first, then the second, etc. up to 8-10 movements. Then the adult offers to remember and show in a scatter 5, 8, 4.

4. "Others' knees or palms."

Purpose: development of concentration of attention, concentration, mutual control of activity. Children, sitting on chairs, form a tight circle. Each participant must place their hands on the lap of their neighbors, i.e. the right hand on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, the left hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. As a result, the hands of his neighbors in a circle are on the lap of each participant. Having dealt with this condition, you can proceed to the exercise, the essence of which is to have your hands clapped on the knees of neighbors consistently, without overtaking each other. The task is not as easy as it seems, since all hands are resting on someone else's knees and you need to carefully monitor when it comes to your own hand, and not to your own knee. Exercise requires constant concentration. Once the focus is lost, the participant is wrong. The one who made a mistake takes away the hand with which the mistake was made.

5. "Meeting"

Target. Relieve muscle tension, develop the ability to switch attention. At the signal of the presenter, children begin to randomly move around the room and greet everyone who meets on their way (perhaps one of the children will want to say hello to the one who usually does not pay attention to him). We need to say hello in a certain way: one clap - we say hello to the hand; two - say hello; three claps - say hello backs. The variety of tactile sensations accompanying this game will give the hyperactive child the opportunity to feel his body and relieve muscle tension. Changing playmates can help relieve feelings of alienation. For completeness of tactile sensations, it is advisable to prohibit conversations during this game.

6. "Remember and repeat."

Purpose: development of attention, visual memory. Various objects are arranged in random order on the floor. An adult distributes cards to children with the image of two or three objects (cube, ball, ring) for a few minutes, then collects them. A signal sounds: the children randomly move around the room, then, continuing to move, perform tasks: collect the objects that you saw on the card. Collect the objects in the order in which they were depicted on the card.

7. "Educational cubes".

Purpose: development of attention, memory, combinatorial abilities, logical thinking, spatial representation and imagination. Children are invited to collect various figures and buildings from cubes. An adult can use a hint in the form of a large picture, if the task is not difficult, then he can only show by his own example. These are sedentary games aimed at developing the arbitrariness of mental processes. at the same time in these games the task of mutual control of activity is solved. 8. "Chants - whispers - silences" (I.V. Shevtsova)

Target. Develop observation, the ability to act according to the rule, volitional regulation. Three palm silhouettes should be made from multi-colored cardboard: red, yellow, blue. These are signals. When an adult raises a red palm, a "chant", one can run, scream, make a lot of noise; yellow palm, "whisper", means that you can quietly move and whisper; blue palm, "silent", encourages children to freeze in place or lie on the floor and not move. The game should end in silence.

8. "My triangular cap"

Target. Teach to concentrate, promote awareness of the child's body, teach how to control movements and control their behavior. The players sit in a circle. All in turn, starting with the presenter, pronounce one word at a time from the phrase: “My triangular cap, my triangular cap. And if not triangular, then this is not my cap. " After that, the phrase is repeated again, but the children who get to say the word "cap" replace it with a gesture (for example, two light slaps with a palm on their head). The next time, two words are already replaced: "cap" and "mine" (show with your hand at yourself). In each subsequent circle, the players pronounce one word less, and “show” one more. In the final repetition, children signify the entire phrase with gestures. If such a long phrase is difficult to reproduce, you can shorten it.

9. "Affectionate paws" (I.V. Shevtsova)

Target. Relieve tension, muscle clamps, reduce aggressiveness, develop sensory perception, harmonize the relationship between a child and an adult. An adult picks up six to seven small objects of various textures: a piece of fur, a tassel, a glass bottle, beads, cotton wool, etc., and puts them on the table. The teacher offers the child to bare his arm to the elbow, explains that the "animal" will walk on it and touch it with affectionate paws. It is necessary to guess with closed eyes which "animal" touched the hand - to guess the object. The touch should be stroking, pleasant. Variants of the game: the "animal" can touch the cheek, knee, palm; you can change places with your child.

Summaries of individual activities in the sensory room

All the given lessons have the following structure: ritual of the beginning of the lesson; relaxation, which allows children to relax and release muscle tension; the ritual of the end of the class. Play tasks are both developmental and therapeutic: they develop mental processes and form a psychologically healthy child.

Lesson number 1"Introducing the Magic Room"

Objectives: - to develop the cognitive sphere of children; - to activate voluntary attention, mental abilities; - develop proprioceptive and tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills; - to form the ability to correlate visual-motor and auditory-motor coordination; - to develop the senses and the vestibular apparatus; - to consolidate the ability to convey your feelings and sensations in a coherent speech; - develop communication skills; - to form the ability to relax in the process of ideomotor movements and representations of images; - to form the skills of self-regulation. Materials and equipment: floor tactile tracks; dry pool; balancing board; jolly balls; aqualamp; fountain plant; cube "Twizzler"; tangled spirals; center of tactility; center for quiet games; a center that develops activity; directional light projector; mirror ball; light squares; soft floor covering; audio cassette.

Course of the lesson

The ritual of the beginning of the lesson.

Game "Greetings":

Guys, our "veselki" are smiling at us. They are very glad that we came to visit them. Smile at them and greet them cheerfully, wave your hand and say: "Hello!" 2. - And now we will go on a journey ... It will begin with this large waterfall. (We look at the landscape on the wallpaper.) See how the water falls from the top of the mountain, how it sparkles and crumbles into multi-colored splashes. And next to it there is another waterfall - a small one (a plant is a fountain). Come closer to him and listen to how the water gurgles, runs down the mountain ledges. (They listen to the sound of the water.) - And what little bright birds live in our forest, how loudly they chirp! (An audio recording of "Voices of the Forest" sounds.) - The sun is warming up, it has become hot. Let's take off our shoes and walk into the forest along the path barefoot. (Walking on sensory floor tracks.) We will walk one after another so as not to go astray. Our path begins with this large green meadow, then - along the bottom of the forest lake, over the pebbles ... - and further into the forest along the path, along the bridge. (Along the way, the teacher asks the children about their feelings.) - What do your legs feel? - And now we will go through the magic forest, where the seasons change each other every few steps. You need to go trail after trail, so as not to stumble and fall into the water. Spread your arms to the sides. Look carefully at what time of year you pass, and name it. 3. - Now put on your shoes and go to this multi-colored meadow. (Calm background music sounds.) - Two guys will play with toys on this panel (center that develops activity), and two will roll balls along this spiral: one throws a ball, and the other catches it at the exit. Listen carefully to where the ball is so you don't miss it. Do this one at a time. - Come to this spiral. Throw the ball, watch it carefully and catch it at the exit (tangled spiral). (After a few minutes, the children change places.) 4. - Guys, the one of you who played in this clearing can move on to the next one. 5. - Who wants to play with the toys on this panel? You are welcome! And who will look at the precious materials in our chest? 6. - Who wants to travel through the labyrinths? (In the course of the game, the teacher asks about feelings, suggests changing places.) 7. - Guys, here's another chest! Let's see what's in it. (Opens.) - What is this? - That's right, these are squares from different fabrics. Choose who you like which. Throw your handkerchiefs as high as possible; watch them fall down. - And now we need not just toss up the handkerchiefs, but also try so that they do not sink to the floor longer. To do this, you need to blow on them - like this! (Demonstration.) (Further, the teacher suggests throwing handkerchiefs several times. Including the aqualamp.) 8. Come closer, see: what an interesting lamp! It is called an aqualamp, which means a water lap. And what is floating there? - What color are the balls? (Asks everyone to observe a ball of a certain color.) - Notice how the color of the water changes. What color of water do you like best? - Place the palms of your right hand against the glass. How do your palms feel? (Children talk about their feelings.) 9. - All day we traveled with you through the magic forest! Night is falling, it's time to rest. We will rest in this large meadow. Sit on it (soft flooring). And someone may be on this island (soft island). (Relaxation music sounds.) - Lie down comfortably, relax. (Turns on the projector, directs it to the mirror ball.) - A wonderful summer night is coming. Bright stars light up in the dark sky. You feel completely calm and happy. A pleasant feeling of warmth and calmness covers your entire body: forehead, face, neck, stomach, back, arms, legs ... You feel how the body becomes light, warm, obedient. Breathes easily and freely. We calmly rest, fall asleep with a magic dream. Breathes easily, evenly, deeply. Breathes easily, evenly, deeply. - The breeze blows over your body with a light freshness. The air is clean and transparent. Breathes easily and freely. The stars go out, the morning comes. The mood becomes cheerful and cheerful. Stretch, smile, open everyone's eyes and stand up! We are full of strength and energy. Try to keep this feeling throughout the day. 10. End of class ritual. Farewell to "Veselki". - Guys, let's smile at the "Veselki" and say goodbye to them: "Goodbye!" Remember our "fun" and smile like they are - and then you will always have a good mood.

Lesson number 2The game "Help of friends"

Objectives: - development of mental processes: attention, memory, thinking; - development of tactile, auditory and visual analyzers; - development of the ability to convey sensations in a verbal form; - stimulation of search and creative activity; - creating a positive emotional mood. Materials and equipment: illumination of the "vestka"; plant - fountain; center for quiet games; double helix; center of tactility; dry pool; game "Light squares".

Course of the lesson

The ritual of the beginning of the lesson.

Game "Greetings". - Guys, imagine that you are in a sad mood. What is your facial expression? Show! - Look in the mirror: what sad faces you have! Let's try to cheer each other up. Let's tell everyone what we like about him. We will talk in turn, and everyone will hear something good about themselves. (Game "Compliments".) - Well, has your mood improved? Let's greet our "jolly" and smile at them the same way they smile at us. 3. - Go to the magic castle (plant - fountain). Take a close look at the castle and the nature around it. Who do you think lives in the castle? - Is your hero good or evil? - What needs to be done to make him kinder? - Look at the waterfall that runs down the mountains. Let's listen to the sound of water. (They listen to the sound of water.) 4. - We pass to the green meadow. Here you can play with these spirals. (Double and single spiral.) Observe and listen carefully to where the ball is and catch it as it exits. 5. - Let's take a close look at this panel (the center of quiet games). Feel the toys one at a time and tell them which toys you like to the touch more than others, and which ones you dislike, and why. 6. Exercise "Sea of ​​balls" (dry pool): - And now we will swim in the sea of ​​balls. Let's all roll over onto our tummy and swim. - Now let's roll over on the back. We continue to sail. - And now let's lie down calmly on the waves. Close your eyes and imagine that you are calmly swaying on the waves of the sea…. (4-5 minutes.) - Our game is over. 7. End of class ritual. Farewell to the Veselki: - Guys, let's smile at the Veselki and say to them: Goodbye!

Lesson number 3

Objectives: - development of mental processes: thinking, memory, attention; - development of design skills; - continuation of the development of the eye; - development of coordination "eye - hand"; - consolidation of knowledge of the colors of the spectrum; - removal of emotional stress; - development of imagination. Materials and equipment: games "Assemble a square", "Put on a ring"; aqualamp; soft floor covering; floor tactile squares; illumination of "veselka".

Course of the lesson

The ritual of the beginning of the lesson.

Greeting "veselok". 2. - Guys, we will now walk along our forest paths. Today we will name the color of the path along which we pass. (Floor sensory tracks.) 3. - Approach this table. We will assemble such a square from parts. Be careful and you will succeed. The game is called "Assemble the square". 4. - Now let's play with these toys. The game is called Put the Ring on. When you put on a ring, say what color it is. Let's see who we have the most accurate, who will put on all the rings (water toys) faster than others. 5. - We will play the game "Find the color". I will show a color, for example, red, and you will look for all red objects in this room. And so we will search and name all the colors. 6. - Now lie down on our soft sofa, turn to face the magic aquarium and watch the water change in it. As soon as the water changes color, you name it. 7. - Turn everything over on the back. Lie down comfortably, close your eyes and listen to my voice. Imagine that you are in a wonderful place - by the sea. A wonderful summer day! Blue sky, warm sun ... You feel calm and happy. A pleasant sensation of freshness and vigor covers your entire body: forehead, face, back, stomach, arms and legs. You feel how the body becomes light, strong, obedient. You are warm and pleasant. The rays of the sun caress your body. Breathes easily and freely. The mood becomes vigorous and cheerful, you want to get up and move. We open our eyes - we are full of strength and energy. Try to keep this feeling all day long. 8. End-of-class ritual. Farewell to the Veselki: - Guys, let's smile at the Veselki and say to them: Goodbye!

Lesson number 4"Let's imagine ..."

Objectives: - formation of ideas about positive and negative emotions; - continuation of training in the ability to determine your mood; - training in ways to raise the mood; - development of courage and self-confidence, overcoming shyness; - self-regulation of the mental state. Materials and equipment: mirror; clown caps; soft floor covering; aqualamp.

Course of the lesson

The ritual of the beginning of the lesson.

Greeting "veselok". - Let's pretend that you and I are monkeys. Go to the mirror and show me without words: a funny monkey, sad, surprised, crying, laughing, frightened, singing, joyful. - Well, how? Do you feel better? Show your mood. 3. Then the psychologist reads a poem: There are feelings in animals, in fish, birds and people. Affects, no doubt, On all of us the mood. Who is having fun? Who is sad? Who got scared? Who is angry? Dispels all doubts Good mood. 4. - And now we will find ourselves in the circus. Let's go out to this green meadow and become clowns. We become in pairs, facing each other. The clowns on the right will be funny. Picture this mood on your face. And now the funny ones will try to cheer up the sad ones so that they smile and everyone has fun. 5. - Now the clowns will play the game "Jolly Exercise". (Cheerful, cheerful music sounds. The psychologist simulates the situation, and the children depict the appropriate actions.) - In order for the car to work, you need to start the engine. - A sleeping person is like a turned off car. - The body gets tired in a day and needs rest. - But there is a new day ahead and a lot of interesting things and adventures. You need to prepare yourself for them: turn on, "turn on" your body. Let's all jump together! - Each of you is the master of your body. You are awake cats, stretching out the front and then the hind legs. “And now you are ladybugs that have fallen on your back. Will you be able to roll onto your stomach without assistance? - Now let's take a deep breath and turn into balloons. A little more - and we will fly! - We stretch up like giraffes. - Let's jump like a kangaroo to become as agile and strong. - And now we are nesting dolls. We swing from side to side. - Let's start the plane! We spin the propeller with all our might. - Guys, you got a big boost of vivacity and self-confidence for the whole day. See you! 6. End of class ritual.

Lesson number 5"Be careful!"

Objectives: - continuation of the development of mental processes: voluntary attention, its stability and switchability; mental abilities; memory, imagination, perception; - the formation of the ability to correlate the speech form of describing objects with the graphic; - development of tactile perception of the receptors of the foot and hands, the ability to convey their feelings in coherent speech; - development of coordination "eye - hand"; - continuation of training in the ability to control your body, relax, release from overstrain. Materials and equipment: floor tactile squares; center for quiet games; cube "Twizzler"; balancing board; aqualamp; the game "Light squares"; soft floor covering.

Course of the lesson

The ritual of the beginning of the lesson.

Greeting "veselok". - Guys, let's walk along our forest paths. We walk slowly, unhurriedly, listening to the singing of birds, the murmur of a stream in the forest. (An audio recording of "Voices of the Forest" sounds.) 3. - We leave with you into the clearing. (Center for quiet games.) - Look closely at this panel, at the toys and objects that are located on it. Each of you will choose an object for himself, but he does not say what he chose. The rest should guess from the description what it is and name the item. (Game "Describe an object.") 4. - And now we are going to cross the abyss along the magic ropes. I will tell everyone the color of the kaknata, along which he will move to the opposite side of the abyss. The teacher encourages those who completed the task faster. 5. - We will continue our way through this magical forest, where every 4 steps the seasons change. You need to follow in the footsteps that are drawn, and name the seasons along which you pass. Do not forget that the back should be straight, and the arms should be spread apart. 6. - Now, guys, lie down on our soft sofa. We will observe the balls in the magic lamp. Everyone chooses their own color of the ball and observes it. (Exercise "Ball dance".) 7. Ritual of the end of the lesson. Farewell to the Veselki: - Guys, let's smile at the Veselki and say to them: Goodbye!

If the child rushes around the apartment without stopping and does not hear at all what you are saying to him, catch him, hug him and in a low voice offer to play.

Freeze-Otomri and 14 more fidget games

If the child runs around the apartment without stopping, shouts in a voice that is not his own, rolls on the floor, makes chaotic movements with his arms and legs and does not hear what you are saying to him at all - catch him, hug him and in a low voice offer to play:

1. Ask your kid to remember how a cow, frog, or dog cries. Or show your hand, nose, knee. Offer the older child to count from 1 to 20, and then from 20 to 1.

2. Freeze, wither away. There are many variations of this game. For example, at the command "Day" the child jumps and plays. And on command "Night" pretends to be asleep. Or let the kid pretend that he is a mouse and runs and plays until you say "The cat is coming!" Instead of a verbal command, you can give a sound command - clap your hands or ring a bell. Play "The Sea is Worrying" with older children

3. Calm storm. A variation of the previous game. It does not require complete fading, but “calm” is quiet, smooth movements, a whisper. What is a storm, I think there is no need to explain

4 . Agree with the baby that as soon as you press on his nose, he immediately "turns off". You can expand on this idea by drawing a remote control (or use an unnecessary TV remote). Press the button on the remote control and say: "I decrease the volume (turn off the sound, turn on the slowdown)". Let the child follow the commands

5. Invite your child to pretend that he is a tiger hunting. He must sit motionless for a long time in ambush, and then jump and catch someone. Or, together with your child, catch imaginary butterflies, which you need to slowly and very quietly sneak up on. Under some playful pretext, hide under the covers together and sit there quietly.

6. Invite your child to imagine himself as a whale. Let him take a deep breath and dive deep. Whale can be given instructions to sail to different continents or look for something at the bottom.

7. Ask the child to close his eyes (if he agrees, blindfold with a handkerchief) and sit still, waiting for a certain signal. For example, when the bell rings for the third time. Or ask the child to do something with closed eyes (fold the pyramid, put the typewriter on the windowsill, collect cubes from the floor).

8. Ask your child to perform a difficult movement that requires concentration.(run your finger along the drawn maze, drive the car by the string between the pins). Promise a prize for the fulfillment.

9. Try an exercise that alternates tension and relaxation. For example, you can move an obviously overwhelming sofa, and then fall and rest. Or invite your baby to imagine that his and your palms are snowflakes. Let the snowflakes fall smoothly to the ground. And then take imaginary snow from the ground and clench your hands into fists with force (make snowballs).

10. Suggest a game. You say a word, and the child tries to speak the word louder than you. And then, on the contrary, ask your baby to speak more quietly than you.

11. Take a sheet or a thin blanket and swaddle the "baby" tightly. The age of the child does not matter, but it is important that he likes this game. You can take him in your arms, shake him, sing a song.

12. Take a napkin (or a piece of wood) and toss it up. Tell your child to laugh as loudly as possible while the napkin is falling. But as soon as it falls, you should immediately shut up. Play with your child.

13. It is better to teach your child even a tiny bit that when you spread your arms, he will run into your arms (I know, many parents do this). If this hug is pleasant, the habit will remain by 3-5 years. Therefore, spread your arms and when the child comes running to you hug him tightly and hold him back for a few seconds.

14. Suggest the kid to run and jump, but at the same time constantly perform some simple movement. For example, keep your index fingers connected or rotate your hand.

15. Sew a hand-sized bag and put 3-4 tablespoons of sand or cereal into it. Encourage your child to run, jump and misbehave while holding this bag on his head. Promise him something pleasant (treat him with something, play or read) if the bag does not fall until the timer rings (depending on age, the time interval is 1-5 minutes). published by