Are there any beneficial substances in the kernels of apricots. The benefits and harms of apricot kernels

A lot of fruits are grown in Russia, which people are very fond of. They contain a large number of substances beneficial to health. One of the most popular types of the middle zone of the country is the apricot. This fruit is useful not only for its fruit, but also for the bone inside it. This will be discussed in this article, as well as about the benefits and harms of apricot kernels and what their properties and uses.

What kind of fruit?

Apricot contains many organic acids, including tartaric, citric, malic and even a little salicylic, as well as tannins, vitamins and starch. All have a positive effect on the body's immune system. Apricot is exceptionally rich in potassium, which helps the liver and heart function well. The iron in it increases hemoglobin and prevents anemia. The fruit contains a lot of beta-carotene, which affects the skin and eyesight. Magnesium contributes to brain function and calcium improves neuromuscular function.

Why is this fruit useful?

Apricot is effective for anemia, as it promotes hematopoiesis. It is indicated for pregnant women and young children. Eating only 100 grams. juice satisfies daily requirement the body in calcium and beta-carotene, normalizes the acidity of the stomach.

Dried fruit is a nutritious and restorative agent. A decoction from it will soften the inflammatory processes of the digestive tract.

Many cosmetologists advise using it as a hair mask, which helps to strengthen and shine curls.

However, not only fruits are beneficial to the body. A large number of vitamin B17, which is able to prevent the development of cancerous tumors, contain apricot kernels. Their benefits and harms cause a lot of heated debate today.

The kernels of this fruit have been used by healers in the treatment of many diseases.

Even special varieties of apricot are grown, in which there are large seeds and their kernels, which are used instead of almonds.

However, consuming them too often can cause frustration, especially in women, when they step on the scale again. After all, these bones are high in calories. Therefore, you need to comply with a certain rate when eating them.

Apricot pits

In recent years, scientists are increasingly talking about the fact that metabolic disorders are the cause of cancer. The main imbalance here is in minerals and vitamins. Natural sources of useful elements can help to normalize this process.

The main ones are just apricot pits. Their benefits and harms have already been described in many sources. Seeds are extremely rich in composition, so you need to be extremely careful with them and use them in a certain amount, without overeating, as they can cause serious poisoning.

Kernels are not only edible raw. They are often found in various confectionery products, creams, ice cream, yoghurts, and so on. They are used to make apricot oil, which is very popular in cosmetology, shampoos and creams for face and body.


It must be said that this vitamin is found not only in apricot pits. It is found in strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, and other wild berries.

Maybe apricot pits are not that tasty, but they will prevent cancer from appearing. In addition, not all of them taste unpleasant: there are even sweet kernels. They contain seventy percent of the valuable edible oil and twenty percent of the protein.

In addition, apricot kernels are rich in amino acids. These are arginine, valine, tyrosine and methionine.

Traditional healers, especially oriental healers, treat diseases such as bronchitis, tracheitis, cough, bronchial asthma, upper catarrh with apricot seeds. respiratory tract.


However, not everything is so simple. It turns out that apricot pits are not suitable for everyone. The benefits and harms of nuclei lie in their rich composition. On the one hand, they resist many diseases, primarily cancer. On the other hand, there is a possibility of causing a considerable number of problems to the body.

For example, iron can accumulate in the body, and it is very difficult to remove it.

Hydrocyanic acid (contained in amygdalin), which is part of them, has different effects on the body. However, this moment has almost been overcome by selection, thanks to which apricot varieties with a minimum content of this substance have been developed to date.

So, bitter apricot contains up to twelve and a half percent of amygdalin, while sweet apricot contains up to five percent. Most of all it is in the bones with a pointed end.

When the benefits and harms of apricot kernels are mentally weighed, you need to know that they can cause the most severe poisoning, up to and including death.

Almond kernels also contain amygdalin, and the wild variety is quite poisonous.


Some culinary experts are of the opinion that hydrocyanic acid is neutralized when the kernels are dried. Thus, when the benefits and harms of apricot kernels were discussed, proponents of the correct drying believed that the damage from them was minimized. Supporters of heat treatment were of the same opinion, believing that it significantly reduces the risk of poisoning.

But it is not so. Under the influence of high temperature, another substance associated with amygdalin is destroyed, and it continues to affect the apricot pits. The benefits and harms (reviews of many people confirm this) of the product remains a controversial issue to this day. Someone thinks that the danger of nuclei is greatly exaggerated, while others, on the contrary, are sure that in no case should they be eaten.

The benefits and harms of apricot kernels

In 1993, in the United States, New York, a study was conducted on the content of amygdalin in the nuclei of the fruit seeds. Several lethal doses of this dangerous substance have been found in every package for sale. Then the goods were seized, but they were not officially banned. Therefore, both before and after the study, apricot pits continued and continue to be sold.

The benefits and harms of diabetes, however, are not controversial, just like with liver and thyroid problems. Nuclei are contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus. Great care should be taken in pregnant women with apricot kernels. Their benefits and harms, however, will not be such an urgent issue if the daily dose of their use exceeds twenty grams.

The invaluable use of apricot kernels as a medicine was discovered by Chinese healers. They were the first to reveal the unique properties of nuclei in the treatment of skin diseases and joint ailments. Soon the whole world learned about the healing effect of the gentle core, and today, thanks to its excellent composition, many countries use apricot seeds in medical and cosmetic fields.

The composition of apricot kernels contains:

  • Fat - 45 g
  • Carbohydrates - 25 g
  • Proteins - 3g

The composition of the cores of apricot kernels includes many rare substances. Among them:

  • Phospholipids
  • Tocopherols
  • Potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium
  • Saturated and unsaturated acids
  • Vitamins of groups F, C, A, PP, B
  • Amygdalin
  • Squirrels
  • Essential oils
  • Hydrocyanic acid
  • Natural pigments


Harm of apricot kernels

With a detailed study of all the components of the apricot kernel kernel, scientists made unpleasant conclusions. Sweet hearts can be consumed without fear, however, it is worth knowing that very bitter bones contain an impressive concentration of organic poisons. The fact is that when the kernel of the bones enters the body, they release hydrocyanic acid. Its excess in the body is fraught with severe poisoning and deterioration of health.

The bitter taste is given by the substance amygdalin - the strongest source of hydrocyanic acid. Although some varieties of apricots do not contain amygdalin. But in any case, it is worth remembering that the uncontrolled use of the cores is dangerous for the body, as it can cause poisoning, but for this you need to take a large number of cores - more than 40 grams.

But the harm of apricot pits will be reduced to zero if you dry them in the oven or boil them before use. Under the influence of high temperatures, the harmful components of the nuclei will completely collapse.

The harm to apricot kernels can be if you use old seeds that have been in stocks for several years. In such nuclei, the content of cyanide substances increases every year, and it is categorically impossible to take them. This chemical in small doses kills cancer cells, but in large concentrations it already affects healthy cells in the body.

Apricot pits are contraindicated if:

You can feel the harm of apricot kernels if you consume more than 20 ... 40 grams of seeds at a time. Moreover, signs of poisoning can appear in the period from 30 minutes to 5 hours after consumption.

Poisoning symptoms can be:

  • Lethargy, weakness
  • Stomach pain
  • Severe migraine
  • Stomach cramps and nausea
  • Breathing problems

In acute poisoning, convulsions, fainting, pressure surges, sudden respiratory arrest and acute heart failure are possible.


Apricot pits: benefits

In small amounts, apricot kernels can be very beneficial for human body... We can say with confidence that the composition of this product is really extraordinary, and with the correct use of kernels, you can improve your health and even get rid of some diseases. Many European countries are engaged in "weighing" the benefits and harms of this extraordinary product.

The enormous benefits of apricot kernels for the body and an amazing healing effect have been identified in the treatment of:

  • Oncology
  • Bronchitis, whooping cough, various ailments of the upper respiratory tract
  • Heart disease

Need to know!

Anyone who has ever tasted the core of an apricot kernel remembers that its taste is slightly bitter. This is due to the substance amygdalin (B17), a glycoside found in the seeds of many fruits of the plum genus. Once in the body, it breaks down into hydrocyanic acid and benzaldehyde, substances that are dangerous poisons.

In the environment of healthy cells, they are transformed into carbohydrates and do not harm the body. However, it is these substances that have a detrimental effect on cells infected with cancer, and with the regular use of apricot kernels, complete destruction of oncological neoplasms was found.

Tocopherol possesses excellent properties, of which there is a "decent" amount in apricot pits. It prevents aging of the body, inhibits the process of skin aging. Natural acids, such as palmitic, linoleic and oleic, have a beneficial effect on the epidermis, improve the condition of hair and nails.

The cores of apricot kernels are widely used in cooking in the manufacture of yoghurts, caramel, cakes, desserts, ice cream. Certain types of kernels contain up to 70% fatty oils, are distinguished by excellent taste and can even replace expensive almonds in some dishes.

Medicinal properties of apricot kernels

Aromatic oil obtained from apricot kernels is widely used. In medicine, it is used to dilute certain drugs, as well as as a prophylactic agent for liver cirrhosis.

Oil from seed kernels has antimutagenic properties, prevents acute heart failure, restores vascular elasticity. It is used to treat chronic kidney disease, anemia and constipation. Thick healing oil is used as a medicinal product for stomach ulcers, gastritis, and also as an emollient for inflammatory processes of the rectum, for hemorrhoids.

Fresh apricot kernel oil has gained popularity as a vitamin and moisturizer for face gels, creams, and shampoos. Thanks to its excellent protective properties, the delicate oil protects against infections and significantly prolongs the youth of the body.

Calorie content of apricot kernels

Due to the impressive amount of fat, aromatic oil is produced from the juicy kernels of apricot kernels, which is used in cosmetology and medicine. The food is fascinating and nutritious - there are 510 calories per 100 g of raw kernels.

Due to the high calorie content of the kernel of apricot kernels, it is not recommended for persons who are obese or on a diet. Apricot kernels can be taken raw, dried, or roasted.

Crispy and slightly sweet grains are loved by chefs and culinary specialists in exquisite dishes. For example, they add a special piquancy to apricot jam if added to the sweet mass during cooking. Miniature pits are perfectly combined with yogurt, fresh oatmeal and cottage cheese. It is also good to take them in combination with honey, jam, or use as an additional ingredient in salads.

Apricot seeds can help expel worms, heal the heart, and even prevent cancer.
The sweet, aromatic fruits that we all love to feast on are not just delicious. They are very useful, and - to the very bone. The fragrant grains contain a substance that can cure a cough and dermatitis. It is apricot oil that has always been judged by its weight in gold.

What is the secret of apricot seeds?

Apricot pits smell like almonds. They contain amygdalin - it is also called vitamin B17, - says phytotherapist Elena Baklyukova. - It is also found in bitter almonds, pits of apples, cherries, peaches, plums, millet. This vitamin, according to some studies, prevents cancer, but recently it is questionable. They also contain carotene and other essential vitamins that make bones a universal medicine.

In addition, apricot kernels contain a unique oil that treats dermatitis, sore throats, runny nose, annoying cough, can replace an expensive nourishing cream (vitamin F is especially useful for the skin, accelerates cell regeneration, controls the work of the sebaceous glands, restores balance, counteracts the formation of acne) ...

This oil acts as an antibiotic. If there are wounds on the tongue or gums (stomatitis), then you can chew an apricot kernel, this fatty gruel relieves pain and inflammation.

Is it true that you can't eat a lot of apricot seeds?

Amygdalin breaks down in the intestines, forming hydrocyanic acid, and it provokes severe poisoning. Therefore, apricot pits can be eaten only a little - a maximum of 3 - 5 pieces per day for adults and adolescents. By the way, this is a recognized anthelmintic. And if you add crushed seeds one at a time to tea, you get a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Nutritional value

Apricot kernels are a controversial health food and suggest cancer prevention and treatment. The seeds contain monounsaturated fat and are a good source of protein and dietary fiber. The oil in the seeds has vitamin E. However, the seeds also contain cyanide, a potentially deadly toxin. While your body can detoxify small amounts of cyanide, eating too many apricot seeds or kernels can be hazardous to your health.

Bitter and sweet apricot pits

The nutritional value and toxicity of apricot kernels vary by cultivar. Some apricot seeds are sweet and contain cyanide. These sweet apricot seeds are suitable substitutes for almonds. Bitter seeds contain higher levels of cyanide. The product label should indicate whether apricot seeds are considered sweet or bitter. However, expect a little bitter taste even from sweet apricot seeds.

Calories, nutritional value

There are 160 calories per 1/4 cup serving of apricot kernels. Only 1 gram of fat is saturated fat. Apricot pits do not contain cholesterol, they contain a small amount of sodium or potassium. A serving of apricot kernels contains 7 grams of carbohydrates, with 2 grams as sugars and 5 grams of dietary fiber. One serving of apricot kernels contains 7 g of protein. Apricot seeds are not a significant source of most vitamins or minerals, but there are 4 milligrams of vitamin E per 100 g serving of apricot oil.

Amiglalin and pangamic acid

Apricot seeds contain amygdalin, which some researchers believe helps prevent and cure cancer, and pangamic acid, which may be helpful in treating coronary heart disease. Levels of these compounds are highest in raw, whole apricot kernels as opposed to cooked or processed ones. You may find that amygdalin is referred to as vitamin B-17 and pangamic acid as vitamin B-15, however, these substances are not recognized as vitamins and are considered unsafe for use in food products or medications.

Safe consumption

Cyanide occurs naturally in apricot seeds and related foods, including cherries, peaches, and almonds. The amount of cyanide in apricot seeds varies depending on the size and variety, but on average, an apricot seed contains 0.5 milligrams of cyanide. The lethal dose of cyanide ranges from 0.5 to 3.5 milligrams per kg of body weight, depending on factors including age and liver health. Based on medical history, the lethal dose for an 80 kg person was 80 to 560 apricot kernels per day. For a 60-pound woman, the lethal dose would be 65 to 455 seeds per day. Toxicity occurs at lower doses, so the lethal range should be considered the extreme upper limit.

See how to separate seeds from pits:

Vitamin B17: Apricot Pits and Cancer

Apricot kernels - the seeds in the center of the fruit - are characterized by high levels of B17. While not technically a vitamin, B17 has consistently been referred to as such. The Vitamin and Nutritional Guidelines describe B17 - also known as amygdalin - as having properties useful in reducing arthritis-related pain and blood pressure... However, the most commonly cited attributes of the amygdala revolve around perceived cancer control and prevention capabilities.

For regions located in a climatic zone with a long cold period, the issue of selecting systems for artificial heating of premises is relevant. A wide range of online store of heating equipment "Teplo Tech" allows you to choose equipment for maintaining a temperature that meets the conditions of thermal comfort, taking into account the availability and cost of energy carriers, as well as the features of installation.

The most common types of heating equipment today:

  • gas;
  • electric;
  • solid fuel.

Gas boilers

Due to the economy and availability of fossil fuels, gas heating equipment has become very popular. Manufacturers, both domestic and foreign, offer a wide selection of designs of various capacities, modifications and purposes. Floor standing models are available, which are mounted on a hard surface (such units have, as a rule, more power) and compact wall versions. By appointment, you can select:

  • single-circuit gas boilers- designed exclusively for performing heating functions;
  • double-circuit models - in addition to heating, they are able to provide hot water for domestic needs;
  • three-circuit - the third circuit allows heat to be supplied to additional systems, for example, heated floors or a pool.

Gas systems are easy to install and fully automated. A large number of manufacturers and a wide range of modifications allow you to buy gas boilers that meet consumer requirements. These are models equipped with the latest developments in electrical engineering, and inexpensive devices that perform basic functions.

Electric heating equipment

The range of electric heating equipment is wide and varied. Each model has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when planning the installation of an electric unit. By the type of built-in heating element, electric boilers can be divided into electrode and heating elements. Multi-circuit modifications are also available.

Electric heating equipment is compact, quiet and environmentally friendly - there is no need to install additional structures for waste disposal.

Solid fuel boilers

Autonomous heating systems running on wood and coal do not require additional electricity and gas supply infrastructures. In terms of efficiency in the realities of the modern world with the instability of the cost of energy carriers, such units can easily compete with more technologically advanced subspecies of heaters. It is not enough to buy inexpensive heating equipment in Ukraine: it is necessary to take into account the costs of the energy carrier and try to choose a unit that works on the most affordable of them. Modern manufacturers offer various models of solid fuel boilers that can operate autonomously for a long time: from classic to boilers with automatic fuel supply. You can order any of the models of solid fuel equipment for your home in the Teplo Tech online store. Our experts will take into account the wishes of the customer and the individual characteristics of the heating room and will help you choose from a wide range of models that best suits the conditions.

Classic boilers

Classic boilers made of cast iron or heat-resistant steel run on wood, peat or coal. Fuel supply is carried out manually. The temperature regime is regulated by controlling the air supply to the combustion chamber using dampers. Modern models are equipped with temperature sensors and can be completed with remote controls for operating modes.

Long burning boilers

The peculiarity of such units is the duration of the combustion cycle. Depending on the type of fuel, the boiler is capable of supplying heat for a period from 12-48 hours to 4-7 days. The stored fuel - up to 50 kg - burns out gradually, from top to bottom. The device is large enough, you should pay attention to this when planning the installation.

Pyrolysis boilers

Pyrolysis is the decomposition of organic compounds under the influence of high temperatures in conditions of a small amount of oxygen. Pyrolysis units work on this principle. Heating is carried out due to the combustion of gases resulting from the decay of wood. Such boilers are distinguished by high efficiency (the fuel burns out completely) and, as a result, increased efficiency. The burning cycle of one bookmark is up to 12 hours. The combustion of gases is easy to control, so the process is easy to control and automate.

Boilers with automatic fuel supply

Automatic feeding allows you to cope with the lack of solid fuel boilers - the need for frequent manual fuel loading. Boilers equipped with a bunker that supplies fuel automatically are capable of providing heat supply from 3 to 10 days. The fuel for such systems is special wood briquettes - pellets - or standard wood and coal, depending on the model. Despite the increased requirements for fire safety and dependence on the power grid, such installations are becoming increasingly popular.

The choice of heating equipment (video) -

Apricot pulp contains many vitamins that are essential for maintaining immunity. The question of the beneficial properties of apricot kernels and the quantities in which they can be consumed causes a lot of controversy.

In terms of nutritional properties, apricot kernels can only be compared with a nut: in 100 grams of kernels there will be about 500 kcal. But they should not be consumed in such quantities. You can eat up to 50 grams of raw kernels per day. After all, they contain amygdalin, this substance, when broken down, releases hydrocyanic acid, that is, cyanide. It is to this substance that apricot pits taste bitter.

The concentration of this substance is present to varying degrees in different varieties of apricot. It is quite simple to define it. The sweeter the nucleolus, the less substance.

Apricot pits: benefits and harms

Many admirers of this delicacy are interested in "what are the benefits of apricot pits?" A vitamin such as letril, that is, vitamin B17, is of great benefit. It has a beneficial effect on the immune system and is a key component in the development of drugs for cancer patients. On the basis of this vitamin, the development of "Laetrile", a drug that destroys cancer cells, was carried out.

The benefits of this medicine are constantly criticized. But B17 is certainly useful vitamin, which has been proven more than once using scientific research... Doctors confirm the benefits of apricot kernels and recommend using them as a prophylactic agent for cancer. The number of seeds taken per day should not exceed 10-12 pcs.

In the presence of cancer, the dose must be increased. It must be taken throughout the day, but not at one time. The kernels must be chewed thoroughly, you can add a little honey. You need to start with a small dosage (3-4 seeds per day), gradually increasing the dose, focusing on the body's response.

Since B17 tends to dissolve in liquid, then when taking seeds, you need to drink melt water. For 1 kilogram of weight, 30 milliliters each.

Useful properties of apricot kernels

    Apricot kernels:
  1. have an analgesic effect;
  2. able to activate metabolism;
  3. slow down the aging process.

Scientists have carried out observations, during which a small Hunza people in Pakistan was discovered. People of this nationality are distinguished by amazing longevity and they are completely free of cancer. The fact is that the tribe feeds mainly on apricot fruits, and the seeds are used by them every day.

The apricot kernel is rich in vitamin E, which also makes it curative. After all, vitamin E helps to strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff. Apricot oil contains various masks and shampoos, and is also used in caring for newborns, since it is hypoallergenic. Due to the abundant content of unsaturated fatty acids in the nuclei, they are often used for medicinal purposes. The oil is able to rejuvenate the skin, it is often used as the basis for a healing massage.

Fatty acids are present in apricot kernels, so they have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels. Eating these beneficial kernels and pulp can have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. In order for the bones to have a healing effect, they are eaten raw. Heat treatment has a destructive effect on hydrocyanic acid. After processing, the bones completely lose their harmful qualities, but become useless. At the same time, they remain very tasty.
Thus, the daily use of apricot fruits and seeds helps:

  • avoid cardiovascular disease;
  • remove cholesterol and heavy metal salts;
  • get rid of edema;
  • increase the level of hemoglobin;
  • improve brain activity;
  • cope with vitamin deficiency;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • regulate the work of the intestinal tract, liver and gallbladder;
  • get rid of heartburn;
  • deal with thirst.

The use of apricots and their seeds in cooking

Apricots have also found their application in the culinary arts: they are used to make jams, in which apricot kernels are sometimes put. To preserve their properties, the nucleoli must be preserved without heating. Preservation takes place by placing the nucleoli in a pasteurized jar and pouring honey over them.

Also, apricot pits are used by brewing them and drinking them in the form of tea. In this form, they are able to help with cardiovascular diseases.

Contraindications for apricot kernels

Contraindications for use are the following diseases and conditions:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • liver disease;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

How are apricot seeds useful for overweight people? Unfortunately, nothing. They are high in calories and are not light foods. But in the case when a person seeks to gain the missing kilograms, apricot pits will come in handy. Due to the fact that they contain oil, absorption is very fast.

Many athletes include apricot treats in their daily diet to provide them with the energy they need without causing any harm.

Daily intake of seeds

How many seeds can be consumed per day without harming the body? An adult is allowed to eat up to 50 grams per day. Can a child eat them? The permissible norm for a young organism is 20-25 grams. You should not eat more than the established norm. Since the nucleus contains amygdalin, which, if used excessively, can have a detrimental effect.

It is also highly discouraged, there are old nucleoli. Over time, the amount of cyanide in them increases and can cause serious poisoning.
For each individual person, such a concept as the benefits and harms of apricot kernels can be unequal. Therefore, you should not put experiments on your health.

The best way out is to go to the doctor, who will explain in all details what effect this product has, whether it is worth taking it for you and in what dosage it can be taken without harm to health.

Storage rules, use of apricot kernels

To fully experience the beneficial effects of apricot seeds, you need to choose them correctly. Good quality seeds are similar in appearance to almonds, they should be oblong and even in shape, the color of good seeds is brownish, but, in general, shades can vary from pale to darker copper.

They can be stored both in a purified and unrefined form. In the case when long-term storage is planned, it is better not to clean the kernels, due to this, their shelf life will increase. Store dried seeds in a jar to keep them away from sunlight, dust and pests.

For people who are afraid to eat apricot kernels, apricot kernel oil is suitable. By its composition, this oil is unique, it contains useful acids such as lionolic, stearic, oleic, magnesium salts, calcium and a complex of vitamins.

It is customary to use apricot kernels in all kinds, that is, fried, dried and also cheese. They are used in the manufacture of the following products:

  • milk products;
  • biscuit fillings;
  • glaze;
  • caramel;
  • candy.

Some varieties have a rather large stone, which can fully replace almonds. For the most part, the kernels do not have a rich taste, but there are types that are distinguished by sweetness, these types are saturated with oils by 70%.

Discovery in the field of cosmetology - apricot kernels. The oil extracted from them is widely used for the manufacture of shampoos, ointments, creams, etc. In beauty salons, products containing apricot kernels are used for rejuvenating massage, since this component can positively affect the condition of the skin, and also has excellent absorbency.

Apricot oil is used as an additive in the creation of expensive medical cosmetics.