What vitamins are good for the mind. What vitamins will improve the memory of schoolchildren? Video: Brain

Memory is a complex and mysterious mechanism. Thanks to her, humanity has the right to the future. Memory is able to store all the memories of the events that happened. It is thanks to this phenomenon that man gains experience. In the everyday life of any subject, memory is constantly at work. People with amnesia are unable to perceive the lessons of life. Every day they have to start all over again, making old mistakes over and over again. By consuming vitamins for memory, adults and children can improve the work of such a complex mechanism.

Main components

Such a function of the brain in the case of its optimal functioning consists of three components: initial capabilities, statistical state and fitness. When vitamins for memory are included in the diet in sufficient quantities, it is much easier for adults to cope with many tasks.

  • Initial opportunities are the inclinations given to the human brain by nature. It is worth noting that each of us, to one degree or another, possesses them.
  • The statistical state of memory is another component that determines the potential of a given possibility of the brain. According to experts, the possibilities of our "gray matter" are almost endless. The total number of neurons in the brain is 14 billion (despite the fact that the number of interconnections between them is simply incalculable). The state of such an organ is determined by many factors. Its functioning is influenced by magnetic storms, the physical and emotional state of a person, occupation, etc.
  • Memory training. Under such a phrase it is customary to understand the regular efforts of the psychophysiological type, which improve the functioning of the brain. Systematic loads can significantly increase the indicated ability of a person. However, do not forget that there are effective vitamins for improving memory. Together with training, they allow you to achieve high results.

Memory work during sleep and wakefulness

During rest, processes are carried out in the brain in which the most important neurotransmitter (a component that establishes the transmission of a nerve message between neurons), GABA, takes part. In case of lack of sleep, the chemical activity of the specified organ is significantly reduced. In addition, the human brain is initially tuned to the natural rhythm of the alternation of sleep and wakefulness, and therefore it is at night that all recovery processes are carried out in it. Constant sleep deprivation has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the brain. In such cases, sometimes even vitamins for memory do not help. Adults should clearly understand that proper sleep is the key to optimal brain function.

Exercise can also have a beneficial effect on gray matter performance. An active lifestyle, systematic jogging and walks in the fresh air - all this will benefit the above-named body.


What vitamins are needed to improve memory? Many people ask this question from time to time. Surprisingly, proper nutrition can optimize brain activity. You should be aware that monotonous foods can often lead to degenerative processes in the brain. Unfortunately, such a result is not immediately apparent. After all, the deficiency of nutrients in the body manifests itself gradually and is cumulative. That is why a sensible diet should include a varied and regular intake of wholesome food containing vitamins and minerals to improve memory, attention and intelligence. And what are these components, we will analyze in more detail:

  • Carbohydrates... The human brain accounts for only 2% of the total weight of the whole body. However, the amount of energy consumed by it often reaches 20%. As you know, carbohydrates have always been considered the main source of energy. The highest concentration of such substances is found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, berries, honey, etc. In case of insufficient intake of the specified substances into the body, brain inhibition may develop. Such a statement should be carefully listened to by those who practice protein diets.
  • Squirrels. No one will deny the importance of these elements for the body. They are the main building material for neurotransmitters and nerve cells that maintain memory in proper condition. Proteins move and generate energy. In the event of a shortage of them, the physical condition of a person will begin to deteriorate, depression and fatigue will be felt. In order to prevent this situation and create an optimal environment for the brain, you should eat meat regularly (at least three times a week). Beef is of the greatest value here. Milk, fish, eggs and cottage cheese are also of great benefit.

  • Fats... Together with the above-mentioned components, they also allow the body to stock up on energy. It is worth noting here that the components vegetable origin are more useful than "counterparts" of animal origin (except in the diet, the specified substances must account for at least 15%.

Memory-enhancing foods

Best option proper nutrition- a variety of consumed food containing the above-described components and vitamins for the mind. Food for memory should be filled with the maximum amount of nutrients, as well as their compounds. It should be noted that these are found in almost any product.

  • Banana is an excellent source of easily digestible carbohydrates. It contains amino acids such as methionine, carotene, tryptophan, as well as vitamins C, PP, B2 and B1.
  • Eggs are the optimal product for Quail eggs should be considered the most useful. They contain vitamins PP, B2, B1 and A. The set of amino acids includes cysteine, lysine, glutamic acid, methionine and tryptophan.
  • Sprouted cereals. These foods contain potassium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and zinc. Cereals also contain calcium, selenium, iron and copper. The set of vitamins here is completely striking in its diversity: biotin, F, E, B9, B6, B5, B3, B2, B1.
  • Honey is a storehouse of carbohydrates. It contains 22 of the 24 essential trace elements found in human blood. This product can be safely substituted for sugar.
  • Fatty fish - salmon, trout, salmon and herring. It is high in Omega-3 (an essential type of fat).

The most important vitamins for the mind and memory

B vitamins are especially important for optimal brain function. Studies have confirmed their effectiveness. These memory vitamins for adults help improve focus and thinking. In addition, the listed substances have a beneficial effect on nervous system... Having the ability to act as antioxidants, these vitamins can create a protective environment for the brain during overuse. They endow cells with oxygen molecules, preventing the aging process of the aforementioned organ. With a lack of these useful components, a person may feel weakness, drowsiness, nervousness, weakened memory, loss of appetite, etc. Let's look at vitamins for memory for adults. The list of products in which they are located will allow you to determine the optimal diet.

List of vitamins for memory and mind

Have you ever thought about how many nutrients the body receives from the most common foods? Consider what vitamins a person can get from the diet.

  • Thiamine (B1) . This element is able to create the proper environment for the development of memory and cognitive processes in the brain. In the case of a thiamine deficiency, the human body reads to synthesize uric acid in excess, which affects the brain. Given the fact that cooking can destroy this compound, some fruits and vegetables should be eaten fresh. B1 is also found in foods such as fish, eggs, nuts, meat, oatmeal, peas, and buckwheat.
  • Riboflavin (B2) . The main task of such an element is to accelerate mental processes. Such a vitamin is indispensable in the case of active physical and mental work, because it provides the body with energy. The following foods are rich in riboflavin: cabbage, peas, almonds, turnips, green beans, brewer's yeast, tomatoes, etc.
  • Nicotinic acid (B3) . This vitamin is able to improve the state of memory, as it produces energy in nerve cells. They are rich in such products: nuts, milk, chicken meat, yolk, green vegetables, buckwheat, fish.
  • Calcium pantothenate (B5). This vitamin is a long-term type memory stimulant. It promotes the transmission of nerve impulses from neuron to neuron. In addition, these memory vitamins can produce enzymes that counteract the negative effects of nicotine and alcohol. Adults will get them from foods: peas, liver, eggs, caviar, hazelnuts. Also buckwheat, dairy products, cabbage are rich in calcium pantothenate.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) . The main task of pyridoxine is to increase intellectual ability. You can increase the content of such an enzyme with potatoes, eggs, cabbage, nuts, bananas.
  • Folic acid (B9). This vitamin can have a beneficial effect on memory and thinking speed. It is under its influence that the inhibition and excitation of the central nervous system occurs. They are rich in dairy products, nuts, cheese, apricots, pumpkin, legumes, red meat.
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12). Such a vitamin determines the daily activity of the human body, being responsible for the transition from sleep to wakefulness and vice versa. You can find B12 in the following foods: cheese, poultry, herring, beef, kelp, etc.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from mental or physical overload. Sources of vitamin C: spinach, citrus fruits, currants, peppers, cabbage, apples, apricots, tomatoes.
  • Calciferol (E). Its main task is to remove toxins from the body, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and maintain brain activity. This vitamin is found in foods such as nuts, vegetable oil, seeds, legumes, oatmeal, eggs, liver, etc.

Minerals that have a positive effect

Asking the question of what vitamins are needed to improve memory, it is important to understand that the body needs not only this component. Minerals also have a great influence. As previously noted, eating well can optimize brain function.

  • Iodine . Improves memory and regulates metabolic processes. A high concentration of this element is observed in iodized salt, seafood and kelp.
  • Selenium . It stabilizes the work of brain cells, improves mood, provides an energy boost. Contained in buckwheat, seafood, meat, oatmeal and corn.
  • What are the vitamins for memory for adults? Zinc is no less useful than those listed above. He is directly involved in the formation of human brain cells, increases attention. They are rich in red meat, brewer's yeast, seafood.
  • Iron. Promotes the transfer of oxygen to the brain cells, improves the state of memory, increases attention. Iron is found in beans, meat, buckwheat, apples, corn, and persimmons.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. They help to increase intelligence, improve brain activity. Contained in oily fish, vegetable oil, nuts, flax seeds.

Fortified drugs for the development of memory

Unfortunately, in most cases, modern man is not able to constantly control his diet. The question arises of where to get vitamins for memory for adults. The names of the drugs described below are familiar to many. These complexes are able to provide the body with the necessary minerals and vitamins.

Below we list which drugs improve memory. However, please note that the information below is for guidance only. Do not self-medicate. Be sure to consult your doctor.

So, complexes containing vitamins for memory for adults (the list is far from complete, since the choice of a suitable drug remains with a specialist):

  • « Vitrum Memori". This tool improves intellectual activity, optimizes blood circulation in the brain, increases the concentration of memory and attention.
  • « Active Lecithin» . The above complex is able to improve the memory function of the brain in adults. It is used to strengthen nerves and increase intelligence. It contains lecithin and B vitamins.
  • « Memory Forte". It is the most effective and safest drug. It is used during a period of high loads of an intellectual level, with a deterioration in attention and memory, for the prevention of age-related changes. The complex has no contraindications.

Children's drugs

As you know, vitamin deficiency can cause various deviations in the health of a child. First of all, children suffer from deterioration in brain function. Signs of this are the following sensations: increased fatigue, poor assimilation of information, insufficient concentration.

Experts recommend that parents give their babies some vitamins for memory. An improvement in memory in children after taking the complexes described below was noticed by most mothers. The main thing is to remember that they should be used only after consulting a pediatrician.

Let's move on to the main thing. Here are some drugs that improve the memory of children:

  • « Pikovit". For children preschool age a drug called "Pikovit Omega-3" is recommended. It is produced in the form of a syrup. The product contains healthy fats Omega-3, as well as a complex of 10 vitamins.

  • « VitaMishki». An excellent tool for improving the functioning of the child's brain. The preparation is based on natural juices. "VitaMishki" are able not only to optimize brain activity, but also to improve the child's immunity. The product does not contain preservatives or dyes.
  • « Junior Bee Weiss". This vitamin and mineral preparation is intended specifically to support the physical and mental development of the growing body. The complex contains iodine, selenium and many vitamins. Prescribed for children under 6 years of age. The drug has no contraindications.


If you are concerned about memory problems that are emerging, the first thing to do is to adjust your diet. Remember, your diet should contain all the vitamins you need for memory. Adults and children who decide to take special complexes should definitely discuss this issue with a doctor.

The human brain is a very complex organic computer, the principles of which science still does not fully know. But, like mechanical computers, sometimes it lets a person down: problems begin with memorization, concentration of attention.

The nervous system begins to fail, the work of the head becomes more and more difficult.

Both an adult and a child can face this. This may be due to a lack of certain substances, causing malfunctions in the body, which can lead to the development of dangerous diseases. Improving the situation and restoring the previous activity is quite possible with the help of taking vitamins for the brain. But which of the extensive list of known substances of this kind are needed in this case?

Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms expressed in memory loss, disorientation in space, hallucinations and tingling in the hands and feet. Some patients diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's disease suffer from deficiency. Measuring the level of B12 in the blood is actually not the best way to determine the deficiency of this element in the human body. A blood test for methylmalonic acid and protein breakdown are the most accurate markers.

B vitamins play a huge role in the metabolism in the human body. They ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system and energy metabolism. IMPORTANT: They are best taken in combination, as many of them enhance the rest.

B1 - thiamine. Promotes the assimilation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as normalizes the functioning of neurons, thus directly affecting the improvement of mood, causing an improvement in memory and cognitive abilities.

B2 - riboflavin. It enhances the action of pyrodoxine and folic acid, participates in the formation of niacin, improves the quality of sleep, and has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the nervous system.

B3 () - niacin, nicotinic acid. Its deficiency causes insomnia, weakness, and pellagra. It is also involved in the regulation of the amount of glucose in the blood.

REFERENCE: Pellagra is a serious illness, accompanied by damage to body tissues and causing mild dementia.

B5 - pantothenic acid, calcium pantothenate. Promotes the absorption of other vitamins, takes part in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.

B6 - pyridoxine. It stabilizes nervous activity, normalizes the synthesis of niacin, relieves neuritis in the extremities and reduces muscle spasms at night.

B7 is biotin. Regulates blood sugar levels, improves the work of other elements of group B.

B9 (M) - folic acid. Influences the excitement and inhibition of the nervous system, helps to smooth out stress, improving mood. Its lack can lead to memory impairment, hair loss and other unpleasant consequences.

B12 is cyanocobalamin. Improves the ability to think, remember, concentrate, removes irritability, is responsible for the health of the nervous system. Its deficiency can cause nerve cell death and other neurological disorders.

Vitamin C. It is a powerful antioxidant involved in the creation of neurotransmitters. Its deficiency leads to the appearance of a well-known disease - scurvy.

REFERENCE: Antioxidants block oxidation.

Calciferol. Accelerates the work of "gray matter", prevents the development of diseases of the central nervous system. With its lack, vision falls and insomnia begins.

Tocopherol. Improves thinking ability, prevents the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Vitamin P are bioflavonoids. Scientists designate a whole group of different substances this way. They are found in the peel of citrus fruits and give them their yellow or orange color. V human body they also help to strengthen the walls of the capillaries.

There are several ways to compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body. One of them is to take special complexes. Another is to formulate a balanced diet.

The best vitamin complexes to improve brain activity and memory

The advantages of taking vitamins for memory are that when using them, an improvement in attention and concentration is achieved, which will help both schoolchildren and students, and sometimes babies, it will not hurt to take special children's formulations that will smooth out and, possibly, even accelerate their development. mind.

And adults, too, sometimes should start taking this kind of drugs, since they can reduce stress levels, improve recovery, speed up the brain, plus increase the ability to memorize.

In addition, the course does not last so long - the desired effect is achieved in about one month. Which complex should you choose?

CAREFULLY: Most drugs of this kind have their own contraindications, and you need to dose them strictly according to the instructions - an excess of some of the substances included in them in the body can cause unpleasant consequences. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

For adults

  • "Vitrum Memori" has a beneficial effect on the ability to think and memorize, but is strictly contraindicated in children under 12 years of age. The composition contains vitamins of group B, C and zinc.
  • Ginkgo Biloba comes in several varieties. So, tablets from "Doppelgerz" also contain separately B1, B2, B6, and "Evalar" adds glycine to its.
  • "Active Lecithin" from "Doppelherz", among other things, include vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, E.
  • "Multi Tabs" manufactures products for both adults and children.
  • "Multi Tabs Active", "Intensive" are intended for men whose activities are associated with stress and physical exertion. They improve recuperation and are rich in antioxidants.
  • "Multi Tabs Peretanal Omega-3" is suitable for pregnant women.

For kids

  • "Multi Tabs" for children and adolescents are divided by the age of the child for whom they are intended: up to a year, up to 4 years, up to 11 years, up to 17 years. For little ones, the vitamin complex is available in the form of a syrup.
  • "AlfaVit" "Our baby", "Kindergarten" and "Shkolnik" cover different periods of childhood. These vitamin complexes includes vitamins A, D3, B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, PP, C and various minerals. The first comes in the form of a water-soluble powder and is divided into 3 sachets to ensure maximum absorption of all substances. The second is already in the form of fruit flavored chewable tablets.
  • Pikovit includes A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, PP, C and D3 and can be in the form of a syrup, or in the form of chewable tablets or lozenges. The release form depends on the selected age period.

For pupils and students

  • "Multi Tabs" for teenagers are chewable tablets with different flavors.
  • "Multi Tabs B-complex" can be taken from the age of 12.
  • "Classic" is possible for everyone, starting from the age of 11.
  • "AlfaVit" "Teenager" is also available in the form of tablets, which contain the same set of vitamins.

Healthy foods

Yet there is no magic pill that will dramatically increase the strength and ability to remember. The human body is a complex structure in which everything is interconnected, therefore the correct diet will certainly affect cognitive abilities.

Cereals, nuts, fruits and vegetables are rich in a wide variety of essential micronutrients, including many different minerals. Milk is also good for the bones, as well as for the eyes and the brain, but fish contains phosphorus, the “element of thought,” as it was called in one children's artwork.

The table below lists some of the health benefits that you should include in your diet.

The product's name Vitamins contained
Apple A, B, C, E, K
Citrus C and P
Berries A, almost the entire B-group, C, E, K, P
Milk products A, B, C, D, E, H
Potatoes, tomato A, C, D, E, K
Hen A, B, C, E
Banana A, B, C, E
Beef B, E
Pork B, E
A fish A, B, C, D, E
Oatmeal Almost the whole group B, E
Peas A, B. E. H
Mushrooms A, B, C, E
Walnut B, C, E
Hazelnut B, C, E

Vitamins for the mind, of course, can help both a child and an adult increase their ability to perceive and process information, but these substances will give a really strong effect if combine them with memory training.

A modern person constantly has to experience stress, overwork and tension. All this inevitably affects the state of the brain and its vessels.

Thanks to modern medicine, you can maintain their health and protect them from adverse factors. For this purpose, it is necessary to take vitamins for the vessels of the brain for adults and, in some situations, for children.

Why Vitamin Support Is Important

The nutrition of the brain and its saturation with oxygen directly depends on the state and normal functioning of its vascular system.

V modern world life is very busy. Demands and flows of information surround us almost around the clock and make us work hard.

People are forced to memorize a huge amount of information, constantly process it, analyze it, make important and responsible decisions. At the same time, there is practically no time for rest and good sleep.

As a result, the activity of brain activity gradually decreases, and in order to invigorate it, you have to use coffee, energy and other stimulants. This helps temporarily, but ultimately leads to further depletion of the brain and the accumulation of fatigue.

In order to avoid this, you need to adhere to healthy way life with good nutrition and rest. And also take trace elements and vitamins for nutrition of the central nervous system in addition. Since these substances have antioxidant, anti-stress and tonic effects, food does not always cover all the need for them.

What substances does the brain need?

To strengthen cerebral vessels, antioxidants are needed, substances that deactivate toxins and stimulate metabolic processes.

The following vitamins have such effects:

  • A (good antioxidant, strengthens the walls of blood vessels);
  • group B (a whole group of substances with a similar chemical structure that improve blood composition, the state of blood vessels, stimulate memory, increase the resistance of the nervous tissue to oxygen starvation);
  • E (a powerful natural antioxidant that reduces the risk of stroke and atherosclerosis);
  • K (normalizes blood clotting and vascular wall tone);
  • R (strengthens blood vessels, maintaining their elasticity, and normalizes their permeability);
  • C (prevents the development of atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases);
  • PP (promotes vasodilation, providing saturation of the central nervous system with oxygen and nutrients);
  • D (prevents the occurrence of tumors in the brain);
  • selenium (protects nerve cells from peroxidation, as it is an antioxidant itself and enhances the antioxidant properties of vitamin E);
  • iron (helps to improve memory and concentration);
  • phosphorus ( irreplaceable component for the work of the brain, as it is necessary for all energy processes);
  • magnesium (helps to remove a nerve impulse from neurons, due to which it has a calming effect, relieves spasm from blood vessels, eliminates headaches, improves sleep);
  • zinc (normalizes the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons, fights depression, sleep disorders, is necessary in the treatment of epilepsy);
  • omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (irreplaceable in the construction of neurons, improve all functions of the central nervous system - memory, attention, speech, etc.).

Of course, these are not all the necessary substances, but only the most important ones. For the healthy functioning of the brain and its blood vessels, proper balanced diet, which will provide a sufficient amount of all amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

How hypovitaminosis manifests itself

When the body receives an insufficient amount of vitamins, or when their deficiency is observed due to a faster consumption in a state of brain depletion, a person experiences many unpleasant symptoms.

Most patients complain about:

  • increased fatigue;
  • poor memory;
  • decreased concentration;
  • deterioration in performance;
  • increased nervousness and irritability;
  • insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, and poor sleep;
  • sleepiness during the day;
  • frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • apathy and depression;
  • panic attacks, etc.

If you notice such symptoms in yourself, you need to urgently consult a neurologist. And most importantly, you need to start resting more. Surely the doctor's instructions for treatment will include this item.

Indications and contraindications for vitamin therapy

Not only a lack of vitamins is harmful, but also an excess of them. Therefore, it is necessary to take them only after passing blood tests for their content.

A neurologist or a therapist can give a referral for such an examination. But in some cases, taking vitamin preparations is justified without preliminary tests.

The indications for their admission are:

  • acute disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • periods of chronic stress or increased stress (exams, reporting periods, etc.);
  • periods of excessive vigorous work activity;
  • sleep disturbances;
  • diseases of the nervous system (epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, neuroses, etc.);
  • elderly age;
  • mental retardation in children;
  • rehabilitation after head injuries;
  • treatment of neuroinfections, etc.

Thus, there are a lot of conditions when you need to take vitamins for the head and blood vessels. But there are almost no contraindications for taking them. Only one thing - individual intolerance to the individual components that make up the composition.

Popular vitamin complexes

Vitamins for cerebral vessels can be taken either separately in the form of mono-preparations or as part of complex remedies. The advantage of such complexes lies in the presence of all the necessary substances and microelements at once, and, moreover, they are selected in the most effective combination and ratio.

Photos of the most popular vitamins in pharmacies:

Modern pharmaceuticals have made great strides and continues to develop actively, so the range of vitamin preparations in pharmacies is very wide. The main differences in them are the list and quantity of useful components and the country of production. The price of the drug and the effects of the drug depend on these characteristics.

There are a lot of vitamins and microelements important for cerebral vessels. You cannot include all of them in one complex, since not all of them will be assimilated in such a combination. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the composition contains the most significant components. They are presented in the table below:

Most often, neurologists prescribe the following vitamin complexes for adults:

  • "Neuro Plus" (Russia)- contains tonic components (ginkgo biloba, ginger, licorice, gota cola);
  • "Neurostrong" (Russia)- vitamin complex with tonic substances, additionally enriched with blueberry extracts and L-glutamic acid;
  • "Memori Rise" (Russia)- saturated vitamin preparation with amino acids and plant extracts;
  • Intellan (Pakistan)- differs in the presence of extracts of medicinal herbs in its composition (ginkgo biloba, centella asiatica, herpestis, coriander, amomum, emblica);
  • "Brain and Memory" (USA)- concentrate in the form of a solution with extracts of medicinal plants.

In pediatric neurology, the following vitamins are more popular for the vessels of the neck and head:

  • "Glycine Bio" (Russia) - a monopreparation of one amino acid (glycine), absolutely safe, approved for use in children from birth;
  • "Biotredin" (Russia) - a product based on vit. B6 and L-threonine amino acids;
  • "Pikovit Omega-3" (Slovenia) - a vitamin complex in the form of a peach-flavored syrup, often used during the period of a child's adaptation to school;
  • Vitrum Memori (USA) - ginkgo biloba extract with zinc, vit. C and group B;
  • "Junior Be Smart" (Iceland) - vitamins in combination with omega-3 fatty acids in the form of chewing marmalade.

Which vitamin complex to choose for the arteries of the brain should be decided by the doctor. He will help you choose the most effective drug depending on the situation.

In some cases, the use of monovitamins in the form of injections is required. Most often, such a need arises after injuries, with acute diseases or severe vitamin deficiencies.

What foods contain substances necessary for the brain

To prevent the development of diseases of the brain and blood vessels, it is necessary to eat right, trying to adhere to a diet with a full content of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

To do this, you must include in food:

  1. Whole grains (breads, cereals, bran), as they contain B vitamins, magnesium, iron, potassium and calcium.
  2. Fatty fish is a source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as vit. A, D, group B and a number of trace elements (zinc, chromium, copper, selenium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, calcium).
  3. Nuts (contain omega fatty acids, B vitamins, tocopherol and a number of important micro and macro elements).
  4. Berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, gooseberries, etc.). They contain many natural antioxidants and flavonoids.
  5. Fresh vegetables (especially spinach, avocado, tomatoes, red peppers, cabbage, eggplant, beets). Rich in antioxidants and micronutrients. Avocados are high in essential fatty acids.
  6. Fresh fruits (apples, pears, bananas, citrus fruits). They have a lot of vit. C, E, A, group B and antioxidants.
  7. Spices, as they contain not only many vitamins, but also essential oils, organic acids, amino acids and trace elements. Turmeric, saffron, ginger, cinnamon, rosemary, sage are especially useful.
  8. Honey. It is not only an excellent sugar substitute, but also a real storehouse of essential vitamins and minerals.

Correct and balanced nutrition will help not only your brain and its vessels stay healthy longer, but all other organs and systems in the body as well.

Which foods contain specific vitamins can be seen in the following table:

Vitamins and trace elements, of course, are important components for active mental activity, good memory and healthy sleep. They are able to provide full saturation of the brain with oxygen and nutrients by maintaining the vascular system.

After all, blood supply and all the activity of brain cells depend on the health of blood vessels. Of course, vitamins will never replace good rest, which is no less important for health. Therefore, if you want to remain sane and have a solid memory until old age, get more rest, eat well, and stick to a healthy lifestyle.

All positive emotions that a person experiences during life are associated with specific chemical processes taking place at that moment in the brain.

With an imbalance of trace elements or a lack of vitamins in the body, the emotional and mental environment is disturbed, which is expressed in malfunctions of the nervous system, deterioration of brain activity. To restore the balance, it is recommended to take special preparations - vitamin and mineral complexes.

Vitamins for the brain and nervous system of an adulta person must be taken in certain courses. You cannot limit yourself to the use of one vitamin, because the body is a system of chain reactions, therefore, the state of all human organs must be taken into account.

Among the many vitamins, for the fruitful work of the brain, the main attention is paid to vitamins of groups B, D, K and E. The rest of the vitamins are also involved in chemical processes, but with a lack of these, a person quickly begins to feel the symptoms of a number of disorders.

Here they are:

  • failure to remember new information - lack of vitamin E, B1;
  • Frequent headaches- lack of vitamin E;
  • Causeless fatigue, apathy - vitamin D deficiency;
  • When excited, inability to quickly restore mental balance - lack of vitamin K;
  • Numbness extremities - vitamin B12 deficiency.

Vitamins for the brain and nervous system of an adult in their bulk must enter the body with food.

Useful article: Eye drops to improve vision. Vitamins for the eyes

Minerals for the Brain and Nervous System

Minerals are an essential component of cell nutrition. Brain tissue consumes minerals for more than just quality nutrients, but also for its regeneration and for the transmission of nerve impulses.

Most important minerals for the brain and nervous system are:

  1. Calcium... Calcium Orotate promotes clear transmission of electrical impulses from the brain.
  2. Potassium... Participates in the processes of blood circulation, strengthens the bloodstream, promotes the rapid saturation of cells with oxygen.
  3. Magnesium... Provides support for active processes in the cells of the brain. It is a necessary link in the production of the hormone serotonin.
  4. Zinc... With a lack of this mineral, the process of degeneration of brain cells begins.
  5. Lithium... It is a stress barrier, with prolonged overstrain of the nervous system, lithium is quickly consumed, the balance in the work of brain cells is disturbed.
Chronic stress states of the nervous system of an adult are often caused by a lack of important macro- and micro-elements. In this case, you need to take biologically active food supplements.

Important! Minerals, as part of vitamins for the brain and nervous system of an adult, are recommended to be consumed at least once a year.

Review of vitamin complexes for the brain

Vitamin complexes for improving the activity of the brain and nervous system of an adult are conventionally divided into two groups.

Here they are:

  • Preventive;
  • Restoring.

Recovering vitamin complexes include: Brain-o-Flex, Vitrum memory, preparations which include nootropic herbal components of gingko-biloba, St. John's wort extract, etc.

When taking these drugs, the brain cells are restored. due to the presence in their composition of the restoring complex of vitamins A, E, beta-carotene and unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3.

Vitamin E and beta-carotene are antioxidants that protect the cell from free radicals. With a shortage of these vitamins, the processes of oxidation of fatty acids that make up the cell membrane begin.

The elasticity of the cell membrane is lost, which leads to a decrease in all metabolic functions in the cerebral cortex. Preventive vitamin complexes: Supradin, B vitamins with glycine, Doppelherz Lecithin, etc. are taken during periods of stress, severe physical activity, during the recovery period.

These drugs support the stability of the brain by improving overall circulation. organism, toning blood vessels, filling the lack of necessary for the body components.

Tocopherols are the most important active substances for the human brain. Natural foods containing vitamin E and artificial preparations differ in composition.

Good to know! When taking these drugs, not only the vitamin balance is normalized, but also the transmission of neural impulses is significantly improved, which ensures good memorization and storage of information by the brain.

Vitrum memory

A special complex for active work of the brain, consisting of vitamins and all minerals. The drug was developed taking into account the increasing pressure, which is experiencing the brain of a modern person in connection with an overabundance of information.

Vitrum memory contains vitamins of group B, K, A, E, D, beta-carotene, folic acids and all microelements, in concentration which provide complete daily nutrition for cells of the whole organism and the brain.

Pharmacists this complex is considered the best among restoring drugs, to prevent forgetfulness, brain fatigue and overstrain.


As vitamins for the brain and nervous system, in the prevention of vitamin deficiencies, the Supradin complex is useful for an adult. The composition of the drug, in addition to the active substance, includes vitamins B1, B6, B12, A, E, trace elements and minerals: zinc, potassium, phosphorus, lithium, iron, etc.

Supradin is available in the form of tablets, either effervescent, dissolving in water before taking, or in a shell.

Indications for use:

  • Inadequate and unbalanced nutrition;
  • High physical activity;
  • The recovery period after surgery;
  • Seasonal prevention of respiratory diseases.

The shell of the tablet preparation contains lactose.
For allergic reactions to this product, Supradin is used in effervescent tablets. In addition, the recommended daily dose must not be exceeded, hypervitaminosis is possible, which is no less dangerous for the body than vitamin deficiency.

Gerimax Energy

Vitamin complex developed by German pharmacists to strengthen the cells of the brain and nervous system. Designed primarily for students and people constantly engaged in intellectual work.

Includes all essential minerals, vitamins and active ingredients for the stable functioning of the circulatory system. The increased content of iron in the preparation contributes to a good saturation of the body's cells with oxygen, which stabilizes mental work.

Popular site article: Vitamin B3: which foods contain


The guarana plant is native to South America and is the most caffeinated product in the world. Drinks, which include guarana, have a tonic, invigorating effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems of a person. Compared to coffee, guarana does not drain the nervous system.

Vitamins for the brain and nervous system of an adult often contain guarana extract in their jelly shell, which allows not only to nourish the cells, but also to additionally stimulate the circulatory system.

You can also make a guarana drink at home., brewing it like tea. There were no contraindications to the use of this plant, except for a purely individual intolerance.


A medicinal product that is prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of a number of severe pathologies.

  • Dementia syndrome;
  • Impaired mental activity;
  • Encephalopathy.

It helps to increase concentration, improve memory, and reduce fatigue.
It can not be taken as vitamins for the brain, but with complex therapy, it can be prescribed by a doctor to quickly restore brain activity and cell regeneration.

Review of vitamin complexes for the nervous system

The main function of the human nervous system is clear and fast transmission of signals from all organs to the brain and vice versa. The human nervous system is the first to react to changes in the external environment: temperature, atmospheric pressure, etc.

For this complex organ to function properly, the body must receive all the necessary chemicals and vitamins for the brain and nervous system. In an adult, a deficiency of substances is found in 90% of cases.

Vitamin B12 is the most important for the proper functioning of the nervous system., which provides nutrition and protection to the myelin sheath of the nerve fiber. B12 is synthesized by the body in the gastrointestinal tract. In case of any violations of this organ, the vitamin must enter the body through vitamin complexes.

B vitamins are irreplaceable substances for the nervous system at any age. It is more effective for the body to obtain some vitamins of this group from a combination of diet and taking specialized drugs.

B vitamins provide protein synthesis, which is important for the regeneration of nerve cells. Vitamins D, K, A, E ensure the full functioning of the nervous system, which is important for the clear transmission of the nerve impulse.

Glycine Forte

As food additive glycine is registered under the number E640 as a modifier of taste and aroma. This enzyme is required by the body for the production of nucleic acids, which are essential in the cells of the brain, nervous system and liver.

A healthy human body is able to synthesize glycine itself, but in any disease, the reproductive function decreases, and the body needs additional glycine production.

Glycine as a vitamin for the brain and nervous system is necessary for an adult from the age of 30... At this age, the first disturbances in the process of biosynthesis of keratin, a protein that gives energy and muscle mass gain, are noted.

Glycine Forte is a balanced preparation that allows you to restore and maintain biosynthesis processes. The drug in question significantly increases the resistance of cells of the nervous system to stress, reduces nervous tension, and improves blood circulation.

Vitabalans Multivit

Vitamin complex that contains vitamins and minerals: C, B1, 2, 6, 12, A, magnesium, etc. Provides quick recovery of the body during periods of heavy physical activity, allows you to cope with stress.

In the treatment of immune pathologies, the drug is prescribed as a maintenance therapy. A balanced combination of trace elements allows the body to restore the full functioning of the nervous system in a short time.

Useful site article: What to do if you can't sleep in order to fall asleep quickly.

Vitrum Superstress

Complex Vitrum superstress are ideally matched vitamins for the brain and nervous system an adult. The daily dose calculated in micrograms for all necessary vitamins and chemical elements, allows the cells of the body not to experience nutritional deficiencies and function clearly.

Saturation of cells with the necessary minerals allows the human nervous system to restore the sensitivity of all nerve endings, improve blood circulation, saturate the brain cells with additional oxygen, respectively, the numbness of the limbs stops, headaches disappear.

It is recommended to take Vitrum superstress during the spring-autumn period. This reduces the risk of seasonal viral infections due to the good functioning of the immune system. Taking the full course (90 tablets) allows you to fully recover from heavy physical exertion and emotional stress in a short period of time.

Multi Tabs-B complex

Multi Tabs B is a complex of vitamins that provide nutrition to the brain tissues of adults and children over 12 years of age. A course of therapy with these vitamins will help calm the nervous system., relieve chronic fatigue syndrome, stress, eliminate neuralgia. Recommended amount: 1 tablet 1-3 times a day, the course of therapy is 2-3 months.


The drug Milgamma has been developed as an analgesic and restorative of nerve fibers.

It is used for diseases such as:

  • Neuritis;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Facial nerve paresis;
  • Polyneuropathy.

Milgamma contains vitamins B1 - thiamine, B6 - preoxin, B12, ledocaine, nootropic components that have a regenerating effect on nerve fibers, relieve inflammation, normalize blood flow and the hematopoietic system.

For quick treatment and recovery of the body, it is necessary not only to use these vitamins for the brain and nervous system of an adult, but also to use other therapeutic methods of healing and prevention.

Carefully! Milgamma should not be taken by children under 16 years old, women during pregnancy and lactation.

For instance:

  • Provide getting enough sleep and proper rest.
  • To balance nutrition. Increase your intake of lean fish and vegetables.
  • To not allow hypothermia in the treatment of neuropathy.

How to take vitamins for the brain and nervous system correctly

In order to properly take vitamin complexes, it is necessary to determine the deficiency of which vitamins the body is experiencing. The opportunity to be tested for vitamins today is provided in many polyclinics.

For the prevention and prevention of seasonal vitamin deficiencies, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes in the spring-autumn seasons. In the spring, the body experiences a lack of nutrition after the winter period, autumn is the time for the development of viral infections. Moreover, it is useful to take the drugs in question during the recovery phase, after surgery.

During periods of stress or long emotional, physical stress, there is a rapid consumption of minerals. Therefore, to maintain balance in chemical composition cells, it is imperative to take complexes aimed at restoring and maintaining the nervous system.

One cannot expect that without additional nutrition, the cells of the brain and other systems will be able to work in a balanced manner for a long time. Only vitamins for the brain and nervous system for an adult, with the correct intake and dose, provide the body's activity until old age.

Helpful Videos on Vitamins for the Brain and Nervous System of an Adult

In addition, a selection of videos has been compiled for you, from which you will learn important details about vitamins for the brain and nervous system of an adult - their names, how to take and what can be replaced:

Always be healthy and cheerful!

Absent-mindedness, bad mood, lethargy and forgetfulness appear from disorders of the cognitive functions of the brain. This is a consequence of the lack important vitamins, without which our brain refuses to work properly. Each person needs to know these nutrients in order to quickly memorize information, find solutions to simple and complex problems, and manage their attention and mood. Below is a list of vitamins that will make the brain work "to its fullest."

Vitamins for the brain

Every day we need hundreds of nutrients for our body to function properly, and we are active and satisfied. Each organ needs its own set of nutrients, including the brain. Providing it with all the important elements is the main task for both the child and the adult. Lack of at least one vitamin affects how we perceive and respond to the world.

For memory

For memorizing and retrieving information, they play an essential role. These components are designed to protect the brain from premature aging, oxygenation, impulse transmission in neurons, for long-term memory and ingenuity. To memorize well, you need:

  1. ... From a lack of this substance, forgetfulness, lethargy and absent-mindedness quickly begin to manifest. Thiamine restores cognitive functions, improves neural connections, and speeds up reactions.
  2. ... This component is responsible for long-term memory, for example, when learning something. With an acute shortage of pantothenic acid, memory lapses are observed.
  3. ... The most important element for intelligence and brain activity. It provides the synthesis of amino acids for energy, speeds up the brain's reaction. Thanks to folic acid, we can quickly and correctly recall the necessary information.
  4. ... This vitamin is responsible for the transfer of short-term information into long-term information. Thanks to him, we accumulate experience and skills, forever remember our own address or our phone number.

In addition to group B, we need other elements for the assimilation, storage and retrieval of information. For forgetfulness and severe memory lapses, vitamin C is needed. It increases the bioavailability of other vitamins and improves blood circulation in the brain. Vitamin E helps to assimilate new information, thanks to him we remember what we might have missed, for example, the name when meeting us or other details.

For concentration of attention

Absent-mindedness also affects memory, or rather, the memorization process. Impaired concentration of attention reduces performance, creates a feeling of confusion and an unclear mind. This is not about disturbed perseverance, that is, when a person cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time, but about the inability to concentrate at all. This condition is also caused by vitamin deficiency. To direct your attention in the right direction, you need:

  1. ... Lack of this component leads to inhibited thinking and distraction. Riboflavin has an equally good effect on memory and concentration.
  2. ... For the symptoms described, this vitamin works best, it improves the functioning of the brain in general and increases the ability to control one's own attention.
  3. ... Aggression, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness are signs of a lack of this vitamin. Pyridoxine has a positive effect on behavioral responses and brain speed. He also participates in the construction of cells for this organ.
  4. ... It is even used to prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Recommended against mood swings, for sustained attention and mental clarity.

Mood swings and depression

Mood is also regulated by our brain. Lack of some useful elements is fraught with aggression, apathy, depression and tearfulness. Moreover, such states can alternate with a normal mood or cover a person for a long period without "respite". For a good mood in the body should be:

  1. ... It is important for many systems in the body, for the brain it plays the role of a stimulant. Thanks to beta-carotene, we remain vigorous even after intense work. He fights blues, seasonal depression and mood swings.
  2. ... Participates in metabolism, thereby providing the brain with energy. Thanks to biotin, the body does not experience sharp jumps in blood sugar, so the mood often remains stable and positive.
  3. ... It is also important for the absorption of other nutrients, and for maintaining general tone. He participates in the production of norepinephrine, due to which we experience a surge of energy and vigor, activity, love.

With periodic changes in the emotional state, you can correct the situation with the help of natural and synthetic vitamins. However, if the blues, detachment, outbursts of aggression drag on for a long time, you will need the help of a specialist (psychologist, neuropathologist).

For quick wits and intelligence

You can develop your intelligence through exercise, education, and proper nutrition. Healthy foods are needed, including for the mind. Children, students and people with increased mental stress are required:, B6, B1, B5, A. These substances improve the supply of energy and oxygen to the brain, have a positive effect on neural connections, strengthen short-term and long-term memory. In addition, for quick wits, the body should have enough minerals such as,. They can be obtained from food and in the form of vitamin complexes.

Nutrition for mental alertness

The right food will help you get rid of the blues, become more attentive and remember everything. We must get all the necessary components from it. Knowing what to eat can make your brain work harder. Having considered the necessary vitamins, it remains only to find the products in which they are found, and to combine them correctly. So, consider below what foods should be included in the diet for the brain:

  1. Seeds and nuts. These are the main foods that the brain needs. They contain useful vitamins and. Pay attention to:, and. Very useful, you can find it in the markets or on the Internet.
  2. Berries are the suppliers of a lot of the necessary substances, including vitamins B and C,. For intellectual activity you need,. Even better if combined with nuts. The main thing is to buy berries in the season when they are more useful.
  3. Seafood and fish. Eating red fish and algae reduces the risk of Alzheimer's in old age. Seafood is rich in selenium and zinc, and fish also contains 8 acids. These ingredients improve circulation, mental clarity, memory and overall well-being.
  4. Vegetables are needed both fresh and processed. Raw vegetables are the most beneficial. It helps the brain, cabbage,. They reduce age-related memory deficit, contribute to a good mood and building plans, logical thinking. It is also recommended to use them in the form of freshly squeezed juices, a glass a day.
  5. Meat and offal. Red meat, and rich in B, carnosine, fatty acids. These substances protect the brain from degeneration with age, accelerate reactions, and improve information processing. Dishes from beef liver with fresh herbs are considered especially useful.

A diet for brain function does not have to be all of these foods. Healthy meals such as shellfish and fish can be included in the diet once a week, this will be enough to prevent mental disruptions. Nuts and seeds are enough to eat 50 grams per day with salads, and as part of hot dishes. Vegetables are easy to incorporate into your diet on a daily basis and should make up the bulk of your diet. Vegetables and greens are best eaten raw and juiced for maximum benefits.

Brain pills

Getting the entire set of food items you need is tricky, especially for kids. This is because not all products may be available. Many of them are grown artificially, so they are of less benefit. And feeding your baby wholesome food can be a real challenge. In this case, pharmaceuticals come to the rescue. Today in the pharmacy you can buy pills, drops or dragees that will give the necessary rate this or that component. Complex formulations are especially convenient. It is important to remember that even vitamins are good where they are really needed. Before buying or taking any tablets or capsules containing useful substances it is better to consult a doctor. Self-medication in this case can lead to hypovitaminosis, which will only worsen the situation.

For active and proper functioning of the central nervous system and brain, adults are recommended the following drugs:

  1. Supradin. Contains a complex of vitamins and minerals in each tablet daily rate for an adult. Helps to better assimilate and process information, concentrate attention, protects against cell destruction. It is also beneficial for other important systems in the body: the circulatory system, kidneys, and liver.
  2. Vitrum Memori is designed specifically to improve memory. Recommended for people with active mental work, suitable for the elderly for the prevention of senile dementia. Strengthens blood vessels, promotes oxygenation, and is also used to prevent migraines.
  3. Phenibut is a drug for emotional stability, prevention of seasonal depression and mood swings. Calms the central nervous system, reduces nervousness, anxiety, attacks of aggression.
  4. Guarana ensures the formation and flow of red blood cells to the brain cells. It also blocks the proliferation of free radicals, which has a beneficial effect on mental performance. Thanks to the drug, chronic fatigue decreases, concentration of attention and general activity increase.

Children need additional minerals and vitamins, as they are faced with a large amount of information that is new to them every day. The child's brain needs to be reinforced with useful components no less than that of an adult. Children most often need complexes that will help improve memorization, concentrate, and transfer memory from short-term to long-term.

Children's multivitamin preparations:

  1. Multi-tabs is a series of multivitamin complexes that are designed for general development. There are seven types of pills, designed for different age groups. You can choose formulations for a child from 0 to 17 years old.
  2. Pikovit is the most popular complex for children, it contains both vitamins and minerals. For children from 1 year old it is produced in the form of syrup, from 4 years old - in the form of pills. Suitable for general strengthening of the body, replenishes the supply of nutrients, promotes better learning.
  3. Complivit is available in the form of chewable lozenges, suitable for children from 3 years old. Includes 10 vitamins essential for development and mental alertness. In addition to the positive effect on brain function, it strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to infections.
  4. Vitrum Junior contains 13 vitamins and 10 microelements, saturates the body with all the necessary substances. Suitable for children from the age of seven, available in the form of chewable lozenges. Recommended for mental and physical stability during study, especially with intense mental stress. Also has a positive effect on other organs of the body.

It is not worth giving vitamins to a child without a doctor's recommendation. If the parents nevertheless decide to choose vitamins for children on their own, you need to carefully monitor the well-being of the child. If you experience weakness, a rash on the body, nausea or loss of consciousness, an urgent need to consult a doctor.


The brain needs vitamins for normal functioning. There are not so many of them: group B, vitamins A, E and C. You can support the main organ of the body through proper nutrition and additional multivitamin complexes. The diet should be rich in vegetables, fish, nuts. Among the multivitamin complexes there are compositions for children and adults, in any price category. It is not worth taking pills without the knowledge of the doctor, as this can lead to a deterioration in health. Morning exercises and a contrast shower, walks in the fresh air will also help speed up and improve cognitive functions. If you combine physical activity and taking vitamins, memory and ingenuity will not fail.