What does vitamin d provide? Why is vitamin D needed in the body and where is it found? The maximum allowable level of consumption, IU

Hello my dear experts healthy nutrition. I decided to devote today's article to the "solar element" - this is vitamin D3. Its international name is cholecalciferol. This element is very important for the full functioning of the body. Moreover, it is necessary for both adults and kids.

Our body produces most of this important element on its own. It does this by converting sunlight into chemicals. Under the influence of UV rays, cholecalciferol (well, it is also vitamin D3) is formed in the skin. It then binds to a vitamin D-binding protein and travels to the liver. There he is given the "good" to spread throughout our body. This is such an adventurous story 🙂

This element affects the structure of the skeleton. Also, pressure, immunity, mood, brain function and the ability to protect against cancer depend on its presence ( 1 ).

Vitamin D takes part in various vital processes:

  • regulates, supports the immune and nervous systems;
  • reduces the risk of developing multiple sclerosis;
  • maintains optimal body weight;
  • reduces the severity and frequency of asthma symptoms;
  • reduces the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis in women;
  • important for bone health;
  • reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer;
  • necessary for the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus;
  • participates in the work of endocrine glands.

Pharmaceutical derivatives of vitamin D3 are animal products or plant origin. In animal form, it is a more digestible and useful form. It is produced by irradiating animal oils and cholesterol. It is absorbed up to 500 times faster than its plant counterpart. And was rated 4 times more effective.

How long does it take to be in the sun

Up to 95% of this element can be obtained naturally from sunlight. Your skin produces vitamin D when it comes into contact with UV rays. That is why it is called the "solar" element. But nowadays, most people experience deficiency symptoms. The two most common reasons for this are:

  1. Frequent stay indoors. Previously, people worked most of the time outdoors and walked a lot. Today we see a different picture. Even children spend too many hours indoors watching TV or playing video games. And most adults work and spend their leisure time indoors. Moreover, being in the shade and cloudy weather can reduce the synthesis of provitamin by 60% ( 2 ).
  2. Applying sunscreen. When we spend time in the sun, many people put on SPF protection. Yes, I will not argue - the risk of developing skin cancer has increased in recent years. And doctors strongly recommend using it for children and adults, even during the winter months. But when you apply a cream even with SPF8, the body's ability to produce vitamin D is reduced by 90%. And a product with a higher SPF 30 reduces D3 production by up to 99%.

Therefore, try to be in the sun for at least 15 minutes a day. It is better to do this in the morning. Then the possible negative consequences will be minimized. But you will get a lot of it. important vitamin free 🙂

Deficiency symptoms

Many doctors are beginning to realize that vitamin deficiency is very serious. No wonder it is one of the most recommended supplements, especially for newborns.

For infants and infants, the deficiency of this element is very dangerous. It leads to serious problems. For example, it can provoke the development of a rickety chest. Another negative manifestation is that the baby's head develops a square shape. Kyphosis (this is the “frog belly”) and O-shaped legs may also be observed. In schoolchildren, a low content of vitamin D3 is manifested by vision problems and fatigue.

The presence of vitamin D deficiency is difficult to detect. Because the general symptoms are vague, such as fatigue, body aches or pain. More serious deficiency symptoms are bone pain and general weakness. It is important to remember that sometimes these signs may not appear. That is why it is important to take a blood test to check your levels of this element.

According to studies, vitamin D deficiency can lead to complications of the following diseases:

  • osteoporosis;
  • heart disease and high blood pressure;
  • depression, insomnia;
  • arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • asthma;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • fibromyalgia;
  • slow healing fractures.

By the way, this video will tell you a lot of interesting things about the consequences of the deficiency of this element. Take a look.

Best Sources of Vitamin D

The best source is sunlight. Most experts recommend spending at least 10-20 minutes a day in direct sunlight. However, they do not recommend applying sunscreen. So you will get from 1000 IU to 10000 IU. If you are dark-skinned, you will need more time in the sun to get enough of the vitamin. Because dark skin has more protection from sun exposure.

The best time for such sunbathing in summer is before 11 am and after 4 pm. And in winter, go outside more often, especially when the sun comes out.

There is also a category of foods that are rich in the "solar" element. In northern countries, including ours, it is necessary to include these products in your diet. I will cite those that contain a large number of D3. The table below will tell you which foods contain the most cholecalciferol. The percentage is given at a consumption rate of 10 mcg (400 IU).

Because element D is a fat-soluble vitamin, it should ideally be consumed with fat. This is for better absorption of cholecalciferol. For example, you can eat with ghee or vegetable oil, nuts or seeds. Those who live in the Nordic countries (we include them) are additionally recommended to take supplements.

Because it improves calcium absorption, some manufacturers supplement with this mineral in tandem. For example, Calcium D3 Nycomed.

Instructions for use

The lack of a "solar" cell is now a growing problem around the world. It is especially serious in Western and Northern countries. They recently increased the recommended daily intake of vitamin D. Double the amount was prescribed for newborns, children and adolescents.

In our country, the daily norm of this element is as follows:

For kids

For adults:

Yes, the dosage can be written in different units of measurement - IU or mcg. So know that for vitamin D3 1 mcg = 40 IU.

According to some doctors, the above dosage should be increased significantly. Since we are indoors most of the time and rarely go outside. Yes, and the northern region of residence affects the great need for this element. This is especially true in the autumn-winter-spring periods. Therefore, doctors recommend increasing the rate for adults (women and men) to 800-5000 IU per day.

However, keep in mind that these are general guidelines. I am reading now transcend book according to new researches of our body. The first thing they say is that you need to take an analysis for the norm of vitamins. And I wanted to explore myself. When I pass, I will write you a mini-report 🙂

In addition to multivitamins, I also take an aqueous solution of Aquadetrim for the time being. It was prescribed by my pediatrician for my son. He was born in September and just found the last sunny days. For kids, it is convenient to take. I dilute 1 drop in water, which contains 500 IU. Just the norm for babies. Even if you drop 2 drops, do not worry, the child will not overdose. You can buy in a pharmacy, the price is about 180 rubles.

As I began to study the material about D3, I realized that we are greatly short of it. I decided to find out which one is better to take. I realized that the oil solution is better absorbed, since this vitamin is fat-soluble. Recommended supplements in capsules. So for myself and my husband I will buy something else, and not rub its aqueous solution from the cheese 🙂

Now I buy multivitamins on iherb. They are cheaper than in a pharmacy even with discounts. The same Solgar can be bought 2 times cheaper, plus you can look at the reviews and choose the best option in terms of price / quality ratio. There are different options - with a dosage of 5000 or 10000 IU. How to take and how much is written on the package. Here are some examples


It is important to know everything about this element. How much and how to give to babies, as well as how to take adults. The main symptoms of an overdose are as follows:

  • vomiting, nausea;
  • malaise;
  • exhausting headache;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pain in the bones and muscles;
  • protein in the urine.

With an overdose of vitamin D3, the level of calcium and phosphorus increases. As a result, the risk of developing pathology of the kidneys, cartilaginous tissues and blood vessels increases.

Although an overdose of this vitamin is very unlikely. Unless you will take it 600,000 IU every day for 3 months. From the sun, we do not have an overdose. Unless, of course, you will lie like a seal on the beach all day. Then nausea, weakness and other symptoms will definitely appear. Although against the background of burnt skin, you are unlikely to notice them 🙂

Top 7 Benefits of Vitamin D

All vitamins are very useful for our health. But this element deserves special attention. I will give its most basic positive properties.

  1. Promotes bone health. Vitamin D plays an important role in the absorption of calcium into the bones. D deficiency can lead to softening of the bones or rickets. It also increases the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Studies have shown that D improves musculoskeletal health and reduces the incidence of falls and fractures in the elderly ( 3 ).
  2. Helps regulate sugar levels. Diabetes is a consequence of a lack of insulin or insufficient secretion of insulin after an increase in insulin resistance. According to research, vitamin D may help maintain secretion ( 4 ). Supplementation increases insulin sensitivity and helps reduce inflammation. Many studies support the positive role of vitamin D in the prevention and treatment of both types of diabetes ( 5 ).
  3. Protects against cancer. Symptoms of D deficiency are associated with an increased risk of cancer. This is especially true for breast, colon, and prostate cancers ( 6 ). The effect of the vitamin on cancer risk arises from its role in cellular life cycle. And its ability to block excess estrogen plays an important role ( 7 ).
  4. Helps fight heart disease. A growing number of studies point to the fact that a lack of D increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. After all, it is involved in the regulation of pressure, cholesterol levels and inflammation. It is not yet fully understood whether vitamin D prevents heart disease. But one thing is known: people with a deficiency of this element are more likely to die from coronary heart disease.
  5. Improves the immune system. The vitamin plays a role in protecting against colds, flu, and the development of autoimmune conditions. Immune cells contain receptors for vitamin D, which prevents prolonged and excessive inflammatory responses. After all, inflammation is often the cause of many chronic and autoimmune diseases ( 8 ).
  6. Improves mood. Element D acts like a hormone within our body, affecting brain function. Its deficiency is directly related to anxiety, mood disorder, depression, insomnia, mood problems in PMS ( 9 ). Low D levels interfere with the proper production of testosterone and estrogen. And this leads to an imbalance, as a result of which many undesirable symptoms appear. Girls who have painful PMS, include D3 supplements in your diet.
  7. Helps with concentration and memory. Several studies have shown that the D element affects the ability to make decisions, concentrate and retain information. People with low levels of this vitamin perform poorly in exams, have difficulty with tasks that require attention ( 10 ). This is probably why it is so difficult to study, take exams in winter and early spring 🙂

Interaction with other drugs

Due to the intake of barbiturates, the body's need for vitamin D3 increases. Therefore, during the period of therapy, additional supplements of cholecalciferol should be prescribed. Colestipol and cholestyramine have a similar effect on the oily vitamin.

Simultaneous administration of D3 with diuretics increases the risk of hypercalcemia. And if glycosides and D3 are prescribed, there may be disturbances in the work of the heart.

The effectiveness of cholecalciferol is reduced by antiepileptic drugs and glucocorticosteroids. During therapy with antacids containing magnesium or aluminum, and taking D3, the toxicity of the former increases.

Now, my friends, you know what this wonder substance is good for. And you can, if necessary, replenish its reserves in the body with the help of food. In order not to miss anything that I am going to tell you in the next post, subscribe to updates. That's all for today: see you soon.

Vitamin D plays an essential role in ensuring the normal development and functioning of the body from birth to old age. Residents of many regions of our country are at risk for deficiency of this vitamin. That is why it is necessary to pay due attention to providing the body with vitamin D.

Description of Vitamin D:
Vitamin D (calciferol) is a group of fat-soluble substances that are formed in the human body under the influence of sunlight (ultraviolet rays) or supplied with food. Vitamin D occurs in several forms (D1, D2, D3, D4, D5 and D6). Resistant to high temperatures and insoluble in water. The main function of vitamin D in the human body is to ensure the proper absorption of phosphorus and.
The main source of calciferol is sunlight. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, this vitamin is synthesized and accumulated in the human body (in the subcutaneous adipose tissue). The need for vitamin D can be completely covered by providing sufficient ultraviolet radiation. It must be remembered that as soon as a person has a strong tan, the formation of vitamin D in the body under the influence of UV rays stops. In addition to sunlight, the source of vitamin D is food. There are many that help provide the body with this substance. In addition, there is such a biologically active food supplement as fish fat which contains large amounts of vitamin D.

Why does the body need vitamin D?

  • Vitamin D provides absorption and phosphorus, which plays an important role in building the skeleton, developing and strengthening bone tissue. Without sufficient intake of vitamin D in the human body, a good condition of bones and teeth is impossible. When there is a lack of calcium, the body primarily provides them with blood and nerve cells, removing it from other tissues, usually from bone tissue. And if at the same time there is a deficiency of vitamin D in the body, then bones and teeth lose their strength, which can lead to various diseases.
  • This vitamin is very important in early childhood, since it is it that protects children's body from rickets.
  • Vitamin D prevents the emergence and development of cancer.
  • Helps strengthen the immune system.
  • Helps in the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Participates in the regulation of blood sugar levels.
  • Vitamin D also affects the condition of the skin.
  • The performance of muscle tissue depends on it.
  • Vitamin D helps protect against chronic fatigue and bad mood.

Interaction of vitamin D with other substances:

  • First of all, it must be remembered that vitamin D is a fat-soluble substance and for its normal absorption, a sufficient amount of fat must be supplied to the body.
  • In order for vitamin D to be synthesized in the body or well absorbed from food, a sufficient intake of calcium, phosphorus, and group B is also necessary.
  • Too much vitamin D can make absorption difficult.

daily requirement body in vitamin D:
The daily requirement of the body for vitamin D depends on the person's age and physical condition and, according to most experts, is 5-10 micrograms per day. In childhood, during pregnancy and lactation, the need for this vitamin increases significantly. If a person does not go to the sun, then all the need for vitamin D must be replenished with food.

Foods containing vitamin D:

  • Vitamin D is found in almost all seafood. Especially a lot of it in, and fatty varieties of marine fish, such as, and others.
  • A lot of this vitamin in chicken, beef and pork.
  • Egg yolk also contains a significant amount of vitamin D.
  • Calciferol is found in - cheese, butter, sour cream and others.
  • Many nuts are rich in this vitamin.

Lack of vitamin D in the body:
Vitamin D deficiency in the body is a very common problem throughout the world. Russians are at risk for this indicator. Therefore, all residents of our country need to pay due attention to this vitamin.
In children, vitamin D deficiency is manifested by the development of a disease such as rickets. In adults, a deficiency of this vitamin can be accompanied by weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, the development of osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, blurred vision and other symptoms. Chronic lack of vitamin D can lead to serious illness.

An excess of vitamin D in the body:
Unfortunately, an excess of vitamin D also negatively affects, like a lack. With a prolonged excess of this vitamin, weakness, nausea, constipation, muscle pain and other symptoms may occur.
As a rule, an excess of vitamin D occurs with the uncontrolled use of large doses of fish oil. That is why preparations containing vitamin D should be prescribed by a doctor with the condition of strict adherence to the prescribed dosage.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Vitamin D (and its fractions) is currently also considered as a hormone. This is due to the fact that calciferol takes an active part in the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body, regulating bone mineral density, and also takes part in a number of other equally important biochemical and physiological processes.

The idea of ​​calciferol as a hormone in medical science has been fixed since 2005 and is associated with the name of Spirichev V.B. The scientist proved that calciferol controls the processes of cell reproduction and differentiation, and the sphere of influence of this vitamin is much wider than just phosphorus-calcium metabolism, as was previously believed.

For health

The importance of vitamin D and D2 in the body is confirmed by the fact that calciferol receptors are found not only in bones and muscles, but also in almost all human organs. By the way, cancer cells also have the same receptors, which is associated with the regulatory role of this vitamin in the reproduction process. That is why it is so important to regularly test for vitamin D. Its content in the blood of adults will give an answer to the question - whether to take it in addition, to be more in the sun, or to reduce the intake of the substance from food. Scientists are of the opinion that disturbances in the balance of calciferol can provoke the development of an oncological process.

Functions of vitamin D in the body of adults:

  • Activation of osteoblasts are cells that lead to the formation of bone tissue, preventing its increased fragility.
  • Enhancement of calcium absorption in the intestine and control of its level in blood plasma
  • Increased absorption of phosphorus in the intestine and its distribution in the body
  • Participation in the process of calcium uptake in muscle tissue, which leads to the normal contraction of muscle cells
  • Regulation of insulin production in the pancreas, thereby lowering blood glucose levels
  • Controlling the synthesis of thyroid and parathyroid hormones
  • Participation in appetite control, preventing the development of obesity
  • One of the components of the antitumor system of the body that prevents malignant transformation of cells
  • It plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system - it affects both the cellular link of immunity and the humoral (antibody synthesis).

It should be emphasized that D2 and D3 have the highest biochemical activity. The latter is synthesized in the skin under the influence of sunlight. D2 comes with food, while it is absorbed in the small intestine with the participation of bile. After absorption, it enters the bloodstream, and then is deposited in adipocytes - adipose tissue cells, and, if necessary, is mobilized from them and can be transformed into other chemical forms and groups of this vitamin under the influence of certain enzymes.


Vitamin D deficiency is classically manifested by syndromes such as:

  • Rickets (deformation of bones, decrease in intellectual abilities, damage to the kidneys and other organs)
  • Slowdown physical development in children (insufficient sun exposure)
  • Increased hair breakage
  • Brittle nails
  • Excessive hair loss (more than 80-100 per day).

Recently, it has been proven that a lack of vitamin D can lead to an abnormal structure of the placenta, as well as cause malformations of the heart and eyes in the fetus. If you are expecting a baby - be more in the sun and fresh air. In addition, hypovitaminosis D can lead to miscarriage (spontaneous miscarriages). Therefore, among patients with such obstetric complications, it is important to determine the level of this chemical in the blood.

Lack of vitamin D becomes a serious cause of acquired immunodeficiencies, which are manifested by frequent infections, especially with damage to the respiratory system (acute respiratory infections). For the treatment of such conditions, it is useful to take vitamin D3 at a dose of 450 IU for 15-20 days. This helps to restore the normal functioning of macrophages and lymphocytes, which are involved in the destruction of pathogenic microbes.

There are two reasons that lead to hypovitaminosis D - these are:

  • Insufficient exposure to fresh air, that is, under direct sunlight
  • An unbalanced diet, in which high-carbohydrate foods predominate (bread made from premium flour, muffins, sweets), the number of foods containing vitamin D is reduced (cottage cheese, eggs, kefir, fish, natural butter, and others).


Vitamin D hypervitaminosis occurs when this drug has been taken uncontrolled for a long time. An excess of vitamin D in the body is characterized by the following clinical symptoms:

  • Excess bone mineralization, which leads to pain and, paradoxically, to brittle bones
  • Kidney stone disease, since calcium is deposited in excess in the kidneys and enters the urine, as a blood test can tell.
  • Level up blood pressure by reducing the reaction of blood vessels, the walls of which contain calcium in excess
  • Constipation and crampy abdominal pain
  • Headache (also after excessive exposure to the sun)
  • Increased desire to drink liquids
  • General weakness
  • Joint pain
  • Pathological insomnia or drowsiness.

An overdose of vitamin D can occur both with the use of simple preparations of this vitamin, and with the use of oil-based multivitamin complexes. It is in the latter situation that patients lose their vigilance, believing that multivitamin drops are absolutely harmless.

In food

Vitamin D is found in seafood and animal products, which is why vegetarians develop this species hypovitaminosis. Vitamin D is extremely useful and necessary for men - it allows you to normalize and maintain their reproductive function. Sources of vitamin D are foods such as:

  • Fish oil is the leader in the content of this vitamin
  • cod liver
  • Fish - herring, chum salmon, halibut and other species
  • Black and red caviar
  • Chicken egg yolk
  • Creamy natural butter
  • Fat cottage cheese
  • Hard cheeses.

Eating all these foods in food in any quantity, an excess of vitamin D does not threaten. This is because the level of absorption is determined by the concentration of phosphorus in the blood. When the concentration of phosphorus decreases, the absorption capacity of the intestine increases, and vice versa. And if you exclude these products, and exclude walks in the open sun, then it is likely that in the near future a person will develop hypovitaminosis of calciferol.

Parsley plants, oats and cereals based on it, avocados also contain a small amount of calciferol. It is necessary to take them in food and be in the sun regularly.

For newborns

Vitamin D for newborns helps prevent the development of rickets. The risk groups for this disease include children who live in northern latitudes with a lack of sun exposure, as well as children born in the autumn-winter period. Rickets is detected by a blood test. That is why specific prevention of rickets is carried out, in which vitamins of group D are prescribed. The daily intake of vitamin D, which is recommended for admission, is 400-500 IU. Prevention begins at the age of 4 months, if it falls in autumn or winter. In summer, in regions where there is a sufficient number of sunny days a year, it is enough just to walk in the fresh air, daily exposure to the sun.

It should be emphasized that there are two dosage forms of vitamin D:

  • Vitamin D oil solution
  • An aqueous solution that has become widely used recently, as it has a number of advantages and is better absorbed.

The main distinguishing features of an aqueous solution of vitamin D (Aquadetrim), which can be taken all year round, are:

  • Rapid entry from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream (due to the fact that it is not produced on an oil basis)
  • The duration of action is 2 times longer than that of an oil solution (these periods are 3 and 1.5 months, respectively)
  • Easy dosing regimen - one drop contains the daily requirement of the vitamin
    The rapid development of the therapeutic effect for both prophylactic and therapeutic purposes
  • Absorption does not depend on the presence of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you neglect the daily intake of this drug, then a deficiency of vitamin D will appear. The symptoms in this case will be as follows:

  • reduced immunity
  • muscle weakness
  • Frequent respiratory illnesses
  • Increased bone fragility
  • Rachiocampsis
  • constipation
  • Spasmodic abdominal pain
  • Tearfulness and others.

Indications for admission

In order to accurately determine the medical indications for the use of vitamin D, it is important to conduct a number of laboratory studies. tests are prescribed by a doctor, but first of all, a general blood test is required. We are talking about determining the level of phosphorus, calcium and calciferol in the blood. Based on the results of these studies, indications for treatment are determined, which include:

  • Osteoporosis is a decrease in bone density that predisposes to fractures.
  • Prevention and treatment of rickets (in this case, even the above tests are not carried out)
  • muscle weakness
  • Mood swings associated with phosphorus-calcium imbalance
  • Frequent infectious diseases in which immunity is reduced.

Food sources of vitamin D must be constantly present in the diet to prevent the development of a number of dangerous diseases. You can determine whether you have a deficiency of calciferol by a blood test. In addition, in the summer-spring time, you should spend more time in the fresh air and the sun (but you should not forget about the increased ultraviolet radiation background at certain times of the day). If hypovitaminosis has developed or you cannot stay in the sun for a long time, you may need to consult a doctor after a mandatory consultation, additionally take drugs with calciferol.

Vitamin D is a collection of biologically active substances that are similar in chemical structure. All D vitamins regulate the level of phosphorus and calcium in the human body.

In modern medicine, vitamin D is considered to be vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). These are fat-soluble, colorless crystals, odorless and able to withstand high temperatures.

Vitamin D levels are measured in IU (international units). 1 IU = 0.000025 mg or 0.025 micrograms of pure vitamin D. The daily value of vitamin D is 200 IU per day for women and 400 IU for men. Pregnant and lactating women need more vitamin D to prevent rickets in children.

Vitamin D is produced in the body by exposure to ultraviolet light.. Periodically being in the sun, a person receives vitamin D in sufficient quantities. However, much more vitamin D is produced in fair skin tones and in younger skin compared to aging skin.

Vitamins of group D are also formed in animal tissues and in some plants. Therefore, a balanced diet is just as important as an additional source of vitamin D. In animal products, vitamin D is found in fish oil, egg yolk, caviar, dairy products, cheese, butter. Mushrooms, nettle, alfalfa, parsley, horsetail are known from vegetable sources of vitamin D.

Group D vitamins prevent the growth of cancer cells, are responsible for the normal growth and development of bones, prevent the development of arthritis, and reduce the likelihood of atherosclerosis and diabetes. These diseases are possible with acute vitamin D deficiency, and with a mild deficiency, visual impairment, weight loss and appetite appear.

The body is able to accumulate vitamins of group D without removing excess, therefore, toxic poisoning by them is possible. In advanced cases, there are convulsions, increased pressure, severe pain in the abdomen and muscles, nausea, weight loss, itching, arrhythmia. Severe and prolonged overdose of vitamin D can cause death from heart or kidney failure.

Without medical supervision, it is necessary to avoid taking vitamin D preparations. It is better to adjust the diet and not exceed the daily intake of vitamin D, which will avoid hypervitaminosis.

Calciferols, or vitamins of group D, maintain a constant level in the blood, promote its absorption, and regulate the excitability of the nervous system. Ergocalciferol (D2) products contain. Cholecalciferol (D3) is synthesized by the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

The benefits of calciferols

Calciferols (translated from Greek as “carrying lime”) are classified as fat-soluble vitamins. The body stores them in adipose tissue, the liver for later use.

The D vitamins are nothing but steroid hormones. These organic compounds are common in nature. In particular, the kidneys secrete the active form, which helps to absorb calcium and regulates the phosphorus-calcium balance.

After the assimilation of foods containing vitamin D, its transformation in the liver and kidneys, intestinal cells increase the synthesis that binds and transports calcium.

Calciferols are used in the treatment of eye diseases, arthritis, they are included in the diet for the prevention of cancer and.

Their intake with food and formation in the skin has an anti-inflammatory effect, protects the brain from free radicals, activates neuron receptors, promotes strength and muscle building, improves mood, smoothness and elasticity of the skin.

Modern research has confirmed that "light vitamins" stimulate the immune system to rid the brain of a type of protein believed to be the cause of Alzheimer's disease.

The body synthesizes calciferols under the influence of ultraviolet rays, their source is the sun, a quartz lamp. Converts provitamin D3, which contains the skin, into calciferol.

The effect of ultraviolet radiation on the formation of vitamin D is more effective with fair skin than with tanned or swarthy skin.

Calciferols reduce the development of urolithiasis - the disease is provoked by a deficiency or excess of vitamin D.

Regular consumption of foods containing vitamin D (500 IU) by 90-year-olds in combination with 700 mg of calcium strengthens bones in 2-3 years, returning them to the state of 50 years.

The optimal intake of vitamins of group D with foods is useful for.

  • To reduce the risk of childhood rickets by a factor of three, doctors recommend that expectant mothers take 2 tsp daily. three months before and after childbirth.

An overdose of calciferols during pregnancy is the cause of premature hardening and fusion of the skull bones in a child.

Daily rate

The optimal daily intake of foods containing vitamin D determines the biological activity of calciferols. It is measured in units of action (IU).

The biological effect of 0.025 micrograms of "pure" vitamin D corresponds to 1 IU.

The norm for small and pregnant women is higher - up to 400-500 IU (10 mcg) per day.

Foreign norms for adults - up to 400 IU (10 mcg) per day.

Consider sun exposure when choosing foods rich in vitamin D. During a half-hour walk on a sunny summer day, the body synthesizes up to 600 IU of calciferols, so additional vitamin supplements are not needed.

Vitamin D deficiency

The lack of ultraviolet radiation and products containing calciferols is the cause of liver diseases, dysfunction of the nervous system, decrease, caries, softening of bones, development of rickets in children, insufficient mineralization of bone tissues (osteomalacia) in adults.

Lack disrupts the absorption of calcium, its content in the blood falls. The body takes it from the heads of the tubular bones, which causes acidosis (acidification), and, as a result, a decrease in the excitability of the central nervous system, general tone. Joints ache and swell.

Deficiency of calciferols weakens the muscles and ligaments, disrupts the activity of the heart, liver, kidneys, spoils the teeth. Hair and nails become brittle.

The lack of calciferols harms brain tissues, provokes, impairs memory.

Residents of large cities often suffer from a shortage - glass retains ultraviolet rays, they are poorly passed by polluted city air.

Excess calciferols

Free radicals provoke aging, inflammation, malignant formations. Their sources are tobacco smoke, exhaust fumes, drugs, excessive exercise stress, excess vitamin D, foods containing saturated fats: butter, lard, cakes, meat, sausages, cheese, cream, fatty sour cream.

Excess is found in children who are caring parents exceed the recommended rate.

Signs: absence, vomiting, constipation, drowsiness, decreased muscle tone, do not want to do anything. Children gain weight poorly, lose weight. Convulsions, periods of excitement. The skin is pale, earthy, yellowish. Frequent and painful urination, headache.

A common cause of excess is not food, but an excess of artificial vitamin D. It is prescribed by a doctor to restore blood calcium levels in case of hormonal or kidney disorders.

Preparations containing calciferols:

  • drops or capsules in Oksidevit oil;
  • oil solution "Videhol", diarrhea is possible when taken;
  • cream or ointment "Psorkutan" for the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris of the scalp.

Increased doses cause disorders, atherosclerosis, urolithiasis.

An increased calcium content alkalizes the blood, increases its clotting and density, which contributes to the development, risk of stroke, heart attack.

List and table of foods containing vitamin D

The champion in the content of calciferols is fish oil, there are many of them in animal products.

To strengthen the skin, prevent calciferol deficiency, it is useful to eat a piece of black bread with butter once a week.

Forms an acidic environment in the stomach, which promotes the absorption of calcium and vitamin D, improves the secretion of gastric juice, the activity of digestive enzymes.

Table 1. Vitamin D content in some foods
Product (100 g)Vitamin D (mg)
Fish fat250
Cod liver (canned)100
Atlantic herring oily30
mackerel atlantic16,1
Egg yolk3,7
Sour cream 30%0,15
Cream 20%0,12
Cream 10%0,08
Cow's milk (condensed)0,05
beef liver0,02
creamy ice cream0,02


Vitamin D is harmful in active forms of tuberculosis, and duodenal ulcers, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, organic heart disease, circulatory failure.

Modified: 06/26/2019