List of complex (slow) carbohydrates in foods. What are the best complex carbohydrates for weight loss? List of complex carbohydrates foods

In order to ensure its activity during the day, a person's diet must contain complex carbohydrates, which are part of cereals, cereals and greens. These foods should make up 40% of your daily food intake. Dishes prepared from the above ingredients will provide:

  • supplying the body with the necessary energy;
  • beneficial effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a variety of delicious menus.

In case of insufficient carbohydrate content in the body:

  • metabolic processes are disrupted;
  • there is a persistent feeling of fatigue;
  • the replacement of the missing energy from the muscle tissue begins with the help of the absorption of glycogen.

Products that contain the elements in question are best consumed for breakfast and lunch. In case of taking such food in the evening:

  • the energy received from products will not be completely consumed by the body;
  • difficulties may arise in the process of processing food in the gastrointestinal tract.

The peculiarity of complex modifications of food components is:

  • in the complexity of molecular structure;
  • in slow assimilation by the body;
  • in poor dissolution in water, and, as a consequence of this, in prolonged retention in the body;
  • in the absence of sharp jumps in insulin when eating food, which, accordingly, does not contribute to the formation of fatty layers.

Complex carbohydrates have characteristics:

  • nutritional value;
  • glycemic index.

They include elements:

  • starch;
  • cellulose;
  • pectin;
  • glycogen.

Depending on the number of constituent components of the elements, their characteristics depend.

The need for complex carbohydrates when losing weight

Lack of excess weight not only affects a person's appearance, but also his health. To ensure the effective functioning of the body, it must be provided with the appropriate elements:

  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • acids;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;

Signs of insufficient intake of carbohydrate foods are:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • headache;
  • depressed mood;
  • fatigue.

Carbohydrates, especially complex ones, must be taken into account when drawing up a diet for weight loss. They contribute to:

  • active energy saving;
  • activating the energy needed to break down fats.

The principle of weight gain in the human body is the lack of energy necessary to burn fat due to insufficient amount of carbohydrates in the body.

A properly formulated diet is the key to achieving the goal of losing weight. For emergency weight loss, strict diets are used that limit the use of carbohydrate-containing foods. This mode is designed for a short-term period - no more than a week. Some only last 3 days. However, the result is still visible.

For a smooth decrease in body weight, doctors recommend the use of light carbohydrate diets, designed for a long time. For a reason practically balanced nutrition This diet triggers the release of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for good mood, which is an additional incentive to achieve the goal of weight loss.

  1. Foods with a high glycemic index are best avoided from the diet.
  2. In the morning and after exercise, it is necessary to replenish the body with glucose reserves in the form of sweet tea to provide the body with the necessary energy.
  3. If you experience any ailments in the process of losing weight, you must stop the diet and give the body some time to recover.

When drawing up the menu, it must be borne in mind that carbohydrates are also complex (slow), the table with a list of products will be below. What is the difference, not everyone knows today. The former quickly saturate the body, since they have a light structure, and are quickly broken down into water and glucose, but they do not have enough energy for long. Excessive use of them leads to weight gain.

The basic principle proper nutrition consists in a harmonious combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that enter the body every day. Many, knowing about the properties of the latter that are destructive for the figure, seek to completely abandon them. But the food should be balanced, even if you are losing weight and dieting. By eliminating saccharides, you will lose your main source of energy. The absence of any nutrient will lead to disturbances in the body and various diseases.

A complex carbohydrate decomposes for a long time and is slowly absorbed into the bloodstream, which avoids an insulin surge. This is very important for diabetics and people who are watching their weight. Insulin is a hormone that breaks down complex carbohydrates into simple elements. It is necessary to keep the production of this substance in the body under control, and for this it is quite simple, and also to understand in which products there are more useful complex carbohydrates or polysaccharides.


Complex sugars support the tone and balance of the body. Due to their low decay rate, they provide a feeling of fullness for a long time. Foods high in polysaccharides have an extremely positive effect on the body. Among the main properties are:

  • improving brain function;
  • control and stabilization of muscle activity;
  • reduced risk of hepatic atrophy;
  • participation in intracellular metabolism;
  • removal of toxins and toxins;
  • improving the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • maintaining energy levels throughout the day.

Sources of long-soluble glucose are useful not only for weight loss, they are also indispensable for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis and various diseases of the cardiovascular system. Slowly digested carbohydrates are broken down smoothly and gradually. The first glucose molecules are absorbed into the bloodstream 40 minutes after a meal. Then the product is digested for another 3 hours, giving the body a supply of vigor and strength.


Having figured out what slow carbohydrates are, and how they affect the body, it is necessary to study what belongs to this group of nutrients. The main types are:

  • Cellulose. These are coarse fibers vegetable origin... They improve bowel function, remove ballast deposits, and give a feeling of fullness. Foods containing fiber are whole grains, fruits, herbs, legumes, and beets. Fiber is practically not absorbed, therefore it is not processed into fat, 90% is excreted from the body naturally.
  • Starch. It is a substance that is low in calories. It helps control blood sugar levels, stimulates metabolic processes and boosts immunity. Bread, buckwheat, oatmeal, potatoes, pasta are starch-rich foods.
  • Glycogen. This complex carbohydrate is essential for building and repairing muscle mass. In food it is extremely small, the highest concentration is noted in fish, beef, liver.
  • Pectins. These substances act as absorbents. They attract and remove toxins, poisons, heavy metals from the body. Pectins are found in root vegetables, algae, and fruits.

Complex carbohydrates have different calories, nutritional values, and glycemic index (GI). The latter is an indicator of the rate at which the product is broken down and glucose enters the bloodstream. Foods with a low glycemic index (up to 40-50 units) are the most useful.

Foods with average values ​​of up to 60-70 units should be taken with caution, in moderation. If the product belongs to the GI category above 70 units, like wheat bread, it is better to exclude it from your diet altogether. What foods are not recommended, you can find out from the table below.

It is important to understand not only how simple carbohydrates differ from complex ones, but also when it is better to eat this or that product. Polysaccharides are best absorbed by the body in the morning, so they should be included in breakfast and lunch. Foods containing complex carbohydrates can be divided into groups:

  • Legumes... They are great for nourishing, but not deposited in fat. Lentils, beans, peas - these products can be eaten without restrictions in any form of heat treatment.
  • Dairy... They are based on, but also there is lactose - a carbohydrate. The healthiest dairy products include low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt.
  • Greenery... It is rich in fiber and pectins, as well as vitamins, trace elements and acids. Make salads with fresh herbs every day, this will have a beneficial effect on the figure and general well-being.
  • Porridge... The best solution is whole grains. Often women are interested in rice - simple or complex carbohydrates? It all depends on the type of cereal. White rice is a fast sugar, and it also contains a lot of gluten. Its brown analogue is degraded in the body much longer, therefore it brings more benefits.
  • Vegetables and fruits... Tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers, raspberries, bananas - vegetables or fruits should be on the menu every day, the main thing is to combine them correctly with other ingredients, namely protein foods.

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If you strive to look good, feel great and radiate vigor and energy, eat complex carbohydrates, the list of foods and the table will help you create a daily menu for those who are losing weight.

Complex carbohydrates are those substances from which the body draws energy. There are many diets that are based on regulating carbohydrate intake. Let's talk about the products that contain them.

Foods containing complex carbohydrates: a list

Carbohydrates are organic substances made up of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. They are needed for the human body to receive energy for a full-fledged existence, increase the level of immunity and are needed for the brain to function.

Allocate simple carbohydrates and those that are called complex. The former quickly saturate the body, increasing the blood sugar content. They are valuable for the health of the body, but they are advised to consume these carbohydrates at the beginning of the day. Then it is easier for the body to regulate the amount of sugar, and it will not create fat deposits.

Complex carbohydrates are processed by the human body for a long time and supply it with important useful substances and energy for a long time.

There are several types of such carbohydrates:

  • Starch.

A substance produced by all plants. Once in the human body, it becomes glucose, which supplies the body with energy.

Sources of starch are potatoes, brown rice, as well as oatmeal and buckwheat, rye bread, and legumes such as peas, lentils, and soybeans.

  • Cellulose.

It is a dietary fiber that does not dissolve during the digestive process. At the same time, they have the ability to regulate blood cholesterol levels, improve intestinal microflora and remove toxins from the body.

Fiber is found in the form of pulp or husk and skin. It is rich in legumes, cabbage, mushrooms and seeds.

  • Glycogen, or so-called animal starch.

His body receives glucose from the residues and uses it as a reserve supply of energy.

Glycogen is found in watermelons, raisins, dried apricots, figs, irga.

  • Pectin.

Soluble dietary fiber that can lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

They are rich in seaweed, berries (currants, cherries, raspberries), fruits like peaches, apples, pears, plums and apricots, as well as vegetables like beets and eggplant.

Complex carbohydrates contain:

  • Many vegetables and some fruits.

Cabbage, green beans, bell peppers, tomatoes, pomelo, zucchini, pomegranate, raspberries, cherries and lemon contain enough of them to nourish the body.

  • Porridge.

Many cereals, with the exception of semolina, are sources of these carbohydrates. Porridge made from buckwheat, wheat, bulgur and oats will provide the body with complex carbohydrates.

  • Greenery.

Invaluable stores of complex carbohydrates are spinach, lettuce, various types of salad.

  • Legumes.

Chickpeas, lentils, and peas with beans also contain essential nutrients.

  • Fruit juices.

Juices from tomatoes, pineapple, oranges, carrots and apples, prepared correctly, without preservatives, dyes and sweeteners, will provide the necessary supply of complex carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates: foods that are not bad for your figure

Carbohydrates in foods come in many different types and types. Therefore, it is important to have information in which type of food contains healthy carbohydrates.

The list of foods that, firstly, contain complex carbohydrates, and secondly, are useful for the figure, looks like this:

  • Flakes.

Oatmeal fibers provide vitality and vitality for a long time. Therefore, the product is recommended to be consumed in the morning by those who preserve their figure.

In addition, cereals are great with fruits and berries, which also contain similar carbohydrates.

  • Vegetables.

Seasonal vegetables contain both complex carbohydrates and a whole vitamin and mineral complex necessary for the body.

The leaders among the vegetables recommended by nutritionists are zucchini and celery. The first contains a lot of vitamins and dietary fiber. They are able to reduce cholesterol levels. Celery, on the other hand, is rich in both fiber and minerals, which improves the digestion process.

  • Fruits and berries that are low in sugar.

Fruits improve the body's metabolic processes thanks to fiber, pectins and other beneficial substances.

Apples, grapefruit, watermelon, strawberries and cranberries are the indispensable diet of a weight-watcher.

  • Nuts and seeds.

Carbohydrates in food, when used correctly, will provide energy for a long time, strengthen the immune system and keep the figure slim.

What are complex carbohydrates and a table listing the main foods containing complex carbohydrates. This will be discussed in this article, as well as consider why complex carbohydrates are so called and how they differ from simple ones.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about losing weight

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ryzhenkova S.A .:

I have been dealing with weight loss problems for many years. Women often come to me with tears in their eyes, who have tried everything, but the result is either not, or the weight is constantly returning. I used to advise them to calm down, go back on their diet and do grueling workouts in the gym. Today there is a better way out - X-Slim. It can simply be taken as a nutritional supplement, and lose up to 15 kg per month in a completely natural way without diets and physical. loads. It is completely natural remedy suitable for everyone, regardless of gender, age or health condition. V this moment The Ministry of Health is holding an action "Save the inhabitants of Russia from obesity" and each citizen of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive 1 package of the drug IS FREE

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Carbohydrate-free functioning human body impossible. They are a source of energy for muscle work, nervous system, internal organs. Recently, many food systems have appeared on the Internet with a strict restriction of carbohydrates for quick weight loss. And yet, we cannot do without these substances. Let's see why.

Complex carbohydrates

Why are carbohydrates called complex? The molecules of such carbohydrates are longer, therefore, when broken down, they provide more energy than simple ones. At the same time, they are digested much slower and longer without causing a sudden surge of insulin. The feeling of satiety lasts much longer, and the person feels vigorous and energetic.

This group includes starch, glycogen, pectin, fiber. The first is the most valuable in nutrition, about 80% of the complex carbohydrates consumed give us starchy foods. Glycogen as such is synthesized in the body, and does not come from food (it is found in small amounts in meat, liver, mushrooms).

Pectin and fiber in the body are poorly digested and have no great nutritional value, but they also play an important role. Being in the intestine, they create favorable conditions for the development of normal microflora, promote its purification and normal digestion of food. They also help to reduce the glycemic index of food. The list below will show you your meal selection strategy using rice as an example.

Table 2. Decrease of GI on the example of rice:

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Topic: Lost 18kg without diets

From whom: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected])

To: Administration

Hello! My name is Lyudmila, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site. Finally, I was able to lose weight. I lead an active lifestyle, I got married, I live and enjoy every moment!

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Ever since childhood, I was a rather plump girl, at school they teased all the time, even the teachers called me a pompie ... it was especially terrible. When I entered the university, they completely stopped paying attention to me, I turned into a quiet, notorious, fat crammer. I tried so many things to lose weight ... And diets and all sorts of green coffee, liquid chestnuts, shokoslims. Now I don't even remember, but how much money I spent on all this useless garbage ...

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Another important point: carbohydrates are best consumed in the morning, so meals rich in them are preferable to eat for breakfast or lunch. In the evening, it's better to switch to protein food or refuse dinner altogether.

Products table

This table does not show the entire list of foods containing complex carbohydrates, but only those that are most useful for losing weight. For example, potatoes are complex carbohydrates, but you won't be able to lose weight on them.

Product Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Calories
Buckwheat 12,6 3,3 62 328
Hercules (bunting) 11 6,2 50 300
Brown rice 6,3 4,4 65,1 331
White rice* 7,5 2,6 56 277
Pearl barley 9,3 1,1 66,5 313
Beans 21 2 46,6 288
Peas 20,5 2 48,6 294
Rye bread* 6,8 1,3 40,7 201
Bran bread *
Durum wheat pasta 10,7 1,3 68,4 328
Bran 15 3,8 53,8 309
Broccoli 4,4 0,9 1,8 32,9
Spinach 2,9 0,3 2 22,3

    From athletes and adherents healthy eating you can often hear the following phrase: - this is evil, and slow carbohydrates are good. But is everything really so simple? The question requires detailed study. In this article, we will look at the transformation process of slow carbohydrates and their effect on the body of a professional crossfit athlete and representatives of other sports.

    General information

    Complex carbohydrates - what are they in general and how do they affect the body? If you are familiar with, then you know that the body is traditionally accustomed to drawing all its energy from carbohydrates. It breaks down all of them without a trace and releases the resulting sugar into the blood. But the body can hide any excess of energy in the fat depot. Slow carbs are a way to prevent excess fat accumulation. Due to their structure, they are extremely slowly converted into pure sugar, and, therefore, energy enters the blood in a metered manner.

    What does this mean in practice:

  1. The body has time to spend almost all the energy it receives from slow carbohydrates, therefore, it does not need to convert it into fat.
  2. If an excess of caloric intake is observed, then with slow carbohydrates it is more likely to have time to break down into, bypassing the stage of release of triglycerides and alkaloids.
  3. Complete absence of stress on the liver.

The remarkable properties of complex carbohydrates have made them a traditional source of excess calories in the diet. However, this does not mean that if you replace sweets with porridge, you will begin to lose weight. No, it's just that you will be full much longer, which means that you will eat somewhat less often and less.

Product groups

When considering which foods contain complex carbohydrates, keep in mind the fact that slow carbohydrates can turn into fast carbohydrates during the process of chewing or cooking. Wheat is the simplest example.

  • Raw wheat - rich in fiber - the benchmark for slow carbohydrates.
  • Refined wheat - devoid of fiber, slightly higher.
  • Wheat porridge is still considered a slow carbohydrate, although its GI is well above the standard.
  • Coarse flour is already considered a fast carbohydrate, although this factor is leveled by a high fiber content.
  • Wholemeal baked goods are considered a healthy dietary meal, although in fact they are fast carbohydrates.
  • Fine flour is a very fast carbohydrate.
  • Fine flour baked goods are highly discouraged due to their extremely high glycemic index.

Raw food is extremely low and is considered a slow carbohydrate. At the same time, baked goods made from wheat, which were simply finely ground, are practically devoid of starch compounds. Instead, under the influence of mechanical and thermal factors, all carbohydrates are converted from slow to classic monosaccharides.

Group 1: cereals

It is one of the slowest sources of carbohydrates. In the process of digestion, carbohydrates from cereals turn into sugar for a long time, due to which they nourish the body throughout the day. That is why, to maintain strength, even on diets, it is recommended to use cereals.

Group 2: starchy foods

First of all, these are potatoes and corn. This is a faster group of carbohydrates, however, the process of converting starch into a monosaccharide is associated with additional fermentation of products - the missing enzymes are produced for a relatively long time, so they can still be called slow.

Group 3: fiber-rich vegetables

Even if these are foods with sugar content, fiber almost completely compensates for this deficiency. Fiber cannot be absorbed by our body and binds sugar molecules together. The body first needs to separate the monosaccharide from the fiber, which takes a lot of energy and time.

Below is a table of slow carbohydrate foods.

This table is not just pure carbohydrate foods. Many protein foods contain fiber or substances that break down into simple sugars during digestion.

In addition, in the table you will find foods whose threshold is well above 70. However, they are still considered foods with a low glycemic index. The fact is that some of the foods contain fructose instead of glucose, so the process of their digestion occurs without the participation of insulin. Another reason why foods are included in the table is glycemic load, which is considered an integral part of slow carbs. This parameter is the primary coefficient for determining the GI. And in fact, to determine the real index, it must be multiplied by a coefficient, dividing by 100%.

Apple juice (sugar free)51 10
Black yeast bread75 12
Whole wheat bread75 25
51 32
Sushi55 45
Spaghetti55 10
Sorbent75 40
Orange juice75 32
Sweet Canned Corn57 47
(boiled or stewed)75 10
Fresh pineapple77 12
Basmati rice51 25
Rye bread75 32
Wheat flour78 45
Sprouted wheat grains73 10
Industrial mayonnaise71 40
Pizza on thin wheat dough with tomatoes and cheese71 32
Shortbread55 47
Papaya fresh58 10
Wheat flour pancakes73 12
Oatmeal71 25
Muesli with sugar75 32
Ice cream (with added sugar)71 45
Marmalade75 10
Mango51 40
Pasta with cheese75 32
Lychee51 47
Lasagna71 10
Brown brown rice51 12
Canned pineapple75 25
Canned peaches55 32
Canned vegetables75 45
Cranberry Juice (Sugar Free)51 10
Maple syrup75 40
51 32
Ketchup55 47
Chestnut71 10
Jacket boiled potatoes75 12
Cocoa powder (with added sugar)71 25
Raisin75 32
Melon71 45
Long grain rice71 10
Jam75 40
Mustard55 32
Grape Juice (Sugar Free)55 47
Instant Oatmeal77 10
55 12
Sweet potato (sweet potato)75 25
Banana71 32
Arabic pita57 45
Sugar Free Pineapple Juice51 10

The effect of carbohydrates on the body

Yes, complex carbohydrates are not suitable for closing the carbohydrate window. The thing is that, due to the low rate of cleavage, they do not have time to cover and the body begins optimization processes, which is fraught with additional muscle destruction. However, this can be used to your advantage.

  • First, slow carbs help you stay full longer. This is important in cases where a person sits down on, which is characterized by a restriction not only of calorie content, but a decrease in the amount.
  • Second, slow carbohydrates maintain a positive energy balance throughout the night.

Therefore, it is important to load up on slow carbohydrates along with at night. This will avoid optimization processes.

And most importantly, slow carbohydrates are not stressful for the body, since they do not create energy jumps, which are characterized by further depletion without maintaining the appropriate energy level food from the outside.

To summarize

And yet, are slow carbs really the ideal source of energy and protection from all ills? Yes and no. Slow carbs are not a panacea for all their benefits. An excess of calories remains an excess of calories, and it does not matter where you get it - from a sweet cake or from healthy buckwheat porridge.

The main danger is that slow carbohydrates form a full fat cell, which is much more difficult to break down than fast carbohydrates that are not fully alkaloid bound. This means that the fat accumulated on buckwheat porridge will be much more difficult to drive off, since not only a calorie deficit will be required, but also a special aerobic exercise. That is why all CrossFit athletes do not look at the sources of carbohydrates, but monitor their amount.