Evaluation of personnel in the organization. Modern methods of personnel assessment: the practice of Western colleagues Methods used in personnel assessment

Exists a large number of various methods and techniques for assessing personnel. It is important for HR employees to have a clear idea of ​​what type of assessment should be used in their organization. Let's try to analyze what types of assessment methods and techniques exist on the market, systematize them and determine for what tasks certain questionnaires, interviews and other research tools are applicable. Conventionally, all methods of researching an organization can be divided into three main approaches: humanitarian, engineering and empirical. Personnel assessment methods are most related to the empirical approach, as they are based on the dissemination of successful industry or functional experience, the use of precedent experience in decision-making. In most cases, evaluation is a comparison of the characteristics obtained during the study with the characteristics of a “reference sample”. Empirical research methods are usually divided into quantitative and qualitative ones.

Quantitative methods of personnel assessment

Quantitative methods can be characterized as formalized and massive. Formalization is expressed in the focus on the study of strictly defined analyzed variables, set in advance, and their quantitative measurement. The high level of formalization of quantitative methods is associated with their statistical processing.

The most common quantitative method is the questionnaire. In the process of questioning, the employee/candidate for a vacancy is asked to answer in writing the questions presented in the form of a questionnaire. Due to the ease of use and processing, questionnaires can be used both separately and as a component of almost all types of a comprehensive personnel assessment system. According to the form, the questions in the questionnaire are divided into open, requiring a free answer, and closed, the answer to which is to select one (or more) of several statements proposed in the questionnaire. One of the many options for using the questionnaire is to collect information about the real business and personal competencies of an employee as part of the 360-degree assessment system. In this case, the survey of his manager, colleagues, subordinates and clients saves a lot of time for both the respondents and the employee who processes the received data.

Questionnaire - the most common quantitative method of evaluation

One of the types of surveys used to assess personnel are personality questionnaires - a class of psychodiagnostic methods designed to determine the degree of severity of certain personality traits in an individual. In form, they are lists of questions, while the answers of the subject are presented quantitatively. As a rule, with the help of this method, features of character, temperament, interpersonal relationships, motivational and emotional spheres are diagnosed. For this purpose, specific methods are used. We present the most popular of them.

Multi-factor personality questionnaires

Personality questionnaires are designed to describe a wide range of individual personality characteristics.

Cattell Questionnaire (16-PF)
The main factors are the general level of intelligence, the level of development of the imagination, susceptibility to new radicalism, emotional stability, the degree of anxiety, the presence of internal tensions, the level of development of self-control, the degree of social normalization and organization, openness, isolation, courage, attitude towards people, the degree of dominance - subordination , dependence on the group, dynamism.
MMPI Questionnaire
The main scales include somatization of anxiety, anxiety and depressive tendencies, repression of anxiety-causing factors, the realization of emotional tension in direct behavior, the severity of male/female character traits, rigidity of affect, fixation of anxiety and restrictive behavior, autism, denial of anxiety, hypomanic tendencies, social contacts.
FPI Questionnaire
This questionnaire was created primarily for applied research, taking into account the experience of building and using such well-known questionnaires as 16PF, MMPI, EPI, etc. The scales of the questionnaire reflect a combination of interrelated factors. The questionnaire is designed to diagnose mental states and personality traits that are of paramount importance for the process of social, professional adaptation and regulation of behavior.
Leonhard's characterological questionnaire
The test is designed to identify the type of accentuation (certain direction) of the character. Accentuations are considered as an extreme version of the norm, which is their main difference from psychopathy - pathological personality disorders. The following types of personality accentuation are diagnosed: demonstrative, stuck, pedantic, excitable, hyperthymic, dysthymic, anxious-fearful, affective-exalted, emotive, cyclothymic.

Questionnaires of motivational features

Rean's Questionnaire
The motivation to achieve success and the motivation to avoid failure are diagnosed.
Diagnostics of the level of pedantry
On the one hand, pedantry is the desire to follow the accepted forms, jealous and stubborn observance of various trifles, and loss of sight of the essence of the matter. On the other hand, pedantry is also manifested in diligence, responsibility, conscientious attitude to duties, rigor and accuracy, striving for the truth.

Mental Wellbeing Questionnaires

Questionnaires of this type assess the level of neuropsychic adaptation, anxiety, neuropsychic stability, neuroticism, and social adaptation.

Methodology for determining stress resistance and social adaptation of Holmes and Rage
Doctors Holmes and Rage (USA) studied the dependence of diseases (including infectious diseases and injuries) on various stressful life events in more than five thousand patients. They came to the conclusion that mental and physical illnesses are usually preceded by certain major changes in a person's life. Based on their research, they compiled a scale in which each important life event corresponds to a certain number of points, depending on the degree of its stressfulness.
Heck and Hess method of rapid diagnostics of neurosis
Preliminary and generalized diagnosis of the probability of neurosis.
Spielberger Reactive and Personal Anxiety Scale
Identification of the level of personal and reactive anxiety. Personal anxiety is understood as a stable individual characteristic that reflects the employee's predisposition to anxiety and implies that he has a tendency to perceive a fairly wide range of situations as threatening, responding to each of them with a certain reaction.

Self-Attitude Questionnaires

The features of the attitude of the employee to himself are studied.

Personal self-assessment methodology (Budassi)
The level of self-esteem is determined (high, low or normal).
Stefanson's questionnaire
The technique is used to study the employee's ideas about himself. The advantage of the technique is that when working with it, the subject shows his individuality, the real "I", and not compliance / non-compliance with statistical norms and the results of other people.

Temperament Questionnaires

Eysenck personality questionnaire
The test is aimed at diagnosing personality parameters, neuroticism and extraversion-introversion.
Strelyau Questionnaire
The strength of the processes of excitation, processes of inhibition, the mobility of nervous processes are diagnosed.

Value Questionnaires

They are used to study the value-semantic sphere of personality.

Rokeach test "Value Orientations"
The technique is based on direct ranking of the list of values.

Questionnaires of emotional characteristics:

Test "Emotional burnout"
The degree of psychological protection in the form of "emotional burnout" is revealed (this technique is especially relevant for workers involved in the field of interaction with people).
Scale for assessing the significance of emotions
The technique proposed by B.I. Dodonov, is aimed at identifying the emotional states of a person that give him pleasure.

see also

Behavior Activity Tests

Methodology "Out of difficult life situations"
The dominant way of solving life problems in a person is determined.

It should be noted that many of the above methods were originally developed and used in clinical psychology and only then began to be used in enterprises for personnel assessment. However, these methods, for the most part, have not been sufficiently adapted to assess employees, therefore, in order to use them in organizations, a specialist with a fairly high level of knowledge in the field of psychology is needed.

Aptitude tests are another important method of personnel assessment. They are a specially selected standardized set of tasks that serves to assess the potential ability of a person to solve various problems. Any kind of intelligence test can be considered an ability test. To identify specific abilities, for example, for certain types of activities (medicine, technology, law, education, etc.), special tests are being developed. Perhaps the most common among the methods used in personnel assessment are those aimed at identifying the professional abilities of employees.

Amthauer Intelligence Structure Test
Designed to determine the ability for abstract thinking, memory, spatial imagination, language sense, mathematical thinking, judgment formation, etc.

Guilford test
Allows you to measure social intelligence, which is a professionally important quality and allows you to predict the success of teachers, psychologists, psychotherapists, journalists, managers, lawyers, investigators, doctors, politicians, businessmen.

Raven test
With the help of progressive matrices, it allows not only to evaluate the intellect itself, but also makes it possible to get an idea of ​​the employee's ability for systematic, systematic, methodical intellectual activity.

It should be noted that many of the known ability tests do not provide enough material to make predictions based on them. They provide limited information that needs to be supplemented with information from other sources.

Qualitative methods of personnel assessment

As opposed to quantitative, qualitative research methods are singled out, which are informal and aimed at obtaining information through an in-depth study of a small amount of material. One of the most commonly used methods is the interview.

The interview method is distinguished by strict organization and unequal functions of the interlocutors: the interviewer (specialist who conducts the interview) asks questions to the respondent (estimated employee), does not conduct an active dialogue with him, does not express his opinion and does not openly reveal his personal attitude to the questions asked and the answers of the subject . The task of the interviewer is to reduce his influence on the content of the respondent's answers to a minimum and ensure a favorable atmosphere for communication. The purpose of the interview from the point of view of the interviewer is to get answers from the respondent to questions formulated in accordance with the objectives of the study (the qualities and characteristics of the person being assessed, the absence or presence of which must be identified).

Create a friendly atmosphere at the interview, it promotes the exchange of information

Based on various parameters, it is customary to distinguish several types of interviews. The following types are most used in personnel assessment.

Biographical interview focused on the candidate's past employment history. When it is carried out, it is assumed that the behavior in the past is an indicator of the behavior in the future. Biographical interviews focus on the work experience and work style of the person being assessed. Jobs are collected in reverse chronological order. The interview assesses the degree of importance of the employee's current work for the organization and his competence in terms of meeting the requirements for a particular position. At the same time, you should ask correctly selected questions and observe the same conditions for all the assessed. In practice, the questions come from “employee requirements”, which list the individual characteristics necessary to successfully complete the job. The advantage of a biographical interview is that it meets the expectations of the candidate (employee) and gives him the opportunity to perform at his best. However, this same factor can cause bias in the assessment. The effectiveness of such an interview also depends on how correctly the questions relate to the job criteria.

behavioral interview contains a structured list of questions designed around experience or ability in specific areas or job-related criteria. These criteria are identified in the process of analysis, the subject of which was the work and behavior of successful employees. The main advantage of the behavioral approach is that it deals with the skills that are important to the job. On the other hand, such an interview can take a lot of time, since during it it is necessary to discuss all the important aspects of the work. In addition, due to the fact that the interview is focused on the process of carrying out a certain work, it is easy to overlook important questions regarding the general professional background of the candidate/employee.

situational interview is based on the construction of certain situations and the proposal to the assessed employee to describe the model of his behavior or way out of this situation. In the evaluation process, the employee tries to give socially desirable answers, that is, those that he considers socially correct. During the interview, it becomes possible to assess how these perceptions correspond to the values ​​of the organization, accepted behavior patterns, as well as the work that the employee performs.

Projective interview is based on a special construction of questions in such a way that they offer the employee / candidate to evaluate not himself, but people in general or some character. Projective techniques are based on the fact that a person tends to transfer his life experience and attitudes to the interpretation of the actions of other people, as well as to fictional situations, characters, etc. In a projective interview, an employee is less likely to give socially desirable responses. However, the process of conducting a projective interview is very lengthy, and the data obtained is quite difficult to process. In addition, the professional and personal qualities of the interviewer will have a significant impact on the result.

One of the main qualitative methods of personnel assessment is also the traditional document analysis. It is believed that documents are or can be reliable evidence of phenomena occurring in reality. In many ways, this applies to official documents, but it can also apply to unofficial ones. The analysis of documents means the transformation of the original form of the information contained in the documents into the form necessary for the personnel appraiser. In fact, this is nothing more than an interpretation of the content of the document, its interpretation. In the process of document analysis, resumes, letters of recommendation and cover letters, educational documents (diplomas, certificates, qualification certificates), research and publicistic works, etc. can be examined.

Document analysis - a traditional evaluation method

There are methods containing features of both qualitative and quantitative methods. First of all, this applies to business cases.
business case is a comprehensive description of the situation in which a real company once found itself. The case, as a rule, describes the external environment and the internal environment of the company, as well as their changes over time. The events faced by managers, as well as the actions of the latter, are presented in the order in which they actually happened. But the most important thing is that the case formulates the problem that this or that employee of the company had to solve. The accuracy and fidelity of the choice of a typical working situation and the professionalism of creating a business case determine the reliability of the forecast when using this method. On the one hand, the method is based on the pragmatism of the proposed options for solving business problems, on the other hand, it is possible to identify a system of non-standard approaches to solving typical situations, which determines the degree of creativity of an employee.

see also

At the current stage, most personnel appraisers are striving to create comprehensive systems for assessing the personnel of an enterprise, including a fairly large number of methods in order to minimize errors in the assessment process. However, first of all, it is important not only to bring together several methods, but to adapt them to the conditions existing in the organization, and often - when it comes to foreign methods - to the conditions of Russian reality. Of great importance here is the professionalism and experience of the specialist who manages the assessment process, since the fulfillment of this task, in addition to relevant personal qualities, requires knowledge and competencies in the field of psychology and understanding of business processes, goals and specifics of the company's activities.


1.2 Personnel assessment methods



The current stage of development of market relations, transformations in the economic sphere impose new requirements on the quality of labor resources. The appearance on the domestic market in the late 90s of Western companies had a very significant impact on the requirements for the personnel policy of any organization, firm or production. Competitiveness, the image of the structure among business partners and consumers, the efficiency of the use of production potential directly depended on the skills, abilities, creative initiative of employees, and the consistency of their interaction.

Providing a structure of any level with highly qualified personnel is impossible without measuring and evaluating its characteristics. As an indicator of the quality of human resources, in general, criteria such as staff turnover, level of education, average age of employees, number of scientific and technological achievements, victories in external competitions are used. Indirectly, the correctness of the selection of personnel can be assessed through economic indicators, such as production efficiency, profit margins, competitiveness, and others.

At the same time, the realities of the present time often require not a general, but an individual assessment of each employee, as a combination of his personal and professional characteristics. The manager, having such individual "portraits", gets the opportunity to compare, analyze and subsequently make decisions on the admission, positioning, promotion, training and development of personnel.

Evaluation of the business qualities of personnel is a purposeful process of determining whether the qualitative characteristics of personnel correspond to the requirements of a position or workplace.

Studies show that regular and systematic staff assessment has a positive effect on employee motivation, their professional development and growth. At the same time, evaluation results are an important element of human resource management, as they provide an opportunity to make informed decisions regarding remuneration, promotion, dismissal of employees, their training and development.

Personnel assessment is the process of determining the effectiveness of employees in the course of implementing the tasks of the organization, which allows obtaining information for making further management decisions that contribute to achieving the best results at the lowest cost.

Certification is one of the links in the assessment of personnel. It aims to assess the compliance of each individual employee with a certain standard for performing this work at a given workplace. Unlike personnel assessment, when employees are compared with each other, during appraisal there is a comparison "employee - work standard" and you can only compare how much one employee more or less meets the work standard than another.

In Western management there is no separation of the concepts of evaluation and certification of personnel. The history of the emergence of personnel assessment systems can be attributed to the beginning of the twentieth century, when they appeared in US companies. In the 60s, they began to use evaluation schemes in the context of the strategic objectives of the business, which formed the basis of modern methods. But, despite such a long history of development, there is still no consensus either in the specialized literature or among practitioners about the definition of assessment or certification. Whatever name is chosen, it is important to determine the purpose and content of this activity. Of course, setting the goals of personnel certification is in full accordance with the goals and objectives of the organization, its strategy.

The use of appraisal as one of the personnel assessment methods has its opponents and supporters, and the arguments of each side are quite weighty. Opponents of certification motivate their refusal by the fact that immediate supervisors constantly evaluate their employees, that certification is a formal legal procedure aimed at confirming or increasing the level of wages on the tariff scale. The argument in favor of appraisal at present is that it not only serves as a legal basis for transfers, promotions, awards and dismissals, but also serves a number of important purposes: it helps to determine, firstly, which employees require more training, and, secondly, the results of training programs for specialists. It helps to establish and strengthen business relationships between subordinates and managers through the discussion of the results of the evaluation and, in addition, encourages managers to provide the necessary assistance.

The relevance of studying various aspects of personnel assessment is determined by the need to ensure the accuracy and adequacy of the results obtained. In recent years, cardinal economic, political and social changes have taken place in modern Belarusian society. In all spheres of public life, the role of the individual has increased, and the intensification of labor, the change in the content of most types of labor activity, the emergence of new tasks have increased the importance of personnel assessment and increased the requirements for the design and application of appropriate assessment technologies and procedures.

The purpose of the course work is to develop recommendations on the use of modern methods of personnel assessment in the work of personnel services.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of interrelated tasks:

- to reveal the concept, content, types and methods of business assessment of personnel;

- to analyze modern methods of personnel assessment, their use in personnel practice (foreign and domestic experience);

The subject of research in the course work are the methods of assessing the personnel potential of the enterprise.

The object of the study is the personnel of the enterprise.

The work uses both general methods of scientific research, including systemic and dialectical methods of cognition, and particular scientific methods (concrete historical, formal logical, analytical, statistical).

To write the term paper, textbooks of Belarusian and Russian authors, materials of the periodical press were used. The main source of practical material used in writing the term paper are statistical data, reporting data of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest".

1. Concept, content, types of business assessment of personnel

1.1 Personnel assessment as a function of personnel services

Business assessment of personnel is a purposeful process of establishing the compliance of the qualitative characteristics of personnel with the requirements of the position, workplace. Human resources departments of modern organizations are actively involved in business evaluation, which is one of the functions of their activities. The extent of such involvement varies considerably depending on the type and procedures used.

As a rule, there are two types of business appraisal of personnel:

1) evaluation of candidates for vacant jobs or positions;

2) current periodic assessment of personnel, which is most often carried out in the form of attestation.

Evaluation of candidates for vacant jobs or positions (selection) involves traditional procedures:

- preliminary interview;

– analysis of personal data;

– verification tests;

- preparation of an expert opinion.

This type of business assessment can be carried out both during the initial selection of personnel, i.e., when they are admitted to the organization, and if it is necessary to evaluate already working specialists who are considered as candidates for another position.

If the business qualities of working specialists are evaluated, then the role of personnel services in obtaining objective evaluation results is very large. In particular, the personnel service of the organization determines the subjects and methods of such an assessment. They are quite varied. For example, the subjects of business evaluation may be: managers of the assessed employees; team (team), i.e. assessment of one level; clients, subcontractors, etc., depending on the specifics of the work of specialists, managers. Self-assessment, 360-degree assessment can be used.

Let's take a closer look at 360-degree evaluation.

360 degree method is a tool for evaluating the effectiveness of an employee, as well as his personal and professional qualities, based on an analysis of the opinions of people with whom the employee directly interacts in the course of work. Usually, such people are colleagues, subordinates, managers, and in some cases also external clients of the assessed employee.

The specifics of the method: the 360-degree method is based on a comprehensive analysis of the subjective assessments of the people around the employee. This is precisely the main advantage of the method, since it allows the employee to understand how other people inside the organization (and outside it) perceive his personal and professional characteristics, style of behavior and interaction.

360-degree assessment provides structured collective feedback on an employee's competence in areas that are key to success. The results of the assessment allow the employee to see their strengths and weaknesses, as well as to plan specific ways to develop professional / managerial skills in order to increase work efficiency. The most effective use of the 360-degree assessment is in the following cases:

– identification of key employees (the most effective and most relevant to the requirements of the company);

– increasing the productivity of the employee and the effectiveness of his interaction with other people inside and outside the Company;

– formation of a personnel reserve;

– creation and improvement of the employee motivation system;

– increasing the efficiency of investments in training and development of personnel;

– development of a performance management system for employees;

– formation of the corporate culture of the organization.

360 degree evaluation technology.

The 360 ​​degree evaluation takes place in several stages:

Stage 1. Preparation for the assessment.

Selection of significant competencies for assessment.

It is important to determine in advance what will be the subject of the upcoming assessment, what personal / professional / managerial qualities will be measured. For example, the following competencies can be selected for evaluation of managers: leadership, communication, decision making, openness to new things, etc.

Identification of participants in the evaluation process. Typically, four groups of employees in an organization are interviewed in a 360-degree assessment:

1. The assessed employee himself;

2. His colleagues;

3. His leadership;

4. His subordinates (if any). if necessary:

5. His clients (both internal and external).

When choosing participants in the 360-degree procedure, it is important to make sure that when interacting with these people, the employee has the opportunity to demonstrate competencies (professional and managerial qualities) that are evaluated.

Development of a 360 degree questionnaire.

A standard questionnaire consists of several blocks that reflect the most important aspects of an employee's work that can be assessed using the 360-degree method (for example, "building relationships", "managing people", "working with information"). Each aspect is revealed using a separate group of questions (5-7 questions).

Carrying out preparatory work with staff.

Preparatory explanatory work is carried out with all employees of the Company participating in the 360 ​​degree evaluation procedure. As a result of this work, employees get an idea of ​​the goals and stages of the 360-degree assessment, as well as what specific benefits each of them and the Company as a whole can receive as a result.

Stage 2. Conducting a 360 degree assessment.

Organization of an anonymous survey of participants in the evaluation procedure.

The survey of participants in the 360-degree assessment is conducted either in electronic form or on paper. The assessment participants receive a copy of the questionnaire (or a link and password to access the server where the electronic version is located) and must fill it out in the allotted time.

Ensuring the confidentiality of the information received. During the 360-degree assessment, complete confidentiality and security of the information received is ensured. Only a few people from among the experts have access to primary data, who are subsequently involved in the processing of questionnaires and the preparation of analytical reports.

Stage 3. Analysis and interpretation of the obtained data

Processing questionnaires 360 degrees. The responses of the participants received during the assessment are analyzed by experts, after which a final report is generated, which reflects the comprehensive results for each competency of the assessed employee.

Preparation of final reports for each assessed employee.

The report includes several standard elements: analysis of respondents' answers to each question, combined into separate blocks; comparing the results obtained with each other, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the assessed employee; comparing ratings provided by different groups of respondents, and analyzing the discrepancy between other people's ratings and the employee's own self-assessment.

Stage 4. Providing feedback to assessed employees.

Holding meetings of employees with experts to discuss the results of the assessment. Feedback takes the form of individual paired meetings of assessed employees with experts. The feedback procedure is usually carried out in several steps:

– a description of the essence of the 360-degree method and those aspects of professional / managerial activity for which the assessment was carried out;

– discussion of the individual results of the employee in each aspect;

- discussion of the employee's strengths;

– discussion of the weakest sides of the employee, analysis of possible causes;

- discussion and analysis of those aspects in which the employee's self-esteem differs significantly from the assessment of other people. Discussing the aspects on which these assessments coincide;

- selection of several aspects for further development, taking into account the personal interest of the employee and the requirements of his current and future position;

360 degree survey results. As a result of the 360-degree assessment, the customer receives a professional and managerial "portrait" of the assessed employee, formed by the collective feedback of his colleagues, management, subordinates and clients. The results of the assessment allow you to see the difference between the employee's self-esteem and the opinion of the people around him. The information obtained will help management make informed personnel decisions, competently plan the development of an employee and choose the best style of interaction with him.

The assessed employee will also gain rich and valuable experience in analyzing their strengths and limitations, learn to use the resources and opportunities at their disposal more effectively for professional and managerial growth.

It should be noted that there is no ideal subject of evaluation. There are positive and negative aspects of the assessment of any subject. Their choice depends on a number of factors that personnel officers must consider. In practice, most often the subject of evaluation is the immediate supervisor of the specialist.

The current periodic assessment of personnel (certification) in comparison with the assessment of candidates for vacancies is more formalized, the procedure for its implementation is largely determined by regulatory legal acts of various levels. The personnel service is entrusted with the organizational work to prepare for the certification of managers and specialists. The personnel service of the enterprise, even at the stage of preparing for the certification, should take into account the characteristics of its organization and the personnel being certified.

In most modern companies, personnel assessment is carried out once or twice a year. Today, more and more companies entrust the conduct of a comprehensive personnel assessment to recruitment agencies, which have a wide range of different techniques and methodologies, including tests, role-playing games, group exercises, discussions and business simulations. One of the advantages of independent experts is their unbiased attitude towards the testers, which allows them to give an objective assessment of each employee. Recruitment agencies are constantly improving the level of services provided, offering more and more advanced methods and new directions in the assessment and certification of employees.

1.2 Personnel assessment methods

In modern personnel practice, to assess the business qualities and performance of specialists working in an organization, numerous and diverse methods are used, that is, methods and techniques that improve the objectivity of business assessment.

There are no good or bad methods. Choosing the right one depends on a number of factors that HR professionals must consider. In this regard, the following groups of factors can be distinguished:

1. Factors of the initial state of the assessment system existing in the organization. The presence or absence of any evaluation system in the organization should be taken into account. If it exists, it is necessary to study what types, methods, evaluation indicators are used, etc.

2. Features of the organization's personnel: quantitative and qualitative structure, its compliance with the needs of the organization, personnel management strategies.

3. Factors of the internal environment: financial condition, technologies used, established style and methods of management, corporate culture, etc.

4. Factors of the external environment of the functioning of the organization: the state of the labor market, the market for goods and services, the presence and degree of competition of competing enterprises, etc. .

Based on the consideration and analysis of the above factors, personnel officers select methods for evaluating specialists who are their objects. It should be noted that the proposed methods are intended mainly for managers, who in most cases are the main subject of evaluation of their subordinates.

Of the variety of methods used, the simplest, in our opinion, are the following four: the method of graphical evaluation scale; alternative ranking method; critical case method; goal management method.

The graphic rating scale is the most common method of business evaluation. The scale displays the characteristics (quantitative and qualitative), each of which corresponds to the level of performance of duties (from unsatisfactory to excellent). In turn, each rating is expressed in certain numerical values ​​indicated in the rating scale, which are then summed up.

The alternative ranking method is the ranking of employees from best to worst according to some characteristics. First, you should write out all the employees who need to be evaluated, and delete from this list those whom the manager does not know well enough. Then it is necessary to designate the best and the worst until all are ranked in this way.

Critical case method. The manager constantly keeps a record of successful or undesirable examples (or cases) of the performance of duties by each subordinate, then every 6 months discusses these examples with them. The critical case method is often used in addition to ranking methods because it provides the hard facts needed to explain the score. Keeping a current list of critical cases helps to eliminate any shortcomings in the performance of duties by subordinates.

Goal management method. This method begins with a joint (employee and his manager) definition of the employee's key goals for a certain period (a year or six months). There should be few such goals, they should reflect the most important tasks of the employee's activity for the coming period of time. At the end of the period, the specialist and the manager evaluate the achievement of each goal and the entire personal plan of the employee, as a rule, as a percentage. Although the assessment is carried out jointly, the manager has the final say in making the final decision.

An effective form of assessment of specialists and managers of Belarusian enterprises is the certification of personnel. In addition to traditional forms of this work, human resources departments develop and widely apply new methods. So, at the Belarusian Metallurgical Plant, recently they began to evaluate employees according to the standard evaluation sheet developed here. It reflects the opinion of the expert group about the professional and personal qualities of a person. The composition of the expert group usually consists of 5-7 people. It includes work colleagues, immediate supervisors, sometimes clients. The self-assessment of the certified employee is also taken into account.

An interesting personnel form of corporate culture development in staffing is used at RUE Gomselmash. Here, employment at the enterprise is carried out, as a rule, with the guarantee of the plant employee. Moreover, the interview with the applicant in the personnel department is carried out without fail in the presence of the guarantor.

In the Republic of Belarus, assessment is practiced in some companies, and even if it is carried out according to a simplified scheme, the very fact that the company uses modern personnel assessment technologies is respectful. Such a company is ODO "Arlon".

Four-stage Assessment Center of the Arlon company.

1st stage. Presentation of the candidate (fifteen minutes of the presentation itself, the same amount of questions on the presentation).

2nd stage. The candidate is given a case created separately for each position. For 50%, the case is written based on the company's experience, but other introductory conditions are used. As a rule, three to five problem areas are hidden in the text. For thirty minutes in a separate negotiation room, the candidate can think about the solution, then returns to the experts and presents the solution to the case.

3rd stage. The candidate fills in a professional test (a set of questions with answers from which you need to choose the correct one) and solves professional problems.

4th stage. General questions (15-20 minutes) that arose from the experts during all stages, as well as about the candidate's resume and questionnaire.

Using this method, you can better assess the candidate, his managerial and personal qualities, form adequate expectations from the candidate from the managers, and this, in turn, helps to immediately identify areas that require additional training or support during the probationary period.

There is a huge plus in conducting an assessment center - candidates do not yet have experience of participating in such procedures and are not “trained” in them, like, for example, in a standardized interview, when homework and stereotypes are felt, and on the other hand, in the situation of an assessment center, the candidate has more opportunity to open up and express yourself. So the company has the opportunity to get to know the candidate better, and he, in turn, receives a lot of additional information about the company and has the opportunity to get to know and get to know our leaders.

There has not yet been a case when an employee who passed the Assessment Center left the company. At the same time, candidates who did not pass the competition often thank the staff of the assessment center for the opportunity to gain new experience. They say that a serious attitude in the company to the selection speaks of the seriousness of the company and causes an additional desire to work in it. Of course, the selection process itself becomes more complicated and takes more time, but the result justifies these costs.

All of these assessment methods have their advantages and disadvantages. If they are intended for the manager - the main subject of the assessment, then the role of personnel officers is to discuss the methods used with the manager in advance and prepare him for their correct use.

2. Analysis of modern methods of personnel assessment, their use in personnel practice (foreign and domestic experience)

2.1 Foreign experience in personnel assessment

One of the most important methodological problems of personnel assessment at the present stage is who should evaluate the employee. In the practice of most US firms, this is done by a manager-manager. In addition to him, in some cases they do this:

- a committee of several controllers. This approach has the advantage that it eliminates the bias that can occur when an assessment is carried out by a single supervisor;

- Colleagues of the appraised. For this system to bear fruit, it is necessary that they know the level of productivity of his work, trust each other and do not seek to win each other the opportunity to raise salaries and promotions;

- subordinates of the assessed;

– someone who is not directly related to the work situation. This option is more expensive than the others and is mainly used to evaluate a worker in some very important position. It is possible to use this option also in cases where it is necessary to fight accusations of bias and prejudice. It should be taken into account that when using this approach, the person making the assessment will not have such a volume of information as in the previous four options;

- self-esteem. In this case, the employee evaluates himself using the methods used by other appraisers. This approach is used to develop the skills of introspection in employees rather than to evaluate performance;

- use of a combination of the listed forms of assessment: the assessment of the controller can be confirmed by self-assessment, and the results of the assessment by the boss can be compared with the assessment of subordinates or colleagues. A two-way (assessor-assessed) discussion of the assessment results provides good suggestions for senior management.

The main of all the considered approaches is the assessment of subordinates by their leader, but the most important purpose of the assessment is to identify the opportunities for personal development of the employee and then it is better to use the assessment by the boss of his subordinates in combination with other methods.

In addition to establishing qualitative criteria that make it possible to give an objective and fairly complete description of the activities of managerial employees, it is extremely important to evaluate them quantitatively. The method of collective discussion of a candidate for a position can be attributed to the most effective, fairly common and promising. This expert method fully complies with modern recommendations, although it has been widely used in practice since the beginning of the 20th century.

Let's analyze the experience of the best Western companies by evaluating the work of the evaluation center in Yukos.

The personnel department of the oil company Yukos believes that the certification helped many employees to show themselves positively and made career opportunities clear. And what is no less important, people saw and appreciated how interested the senior managers who were members of the commissions were in an objective assessment of the level of their professional training. This work is extremely important for both parties. This is the only way to form a single team.”

The staff of the assessment center can be minimal: a manager and a secretary. Experts (both external and from among the employees of the organization) can only be invited for the duration of the assessment procedures (for 1-3 days). In addition to the actual organization of the assessment procedures and participation in the assessment procedures, the duties of the center’s employees include the selection of groups of assessed employees and expert managers, as well as providing the latter with methodological materials, and, if necessary, conducting training for managers invited as experts.

As a rule, the assessment of candidates in the assessment centers takes from several hours to three days, depending on the level of management for which the assessment and selection is carried out: 3-6 hours for the assessment of line managers; one to two days for middle managers; three days - for senior managers.

Table 2.1 shows some of the methods used in the practice of the evaluation centers.

Table 2.1 - Methods for evaluating managers used in the practice of evaluation centers

Method name Brief description of the method
1 2
biographical method Evaluation of an employee based on biographical data
Oral or written characteristics in any form Oral or written description of who the employee is and how he performs at work (accomplishments and omissions)
Evaluation of achieved results Oral or written description of the specific work performed by the employee
Interview It is carried out in a structured or unstructured form to assess the degree to which the experience, professional knowledge, work behavior and attitude of the assessed employees correspond to the established requirements
Group discussions Assessment of knowledge, leadership potential, personal and business qualities of employees, communication skills in the course of a joint discussion of the problems posed to the group
Analysis of specific situations (case - study) Analysis of specific practical situations (their description can take from one page to hundreds of pages). The assessed managers should identify the most important problems of the situations proposed for analysis and develop proposals for their solution.
Selection of evaluation characteristics from a standard list Comparison of the qualities that the person being assessed possesses with a list of qualities presented in a pre-designed assessment form
Method of expert assessments Determination of the degree of manifestation of certain qualities among employees by putting down expert assessments on a certain set of scales presented in the evaluation form
Psychological testing Determination of personality traits, knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics based on specially selected tests
Ranging Determination with the help of experts of the rank (place) evaluated among other candidates based on the totality of evaluation results
business games Playing situations according to a pre-designed scenario that simulates production conditions and requires decision-making based on available information
Target scoring method Accrual (withdrawal) of a certain number of points for certain achievements (omissions) in the course of evaluation procedures
Graphic Profile Method Instead of quantitative or qualitative assessments, a graphic form of assessment (personality profile) is used. The method allows for a visual comparison of the “ideal” leader being assessed with the profile, as well as comparing different employees with each other.
Method of critical Assesses how the employee behaved in critical situations
situations (emergency events, making a responsible decision, solving a new unfamiliar problem, resolving a conflict situation, etc.)
Interview In a free form or according to a pre-compiled program, a discussion of the plans and results of the work of the assessed
"Manager's folder" (in-basket) Setting priorities, developing an action plan and making decisions based on the analysis of a specially designed package of documents: letters, reports, memorandums, telephone messages and other documents

Not only do assessment centers provide an assessment of employees in an organization applying for certain leadership positions, they often act as a tool for training employees and at the same time as a way to develop the skills necessary for effective leadership (for example, assessment skills and interviewing skills) in managers, participating in the work of the assessment center as experts.

Careful selection of evaluation exercises, their standardization, as well as the use of a number of special organizational techniques can significantly reduce the subjectivity of decisions.

The assessment center should have a sufficiently large set of assessment methods and update them regularly to meet changing conditions and requirements, and also to eliminate the possibility of prior "training" in the correct answers to the questions of assessment assignments.

The tests used in the assessment centers are aimed not so much at assessing existing knowledge and skills, but rather at assessing the ability to learn new things and determining the level of development of qualities and skills required by a leader. The group discussions used in the assessment centers are most often devoted to specific production issues: identifying ways to reduce employee turnover; ensuring the effectiveness of in-house training; ways to improve productivity and quality, etc. The use of structured interviews allows you to obtain important additional information on each assessed, which is taken into account in the final conclusion.

The detailed conclusion of the assessment center for each person being assessed includes a detailed examination of his business and personal qualities, demonstrated abilities, the degree of readiness to occupy a specific position, and the prospects for further promotion. In most cases, a situational analysis is also given: what leadership style the person being assessed gravitates towards, what are its strengths and weaknesses, what kind of tasks and managerial functions it tends to, shortcomings that should be paid special attention to. An important feature of the work of assessment centers is that the final reports that are prepared for each assessed contain not only an assessment of their potential, but also a number of recommendations.

The practice of Western assessment centers.

As a rule, tests are given from several hours to three days: 3–6 hours for assessing foremen, one day for line managers, two days for middle managers, three days for top managers.

In the assessment center of the English company STC, the assessment of managers under a three-day program takes place in three stages. The first stage includes five evaluation procedures: implementation of managerial actions; discussion of the problem in a small group; decision-making; presentation of the developed project; preparation of a business letter.

The second stage includes filling out forms of psychometric tests, performing exercises to identify communication skills and filling out forms of personality questionnaires (in particular, the 16-factor Cattell questionnaire).

The third stage consists in filling out special forms for mutual evaluation in the group of those being evaluated.

Benefits of using assessment centers.

Among the obvious advantages of the evaluation center approach to assessing managers are the following.

1. Evaluation centers are more reliable than other selection methods. This comprehensive assessment method is more reliable in predicting the future success of candidates than other methods.

2. Detailed assessments given by the center are perceived by candidates as more fair and objective, since the experts of the assessment centers are not associated with the evaluated “boss-subordinate” relationships.

3. The assessments given by the center focus on the key competencies of the candidates. In the evaluation, the emphasis is not on assessing the past performance of candidates, but on observing and evaluating their behavior in specially simulated situations. The use of a wide range of tests, procedures that simulate the main components of management activities, and business games allow candidates to maximize their potential.

4. Evaluation business games are closely linked to the most significant aspects of the work of a leader, which allows them to draw reasonable conclusions about specific candidates based on their results.

5. Candidates can receive more comprehensive feedback on the results of assessment centers.

6. Standardization of test exercises equalizes the chances of different candidates.

With all the advantages of this assessment method, the work of assessment centers is not without certain difficulties and problems that hinder their wider use. Among these problems are the following.

1. Relatively high costs. Higher financial costs compared to other valuation methods. Requires more time spent by observers and candidates; it is necessary to prepare methodological and other materials.

2. Sufficiently low efficiency. Most of the materials and conclusions are unclaimed.

3. Ethical problems associated with the need to communicate the results of the assessment to individuals who have shown unsatisfactory results.

4. The danger that the evaluation criteria are oriented more towards yesterday's requirements, and not to those requirements that the assessed workers will have to meet tomorrow.

Today, for the vast majority of organizations, the creation of an assessment center, the main task of which will be to assess the potential of specialists or managers who apply for inclusion in the reserve or for higher positions, is exotic. The main reason for this is not the laboriousness of the methods used in such centers, but the lack of relevant specialists and insufficiently clear understanding by the management and representatives of the personnel services of the main content of the work of the assessment center and the results that can be obtained as a result.

If the management of the organization decides on the need to create an assessment center, then another issue that should be decided is in what form the center will work - on an ongoing basis or its work will be terminated immediately after the completion of the assessment procedures and the preparation of relevant reports.

Using the above theoretical provisions on the organization of personnel assessment at an enterprise, as well as using the experience of foreign firms, we will analyze the organization of personnel potential assessment in the Republic of Belarus using the example of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest".

2.2 Analysis of modern methods of personnel assessment in the personnel practice of domestic enterprises on the example of JLLC "Galagrup-Invest"

JLLC "Galagrup-Invest" is a part of the Belarusian production and trade concern of the forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries "Bellesbumprom". JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" was registered by the Decision of the Executive Committee of Minsk No. 70-75 dated June 21, 1994. Registration No. 288 Code OKPO 00276624 Republic of Belarus.

JLLC "Galagrup-Invest" is a company that carries out a complete processing of wood, starting with logging and cutting of whips, production of lumber, plywood, furniture panels, blockboard, woodworking products and ending with the production of highly artistic furniture.

Currently, the Company produces over 130 types of products. The main types of products supplied for export are plywood and furniture. The production of solid pine furniture for export is developing at an accelerated pace (37.4% of the supply of products for export).

The mission of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" is leadership in the production of woodworking products. The main strategic goal of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" for the coming years is to increase production volumes based on improving production and increasing the competitiveness of products in the markets of the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries. Key performance indicators are given in Annex A.

The average number of employees in the company as of January 1, 2009 amounted to 51 people, of which 17 employees. (5 managers and 12 specialists). As of 01.01.2010, the number of employees of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" amounted to 60 people, including 20 employees. (6 managers and 14 specialists).

The organizational structure of JLLC "Galagrup-Invest" (figure 2.1) is determined by the Charter and includes the management apparatus (management services) and production units directly.

Figure 2.1 - Organizational structure of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest"

All issues of the operational activities of the enterprise are decided by the director of the enterprise and deputies appointed by him, heads of departments of the management apparatus, workshops, departments, sections, etc., as well as foremen. The main composition of the management personnel of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" are employees with higher and secondary education, who have extensive experience working at the enterprise. Administrative and managerial personnel mainly have higher technical and economic education.

In JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" there is a regulation on the personnel service, according to which the personnel service is a structural subdivision of the enterprise. In its activities, the personnel service of the enterprise is guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the charter of the enterprise, the collective agreement, orders and orders of the head of the enterprise and is subordinate to the head of the enterprise.

The structure and staff of the personnel service are approved by the head of the enterprise, taking into account the tasks facing the enterprise, its specifics and the number of employees. The head of the personnel service is the head, who is appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the enterprise. The distribution of duties between employees of the personnel service is carried out by the head in accordance with the job descriptions and regulations on the personnel service.

The personnel department of JLLC "Galagrup-Invest" employs 5 people. The structure of the personnel service of the enterprise is shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 - The structure of the personnel service of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest"

The main tasks of the personnel department of JLLC "Galagrup-Invest" are:

– participation in the development and implementation of the personnel management strategy;

- providing the enterprise with the necessary number of personnel managers, specialists, workers of the required professions, specialties and qualifications;

- implementation of effective selection, placement and implementation of the labor potential of personnel in accordance with their professional, business and moral qualities;

– participation in the formation and development of a stable workforce, the creation of a favorable socio-psychological climate;

- continuous improvement of personnel management based on the implementation of targeted programs, modern personnel technologies and the provision of systematic assistance to managers on personnel management problems.

Personnel assessment upon hiring is carried out by the recruitment specialist of JLLC "Galagrup-Invest". In his activities, he uses two documents: a questionnaire (Appendix B) and an interview form (Appendix C).

The staff assessment methodology used at the enterprise JLLC "Galagrup-Invest" is quite simple in terms of selection of criteria and implementation, and is mainly carried out in the form of certification of executives and specialists. The manager prepared detailed characteristics for employees subject to certification, familiarized the employees being certified with their content. Certification of personnel, including managerial, at JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" is carried out once every 5 years.

Thus, the assessment of personnel is reduced to the submission of two documents: an attestation sheet and a characteristic. On the basis of which, the attestation commission, appointed by order of the head of the enterprise, makes decisions.

The studied documents of the conducted certification testify to some formalism: to approve the results of the certification; eliminate the noted shortcomings; communicate to employees. The minutes of the commission meeting do not always contain comments on shortcomings. The main appraisal document is a description certified by the head of the enterprise and the chairman of the shop committee, and the traditional quotation from the minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission: all questions were answered.

The development of the attestation procedure is mainly due to the contradiction between the inability to quantify the labor contribution of knowledge workers and the desire to “objectively” characterize this contribution.

The easiest way to evaluate the real contribution of a leader or specialist to his immediate superior. Only he knows that this worker was in fact entrusted, in what conditions he worked, to what extent he was distracted by various social assignments, how his work was controlled, how it was stimulated, what assistance was provided to him and what obstacles were deliberately placed.

The immediate supervisor (and in practice - the head of the personnel department, and often the person being certified) draws up a characteristic, which is then signed by the immediate supervisor and chairman of the shop committee. This is followed by a meeting of the certification commission, which decides whether the employee fits the position. The verdict of the commission is recorded in the attestation sheet.

Disadvantages of the certification procedure:

- the characteristics are subjective (an eulogy or a “wolf ticket”, with which they will not even be taken to prison) or, on the contrary, are absolutely faceless, they cannot be relied upon at all);

- certification can turn into a performance with a pre-made decision, or into a poorly organized exam with a random result and a lot of nerve costs for those who are certified;

- after certification, there is often almost no valuable information left for the subsequent management of the organization.

The regulations described above, in order to increase the objectivity of the characteristics and give the meetings of the certification commission a more constructive focus, can be supplemented with expert assessments of the business qualities of the person being certified.

A list of business qualities to be assessed is being developed. Experts from among superiors, subordinates and colleagues are appointed for each certified person, who are asked to evaluate each of his qualities from the proposed list in points, like school grades. Estimates of different experts are averaged. Sometimes extreme estimates are discarded before averaging as subjective. (“Like in figure skating!” the authors proudly report, believing the assessment methods in the popular sport to be the height of scientific validity).

The sheet with average marks is entrusted to the head of the person being certified so that he takes into account the opinion of the experts when writing the characteristics. In addition, this sheet can be useful to the certification commission: both for making a decision on the suitability of the position, and for determining the scenario of the commission meeting (with which of the certified ones you need to talk longer, what documents should be involved; for example, if the certified person has a low mark on labor discipline , get acquainted with the documents fixing its violations).

There are also disadvantages to this option:

– score sheets do not have a significant impact on the quality of characteristics.

- with large discrepancies between the characteristics and the score sheet, it is not very clear what to believe, while usually public opinion does not lean towards the opinion of the boss.

- Significantly increases the complexity of certification.

– when manually processing expert assessments, information leakage is inevitable, and the anonymity of assessments (if any is promised) is not ensured, which subsequently leads to bias of experts.

- the certification methodology for manual processing can be redone at any moment, which some managers often rush to take advantage of, reshaping it to their taste, sometimes quite ignorantly.

- a sheet with grades is not a document, is not subject to legal protection and therefore can be generally ignored both by the boss writing the characteristic and by the attestation commission.

– appraisal is still separated from the essential tasks of management, it is considered “third-rate” in importance.

– the data bank is not normally used.

- each expert understands the principles of scoring in his own way (for example, for one school teacher, a four actually means a three, and for another, a five).

- the qualities themselves can also be interpreted in different ways, and although the experts are offered written explanations, some experts do not read them, while others, having read them, ignore them.

- the final marks, expressed in points, are perceived with difficulty even visually, not to mention the perception "by ear"; The image of an employee does not add up to compare two employees (two columns of numbers) turns out to be quite a challenge.

- the problem of information leakage is not completely solved, since the share of “manual” operations in which leakage is still possible is still large.

- sometimes they fall into the temptation to reduce a column of numbers into a certain final indicator, that is, to evaluate an employee with just one number. Then, make sure in practice the absurdity of the results obtained by simple averaging, introduce weight coefficients of features, complicate the algorithms for obtaining the final score, but no one has managed to get on this path yet.

To assess the competitiveness of the chief accountant, head of the supply department and head of the production and technology department of JLLC "Galagrup-Invest", we will compile an approximate list of personnel qualities and determine their weight (table 2.2). Rules - conditions for expert assessments are given in Table 2.3.

Table 2.2 - Approximate list of qualities of the personnel of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest"

Personnel Qualities

(competitive advantages)

The weight of the qualities of personnel by category
head of production and technology department Head of Procurement Department Chief Accountant
1. Competitiveness of the organization in which the staff works 0,20 0,25 0,20
2. Hereditary competitive advantages (abilities, physical data, etc.) 0,20 0,15 0,15
3. Business qualities (education, special knowledge, skills, abilities) 0,3 0,4 0,20
4. Intelligence, culture 0,05 0,05 0,1
5. Sociability 0,05 0,05 0,1
6. Organization 0,05 0,05 0,15
7. Age, health 0,15 0,05 0,10
Normalization conditions 1,00 1,00 1,00

Table 2.3 - Rules - conditions for expert assessments

Let's evaluate the competitiveness of the chief accountant of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" on the basis of expert assessments of competitive qualities given in Table 2.4.

We analytically construct a formula for assessing the level of competitiveness of a particular category of personnel - K P.

We form the requirements for the calculation formula.

Accounting for all competitive qualities of personnel - summation by index j = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.7.

Table 2.4 - Results of an expert assessment of the qualities of the chief accountant of JLLC "Galagrup-Invest"

Accounting for the weight of the j-th quality of personnel - a j (table 2.2).

Valuation accounting i-th expert j-th quality of personnel according to a five-point system - β ij , i - 1, 2,..., n, n - number of experts (n = 3 (Table 2.4)) - summation by index i.

Accounting for the full group (correspondence) of two factorial events - expert assessment of the j-th quality β ij and the weight of the j-th quality a j by the formation of products a j β ij .

Taking into account the conditions for normalizing the level of competitiveness of personnel K P with preliminary consideration of the conditions for normalizing the weight coefficients of personnel qualities (Table 2.2) - dividing the summation results by the number 5n is the maximum possible number of points that the assessed individual personnel can receive (5 points × n experts).

We structure the calculation formula for K P, taking into account the above requirements:

. (2.1)

Let's calculate the competitiveness of the chief accountant of JLLC "Galagrup-Invest", corresponding to the seven dominant qualities (middle level of management) (table 2.2) based on the results of assessments of three experts (table 2.4):

K P \u003d / (5 ∙ 3) \u003d 13.2 / 15 \u003d

On the basis of the calculated value of the level of personnel competitiveness K P = 0.88, the following conclusion follows: the chief accountant of JLLC "Galagrup-Invest" has a fairly high competitiveness.

Let's evaluate the competitiveness of the head of the supply department of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" on the basis of expert assessments of competitive qualities given in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 - Results of the expert assessment of the qualities of the head of the supply department of JLLC "Galagrup-Invest"

K P \u003d / (5 ∙ 3) \u003d

11,45 / 15 = 0,763.

Based on the calculated value of the level of personnel competitiveness K P = 0.763, the following conclusion follows: the head of the supply department of JLLC "Galagrup-Invest" has a fairly high competitiveness, but it is lower than that of the chief accountant.

Let's evaluate the competitiveness of the head of the production and technological department of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" on the basis of expert assessments of competitive qualities given in Table 2.6.

K P \u003d / (5 ∙ 3) \u003d

10,85 / 15 = 0,723.

Based on the calculated value of the level of personnel competitiveness K P = 0.723, the conclusion follows: the head of the production and technological department of JLLC "Galagrup-Invest" has a fairly high competitiveness, but it is lower than that of the chief accountant and head of the supply department.

Table 2.6 - The results of an expert assessment of the qualities of the head of the production and technological department of JLLC "Galagrup-Invest"

Recommendations: in order to further improve competitiveness, the head of the production and technological department of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" should pay attention to such qualities as organization, as well as improve his health.

Based on the analysis carried out, the following conclusions can be drawn: in JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" two HR specialists are engaged in personnel assessment: when hiring, this is a recruitment specialist, and the assessment of employees is a certification specialist. When hiring, a questionnaire is used, however, the practice of working with recommendations from previous jobs, the lack of verification of applicants by the security service, is not used as a selection criterion.

In JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" a qualitative assessment of the potential of personnel is carried out due to the coordinated work of all departments of the enterprise performing work in the field of personnel assessment, as well as due to the knowledge and ability to apply in practice the employees of the analyzed enterprise of the legal framework for personnel assessment. The regulation on the personnel service developed and in force at the enterprise contributes to the control over the implementation of the assessment of the personnel potential of the enterprise within the framework of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Based on the results of the study conducted in the previous chapter, it is possible to propose the introduction in JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" of a methodology for assessing the potential of personnel (in particular, managerial ones), including the assessment of the value of the enterprise's personnel potential, the calculation of the estimated value of an employee, and the Goodwill of an employee's personnel potential.

The value of the human resource potential of the enterprise is the total estimated value of all employees of the enterprise.

The estimated value of an employee is an estimated value equal to the product of the paid or estimated wages of an employee by the coefficient Gkp (Goodwill of human resources):

S= ZP ∙ Г kp, (3.1)

where S is the estimated value of the employee, rubles;

ZP - estimated or paid wages to the employee, rub.;

G kp - coefficient, Goodwill of the employee's personnel potential (calculated value).

The goodwill of an employee's human resources potential is a coefficient that reflects the real, market, individual value of an employee not as a staff unit, but as a specific person who is able to perform certain functions, solve certain tasks.

Appendix D (window Coefficients G kp) shows the values ​​of the coefficients that can be relied upon when performing the calculation (Appendix D contains a fragment of this methodology using the example of individual management employees of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest"). It should be noted that these are recommended values, but, in view of the fact that each employee is individual, then, accordingly, each employee must be approached individually, regardless of the recommended values.

The proposed method for calculating the cost of the personnel potential of JLLC "Galagrup-Invest" will allow, on the one hand, to make all the necessary mathematical calculations and reach specific figures, and on the other hand, it is quite simple, primitive and does not require any special software or large time costs.

Of course, the proposed calculation method is imperfect, which is why it can easily be criticized by experts from academic science, but this approach is acceptable in assessing the value of the enterprise's human resources potential.

We will reveal the mechanism for implementing the methodology for assessing the potential of managerial personnel, including the assessment of the value of the personnel potential of an enterprise, the calculation of the estimated value of an employee, and the Goodwill of an employee's personnel potential.

The person making the calculation (in JLLC "Galagrup-Invest" it will be a certification specialist) himself has the right to consider the qualifications of the available personnel according to a classification acceptable to him (see Appendix D "Example of calculating the cost of personnel potential").

The person making the calculation himself has the right to put down the coefficient (goodwill of the personnel potential) as he sees fit. The main thing is that it was done correctly enough.

This technique assumes that the value of the human resources of a commercial enterprise is calculated on the assumption that all human resources of the enterprise are replaced by others.

The replacement period is 1 month.

In view of the fact that the staff is completely replaced, we assume that the recruitment of new staff will be carried out on the basis of recommendations, through recruitment agencies, and by placing advertisements in the specialized press.

The level of staff wages and the amount of remuneration of recruitment agencies is taken based on the level of wages and the cost of services that have developed in the labor market at the present time.

The factors that affect the goodwill of an individual employee can fluctuate quite a bit.

Implementation of the technique: open the spreadsheet. We create 2 sheets: "main sheet" and "goodwill KP" and enter the staffing list of employees into it (see Appendix D). We create the third sheet "Coefficients Гкп" and fill it in, based on the example in Appendix G.

On the main sheet, we determine which positions will be hired on third-party recommendations, which through recruitment agencies, which through advertising in a specialized newspaper.

Accordingly, we highlight: blue color- according to third-party recommendations; yellow - through newspaper ads; white - through Recruitment Agencies.

We fill in the columns: "the current level of remuneration" and "Estimated ..." in the "main sheet".

We calculate the cost of costs for recruitment services (recruitment agency). The cost of services is taken as part of the estimated wage. Fill in the table ("main sheet").

Open the Goodwill KP sheet. We arrange the coefficients based on an example (sheet "coefficients G kp"). In the "Goodwill KP" sheet, we sum up the set coefficients and obtain the "Goodwill Human Resources" coefficient for each employee separately. We copy the ratio "Goodwill of personnel potential" into the "main sheet".

We make the calculation by multiplying the estimated salary and the goodwill of the personnel potential. We sum up the costs and get the result.

I also consider it expedient to introduce a "cafeteria" system in JLLC "Galagroup-Invest", where each social incentive is assigned a certain score. Depending on the position of the employee in the hierarchy of positions, status and results achieved, the employee is invited to form a social package for himself for a certain point.

The following job position assessment matrix is ​​proposed, which contains all of the above components:

1. Knowledge (qualification, education) and work experience.

Knowledge is understood as the totality and type of information necessary to perform the work provided for by the job description. This indicator assesses the skill and related knowledge, skills and abilities required to perform the job satisfactorily. Moreover, this assessment is made in two aspects (table 3.1).

2. The complexity of the work (effort) - includes physical and mental efforts.

Table 3.1 - Evaluation of knowledge and work experience of an employee

Physical effort - the degree of physical exertion necessary to perform typical and regular duties recorded in the job description. Mental effort is a combination of mental stress and visual attention required to perform job duties. Evaluation of these efforts is made according to tables 3.2 - 3.3.

Table 3.2 - Evaluation of the physical efforts of the employee

Description of physical effort Number of points
Light work requiring little physical effort. Mandatory sitting position most of the time
Work requiring little physical stress; involves frequent standing up, walking, bending over, and regular operations on a computer, office or technology equipment 2
Work requiring above average level of physical stress; involves constant standing, walking, bending over, continuous use of equipment, including office equipment, monotonous repetitive work
Work that requires strong physical exertion, but only periodically or at intermediate stages of its implementation
Exceptionally hard work, big physical exercise, determined by its specificity or the long-term nature of the efforts made

3. Initiative and independence - this factor is associated with the degree of independence of the position in the performance of official duties.

Table 3.3 - Evaluation of the employee's mental efforts

Description of physical effort Number of points
Monotonous work, constant execution of single functions 2
Current work, performing several functions that do not require special mental stress 4
A variety of work using elements of analysis, the choice of ways to solve the tasks (2 or more groups of functions with a variety of operations) 6
Diverse work that requires detailed analysis, logical reasoning, the choice of solutions to various problems (always several groups of functions, the unpredictability of their occurrence)
Work associated with a creative approach to the search and systematic analysis of information associated with the isolation, formulation and formulation of problems, the development of solutions to these problems

Table 3.4 presents the levels of this autonomy.

Table 3.4 - Evaluation of the initiative and independence of the employee

Description of the degree of initiative and independence Number of points
Follows certain instructions: instructions are available, come from the immediate supervisor, who is constantly present. Powers are limited and constantly reviewed 3
Follows established procedures: all job responsibilities are rigidly defined, although the position is not under constant control Non-standard situations are always resolved by a higher manager
Follows general guidelines: Not all job responsibilities are hard-coded. The goals are formulated from above, but the planning and organization of work is carried out by the employee independently, although the implementation procedures are defined. Appeal to a superior is episodic
Follows a general policy: only general goals are formulated for this position, the development of procedures and methods for performing work is carried out by the employee independently based on the policy of the organization
Creates and formulates policies, procedures and methods of work: the holder of this position is practically under self-control, which is carried out according to the results of work. End result score

4. The level of decision-making - this factor is closely related to the previous one, but is more aimed at assessing the nature and scope of decisions that the holder of the position must make in the performance of his official duties. Here we mean not only managerial decisions, but also decisions related to the implementation of various technological instructions, involving a choice from alternative options (table 3.5).

Table 3.5 - Assessment of the level of decision making

Decision level description Number of points
Decisions are based on fully known factors. A general course of action has been outlined. Decisions are made to complete the operating cycle
Decisions are based on most known factors and where it is simply a matter of choosing the best alternative available. Decisions are coordinated with higher management before negative consequences can occur 4
Decisions are made under conditions of uncertainty, but sent for approval by higher management before negative consequences can occur
Large scale solutions with many alternatives. The negative effect associated with errors is usually not immediately apparent.
Decisions requiring a high level of intelligence, of a strategic nature, leading to undesirable consequences in case of errors
Strategic decisions at the policy development level with major economic implications. Results will become tangible only after a certain period of time

5. Level of contact with clients and with external organizations - this factor assesses the amount of communication or collaboration required by this position with personnel inside or outside the organization (excluding direct superiors, who control this position).

Table 3.6 - Evaluation of the level of maintaining contacts

Description of the contact level Number of points
1 2
Virtually no contact with clients, no external contacts at work 1
Contacts with clients and external organizations occasionally 2
Constant contact with customers, involving interaction with 5
high-ranking officials on issues requiring clarification, discussion or decision-making
Contacts at the lower level, as well as contacts at the external level, involving interaction with officials of a significantly higher rank on issues that require clarification, discussion or decision-making 8
External contacts at the highest level, often requiring difficult negotiations, a vision of strategy and a sense of timing

The level of responsibility for the work of others and the level of liability are assessed according to tables 3.7 and 3.8.

Table 3.7 - Assessing the level of responsibility for the work of others

Table 3.8 - Assessment of the level of liability

According to the developed job position assessment matrix, the position of a certain employee is evaluated. The assessment is carried out by the employee himself and his immediate supervisor, after which the arithmetic mean is found - this will be the assessment of the position in points. The second stage is the development of a list of social benefits and the establishment of the number of points that correspond to each type of benefits from this list. For convenience, this information is summarized in a table. It is possible to offer an approximate list of social benefits provided to employees to choose from within the framework of the “cafeteria” system (table 3.9).

Table 3.9 - List of social benefits

Social benefits Number of points
Vaccination in epidemics 5
Corporate skills training 10
Training 10
Participation in external trainings 10
Providing theater tickets for the whole family 10
Provision of tickets for sporting events 10
Provision of travel tickets 15
Provision of medicines for diseases (up to 40 thousand rubles) 15
Physiotherapy 15
Manual therapy, massage 15
Participation in conferences 20
Payment for meals in a cafe (canteen) 20
Payment for mobile communications (up to 100 thousand rubles) 30
Vouchers to sanatoriums, rest houses 30
tourist trips 40
Payment for tuition at universities 50
Individual advanced training in home-learning systems 55

The last stage is the formation by the employee of the variable part of the social package from the list proposed to him for the score received.

The introduction of the "cafeteria" system at the enterprise will allow taking into account the work of each employee of the enterprise, and, therefore, will motivate employees to increase labor productivity without reducing the quality of work.


The analysis carried out in the course work allows us to draw the following conclusions:

Personnel assessment is a procedure carried out in order to identify the degree of compliance of the employee's personal qualities, quantitative and qualitative results of his activities with certain requirements. The task of assessing the potential of personnel is to identify its labor potential, the degree of use of this potential, the employee's compliance with the position held or his readiness to take a specific position, in order to characterize the effectiveness of his labor activity, and, consequently, the value of the employee for the enterprise. Of the variety of personnel assessment methods used, the following four are the simplest: the graphical evaluation scale method; alternative ranking method; critical case method; goal management method.

In foreign practice of assessing the potential of personnel, centers for assessing the potential of personnel are widely used. The experience of the evaluation center in the Yukos company, as well as in the evaluation center of the English company STC, showed that these evaluation centers not only provide an assessment of the employees of the organization applying for certain leadership positions, they act as a tool for training employees and at the same time are a way of development the skills necessary for effective leadership of managers participating in the work of the assessment center as experts. The tests used in the assessment centers are aimed not so much at assessing existing knowledge and skills, but rather at assessing the ability to learn new things and determining the level of development of qualities and skills required by a leader.

In JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" two specialists of the personnel service are engaged in personnel assessment: when hiring, this is a recruitment specialist, and the assessment of employees is carried out by an attestation specialist. When hiring, a questionnaire is used, however, the practice of working with recommendations from previous jobs, the lack of verification of applicants by the security service, is not used as a selection criterion. In JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" a qualitative assessment of the potential of personnel is carried out due to the coordinated work of all departments of the enterprise performing work in the field of personnel assessment, as well as due to the knowledge and ability to apply in practice the employees of the analyzed enterprise of the legal framework for personnel assessment.

The results of the assessment of the competitiveness of the chief accountant, the head of the supply department and the head of the production and technology department of JLLC "Galagrup-Invest" indicate that the chief accountant has a fairly high competitiveness (the level of competitiveness (KP) is 0.88); the head of the supply department also has a fairly high competitiveness (K P = 0.763), but it is lower than that of the chief accountant, and the head of the production and technological department also has a fairly high competitiveness (K P = 0.723), but it is lower than that of the chief accountant and head of supply.

The methodology for assessing the personnel of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" is quite simple in the field of selection of criteria and implementation (which is undoubtedly the advantage of the assessment methods used at the enterprise), is mainly carried out in the form of certification of executives and specialists and is reduced to the presentation of an attestation sheet and characteristics, based on which the attestation commission, appointed by order of the head of the enterprise, makes decisions.

In general, the personnel assessment system of JLLC "Galagroup-Invest" is at the proper level, however, there is a need for its continuous improvement, application of the latest developments and methods, in connection with which we can propose the following: , including the assessment of the value of the personnel potential of the enterprise, the calculation of the estimated value of the employee, the Goodwill of the employee's personnel potential. The proposed method for calculating the cost of an organization's human resources potential will allow, on the one hand, to make all the necessary mathematical calculations and reach specific figures, and on the other hand, it is quite simple, primitive and does not require any special software or large time costs.

I also consider it expedient to introduce a “cafeteria” system in JLLC “Galagroup-Invest”, where each social incentive is assigned a certain score. Depending on the position of the employee in the hierarchy of positions, status and results achieved, the employee is invited to form a social package for himself for a certain point. The introduction of the "cafeteria" system at the enterprise will allow taking into account the work of each employee of the enterprise, and, therefore, will motivate employees to increase labor productivity without reducing the quality of work.

List of sources used

1. Anisov, L.M. Organization of work of personnel services / L. M. Anisov, I. I. Terekhov. - Minsk: Chasta, in-t exercise. i predpr., 2009. - 55 p.

2. Arseniev, Yu.N. Personnel Management. Management Models: Textbook / Yu. N. Arseniev. - Moscow: Unity-Dana, 2005. - 193 p.

3. Babosov, E.M. Sociology of management: Textbook for universities / E. M. Babosov. - Minsk: TetraSystems, 2006. - 287 p.

4. Belyatsky, N.P. Personnel management: Textbook / N.P. Belyatsky, S.N. Velesko, P. Reusch. - Minsk: Ecoperspective, 2002. - 352 p.

5. Borisova, E.A. Personnel management for modern leaders / E.A. Borisov. - St. Petersburg: Peter: Peter print, 2003. - 412 p.

6. Bukhalkov, M.I. Personnel management at the enterprise / M.I. Bukhalkov, N.M. Kuzmina, O.A. Babordin. - Moscow: Exam, 2005. - 318 p.

7. Venchin, A.P. Personnel management in a market economy / A.P. Venchin, V.V. Matirko. - Moscow: Delo, 2002. - 50 p.

8. Grachev, N.V. Superpersonnel: personnel management and international corporations / N.V. Grachev. - Moscow: Delo, 2003. - 207 p.

9. Desler, G. Personnel management / G. Desler. - Moscow: BINOM, 2007. - 431 p.

10. Kibanov, A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management: Proc. / AND I. Kibanov. - Moscow: Infra-M, 2002. - 304 p.

11. Kobrikov, B.S. Personnel management: Educational and methodological complex / B. S. Kobrikov. - Minsk: MIU Publishing House, 2006. - 188 p.

12. Krotova, N.V. Personnel management / N. V. Krotova. - Moscow: Finance and statistics, 2005. - 312 p.

13. Kulapov, M.N. Personnel management: to help a novice leader: Textbook / M.N. Kulapov. - Moscow: Dashkov i K, 2005. - 190 p.

14. Lukashevich, V.V. Fundamentals of personnel management / V.V. Lukashevich. - Moscow: KnoRus, 2007. - 232 p.

15. Maslov, E.V. Enterprise personnel management / E.V. Maslov. - Moscow: Institute of Practical Psychology; Novosibirsk: NPO "MODEK", 2000. - 112 p.

16. Morgunov E.B. Models and methods of personnel management: Russian-British textbook / Ed. E.B. Morgunov. - Moscow: CJSC Business School "Intel-Sintez", 2005. - 464 p.

17. Pugachev, V.P. Personnel management of the organization / V.P. Pugachev. - Moscow: Aspect-Press, 2000. - 203 p.

18. Fedoseev, V.N. Personnel management: Textbook / V.N. Fedoseev. - Moscow: ICC "March", 2006. - 528 p.

19. Huchek, M. The strategy of managing the labor potential of the enterprise / M. Huchek. - Moscow: Progress-Univers, 2002. - 342 p.

20. Tsypkin, Yu.A. Personnel management: Proc. allowance for universities / Yu.A. Tsypkin. - Moscow: Unity-Dana, 2001. - 446 p.

21. Chenkin, B.N. Fundamentals of personnel management / B.N. Chenkin. - Moscow: Higher School, 2006. - 329 p.

22. Shapiro, S.A. Fundamentals of personnel management in modern organizations: a unique approach that ensures the effective operation of the company / S.A. Shapiro. - Moscow: Gross Media, 2007. - 247 p.

23. Shekshnya, E.V. Personnel management of a modern organization / E.V. Shekshnya. - Moscow: Business School "Intel-Sintez", 2006. - 343 p.

24. Yakhontova, E. Effective technologies of personnel management / E. Yakhontova. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 272 p.

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27. Makavieva, E. When the result justifies the costs / E. Makavieva // Personnel Department. - 2008. - No. 3 (86).

28. Pinyazik, V.N. HR departments: do we meet the requirements of the time? Analysis, problems and recommendations / V.N. Pinyazik // Personnel service. - 2008. - No. 9. - P. 11 - 21.

29. Chimansky, G.V. The role and functions of the personnel department in modern production / G.V. Chimansky // Personnel Department. - 2008. - No. 5 (88).

30. Yanovskaya, L.F. On the positions of employees of personnel services: personnel manager and personnel specialist / L.F. Yanovskaya // Personnel Department. - 2003. - No. 7 (30). - P. 12-17.

Assessment methods should correspond to the structure of the organization, the nature of the activities of the staff, the goals of the assessment, be simple and understandable, provide for the use of quantitative indicators, combine written and oral assignments.

The most well-known and widespread means of assessment are tests, but the accuracy of the information obtained on their basis, as a rule, is 35-45%.

The number and combination of all test methods vary depending on the specifics of the vacancy and the candidate. Their diversity can be systematized into the following most used types of tests:

The ability test is a Wechsler scale consisting of two groups of tasks: verbal, checking vocabulary, and general awareness, consisting of tasks based on completing a drawing, picking up objects, etc.

Bass Questionnaire. It diagnoses the predominant orientation of the personality and the specificity of the motives of its activity.

Thomas' technique, which reveals the style of interpersonal interaction and human behavior in conflict situations.

A test questionnaire that evaluates the interests and character of a person. They are also used to determine the propensity for a particular type of activity and are used for career guidance.

Tests for psychological stability and stress resistance, honesty. Use a lie detector.

The tests evaluate relatively simple psychological factors well - the formal level of intelligence, emotional stability, sociability, but very poorly measure complex factors - leadership, openness to learning, result orientation, innovation. Therefore, tests are most often used to assess personnel in lower positions, for which there are few requirements and they are simply formalized. In order to assess senior managers in our country, tests are traditionally not used or are used only as auxiliary tools. With regard to top managers, tests can only reveal the pronounced specifics of their intellectual and emotional make-up, but other methods are needed to assess complex managerial competencies, such as strategic thinking, leadership, learning ability, etc.

The competency interview is also a means of personnel assessment and is a structured conversation that is aimed at a detailed analysis of the real behavior of a person in his usual work situations - how he makes decisions, how he plans, exercises control, how he behaves in stressful situations. The structure and content of the interview depends on the competencies that are assessed in it, and is developed specifically. In doing so, you need to answer the following questions:

What was planned to be done during the reporting period;

What was done from the planned;

What prevented the implementation of the planned work;

Such an interview lasts from one to three hours, depending on the number of competencies being assessed, and is conducted primarily in situations of lack of time, when it is necessary to quickly obtain accurate information about the manager, for example, when selecting candidates for senior management positions or assessing training needs.

Such interviews with employees are carried out in order to inform them of the results of the evaluation of their performance. It allows the manager to take stock of the work of the subordinate, reinforce the desired behavior, point out shortcomings in the work and jointly develop a plan for improving the work.

It is important to keep in mind that the error in the procedure for conducting an interview on competencies is directly proportional to the inexperience of a specialist, his inability to control subjective factors (his preferences, stereotypes, experience) and standardize the interview situation. An error in the format of the procedure is inevitable, when the competencies being assessed do not really manifest themselves, as in the assessment center method, but are only subjected to detailed analysis. It is possible to replace reality with your detailed knowledge and ideas about how it should be - a person who is able to tell in detail about how to manage a subordinate or work with information may not do it effectively enough in real situations.

Such competencies as, for example, leadership, teamwork, influence, are very difficult to assess in an interview - they can be assessed mainly in specially organized business games simulating real work situations, the possibilities of which are provided by the assessment center method.

The assessment center is designed to evaluate employees in terms of competencies for a specific personnel task. Outwardly, this resembles a training session - participants are also offered business games and tasks, but their goal is not to develop skills, but equal opportunities for everyone to show their strengths and weaknesses. In each task, an expert is assigned to each participant. He records in detail the behavior of his ward, which relates to the observed competence. The relatively high accuracy of assessments in the assessment center (60 - 80%) is ensured by a whole system of procedures:

game tasks are precisely designed for specific competencies and ideally have passed the validation procedure;

each participant has different experts in different tasks, this reduces the effect of subjective factors;

Several tasks are offered to assess each competence, which dramatically reduces the chances of the participant to disguise the real level of their development.

Game situations can be of different formats - group discussions, pair games, individual written assignments. By combining these types of game situation formats, it is possible to create conditions so that each participant has the maximum opportunity to manifest their individuality.

Decisions made based on the results of the assessment center:

Selection of candidates for leadership positions

Assessment of senior and middle managers in order to identify the need for training, evaluate its effectiveness

Nomination of candidates for the personnel reserve.

In Russia, the method began to be used quite recently. It is used in very few companies. In most cases, consultants who know this technique are invited to conduct an assessment center in domestic organizations.

Another advantage of the assessment center is that candidates in the process of conducting an assessment center do not just talk about how they will act in a particular case (as, for example, in a case interview), but interact with each other in the mode real time, having the opportunity to demonstrate such characteristics as a tendency to leadership, the ability to establish contact, etc. As a rule, the assessment is carried out in groups of 7-10 people.

The assessment center is one of the most reliable methods of personnel assessment. Its results allow us to speak with a high degree of confidence that the assessed person has the necessary professional and personal qualities. Assessment is a set of assessment procedures, such as competency-based interviews, psychological and professional testing, situational-behavioral interviews (case-interviews), etc. The use of various methods in a complex (assessment center) gives the most complete picture of the knowledge, skills and abilities of an employee, the effectiveness of his activities, his behavioral characteristics, and personal qualities.

The choice of methods depends on the specific task, the budget allocated for the assessment, the number of assessed and the requirements for them. The assessment is not always used in full. There are several categories of employees for whom it is advisable to use the most complete set of methods included in the assessment center:

managers (including candidates for the personnel reserve);

leading specialists who manage large projects and play an important role in the activities of the organization;

persons in whose activities communication occupies a significant place (customer acquisition managers, sales managers, sales agents, etc.);

analysts, that is, those who often have to deal with the analysis of situations, people, trends, etc.;

creative professionals involved in the development of new products.

To assess other categories of workers, it is not advisable to carry out a full assessment procedure, as this may require too much cost. Therefore, if the number of the company's staff is several hundred or thousand people, a simplified assessment procedure is carried out, which is a combination of two or three methods that are most significant for a particular category of employees.

Method of management by objectives (MPC).

Conducting an assessment using the UOC method consists in the joint setting of tasks by the manager and employee and evaluating the results of their implementation after the reporting period. The reporting period coincides with the financial year. The system covers all positions in the company - from ordinary personnel to top managers.

At the beginning of the period, the leader, together with the subordinate, draws up a list of tasks. After outlining the range of tasks, the criteria for their implementation are determined. Sometimes a different importance score (weights, often expressed as a percentage of overall "success") is used for each task. The manager must ensure that the tasks for the period are formulated within the framework of the organization's strategy.

During the evaluation interview at the end of the reporting period, the employee and the manager determine the success of each task, find out the reasons for success and failure, and develop measures to improve the quality of work.

Decisions made on the basis of the evaluation of the UOC:

Salary review

Payment of premiums and bonuses

Non-material motivation: awarding honorary titles, awarding letters and distinctions, etc.


The employee understands the criteria for the success of his work even before the start of tasks

there are elements of the translation of the company's strategy

feedback elements appear

the method is optimal in terms of time costs


the method is quite subjective, since the execution of tasks, as a rule, is evaluated by one person (manager)

focus on the employee's past achievements, rather than on his future development.

Assessment by objectives consists of the following steps:

  • 1. Determination of several main responsibilities of the employee.
  • 2. Concretization of each of these functions in certain economic indicators (profit, volume, costs, timing, quality, etc.).
  • 3. Establishment of units of measurement and a system of indicators reflecting the results of activities (reduction of terms, reduction of marriage, profit growth as a percentage of the previous year - for managers, etc.)
  • 4. Establishing minimum and maximum "performance standards" for each indicator.
  • 5. Correlation of the maximum and minimum performance results with the accepted standards (above the maximum, at its level, below the minimum) and derivation of the evaluation score.
  • 6. Average score for all indicators.

360 degree method.

Its main purpose is competency-based assessment performed by people who constantly interact with the employee.

The 360-degree assessment is used both for individual personnel tasks (for example, when a candidate is included in the talent pool or as part of team building trainings), and as an addition to the main system (for example, the 360-degree method is used in the case of executive assessment).

Four groups of people express their opinion about an employee: managers, subordinates, colleagues who are on the same level of the job hierarchy with him, and clients (or partners). Hence the name - 360 degrees - that is, a "circular" assessment.



Clients or Partners


A group of 7-12 people is selected for the assessment: the employee himself, managers (for example, direct; superior; top manager, to whom the employee does not report, but knows him through joint work), clients (internal and external), subordinates, colleagues from own and other departments. For an objective assessment, it is desirable that among the respondents there are people who can give an employee not only a positive, but also a critical assessment.

The questionnaire can be both standard and designed for a specific task. All participants must complete it. The most commonly considered competencies are:



People management



Organizational skills

Ability to make decisions



Ability to adapt.

Data from all completed questionnaires is collected together and usually sent to an external provider for processing. The services of external providers are used to achieve complete confidentiality - respondents should not be afraid that their answers will be seen by the person being assessed - only in this case there is a chance that they will honestly express their opinion about it.

Only the immediate supervisor can show his assessment to a subordinate, thus providing feedback. The evaluation results may look like shown in Figure 3.

Gives feedback

Sets good

business relationship

open to new ideas

values ​​the opinions of others

recognizes achievements

Decisions made as a result of the 360-degree assessment:

Identification of the strengths and areas of development of the employee;

This assessment, as a rule, is not used as a basis for revising wages and accruing bonuses, as well as when making personnel decisions during promotion.

The purpose of a 360 degree assessment can be:

Identification of training needs and identification of development areas;

Expansion of the existing corporate evaluation system;

Making a decision on monetary compensation.


360 degrees - an objective comprehensive assessment, which is rarely possible in ordinary life;

Promotes trust, more open feedback;

Takes into account the opinion of external customers;

It helps to strengthen corporate identity, because competencies that are significant for the company and correspond to its corporate culture are selected for evaluation.


Only competencies are evaluated, not performance results;

A very high degree of confidentiality is required;

Expenses for payment of services of external consultants;

It is difficult to get a frank opinion of subordinates about management - especially in Russia.

Organizations also use the observation method - observation of the assessed employee in an informal setting (on vacation, at home) and in a working environment using the methods of momentary observations and photographs of the working day. You can also create a critical incident - creating a critical situation and observing the behavior of a person in the process of resolving it.

Business game - conducting an organizational and activity game, analyzing knowledge and skills, ranking players by roles (idea generator, organizer, critic, expert, clerk, observer, etc.) and assessing ability in a small group.

Biographical method - analysis of personnel data, personnel record sheet, autobiography, education documents, characteristics.

Questionnaire - a specially designed questionnaire with a list of specifically selected questions and answer options. The essence of this method is to collect maximum information about the employee using a questionnaire, questions to the candidate, tests.

Certification is a form of a comprehensive assessment of personnel, based on the results of which decisions are made on further career growth, relocation or dismissal of an employee.

Certification is still the most common method of personnel assessment in Russia. According to the Certification Regulations, certain categories of employees may be excluded from the assessment process: those who have worked for less than one year, young professionals (who have worked no more than three years after graduation), pregnant women or those with children under three years of age. By decision of the administration, representatives of the top management of the company may also be excluded from the procedure.

Certification can be carried out once a year, two or three. According to the decision of the administration, it can be regular or extraordinary.

Certification evaluates such characteristics of an employee as his qualifications, level of knowledge and practical skills, business and personal qualities. The evaluation criterion is the professional standard of specialties and positions of persons subject to certification.

To conduct certification in the organization, an certification commission is created. It usually consists of representatives of the middle management of the enterprise, employees of the personnel management service, members of the trade union. The commission includes 5-11 people. The number of members of the commission, as a rule, is odd. At large enterprises, several attestation commissions can be created - the main commission and commissions for divisions.

During the certification, the professional knowledge and skills of the employee are evaluated (often in the form of a standard exam), the results of labor activity (an evaluation sheet is filled in or a recommendation is given by the immediate supervisor), personal and managerial qualities.

The certification process can be divided into four main stages:

  • 1. Preparatory stage - preparation of an order for certification, approval of the certification commission, preparation and reproduction of documentation, informing the workforce about the timing and features of certification;
  • 2. Formation of the composition of the attestation commission and its approval: general director (chairman); head of the personnel department (deputy chairman); head of the department where certification takes place (member of the commission); legal adviser (member of the commission); and social psychologist;
  • 3. The main stage: organizing the work of the attestation commission for the divisions of the enterprise, assessing the individual contributions of employees, filling out the “Attestation” questionnaires, computer processing of the results.
  • 4. Final stage: summing up the results of certification, making personal decisions about the promotion of employees, sending them to training, moving or dismissing employees who have not passed certification.

Decisions made on the basis of certification results:

lowering or increasing the category of payment (for this, there must be a bit grid for the specialties in question);

transfer to another position





the method is well known and worked out

based on the results of certification, legal decisions can be made

collective decision by the commission.


the method is perceived negatively by many employees, is associated with great stress

may not apply to all categories of employees

requires a lot of labor and time

employees do not receive feedback

aims at evaluating past performance.

Thus, thanks to certification, we can plan the training and hiring of personnel, create a personnel reserve and objectively change the salaries of employees.

The effectiveness of the assessment method depends not so much on itself, but on its compliance with the business objectives and corporate culture of the organization, as well as on the literacy of implementation. Assessment methods may change depending on the stage of development and the needs of the organization. The evaluation system of the same company can combine several methods.

The choice of personnel assessment methods for each specific organization is a unique task that can only be solved by the management of the organization (possibly with the help of professional consultants). The evaluation system should take into account and reflect a number of factors: the strategic goals of the organization, the state of the external environment, organizational culture and structure, the traditions of the organization, the characteristics of the workforce employed in it.

Having considered the main theoretical characteristics of evaluation methods, we should proceed to a practical consideration of this issue using the example of Tourists OJSC.

The efficiency of any enterprise depends on how competent its staff is. In order to establish the effectiveness of the performance of each employee of the company of their duties, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each member of the team, as well as to fulfill the requirements for confirming the qualifications of employees, it is necessary to assess the personnel. To this end, the enterprise should develop a personnel assessment system that allows not only to assess their skills, abilities, experience, but also to draw up a program to improve work with personnel, improve their qualifications, professional selection and create a personnel reserve.

Personel assessment. Why is this needed?

In the process of working at the enterprise, each employee not only applies his existing skills, but also gains experience that is necessary to solve new, more complex tasks. Accordingly, it is necessary that the assessment of personnel be carried out in a comprehensive manner, with the study of the features of a particular labor process. This allows you to determine, first of all, the compliance of an employee with his position, and also helps to identify his potential, which should be rationally used to solve the main goals and objectives set for the company.

An employee is hired in accordance with certain requirements established for qualifications and experience, which are confirmed (or not confirmed) exclusively during labor activity. Already in the process of joint cooperation, the skills of the employee declared upon admission to work, additional knowledge are revealed, the characteristics of his personality are manifested. Only in practice it is possible to determine how these data correspond to the criteria of the organization's production goals.

It is also important that the employee himself evaluates his abilities on his own. As a result of such an analysis, it will be possible to establish how the real abilities of employees coincide with the needs of the enterprise, and what contribution to its success can be made by the activities of each individual.

Only carrying out a personnel assessment allows you to create a rationally working structure, distribute the company's labor resources in the most efficient way, and also increase their efficiency. Constant control and opportunities that open up for each employee as a result of assessing his work allow optimizing the work of each member of the team, stimulating them to perform their work duties with great zeal.

To evaluate the work of employees, you can use not only programs for monitoring working hours. A multifunctional DLP system helps to see who and what is doing during working hours .

Objectives of personnel assessment

Evaluation of the work of personnel allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • match costs, aimed at performing a specific amount of work, and funds allocated for the maintenance of the employee, his workplace. If a certain specialist has low labor productivity, his content becomes unprofitable for the employer. In this case, it is necessary to reshuffle personnel as soon as possible so that this employee takes a job in accordance with his real capabilities and skills;
  • identify the functional role of a particular employee throughout the organization according to his skills. There is a possibility that a certain employee does an excellent job of working in a team, actively develops, strives to show his best working qualities. Such a person can become a valuable link in a certain direction of the company's activities. This can positively affect the economic component of the success of the enterprise, if the appropriate conditions are created;
  • assess the potential of an employee, which can be applied in favor of the enterprise without additional investments. A certain number of ordinary employees over the years of work acquire experience, knowledge, and skills that are important for the company, which become a strong base so that such people can work effectively in leadership positions. In this case, the owner of the enterprise does not need to spend money on finding and training new management personnel.

Tasks of personnel assessment

During the assessment of personnel performance, important production tasks are solved:

  • a strong personnel reserve is created, consisting of full-time employees of the enterprise, which reduces the cost of recruiting new personnel;
  • training of specialists with a high professional level is carried out, potential middle managers are identified directly within the company, their retraining or advanced training is carried out;
  • methods of enterprise management are being improved, control of production discipline is being strengthened, the interest of personnel in increasing labor productivity is increasing;
  • the staffing table is optimized due to the rational distribution of functions and responsibilities based on the results of the assessment: transfer of employees to other positions, reduction in accordance with the negative indicators of labor productivity identified during the assessment of work;
  • introduction of additional motivational levers capable of stimulating employees to improve their production competence and qualifications. The result may be career growth, improvement of financial situation, realization of the potential of employees in terms of implementing their proposed projects.

Evaluation of the work of the company's personnel performs administrative, informative, motivational functions.

  1. Administrative function is performed to close vacancies by means of personnel reshuffling, as a result of which:
  • the employee can be transferred to another position in accordance with the results of the assessment;
  • an employee is promoted;
  • a vocational training plan is drawn up;
  • a decision to dismiss is made;
  • workers are rewarded.
  1. informative function is implemented to improve management methods for working with personnel by informing about the existing requirements for quality and volume labor indicators. In this direction:
  • the degree of loading of production personnel is revealed;
  • the effectiveness of his work, the degree of compliance of qualifications with the requirements of the company is determined;
  • opportunity to increase wages.
  1. Motivational function allows you to increase the interest of each member of the team in increasing labor productivity. Evaluation of production personnel has a positive effect on the development of not only each employee, but also the company, since the presence of feedback is a powerful tool for improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

As motivation, stimulating levers of influence are used:

  • career growth;
  • the possibility of self-realization.

When is a staff appraisal needed?

In order for the personnel assessment system to give a significant result, it is necessary to determine before its development and implementation:

  • what parameters will be evaluated, on what scale to measure them;
  • what methods to use to collect realistic information;
  • to whom to entrust the work of personnel assessment, whether there are competent employees for this;
  • what to do with non-measurable aspects of processes;
  • how to avoid the influence of personal sympathies.

The need for personnel assessment with the development and implementation of the system is most often caused by:

  • the appearance of a stable outflow of personnel;
  • lack of a personnel assessment system at the enterprise;
  • the need to make management decisions on the company's HRM;
  • planned more intensive development of certain areas in the company's work with the allocation of investments for these purposes;
  • change (shift planning) of the team of the management sector of the enterprise;
  • change (planning change) of strategic directions in the work of the company;
  • the need to form a project team designed to solve strategic problems;
  • the emergence of legal priority grounds for the movement of employees within the company;
  • changes in the structure of the enterprise, optimization by reducing the number;
  • the importance of optimizing processes in the company;
  • the need to restructure the company;
  • the need to understand for the formation of the program and training plan how competent the staff is;
  • the need to form a personnel development plan, create a reserve of personnel;
  • decrease in indicators of labor discipline;
  • increased conflicts between employees;
  • complaints of the company's employees against the employer to the relevant inspections;
  • the need to change or create an incentive system for employees.

Personnel assessment methods

To assess the working staff, a variety of methods are used to evaluate each employee most accurately. These methods include:

  • documentation analysis: familiarization with resumes, written recommendations, documents on education, qualifications, characteristics of managers, etc. The reliability of the submitted materials is assessed based on the determination of actual performance indicators related to the duties performed, skill level, experience, achievements, etc.;
  • analysis of established requirements regulatory documents, standards, requirements for internal production processes, the quality of manufactured products and compliance with these requirements by personnel. To do this, a standard rating scale is being developed;
  • psychological testing to obtain the results of the assessment of personality characteristics in a quantitative and descriptive way. By quantitative results, it is possible to compare the specific qualities of employees. A survey on personality tests can be conducted by a specialist familiar with the methodology, the processing of the results should be carried out by a specialist trained in the methodology of using specific questionnaires;
  • assessment of working behavioral characteristics, an interview with an employee for his assessment;
  • professional testing for specific working professions, positions, basic skills and knowledge. The development of tests is usually entrusted to the immediate supervisors of the assessed personnel, it is possible to involve external experts who are specialized specialists;
  • business essay- assessment of the possibility of solving a certain production problem in a limited time period, identifying the employee's strategic vision abilities, the ability to find an algorithm for solving specific work issues;
  • ranging- conducting a comparative analysis of employees in a particular unit, between structures related in processes, building a rating chain in accordance with pre-selected criteria;
  • assessment of personnel by competencies- selected characteristics of behavior, showing how well the tasks are performed in a particular position at the enterprise;
  • 360 degrees- processing information about the actions of the employee in the natural working environment, the presence of the necessary business qualities. This data comes from employees, clients, colleagues, subordinates, etc.;
  • comprehensive assessment of competencies according to the Assessment-center method, at which a set of positions is evaluated. The monitoring team monitors the performance of the group's various tasks. During this process, the actions and behavior of each member of the group are evaluated against pre-prepared, work-related scenarios of behavior. The results obtained are discussed jointly, after which decisions are made;
  • MBO (Management by Objectives)- management by goals, involving joint (boss-subordinate) setting of key goals for an employee for a certain period of time (from six months to a year). The number of goals should not be large, the main thing is that they reflect the most significant tasks inherent in the position of the employee for the planned period. It is necessary to adhere to certain criteria when setting goals - specificity, measurability, significance, time orientation, achievability of the tasks assigned to the employee;
  • KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) evaluation of personnel performance according to the main performance criteria. It is necessary to establish how this assessment works as a monitoring of results and improving the performance of staff. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the main goals of the enterprise, the evaluation criteria should be understandable for any employee for whom this method of evaluation is applied;
  • personnel audit- allows you to assess the state of human resources at the enterprise, how effectively the personnel management system works in terms of implementing the strategy, tasks, achieving the goals set for the company. This method also allows you to identify areas of risk and development;
  • attestation- it is assessed to what extent the employee's activity meets the standard requirements for performing work at a particular workplace in accordance with the position held;
  • test cases- a methodology that is a structured description of a specific production situation that an employee must analyze in order to find the most acceptable solutions. This allows you to train or evaluate an employee on certain parameters. In this case, the real state of professional knowledge, skills, competence, personal characteristics is determined.

The choice of personnel assessment method depends on the motivation system that is implemented in the organization. On the theory and practice of employee motivation ...

What is the use of personnel assessment in an organization

The results of the assessment of personnel performance should be systematized, structured in order to obtain a real picture of the state of human resources in the organization. This procedure allows:

  • establish the current state of personnel competence;
  • determine the compliance of the qualifications of labor resources with the tactical tasks and goals of the enterprise;
  • evaluate the professional contribution of staff to the effective operation of the organization;
  • to apply in adequate amounts the remuneration of employees in accordance with their qualification level;
  • identify the compliance of the employee's area of ​​responsibility with his job duties;
  • identify the functional imbalance of the organization in terms of human resources;
  • identify priorities during the next performance appraisal;
  • identify possible legal risks (labor disputes, penalties from inspecting authorities) in accordance with certain regulations;
  • analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the procedures used for personnel assessment;
  • develop recommendations to eliminate the violations identified during the assessment;
  • develop recommendations for improving work on personnel training;
  • outline directions for development, pay attention to risk areas of human resources in the organization.

Implementation of a personnel assessment system: mistakes and difficulties

During the implementation of personnel assessment, it is necessary to choose the right methodology, since often the chosen methods in practice do not correspond to the level of maturity of the organization. Often the assessment system is not tied to the system of motivation - material and non-material. In addition, employees may have a negative attitude towards the implementation of these activities, and managers do not want to spend time on their implementation. Often, the feedback from the managers conducting the evaluation with the employees is low, and the latter cannot perceive it. Some employees have overestimated or underestimated self-esteem, which sometimes makes it difficult to identify real skills and competencies.

The implementation of personnel assessment measures is a serious step that allows you to optimize the activities of the enterprise in each of its areas. As a result, the efficiency of the work of employees and their motivation increase, the staff becomes more competent and productive.

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Personnel assessment is a system for identifying the characteristics of employees, aimed at improving the efficiency of the team.

Understand the concept of personnel evaluation. In general, everything is clear, you say. But what to do about it?

And to begin with, I propose to find out whether monitoring of personnel is necessary for everyone. To do this, consider situations in which it is unrealistic to do without it:

  1. The emergence of staff turnover;
  2. Lack of performance appraisal system in the company;
  3. Making managerial decisions in personnel policy;
  4. Increasing the level of conflict in the team;
  5. Identification of complaints from employees about working conditions;
  6. Absence from employees;
  7. Expansion or renewal of the staff of the company's managers;
  8. Changing the company in the market;
  9. Changes in the personnel structure of the company;
  10. Strengthening the position of the company due to the personnel reserve.

Know that if you are in one of these situations, you simply won’t be able to move and develop further without assessing the current staff.

Interesting. Every third employee wants to clearly understand the prospects for their development within the company.

The main charm of the assessment

And in order to better understand what it is eaten with, then I will tell you about the key goals and objectives when evaluating personnel:

  1. Audit. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees, and use them for the benefit of the company;
  2. Education. Form a plan for the training and comprehensive development of everyone in the team;
  3. Boost. To form adequate conditions and criteria for career advancement;
  4. Feedback. Receive continuous feedback from employees on the quality and conditions of their work;

An audit will also help determine the current state of your company and form a plan for its development. In addition, if you systematically evaluate personnel, and take into account the goals of personnel assessment, then development will become permanent.

Development! That's lovely!

Types of personnel assessment

Turning to the evaluation criteria, we cannot leave aside such an important point as the type of evaluation.

Therefore, before I give you a long list of evaluation criteria, let's deal with its types.

1. By employment

You can evaluate both existing staff, including freelancers, and new ones. And more about this.

1.1 Appraisal of current personnel

In short, in this type of assessment, you need to answer only two questions: “How economically beneficial is this or that employee for you?”, “Does it bring more profit or costs to the company?”.

And both in the short term and in the long term. It all depends on the situation in which monitoring is required.

Believe me, you will look at the same employee in a completely different way if you need to reduce staff or open a new direction.

1.2 Recruitment evaluation

This type of assessment is somewhat more complicated than the previous one. Here you are required to have "clairvoyant skills". I'm kidding, of course. But only to convey the essence.

You do not know anything about the candidate, you have to judge only by resume and references. Therefore, here the criteria should be approached carefully, and it is good enough to test the candidate so as not to make a mistake with the choice.

Use the golden rule in this matter, the author of which, unfortunately, I do not remember. And it sounds like this: “Hire slowly, and fire quickly!”

2. Planning

Evaluation can be carried out systematically, according to a specific schedule, and as needed, depending on the situation.

2.1 Planned

This type is suitable in the situation of forming a plan for promoting specialists on the career ladder.

And it is also suitable for forming a holistic view of the team's competencies when planning a new company strategy or working in a highly competitive market.

In a planned assessment, the employee has the opportunity to prepare, explore issues and fill in gaps. And most importantly, he will understand that certification can affect his position in the company and the motivation system.

2.2 One-time

If you need to urgently make a managerial decision, for example, to reduce staff.

Of course, you will receive a certain cut for evaluation. But the weak side of this type of assessment is that you do not have a dynamic picture.

It is possible that an employee whose score is low on one cutoff has acquired all of these skills in just a week. And another specialist has a good set of skills, but has not advanced in the last couple of years.

3. By way

The assessment can be carried out both manually and with the help of special services and programs.

3.1 Manual

Manual assessment involves personal interaction with the assessor. This may be a personal conversation, oral answers to questions, or even written, but verified by individual specialists.

With manual estimation, there is always the risk of error in the calculations and the possibility of bias and subjectivity.

Especially if we are talking about what evaluates the employees of the same employee of the company, even if it is a manager, and not an involved specialist.

3.2 Automated

Example: 50,000 rubles will be paid for 100% fulfillment of the plan. The tasks for the month are:

In total, the plan was completed by 75% and our marketer will receive 50,000 x 0.75 = 37,500 rubles.

1.3 Rating system

Conducting personnel assessment by this method is as follows: for each completed task, the specialist receives a certain, previously indicated number of points.

And at the end of a period, say, a month, a staff rating is formed based on points earned .

Example: for each finished part, the machine operator receives 10 points. At the end of the month, the points are added up, and we get the most productive employee.

1.4 Rank method

Top management makes up something like a personal rating for everyone in a team or department.

Example: you have 8 seamstresses in your children's clothing workshop. The head of the company, the head of the workshop and the head seamstress make ratings based on the annual assessment of the staff (each independently!) And compare them.

It turns out that seamstress #2 and seamstress #7 ended up in the last positions on all three lists. Then they can be transferred to assistant seamstresses, reduce the volume of orders, or send them to additional training, transferring them to the rank of trainees.

How many methods, they all need to be used!

2. Qualitative methods

These are more complete descriptive characteristics of the personnel. Often the description is in free form. Below I have prepared the main approaches to assessing the personnel of this group.

2.1 Questionnaire

The simplest method of qualitative research, suitable for assessing personnel upon hiring.

Classic questions for this kind of survey: work experience, desired position, desired salary, priorities in choosing a job (salary, team, self-development, proximity to home, etc.), key skills.

Example: You need to evaluate two employees applying for the same position - the administrator of a beauty salon.

  1. Candidate 1. Without experience, looking for a vacancy for an administrator, wants the level of payment that you are ready to offer, but to a candidate with experience. The priority in choosing a job is proximity to home and the level of salary.
  2. Candidate 2. He has 2 years of work experience, is looking for a position with the possibility of career growth to a salon manager or several, resigned from a similar position due to lack of prospects.

And you, in turn, are planning from one beauty salon to become a network of salons by the end of the year. Who do you choose? Obviously, candidate 2. Such a simple method will allow you to evaluate the candidate when hiring.

2.2 Descriptive evaluation

A simple narrative description of an employee's strengths and weaknesses, often used in conjunction with other methods for the most complete assessment.

The description will allow you to choose the appropriate methods of encouragement, avoid conflict situations in the team and make the right management decisions.

Example: description of the profile of a staff accountant. Key competencies: work experience as an accountant in a company for more than 5 years without any complaints.

Strengths: competent, punctual, attentive, active, knows how to argue her point of view, offers her own solutions to problems.

Weaknesses: assertive, hardly accepts criticism, not comfortable working in a team.

2.3 Matrix method

For each position, a so-called “ideal matrix” is formed, that is, a set of characteristics in percentage terms.

After that, a similar matrix of an employee already working in this position is compiled.

And the two matrices are compared, after which a conclusion is made about the suitability of the employee for a particular position. The method is good for evaluating staff when hiring.

Example: You are looking for an in-house designer. His exaggerated ideal portrait and portraits of candidates are as follows

Who will you hire? That's right, Olga. Because, despite Anastasia's high degree of responsibility and extensive work experience, Olga is more in line with your “ideal matrix” of a designer.

2.4 360 degrees

Within the framework of this method, the work of an employee is evaluated by his colleagues, manager, clients, partners or contractors with whom he interacts, and himself.

The result is the most complete picture with an understanding of growth points in the work of a specialist.

Example: colleagues, in connection with the annual assessment of the staff, evaluate the employee - the consultant of the toy store Vladimir, as a specialist who knows the assortment perfectly.

If they do not know something about a particular toy, they will ask Vladimir, and he will definitely help.

The manager evaluates Vladimir as an executive and responsible employee, who sometimes performs even those tasks that are typical for a store administrator, and not for an ordinary consultant.

Clients also speak well of Vladimir. They appreciate in him that he is not just a more expensive toy, but first finds out all the preferences of the child and recommends the most suitable options in different price categories.

So, thanks to the 360-degree evaluation method, we see that Vladimir has every chance of getting promoted to a store administrator or senior consultant.

2.5 Group discussion

Conducting personnel assessment by this method is similar to the previous one. But the larger discussion involves the manager, employee, and, if possible, an invited expert in the field of the position under discussion.

An expert is needed for an objective, expert assessment of personnel. This method is suitable for assessing the qualifications of a specialist, identifying his attitude to work.

As part of such a discussion, you can give specific cases to solve in order to determine how an employee will behave in a similar situation.

Example: for a specialist in the logistics department: You sent a car with an urgent cargo to a customer, and the driver of the car got into an accident. Your actions.

To which the employee replies that to begin with, he will find out how serious the accident happened. Based on this, he will estimate the delay time for delivery.

Contact the customer, explain the situation, agree on a delay in time. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Then he will contact the driver of another car, whose route passes close to the accident site and offer him to deliver the goods.

From this answer, you understand that the employee is responsible for the work and competently interacts with the client, and is looking for rational solutions without panicking.

That's lovely! I will definitely try to evaluate my staff by these methods.

3. Combined methods

That is, the interaction of descriptive and quantitative methods. So, let's analyze the personnel assessment tools.

3.1 Attestation by decisive situation

In the company, “correct” and “incorrect” behavior is formed for each employee in typical work situations or cases (for example, in accordance with the job description).

After summing up the points for solving cases within a specific period, a rating of employees is formed.

Example: for call center employees, each successful resolution of a conflict situation with a client. Where successful = the client was satisfied, does not hold a grudge against the company, is 10 points in the rating.

The method will allow to digitize qualitative characteristics. Based on the results of a given period, a rating of employees is compiled, from which it is clear who most often shows the “correct” behavior in resolving conflict situations.

3.2 Scaling method

As part of the method, a list of skills, qualities, characteristics necessary for the position held is formed. Each item in the list is assigned a value:

  1. "Fine";
  2. "Good";
  3. "Satisfactorily";
  4. "Badly".

Or vice versa, the characteristics of a particular specialist are written out and compared with the requirements for the position on a scale:

  1. “Ways far beyond the requirements”;
  2. “Exceeds requirements”;
  3. “Complies with the requirements”;
  4. “Meets certain requirements”;
  5. "Does not meet requirements."

So you can evaluate how this employee corresponds to the position he occupies.

Example: for a trainee hairdresser:

  1. Qualification – “exceeds requirements”;
  2. Attitude towards customers – “corresponds to the requirements”;
  3. Attitude to work - "meets the requirements."

From which you can conclude that it is time to promote this employee from an intern to a full-fledged hairdresser.

3.3 Grouping

The division of the entire team into groups according to the principle of work efficiency, from those who work unsatisfactorily to those who work flawlessly.

This method allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the team as a whole. Identify points of growth and raise the question of what to do with a group of employees whose results are low.

Please note that if you are not satisfied with the work of even a third of the employees, this is a reason to reconsider their motivation, as well as the system of advanced training in the company.

Example: your company has three departments: project management - 3 people, sales - 5 people, AHO - 2 people.

At the same time, 1 manager, 2 managers and 1 AHO specialist work well. The remaining employees of the sales department regularly do not fulfill the plan, managers do not meet the deadlines for projects, and the AHO specialist has shortages in the budget.

Only 40% of employees work effectively in your company.

That is, you need to revise the system of employee motivation (by the way, in the video below, one of the methods of motivation), determine rewards and penalties, and organize a system of staff development.

Step-by-step instruction

All this is good, just wonderful, you say. But how to apply it? Let's take a step-by-step look at how to conduct a staff appraisal.

Step 1 Description of Functions

So, the personnel assessment procedure begins with the functions of the employee. This is the starting point in order to understand how it meets the requirements, objectives and interests of the company. It may be in the form of a job description.

Detailed example

Let's take an example that is already working for you. Say, according to the instructions, the duties of a sales manager include:

  1. Search for clients;
  2. Reception and processing;
  3. Drafting and conclusion of contracts;
  4. Transfer of the paid client to a technical specialist;
  5. receiving from the client.

Step 2. Determining Requirements

After the functions are formed, and before proceeding directly to the question of “how to conduct a staff assessment”, you need to determine some indicators, whether quantitative or qualitative.

According to these indicators, you can understand how well the employee performs the functions specified above.

A prerequisite for the assessment is to bring to the attention of the employee and his functions, and indicators for these functions.

Detailed example

Let's say for our manager these numbers will look like this, in order:

  1. Client search – 10 new clients per month;
  2. Reception and processing of incoming applications - 50% of incoming requests;
  3. Drafting and concluding contracts - the number of correctly executed = the number of sales;
  4. Obtaining feedback from the client - at least 70% of the surveyed clients.

It would be great if at this step, before the introduction of planned certification, you conduct the first employee certification to determine his incoming indicators, that is, what results he has now according to the criteria you have selected.

Step 3. Quantitative Analysis

For an example of quantitative analysis, let's take KPI, since this is one of the main methods for assessing personnel, and determine planned indicators. Next, you should tell your manager about these planned indicators.

It should also be explained that these quantitative indicators will be used for scheduled automatic evaluation.

And the salary calculation will be made by kpi, in accordance with the above indicators.

Detailed example

Let's say each of the responsibilities (I wrote about them above) has a weight in KPI of 20%.

Step 4. Descriptive analysis

At this moment, not only quantitative indicators come into force, but also qualitative characteristics of a specialist and a person.

What will be a priority for you, qualitative or quantitative indicators - it's up to you. But remember, there is no such profession as a “good person”!

Detailed example

We continue to evaluate our manager. For this, we use the 360 ​​degree method.

We will interview the second manager of the department, the head of the company and the head of the department, several current clients, as well as technical specialists who receive a paid client from the manager to provide the service.

Step 5. Formation of an overall assessment

Just at this moment you need to decide what is more important, quantity or quality.

Do not forget about combined assessment methods, which in this case will come to your aid and allow you to form a complete understanding of the level of efficiency of an employee.

Detailed example

We calculate quantitative indicators by kpi. And also we get a general description of the qualities of an employee using the “360 degrees” method.

  1. Search for clients - 6 per month;
  2. Reception and processing of incoming applications - 30% of applications;
  3. Drafting and concluding contracts - the number of correctly executed = the number per month;
  4. Transfer of the paid client to a technical specialist - 100% of the clients who paid for the services;
  5. Receiving feedback from the client on the results of the service provided - 40% of respondents.

Method "360":

  1. Lost in conflict situations;
  2. Polite;
  3. Jokes a lot.

Step 6. Comparison with the standard

As mentioned above, in addition to assessing a particular employee, in your understanding, there should always be what level of his efficiency should ideally be.

At this stage, you compare the received assessment of the specialist with the same ideal.

At this step, the matrix estimation method will help us. In terms of quantitative indicators, we have an “ideal” or a plan.

Detailed example

Let's compare the niche "ideal" matrix with the sales manager matrix. By the way, to compile it, we took into account the results of the “360 degrees” method.

Step 7. Final Grade

When the whole range of assessment activities has been completed, and you have data on how it is, how it should be, and how strong the gap between these two concepts is.

And only after that you can form an audit of the assessment and correctly characterize the employee.

Detailed example

According to the results of the audit of the assessment of the same manager, we received the following indicators:

  1. By kpi. 75.4% of the plan completed;
  2. By matrix. Difference by 20% on two points.

Step 8: Next steps

The resulting assessment simply needs to be brought to the employee. Discuss with him what he thinks about the result and come up with next steps.

Perhaps the result will be a task to improve skills, a change in position, or a list of growth points.

Because by itself, the analysis of the effectiveness of work will not bring growth. It is needed only in order to form the right plan of action to improve the situation.

Detailed example

We find out from our manager what prevented us from fulfilling the plan by 100% and determine growth points, for example:

  1. Use new channels to find clients;
  2. Automate the receipt of feedback;
  3. Take an online course on argumentation theory.

After that, we get the manager's consent to these measures and determine the timing of implementation, and also do not forget about control.

Only in this case, all the 6 steps done earlier will give a tangible result.


Factors affecting the score

As you can imagine, the list of such factors is long. Because there was no section in my article where I would not urge you to take into account the situation, circumstances and characteristics of this or that employee when evaluating.

For convenience, there are several main factors that have a greater impact on staff assessment:

  1. Biological. Sex and age characteristics, mental and physical abilities, the influence of weather and climatic conditions.
  2. Socio-economic. Labor legislation, degree of protection, level of remuneration.
  3. Organizational. The working conditions in the company, the tasks that are set for the employee, the resources that are available to him to solve these problems.
  4. Market. Unemployment rate, demand in the market for specialists of a similar position, saturation of the market with these specialists or their shortage.
  5. Psychological. The moral state of the employee, his attitude to work, relationships in the team. As well as a sense of his own importance, belonging.

Interesting. 41% of employees (according to the results of surveys by the largest HR portal in Russia) are ready to change jobs if they are offered a more interesting project.

It must be remembered that all these main factors in the assessment of personnel affect the employee in a complex manner.

You can also assess the impact of these factors on the efficiency of an employee's work in the process of a comprehensive assessment of his work.

Mistakes and difficulties

As in any process of introducing everything new, there are certain problems when introducing a personnel assessment system:

  • Wrong choice of personnel assessment methodology. A “one-sided” approach to personnel assessment is the most common mistake.
  • Certification is divorced from employee motivation. As a result, he simply does not understand why certification is needed if it does not affect the current state of affairs in any way.
  • High degree of subjectivity. Determine for yourself how to avoid this, whether third-party specialists will be involved for an expert assessment of personnel.
  • Inaction. After assessing the current situation, the next steps should be formed based on the results obtained.

Briefly about the main

The main thing to note is that personnel assessment is, of course, a useful procedure in the work of an organization.

It is only important to follow a few simple rules. I have prepared for you, the so-called checklist:

  • Systematize the personnel assessment process. That is, to do it not from case to case, like out of the blue, but to convey the importance of the event to all staff.
  • Provide system. Based on the results of the assessment and prescribe the entire list of responsibilities in the job description of each employee.
  • Take a snapshot of the current state of the team. Otherwise, your conclusions will be erroneous, and you will have nothing to rely on in the further evaluation of employees.
  • Use comprehensive assessment methods. That is, quantitative, qualitative and combined to get the most complete picture of what is happening.
  • Form directions for development. It is necessary to implement in each area so that each of the specialists understands the essence and significance of the assessment activities.

And in conclusion, the documents that should be, and which will help you with the introduction of an employee appraisal system.

  1. Job description. It spells out all the tasks of a particular specialist, clearly outlines the scope of his duties.
  2. Checklists for express assessment. They can also be called a list of necessary conditions for performing a particular task.
  3. Competency models or matrices. They must be clearly articulated, written and understandable. Otherwise, you will not be able to use them.
  4. Evaluation Forms. That is, a list of characteristics, and a possible scale for each of them from “far exceeds the requirements” to “does not meet the requirements”.
  5. Questionnaires and questionnaires. It is better to prepare for each area of ​​activity. They will become reliable assistants when hiring new employees.
  6. Reminders for certification. Good for both the inspector and the worker himself. Because he can always see what is required of him.
  7. Analysis and monitoring report templates. Particularly relevant for qualitative methods, so that a free form of describing characteristics does not turn into an essay on a topic.