What is Tantra? Non-contact pleasure, or what is tantric sex Tantric what is it.

The tantric practice that is popular today is one of the types of Eastern teachings (yoga). Despite the fact that the methods and tools used have undergone some changes, the basics have remained the same. The main thing in Tantrism is the realization of the unity of two principles - female and male, which allows you to better know yourself and learn to feel another person.

One of the most popular concepts that is primarily associated with Tantrism is Tantric sex. But besides this, many different methods are used that help people to reveal themselves and their abilities. Do you want to experience special sensations? Then the practice of Tantrism is for you.

History of occurrence

First of all, it should be understood that tantra is understood as a set of esoteric practices that are used in Hinduism, Buddhism and the Bon religion (the teachings of the Tibetans). Each of them has its own characteristics, which are the methods used and the goals set. However, any practice will lead you to spiritual liberation and allow you to reach a higher level of spiritual development.

This yoga got its name from the "tantras" (sacred texts). It is believed that it appeared at the beginning of our era, as an integral part of the teachings of Buddhism and Brahmanism, which were actively spread in India, Bhutan and Nepal. Subsequently, this practice began to spread in the Western world in a modified form and was called neo-Tantrism.

To date, there are such types of Tantrism:

  1. Indian;
  2. Buddhist;
  3. Bonsky.

On their basis, many different schools were created. Each of them uses a set of practices that allow you to achieve a state of higher realization. True, for this it is necessary to perform certain actions, follow rituals in order to obtain the desired effect. Tantrism worshipers claim that their teaching is the best way to get the desired enlightenment.

Features of Indian Tantra Practices

It was previously believed that Tantrism has its origins in Hinduism, because this type of teaching is the primary source. It was from here that the Buddhists adopted the methods and practices that they later embodied in their teaching. True, today more and more researchers are convinced that Tantrism first appeared in Buddhism, and then passed into Hinduism.

Tantra yoga in the Indian tradition is based on sacred texts that describe special rituals that allow you to achieve self-realization through the relationship of the two main gods (Shiva and Shakti), which symbolizes the feminine and masculinity. According to this teaching, only through reunion with the goddess, the god Shiva gets the opportunity to create.

Indian Tantrism has the following features:

  • the composition of schools is dominated by representatives mainly from the lower castes;
  • they include many representatives of the so-called non-Aryan tribes;
  • emphasis on the esoteric nature of the schools and rituals practiced here;
  • widespread use of the methods that yoga uses;
  • separation of the main rites from the teachings of Brahmanism (rituals and moral norms);
  • a special role in the teaching is assigned to the sexual energy channel, which originates from Shakti.

The main difference between Tantra and other teachings of Hinduism is the rejection of the ascetic lifestyle. Here the maximum activation of the potential of the body is important. Also often, in addition to ordinary practices, magic and orgiastic rituals are performed during Tantrism classes.

In this article you will learn:

what is tantra and how to apply it in everyday life;

technique for restoring the state after stress;

how to diversify the feelings of a couple.

How to find joy in everyday everyday activities - in the banal washing of dishes, for example? How to paint in bright colors everything that seems gray and boring? Can tantric techniques help here? After all, many people think that tantra is about something completely different ...

Tantric practices, like many others, appeared to remind the world of energy fields and the incredible forces that lie dormant in the depths of the unconscious. Every moment of life, every creature deserves special attention, and wise ancient science helps to expand the levels of our perception to infinity - sensual, emotional, physical, intellectual, spiritual.

Practicing tantric techniques does not just liberate the body and soul - they allow you to release your inner potential, feel deeper, hear your unique sound. They cure many ailments, restore the taste and bright colors of life, help open the chakras into a vertical system that unites heaven and earth in your being, help you find inner freedom and joy, a state of true love, lead along the path to enlightenment, allow you to go beyond.

There are practically no limits to the methods of modern tantra:

breathing and gymnastic exercises,
techniques, meditations, repetition of mantras,
sexual techniques to reconcile
the most pronounced opposites are man and woman.

The basis of tantric methods is the correct breathing mechanism.- saturation of our body with healing oxygen, accelerating brain processes.

However, tantra is not a technique, but a prayer focused on relaxation in the heart - it is the path of surrender, the path of love.

Tantra in everyday life

Tantric methods and techniques are really easy to apply in everyday life, or rather, they become so when our awareness increases, there is a desire to live every moment deliciously and efficiently, without haste and fuss. Magic happens, as if you weave your attention into the canvas of life and enter into a “sensual relationship” with the world, you begin to feel its taste, smell, hear its song.

Everything that was gray and boring in your life is painted in bright juicy colors with the help of overflowing energy.

And you can start with very simple steps.

...Walking the streets and just smiling - to yourself, people, the world around you, the sky with a cloud running through it, falling raindrops or snowflakes.

...Drinking coffee, feeling every sip of it, savoring the taste, inhaling the smell deeply.

... Run your fingers along the hand of a loved one, feeling every micro-movement and touch.

…Listen to music, immersing yourself in it totally.

…Sometimes just making faces, grimacing and becoming completely insane. Just because you want to.

... Learn to praise and thank, and vice versa - to receive gratitude and praise.

…Learning to love: truly, without conditions and reservations, to accept and enjoy each other without limit.

... To create more and more every day, even if it is the process of artistic bed making or filigree washing of dishes :)

…To make life around you beautiful. And let every person feel that meeting with you is a gift.

...Cry, swear, get angry, offended and sad, if you really feel it at the moment. Be natural, stop fighting with what is.

Breathing practice

If there is a crisis in your life or you are simply stuck in some situation, relationship, feelings - try to mentally "run" through your body and determine in which part of it there is a block that slows down the living flow of life, a place or places where the most voltage.

If you are familiar with the chakra system, determine which chakra area it corresponds to.

Stand with a straight back, put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders (feet parallel to each other), soften your knees, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and exhale and start breathing intensively with your mouth, as if you are "pumping" with your breath, inflating the furs, each of the chakras turns - from the first to the seventh, keeping attention only on the breath and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chakra through which you are breathing at the moment.

It is important that all attention and energy merge with active breathing through the mouth and hold for 1.5 minutes in the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach chakra in turn. Surrender to this process totally, let everything that interferes with the free flow of energy come out with your breath.

Rise higher and let your breathing become more rapid and shallow. You can help yourself with your hands to become more aware of the area through which you are breathing now. After passing through all seven chakras, descend with calm breathing and attention in the reverse order, for 10-15 seconds, as if collecting the energy of the heated chakra. Rest for a few minutes and repeat the cycle twice more. There is special music on the Internet that will help the process of chakra breathing.

Love and meditation

I know that many people associate tantra with some unusual sexual experiences. But few realize that tantra is not sex, not an action, not a ritual, not a process, but a state of your consciousness , in which you perform certain actions, including sexual ones, since sex is part of our device. The essence of tantric sex lies in the real intimate union of partners - this is not so much a physical union as a spiritual fusion of energies. Partners become one, the energy of each of them doubles, and does not weaken, as after ordinary sex, the ability to realize the unity of everything that exists in the Universe appears.

All the paths of tantra are based on the feeling of mutual love and full disclosure to each other.. With such a union, souls merge. This can be experienced by any couple who wish to combine love and meditation in tantra practice. What happens during sex magically takes over the whole being, making sex truly sensual and spiritual on all levels.

Some simple tricks you can bring into your life right now. Use your senses to empower yourself.

Pair practice

Smell. Take a few items that have a characteristic smell (orange, ginger, banana, honey, aromatic oil). Study them together with your partner, and then, blindfolded in turn, try to guess what your partner offers to sniff. This game will help both of you learn to focus on your sense of smell.

touch. Prepare pieces of fabrics of different textures: wool, silk, cotton, fur. Remember how they feel. Repeat the guessing game, but with an erotic twist. Let your partner blindfold you and alternately run the cloth over any part of your body. Attention is only in sensations. Then switch places.

Listen. Turn on your favorite music, lie down on the bed, close your eyes and try to follow the part of a single instrument, as if you were listening to the voice of an interlocutor in a very noisy cafe. If any of you fall asleep during this exercise, no problem. Peaceful sweet sleep is also a component of tantra.

Eat. Prepare various foods: vegetables, fruits, sweets. Blindfold your partner and carefully feed him, alternately changing dishes, ask him to name the product you are feeding. Then switch places. Focus on the taste, train your receptors.

See and breathe. Lie down opposite each other, let your eyes connect. Begin to breathe deeply, synchronizing your breath with your partner, perceiving yourself and him as a whole. Immerse your gaze deeper into each other, breathing like one living organism. Even a simple regular practice of attuning your breathing with your partner's breathing, believe me, can give you new unforgettable feelings in a pair.


The word "tantra" can be translated from Sanskrit as "infinity", "connection", "connection", "life". This is the spiritual practice of Buddhists, a teaching that says that the world is two-fold and consists of the beginning - male and female. Tantra combines yoga, religion and philosophy. There is Buddhist and Hindu tantra, and they are somewhat different.

In Buddhism, tantra is a system designed to enable a person to realize himself in the highest way. To do this, a person learns to feel the vital energy in himself, which passes through the seven chakras - some centers located on the spine, and teaches to do this through bodily techniques. This is precisely its original meaning, and paired tantra is just one of the directions of the tantric path.

If yoga is a teaching aimed at spiritual and physical improvement, then tantra is more aimed at learning to show and feel your emotions. No wonder it is recommended for people with low self-esteem, those who suffer from sexual or some other complexes, to liberate and "open love in the hearts", these practices free from complexes, mental and unconscious blocks.

Actually, tantra yoga is the oldest system of self-realization that has come down to our time, which teaches not to suppress the energy of desires, but to use it for one's physical health and spiritual development. Tantra also teaches to find harmony with surrounding nature through relationships in which tantric sex serves as a bridge from a woman to a man, a kind of tuning fork that sets the couple to understand themselves, their soulmate and the whole world. The process itself is not a goal, but serves only as a means to achieve spiritual (!) ecstasy (bodily pleasure is only by-effect). In addition, in tantra, sex is not just a sexual act, but a process of absolute connection with a partner. The Tantrics give this example: when you smell a flower, it is sexy, because you and the flower become one. Tantra teaches us to unite our mind, soul and physical body.

Undeniable advantages: tantric sex is a practice that awakens the most powerful internal energy, develops sensuality, awareness and spontaneity. Even those who do not practice spiritual methods of self-improvement do not delve into philosophy will be pleased with the fact that tantric sex will give a significant increase in contact time, a rich degree of sensations and greater orgasmic power, as well as an improvement in mutual understanding between partners, polishes and refreshes feelings. And sometimes it even resurrects the dead...


To comprehend the secrets of the ancient technique, it is not necessary to attend tantric seminars and search through the mountain of literature. It is enough just to follow the main principles of tantra. Tantra does not accept haste - this is the first and main rule. Therefore, having decided to engage in this practice, devote at least a couple of hours to it. Turn off your phone, TV, radio, remove all factors that interfere with concentration, turn on calm music and concentrate exclusively on each other.

It is very good not to have intimacy 2-3 days before the practice.

  1. Mood. Breathe simultaneously with your partner to the beat: sit opposite each other and mentally imagine that you are pierced by an endless stream of energy. Try to breathe deeply and evenly, slowly imagine yourself with each other as a single whole. In this case, a prerequisite: look into each other's eyes without looking away.
  2. Now it's time for physical contact. But! No intimacy: sit face to face, cross your legs, snuggle up to each other and hold hands. Continue to breathe at the same time, raise and lower your hips, without letting go of each other and without pausing. This exercise can be done with or without clothes. Each exercise should take at least 20 minutes.
  3. The main thing is the prelude. But you need to spend at least two hours on it - until each of the partners examines the body of the other with their hands and other parts of the body from the heels to the earlobes. The main rule: do everything very smoothly and without haste. At this time, the chakras are massaged and energy comes out of them. Life energy (kundalini), rising from the first chakra, moves up to the last, seventh chakra - this is exactly what happens during a physical orgasm if there are no blocks and clamps in the body (that is, in any of the chakras). In addition, the female and male bodies have polar charges of the chakras, therefore, when combined together, they strengthen each other.

Tantra is an esoteric direction, the main goal of which is the expansion of consciousness, the achievement of spiritual satisfaction, the ability to understand the world. Many people ask themselves: “Tantric contact, what is it? and how to achieve it?

For a complete answer to modern world special tantric seminars have been created, but attending them is one thing, and practicing in real life is another. The fact is that it is not enough to accumulate knowledge this kind, you should learn to use harmonious relationships in certain situations.

For those who want to study all aspects of tantric contact, our article is suitable. The study of contact at a distance lies in the knowledge of the energy flow in which two people merge at the same time. Experts from this field argue that a man does not have energy, he receives it from loving woman. The weaker sex personifies the spiritual world, only a woman is able to saturate a man with positive energy with the help of which he will achieve success in life. However, a man must emotionally feed a woman, otherwise she will not receive new and positive impressions, and this will affect her attitude towards her husband.

In tantric contact, both partners play at a distance, they get a kind of spark of passion and burn with desire. In addition, positive and romantic emotions play an important role in harmonious relationships. Every woman is a dreamer by nature, she lives in a fantasy world, and a man must understand this, no matter how strange it may seem.

To achieve pleasure in tantric contact, you should follow certain tips:

  • To practice tantra, you need to choose a permanent partner for yourself, he must have physical and emotional stamina.
  • A few days before the session, you can not do anything, neither physically work, nor make love. Save energy, enjoy life and relax.
  • It is better to practice tantra during the day, but the room should be twilight, you can light candles, aromatic ones with the smell of jasmine, musk and sandalwood are an excellent option.
  • Disconnect from the outside world. You should not be disturbed by a TV or phone, no extraneous sounds should distract you.
  • Relax and think constantly about your partner, your thoughts should be connected only with this person. Do not strain, all the movements you make should be slow and subtle.

Your partner should follow the same tips, train as often as possible, and you will be able to merge spiritually.

Tantra and yoga have many principles and laws in common. These are complete psychophysical systems that are needed in order to develop spiritually and physically, to improve a person. There are many ways to achieve certain goals, and if two people have the same goals, then they can reach the highest point of pleasure. In yoga, this happens through actions, love for the Creator and exercises for the psyche. Tantra is based on sounds, visual images, sexual contacts, which are of great importance for this practice.

Why is it so important to pay attention to sexual contacts in tantra? The relationship between a man and a woman can open doors in the subconscious. During the highest sexual pleasure, partners do not feel the boundaries of their individuality, they completely dissolve in each other, begin to realize that everything in the Universe is one and interconnected, knowledge overwhelms the human mind. However, in order to achieve this, certain exercises and techniques should be performed.

Tantric sex involves the implementation of certain rules.

  1. If a person studies tantra, practices it and actively applies it in the process of life, then he definitely needs to find a permanent partner for sexual games. Naturally, partners can change, but you should not practice this all the time, because you need to know their preferences and tastes, habits and sexual desires perfectly.
  2. In order to engage in exercises and sexual intercourse, normal conditions are needed so that there is no unnecessary noise or outside interference in the process. After all, in this case, classes will not bring the desired effect. Tantra strives to achieve the highest spiritual pleasure, and not physical pleasure. It is recommended to practice tantra in the daytime. But if this is not possible, then the night will also do.
  3. Tantra should teach partners to dissolve completely in each other. If partners do not cleanse their bodies to the maximum level, then their senses, such as taste and smell, will not be able to function normally, as a result, unity will not be achieved. That is why before sexual intercourse it is worth putting yourself in order so that the body smells of purity, there is no bad smell from the mouth, and the genitals spread a fresh aroma.
  4. When making love, you need to completely relax and liberate yourself. If you want to scream, you are always welcome, you can also cry, moan or make other sounds. In general, you need to do whatever you want. If a person cannot be liberated during sex, then tantra is definitely not suitable for him.
  5. Partners should perceive sexual intercourse as naturally as possible, it should be an integral part of life. The universe affects the masculine and feminine, this is absolutely normal. That is why there should not be shame and a sense of the fall.
  6. Tantra requires during sexual intercourse to stroke and play with your partner, to have sex with him, but for this you need to allocate a large number of time. Games must last at least two hours. Naturally, it is impossible to meet strict time limits during lovemaking, but it is worth trying to do it.
  7. During sexual intercourse, you need to move easily and freely, without making any effort. Tantra should bring the desired effect, so there should be no tension. When the body is tense, the person begins to feel tired, physical endurance declines. Also, in this case, orgasm can come much faster than originally planned. You also need to try to be graceful and make rhythmic movements. Tantra involves dancing movements, so you have to be elegant. You need to enjoy every movement, smoothness of movement and your partner. You should smoothly move on to other movements, so that it turns out as if imperceptibly. You need to experience love and understanding, adoration for your partner. When a person manages to move without making any effort, then he will lose the sense of time and reality. Well, when this happens, the partners begin to dissolve into each other and can achieve deafening ecstasy. The highest point of physical and spiritual pleasure, the unity of souls.

Sexual intercourse in tantra should be as long as possible. Naturally, this will require a lot of physical effort, which must be continuous. Women and men should do certain exercises to become more resilient. You need to do exercises in the morning for 10 minutes for about 2 months. It is recommended to practice outdoors or in front of a mirror. After that, you should lie down and relax as much as possible.

  1. You need to lie face down on the floor, place your palms and arms at your sides. You should strain your back muscles and rise, your head should be thrown back and look at the ceiling. The exercise is performed at least three times.
  2. You need to stand near the wall, the back, buttocks and heels should touch it. The body should be as relaxed as possible. After that, you need to tighten and draw in the stomach, then relax.
  3. You need to stand against the wall, your forehead and chest should touch it. Spread your legs, bend your knees a little. The pelvis must be raised as high as possible.
  4. You should sit on the floor, stretch your legs, put your hands on your knees. You should strain your buttocks, as if moving forward on the floor. During the movement, you need to bend your knees a little, and then straighten them.
  5. You need to stand and spread your legs a little, resting on your heels. Socks should be rotated inward, then back. Then do the same with the heels.

These exercises increase the susceptibility of sensitive organs, allow partners to completely dissolve in each other, expand the consciousness of a man and a woman. If you perform these exercises, then the center of consciousness will shift to all the senses alternately.

An exercise to shift the center of consciousness

You should close your eyes and imagine that the left leg is growing right out of the head. Everything happens slowly and gradually. If you keep everything that happens in your head for as long as possible, then at first a person may feel dizzy and nebulous. But when certain successes are achieved, it will be very easy to imagine this.

The susceptibility of the senses


You need to take several samples of different fabrics, touch them and see how they look. Then you should close your eyes and feel to the touch what kind of fabric the person is holding in his hands. Then you can ask your partner to move the pieces around the body and try to understand what kind of fabric it is.


You need to listen to music performed on different musical instruments. In the process of this, you should try to understand which instrument is being played at the moment. You should learn to separate them, listen to all the sounds separately. You can sit in silence and listen to extraneous sounds, heartbeat, birdsong and much more.


It is necessary to determine different shades and color density. You can look at an old painting and make up a color scheme from a variety of shades and colors. Then you can look at the picture through a magnifying glass and see if all the shades have been named.


You need to take several objects with different smells and train your sense of smell. You should first smell all the smells, and then identify them with your eyes closed.


First, brush your tongue and teeth, rinse your mouth with water. Then add sugar to the water and taste. The same can be done with lemon, salt or jam.

Tantra classes will help partners not only achieve the highest bliss, but also improve their relationship, unite souls into a single whole, which will forever remain inseparable.

Tantra is the most ancient system of self-improvement left to this day. According to it, one should not suppress the energy of desire, but consciously use it in order to improve one's health, increase the duration of one's life and improve oneself spiritually. From this material you will learn a lot of interesting information about tantra.

Historical background on tantra

According to the most popular theory, which is confirmed by archaeological evidence, tantra appeared on the Hindustan peninsula (present-day India). The first people who tried tantra were the local indigenous people of the island. Then there was complete matriarchy.

It should be noted that tantra arose long before the Aryan tribes came to this territory and conquered the local Dravidian population. If we talk about the most ancient written sources of tantra that have survived to our time, then they are dated to the middle of the 1st millennium BC. At the same time, it is known that tantra is at least 3000 years old.

From historical information it becomes clear that the population of the Hindustan peninsula was in close contact with the ancient Egyptian civilization. This is manifested by the finding of Egyptian esoteric symbols together with the most ancient sculptures on the indicated peninsula. And Egyptian works of art are saturated with the symbolism of Kundalini and the energy of the channels of Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.

The civilization in which tantra appeared was distinguished by an unusually high level of development. Its population knew such concepts as the atomic nucleus, giant megacities, they also had running water and a sewerage system. In addition, these peoples had irrigated agriculture. The written information tells that the white tribes of the Aryans, who appeared from the north side, were engaged in the destruction of the irrigation facilities of the local population.

After the arrival of the Aryan tribes, patriarchy reigned on the island and a caste system arose. The local population was assigned to the Shudra caste (servants). But according to one legend, the daughter of an Aryan king named Sita fell in love with the black-skinned Dravidian God Shiva and they had to take him to her, adding their deities to the boarding house. At the same time, Shiva not only joined the pantheon, but significantly increased in his status and became on a par with the main deities Brahma and Vishnu.

Most likely, in this case, we can talk about mixing two different cultures: the first is the northern Aryan and the second is the local southern Dravidian. Partially, the Dravidian culture penetrated the life of the Aryans, was partially modified, and partially encrypted or spread to other states.

There is an opinion that the wisdom of modern India is contained in the famous book of the Veda. But this is actually not entirely true - after all, tantra and yoga are much more ancient than the Vedas.

The Vedas were created already at the time when the patriarchal Aryan civilization reigned. At that time, as mentioned earlier, many tantra followers were forced into hiding, so a whole system of intricate chemical terminology arose, which somewhat confused the later adherents of this teaching.

As far as the present time is concerned, most of the Hindu population believes that tantra is represented by all non-Vedic doctrines and cults. This is a direct indicator of the antagonism of the Aryan and Brahmin-Vedic cultures together with Tantra.

Modern doctors know that sexual energy is closely related to the area of ​​the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. It is thanks to sexual energy that their work is activated, they also affect the mental and physical development personality, plus affect the behavior and how a person perceives the surrounding reality. It turns out that sexuality and spirituality are very strongly connected with each other.

In Sanskrit, the word "tantra" means a loom. Symbolically, tantra is a teaching that links the material and ideal spheres, the corporeal and the spiritual, the rational and the irrational, the male and the female, the energy of Yin and Yang.
The root "tan" means explanation, exposition, interpretation, expansion, blooming, flourishing and distribution. The word "tra" is translated as a tool. It turns out that tantra is actually a tool that helps to expand the field of consciousness, which allows you to reach superconsciousness and comprehend the fundamental foundations of being. In addition to this, tantra also acts as an experimental practical method that promotes the expansion of human abilities and going beyond the possible.
Tantra is an extraordinarily powerful method that allows a person to know his true essence, as well as to engage in the realization of all the best that is in you. When you see yourself in a pure and beautiful form, it is as if you are opening up to that inner grace-filled power contained within each of us.

The main postulate of tantra is that you are here and now in this moment and you are as perfect as a god or a goddess.

According to the tantra tradition, a person who does not realize himself as a divine essence is not able to truly worship God.
The main key of tantra is to completely eliminate the sense of ego and merge into the Supreme.

Classical tantra initiated into the sexual art only those who were able in their spiritual development to reach the state when the desire to receive physical pleasure disappeared. After all, with the manifestation of physical pleasure, such people did not have a desire to keep it and prolong it. Their minds became calm enough to freely experience the joy of their lives. While experiencing this state, they could use the powerful forces of base desires (sexuality) to develop their spirituality.
Sexual desire is a primitive energy along with anger, fear, hunger. All these forces exist in human bodies at the subconscious level. By practicing tantra, we can benefit from any kind of energy and this provides inner freedom.
Being in a state of meditation, a person can use primitive energies in order to advance in his cultivation. But, like other instincts, it is extremely difficult to be aware when this energy is active, because the unconscious circuitry that relates to it is so strong that, as a rule, people simply get lost in it.
The practice of this plan is for those people who have been able to take control of their unconscious circuits.
In classical sexual tantra, special attention is paid to subtle internal movements, which bear the names: "vajroli mudra", "sahajroli mudra" and "lata mudra". The latter are internal processes of energy movement that require the ability to control one's inner strength on subtle planes. If one does not use these mudras and some of the other inner meditations, one will not be able to realize the authentic sexual practice of tantra. Sexual tantra and other practices that interact with strong instincts are called vama marga or the left-handed path.

Before initiation into the art of tantra, a person should also become familiar with another branch of tantra, known as the "Dakshina marga" or "right-handed path" (which is a more meditative stream of tantric practice). The method is represented by various rituals, as well as special meditation practices of subtle energy, and even includes interaction with the energy of the Almighty.

The process of awakening cosmic energy is called Kundalini and is a whole system (Kundalini yoga) or Laya yoga. It is Kundalini Yoga that is the main method of Tantra, from which all other methods are derived.

Now you understand what tantra is, how it arose, and what the main idea is in this teaching. At the end of the topic, we also advise you to watch an interesting thematic video: