Thirty-second obstetric week of pregnancy. What happens to the baby

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From the twelfth week of pregnancy, the period is considered exclusively obstetric weeks, since all normal parameters of fetal development are determined specifically for obstetric term... With these normal indicators, the current state of the fetus will be compared for compliance with the norm.


At the 32nd week of pregnancy, the fetal body weight can fluctuate within 1827 plus or minus 267 g, averaging 1800 g. The baby's body length ranges between 41.3 plus or minus 1.9 cm, and most often is 43 cm. It must be remembered that the body length and weight of the fetus at 32 weeks of gestation can vary significantly for different women, since these parameters are due to the individual genetic characteristics of the baby's physique, which were passed on to him by the parents. Therefore, if at the same period of 32 weeks, one woman has a larger and heavier child, and another has lower and less weight, then it is not worth getting upset and thinking that something is wrong, since the size of the baby depends from the nutrition of the mother and the genetically determined nature of the physique.

The fetus at the 32nd week continues to actively grow and gain weight. Its subcutaneous fat layer grows rapidly, bones grow and harden, and the skin smoothes and turns pale, turning from red to pinkish. The arms and legs become plump and rounded due to the deposition of fat, and cheeks appear on the face.

The nails on the hands and feet have already fully grown and formed, as a result of which the baby can scratch his skin with them during the game and movements. The hair on the head is thicker and more and more similar to that of small children, although it is still sparse and very soft.

Organs and systems are already actively functioning. At the 32nd week, the process of debugging their interaction and the formation of automatic well-coordinated work is underway. The nervous system works, and the endocrine glands (pituitary gland, thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, etc.) improve their functioning, ensuring the ideal debugging of metabolism.

The immune system is already producing antibodies that destroy pathogenic microorganisms that enter the baby's body. Antibodies, which "learn" to produce the immune system from the 32nd week until the birth, will protect the baby from various infections after birth.

The visual analyzer continues to actively develop and improve - the baby at the 32nd week already reacts with a decrease in the pupil in response to bright light penetrating to him through the stretched abdominal wall.

Typically, at 32 weeks, the fetus takes its final position in the uterus, in which it usually remains until delivery.

The bones of the skeleton are strengthened, become stronger and denser, but the bones of the skull remain soft - this is necessary for the configuration of the head when passing through the birth canal in order to avoid injury.

Stirring fetus

The fetal movements at the 32nd week as a whole became smooth and measured, but, at the same time, very noticeable for the mother, since, on the one hand, the baby is already big and it is cramped for him in the uterus, and on the other, the baby's muscles have developed, and he can push hard.

At the same time, the baby can periodically make sharp jerks, which are very painful and unpleasant for the mother. Such sharp and strong shocks can be triggered by a number of reasons.

Firstly, the child may begin to move vigorously and push hard in response to any external stimulus that he does not like, for example, sharp and loud sounds, bright light, especially directed directly at the stomach, and an unpleasant odor. In such a situation, in order to calm the baby, you just need to eliminate the irritant that is unpleasant for him. Secondly, high-intensity and abrupt movements of the baby can appear when the mother begins to worry, experiences stress, fear, or any unpleasant sensations. In such a situation, to calm down the baby, of course, you need to calm down yourself. Thirdly, the child can begin to actively move for no apparent reason, and in this case it is provoked by oxygen deficiency (hypoxia), which the fetus is trying to eliminate by accelerating blood flow against the background of physical activity. In a situation of suspicion of hypoxia, a woman needs to get up and walk slowly for 10-15 minutes, deeply inhaling and exhaling air so that the blood is saturated with oxygen, and all large vessels accidentally squeezed in a sitting or lying position straighten out.

However, abrupt and painful movements of the baby at the 32nd week are still relatively rare, more often he moves smoothly and accurately. Nevertheless, even smooth and measured movements of the fetus can cause painful or simply uncomfortable sensations in the mother. Most often they are localized in the ribs, liver, stomach and intestines. These unpleasant sensations, caused by fetal movements, are associated with the fact that the baby pushes the uterus and surrounding organs and tissues with quite a lot of force.

At the 32nd week, the mother perfectly distinguishes what kind of movement the baby is making. In addition, a woman can see small legs, arms, a head or a butt imprinted on her belly, depending on which part of the body the baby rested against the front wall of the uterus.

Throughout the day, the activity of the baby's movements is not the same - at some moments he moves very actively, and at other times he is practically motionless. This is due to the fact that the baby's periods of wakefulness are replaced by sleep. Accordingly, when the fetus is asleep, it is inactive, and when it is awake, on the contrary, it actively moves, plays and pushes. In addition, during the day, the baby can change the nature and intensity of his movements in response to various external stimuli, such as sounds, light, smells, excitement, fear of the mother, etc. Moreover, by changing the nature of the movements, one can understand whether the child likes the stimulus or not. If the movements become abrupt, jerky and painful for the mother, then the baby does not like the stimulus. And if the movements become smooth, then, on the contrary, he likes the stimulus.

In the normal alternation of periods of activity and inactivity of the fetus, there is an interesting pattern noticed by many generations of pregnant women. So, while the mother is moving and doing some business, the fetus, as a rule, does not move, does not move much, since the woman's movement shakes her stomach, which simply rocking the baby, and he sleeps. But when a woman lies down or sits down to rest, the fetus begins to actively move, since the vibrations of the abdomen stop, it no longer gets numb, and it wakes up, starting to play and move.

Also, a woman may periodically feel rhythmic tremors inside the abdomen, which are caused by hiccups in a child. Such flinches are not dangerous and usually short-lived - the baby's hiccups quickly pass.

The expectant mother should feel the movements and movements of the fetus daily, as she is alive and normal developing child moves constantly. However, there is no need to count the number of movements during each hour, since in some periods the baby is more active, and in others less. As a result, such a calculation of movements during each hour leads only to unreasonable excitement and more frequent examinations, which, in turn, provoke an overdiagnosis of pregnancy complications. According to the WHO, counting movements during each hour leads to an unreasonable increase in the frequency of early delivery, when premature babies are born as a result of induced labor due to fears and the doctor's desire to play it safe. Therefore, you should simply monitor the presence of perturbations during the day. It is necessary to sound the alarm and urgently be hospitalized in a hospital only if the mother does not feel fetal movements for more than 12 hours in a row.

Ultrasound and analyzes

At 32-34 weeks, the optimal period begins for the third screening of the third trimester, which is a comprehensive examination necessary to identify malformations in the fetus, assess compliance with the baby's developmental norm, and determine the woman's condition.

The third screening includes the following examinations:

  • Ultrasound examination;
  • Doppler sonography (Doppler);
  • Cardiotocography (CTG);
  • Biochemical screening.
However, the obligatory study of the third screening is only ultrasound, and all the rest are only additional (carried out according to the doctor's indications).

In practice, in the vast majority of antenatal clinics in the CIS countries, as part of the third screening, ultrasound and CTG are performed for all pregnant women, since one study is mandatory, and the second (CTG) is informative and not burdensome for the expectant mother, it allows to supplement the results of ultrasound and, accordingly, to better assess the condition baby. Doppler ultrasonography for all women is usually performed only in those consultations that have the necessary medical equipment. If there is no equipment, then Doppler ultrasonography is carried out exclusively according to indications. And biochemical screening is done only in cases where the results of the second screening were poor and after them invasive diagnostics (amniocentesis with genetic mapping) were not performed.

Screening ultrasound examination is carried out in order to assess the condition and development of the child, as well as to identify malformations that could not be diagnosed during the last (second screening) ultrasound scan (obstruction of the intestines and urinary organs, heart defects). In addition, during the third ultrasound, the condition of the uterus, placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid, cervix, etc. is assessed.

During an ultrasound, the doctor assesses the state and degree of development in the fetus of the heart and blood vessels, organs of the genitourinary system, abdominal cavity, lungs, bronchi, brain, Galen's vein in the cranial cavity, eye sockets, jaws, nasolabial triangle. The circumference of the abdomen, chest, skull, length of the lower leg, thigh, and arms is also measured. The position and presentation of the fetus in the uterus is determined (the position is oblique, transverse or longitudinal, and the presentation is cephalic or gluteal). The condition, thickness, maturity and previa of the placenta, the condition of the cervix and the walls of the uterus, the consistency of the scar on the uterus (if any), amniotic fluid, umbilical cord are assessed.

The results of ultrasound are recorded in detail, based on the examination data, the doctor makes a conclusion about the condition and development of the fetus. A conclusion is also made about the state of the placenta and amniotic fluid.

The risk of preeclampsia is high if there is protein in the urine. In this case, to reduce this risk, preventive treatment is carried out - calcium intake (1 g per day up to 40 weeks) and Aspirin (75 - 125 mg per day up to 36 weeks).

In addition, women with negative blood Rh factor should be tested for antibodies at 32 weeks, if anti-D immunoglobulin was not administered to them at 28-30 weeks.

Visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist

At the 32nd week, you need to visit the obstetrician who leads the pregnancy in a planned manner. At the appointment with the doctor, you must definitely take with you an exchange card, as well as the results of all tests and examinations that have been done, but the doctor has not yet seen them. This is necessary in order for the doctor to assess their results, draw conclusions about the absence or presence of diseases, complications or disorders and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

At the beginning of the appointment, the doctor usually interrogates the woman, finding out her health, condition, the presence of complaints, the periods of their appearance, how they are provoked, how they are stopped. In general, the gynecologist asks the following questions:

  • Are there symptoms and complaints that bother a woman, how often do they appear, what provokes them, how do you manage to stop them and is it possible?
  • How often are fetal movements felt when the baby's movements were last felt?
  • Was there any bloody discharge from the genital tract?
  • Did the nature of the discharge change, did something unusual appear, was there a discharge that caused discomfort, pain, itching, or burning?
  • What is the nature of vaginal discharge (color, smell, amount, consistency)?
  • Have there been episodes of vaginal discharge of relatively large amounts of cloudy, yellowish water with a sweet aftertaste (sweetness can be determined by the fact that the skin wetted with such water becomes sticky)?
  • Were there any sensations of intermittent moisture in the perineum or wetting of the panties?
  • Are there frequent and persistent headaches?
  • Are there episodes of visual impairment such as flashing flies, spots, flashes, transparent spirals before the eyes?
  • Is there redness, swelling, itching, or burning in the genital area?
  • Was and is there any pain or burning sensation when urinating?
  • What is the nature of the abdominal pain, when does it arise, what does it go from, how long does it last?
  • Are there any severe swelling of the hands and face?
After the interrogation or during it, the measurement is taken blood pressure, weighing and calculating weight gain. For women whose body mass index (BMI) was less than 18 at the time of registration, this parameter is recalculated.

Next, the doctor examines the chest, legs, skin and anterior abdominal wall. The breast is examined to identify lumps, as well as to assess its condition and readiness for breastfeeding; legs - to identify varicose veins and assess the severity of edema; skin - to identify redness, swelling, rashes; anterior abdominal wall - to identify a hernia and assess the condition, elasticity and strength of the muscles.

Based on the results of the examination of the legs, the doctor may recommend the wearing of compression garments, tell you what size and what degree of compression is needed, how often such medical jersey should be worn. And based on the examination of the abdomen, the doctor will recommend the type of bandage to wear, and also tell you how often and in what situations it should be worn.

After completing a general examination and interview, the doctor conducts an obstetric external examination, which consists in listening to the fetal heartbeat, determining the position and presentation of the fetus, measuring the abdominal circumference, the height of the uterine fundus and determining the tone of the uterus.

The heartbeat is heard with an obstetric stethoscope. In this case, the doctor calculates the heart rate, assesses their rhythm and sonority. This listening to heartbeats allows you to detect fetal hypoxia, cord entanglement and other pathologies, for confirmation or refutation of which the woman is referred for other additional examinations (CTG, Doppler ultrasound, etc.). The heart rate, rhythm and nature of the fetal heart sounds are recorded in the medical records.

The position and presentation of the fetus is determined by hands by probing the head and butt of the baby through the abdominal wall. If the baby in the uterus is located across, that is, the head rests against one side, and the bottom against the other, then this position is called transverse and is incorrect. If the baby in the uterus is located obliquely, resting one end against the ribs, and the other against the pelvic bones, then this position is called oblique and is also incorrect. If the child in the uterus is located along the length, that is, one end rests against the small pelvis, and the other against the diaphragm, then this position is called longitudinal and is correct. Before giving birth, the baby must take a longitudinal position, which is considered correct.

In addition to the position of the fetus in the uterus, fetal presentation is determined. Fetal presentation is understood as what part of the baby's body is in the small pelvis. If there is a head in the small pelvis, in other words, the fetus lies upside down, then such a presentation is cephalic presentation and is considered optimal, since in this case the birth will take place normally, head first. If there is a butt in the small pelvis, such a presentation is called gluteal presentation and is considered not optimal - if the baby does not roll over before childbirth, then he will be born with his legs forward.

In the process of determining the location and presentation of the fetus, the doctor simultaneously evaluates the tone of the uterus by its reaction to the touch of the hands on the stomach. If the uterus contracts moderately when touched by the hands, then its tone is normal. If the uterus, when touched by the hands, contracts sharply, creating the effect of a "stone abdomen", then there is hypertonicity.

Next, the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus (VFM) are measured with a regular measuring tape. The abdominal circumference at the 32nd week is 85 - 90 cm, and the VSDM averages 32 - 33 cm, but it can vary from 28 to 34 cm.In principle, before the 36th week, the VSDM should, on average, be equal to the gestational age in weeks ... That is, at the 33rd week, the VSDM is on average 33 cm, at the 34th week - 34 cm, etc.

After that, if necessary, a gynecological examination and smear sampling are performed. However, these procedures are carried out only when necessary, for example, if a woman is worried about something or there is a suspicion of a pathology of the cervix, vagina, etc.

If before the 32nd week the woman has not gone through other specialists, then the doctor gives directions to visit an ENT specialist, ophthalmologist, cardiologist, therapist, dentist and endocrinologist, who must assess the health of the expectant mother and the ability to give birth on their own. If one of the specialists believes that a woman's body will not survive childbirth, then such a mother will most likely undergo a cesarean section.

The last stage of the visit to the doctor is the study of various tests and examination data. On their basis, a conclusion is made about the condition of the fetus and the woman. If something is wrong, the doctor prescribes additional examinations or treatment, or sends the expectant mother to a hospital. If everything is within the normal range, then the doctor appoints the date of the next appearance, which falls on the 34th week.

Warning signs

Considering that at the 32nd week of pregnancy, severe complications (for example, placental abruption, eclampsia, premature birth) leading to the death of the fetus and mother can develop, every woman needs to know the signs of such conditions, so that when the corresponding symptoms appear, immediately call an ambulance ".

So, the warning signs at the 32nd week of pregnancy include:

  • Bloody vaginal discharge.
  • Profuse liquid vaginal discharge (may look like cloudy water, be greenish in color, taste sweet, but always thin and abundant). At the first moment, such a discharge is often mistaken for involuntary urine flow.
  • A persistent headache that often appears or is present almost constantly, combined with visual impairment in the form of flickering spots, flashes and flies before the eyes.
  • Sudden severe swelling of the face or hands.
  • An increase in body temperature above 38.0 o C.
  • Itching and / or burning in the vagina or perineum.
  • Burning and / or pain when urinating.
  • Severe abdominal pain that does not decrease over time.
  • Severe blow to the stomach of any origin (for example, falling on the stomach, hitting the stomach with a hand or object).
  • The appearance of more than 4 - 5 contractions within an hour.
  • Absence of movements or less than 10 movements of the fetus for 12 hours.

Feelings, signs of pregnancy, changes in the mother's body

At the 32nd week of pregnancy, a woman normally experiences a wide variety of sensations. These sensations are far from always pleasant, but more often, on the contrary, they are uncomfortable, but completely normal. You need to understand that a woman at the 32nd week of pregnancy can experience any sensations, but below we will give only those that are caused by the changes that occur when carrying a child.

A large body mass, a protruding abdomen and edema lead to the fact that a woman feels clumsy, awkward, it is difficult for her to perform many ordinary actions, bend over, etc. While walking, it can even "skid", while sitting, legs become numb and hurt, it is difficult to find a sleeping position. You will have to come to terms with these sensations, since it is simply impossible to reduce weight or belly.

The enlarged uterus presses heavily on the stomach, diaphragm, intestines and bladder, due to which these organs begin to function intermittently, which provokes various unpleasant sensations in a woman. So, compression of the bladder leads to frequent urination, since the organ simply cannot accumulate a lot of urine. To at least slightly reduce the frequency of trips to the toilet, you need to lean forward slightly each time you urinate, which helps to empty the bladder more completely.

Pressure on the diaphragm causes difficulty breathing (shortness of breath, feeling short of breath, inability to breathe deeply). These discomfort can be reduced by regularly performing breathing exercises.

The pressure of the uterus on the intestines leads to constipation, since the movement of the food lump along the lumen of the organ slows down. To minimize the problem of constipation, it is necessary to eat right, including in the diet foods that improve intestinal motility (dried apricots, prunes, beets, buckwheat, bread made from flour with bran, etc.), and excluding from the menu various dishes that worsen the evacuation of intestinal contents (for example, sweets , culinary products, white flour baked goods). To eliminate the constipation that has arisen, it is necessary to use soft and natural laxatives based on lactulose syrups (Normase, Duphalac, Portalak, etc.).

The pressure of the uterus on the stomach provokes heartburn and belching. To minimize these unpleasant phenomena, you need to eat in small portions, do not bend over or lie down after eating, sleep only with a pillow under your shoulders and head. When heartburn still occurs, it is necessary to take antacids to stop it (Phosphalugel, Almagel, Maalox, etc.). In addition, you can try to find your own remedy for the prevention and relief of heartburn. For example, many women are helped by sucking a piece of chocolate, snapping seeds, etc.

Acceleration of metabolism, increased stress on the cardiovascular system, increased volume of blood and fluid in the tissues cause increased sweating, episodes of heat throughout the body, swelling, and sometimes even bleeding from the nose and gums. Except for edema, all other sensations are normal and physiological.

And edema can be normal and pathological. Normal swelling does not increase over time and there is no sudden, sudden swelling of the face and hands. In the presence of such edema, you do not need to worry, and to minimize them, you should drink no more than 1.5 liters of liquid per day, limit the consumption of salt and pickled foods.

If the swelling increases, or there is a sudden and severe swelling of the face and hands, then these are already pathological signs in which you need to urgently be hospitalized in the maternity hospital.

For unknown reasons, arms and legs may go numb, but these sensations are not dangerous and are not associated with any pathologies.

Heavy stress and swelling provoke leg pain, which many women suffer from at 32 weeks. You can minimize pain if you rest for 10-15 minutes several times during the day with raised legs. And if you have to stand or walk for a long time, then you need to rest sitting for 10 minutes every 40-50 minutes.

In addition to leg pain, many women suffer from calf cramps at week 32, which can occur for a variety of reasons, such as calcium deficiency, vitamin B 12 deficiency, low blood glucose levels, and heavy leg work. If seizures occur, you need to pull on the foot until the pain completely disappears, and for their prevention, it is recommended to take calcium supplements, B vitamins, and also avoid heavy load on the legs.

Pressure on ligaments, tendons and joints, displacement of the center of gravity forward, divergence of the pelvic bones to the sides to increase the birth canal lead to pain in the back, lower back, sacrum, coccyx, hips and pelvic bones, which are present in varying degrees of severity in all women at the 32nd week of pregnancy. These pains are almost constant, and their intensity can be reduced only by periodically standing in a position on all fours. Oddly enough, the knee-elbow position, in which a woman stands for 5-15 minutes several times a day, noticeably reduces the severity of pain in the above localizations.

Due to the stretching of the skin of the abdomen, sides and thighs, itching occurs and even rashes in the form of small specks of red color. If itching and rashes are present only on the skin of the abdomen, thighs and sides, and do not progress over time, then this is normal and does not require treatment. But if itching or rashes intensify or spread to other areas of the skin from the sides, thighs and abdomen, then you need to see a doctor, as this may indicate the presence of a skin disease.

In addition, stretching the skin can lead to stretch marks. If they are destined to appear, then they will definitely be. But you can try to reduce the likelihood of stretch marks by regularly lubricating the skin with special cosmetics, vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, corn, etc.) or regular nourishing cream.


Discharge of blood from the vagina at 32 weeks of pregnancy can occur due to irritation of the cervix and vagina with the penis or the hands of the gynecologist during the examination. In this case, bleeding always occurs after examination or intercourse, does not last long, little blood is released, and the general condition does not deteriorate.

But bleeding at week 32 may not be as harmless as described above, but be a dangerous sign of a severe complication of pregnancy (for example, placental abruption). Such bleeding should not be ignored, as it can lead to the death of the fetus and mother.

Since it is difficult to distinguish between dangerous and safe bleeding at the 32nd week of pregnancy, if any amount of blood from the vagina appears, call an ambulance and be hospitalized in the maternity hospital.

In case of bleeding after calling an ambulance, you need to open the apartment door, take your passport, policy, exchange card, mobile phone and go to bed. You should wait for the arrival of a team of doctors in a prone position, and not running around the apartment and collecting things to the hospital. Such a recommendation is based on the fact that with physical exertion, bleeding increases, and if a woman is actively going to the hospital, she can dramatically and in a short time significantly worsen her condition, and, consequently, reduce the chances of the child's survival. The recommendation to open the doors of the apartment is based on the fact that the bleeding at any moment can become very severe, as a result of which the woman will lose consciousness. And in this case, she simply will not be able to open the door and will die from blood loss while doctors are knocking on the apartment.

Uterus and abdomen

The height of the uterine fundus at the 32nd week of pregnancy is on average 32 cm, but it can vary from 28 to 34 cm, depending on the individual characteristics of the woman's body and the growth of the fetus. The uterus is located high, but this is not the limit. Its upper edge will rise higher and higher until the 36th week of pregnancy, when the height of the fundus of the uterus will be greatest. After the 36th week, the uterus will grow slowly, but due to the lowering of the fetal head into the small pelvis, the height of the standing of its bottom will decrease slightly.

The uterus makes periodic contractions called Braxton Hicks training contractions. They occur irregularly, sporadically, do not last long and are not painful. To minimize the discomfort from training contractions, it is best to lie on your side during their passage.

The abdominal circumference at the 32nd week is 85 - 90 cm. The abdomen itself is already large, protrudes strongly forward. The dark stripe in the middle of the abdomen becomes wider and more noticeable, clearly dividing it into two halves. And the navel stretches and becomes flat. Stretched skin can itch and itch, which is completely normal. The large weight of the abdomen does not allow a woman to make sudden movements, bends, limits her activity, but this will have to be reconciled.

Pain in the abdomen and other parts of the body

The thirty-second week of pregnancy is difficult in the literal, physical sense of the word, since the belly is already very large, the weight gain is significant, which creates a high load on the woman's body. Due to the high physical and mental stress, as well as against the background of changes occurring in the body, a woman may experience pain of various localization and nature. Of course, a woman both during and outside pregnancy can experience any kind of pain, but we will consider only those that are normal for the period of bearing a baby and are caused by nothing more than pregnancy. In addition, if a certain localization may be inherent not only physiological (normal), but also pathological pains, we will also briefly describe them and give the differences from normal ones.

So, first of all, at the 32nd week, a woman may experience normal physiological abdominal pains, which are caused by two main factors: firstly, the tension of the ligaments holding the uterus, and secondly, training contractions, with the help of which the uterus prepares for childbirth. Physiological abdominal pain caused by the tension of the ligaments of the uterus is in the nature of light stretching on the sides, and with sudden movements - short, strong and cutting lumbago. And the physiological pains caused by contractions are in the nature of a pulling-aching sensation in the lower abdomen. Any physiological abdominal pains are unobtrusive, they exist as if on the periphery of consciousness, do not last long, pass on their own and do not increase over time.

At the 32nd week, abnormal abdominal pain may also occur. Most often, pathological abdominal pain is caused by digestive disorders, which are accompanied by other symptoms, such as bloating, flatulence, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea, etc. Pain associated with indigestion usually goes away on its own and, although it causes significant discomfort, is relatively harmless. Distinguishing such pains from others, as a rule, is not difficult, since the woman is already familiar with them - they appeared both in the earlier stages of pregnancy and during life.

Much more dangerous pathological abdominal pains are pains provoked by serious illnesses that can lead to loss of pregnancy or even death (for example, acute appendicitis, placental abruption, premature birth). Such pains are easy to distinguish from others: they grow over time, are localized in any part of the abdomen, have a pulling-aching, stabbing-cutting or sharp cramping character, and are also combined with back pain, fever, vaginal discharge of blood or a large amount cloudy water or a sharp deterioration in well-being. When the first signs of dangerous pathological abdominal pain appear, an ambulance should be called immediately.

In addition to abdominal pain, women experience pain in the ribs and hypochondrium at the 32nd week. Physiological pains of this localization are in the nature of sharp, short-term strong painful sensations that quickly pass on their own. These pains are caused by pushing the baby's legs into the ribs. Pathological pains in the ribs and hypochondrium are always prolonged, do not go away on their own, are aching in nature and can be combined with belching, bitter or nausea. Such pains occur with diseases of the liver and gallbladder, so when they appear, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

The softening of the ligaments and joints, as well as the divergence of the pelvic bones to the sides to expand the lumen of the birth canal, causes pain in the bones of the pelvis, perineum, pubis and sacrum and discomfort when walking. These pains are normal, although unpleasant. But if the pain in the pubis and perineum is combined with a "duck gait", then in this case it is pathological. This set of symptoms indicates the development of symphysitis - inflammation of the pubic articulation. Accordingly, if signs of symphysitis appear, you need to see a doctor.

High stress on the bones of the skeleton, pressure from the uterus, displacement of the center of gravity forward due to the protruding abdomen, as well as softening of the ligaments and joints lead to pain in the back, lower back, sacrum, coccyx, hips and legs. Pain at any given location is usually normal; it is periodically present in all pregnant women, but the severity may vary. Normal pain of the described localizations increases after physical activity, pass after rest, during the day they can appear and disappear on their own several times. To reduce the severity of such pain, it is necessary to minimize the load on the skeleton, that is, do not stand or walk for a long time, wear a support bandage, do not wear high heels, do not sit on chairs without a back, do not lift weights, etc.

However, lower back pain can be pathological, if it is cramping in nature, combined with pain during urination and / or with increased body temperature, since in this case they are caused by diseases of the urinary organs. Pain in the sacrum can also be pathological, if it does not go away for a long time, it is strong, sharp, shooting, such that it is impossible to endure and gives it to the leg. Such pain in the sacrum is caused by pinching of the sciatic nerve - sciatica. Naturally, with the appearance of pathological pain in the sacrum and lower back, you need to see a doctor.

Pain in the legs can also be pathological if they are combined with swelling of the hands or face and the flickering of flies and spots in front of the eyes. Such a set of symptoms indicates the development of gestosis - a formidable complication of pregnancy, when signs of which appear, you must immediately be hospitalized in the maternity hospital.

Approved medicines

Currently, all drugs, depending on the effect they have on the fetus, are FDA classification are subdivided into five large groups, denoted by Latin letters - A, B, C, D and X.

At the 32nd week of pregnancy, it is completely safe to use drugs of groups A and B, since they are safe for the fetus. In the serious condition of the mother, when it is imperative to carry out treatment so that her well-being is not further aggravated and there is no threat of death, the use of drugs from group C is allowed. These drugs are used only under the supervision of a doctor and strictly according to indications, since theoretically they can have a negative effect on the fetus.

If there is a threat of death, it is allowed to use drugs of group D, which are negative for the fetus, but allow the mother to be saved. And in a situation when the expectant mother dies, doctors always save the woman first of all, sacrificing the fetus, since trying not to harm the baby, there is a high probability of losing both.

Group X drugs are never used during pregnancy - they are fatal to the fetus.

Thus, it is obvious that in order to understand whether a particular drug can be used during pregnancy, you need to know which group it belongs to. To find out, read the section "Use in pregnancy and breastfeeding" of the official instructions for use.

The instructions for group A drugs always indicate that they are safe and approved for use throughout pregnancy. In the instructions for group B drugs, the following three phrases can be written: "the drug is approved for use in the second and third trimesters", "the drug is prohibited in the first trimester", or "experimental studies on animals did not reveal a negative effect on the fetus, but since in humans such experiments have not been carried out, the possibility of a negative effect on the fetus cannot be ruled out, therefore, use is allowed only as directed by a physician after assessing the risk / benefit ratio. "

The instructions for the drugs of group C indicate that they had a negative effect on the fetus during experiments on animals, therefore, use during pregnancy is prohibited. The instructions for drugs of groups D and X always indicate that they are prohibited for use during pregnancy, as they have a proven negative effect on the fetus.

Since it is not always possible to read the instructions for a drug and determine which group it belongs to, below we provide a list of the drugs most commonly used in everyday life, which belong to groups A and B, and can be used at the 32nd week of pregnancy:

  • Antipyretic drugs for knocking down elevated body temperature - drugs containing paracetamol (Akamol-Teva, Daleron, Ifimol, Calpol, Panadol, Lupocet, etc.) or acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin, Acetylsalicylic acid) are allowed. It is better to use products with paracetamol - it is safer. But you do not need to be afraid of acetylsalicylic acid, since recent research showed its harmlessness to the fetus in the third trimester of pregnancy. Previously, it was believed that acetylsalicylic acid is dangerous in the third trimester, but this opinion is now recognized as erroneous.
  • Drugs against dry cough - drugs containing dextromethorphan as an active substance (Akodin, Padeviks, Paracetamol DM, Tussin plus) are allowed.
  • Expectorant drugs for sputum removal - drugs containing guaifenesin or bromhexine as active substances (Bronchicum, Bronchipret, Gerbion, Gedelix, etc.) are allowed.
  • Antiviral drugs (against influenza and ARVI) - on the recommendation of WHO, it is allowed to take drugs containing oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) as an active substance. However, it must be remembered that, despite the WHO recommendation, both drugs belong to group C, therefore, they can only be taken under the supervision and as directed by a doctor.
  • Decongestants (to eliminate edema) - you can drink pharmacy renal tea and magnesium preparations (Magne B6, Magnerot, etc.).

Childbirth at 32 weeks

If the baby is born at the 32nd week, then he will be considered premature, and childbirth, respectively, premature. But premature babies born at 32 weeks of pregnancy are already quite adapted to life outside the womb, and therefore they manage to go out in almost 100% of cases. In the future, premature babies born at 32 weeks of pregnancy usually do not have health problems, grow and develop according to age, no different from their peers. However, parents will have to put more effort into caring for their premature baby during the first year of life than is required for those whose babies were born on time.

32 weeks pregnant: what a future dad needs to know - video

Before use, you must consult a specialist.

You are now 32 weeks pregnant. What's going on with the baby? How should mom feel? What examinations do you need to undergo? All these questions are of great concern to future parents. Let's try to consider each of them in as much detail as possible.

They have already been behind the whole seven months of pregnancy, and mothers are more and more worried about their weight. An increase of about eleven kilograms is considered the norm at this stage. The tummy has already become large enough and is capable of delivering a number of inconveniences. Almost all expectant mothers complain of rapid fatigue at 32 weeks of gestation. What happens to a woman's body? During this period, doctors recommend that you devote all your time to rest, reading interesting books and watching good films. Your baby is already quite well developed, subtly senses mother's emotions, listens to your voice, the most dear and beloved one.

Thirty-second week of pregnancy

This 32 week of pregnancy brought the meeting of the mother and the long-awaited baby even closer. What happens to the body of a woman and a child? At this stage, the mother herself feels all the changes, not only external, but also internal. All women are waiting for this term, because the next ultrasound examination is now scheduled. Parents will be able to once again admire their already matured baby. Now the baby is already quite big, wrinkles have smoothed out on his face, now you can see clearer facial features.

At this stage, contact between mother and child is very important, because he is already able to respond to touch and voices. The baby can hear well the heartbeat of his beloved mother. What did the baby learn at 32 weeks gestation? What's going on with the baby? He is already able to turn his head, actively wiggle his arms and legs (this is especially evident if the mother has taken an uncomfortable position), and so on. Pushing with the legs can bring a lot of discomfort to the mother in the rib area. This is due to the fact that now the child is taking the correct posture, that is, his head is at the bottom. To avoid pain, try to keep your back straight. In addition to the uncomfortable position, the baby can push the mother simply due to the fact that there is no longer enough space for him in her tummy. After all, his height is already about forty-two centimeters, and his weight is more than one and a half kilograms.

Mom should not worry about the swelling of the veins, which can occur not only on the legs, but also on the arms. This is a normal reaction of the body to the fact that there is more amniotic fluid. In case of edema, doctors recommend wearing looser clothing and removing the pressure rings from the fingers. Now you have to visit your doctor more often. It is recommended to visit twice a week. This is necessary, since the doctor not only monitors your current state and measures body parameters, but also tracks possible pathologies.


And now we propose to talk a little about the tummy, what's going on with it? The photo (32 weeks pregnant), which you see in this section of the article, demonstrates its impressive size. Now he gives mom a lot of discomfort and clearly indicates the "interesting position" of its owner.

Many women during this period complain that the skin of the abdomen is irritated and very dry. Please note that the risk of stretch marks is now very high. They can form not only on the abdomen, but also pay attention to the hips and chest. Now is the time to take advantage of stretch mark treatments that nourish and moisturize your skin.

Do not be afraid if a dark stripe appears on the abdomen, which divides it into two parts. Now it can become even brighter and more noticeable. In addition, mothers note that the configuration of the navel is also changing. Now he is stretched out, he has become flat and he constantly wants to scratch. Do not do this, use creams that moisturize the skin.

What's going on with mom?

The 32nd week of pregnancy brings the mother's meeting with her baby closer. During this period, the woman becomes clumsy, it is difficult for her to walk, because the tummy is already impressive in size. Active movements of the child cause discomfort, and sometimes pain in the mother. Sleep is a big problem now, because it is becoming very sensitive. In addition, many of the positions are as uncomfortable as possible for the mother and the baby.

There is now a strong pressure of the uterus on the stomach and bladder... Based on this, expectant mothers at this time complain about:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • rare stools;
  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • labored breathing.

The last symptom is associated with the fact that there is now a lot of pressure on the diaphragm. Severe shortness of breath and shortness of breath are more often observed in girls of small stature. Try to find comfortable resting positions and keep your back straight while walking. What sensations are still companions of the thirty-second week of pregnancy? Among them are seen:

  • swelling;
  • fatigue;
  • buzzing feet;
  • backache;
  • irritability;
  • frequent mood swings and so on.

Despite all this, mom is already looking forward to her meeting with the baby. Often fantasizes about how he or she will look, what will be the voice, smile. All this helps to emotionally and mentally prepare for the birth of a baby.

Examinations and analyzes

We have already briefly considered the question: at 32 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the fetus and what does the woman feel? Now we propose to talk in more detail about what tests and examinations a woman needs to undergo at this stage.

The first, most pleasant and expected examination is an ultrasound scan. This planned event has several goals:

  • assessment of fetal development;
  • position determination;
  • clarification of gender;
  • diagnosis of the state of the placenta;
  • identification of possible deviations.

In addition to ultrasound examination, the doctor must:

  • listen to the heartbeat of the baby;
  • determine its position in the uterus (if the child has not turned upside down, then a special set of exercises is assigned to the mother);
  • measure the circumference of the mother's abdomen;
  • make a cardiotocography (this procedure is necessary, as it allows you to assess the child's cardiac activity);
  • measure blood pressure;
  • weigh the expectant mother.

It is also necessary to donate urine (identification of possible diseases) and blood from a finger (prevention of anemia). In addition, if a woman feels any ailments or complains of severe swelling, then an additional set of measures is taken. These may include:

  • extraordinary examination by a gynecologist;
  • blood test according to indications and so on.

What's going on with the baby?

32 weeks pregnant, the baby is already big enough. Norm:

  • about forty-three centimeters;
  • from 1.5 to 1.8 kilograms.

Now the baby is actively growing. All organs of the crumbs have already been formed and are fully functional:

  • nervous system;
  • pituitary;
  • thyroid;
  • pancreas;
  • adrenal glands;
  • the immune system and so on.

In addition, the appearance of the baby also changes. Now there are fewer wrinkles, they are smoothed out, and the skin acquires a delicate pink tint. Now on the ultrasound, you can see how the baby's arms and legs have rounded, and the cheeks have formed. Although the hairs on the head remain soft and sparse, they thicken.

The position of the baby is very important now. The most successful is the head presentation. It is from this position that the child will go on a journey across our big world. Now there is a strengthening of bone tissue, despite this, the skull remains soft. This is necessary for the passage through the birth canal.

Watery discharge may indicate that the amniotic fluid is being poured out prematurely. Please note that they may come out in small portions, and not immediately in large quantities. A doctor's consultation is necessary, because a defect in the membranes can allow pathogens to enter the child.


So, 32 weeks pregnant, what happens to the fetus and how does the woman feel? What complaints are received from expectant mothers at this time?

Women complain of pain that occurs as a result of the child's activity. The kid can "run in" both the stomach, and the liver, and the bladder, thereby provoking acute pain. This does not threaten the life and health of the mother and child.

Also, women complain about false contractions. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen and "petrification" of it. This is how the body prepares for the upcoming birth. See your doctor if they occur more than five times an hour, which could indicate a possible preterm birth.

Periodic nausea, which mothers complain of even in the third trimester, is due to the fact that the uterus supports the organs, interfering with their full functioning.


Of course, you should not actively practice these exercises, and you will have to choose a position that does not put pressure on your stomach. However, sex during pregnancy is completely incapable of harming a mother or child. On this topic, it is better for a woman to consult with her doctor, since only he can accurately answer this question, based on data on the course of pregnancy.

Mom and baby weight

At 32 weeks gestation, what happens to the weight of the mother and baby? We will talk about this in this section of the article. Many people say that a pregnant woman needs to eat for two. But this judgment is wrong! A large weight gain of a mother can negatively affect both her and the child.

If a woman is thin physique, then at 32 weeks she should add about eleven kilograms, the lady will gain no more than ten of moderate obesity. If there is an increase from the norm, then this is already a deviation. Based on this, we can calculate the total weight gain of the mother for the entire pregnancy: from eight to twelve kilograms.

As for the baby's weight, during this period he has already become quite large. Its weight is about two kilograms (from 1.5 to 1.8 kg). As a rule, a baby should gain about nine hundred grams per month.

Basic nutritional principles

You are now 32 weeks pregnant. We have already told what happens to the fetus and what the mother feels, but not a word has been said about proper nutrition.

Mom has to organize the system balanced nutrition, it is worth using only healthy foods:

  • dietary meat;
  • a fish;
  • seafood;
  • offal;
  • sour cream;
  • cottage cheese;
  • kefir;
  • milk;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit.

Be sure to make sure that there are dairy products for breakfast and meat or fish for lunch on the menu every day. In addition to the main menu, mom can eat an unlimited amount of fruit. Do not forget about maintaining the water balance. A pregnant woman should drink at least two liters of clean water a day.

Childbirth at 32 weeks of gestation

We have already described what happens to the child above. It was also mentioned that the baby is already old enough. Thanks to modern medicine, he has every chance of surviving in a special incubator.

Despite the fact that babies born two months earlier have a huge chance of survival, the risk of a pathology or disease in them is significant.

What happens at 31-32 weeks of pregnancy, we examined in detail. What recommendations do doctors give to women? Now let's deal with this issue:

  1. Avoid contact with sick people, now a woman should not take antipyretics, antibiotics and other drugs.
  2. Walk in the fresh air more often.
  3. To distract yourself from thoughts of the upcoming birth, take care of the improvement of the nursery and buying outfits for the crumbs.
  4. Don't eat sweets, replace it with fruit.

Umbilical cord entanglement

We examined in detail the question: 32 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the baby and mom? The photo that you see in this section demonstrates the popular reason for the fears of the expectant mother - the cord entanglement. This may be due to:

  • iron deficiency;
  • long umbilical cord.

It is possible to identify a violation using ultrasound or CTG. To give birth with the umbilical cord wrapped around the neck is possible only according to the fetal heart rate, the obstetrician will decide on the option of delivery.

At this time, the baby already weighs about 1.7 kg, and the length of his body from the crown to the heels is about 40 - 45 cm (average data). The child at this time is rapidly gaining weight, gaining about 250 grams every seven days.

Now the expectant mother should not make sudden movements, as a feeling of lightheadedness and severe dizziness may appear. A term of 32 weeks is preparation for future childbirth. It is worth discussing with your husband the possibility of partner childbirth, so as not to postpone the solution of this important issue until later.

How long?

It is now eight lunar months. 32 weeks have passed since conception.

What is the child doing now?

It is actively growing, gaining weight. But all babies do not grow the same. This is where the individual characteristics are manifested. Therefore, babies are born with different weight and height.

And the baby, who at birth weighed about three kilograms, and the one that, when weighed, showed as much as 4 kg - all these are full-term babies. Growth can also be different and this is normal. Newborns are born with a body length of 45 to 55 cm, but there are times when babies are even larger.

We have already told you in previous publications that during pregnancy with twins, children have both less weight and less body length. In this period of pregnancy, babies from twins weigh about 1.5 kg, and their height ranges from 36 to 39 cm. But even here - everything is individual!

Fetal development


What is happening now in the baby's body? This is a very crucial period, and, first of all, because right now immunity is being activated.

Doctor's explanation... The child, who is in the uterus for the entire pregnancy, is practically in sterile conditions, except for those cases when there is a penetration of microorganisms from the outside.

At birth, the baby will have to go through a difficult path through the birth canal of the mother. At the same time, he already acquires his own microflora. It is clear that not all microorganisms will be favorable to the newborn. Therefore, the baby must be fully armed.

Endocrine system

The fetal endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of vital hormones, is actively improving.

Skin covering

The baby's skin has practically no fluff, it is smoother, not so wrinkled. Outwardly, the baby looks like a newborn, but smaller in size. Amniotic fluid is renewed every three hours and their amount is normally equal to about one liter.

About movements

The kid is actively moving. But are his movements conscious? Although all movements are the result of active brain activity, they are not yet conscious, there is no coordination of movements. Whatever your baby is doing - grabbing the umbilical cord, clenching his fists, pushing the walls of the uterus, tumbling, all this is necessary for him to train.

Now the location of the baby already matters. Normally, it should be in the upside down position. In obstetrics, this has a special name - cephalic presentation of the fetus. But this is not always the case. If the baby is placed with the buttocks down, this is called breech presentation. It happens that the baby has decided to settle across the uterus.

Attention! Since there may be several options, not all of which are favorable for childbirth, it is recommended to perform a caesarean section if indicated.

About fears about the situation of the child

There is still time before childbirth, so there is no point in fearing. The position of the fetus can change, and more than once. It is necessary to regularly visit the antenatal clinic and follow all the recommendations of the doctors.

Important! For cephalic presentation, wearing a prenatal brace is mandatory. Why? It will keep your baby in the best position for childbirth. In other cases, a bandage is not needed, as it will prevent the fetus from returning to its normal position.

Now is the time to think about what you want yourself and how your husband should feel about it. It is clear that any woman first thinks about her beloved, the child's father. But! This is not the case for everyone and not always.

There are women who consider it unacceptable for a husband to be present at childbirth. And there are men who cannot bear even the sight of blood and suffering. Therefore, discuss everything calmly. Mother, sister, and close friend can be present at the birth. It's just that this issue should be discussed in advance and now. better time for the preparation of.

Imagine the situation. Your faithful suddenly felt bad in the birth ward. And doctors will have to deal with his health, bringing him to his senses. By them, not by you. Such cases are far from uncommon, and if now, reading these lines, you laugh, then during childbirth no one will be funny.

There is also a subtlety in the fact that some impressionable husbands cannot have sex with their wife after childbirth, recalling the "horrors" in the birth ward and associating them with intimate relationships. Many sex therapists write about this. Alas, life is diverse! And the decision in each case must be made only by the married couple, having discussed all possible nuances.

A huge number of men are now taking childbirth preparation courses with their wives and are ready to participate in childbirth. They dream of cutting the umbilical cord themselves, taking the baby in their arms, and supporting their beloved. Can such a man be denied this? Of course not. Often, the relationship between spouses after joint childbirth is even more strengthened, and the husband begins to love, appreciate and respect his wife more.

A man who has completed special courses, where he received knowledge about the complex process of childbirth, mastered the methods of relieving pain, studied the breathing technique during childbirth, and subsequently has much more advantages over his lazy brother who ignores such activities. In any case, such knowledge will come in handy, regardless of your joint decision on partner childbirth.

Psychologist's advice. If a man is afraid of the childbirth process, you can advise him to be around in the first hours of childbirth, in their initial period. When the time comes for the birth canal to open, you can leave your wife. Then both of you will experience closeness, connection and psychological comfort. Do not force your husband to be around if he is in discomfort or fear.

Now the presence of the husband and other relatives of the woman is permitted and is prescribed in the regime of a medical institution. There are hospitals where a special contract is drawn up, where all the nuances are discussed. It is legally binding.

Feelings of a woman

Doctors call the third trimester the most difficult time for any pregnant woman. During this period, a woman is not easy!

Constipation, heartburn and shortness of breath

This symptomatology, which also happens on early dates, alas, it is not uncommon even now. We have already written a lot about this, and all recommendations remain valid.


Edema has always demanded and requires observation. When can you not worry?

In the morning you have practically no edema, and they appear only after physical exertion, in the evening. Then there is no cause for concern.

You need to take care of yourself - raise your hands, periodically raise your legs, stretch your limbs, wear compression socks, if the doctor recommended. Do foot baths and contrast douches.

With persistent edema, doctors talk about late toxicosis. If at the same time there is a significant increase in body weight (more than half a kilogram, gained in seven days), then most often this is a symptom of internal edema.

With nausea and vomiting, dizziness and other dangerous symptoms, the likelihood of complications increases. It is necessary to tell the doctor about this and get recommendations, since this condition is dangerous for you and the child.


Mild pain in the back, lower back, ribs and hips is the norm. The perineum may hurt enough. There is a gradual spreading of bones and internal organs, therefore this phenomenon cannot but be accompanied by discomfort and even pain. It is important to identify a non-dangerous pain syndrome from a dangerous one.

The baby, who actively moves in the uterus, also gives his mother pain with his jerks. A sharp unexpected blow of a small leg under the ribs can cause mommy to cry.

Vaginal discharge

All requirements for normal discharge are the same as before. They should be scanty enough, without any foreign unpleasant odor and shade.

What should you be afraid of?

The main threat is sudden bleeding, requiring immediate hospitalization.

If the entire abdomen is pulled or the lower abdomen is straining, these are training contractions, which normally should not have too clear frequency and should not be disturbed often.

Any severe pain is a signal that something is going wrong in the body. Therefore, in such cases, calling the ambulance is obligatory.

About premature birth

It happens that a baby is born for some reason at 32 obstetric weeks. He has every chance to grow up healthy. It is clear that he himself is not yet able to suck on his mother's breast, as he is very weak and has an immature muscular system.

During this period, there may be other problems with the development of the body. But modern advances in medicine, the use of special medical equipment and drugs, as well as the selfless work of doctors allow miracles to be performed.

Such children are provided with the most comfortable conditions possible to ensure their final development. It is clear that in this period childbirth is still undesirable, but if this happened, you need to be patient and believe that everything will end well.

But twins and triplets are almost always born earlier than the term intended by nature. Why is this happening?

A woman carrying a multiple pregnancy has an increased load on the body. Such mothers need to be especially careful, listen to the state of health, feelings and follow the recommendations of doctors.

Medical examinations

If a scheduled ultrasound is missed, he is prescribed now.

During this period, the doctor analyzes:

  • presentation of the fetus in the uterus;
  • location of the placenta;
  • parameters (circumference of the chest, head, abdominal cavity, length of the limbs);
  • the amount of amniotic fluid.

Now it is already possible to accurately determine the sex of the child, if so far it has not been possible to do this. The main thing is for the kid to "show" the doctor who he is.

At this time, they give a referral for laboratory tests, when necessary. A blood and urine test is carried out (general analysis, to determine protein and sugar).

Some women feel relatively well and feel that they do not need to follow any diet. But this is a mistake! The body of a pregnant woman is an easily disturbed balance, so you should not relax. Doctors say that dietary nutrition is also necessary after childbirth, because you will have to breastfeed your baby.

You need to eat fractionally throughout the pregnancy, regardless of the term. Portions should be small, then heartburn, nausea and stool disturbances will not be so tormented.

Many pregnant women go to the other extreme - they eat only when they feel very hungry, and then they eat and cannot stop. And so it is very easy to eat too much! It is necessary to strictly adhere to the established hours of food intake and dose its amount.

At night, try to always use high-quality and fresh dairy products. It is a good remedy for heartburn at night.

If there is no stool during the day, take action. Don't run the state. Eat dried fruits and drink plenty of fluids.

You cannot move abruptly, so get up from the chair or bed very slowly. Getting up quickly can lead to dizziness and even loss of balance or consciousness.

Now the load on the heart has increased even more, shortness of breath often appears. The uterus presses on the diaphragm, the heart muscle is overstrained.

The heart is forced to pump almost one and a half times more blood than before. It is possible and necessary to help the body. You do not need to overwork, but physical activity should be daily and dosed. If you lie on the bed all the time, your heart will suffer even more.

If you suffer from convulsions, use our advice, which we have already written about. Try to pull your toes towards you, actively knead your shins.

Master Kegel exercises if you are not already familiar with them. We strongly advise you to do this, do not be lazy. These exercises can help you cope with the involuntary flow of urine when walking fast, laughing, coughing, or sneezing. After giving birth, this problem is exacerbated for many women, causing inconvenience. In addition, exercise dramatically improves sexual sensations.

At this time, you can purchase a cute family album for photos, yours, husband and baby. Colorful albums are released where you can make records. Such an activity cheers up and leaves good memories.

It makes sense to go through the to-do lists that you have made before and adjust them. You need to think about what to buy, how much, what to take to the maternity ward, what gifts to give and to whom, etc.

Try to have an interesting time. Read books, watch good films if the setting allows (no flu season), go to theaters, concerts and exhibitions. Then you will have no time! Get positive emotions.

Always try to be in a comfortable position, change it more often.

As for sex, the contraindications to it are the same. With oligohydramnios and multiple pregnancies, sex is prohibited.

If a pregnant woman has an orgasm, the hormone oxytocin is released in her blood. This is a hormone that can cause uterine contractions, which is dangerous for some pregnant women. Not everyone knows that the researchers found a hormone with a similar effect in men, in their seminal fluid.

Therefore, with the threat of termination of pregnancy, doctors strongly recommend observing prudence and not sacrificing the life of the baby. For the rest of married couples, whose sex is not prohibited, it is recommended to take care of a comfortable position.

If you go to work despite maternity leave, consider getting adequate rest, your health, and your baby. Try not to get tired or overstrained.

Continue to do special exercises for pregnant women, visit the pool and yoga classes for pregnant women. If it is not possible to attend such courses, it's okay. If desired, the exercises can be mastered at home.

Take care of your nerves and health!

You may need to see the following doctors:

  • Gynecologist-endocrinologist

The best clinics in Moscow:

  • Obstetrics
  • Gynecology


There is less and less amniotic fluid in the uterus, and the baby is getting larger and stronger. It is not surprising that his movements are felt as rather sensitive jolts - under the ribs, along the bladder, liver. The uterus supports the diaphragm, the back aches significantly. But now the posture is like that of a ballerina, especially in a sitting position: after all, it is worth slouching slightly, and the stomach begins to interfere.

Now it is better for you to rest on your left side: the inferior vena cava is displaced slightly to the right of the spine, and in this position of the body, the uterus will not press on it.

At the 32nd week - the third planned ultrasound. Based on its results, you will be told the estimated weight of the child - an average of 1800 g, plus or minus 200 g, a height of about 42 cm.

Ultrasound shows whether there is a pathology of the placenta or an umbilical cord entanglement, whether the fetus is in the correct presentation.

Evaluate the cervix: shortening and smoothing may indicate a risk premature birth... In this case, the expectant mother will be taken under control. Suddenly onset diarrhea, watery, brown or bloody discharge, regular and constantly increasing cramping pains that recur more than five times an hour are a reason to call an ambulance: this is how preterm labor usually begins.


In most cases, the fetus by this time is located head down, resting its legs on the ribs. The legs are crossed and pressed to the body. Often times of activity are during mom's rest. But the baby spends most of his life in a dream - this state of affairs will continue after childbirth.

The formation of cycles of activity and rest has already taken place. Pupils respond well to changes in lighting - they narrow when light hits the face. The child even dreams!

The last wrinkles leave the skin - it gains a pleasant smoothness. There are real marigolds on the legs and arms. There is a decent amount of hair on the head, and its shape has become proportional to the body. The brain is fully formed, the surface of the cerebral cortex is covered with convolutions, nervous reactions are carried out, and many reflexes are functioning.

All further development of the fetus is aimed at preparing its body for birth. This week, muscle mass increases rapidly, and the sucking muscles mature. If the baby is born now, then everything will be fine with him. Although at first there may be difficulties with spontaneous breathing. But given the level of development of modern medicine and the equipment of clinics, this is not a problem.

Mom's menu must include a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables. In the morning on an empty stomach - a glass of kefir, for breakfast - freshly boiled cereals. It is better to temporarily exclude flour from the diet. Get more rest. For many, sleep is disturbed: either heartburn does not allow falling asleep, or the baby kicks, as soon as you lie down. During the night I have to get up to the toilet several times. You can get your sleep hours by taking an afternoon nap.

From this week on, the child's mobility decreases. You will not be able to feel his movements so often, but at the same time they will become more tangible.

Every day the amount of amniotic fluid decreases, as the baby is actively growing and it becomes more and more cramped in the womb.

Baby's weight, size and height

The size of the fetus in the thirty-second week of pregnancy is approximately 1700-1800 g. From now on, every week the child will gain about 200 g in weight. The baby's length has grown to 40-42 cm.

What's new in child development

Your baby continues to develop. Outwardly, he looks like a baby born on time. He has already formed all the internal organs, and their work has become well-coordinated.

Changes that occur to the fetus at 32 weeks of gestation:

  1. The brain is formed, the convolutions on it have become deeper;
  2. The child not only hears, but can see. He can blink, his pupils react to light. This suggests that the nervous system is actively functioning;
  3. Hair grows on the head. While thin and very soft, but over time they will become denser;
  4. The toddler is actively sucking his thumb;
  5. Most likely, the fetus has already turned its head down, making it easier for itself to pass through the birth canal, which will take place very soon;
  6. The body becomes proportional, the head no longer looks too big;
  7. The skin smoothes and turns pink, the child acquires a fatty layer. This is especially true for the shoulders and cheeks, the limbs also become more plump;
  8. The child makes attempts to take the first breaths in and out, exercising his lungs;
  9. During this period, fetal immunity is actively developing, antibodies begin to be produced that will protect the baby's body from all kinds of infections after birth;
  10. The kid already knows your voice well and is able to distinguish it from the background of others. He hears the beat of your heart and is already very dependent on you, not only physically, but also on a psycho-emotional level.

Despite the fact that the development of the fetus at the 32nd week of pregnancy is almost complete, the mother needs to take care of her baby for the remaining weeks in order to enable its internal organs to complete their formation.

What changes are taking place with the expectant mother

The growth of the uterus continues, now it takes a position 13 cm above the navel. In the third trimester, you are no longer gaining weight so quickly.

The option is considered optimal when a woman weekly observes an increase not exceeding 300 g.

What new symptoms should you look out for?

What Happens at 32 Weeks of Pregnancy? You are most likely experiencing new symptoms, such as:

  • The navel has changed... It is even with the surface of the abdomen or maybe even bulges slightly;
  • A dark streak appeared on the belly that stretches up and down from the navel. Do not worry too much about this, soon after the birth of the baby, it will disappear;
  • Another natural feature, which carries the thirty-second week of pregnancy, is the increased "hairiness" on the abdomen. The reason for this phenomenon is hormonal changes in your body. This symptom will also disappear after childbirth;
  • The skin is stretched and may develop stretch marks... They are localized mainly on the thighs, abdomen and chest. It will not be so easy to get rid of such a phenomenon, therefore it is important to carry out various preventive measures now. Doctors recommend using special creams for stretch marks and massage;
  • Haemorrhoids... During this period, hemorrhoids may become inflamed. In this case, be sure to consult a doctor. Most likely, he will prescribe you soothing ointments or suppositories;
  • Puffiness... Edema is especially relevant if this period occurs during the hot season. You should not limit your fluid intake if you drink no more than 2 liters of water per day. However, you definitely need to tell your doctor about this problem;
  • The uterus grows in size and compresses the internal organs, as a result, you may be bothered by heartburn, shortness of breath. Often, pregnant women complain of bowel problems, frequent urination, poor sleep;
  • The chest swells, its size can double... It is also normal to have a slight discharge of colostrum when pressing on the nipple;
  • Allocations... During this period, you should pay attention to the discharge. Normal discharge of a healthy woman in position should be uniform, light beige in color with a characteristic sour odor. Itching, the presence of a greenish tint, a thick consistency, mucous or bloody impurities - all these are symptoms at 32 weeks of gestation, which indicate the need to see a doctor. It is important to ensure that the birth canal does not contain any sources of infection. If you have profuse watery discharge, it may be a leak of amniotic fluid.

Feeling for a period of 32 weeks

The thirty-second obstetric week of pregnancy has gone. At this stage, a lot of new things usually appear in sensations.

  • Bleeding gums... Unexpectedly for yourself, you may notice that the gums began to bleed, painful sensations appeared while brushing your teeth. This is due to the production of a hormone that leads to an increase in their sensitivity. It is worth paying due attention to this in order to avoid the appearance of various gum diseases. Gently brush your teeth with a soft brush and use a special mouthwash;
  • Frequent urination... The fetus has grown significantly at 32 weeks, and the uterus occupies a significant part of the abdominal cavity. Therefore, the pressure on the bladder increases. Sometimes you have to run to the toilet at night 4 times a night, or even more, which is pretty exhausting. In addition, some pregnant women have to be very careful when coughing, as involuntary urination can occur. To avoid embarrassment, it is worth using daily routines. You need to visit the toilet at the first urge, because urinary retention can lead to infection, which neither mother nor baby needs at all;
  • Bad dream... It turns out to take a position comfortable for sleeping much less often. Often the child does not sleep at night, pushing and interfering with your sleep. Therefore, if you do not always get enough sleep at night, sleep also during the day. Spend enough time for good rest now, because after the birth of your baby, you will practically not have the opportunity to sleep;
  • Snore... It is noteworthy that the 32nd week of pregnancy will bring a surprise for men as well. The baby's pressure on the diaphragm reaches its maximum value, causing some women to snore violently. Treat this fact with humor, after the birth of a baby, there will be no trace of snoring;
  • Braxton Hicks contractions... During this period, false contractions may appear. Painless periodic muscle tension in the lower abdomen prepares your uterus for real contractions, and these are only training and do not conceal any threat.

How the belly grows and changes

The uterus already rises 34 cm above the pubic articulation. The size of the belly has become impressive. Now the belly may cause you some inconvenience. The dark line that divides your belly in half is even brighter.

The navel protrudes outward, the skin stretches more and more and there is a constant desire to scratch it.

And this is how tummies look at 32 weeks:

Important medical examinations and ultrasounds

At 32 weeks of gestation, at the next appointment at the antenatal clinic, the doctor usually:

Do you want something interesting?

  • Issues a referral for blood and urine tests;
  • Measures your weight and pressure;
  • Determines the height of the fundus of the uterus;
  • Measures the girth of the abdomen;
  • Fixes the fetal heart rate.

Also, at this time, the last third ultrasound study is assigned, which allows you to collect a complete picture of the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby.

This study helps to identify the presence of defects and pathologies..

The ultrasound specialist measures the size of the fetus, determines its location relative to the uterus, measures the baby's heart rate and sets the PDD (estimated date of birth).

With the help of ultrasound, at the thirty-second week of pregnancy, the work of all organs and the blood supply system is studied, the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid is revealed.

Based on this diagnostic method, the doctor determines how the pregnancy proceeds and whether the development of the fetus meets the established standards.

Parameters that doctors of ultrasound diagnostics usually pay attention to:

  • frontal-occipital size (LZR);
  • biparietal size (BPD);
  • head circumference (OG);
  • abdominal circumference (coolant);
  • the size of the limbs;
  • the length of the various bones.

Based on the results of the measurements obtained, the doctor calculates the approximate weight of the child. A lag in a number of indicators may indicate intrauterine growth retardation. The reason for this may be a lack of nutrition or oxygen starvation of the baby.

As a result, such a child after birth may be weakened and poorly adapted to life.

On the other hand, if these deviations are insignificant, this can be considered a variant of the norm. Also with regard to the baby's height, if you or your spouse are short, the baby may simply inherit this quality.

Usually, if the results of the study raise any doubts or reveal some deviations from the norm, the doctor prescribes a second ultrasound scan after a few weeks.

Possible complications during pregnancy

Of course, a woman's pregnancy is a period full of joyful emotions, but at the same time, at a period of 32 weeks, various complications can arise. These include:

  1. Gestosis (late toxicosis);
  2. Placental abruption;
  3. Polyhydramnios / low water;
  4. Premature birth.

The causes of pregnancy pathologies at week 32:

  • anemia;
  • diseases of the kidneys and blood vessels;
  • smoking during pregnancy (this addiction also threatens a baby with low body weight after birth);
  • excess weight or exhausting fasting.

If you have any complication of pregnancy, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

  1. It is undesirable to stand or sit for a long time in one position in order to avoid overexertion in the lower extremities;
  2. After consulting your gynecologist, get yourself a bandage to help support your abdominal muscles. It is also high time to choose a special bra with thick straps to support the heavier breasts;
  3. It will be helpful to sign up for a swimming pool or yoga for pregnant women. Attending such classes will help you not only relax, but also practice the skills of a special breathing system, which will be useful to you during childbirth;
  4. Courses for expectant mothers can help you answer millions of different questions about childbirth and future motherhood, and you can attend them together with your future father. After listening to a course of lectures, as well as attending a number of practical classes, you will feel more confident both during childbirth and after it;
  5. 32 weeks of pregnancy is a rather serious period. You should start preparing for your trip to the hospital. Assemble in advance an "alarm package" with all the necessary things. If you need to go far from home for some time, be sure to take an exchange card with you, have with you the phone numbers of the maternity hospital and your attending physician;
  6. You are already on maternity leave, make the most of it! Prepare a room for the baby, buy him everything he needs for the first happy days with mom, get more rest and walk in the fresh air.

This material is for informational purposes only, before using the information presented, you must be sure to consult with a specialist.