Differentiation of consonants d - t in words and sentences. Practical material on the correction of acoustic dysgraphia

Summary of speech therapy lesson: "Differentiation of sounds

[d] - [t] in words, sentences and coherent speech"


    Development and consolidation of articulatory motor skills.

    Comparison and identification of distinctive and common points in the articulatory structure of these sounds.

    Differences in sounds in syllables, words, sentences.

    Development of sound analysis and synthesis, phonemic perception of these sounds: finding the place of sound in words.

    Enrichment of vocabulary with words on the topic “Professions”.

    Cultivate perseverance and hard work.

Equipment: picture of a boy, isographs, cards for comparing articulation, pictures with diagrams, a ball, pictures with professions, words of proverbs, individual cards for children, cards with the letters D and T, colored pencils, notebooks.

During the classes

1. Look who came to our lesson again today?

Dima Lentyaykin

Why is he called that, remember? He came again to see how you work. Look, he came with some kind of letter. But we'll read it later. Now let's start working.

2. Look at the isographs. Solve them (house, tractor).

Name the first sounds in these words. (D-T)

3. What letter represents the sound D? T?

4. Comparison by articulation.

How are these 2 sounds different?

Today we will learn to distinguish between the sounds D and T.

5. I will pronounce words to you, and if you hear the sounds D or T, raise the corresponding letter:Fishing rod, duck, reel, tub, shower, mascara, blew, knock, girlfriend, smart, country, business, body.

6. The next task is this: write down the first letter of each syllable.

Yes, dy, tu, dro, tla, two, tmi, tru, for.

Let's check which letters you wrote down. (d, d, t, d, t, d, t, t, d)

7. Pictures are hung on the board. You need to color the square corresponding to the place of the sound D or T in the word-name of the pictures. What color pencil will we need? (blue)

Picture names: bow, axe, cake, duck, melon, sneakers.

Let's check the task.

8. Now be careful. Complete the words by adding the syllable yes or ta (orally):













9. Work using cards. Take a green card. Fill in the missing letters D or T in the words:boro_a, _o_ochka, s_rela, svis_ok, po_ruga, po_bor_ok, patch.

Examination: beard, pipe, arrow, whistle, girlfriend, chin, patch.

10. Physical exercise with a ball. Game "The Cat is the Other Way Around". If you tell him: “Big house,” he says: “Small house.” What will the Cat answer if you tell him:

Rich man -
Thick tree -
Liquid soup -
Short tape -
Dirty dishes -
Sharp knife -
Quick step -
Young tree -
A dark room -
Warm wind -

11. Write the words in 2 columns according to the presence of D or T:

Branch, bucket, dishes, pipe, rainbow, knock, grass, doors.










12. Work using cards.

Now look at the white card. You need to guess which word is “broken.” Complete these words.

Examination: thermometer, tablets, fabric, thread, hammer, chisel.

Look at the blackboard. What professions are shown here? (doctor, tailor, builder). Who has a card with the name of an item that is suitable for a doctor, a tailor, a builder?

Examination: the doctor - a thermometer, pills; to a tailor - fabric, threads; to the builder - a hammer, a chisel.

13. Work using cards.

On the blue card is the game “Fourth Wheel”. You need to insert the missing letters D or T and in each line find and underline the “extra” word:

Voro_a, ve_ka, o_uvankik, steam_a.

It's rainy, it's milky, it's cool, it's cold.

_ru_but, _awed_, _abure_, _cancer_or.


Gate, branch,dandelion , desk

Weather, hammer, bucket, blanket.

Difficult, waited, stool, tractor.

14. Now let’s read Dima Lentyaykin’s letter. He has some words in the envelope.

Who guessed what would come out of these words? (proverb). How do you understand the meaning of this proverb? Write it down in your notebook from memory.


15. Summary. What new did Dima Lentyaykin and you learn today? What sounds did you learn to distinguish? What can we say about them?

Speech therapy lesson summary:

“Differentiation K - G (K’–G’)”

Goals and objectives:

Learn to distinguish sounds and letters K-G, K'-G' orally and in writing.

Improve phonemic processes, speech-auditory memory, and enrich vocabulary.

Improve your ability to switch attention;

Improve control and self-control skills.

Equipment: diagram of the acoustic-articulatory image of sound, support cards for the letters K, G “goose”, “beak”; explanatory dictionary, computer, handouts.

Progress of the lesson

    Organizing time.

    Work on the topic.

    1. Acoustic-articulatory image of sounds. Connection with a letter.

Make up a word based on the first sounds of the words:

slide, dill, family

What word did you get? (goose)

What letter does a goose look like? (support card for the letter G - “goose”)

What is the first sound in a word goose?

Give a description of the sound G (according to the scheme of the acoustic-articulatory image of sound)

What pair does the sound G have? Why?

Give a description of the sound K (according to the scheme of the acoustic-articulatory image of sound)

What does the letter K look like? (support card for the letter K - “beak”)

Name the main difference between the sounds: g - voiced, k - deaf.

How did you determine? (when pronouncing the sound G - the neck trembles, when pronouncing the sound K - no)

What do you think we will learn today? (distinguish between sounds and letters K, G) For what? (to spell them correctly and not confuse them)

Children are asked to make support cards for the letters G and K.

    1. Differentiation of sounds and letters K, G in isolated form, in syllables, words.

1) The game “Attentive Ears” (with the obligatory finding of the sound in the word, control of the functioning of the vocal cords along the neck).

Determine what sound is in the words and show support cards with the letter K or G.

Mushrooms, roof, cat, pear, sleeves, berries, rainbow, leg, boots, napkin.

2) Game “Cryptographers”

Now let's encrypt the words and write down only the letters K or G (with the obligatory location of the sound in the word, control of the functioning of the vocal cords along the neck).

Pigeon, roof, cat, mushrooms, loon, kangaroo, pear, berries

(g, k, k k, g, g g, k g, g, g)

Check the note against the note on the board. Unscramble the words.

    Reading the syllabic table.

GA – KA – GA

GO - KO - GO

GU – KU – KU

Gee - Gee - KY

KI - GI - KI

KY - GY - KY


Reading in chorus, in a chain, from top to bottom, from bottom to top, selectively; We find syllables with soft consonants and hard consonants. Children's attention is drawn to the clear pronunciation of voiced and voiceless consonants.

4) Write down the syllables from dictation.

Ga, gyu, ku, ky, ge, ku, gyo, kya, gee.

- Circle the letter K with brown color and G with a simple pencil.

Check the recording (read by speech therapist)

Tell me how many syllables have a voiced consonant and how many have a voiceless consonant.

Read the syllables with a voiced consonant and with a voiceless consonant.

We read in sequence.

5) Physical exercise.

In the morning the gander stood up on his paws

In the morning the gander stood up on his paws, (Stretched, arms up - inhale and exhale.)

Got ready to charge. (Jerks of hands in front of chest.)

Turned left, right, (Turns left and right.)

I did the squat properly, (Squats.)

I cleaned the fluff with my beak, (Tilts the head left and right.)

Hurry up to your desk - splash! (Sit down.)

6) Arrange the pictures into two groups: with the letter K in the first, with the letter G in the second.

Subject pictures: duck, wagtail, goose, magpie, bullfinch, starling, crossbill.

Each student has one picture, the children go one by one to the board.

What general word can you choose for these pictures? (Birds)

Guys, I also have a picture. Who can tell what the name of this bird is? (Wagtail)

Which group should we assign the picture to?

Why? (the sounds K and G are in one word)

Have you heard of this bird before? Let's see what the dictionary says about it.

Children are divided into two subgroups: the first subgroup looks in an explanatory dictionary, the second in a computer program.

The wagtail is a small passerine bird with a long, narrow tail that constantly swings.

Tell me, which word is the most difficult of the birds presented? Divide this word into syllables.

In which word do you think the sound K is in 1st place, 2nd, 5th; sound Гь – in 4th place (The task is performed using a number series).

Which picture matches the diagram? (red, blue, blue, red - duck)

7) Game “What’s missing?”

First, the speech therapist teacher removes one picture at a time, then all the pictures.

Remember words with the sound K, with the sound G.

8) Corrective test.

Within 5 minutes, cross out the letter G, circle the letter K; count the number of letters.


The wagtail is slender and graceful. Its back and sides are gray, its belly is white, the upper part of its chest, tail and wings are black, shiny, decorated with white feathers at the edges.

The wagtail arrives in early spring, when there is still ice on the rivers and lakes.

Wagtails usually make their nests in bushes along the banks of rivers and streams. After all, near the water it is easier for them to get food for themselves and their chicks. Mosquitoes, moths, midges, butterflies, and beetles are the favorite food of wagtails.

At the end of summer it gets colder, insects hide, and wagtails, joining in small flocks, fly to Africa and South Asia.

(number of letters: G – 12, K – 27)

    Stunning of voiced consonants

    Target. Observe the discrepancy between pronunciation norms and spelling norms, exercise students in checking dubious consonants.

    1. Consider and name the subject pictures (in pairs):

    a) cup - spoon

    b) branch - boat

    In each pair of words, highlight the third sound:

    a) in both words the word sh is heard (pronounced);

    b) in both words d. is heard (pronounced). Compare the spelling of the words considered.

    Find out in a conversation that the deafening of the voiced consonants w and d in the words spoon, boat is explained by the proximity of the voiceless consonant k. If you eliminate this proximity, the sounds will sound loudly, without distortion: spoon, boat. The neighboring vowel (e, o) helps clarify the consonants.

    Devoicing can occur with any of the paired voiced consonants. In this case, the voiced consonant is pronounced as its paired voiceless consonant (see table):

    2. Consider examples of deafening of voiced consonants in words (when a voiced consonant is followed by a voiceless consonant):

    3. In the middle of the words cup, branch, two voiceless consonants met: shk, tk. To make sure that there is no contradiction between pronunciation and spelling, let’s turn to the same vowels for help: cup, twig.

    4. Check doubtful consonants in words:








    -fairy tale



    The hut stands on chicken legs. It contains rainwater. The dog is sleeping in the box. Carrots grow in this garden. The birch trees are turning green at the bottom. On the way out, a sweet raspberry ripened. Boards and feet are running along the road. (Skis.)

    Speech therapy session summary

    Differentiation of sounds “s” and “ts” in words and sentences


      Improving the skills of differentiating sounds and letters S-C in oral and written speech.

      Improving phonemic processes, sound-letter analysis and synthesis skills; development of attention and memory.

      Clarification and activation of the dictionary.

    Equipment: Mirrors, pictures with the sounds S-C in their names, cards with the letters S-C, chips.


    1. Organizational moment.

    The students are standing at the door. The speech therapist lists sound chains in each student's ear and asks them to remember them. The child goes to his place.

    Each student names his chain from his place.



    K-G-D-F. etc.

    Speech therapist: what did you say just now?

    Students: sounds.

    2. Repetition of the topic: “Vowels, consonants. Their differentiation."

    The speech therapist reminds you of the difference in the formation of vowels and consonants (the presence or absence of an obstacle).

    3. Breathing exercise.

    Deep breath. While inhaling, slowly raise your straight arms to chest level with your palms facing forward. Hold the breath. Concentrate your breathing on the middle of your palm (sensation of a “hot coin”). Exhale slowly to the sound U. While exhaling, we simultaneously draw geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) in front of us with both hands.

    a) Using the sound E we sing the melody of the song “A grasshopper sat in the grass.”

    b) Exercises for lips and tongue: “Smile”, “Tube”, massage of the tip of the tongue (biting), “Painter”, “Horses”.

    4. Repetition of a new topic Distinguishing sounds and letters S-C.

    Speech therapist:

    The bird flapped its wings and quietly squeaked: piss-piss-pissss.

    The owner did not find the chickens and went to look, chick-chick-chick-tsk.

    Guys, how did the bird squeak? Piss.

    What did the owner call the chickens? Chick.

    Lesson topic message.

    Speech therapist: Today we will continue to learn to distinguish the consonants S-C. Take the mirrors and pronounce these sounds S, C. How are they similar? How are the sounds different?

    How is the sound C formed?

    At this sound, the teeth are almost closed and all are naked in a “smile”. The corners of the mouth are pulled to the sides. The tongue rests on the upper part of the lower teeth - it takes a position as with the sound “I”. In this case, a stream of air is directed to the front teeth.

    When we pronounce the sound “C”, the flow of air is smooth and cold.

    How is the sound C formed?

    With this sound, the teeth are exposed in a “smile”, brought together or closed. A stream of air goes simultaneously to the tip of the tongue and the front teeth. The tip of the tongue, resting against the lower teeth, rises sharply with its back to the sky and also sharply descends. The air stream is interrupted: a bow occurs. The air stream is jerkily applied to the front teeth. This can be felt on the back of your hand.

    The air stream is cold and rubs against the front teeth.

    Differentiation of S, C in syllables and words.

    a) Reproduction of syllable series:







    b) Transformation of syllables, words.








    saber heron









    c) Speech therapist:Oral dictation of words. Guys, pick up a card with a letter if the word contains the corresponding sound. (Numbers, compass, station, steps, pump, acacia, stadium, smart girl, modest one.)

    d) Speech therapist:Pick up the card with the letter C , trace it with your index finger, draw it in the air, write it in your notebook. Pick up a card with the letter C, circle it with your index finger, draw it in the air, write it in your notebook.

    This is the letter C.
    With a claw at the end.
    Scratchy claw
    Like a cat's paw.

    Differentiation of C in syllables, words in writing.

    d) Individual work using cards.

    Speech therapist: Guys, insert the missing letters c or c into the words.

    Naso..., zaya..., vacuum..., skvore..., kuzne..., matro..., kva..., leden..., deck..., bore..., couple....

    Bread-bread...ah, soup-soup...ah, candy-candy...ah, sugar-sugar...ah, cracker-cracker...ah.

    Speech therapist: How can you combine some words? Call them a general word. (Dishes.)

    Let's check.

    Speech therapist:Write the names of the pictures: chicken, pine, heron, owl.

    Check in pairs.

    Speech therapist: Which word is extra? Why? (Pine.)

    5. Physical exercise.

    There is a pine tree in the yard,
    She reaches for the sky.
    Poplar grew up next to her,
    He wants to be more authentic.

    (Standing on one leg, children stretch, arms up, then the same on the other leg.)

    The wind was blowing strong,
    All the trees shook.

    (Tilt the body back and forth.)

    Let's squat together -
    One two three four five.


    We warmed up to our hearts' content and we'll hurry up from our desks.

    (children sit at their desks.)

    6. Consolidation of what has been learned. Work at the board

    Speech therapist: Name the pictures(pictures of birds) and arrange them under the letters C and C. (Children do tasks on the spot and at the blackboard.) How can these pictures be divided into two groups? What, in one word, can you call the pictures? (Birds.) From dictation, write down words with the letters C in the first column, with the letter C in the second column. Determine by ear the place of the studied sounds in the words: Heron, tit, jay, starling, owl, bullfinch, sveristel.

    Development of a sense of rhythm.

    Speech therapist: Guys, listen to the poem and add the missing word to the rhyme (underlined for the teacher), taking into account the poetic size.

    The snow flutters spinning,
    It's white outside.
    And they turned puddles
    In the cold glass.
    Where the finches sang in summer
    Look today!
    Like pink apples
    On the branches bullfinches.

    7. Physical exercise: Performed while standing. The speech therapist pronounces the words. If the word contains the sound C, children spread their arms to the sides, if C, they clap their hands.

    Sheep, watch, ring, compass, pine, pollen, cheese, towel, wheel, bushes. (Children sit down).

    8. Summary

    Speech therapist: guys, today you pronounced syllables and words, replaced sounds and letters in syllables and words, laid out pictures.

    Why did we do all this?


    We learned to distinguish sounds and letters S and C.

    Speech therapy lesson notes.

    Subject: Differentiation [h] – [h] in phrases and sentences.

    Goals: 1) development of the kinesthetic and kinetic basis of hand movements;

    2) development of visual perception;

    3) development of fine motor skills;

    4) differentiation [h] – [h] in phrases and sentences;

    5) an exercise in word formation of qualitative adjectives from nouns;

    6) an exercise in agreeing numerals with nouns;

    7) an exercise in the formation of active participles of the present tense, coordination of participles with nouns;

    8) exercise in conjugating verbs in the present tense;

    9) exercise in inflection of nouns. in V.p.;

    10) enrichment of the vocabulary;

    11) memory development.

    Equipment: card with overlaid outlines of 4 puppies; ball; subject pictures - key, barrel, brush, suitcase, fishing rod, brush; demonstration pictures – pike, bream.

    Progress of the lesson

      Exercise to develop the kinesthetic basis of hand movements.


    Bend your index finger and little finger and pull them back (eyes). Bend the ring and middle fingers and press them to the middle of the palm (mouth). Place your thumb horizontally on the nails of your middle and ring fingers.

      Exercise to develop the kinetic basis of hand movements.

    “The mouse is a neat guy”

    The mouse washed its paw with soap

    (with one hand “wash” the other),

    Each finger in order

    (with your index finger touch

    to each finger of the other hand).

    Here I lathered up the Big one

    (all fingers first with the right one,

    then “soap” the thumb with your left hand),

    Rinse it with water.

    I didn’t forget the Pointer,

    Washing off both dirt and paint

    (similar movements

    with index fingers).

    The middle one lathered diligently,

    It was probably the dirtiest

    (similar movements with middle fingers).

    Nameless rubbed with paste,

    The skin immediately turned red

    (similar movements with ring fingers).

    And Littlefinger quickly washed:

    He was very afraid of soap

    (with quick movements, “soap” your little fingers).

      Petya brought home a squeaking puppy. Who did Petya bring home?

      Word formation of adjectives from nouns.

    The puppy was fed food prepared with milk. What food did you feed the puppy? (dairy food)

    And food made from vegetables. What food did you feed the puppy? (vegetable food)

    Cleaned the puppy with a brush. How did you clean the puppy?

      Agreement of numerals with nouns.

    The puppy grew up and made friends. Count how many puppies are playing on the property. To do this, outline each puppy with a simple pencil. (1 puppy, 2 ..., 3 ..., 4 puppies. 4 puppies play on the site.)

      Formation of active present participles, coordination of participles with nouns.

    One day the puppies decided to take a walk near a small oak tree. And so our puppy hit the road. Along the way he met a lot of interesting things. Name what the puppy saw, following the example: read, student - reading student.

    Sway, branches. Knock, engine. Race, car. Miss you, man. Sneeze, kitten. Print, machine. Treat, doctor. Let's begin, teacher. Miss you, woman. Crackle, bitch. Scream, man.

      Inflection of nouns Im.p. in V.p.

    The puppy walked along the path and reached the river. In this river there is a fish, the name of which contains the sound [у]. (bream, pike)

    Name a predatory fish. Tell me, what kind of fish is in the river? (The river is home to predatory pike and bream.)

    Pike and bream love to play hide and seek: they hide various things and then look for them.

    Name the things that pike and bream hide. (key, barrel, brush, suitcase, fishing rod, brush)

    The speech therapist removes 1 picture, the child answers: Pike and bream are looking for a key (barrel, brush, suitcase, fishing rod, brush).

      Conjugation of verbs in the present tense. (with a ball)

    I admire the chirping of birds.

    You admire the chirping of birds.

    He admires the chirping of birds.

    She admires the birds chirping.

    We admire the chirping of birds.

    You admire the chirping of birds.

    They admire the chirping of birds.

    Four puppies.

    Once in the green grove, four puppies made an appointment with the little oak tree.

    The tall grass tickles the sides, four puppies are frolicking in the wild.

    Then they came across a large river, and four puppies swam in it.

    “Now it’s good to drink some milk,” the four puppies decided in the evening.

    "Goodbye! Goodbye! See you! Bye!" -

    Four puppies were returning home.

    Speech therapy session summary

    “Emphasis. The semantic role of stress. Syllabic-rhythmic structure of words"

    Goals: to show children the semantic and phonetic role of stress; train them in pronouncing and identifying the stressed vowel sound in words.

    1) The speech therapist shows the children two pictures with the general caption “There are mugs on the table.”

    The children silently read the signature. The speech therapist asks to show a picture that matches the caption. Children read aloud a sentence in which the word mugs is pronounced either as mugs or as mugs.

    The speech therapist associates a change in the meaning of a word with a shift in emphasis.

    Students observe the sound of these words and are convinced that the stressed vowel is pronounced louder and longer than unstressed vowels: circles: circles.

    The second proposal is also being considered. I'm crying. I'm crying.

    2) To confirm the conclusion about the semantic-distinguishing role of stress, pairs of words are considered:

    castle - castle; cotton - cotton; squirrels - squirrels; shelves - shelves; vnital - subtracted; horse racing - horse racing. Sentences are composed orally and the stressed vowel in the word is highlighted.

    Thick breads have been born - There will be a lot of fragrant bread.

    3) Listen to the poems, remember the meaning of homograph words:

    I am a collection of cards. From stress

    My two values ​​depend.

    If you want, I’ll turn it into a title^

    Shiny silky fabric.

    (Atlas - atlas)

    I am a herbaceous plant

    With a lilac flower,

    But change the emphasis -

    And I turn into candy.

    (Iris - iris)

    We are a stand for the sawyer,

    We are the coachman's seat,

    But try and put it on

    We have a different emphasis -

    Be careful with us

    We gore with our horns.

    (Goats are goats)

    In subsequent lessons, the mastery of these words is tested.

    4) Solve riddles; remember the stress place in the guess words:

    It grows in our melon patch, When you cut it, the juice flows, It tastes fresh and sweet, It’s called... (watermelon).

    The dishes made from me are thin, soft white and ringing, and have been fired for a long time. I call myself... (porcelain).

    Letters-icons, like soldiers on a parade, are lined up in a strict order. Everyone stands in an appointed place, and everything is called... (alphabet).

    5) Oral dictation on the topic “Stressed vowels.” The speech therapist distributes sets of vowel letters to children. Having heard a word, students pronounce it together (i.e., without dividing into syllables), but with the voice on the stressed vowel, raising the corresponding vowel letter.

    a) The speech therapist emphatically pronounces the stressed vowel, but without dividing the word into syllables:

    raspberry, order, pigeons, darling, eight, rocket, gate-CC, poetry, collar, dragonfly, dragonfly, jumping rope, jumper, ducklings, duckling, cheerful.

    b) The words are pronounced in the usual manner, without exaggerated emphasis on the stressed vowel:

    cardboard, paper, products, store, pioneer, telephone, this, fulfilled, birch, this, telegraph, alphabet, nettle, watermelon, catalogue, porcelain, sheet, library.

    6) The speech therapist dictates words from previous assignments. Students write down only stressed vowels (through busy).

    Voices are heard outside the door. Zina has no voice today. These mountains are high. A herd grazes on the mountainside. We know the rivers of our Motherland. A path runs along the river bank. Our legs got tanned. I can't stretch my legs. A crow is smaller than a raven. Pick up the floors and wash the floors. I wash my little sister.

    8) Consider pairs of words. Orally make up phrases or sentences:

    hands - hands

    chalk - chalk

    lakes - lakes

    buckets - buckets

    my - my

    I'm melting - I'm melting

    9) Graphic dictation: the text is written using stressed vowels alone: ​​Text:

    It often rains in autumn.

    o a u and

    The water washed away the roads.

    a y o

    My feet are stuck in clay.

    I'm about and

    It's difficult to get to school.

    u a o


    We have this custom: As soon as it snows, we’ll hang the plank bird house on a twig. Above the plank house there is a din from morning to night. How fun the winged, fluttering guests are!

    10) Children have sets of subject pictures (from 8 to 12) and numbers 1; 2; 3, which indicate the place of a stressed syllable in a word. Group the pictures into three columns:




    felt boots... basket... phone...

    11) “Learn your name.” The speech therapist taps out the rhythm (the stressed syllable is louder). Those children whose names correspond to the rhythm they heard stand up:

    Schemes of syllable-rhythmic structure of words

    Two-syllable words

    1) Name the picture. Clap the syllables: a stressed syllable is a loud clap, an unstressed syllable is a quiet clap. The stressed syllable is longer, and therefore some pause is needed after a loud clap.

    2) Consider the diagrams, “read” them, i.e. clap:

    3) Arrange the pictures in accordance with the diagrams.

    4) Write down the words below under the diagrams in two columns with pronunciation and clapping of the rhythm (they are written on the board). In such exercises, it is especially important to develop in children the experience of observing the movement of stress in groups of words with the same root, without drawing the students’ attention to unstressed vowels at this stage:

    lamp, hare, bear, fish, fisherman, spring, winter, wintry, piece, Thursday, squirrel, sea, sea, fireworks, river, small river;

    circle, round, Tuesday, second, repeat, waves, wave, said, fairy tale, say, blue, chenille, Wednesday, average, white, whitewash, black, blacken, cooks, cook, oars, oar...

    Three syllable words

    5) Write down the words given on the board under the diagrams:

    a) walk, girl, pencil, conversation, horizon, vegetables, crow, Friday, sparrow, commander, newspaper, apples, village, milk, vegetable garden, cabbage, street, car, clothes, pies, once, wheat;

    b) dictionaries, word, cherry, cherry, jumped out, skipping ropes, galloped, threat, threatened, jumpers, menacing, told, fairy tale, said, learned, student, unlearn, vegetable, vegetables, birch forest.

    6) Graphic recording of the text given on the spruce board on a card (each sentence on a new line).

    Text on the board:

    Entry in notebooks:

    A spider weaves a web.


    Weaved, hid:

    X xxXx...

    “If a big fly hits us, we’ll eat.”

    A tit bird flew past.

    Hit the spider's web.

    The spider thinks:

    “I caught a big fly.”

    Speech therapy session summary "Root. Words with the same root"

    Lesson objectives:

      clarify ideas about the concepts of “cognate words”, “root”;

      developing the ability to recognize and select words with the same root;

      cultivate neatness.

    During the classes

    Organizational part.

    The long-awaited call was given,
    Let's start our lesson.

    ) Listen to the texts. Mark words that have the same root.

    The spring gives birth to a river, and the river pours and flows through all of Mother Earth, through the entire Motherland, feeding the people. Threat, look how smoothly it comes out: spring, Motherland, people. All these words are like relatives.

    (K. Pauspovsky)


    Once upon a time, many years ago, a strange garden was planted. It was not an orchard - it was only a word. This word, the root word, soon began to grow and brought us fruit - There were many new words. Here are some seedlings from the garden for you. Here are some more landings nearby. But here is the gardener, The gardener goes with him. It is very interesting to walk in the verbal garden!

    (E. Izmailov)

    2) Are the following pairs of words close in meaning?

    cow - calf horse - foal pig - piglet sheep - lamb

    3) Indicate the root in the words:

    mountain - grief - burned water - drove

    painted - rice hiss - rosehip

    - Are the words in each row close in meaning? Are they related, although they have the same “twin” roots in spelling and pronunciation?

    4) Write out groups of related words:

    a) underwater, lead, driver, watery, watery, groovy, transfer, water, conductor, water carrier;

    b) grieved, sunbathed, hillock, mountaineers, sorrowful, burning, mountainous, saddened, mountainous, fire victims, will burn out.

    5) Write down those phrases that are acceptable in speech: butter; old old man; make jam; do

    case; workwork; treat a guest; to sing songs; fry a roast; write a letter; start over; finish to the end; take a bite; explain clearly; curl up like a vine; walk shaken; to paint; scream; stare with eyes; to whiten with whitewash; I don’t know; sharpen with a sharpener; mow with a scythe.

    6) Insert the missing words with the same root as the highlighted words:

    A fairy tale is coming soon... but not soon.... That's enough for you, good fellow, woe.... This is not the first time the wolf has had winter.... The young grows, and the old.... On... and cancer is a fish. Every living thing wants...

    7) Listen to the poem by E. Izmailov. Find related words in the text.

    An icicle hangs - pure ice.

    Nobody sucks an icicle.

    And lollipops are not made of ice,

    And you can always take them into your mouth.

    It's time to finally tell us

    Icicle sweet candy.

    Then an icicle of ice

    We will also rename it.

    And let along the roofs and over the porch

    There will be a lot of lollipops hanging,

    And in stores for children

    Icicles will be in great demand.

    Why does the poet suggest renaming icicles into candies?

    8) “Tricky questions”:

    § Why doesn’t the rosehip hiss?

    § What is the mountain grieving about?

    § Who doesn't have water?

    § Which spoon contains a lie?

    § How to draw with rice?

    § Where did you dip the perch?

    § Does each capital have a hundred faces?

    Difficult words

    1) Read the poem and indicate:

    a) related words;

    b) a compound word made up of two roots:

    Once upon a time there was a couple in the world,

    He looked gray and old,

    But with boiling water

    He danced like a young man.

    It flowed from the teapots,

    It swirled over the pots,

    No useful things to do

    I couldn't do it at all.

    Once upon a time there was a word move

    In the word exit, in the word entrance,

    In the word walkers knocked

    And on the march it walked into the distance.

    So the steam and progress lived.

    They lived apart, but

    They were connected together -

    They swam on the water.

    The steamship goes by ferry,

    In pairs there is steam and progress.

    (E. Izmailov)

    2) In complex words, highlight the roots (with an arc) and the connecting vowel e or o between the roots (with a circle):

    steam locomotive, floor polisher, airplane, helicopter, icebreaker, vacuum cleaner, steel worker, haymaker, mousetrap, windbreak, dead wood, book lovers, beekeepers.

    3) Find complex words in the text; indicate from which roots they are formed:

    Ice drift began on the Volga. Yesterday there was snowfall. The beekeeper showed us the apiary. Haymaking has already begun. Beautiful autumn leaf fall. The loggers returned home. The sound of a waterfall can be heard from afar. The fisherman checked his fishing rods. The pedestrian walked five

    kilometers. The navigator discovered a new island. Travelers talked about distant countries.

    4) Indicate complex words in the text:

    Seven in the department -

    everything is in order! Pustoved

    adjusted his beret. Nethercutter

    sharpened the question. Chatterbox

    filled the cauldron. Idle man

    looked proudly. Pustoley

    called: “Faster!” Pustovar

    got hot. Hollower

    kept records of everything...

    The smoke is thick towards the sky, but the cauldron is empty!

    (V. Ivanov)

    - What one word can replace all the complex words mentioned in poem 5?

    Speech therapy session summary

    "Word formation. Formation of new words using prefixes"

    Lesson objectives:

      clarify ideas about the concept of “prefix”;

      development of the ability to recognize, select and highlight prefixes in words;

      develop the ability to listen to other students.

    Move lesson

    Organizational part.

    The long-awaited call was given,
    Let's start our lesson.

    1) Name opposite actions using the prefixes from-, you (with throwing the ball); make up word combinations with some of them.

    stick - unstick

    bring in - take out

    bring - ...

    invest - ...

    tie - ...

    let in -...

    get used to - ...

    get in -...

    fasten - ...

    roll in -...

    bring -...

    fly in -...

    2) Are the prefixes in these Ions similar or different in meaning?

    pushed - pushed

    redeemed - redeemed

    we smeared - smeared

    built - built

    /and,/ironed - ironed

    frightened - frightened

    3) What prefixes (for-, from-) can express the beginning; and what - the end of the actions indicated by the verbs below: thundered, shone, made noise, knocked, bloomed, laughed.

    5) Write down phrases by selecting the appropriate prefix for the verb from the data below:

    in-, from-, under-, behind-, over-, on-, race-, with-:

    -run into the room; -put a chair;

    - write a letter; -take mushrooms;

    - knit a wound; -crack a nut-

    - to hit a nail; - wrap the doll;

    -to swing on a swing; - mix up letters.

    6) Write down, choosing the appropriate word:

    The car... past the house.

    Grandma is visiting us. (arrived, passed)

    The plane made...

    In Moscow, passengers will make...(boarding, transfer)

    From the trees... leaves.

    Birds... to the south. (fly away, fly away)

    7) Under the cards with words, arrange them in 2 columns that are appropriate in meaning. verbs from the data below:

    pierced - nailed frozen - frozen

    stitched - sewed pierced - pinned

    Orally make sentences with these phrases.

    8) Write down words with prefixes in two columns:

    placed, moved, pillow, footrest, plantain, divided, thought, window sill, made friends, blew, duvet cover, armrest, dozed, trimmed, trimmed, fought, choked, assented, served

    9) How do the words differ:

    hail - response

    typos - imprints

    craft - fake

    clause - excuse

    delivery - stand

    hint - saying

    Make up word combinations with them.

    Speech therapy session summary

    Forming words using suffixes

    Speech therapy session

    Irina Vilkina
    Lesson summary “Differentiation of sounds [d], [t]”

    Subject: Sounds [d], [T]

    Target: Formation of skill differentiate sounds [d], [T];


    Correctional educational:

    Clarify students' knowledge about consonants sounds T and D

    Learn to distinguish sounds T and D based on different analyzers

    Improve your skill sound-letter analysis and synthesis

    Correctional and developmental:

    Improve phonemic awareness, perception and ideas.

    Develop attention span and concentration

    Improve thought processes (analysis, synthesis, generalization, inference, etc.).

    Learn to remember information and reproduce it correctly.

    Teach the formation of comparative degrees of adjectives;

    Develop sensorimotor skills


    Develop self-control and motivation to classes.

    Teach children mutual assistance and mutual support.

    Stages classes

    1. Organizational stage

    Didactic task: ensuring a working environment and psychological preparation of students for occupation.


    Organization of attention.

    2. Updating knowledge, skills and abilities

    Didactic task: activation of students’ cognitive activity. development of full-fledged movements of the organs of articulation necessary for correct pronunciation sounds T and D.

    Ball game "Name the last one sound»

    (telephone-n, sa-mole-t, lemon-n,.).

    Articulation gymnastics

    1. Smile.

    Keeping your lips in a smile. The teeth are not visible.

    2. Tube.

    Pulling the lips forward with a long tube.

    3. Fence.

    The lips are in a smile, the teeth are closed in a natural bite and are visible.

    4. Smile - Tube.

    Pull your lips forward like a tube, then stretch your lips into a smile.

    5. Well-fed hamster.

    Inflate both cheeks, then inflate the cheeks alternately.

    6. Hungry hamster.

    Pull in your cheeks.

    7. Horse.

    8. Naughty tongue.

    Breathing exercises.

    In winter, a cold wind often blows, and cheerful snowflakes fly in the sky. “A winter breeze blew and a snowball flew.

    Snow, snow, white snow, it covers you all.”

    I will turn you into a cold breeze, and you will help me blow on the snowflakes. (Hands out snowflakes)

    Do you know how to blow correctly? We inhale deeply through our nose, without raising our shoulders. When exhaling, do not puff out your cheeks. (Children take snowflakes on strings and blow on them for a long time, watching the snowflakes whirl).

    3. The stage of preparing students for conscious assimilation.

    Introduction to the topic.

    Didactic task: organizing the conscious activity of students and preparing them for the conscious assimilation of new material.

    Sound differentiation

    The speech therapist gives a comparative characteristics: sound [d](that's how a woodpecker knocks)-

    consonant, voiced; sound [t](that's how the hammer hits)- consonant, deaf.


    Children show a bell if they hear sound [d] and drum, If

    will hear [t]: d-t-d-t. ; yes-too-itdo-you-ta. Children repeat syllable series: ti-ta-doo; di-da-to; tu-tu-da.

    « The sound ran away» .

    Children should add to the word sound [t] or sound [d] and name, What

    happened:. teaching. acha,. pumpkin,. supports,. ym.

    4. Stage of assimilation of new material and new ways of acting

    Didactic task: ensuring perception, comprehension and primary memorization of knowledge.

    Acoustic-articulatory characteristics sounds T and D

    Look in the mirrors, say T sound. and then D. Pay attention to the position of the lips, tongue and vocal cords. Are the positions the same or different? Is the voice involved in pronouncing these sounds?

    "Lay out the pictures".

    Pictures on the board showing sounds T and D. Children lay out

    pictures from sounds [d], [T]:

    tomato, bucket, dandelion, oak, house ( "woodpecker")

    pumpkin, plate, aster, poplar, matryoshka ( "hammer")

    Didactic game "Make a proposal".

    The speech therapist invites children to compose

    proposal for pictures:

    Tomatoes and pumpkins grow in the garden.

    Physical education minute

    "Friendship" (finger gymnastics)

    Friends in our class

    Girls and boys.

    We'll make friends with you

    Little fingers.

    One two three four five-

    One two three four five-

    5. Consolidating in students’ memory the knowledge and skills necessary for independent work

    Didactic task: Ensuring the assimilation of knowledge and methods of action.


    Children look at illustrations depicting furniture, call

    objects speak about their purpose (table - they eat at it, a chair - they sit on it, a bed - they sleep on it, etc.).

    A speech therapist explains how the comparative degree is formed


    Children must change the words according to the model (the chair is soft, and the chair is even softer.

    The sofa is wide, and the bed is still. wider. The bedside table is high, and the wardrobe is still. higher).

    6. Generalization of acquired knowledge. Reflection.

    Didactic task: identify the level of mastery of educational material.

    Which sounds were the main thing in the lesson? Are they vowels or consonants? sounds? What are their similarities? What is the difference?

    Name the word with with the T sound. Name the word with sound D.

    Didactic task: provide an analysis and assessment of the success of learning and student achievements and outline the prospects for further work.

    You worked well today and completed your task.

    In the next lesson we will study other sounds, and our knowledge will help us move on.

    Publications on the topic:

    Summary of speech therapy lesson: “Differentiation of sounds [K] - [X]” (preparatory group). Goal: classes: differentiation of consonant sounds K - G. Tasks. Correctional and educational: - teach to differentiate sounds.

    Summary of a subgroup lesson on sound pronunciation “Differentiation of sounds [L] and [L’]” SUMMARY of a subgroup lesson on sound pronunciation Differentiation of sounds L, L Compiled and conducted by a teacher - speech therapist of the State Budgetary Educational Institution.

    da-ta ta-da da-ta ta-da


    duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh

    you-you you-you di-ti ti-di

    2. Listen to the syllables, write down the first letter of each syllable.

    ta, dia, do, then, you, dy, do, cha, te, de, de, tu, tu, du, tla, for, tlo, dlo, aphid, dli, tly, dra, tra, tru, other

    3. Listen to sound combinations, write down only the consonant.

    ada, ata, ode, ota, utu, udu, go, iti, udu, udi, uti

    4. Listen, remember the rows of syllables, repeat them in the same sequence.

    ta - yes - yes tu - doo - tu ta - yes - ta - yes tu - doo - tu - doo

    yes - ta - yes doo - tu - doo yes - ta - yes - ta doo - tu - tu - doo

    5. Read, memorize and repeat the syllable series.

    then - to - then that – to – to - then that – to – then – to

    di - ti - di ti - di - di - ti di - ti - di - ti

    cha - dia - cha doo - tu - doo - tu you - dy - you - dy

    de - te - de de - te - te - de de - te - de - te

    6. Write down syllables and sound combinations in two lines: in the first - with the letter d, in the second - with a letter T.

    a) yes, ta, tu, de, te, tu, du, du, dy, you, then, do, di, ti

    b) ada, ata, atu, adu, odu, otu, uda, uta, ute, ude, udi, uti

    7. Write down syllables and sound combinations from dictation.

    yes, then, before, ta, you, dy, ti, de, those, du, tu, adu, atu, ote, ode, go, iti, yuta, food, these

    Differentiation d - t in words

    1. Listen to the words, name what sound d, t a) stands at the beginning of a word; b) stands in the middle.

    Sample answer: a) in a word house - sound d;

    b) in a word rooster - sound T.

    a) house, smoke, there, Tom, dark, share, roofing felt, think, quietly, shoes, friend, aphid, for, friendship, difficult, labor

    b) rooster, branch, buckets, wind, weather, victory, dishes

    2. Listen to the words, write down the syllables with letters d or T., write down these syllables.

    melons, body, business, breathe, quieter, sofa, perfume, you, fog, gardens, honeycombs, cats, going, go, traces, rainbow, victory, quiet, trumpet, grass, dragon, wall, broom, other, difficult

    3. Compare pairs of words by sound and meaning. What sounds do these words differ in? Orally make a sentence with each word.

    house - tom daughter - point fishing rod - duck

    dacha - wheelbarrow shower - carcass fruits - rafts

    Dima - Tim's business - body day - shadow

    4. Look at the pictures. Determine the presence and location of sounds d, t in the titles of these pictures.

    An approximate list of pictures selected by a speech therapist: house, grass, garden, honeycomb, chair, arrow, bucket, gate.

    5. Determine the presence and location of letters d.t in words. Make diagrams of these words. Select the letters d, t from the words. Write the letters d, t over word patterns.

    plate, can, girlfriend, work, coat, hard, difficult, touched, traveler, reached, radio, stooped, factories, commander

    6. Detect sounds d, t in the names of the pictures. Make diagrams of words. Write the letter d or T above the word diagram. Write the corresponding word under the diagram.

    An approximate list of pictures: shovel, melon, pumpkin, rainbow, slippers, napkin, bucket, plate, apron.

    7. Write down the words in three columns: in the first - with the letter d, in the second - with a letter T, in the third - with letters d And T. Divide three or more complex words into syllables.

    there, difficult, notebook, date, touched, reached, wind, cloud,. blew, knock, smart, moved away, countries, hit, fog, dragged, dozed off, doors, whistle, trumpet, girlfriend, grass, found, dragging, blossom.

    8. Change words by adding a prefix before. Write down the resulting words.

    Sample: drag - drag.

    drown-.... melt-..., pull-..., hold-..., carry-..., drink - ..., run - ..., eat - ..., move - ..., knock - ..., endure - ..., pound - ...

    9. Change words by adding a prefix from. Write down the resulting word syllable by syllable.

    Sample: melted - melted.

    gave - ..., dragged - ..., divided - ..., pressed - ..., sharpened - .,., pulled - ..., melted - ..., pushed - ..., gave - ...

    10. Complete the words by adding a syllable Yes or ta.

    city... boro... goose... ...ta

    be... ...boon nature... coffee...

    ra... pig... vo... ...coy

    freedom... va... ...ry good...

    ducklings are hatching... full...

    11. Complete the words by adding syllables du or that.

    Man for... little forgot...

    May has...sewed...

    Ha pros...yes at...


    12. Complete the words by adding a syllable di or tee.

    de... ...ho lu... banks...ki

    howl... ...tetra... howl...those

    uh... ...hiy lyu...ki vo...those

    13. Change words by adding a syllable those. Write down the resulting words syllable by syllable.

    Sample: come in - howl-di-te.

    go-..., leave-..., come-.... move away-..., find-..., come in - .... move away - ..., put on - ..., think - ..., erase - ...

    14. Fill in the missing letter in the words d or T.

    truck...or, boro...a, s...rela, vor...a, gr...usnik, zavo...noy, ve...ka, ver...ro, logo. ..a, jelly...and, milk...ok, o...blanket, fan, cap...a, steam...a, y...point, ...e ...ra...b, ...ozh...ik, s...a...o, ...ru...but

    15. Copy the words by inserting the missing letter d or T. Explain why you used this particular letter.

    a) duck - y...ochka, berry - yago...ka, weather - weather...ka, herring - sele...ka, boat - lo...ka, joke - shu...ka, notebook - tetra...ka, twig - ve...ka, baby - de...ka, lining - lining...ka

    b) sweet-sweet..., sharp-sweet..., smooth-smooth..., rare - rare, short - short

    c) ridge - ridge...ka, scarf - pla...ki, patch - patch...ka, strands - straight...ka

    16. Select test words for these words so that after the consonants d, t a vowel appeared. Write these words down.

    Sample: bush - bushes, notebook - notebooks.

    17. Insert the missing letter into the words d or T. Write the test word in brackets.

    Sample: city(s).

    sle..., golo..., knu..., pr..., gra..., salyu..., zavo..., saw..., ogoro..., sa..., vinogra..., lard..., plaka..., como..., next..., next..., chocolate..., marmela..., droz..., kles...

    18. Answer the questions in one word. Write down the answer words Underline the letters in them d, T.

    Questions: What is the weather like in winter?

    What is the weather like in summer?

    What days are there in summer?

    What days are there in winter?

    What is the name of the tool used to make holes in the wall?

    Words for reference: warm, cold, short, long, drill.

    19. Name and write down:

    last month of the year

    first month of spring;

    last month of summer

    first day of the week;

    third day of the week;

    fifth day of the week.

    20. Guess the riddles. Write down the answers. Underline the letter d or from.

    Round, not a month. I'm a fluffy ball

    Yellow, not oil. I turn white in a clean field,

    Sweet, not sugar. And the wind blew -

    With a tail, not a mouse. A stalk remains.

    She walks between villages and fields, I am at any time of the year

    And people keep walking along it. And in any bad weather

    Colored rocker, very fast at any hour

    It hung in the sky. I'll take you underground.

    Guess: melon, dandelion, road, rainbow, subway.

    21. Solve the crossword puzzle.

    Methodical instructions. Students are given cards with a crossword puzzle. On the board there is a description of the items that are included in the crossword puzzle. Mandatory condition: select words for the crossword puzzle only those whose names contain the sound d or t.

    Vertical: 1. Educational accessory for classroom and homework.

    Horizontal: 2. A punctuation mark that is placed at the end of a sentence.

    3. A tool used by a blacksmith.

    4. Substance found in a thermometer.

    5. A piece of classroom equipment on which students write.

    6. Forest bird.

    7. A place where children have fun in winter.

    8. Sudden attack of troops.

    Words for reference: vertically: 1. Notebook. Horizontal: 2. Point. 3. Hammer. 4. Mercury. 5. Board. 6. Woodpecker. 7. Ice skating rink. 8. Attack.

    Differentiation d - t in sentences

    1. Complete the sentences by choosing a word that makes sense.

    dacha - car In the summer we lived in a small... .

    Tolya carried bricks to... .

    daughter - period At the end of the sentence you need to put... .

    Mom led the little one by the hand... .

    shower - mascara For drawings you need... .

    Cold... useful to everyone.

    fishing rod - duck A gray duck was swimming on the lake... .

    The fisherman needs a good... .

    fruits - rafts. Delicious fruits have ripened in the garden... .

    They floated along the river...

    day - shadow Under the tree... .

    Today is good...

    board - longing in my sister Alyonushka's heart...

    Rotted in the fence... .

    the chair was blown away by the wind... the last leaves.

    Bring the guest... . Move... closer.

    passed - Kolya became... a pioneer.

    Brother... final exam.

    2. For the words from point a, select the words from point b that are suitable in meaning.

    a) cold, thick, heavy, copper, younger, ancient

    b) melody, bucket, grass, sister, trumpet, wind

    a) commercial, summer, copper, swan, icy, berry

    b) rain, trains, places, pipe, flock, water

    d, t. Underline the letters d, t.

    Sample: A cold wind blows all day. Cold wind.

    The sun shines dimly. Cold wind is blowing. Cold rains often occur. The last leaves are falling from the trees. The birds flew to warm countries. The days have become short. Dima always has clean notebooks. The students wrote a difficult dictation. Alyosha fell ill and was given a thermometer. Cold showers are beneficial. There was an old dacha by the pond. The girl collected cold water from a wooden well.

    4. Come up with and write down sentences with each phrase. Underline the letters d, t.

    It's a difficult matter. Blank notebook. Sweet cake.

    Homemade chair. Difficult task. Heavy bucket.

    Last leaves. Fragrant lily of the valley. Shady garden.

    Oak pillars. Smooth ice. Old refrigerator.

    5. Complete the sentences using pictures. (Pictures are selected by a speech therapist)

    Dasha draws with colored... (pencils). The nails are driven in... (hammer) They carry water... (bucket). Firewood is being chopped... (axe). They dig the earth... (shovel), catch fish... (fishing rod). The children are sitting at... (desk). Tolya ran behind... (at home). The boy runs after... (girl). Grandfather paid for... (slippers). Dima hid behind... (curtain). Lush... (grass) grows in the meadow. The hay was stacked in... (stack). Various ... (berries) grow in the forest. At the edge of the forest grow... (oaks).

    6. Fill in the missing words with a letter d or T.

    Tolya... to the dandelion, and it flew around. Lena stood on her tiptoes and... reached the crossbar. Dasha quickly... to the station. The children helped their grandmother... carry a heavy bag home. ... the wind, and it poured strong.... The sun hid behind... . The children solved a difficult...

    Words for reference: touched, reached, reached, convey, blew, rain, cloud, task.

    7. Fill in the missing words in the sentences. Choose test words for them.

    Sample: There is strong ice on the river (ice).

    On the river strong... . For the winter... he climbs into a den. Moscow is very big.... In the spring it begins on the river.... A metallurgical plant is being built in the city... . The fisherman was catching... fish. It broke... and the fish swam away. A passenger passenger floats down the river... .

    8. Fill in the sentences with the missing preposition. from or before.

    The boat sailed... shore. The raft floated unnoticed... to the shore. ... the station... the village was not far away. ...Monday...Tuesday is one day. Dima helped his mother carry her bag... home. The train has left... the station. ...Moscow...Petropavlovsk is better to fly by plane. The kid reached... the top step.

    9. Copy the sentences by inserting the missing letter d or T.

    E...and state...or u...e...and in...the village. ...I...I treated...il...e...her with me...om. Guys...puss...or a lick...on the...e. Soon le...o...e...will come and go...to the forest for the berries. ...at... ...lows. Boo...u...and jelly...and. ...she vi...el on...the tree...I...la. ...I...ate...hit...a tree. ...f...ya Na...asha - ...vornik. Every...y...she...me...e... ...ro...uar. An... she... has a long... point. ...the girl was feeding her...glass. Na...I and Va...ik bu...u...cut...the ditch.

    10. Fill in the missing letters in the words. Match the highlighted words with test ones.

    The dog took next... . Our city... stand... on the river bank. I wished...and dropped...ate our sa.... Lena bought ticket... to the cinema. Our pr... frozen We will sing...at the ball... . Sail along the river... ...too bad... . Tourists went to looks like... . Gra... beat ours pose...ki. Who love... labor..., that love...and I honor... . Pioneers are coming... to pair... . This pr... rich in fish. Tolya broke the wire... . We are on the path saw...saw barely... . In the spring, the pioneers dug up a vegetable garden... . Tima has a sconce... . Go...to the station train... . Grandma cooked delicious both... .

    11. Answer the questions in complete sentences. Write down these sentences. Underline the letters in the words d, t. Write polysyllabic words syllable by syllable.

    What do you use to fry potatoes? Where do fruits grow?

    What do acorns grow on? Who is beaking the bark?

    Who do they ride? How many days are there in a week?

    Where do vegetables grow? Where do you write down your homework?

    12. Read the words. Make sentences out of them. Write it down.

    Go, Tanya, to, and, Dasha, theater. Blow, in, cold, October, winds. Fall, leaves, from, the last, trees. The ducks are ready for long flights. You, red one, must comply with the line. In winter, the days become shorter and the nights become longer. Herd, calves, two, herd, shepherd. The fruits are ripe in the garden. Live, moles, earth, under. Squirrels, love, acorns, nuts, etc.

    Differentiation d - t in connected texts

    The axes are sharp for the time being.

    The axes are still sharp.

    A woodpecker is sitting on a branch.

    A woodpecker is hammering a tree.

    One day beats, two beats

    Your nose will hit the sky.

    The axes were knocking for the time being.

    For the time being, the axes were knocking.

    There is grass in the yard.

    There is firewood on the grass.

    Don't chop wood

    In the middle of the yard.

    2. Dictations.

    Visual dictations.

    Check with syllable underlining.

    Volodya was going to his grandfather’s apiary. It was getting dark. Volodya sees something under the tree. He thought it was a bear, but it was a bush. Volodya felt funny.

    The dreary autumn lasts for a long time in the middle zone. Rain, wind, cold. Everything is covered with a gray haze of fog. All living things are waiting for Mother Winter to come.

    Auditory dictations.

    Write syllable by syllable and pronounce the syllables.

    Difficult day.

    Tolya and Dasha helped grandfather in the garden. They pulled the grass, loosened the beds, planted parsley and lettuce. The children worked in the garden all day. It was a difficult day. The children are happy - they worked hard.


    Dima's brother works at a factory. He is a worker. Cars are made at the factory. Brother loves his plant. He's a drummer. Dima also wants to work at the factory.

    Test dictations.

    Winter came. It's cold outside, freezing. Trees, roofs of houses, roads - everything is covered with snow. The rivers were covered with ice. Happy kids. They are having fun running with their skates onto the ice.


    The day was warm. Dima and Volodya were walking near the dacha. The boys approached a tall tree. They saw a spring near the tree. Dima and Volodya approached the spring. They bent down and drank water with their palms. The water was cold as ice.

    In the village.

    Grandfather has a house in the village. There is a pond near the village. In the summer Tema visited his grandfather. Grandfather gave Tema a fishing rod. Tema went to the pond and fished. He threw the fish into a bucket. Is it hard work to catch fish?

    Creative dictation.

    Compose and write a story using key words.

    dacha, rested, Dima, carried, heavy, buckets, water, watered, beds, grew, radishes, currants, worked hard.

    Differentiation v - f

    1. Listen to the words mittens, apron. Name the first sound in these words. Describe these sounds.

    2. From this series of sounds, name sounds that are similar in articulation: v, a, f. u.

    3. Match the first sound in these words, pick up the card with the corresponding letter.

    Vanya, Faina, cotton wool, candy wrapper, beans, felt boots, flag

    4. Form syllables and sound combinations.

    o a a a u a e u e

    Differentiation v - f in syllables

    1. Read the syllables in pairs. Tell me what sounds these pairs of syllables differ in.

    va – fa fa – wa fya – vya ve – fe fe - ve

    vo - pho pho - vo fe - ve vu - fyu fi - vi

    woo - fu fu - woo fe - ve vi - fi ve - fe

    you - fy fy - you fyu - vu vyo - fyo fya - vya

    2. Listen to syllables and sound combinations, write down the first letter of each syllable.

    va, you, fa, vo, fo, fu, you, ve, fe, fi, vi, vya, fya, vyu, fyu, fla, vla, flu, flo, vlu, vlo, fly, vly, vra, fra, fru, lie, vry, fle, vle, vlya, flya, free, fre, flu, vlu

    3. Listen to sound combinations. Write down only the consonants.

    afa, ava, ova, ofa, yva, ufa, ifa, eva, efa, ufo, uvo

    4. Listen, remember the rows of syllables, repeat in the same sequence.

    fa - va - fa fa - va - va - fa

    va - fa - va wa - fa - fa - va

    fu - woo - fu woo - fu - woo - fu

    woo - fu - woo fu - woo - fu - woo

    5. Read, memorize and write down the rows of syllables in the same sequence.

    wo - fo - pho pho - wo - pho - wo wo – pho – pho – wo

    fi - vi - fi woo - fu - woo - fu fi - vi - vi - fi

    fya - vya - fya fyo - vyo - fyo - vyo you – fy – you – fy

    ve - fe - ve vue - vue - vue - vue fe - ve - ve - fe

    6. Write down syllables and sound combinations in two lines: one with the letter v, the other with the letter f.

    va, fa, fu, ve, fe, you, fy, fyu, vyu, wu, vi, fi, fe, ve, afa, ava, ufa, uva, ofe, ove, eve, ife, ova, uvya, uvi, Ufi

    7. Write down syllables and sound combinations under dictation (material from the previous task is used).

    Differentiation v - f in words

    1. Listen to the words. Determine the presence of sounds v, f.

    ABOUT sample: a) In a word cotton wool - sound V.

    b) In a word torch - sound f.

    a) focus, gate, factory, collar, apron, flag, goalkeeper, rotate, flute, time, phlox

    b) envelopes, candy, jacket, forge, bed, coffee, napkin

    2. Listen to the words, write down the syllables V or f.

    a) cotton wool, Faya, photo, lantern, pitchfork, Vanya, vase, carts, eagle owl, wind, torch, fan, focus, broom, Fanya

    b) owls, willow, cabinets, willows, scarves, sofa, sofas, owl

    c) candy, advice, sweatshirt, owl, snorted, howled, scattered, gun carriages, sundress, mitten, scarves, coffee

    3. Compare pairs of words by sound and meaning. Tell me what sounds these words differ in. Orally make a sentence with each word.

    Fenya - Venya, owl - sofa, vase - phase, moisture - flask

    4. Listen to the words. Make diagrams of these words, write the letter V or f above the corresponding syllable.

    fruit, bed, ravine, box, stick, pour in, wick, snort, caftan, Africa, potatoes, purple, cheerful, waffle, flannel

    5. Look at and name the pictures. Arrange them in three columns: in the first - with the sound in, in the second - with the sound f, in the third - with sounds V And f.

    An approximate list of pictures selected by a speech therapist: transom, nightingale, shoes, phlox, violets, waffles, cherries, apron, coffee pot, owl, vase, traffic light.

    6. Write on the left in three columns: in the first - with the letter V, in the second - with a letter f, in the third - with the letters in and f. Underline the letters in, f Using different pencils, explain the highlighted words.

    nightingale, cheesecake, cap, elevator operator, sign, waffle iron, coffee pot, owl, mothballs, festival, paddle, cart, wrapped, soufflé, farm, fruit, keeps up, raven, date, scarf, manufactory, tumbling, candy bowl.

    7. Complete the words by adding syllables with letters v, f.

    Sample: cabinets.

    bro - ... key - ... shka - ... black - ...

    with - ... sli - ... with - ... ball - ...

    8. Fill in the missing letters in the words.

    a) ...lakon, ...agon, ...orota, ...toroi, ...lyus, ...orona, ...orobey, ...orma, ...rukty, ... ortochka, ...igura, ...ratar, ...ilm, ...lot, ...yarket, ...oto, ...orel, ...ether, ...ichr, ... ichor

    b) ci...ra, pro...od, s...ertok, ke...ir, s...ekla, sara...an, ko...er, liter...ter, sli...a, slick...solo, solo...ey, per...th, sal...et

    c) ...if...y, ...hand...y, ...or...al, ...yellow...yy, ...lanel...yy, th.. .orly...y, ...ar...or, ...e...ral, ...is...al, ...otog...ia, ...a... ...... pulls... out

    9. Listen to the words. Repeat them syllable by syllable. Determine in which syllable the sound is heard in or f. Write the words syllable by syllable, underline the letters v, f different pencils. (The speech therapist dictates the words as they are written.)

    traffic light, camel, manufactory, grinds, grinder, coffee pot, coffee maker, surname, alphabet, dislocation, flannel, fruit, purple

    10. Change the words so that after the consonants in, f a vowel appeared.

    Sample: scarf - scarves, lion - lions.

    wardrobe - ... eyebrow - ... bodice - ... sleeve - ...

    blood - ... lion - ... scarf - ... branch - ...

    drain - ... sowing - ... ditch - ... skif - ...

    11. Complete the missing letter. Write the test word in brackets.

    ro..., shka..., le..., ball..., sow..., kro...b, branch...b, bro...b, carrot...b, bread ...

    12. Answer the questions in one word. Write down the answer words. Determine the presence of letters in, f in words.

    Apples, pears, lemons are...?

    Cabbage, cucumbers, beets, carrots are...?

    The second month of winter is ....

    The last month of winter is... .

    The vessel in which coffee is brewed is... .

    The good sorceress is... .

    Words for reference: fairy, coffee pot, fruits, vegetables, February, January.

    13. Solve the crossword puzzle. (See guidelines for sounds d - t.)

    Vertically: 1. Youth Festival.

    Horizontally: 2. Light fixture on the front of the machine. 3. Drink. 4. Fruit. 5. A vehicle located in the house. 6. Male name. 7. Room for sheep. 8. A fruit that grows in the Caucasus. 9. Geometric shape.

    Words for reference: festival, headlights, coffee, plum, elevator, Ivan, barn, quince, oval.

    Differentiation in - f in sentences

    1. Complete the sentences by choosing words that suit their meaning.

    owl - sofa We saw in the forest... .

    Mom bought a new one... .

    moisture - flask In spring there is a lot of... in the fields.

    There were no tourists...

    2. Make up phrases by matching the words in point a with the words from point b that are suitable in meaning. Underline the letters in, f different pencils.

    a) fresh, purple, flannel, beautiful, porcelain, fruit, high

    b) figure, sundress, kefir, vase, jacket, porcelain, candy

    3. Write out letter combinations from the sentence v, f.

    We went to the dacha in the first carriage. At the dacha we ate fresh fruit. A tall figure of an unfamiliar man appeared on the road. The magician showed funny tricks. Vova did not see the date tree. Fresh vegetables and fruits are good for everyone. The air is humid today. We drank tea with fruit sweets. The north wind is blowing. The children hung multi-colored flags on the Christmas tree.

    4. Come up with and write down sentences with these phrases.

    waffle cake holey caftan wooden gate

    beautiful flag porcelain vase spring water

    delicious trout beautiful bottle tin flask

    new shoes purple sweater date tree

    5. Complete the sentences using pictures. (The speech therapist selects the pictures.)

    The (elevator) does not work in our building. Faya made compote from (plum). Fedya lit the road (a lantern). Vera put on a flannel jacket. The car was missing one (headlight). The guests drank tea with fruit (sweets). Red (flags) were flying on all the houses. Vera decided to ventilate the room and opened the window. Our telephone (wire) broke.

    6. Fill in the missing words in the sentences. Check the consonants in, f at the end of a word.

    The woodpecker has a long... . It has... a long neck. The carpenter built it... for the sheep. Vera often has a sore throat. Grandma knitted her a new one... . In the morning Fedya drinks tea or... . Fedin's dad grinds parts at the factory, he works... . You have to cross the road on time, you have to look at... . Night-bird-... . ... they see poorly during the day, but they see well at night. Plums, apples, pears are... . Potatoes, beets, turnips are... . At night our street is illuminated... . There is a man on duty near the elevator...

    7. Copy the sentences by inserting the missing letters into the words.

    In the class they showed...a training...ilm. In winter you need to open...the window. ...Arya put on a ball...and...arezhki. Anyusha has a fur coat. On a hike you need...onari and...thighs. U...ichi no...th...hurry.

    8. Copy the text. Insert the missing letters. Emphasize them.

    A park.

    There is a beautiful park near our house. The ontans are beating in the park. Near...Ontans there are flowering...trees and...a tra...a growing like a high wall. On...the trees...the sparrows...are chirping cheerfully.

    9. Answer the questions in complete sentences. Write them down. Underline the letters in, f different pencils. Write polysyllabic words syllable by syllable.

    Questions: Where are candies made?

    Where do tourists pour water?

    What do they hang on houses on holiday?

    What are the roads in the city covered with?

    What is opened in winter to ventilate the room?

    10. Make up sentences based on supporting words.

    Window, Vera, close. Vova, tie up an apron. At night, eagle owl, it’s good to see. U, gate, goalkeeper, stand. Faina, give, Vera Fedorovna, violets. Vera Fedorovna, put, in, violets, porcelain vase. Sheep, live, in, barn. Varya, purple, find, cornflowers.

    Differentiation in - f in connected texts

    1. Read the tongue twisters and write them down from memory.

    Fimka is visiting Fomka. Our Filat is never to blame.

    Fimka visiting Fomka. Our Filat is never to blame.

    2. Dictations.

    Visual dictation

    Check with syllable underlining and pronouncing syllables.

    Methodical instructions. The speech therapist writes a proposal on the board. Children read this sentence, then it is erased. Students write it from memory. The rest of the proposals are dealt with in the same way.

    Our garden.

    Beets, carrots and beans grow in our garden. Weeds prevent vegetables from growing. We pull out the weeds. We grow good vegetables. All fall we will be eating vegetables grown in our garden.

    On the farm.

    Varya Filippova works on a farm. There are cows and beautiful funny calves on the farm. Varya feeds the cows and calves. From the farm, milk is sent to stores. In the summer, schoolchildren work on the farm. They dig up grass. Boys and girls work happily and friendly on the farm.

    A word to explain: they dig.

    Auditory dictations

    Write syllable by syllable, pronounce the syllables.

    The school cafeteria sold waffles. Put a pencil case, primer and notebooks in your briefcase. The room has a table, a bed, a sofa and a sofa. Potatoes, carrots, beans - vegetables. Vera drew a lion and a giraffe. February is a winter month. There are thirty-three letters in the alphabet. Flags flutter at the gates.

    Mom bought two meters of flannel. She made a jacket for Valya from flannel. Valya liked the flannel jacket. She was hanging the jacket in the closet. The grandmother knitted a sweatshirt for her granddaughter. Valya wears a new sweatshirt to the skating rink.

    Test dictations

    There are beautiful fountains near the school. Levkoy and phlox bloomed near the fountains. There is an orchard behind the school. In autumn we will pick ripe fruits. Our dining room always has fresh fruits that we grow ourselves.


    Vanya and Faya heard a knock. It was a bird knocking on the window with its beak. Vanya opened the window and let the bird into the room. The bird flew in. All winter the children looked after the bird. Spring has come. Vanya opened the window and released the bird into the wild.

    Compose and write down stories based on key words.

    Fedya is a football player.

    Fedya, football, will, football player, volleyball, scores, sweater, goal, puts on.

    Vera, physical education, dislocated, volleyball, left shoulder joint, doctor, visited, Fedya, Varya, dates, fruits, waffles, recovered.


    Listen to the story. Divide it into parts. Give each part a title. Make an outline for the story.

    Methodical instructions. The speech therapist writes down the plan on the board, writes out difficult words and phrases: Great Patriotic War, Pskov region, fascist patrol, liberation day, hidden, village council, children's first and last names. After the students write the presentation, invite them to check it with each other, highlighting errors with a simple pencil.

    Four brave ones.

    The Great Patriotic War was going on. The Nazis captured the Pskov region. They mocked everything that was dear to the Soviet people.

    Pioneers Fedya Ivanov, Vanya Pikalev, Vera Fedoseeva and Volodya Frolov decided to save the bust of V.I. Lenin from enemies. The bust stood in the collective farm club. The guys made their way into the club. They carefully wrapped the bust in their jackets. Under the nose of a fascist patrol, they jumped out the window and got out of the village. The bust was hidden in a safe place. When the Nazis were driven away, the brave pioneers pulled the bust out of its hiding place.

    Now the bust of V.I. Lenin again stands in the premises of the village council.

    Differentiation g - To

    Lesson notes

    Subject. Distinguishing between sounds and letters g - k.

    Target. Teach students to distinguish sounds and letters g - k in syllables.

    Equipment. Posters, diagrams, letters.

    Progress of the lesson.

    I. Organizing time.

    Students are divided into two groups: “geese” and “chickens”. The speech therapist gives the signal: “Geese.” The “geese” students raise their voices and sit in the second row. At the signal: “Chickens” - the “chickens” students sit in the first row.

    II. Introduction to the topic.

    The speech therapist asks the students whether they have guessed what sounds we will be working with today.

    Students. With sounds G And To.

    III. Isolating sounds g, k from words.

    The speech therapist reads S. Pogorelovsky’s poem “How Mishka made his grandfather angry.”

    Mishka-Mikhail writes: Mishkin, give me a portrait in them!

    “Grandfather Gerasim scored a goal.” I wrote a dictation at school,

    Everyone reads and exclaims. I was thinking about football.

    Hey old man, he scored a goal! That's why the count

    Give it to all newspapers Turned into a goal

    Grandfather's portraits! And for this goal

    No,” said the grandfather angrily, “he received a stake.”

    Questions: What was Mishka’s mistake?

    What two meanings does the word stake have?

    Speech therapist. Name the first sounds in words count, goal What do these sounds have in common? (Sounds g, k- consonants.) How are these sounds different? (Sound G- sonorous, To- deaf.)

    IV. Isolating sounds g, k from syllables.

    a a a a a a

    o o o o o o

    g u k u u k u u g u

    y y y y y

    and and and and

    Exercise 1. Listen to the syllables, write down the initial letter of each syllable. (The speech therapist dictates the syllables, students write the letters in their notebooks.)

    ka, gu, gy, ki, gi, ko, go, kyo, ge, kya; kra, cro, gra, kra, gru, gra, gro, gree, cree, cro, gryo

    Task 2. Listen to sound combinations, write down only consonants. (The work is performed in the same way as the previous one.)

    oko, ogo, uka, oki, ogi, aka, aha, ogo, uko, oki, ogi

    Task 3. Listen and remember the rows of syllables, repeat them in the same sequence.

    ga - ka - ga ka - ga - ka go - ko - go ko - go - ko ku - gu - ku

    Task 4. Write down the syllables and sound combinations in two lines: in the first - with the letter g, in the second - with the letter To.

    gy, ky, ka, ga, gu, ku, ke, ge, aka, aha, oka, oga, uka, igo, him, ogo, yoki, egi

    Tell me how many syllables have a voiced consonant and how many have a voiceless consonant. How many sound combinations are with a voiced consonant and how many with a voiceless consonant?

    V. Summary of the lesson. Speech therapist. What sounds did we learn to distinguish in syllables today?


    1. Clarification and comparison of articulation and sound of sounds T-D;
    2. Development of skills in phonemic analysis and synthesis of words with sounds T-D;
    3. Clarification and expansion of the dictionary
    4. Development of syllabic analysis skills;

    Equipment: chips, ball, pen, notebook, crossword puzzle, ball.

    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment

    backpack in it pictures for sound T-D
    ta-ta-ta - we have a new ottoman di-di-di, it’s raining again.
    That's it - we also bought a coat. Doo-doo-doo - the fish swims in the pond.
    You-you-you - cats are sitting on the ottoman. Yes, yes, yes, it’s a woodpecker at the nest.
    Tu-tu-tu - I will weave the ribbon into the braid. Do-do-do - he has a nest in the hollow.
    At-at-t - Taras has a scooter.
    Ut-ut-ut - vegetables are growing in the garden bed.

    2. Game: “one - many” (ball)

    bush - bushes, cold - cold, city - cities, pond - ponds, bridge - bridges, trail - traces, mole - moles, raccoon - raccoons, ice - ice, factory - factories, nail - nails, lunch - lunches, hello - greetings, parade - parades, year - years, plane - planes, ticket - tickets, record - records, bear - bears, ice drift - ice drifts, rod - rods.

    3. Answer the questions in one word.

    What is the weather like in winter? (cold)
    What is the weather like in summer? (warm)
    What days are there in summer? (long)
    What days are there in winter? (short)
    How is temperature measured? (thermometer)

    4. Insert the missing letters T-D into the words and read.


    5. Guess the riddles and analyze the sound-letter analysis of the word. (Chips)

    § She goes between villages and fields,
    And people keep walking along it. (road)
    § I am a fluffy ball, turning white in a clean field,
    And the breeze blew - a stalk remained. (dandelion)
    § Colored rocker
    It hung in the sky. (rainbow)

    6. Say the opposite. (ball)

    Cold - warm city - village
    Loud - quiet lie - truth
    Thick - thin evil - good
    Laziness - labor - enemy - friend
    Sharp - dull night - day
    Bright - dim sick - healthy
    Brave - cowardly well-fed - hungry
    Soft - hard close - far


    7. Hurry up the words by inserting the missing letter T-D. Why did you insert this letter?


    8. Determine the place of the sound in the word.

    Plate, can, girlfriend, work, coat, hard, touched, traveler, reached, radio, stooped, factory, commander.

    9. Write the words in three columns. T, D, TD.

    There, difficult, notebook, date, touched, reached, wind, cloud, blew, knocking, elegant, moved away, countries, hit, fog, dragged, dozed off, doors, whistle, trumpet, girlfriend, grass.
    10. Make words from the word TRANSPORT

    11. Tracing contour objects.

    Training exercises

    Exercise 1.Read the syllables in pairs. Tell me what sounds these pairs of syllables differ in.

    yes - ta ta - yes uncle - tya - dya dyatya do-to-do-do - te to-do te-de do - tu tu - du du-ty tu-du de-te dy - you you - dy di - ti ti - di tu - du.

    Task 2.Listen to the syllables, write down the first letter of each syllable.

    Ta, dia, po, do, then, you, dy, do, ti, te, de, de, then, tu, tu, du;

    tla, for, tlo, dlo, tlya, dli, tly, dra, tra, tru, lie.

    Task 3.Listen to the sound combinations, write down only the consonant:

    Ada, ata, ode, ota, utu, udu, go, iti, udu, udi, uti.

    Task 4.Listen, Remember the rows of syllables, repeat them in same sequence:

    ta - da - ta tu - doo - tu ta - da - ta - da da - ta - da doo - tu - doo da - ta - da - ta



    Task 5.Read and repeat the syllable sequences:

    to-do-to to - to - do- to to -do - to - to di - ti - di ti - di - di - di di - ti - di - ti di - uncle du - du - du - t you - dy - you - dy de - te - de be - te - te - de de - te - de - te.

    Task 6.Write down the syllables and sound combinations in two lines: in the first - with the letter d, in the second - with the letter t:

    a) Yes, ta, tu, de, te, tu, tu, du, dy, you, then, do, di, ti;

    b) ada, ata, atu, adu, odu, otu, uda, uta ute, ude, udi, uti.

    Exercise7. Write down syllables and sound combinations from dictation:

    Yes, then, before, you, you, dy, ti, de, those, du, tu; hell, atu, ote, ode, go, iti, yuta, food, these.

    Differentiation d - t in words

    Exercise 1.Listen to the words, name which sound - d or t - a) is at the beginning of the word, b) is in the middle of the word.

    Sample answer a: a) in the word house there is a sound d;

    b) in the word rooster - the sound t.

    a) House, smoke, there. Tom, dark, share, roofing felt, think, quietly, shoes, friend, aphid, for, friendship, difficult, work;

    b) rooster, branch, buckets, wind, weather, victory, dishes.

    Task 2.Listen to the words, write down the syllables with the letters d or lit , write down these syllables.

    Melons, body, business, breathe, quiet, sofa, perfume, you, fog, gardens, honeycombs, cats, I'm going, go, traces, rainbow, victory, quiet, trumpet, grass, dragon, wall, broom, other, difficult.

    Task 3. Compare pairs of words by sound and meaning. What sounds do these words differ in? Orally make a sentence with each word.

    House - volume;

    dacha - wheelbarrow;

    Dima - Tim;

    daughter - dot;

    shower - mascara;

    business - body;

    fishing rod - duck;

    fruits - rafts;

    day is shadow.

    Task 4. Look at the pictures. Determine the presence and location of the sounds d, t in the names of these pictures.

    Exercise7. Write down the words in three columns: in the first - with the letter d, in the second - with the letter that, in the third - with the letters d and t. Divide three or more complex words into syllables.

    There, difficult, notebook, date, touched, reached, wind, cloud, blew, knocking, elegant, moved away, countries, hit, fog, dragged, dozed off, doors, whistle, trumpet, girlfriend, grass.

    Task 8.Complete the words by adding the syllables yes or ta.

    Task 9.Complete the words by adding the syllables du or tu.

    May for...small forgot... ...May for...sew...

    Ha pros...yes at... ...goy po...sew...shka

    Task 10.Complete the words by adding the syllable di. or tee.

    de... ...ho lu... banks...ki

    howl... ...tetra... howl...those

    uh... ...hiy lu...ki in...those.

    Task 11.Change the words by adding the syllable te. Write down the resulting words syllable by syllable.

    Sample: come in-voy-di-te.

    Go - ..., leave - ..., come - ..., move away - ..., find - ..., come in - ..., move away - ..., put on - ..., think - ..., erase -

    Task 12.Change the words by adding the prefix do. Write down the resulting words.

    Sample: drag - drag.

    Heat - .... melt - .... pull - ..., hold -..., carry - ..., drink-..., run-..., eat-..., move - ..., knock -..., endure - ..., pound - ....

    Task 13.Change the words by adding the prefix from. Write down the resulting word syllable by syllable.

    Sample: melted - melted.

    Gave - ...” dragged - ..., divided -..., pressed - ..., sharpened - ..., pulled - ..., melted - ..., pushed - .... gave - ....

    Task 14.Fill in the missing letter d or t in the words.

    Trak...or, boro...a, s...reoa, vor...a, gr...usnik, zavo...noy, ve...ka, ver...ro, pogo. ..a, jelly...i, m6lo...ok, o...blanket, fan...er, capus...a, steam...a, y...point, ...e ...ra...b, ...ozh...ik, s...a...o, ...ru...but.

    Task 15.Copy the words by inserting the missing letter d or t. Explain why you inserted this particular letter:

    A) Duck - y...ochka, berry - yago...ka, weather - sunny...ka, herring - sele...ka, boat - lo...ka, joke - shu...ka,

    notebook - tetra...ka, twig -ve,..ka, baby - de...ka, lining-lining.-.ka; .

    b) sweet - ate...ky, mark - sharp, smooth - smooth, rare - s...ky, short d - short;

    c) ridge - ridge...ka, scarf - pla.-.ki, patch - patch...ka, strands-spun...ka.

    Task 16. For these words, select test words so that after the consonants d, t a vowel appeared. Write these words down.

    Sample: bush - bushes, notebook - notebooks.

    cold-... ice-... ticket-... robe-... factory - ...

    record - ... city-... nail-... bear-... pond-...

    dinner - ... ice drift-... bridge-... hi-... rod-...

    trail - ... parade - ... milk mushroom - ... mole-... year-...

    brother-... raccoon-... plane-... hail-...

    Task 17. Insert the missing letter d or t into the words. Write the test word in brackets.

    Sample: city(s).

    barely..., bare..., whip..., pr..., gra..., salyu..., zavo..., drank..., ogoro..., sa..., vinogra..., ala..., plaka..., como..., barely..., barely..., chocolate..., marmela..., droz..., glue... .

    Task 18. Answer the questions in one word. Write down the answer words. Underline the letters d, t in them."


    What is the weather like in winter?

    What is the weather like in summer?

    What days are there in summer?

    What days are there in winter?

    What is the name of the tool used to make holes in the wall?

    Words for reference: warm, cold, short, long, drill.

    Task 19.. Name and write down the following concepts in one word:

    The last month of the year, the first month of spring; the last month of summer, the first day of the week; third day of the week; fifth day of the week.

    Task 20. Guess the riddles. Write down the answers. Underline the letter d or t.

    Round, not a month. Yellow, not oil. Sweet, not sugar.

    With a tail, not a mouse.

    I'm a fluffy ball

    I turn white in a clean field,

    And the wind blew -

    A stalk remains.

    It goes between villages and fields, I do it at any time of the year, and people still walk along it. And in any bad weather

    Colored rocker,

    It hung in the sky.

    Very quickly at any hour I will take you underground.

    Guess: melon, dandelion, road, rainbow, subway

    Task 21.Solve the crossword puzzle.

    Methodical instructions. Students are given cards with a crossword puzzle. On the board there is a description of the items that are included in the crossword puzzle. Mandatory condition: select for the crossword only those words whose names contain there is sound d or T.

    Vertical: 1. Educational accessory for classroom and homework.

    4 6 8

    Horizontal: 2. A punctuation mark that is placed at the end of a sentence.

    3. A tool used by a blacksmith.

    4. The substance found in the thermometer. .

    5. A piece of classroom equipment on which students write.

    6. Forest bird. .

    7. Mesato, where children have fun in winter.

    8. Sudden attack of troops. ---- Words for right k: vertical: 1. Notebook.

    Horizontally; 2. Dot. 3. Hammer. 4. Mercury, 6. Board. 6.

    Woodpecker. 7. Ice rink. 8.Attack.

    Differentiation d - t in sentences

    Training exercises

    Exercise 1.Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate word.

    dacha - wheelbarrow In the summer we lived in a small...

    Tolya carried bricks to...

    daughter - period At the end of the sentence you should put...

    Mom led the little one by the hand....

    shower - mascara For drawings you need...

    Cold... useful to everyone.

    fishing rod - duck A gray girl was swimming on the lake...

    The fisherman needs a good...

    fruits - rafts Delicious fruits have ripened in the garden....

    We floated along the river....

    day - shadow Under the tree-...

    Today is good....

    board - longing In sister Alyonushka's heart...

    Rotted in the fence....

    chair - blown away The wind... the last leaves.

    Move the guest... Move... closer.

    passed-became Kolya... an engineer.

    Brother... final exam.

    Task 2.For the words from point a, select the words from point b that are suitable in meaning:

    a) Cold, thick, heavy, copper, younger, ancient;

    b) Melody, bucket, grass, sister, trumpet, wind;

    a) Commodity, summer, copper, swan, icy, berry;

    b) Rain, trains, places, pipe, flock, water.

    Task 3.Write word combinations with letters from the sentence d, t. Underline the letters d, t different pencils.

    Example: A cold wind has been blowing all day. Cold wind.

    The sun shines dimly. Cold wind is blowing. Cold rains often occur. The last leaves are falling from the trees. The birds flew to warm countries. The days have become short. Dima always has clean notebooks. The students wrote a difficult dictation. Alyosha fell ill and was given a thermometer. Cold showers are beneficial. There was an old dacha by the pond. The girl collected cold water from a wooden well.

    Task 4.Come up with and write down sentences with each phrase. Underline the letters d, t.

    It's a difficult matter. Shady garden. Difficult task,

    Blank notebook. Oak pillars. Heavy bucket.

    Sweet cake. Smooth ice. Last leaves