How to find out what the fruit is. How to determine a missed pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of expectations, dreams of a beautiful and future baby. During pregnancy, there is a certain plan of observation by the doctor and a certain number of scheduled ultrasound examinations. And on one of the ultrasound, any woman can hear the phrase "You are carrying a hero." This means that a large fruit is developing inside you.

There are certain norms for the weight and height of the baby at the time of birth. It is considered the norm when a child with a height of 48 - 54 cm weighs up to 4,000 kg. If the baby weighs from 4 to 5 kg at the time of birth, then they talk about a large fetus during pregnancy. But it is strange that in this case the growth of children is not taken into account. After all, large babies are always larger than children, who, as they say, are normal. The growth of large babies is usually 54 - 56 cm.

According to statistics, today the number of large children is 5-10% of all pregnancies. Doctors believe that this is due to improved working conditions, complete and healthy eating as well as the living conditions of pregnant women.

There are also cases of the birth of giant babies: weight over 5 kg. But such cases are recorded much less often.

How to identify a large fruit?

Starting from the 12th week of pregnancy, the doctor at each examination listens to the baby's heartbeat, measures the circumference of the pregnant woman's hips and abdomen, and the weight and pressure of the pregnant woman are also measured in the pre-doctor's office. All these measurements are not taken in order to indicate to a woman how she has recovered and to offend her. All this is done in order to clearly draw a picture of the course of pregnancy and monitor the health of the baby and the expectant mother.

Diagnosis of a large fetus during pregnancy is carried out not only on the basis of a woman's examination. An experienced physician always takes heredity and disease into account. The doctor should ask about the physique of the father, about the weight with which the future parents themselves were born. If, from all the examination and survey data, a suspicion of a large fetus is diagnosed, only then a referral for an ultrasound is issued. Only on the basis of an ultrasound scan can the estimated weight of the baby be calculated.

On such an unscheduled study, the size of the fetal head, the diameter and circumference of the abdomen, the length of the baby's femur and humerus are determined. And based on these data, it becomes possible to calculate the estimated weight of the fetus.

Causes of a large fruit

There can be many reasons why you are carrying a hero. Some of them are associated only with heredity, some are a reflection of the mother's lifestyle or an echo of her state of health. Let us dwell in more detail on the reasons that the fetus is overweight during pregnancy.

1. Increase in the duration of pregnancy. There are two terms that are associated with a long gestation period: prolongation of physiological pregnancy and prolongation of pregnancy. Prolongation is due to the fact that the timing of labor was incorrectly set. In this case, a healthy baby is born, but 10-14 days later than the period established by the doctors. The baby's health is determined by the absence of signs of overburdening and aging of the placenta. With a true prolongation of pregnancy, a baby is born with the following signs:

  • wrinkling of the skin;
  • greenish or grayish tint of amniotic fluid;
  • lack of original lubrication; dryness.

2. A disease such as diabetes , can result in a large fetus during pregnancy. A pregnant woman who is sick with diabetes should be examined more thoroughly than others. Among such women, the statistics of the birth of large children is much higher.

Such pregnant women must be hospitalized no later than 32 weeks of gestation. In the hospital, they undergo a thorough examination, after which a decision is made on the timing of childbirth. If a diabetic patient bears a large fetus, then they decide on the artificial stimulation of labor no earlier than 36 weeks. Also, this decision is made when a woman's health condition deteriorates (gestosis, a decrease in blood sugar,). In this case, childbirth is also closely monitored by a therapist. Insulin is administered during all labor. Insulin treatment continues after childbirth, depending on test results.

3. Hemolytic disease of the fetus- a serious reason for the development of a large fetus during pregnancy. This disease is caused by Rh-conflict between mother and child. It occurs in women with a negative Rh factor when the baby inherits a positive Rh factor from the father. As a result of this disease, the baby not only has a decrease in hemoglobin level and jaundice appears, but also overweight due to the accumulation of fluid in the body cavities (swelling appears), the spleen and liver increase.

4. Heredity plays an important role in the development of a large fruit. If the baby's mom or dad is tall and large at the moment, then there is a high probability that the baby will be big. Also today, small parents could be born large. Then the baby can inherit this very fact and will also be a hero.

5. There is also a tendency to develop a large fetus in subsequent pregnancies. According to statistics, the second and subsequent children are born with a weight 30% more than their older brothers and sisters. This is primarily due to the psychological factor (during the second pregnancy, the mother no longer experiences such tremendous stress and fear). The second reason is the readiness and training of a woman's body to bear a baby (now the exchange of substances between mother and baby is improving due to better blood circulation).

6. Nutrition of a pregnant woman can also affect the oversize of the baby. A large number of food containing carbohydrates (bakery, sweet) contributes to obesity in mothers and babies. In this case, the baby's body begins to work like a mother's and gains excess weight. Obesity can develop in the womb.

Danger with large fruit

The final stage of pregnancy is childbirth, this is one of the most responsible and difficult moments of waiting for a baby. Carrying a large baby can cause certain difficulties in the process of delivery. These difficulties can affect both the health of the mother and the health of the newborn.

First of all, with a large fetus during pregnancy, there may be discrepancy between the size of the baby's head and the mother's pelvis ... Even if the pelvis is not narrow, the head of a large baby may not pass through the birth canal. In this case, even a good, strong labor activity will not be able to ensure a natural delivery.

The head of a large fetus stands high in the pelvic cavity, this is the reason for the lack of differentiation into anterior and posterior amniotic fluid. This difference from normal physiological labor causes an early effusion of amniotic fluid. If the fetus is large, then the umbilical cord or the baby's pen may fall out along with the outpouring into the vagina. In this case, there is an immediate surgical intervention. The early outpouring of water slows down the process of opening the uterus, and the period of contractions makes it very painful. The fact that the baby is without water for a long time can cause infection of him and the uterus.

The development of a large fetus during pregnancy can cause labor disorders ... Such a disorder is characterized by good and strong activity in the first stage and a decrease in labor in the later stages of labor. As a result, the woman in labor gets tired and cannot push. Also, cases of violation of the activity of the nervous, cardiovascular system are not uncommon. A large fetus in this situation suffers from a lack of oxygen - hypoxia. Such a violation may be characterized by very weak contractions in the first stage of labor.

During attempts, when the baby's head takes the shape of a woman's small pelvis, uterine rupture problem ... This happens, again, due to the discrepancy between the sizes of the small pelvis and the head of a large fetus.

Emergence genitourinary or rectovaginal fistulas not uncommon when large children are born. This is due to the long standing of the baby's head in the female pelvic area. In this case, tissue necrosis occurs. Bladder, rectum and urethra. The dead tissue is then rejected, forming fistulas. The problem is solved only by surgical intervention after childbirth.

With a long period of birth, the baby may pinched leg nerve , there is also the possibility of damage to the articulation of the pubic bones. This is reflected in the gait of the young mother, limping and painful sensations appear when moving the leg. If the degree of nerve damage is high, then surgery is required to resolve the problem. For mild paresis, bed rest and a bandage are recommended. Pain medications may be prescribed by the doctor's decision.

All of the above can occur even before the birth of the baby's head, which was considered large during pregnancy. But even when, it would seem, the most difficult is over, problems may arise. After the birth of the head of a large fetus, difficulties may arise in removing the baby's shoulder girdle. If the child is large, then, first of all, the neonatologist pays attention to the condition of his collarbones and arms.

The discrepancy between the mother's pelvis and the baby's head can cause cerebral hemorrhage in a child or cephalohematoma. If there are no complications, then after 6-8 weeks the hematoma subsides, without having any effect on the health of the child. Hemorrhage can also remain without consequences for the development and health of the baby. It all depends on its size and the area of ​​outpouring.

We must not forget that a woman who gave birth to a large baby may have insufficient uterine contraction ... As a result, bleeding may occur after the baby is born. Retention of the placenta in the uterus and rupture of genital tract tissues also become the causes of bleeding.

What to do?

If, after the next examination by the doctor, you were told that you have a large fetus, you should not panic. A large fetus during pregnancy is the need for more careful monitoring later and during childbirth. Having learned that the baby is large, the doctor, first of all, will try to find out the reason.

If the cause is any pathology of fetal development or the woman's health, hospital treatment will be prescribed. In this case, in most situations, the woman is under supervision until the very birth, since there is a need for constant teaching of drug treatment.

If the cause of a large fetus is heredity or overeating of mommy, then a diet is prescribed. According to the diet, the mother should receive only healthy food that will not contribute to weight gain.

You should also not be afraid of childbirth with the development of a large fetus. The only thing to do beforehand is to talk to your doctor about the progress of your labor. In some cases, a caesarean section is immediately prescribed, in others, a wait-and-see approach is taken.

Indicators for caesarean section already in the process of labor, there are signs of a discrepancy between the baby's head and the mother's pelvis within 4 hours.

That is, if the birth is prescribed natural, then under the condition of the spontaneous course of labor and the effluent, the doctor can decide on the operation if the person is in danger of the life of the mother or child.

” №8/2014 02.06.16

Of course, all expectant mothers are looking forward to the first movements of the fetus. Many women from this moment are truly aware of the fact of their pregnancy. At this stage, many questions arise regarding the activity of the fetus in the mother's tummy. We will answer the most popular ones.

1. The baby begins to move before you feel it

The first movement of the fetus begins early, already at 7-8 weeks of gestation. It was at this time that his first muscles and rudiments were formed. nervous system... From about 10 weeks of gestation, the baby begins to move more actively in the uterus, sometimes bumping into its walls. However, he is still very small, and these blows are very weak, so the expectant mother cannot yet feel them.

2. "As if a fish swam": during the first pregnancy, fetal movements are felt later

The first movements of the fetus will be soft and as if tickling - as if a fish had swam. The expectant mother will be able to feel the tangible shocks a little later. If the pregnancy is the first, the first fetal movements can be seen at 18–20 weeks, and with repeated pregnancy, at 16–18 weeks (the woman is already familiar with this sensation, she more accurately and earlier determines the fetal movement).

In general, the manifestation of the first fetal movements is very individual and depends on how sensitive the expectant mother is, as well as on her physique. For example, slender women can feel fetal movements earlier - even at 15-16 weeks, and larger mothers - sometimes later than 20 weeks.

Women who lead an active lifestyle, who work a lot, usually feel the movements of the fetus later, since with high employment they usually listen less to their inner feelings.

3. From the 24th week, the fetus already "communicates" with the mother with the help of movements

Fetal movement is an indicator of a normal pregnancy, good growth, development and well-being of the baby. At first, when the expectant mother only felt the first movements of the fetus (18–20 weeks), movements may not even be felt every day. From 24 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother already feels how the fetus changes position, moves its arms and legs. The motor activity of the fetus increases gradually, and its peak falls on the period from the 24th to the 32nd week of pregnancy. At this time, she becomes one of the indicators of the normal development of the baby, the child begins to "communicate" with the mother with the help of movements, to react to the sounds of her voice and emotional state. From the moment of "his growing up", when the baby began to actively move, he "speaks" to his mother, thereby informing her about his anxiety, joy, pleasure, or his well-being.

In turn, the fetus is very sensitive to changes in the emotional state of the expectant mother. For example, when she is excited, worried or happy, the baby may move more actively or, conversely, calm down for a while. Fetal movements can vary in quantity and intensity even during the day. And this is normal.

4. If there is no movement, the baby can just sleep

Starting from the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby should move on average 10-15 times per hour. If the baby does not make itself felt for 3-4 hours, it is possible that he is just sleeping. In this case, the expectant mother needs to eat something sweet and lie on her left side for half an hour. If these simple steps do not help, it is worth repeating them again after 2-3 hours. If the baby still does not make itself felt, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

After 32 weeks of pregnancy, the number of fetal movements gradually decreases due to the fact that the baby is growing up, and he simply does not have enough free space. But their intensity and strength remain the same or grow. This becomes especially noticeable by the time of childbirth.

See your doctor immediately if:

  • no fetal motor activity for 12 hours or more,
  • the fetus was overly active for several days, and then abruptly subsided,
  • you notice only rare and weak fetal movements (this may be caused by a lack of oxygen - fetal hypoxia).

5. How to count fetal movements? 2 special tests

It is recommended to count the number of fetal movements for every expectant mother, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy (after the 28th week) - there should be at least ten of them during the day. There are 2 fetal movement tests to assess fetal activity.

"Count to ten"... On a special card (you can take it from your doctor or he will tell you how to draw it up), the number of fetal movements is noted daily, usually from 28 weeks of pregnancy. The essence of the fetal movement test is that the expectant mother counts fetal movements for 12 hours, for example, from 9 am to 9 pm. If the fetus makes less than 10 movements per period, this is a reason to consult a doctor for an examination.

There is another way to count fetal movements - Sadovski technique... They spend it like this: in the evening after dinner, the woman lies on her left side and counts the movements of the fetus. In this case, you need to take into account everything, even the smallest movements of the fetus. If 10 or more fetal movements are noted within an hour, this indicates that the baby is feeling well. If the fetus has moved less than 10 times in an hour, then its movements are counted for another hour. The evening time for this assessment method was not chosen by chance. It is in the evening, especially after dinner and the associated increase in glucose, that the highest activity of the fetus is noted. If the number of fetal movements is less than 10 times in 2 hours, this should be considered as a sign of a violation of its condition and additional research should be carried out.

6. Fetal movements may be a little painful.

Sometimes the baby's movements hurt the expectant mother. In this case, she needs to change her body position (lie on the other side, walk, etc.). After that, the discomfort should go away. If for a long time, for several hours, fetal movements remain painful, the expectant mother should definitely inform the doctor about this, as this may be a sign of problems during pregnancy (for example, with oligohydramnios). In addition, most expectant mothers note some soreness in the hypochondrium, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy - and this is not a deviation from the norm, since the uterus has risen high enough for the baby to “reach” in these areas as well.

7. Nimble baby: why are fetal movements too active?

The baby can move too actively, as already mentioned, when the emotional state of the expectant mother changes, in addition, he can react to external noises (from about the 20th week of pregnancy, when the hearing aid is formed and the bones in it began to ossify to conduct sound ). Therefore, if the expectant mother comes to the apartment where the renovation is underway, or watches a movie with strong noise effects in the cinema, then, most likely, she will feel quite frequent shocks in her tummy.

8. What is the expression of oxygen starvation of the fetus?

There is a widespread belief that increased fetal activity is a sign of oxygen deprivation, but this is not always the case. Indeed, at the initial stages of fetal hypoxia, the baby's restless behavior is noted, which consists in the frequency and strengthening of his movements. However, with a prolonged or increasing lack of oxygen, the movements of the little man weaken, or may even stop altogether. Therefore, anxiety should be caused by rare (less than 10 per day), weak fetal movements (especially after 30 weeks) or increased activity after a "quiet period", which requires urgent consultation with a doctor. If the doctor suspects that something is wrong, he will send the expectant mother to an ultrasound or CTG (cardiotocography), with which you can figure out why the baby is behaving this way. And if necessary, the doctor will prescribe treatment to normalize the condition of the fetus.

It is very important to listen to the sensations in your tummy and notice how often and intensively the baby moves. Then you can feel the changes in the nature of his movements and consult a doctor in time to make sure that everything is in order with the baby.

9. The little "astronaut" is always on the move

At the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus makes about 200 movements per day, and in the period between the 28th and 32nd weeks, their daily amount reaches 600. Naturally, the expectant mother does not feel all the baby's movements, but only a small part of them. So, after 28 weeks, the frequency of movement of the fetus, according to the woman's sensations, is 4 to 8 times per hour, with the exception of periods of sleep (3-4 hours in a row). During the third trimester, a pregnant woman may notice that her baby has certain sleep and wake cycles. Children are usually most active from 7 pm to 4 am, and the period of "rest" occurs more often from 4 to 9 am.


Unfortunately, today there are sad statistics associated with cases of pregnancy fading. Studies show that the risk of developing this pathology after 45 years increases to 18%, while at the age of 25-30 this figure is only 10%.

However, the risk still exists, but, as they say, knowledgeable means armed.

The ability to determine the freezing of the fetus independently depends on the period at which this occurs. On the early date it is very difficult to understand that the pregnancy has frozen, since the fetus is still small and the mother does not feel its movement. But, if you carefully listen to your body every day, then this unpleasant fact can be immediately recognized.

The first thing that should be alarming - bloody vaginal discharge, the appearance of cramping pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, a sharp increase in temperature. If you had early toxicosis, but suddenly stopped abruptly (earlier than 12 weeks), this may also indicate the fading of pregnancy.

If you planned your pregnancy correctly, then you paid attention to change in basal temperature before and after conception. Normally, the temperature in the first trimester should be elevated (37.3-37.1).

By the end of the first month of pregnancy, it begins to gradually decrease. But, if this decrease was noticed by you earlier and by 1 degree at once, then this is a clear sign of a frozen pregnancy. The decrease in temperature is associated with a decrease in the level of progesterone in the blood. This hormone becomes unnecessary if the fetus does not develop, since progesterone is responsible for keeping the pregnancy safe.

Fading of pregnancy at a later date is primarily determined by lack of fetal movement... Do not ignore "Method 10", according to which you should count at least 10 movements of the child from 9:00 to 21:00 hours.

Fading of pregnancy in the second or third trimester can also be recognized by the appearance sharp painful contractions and back pain. The fact is that the body is trying to get rid of the fetus, which is no longer developing. There is a sharp change in overall health in the negative direction (nausea, weakness, fever). A sudden cessation of toxicosis, if any, and the absence of painful sensations in the chest.

It is also worth paying attention to vaginal discharge. If they take on a brownish or red tint, then this is a reason to sound the alarm.

Temperature increase when pregnancy fades, it may indicate that the body has been intoxicated. This is fraught with serious consequences for a woman's health, up to and including death.

Many people believe that a pregnancy test should be done only before this happy fact is clarified. But experts advise to go through it throughout the first trimester. The fact is that with a frozen pregnancy, the test will show a negative result. This is due to the fact that the level of the hCG hormone in the woman's blood falls.

It may also be effective to test for hCG several times after determining conception. As it was said, when pregnancy fades, its level will fall, or in general, during the next analysis, it will be equal to zero.

How is a missed pregnancy diagnosed?

On examination, a gynecologist may suspect fading if the size of the uterus does not match the time frame. But the diagnosis "missed pregnancy" will not be made to you without an ultrasound scan. This stage of diagnosis can be omitted only with a late visit to the doctor, when the body intoxication has occurred, and inflammatory processes in the uterus have begun.

Treatment of a frozen pregnancy

In the early stages of fetal freezing, medical abortion is used. If the fetus froze in the last stages of pregnancy, then labor is stimulated to cause the birth of a child. If it is too early to stimulate labor, and the size of the fetus does not allow the use of medical abortion, then scraping is used.

With a frozen pregnancy, it is important to undergo postoperative treatment. The doctor prescribes medications that will help the body recover and remove inflammatory processes, if any.

Be sure to prescribe a full examination after a frozen pregnancy. This is necessary to find out the causes of fading and exclude them in the future. Also, after the pregnancy fades, histology is carried out, that is, the study of a smear and a section of the uterus.

Why does pregnancy freeze? Can this be prevented?

Fading pregnancy can occur for many reasons, for example:

  • development of fetal pathologies incompatible with life;
  • frequent abortions in the past, resulting in the accumulation of antibodies in the body. The latter simply do not give the child a chance for survival, attacking him in the womb;
  • infectious diseases of the mother;
  • diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system of the mother;
  • trauma;
  • stressful situations;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • bad habits;

Sometimes pregnancy ends due to fetal freezing. The death of a long-awaited child can occur at different stages of pregnancy. What to do in this case?

One of the most difficult tragedies in a woman's life is a missed pregnancy. Unfortunately, this sometimes happens, despite the woman's observance of all the recommendations of the gynecologist. The realization that the life of a long-awaited child was cut short even before the appearance of a baby in this world can cause serious depression in both parents.

Most often, missed pregnancy occurs in the first trimester.

It is the risk of freezing of the ovum that makes the first 12 weeks of pregnancy the most critical. This pathology occurs in about 13% of women. As a rule, a woman does not immediately discover that her baby's heart has stopped beating. The first signs of freezing of the ovum can appear only 2-3 weeks after the tragedy. It is after this period of time that the non-developing ovum begins to be rejected from the uterine mucosa. The fertilized egg can independently leave the woman's body, but in some cases, part of the membranes remains in the uterus.

A frozen pregnancy can occur in women of any age. Such a tragedy is due to the impact on the body of a pregnant woman of multiple circumstances. To reduce the risk of death of the ovum in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is necessary to be fully examined by a gynecologist before conception occurs.

Signs of fetal freezing at a later date differ significantly from the symptoms of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester.

One of the varieties of a frozen pregnancy is anembryonia - a condition when conception occurs, but due to the effects on the body of environmental and internal factors, the embryo does not develop, that is, a woman is diagnosed with the presence of an empty ovum in the uterus.

Causes of a frozen pregnancy

Gynecologists still cannot accurately name the cause of fetal freezing. In the early stages of development, in the first weeks of pregnancy, the cause of the arrest of development and the death of the embryo is severe malformations that are incompatible with life. Genetic disorders occur in 70% of all missed pregnancies.

The dying of the fetus at a later date (after 14 weeks) is often provoked by viral and infectious diseases transferred by a woman at the beginning of pregnancy. Sometimes the cause of fetal death is the mother's abdominal injury from a fall or impact.

In gynecology, there are cases when a normally developing pregnancy freezes for no apparent reason. Some women may have several such cases in a row. In any case, you should not lose heart and put up with the problems of miscarriage. To understand the cause of the tragedy, a woman should be examined by a gynecologist.

Fading of pregnancy in the early stages can happen due to exposure to the body of such factors:

  • Father's smoking while planning pregnancy;
  • The use of alcohol and drugs by a woman in the first weeks of pregnancy;
  • The presence in a woman's body of infections such as cytomegalovirus, rubella, ureaplasmosis, herpes, papilloma virus, mycoplasmosis and others;
  • Infection of a woman with sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis);
  • Serious hormonal disruptions;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system (maternal diabetes mellitus);
  • The presence of Rh-conflict (with a negative Rh factor in the mother and positive in the fetus) - the woman's body perceives pregnancy as something alien and tries with all its might to get rid of the fetus;
  • Lifting weights in early pregnancy;
  • Constant stress of a pregnant woman.

At risk are women after 35 years, patients who have had many abortions in the past, women with congenital malformations of the uterus.

How to recognize a missed pregnancy at an early stage?

The most accurate and reliable way to diagnose fetal freezing in the early stages is to conduct an ultrasound examination of the uterus. With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to accurately determine the presence or absence of heart contractions in a growing embryo. Fine developing pregnancy can also be diagnosed by the results of a blood test for the level of the hormone hCG, every day the indicators of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood increase.

It is possible to determine fetal fading using ultrasound

The expectant mother herself may suspect in herself the threat of miscarriage and the possible freezing of the fetus due to the appearance of spotting bleeding from the external genital organs. This symptom is characteristic for the termination of the fetal heartbeat in early pregnancy. In the later stages, in the second and third trimester, a woman may suspect that something is wrong with her baby due to the absence of movements for several hours.

When the fetus freezes in early pregnancy, a woman, in addition to bloody discharge, may experience severe cramping pains in the lower abdomen. If before that the woman suffered from toxicosis, then when the pregnancy fades, all the symptoms of ailments disappear abruptly.

If a woman ignores the above signs and does not go to a gynecologist, then symptoms of severe intoxication of the body soon develop - nausea, vomiting, an increase in body temperature up to 39 degrees, increasing weakness and pallor of the skin. Blood pressure drops and the pulse becomes threadlike. In the absence of emergency medical care, a woman develops sepsis and death.

As a rule, when the ovum freezes in the first weeks of pregnancy, the body independently gets rid of the embryo. The uterus begins to contract intensively, removing the ovum and its membranes from the body. Contractions of the uterus provoke pain in the lower abdomen and lower back in a woman, as well as intense spotting and clots from the genital tract.

In any case, a woman should see a gynecologist. It so happens that the fertilized egg is not completely removed from the uterus, then the woman is prescribed a surgical "cleaning", during which the remains of the embryo and its membranes are scraped out.

Signs of a late pregnancy

Alas, it sometimes happens that a woman goes through the tragedy of losing a child in late pregnancy. The cause of fetal death is the mother's infectious diseases, abdominal trauma or strangulation of the child with her own umbilical cord.

At a later date, the fetus may freeze from infection or injury.

It is possible to recognize the symptoms of the termination of a baby's life in late pregnancy by the absence of movements for more than 5 hours.

A woman can feel the first movements of the fetus starting from the 17th week of pregnancy. As the child grows, the intensity of the baby's movements only increases. A mother-to-be can pinpoint when her baby is asleep and when she is awake. Of course, it all depends on the activity of the kids, some kids push often and intensely, and some develop more calmly. However, if the baby's movements are absent for more than 4 hours, and during various conversations with the baby and stroking the abdomen, there is no movement on his part, the woman should urgently go to the department of the maternity hospital. There is no need to wait for time, believing that the baby is just sleeping. The absence of movement may indicate a strong oxygen starvation of the baby, for example, as a result of tight entanglement with the umbilical cord around the neck or torso. If the expectant mother immediately see a doctor, then the baby's life can possibly be saved.

One of the clinical symptoms of a late pregnancy in a late period is a change in the mammary glands. If the death of the fetus occurs before the 25th week of pregnancy, then the breast in most cases sharply returns to its previous size, but if the pregnancy froze after 25 weeks, then colostrum may begin to be secreted from the mammary glands.

Of course, there are women who absolutely do not listen to the movements of their baby and cannot say for sure when the fetus moved for the last time. Fortunately, there are very few such persons. However, it should be said that another symptom of a frozen pregnancy in a late period is the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, nausea and vomiting. And also a significant reduction in the volume of the abdomen. The last symptom is due to the fact that during the death of the fetus, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases. These symptoms can be observed in a woman a few days after the death of the fetus in the womb.

Of course, the death of the fetus is a terrible tragedy, especially for those women who already felt the movements of their baby well, talked to him, stroked their tummy. All this can lead to severe lingering depression and apathy in a woman. If such a tragedy nevertheless occurred and the doctors confirmed the death of the baby in the womb, then the question arises of delivery. One way or another, a dead fetus cannot remain in a woman's uterus, as this can lead to the development of sepsis and death. Depending on the duration of pregnancy, when the tragedy happened, a woman may undergo surgical cleaning or cause labor. Sometimes doctors can remove a dead baby from the uterus by a small cesarean section.

Life after the tragedy

A woman should understand that, despite the depression that happened to her after the loss of the desired baby, before planning a new pregnancy, you need to find out the reason for the fetal fading. If the parents do not know what caused the death of the baby, then both of them are shown a comprehensive gynecological and urological examination. This examination includes a consultation with a geneticist, an endocrinologist and tests for latent genital infections. After establishing the cause that provoked fetal freezing, and undergoing treatment, the spouses should plan a new pregnancy only 6-12 months after therapy.

It is advisable to find out exactly the cause of fetal freezing.

Planning a new pregnancy

What kind of period a married couple needs to wait, before planning conception after a frozen pregnancy, is determined by a gynecologist, depending on the cause of fetal death. This period is at least six months. Until the doctor's permission to plan a new pregnancy, spouses must use a method that is suitable for them. Do not worry about the fact that a woman will follow the same fate when a new pregnancy occurs. Such fears are sometimes completely unfounded. In most cases, a missed pregnancy is an isolated case for every patient who survived this grief, and does not at all indicate that the next time it will be the same.

However, you need to understand that in order not to face this misfortune again, a married couple must carefully prepare for a new conception. For this, the spouses must be examined and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment.

A healthy lifestyle of the spouses before the planned conception significantly increases the chances of a successful completion of the pregnancy. It is very important that not only the woman but also her husband is preparing for a new pregnancy. To do this, the couple must give up bad habits, revise their diet, engage in light physical exercise and be more outdoors. It is advisable if a woman starts taking prenatal vitamins even before the onset of pregnancy. Thus, with the onset of the desired conception in the fetus, the risk of congenital malformations of the neural tube is significantly reduced.

Separately, it must be said about the moral support of the husband. A woman who has experienced a frozen pregnancy becomes overly suspicious and anxious. She listens carefully to any changes in the work of her body during pregnancy, and looks for signs of freezing of the ovum. The spouse's task is to surround his pregnant wife with care and attention, this will help the pregnant woman to distract herself from negative thoughts. You need to surround the woman with positive emotions and support in every possible way. The successful outcome of pregnancy largely depends on the moral attitude of the woman.

Of course, it is very difficult to survive such a tragedy as the fading of pregnancy in a late period, and the depth of the parents' grief is simply beyond words. In this case, a woman must find the strength in herself and turn all her attention to her health. If necessary, you need to undergo a course of treatment, drink vitamin preparations, go to rest and gain strength before a new pregnancy.

These studies should not be neglected. Thus, the woman will save herself and the unborn baby from a possible repetition of the tragedy. By following all the above tips, a woman will be able to experience the joy of motherhood very soon!

Remember, a frozen pregnancy is not a sentence, a healthy, cured woman cannot have any consequences for the next pregnancy, and she has every chance of giving birth to a healthy baby.