The meaning of the name donat. What does the unusual name Donat mean? Male name donut

Donat is a suitable name for a boy born on the date of birth of his mother or father, because from Latin it sounds like “gift”, “given”, “given”.

Origin of the name

The ancient Roman name Donat, whose meaning and fate of the bearers of the name attracted you, refers to the types of nicknames praising the help of higher powers, which show how important a child is for a kind.

general characteristics

Donat's fate should be successful. The kid is cherished and protected, they try to please him and instill good manners. As soon as Donatik gets sick, and colds are not uncommon for crumbs, an army of grandparents, aunts and uncles rushes to help their parents - everyone is trying to contribute to the recovery of the heir.

Naturally, with such an increased attention of the household, Donka grows up as a smart and smart boy beyond his years. The boy acquires the ability to read, write, add, navigate in the surrounding nature long before school.

For Don, the school seems to be a world of scientific discoveries. While other children are establishing interpersonal ties, the inquisitive student-gift eagerly rereads the available scientific and technical works. Fortunately, modern computer technologies make it possible to delve into various branches of the universe.

Building friendly, loving relationships becomes important for Donat at a fairly adult age. He is looking for intellectually and morally equal to him of the same thinkers, and from women he chooses the one who will show patience and endurance, awaiting his decision to marry.

Positive character traits

Reasonable, sluggish Donat knows how to prioritize things and not chase a pipe dream. The young man feels great people, is devoted to friends, takes care of his parents to the end.

To some, the guy will seem slow and boring, but without throwing unnecessary words in a business conversation, he will think a dozen steps ahead of the degree of risk, the possibility of a successful result, calculate the profit and costs.

Negative traits

Among the negative traits of character Donatu is hampered by the fact that he does not know how to adapt, in unexpected situations he can fall into a stupor. Winter Donatos is often overly meticulous, loves to teach household members, especially goes to his faithful wife, can grumble for no reason, is prone to melancholy.

The artistic abilities of the name Donat are poorly expressed, “earthly” professions are more suitable for him: engineer, auto mechanic, builder, methodologist, research worker.

Zodiac sign

Intuitive abilities, close to clairvoyance, are inherent in the bearer of a name born in Capricorn or Aquarius.
For Donat, prudence is always in the first place, which is endowed by his patron planet - Saturn.
In clothes, Donat prefers black, gray, olive, lilac colors, which he defines as lucky his name.
Do not forget about Natick's luck stone. This is onyx, magnetite or chalcedony (quartz).


Don, Donik, Donatik, Nat, Natick, Natichka, Donatka,

Name variations

Donato, Donatello, Donatus, Donatas, Donnet.

Historical figures

Unknown - 387 - Bishop of Evir, the holy miracle worker Donat.
1386 - 1466 - Italian sculptor Donatello (née Donato di Betto Bardi).
1429 - 1478 - Florentine financier Donato Acciuoli.
1444 - 1514 - Italian architect Donato Bramante (Lazzari).
1924 - 2014 - Soviet Lithuanian actor, director Donatas Banionis.
B. 1953 - Italian actor, writer Donato Placido.
B. 1967 - American illustrator Donato Giancola.
Born in 1983 - Russian actor, director Donatas Grudovich.
B. 1996 - Lithuanian basketball player Donatas Sabonis.
B. 1996 - American hockey player Donato Ryan.

Version 1. What does the name Donat mean?

DONAT - a gift (lat.).

Zodiac sign - Aries.

The planet is the Sun.

The color is bright red.

The auspicious tree is oak.

The treasured plant is hydrangea.

The patron saint of the name is a ram.

The talisman stone is bloodstone.


Donat is modest, shy and very neat - sometimes to the point of disgust.

He has a vivid imagination. A balanced, reasonable, detailed person who loves clarity in everything. He is somewhat straightforward, and this makes life difficult for him. The inability to adapt to circumstances, to bypass sharp corners leads to the fact that he has to follow a winding path to the goal. But he also has invaluable qualities that help out in difficult times - intuition and a good knowledge of human psychology. Donat is generous, does not remember evil for a long time and, although by nature he is rather a skeptic, he is inclined to see good in people.

Version 2. What does the name Donat mean

1. Personality. Men who withstand storms.

2. Character. 92%.

3. Radiation. 85%.

4. Vibration. 64,000 vibrations / s

5. Color. Violet.

6. Main features. Excitability - susceptibility - sexuality - morality.

7. Totem plant. Cane.

8. Totem animal. Badger.

9. Sign. Aquarius.

10. Type. These are people who make others work for themselves. They are not too ambitious, they strive for a calm, wealthy life. Like the reed, they prefer to duck under the gusts of the wind, rather than face the storms of life.

11. Psyche. Introverts are too deep in their inner world, they need to be introduced to sports and to participate in youth organizations.

12. Will. It is especially pronounced when circumstances force us to act.

13. Excitability. Their excitability is reminiscent of a sleeping queen. They love to have comrades, but on condition that this does not oblige them to anything.

14. The speed of reaction. Very weak. They are acutely aware of defeat, failure shocks and overwhelms them.

15. Field of activity. Professions are suitable for them, which are, as it were, a connecting link between managers and performers. In other words, they are suitable to be overseers, controllers, customs officers, administrators. Succeed in the fields of electronics, medicine and paramedicine. Among them are renowned surgeons and dentists.

16. Intuition. Exceptional. Donat often uses his intuition and refers to it when he does not want to work with his head.

17. Intelligence. An analytical mindset allows them to navigate well in life. In addition, they have developed imagination and memory, but lack curiosity.

18. Susceptibility. They are very impressionable and sensitive to everything that is associated with good and evil.

19. Morality. They are impeccable in this regard, but do not recognize too harsh rules. However, their scrupulousness is often out of place, and this is annoying.

20. Health. They get tired quickly, although overwork should be distinguished from work and a certain mental state. It is better to spend your vacation by the water, by the sea. Weak points of the body: genitals and nervous system.

21. Sexuality. The life of such men is spent trying to reconcile the contradictory sides of their personality. Delicate and sensitive, they are well versed in female psychology, and their sexual feelings are highly developed.

22. Activity. To a certain extent, indecisive and absolutely incapable of resisting and fighting.

23. Sociability. They love to surround themselves with people, even if they are not friends, but casual acquaintances. Good family men, it is in the family that they feel a sense of peace and for this they are capable of compromises.

24. Conclusion. Men like these can be trusted. Donat is not very active and assertive, but has advantages that are rare in our time.

3 version of the meaning of the name Donat

Donat - from lat. donated.

Derivatives: Donatka, Dona, Donya, Donyasha, Nata.

Folk omens.

On Donat, September 17, you can "speak" your back so that it does not hurt from field work: if you see flying cranes on that day, you have to lie down in the grass and roll over your head seven times or roll over from side to side, saying: "Crane, crane , you have a neck with a stake, but my back is a wheel, not a hook ”- and the back will be“ springy ”.


Donat is modest, even shy, very neat, sometimes squeamish. He has a vivid imagination. Balanced, reasonable, circumstantial in everything. His striving for precision and clarity sometimes borders on straightforwardness. And this makes life much more difficult for him. At the same time, he cannot be denied such qualities as intuition and a good knowledge of human psychology. Donat is generous, does not remember evil for a long time and is ready to forgive and believe in people. But this usually comes to him when he has already filled the cones, having failed once again to get around the sharp corners.

4 version of the interpretation of the name Donat

Children named by this name grow up to be strong. Outwardly they look like a mother, but in character they are like a father. They do not give much trouble to parents, although they are rather stubborn and selfish.

They study well at school, go in for sports (football, hockey), read a lot; in general, these are addicted natures. They are cunning and do not mind cheating, and they do it very masterly. Sociable - they have many friends. The relationship between Donat's father and mother cannot be called warm, and the boy, in fact, is left to himself. His passion is philately, he also loves animals and can touchingly care for them. She never complains about her grievances. Adult Donates are serious, solid and at the same time modest people.

"Winter" are often unpredictable, quarrelsome and meticulous. They are truth seekers, which, however, does not bring them laurels.

"Summer" - indecisive and kind, prone to depression and nervous diseases.

Donat successfully works as engineers, builders, masters many working professions (blacksmiths, electricians), in their hands everything is going well. They are economic people, hospitable and sociable. They love hunting and fishing, they are fond of wooden crafts. They do not like people who talk more than they do, because they themselves are hardworking and will bring any business to the end.

Vera, Maria, Anna, Olga, Nelly, Polina, Taisiya will suit them as wives. With those who are called Tamara, Inna, Klara, Vladlena or Zinaida, Donat's life may not work out.

Numerology named after Donat

Name number: 3

Number 3 is sacred. It carries a message about the mutually complementary combination of opposites.
In numerology, this number is ruled by Mars - a very strong planet, whose wards have a sharp, lively and dynamic character. These are creative people with a rich imagination, intuition, high intellectual potential.
The number three is introverted. Its motto is "Giver of joy." Three people have a rich inner world, a great sense of humor and delicate taste. They are sociable, optimistic, cheerful, charismatic.

The meaning of the letters in the name Donat

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, notoriousness and limitation. These people, before doing something, will think it over several times. All actions are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in a difficult situation. They are distinguished by excessive talkativeness. They do not accept criticism, very rarely listen to other people's opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

O- open, cheerful and cheerful natures. Those who have the letter "O" in their name are hardworking and creative. Professions related to strategic thinking and economics are ideal for them. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive personalities. Hardworking enough, however, they cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking. A person chooses a chosen one for a long time, with whom he can live until the end of his days. Likes to take care of loved ones.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are quite hardworking. They like to be proactive in everything and do not like routine.

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative natures. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition, they adapt well to different conditions of the surrounding world. Able to show generosity.

Name as a phrase

  • D- Good
  • O- He (Oh, Oh)
  • N- Our (Our, Your)
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • T- Firmly

Name Donat in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to spell Donat's name in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Man's name Donat is translated from Latin as “donated”. It is found in many countries of the world, but in Russia it is very rare.

Characteristics of the name Donat

Donat, as a rule, is a calm, judicious person, it is important for him that everything in his life is stable, does not like to change jobs or place of residence. In childhood, this is an obedient and sensitive child, he does not really like to study, and is designed in such a way that, before answering a question, he ponders and weighs his words for a long time. He has few friends in childhood, usually children are not impressed by his low activity and meaningfulness. The adult Donut remains modest and somewhat shy. He still needs time to think about his every serious step, but in his work he rarely makes mistakes, and all his affairs end in success. The owner of this name is very independent, he does not need the help of parents or friends in achieving his main goal - to achieve a calm and prosperous life. The disadvantages of Donat's character can be called meticulousness, slowness, depth in his world, subjectivity.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign Virgo or Capricorn. Virgo (August 24-September 23) is similar to Donat in modesty, simplicity, diligence, practicality, some pedantry, so she will only complement his character. Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) is also very suitable for the owner of this name, who, under his influence, will be simple, unobtrusive, hardy, sometimes withdrawn, economical, very conservative and hardworking.

Pros and cons of the name Donat

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name Donat? On the one hand, this is a rare, unusual, sonorous name, which, despite its foreign sound, in some cases can go well with Russian surnames and patronymics. However, on the other hand, it is difficult to choose a harmonious contraction or a diminutive form for this name (in our opinion, contractions and reductions Don, Donushka do not sound very nice), and the complex nature of most of its owners also cannot be called an advantage of the name Donat.


Donat's health, as a rule, is not very strong: he often catches cold, gets tired quickly, has a weak nervous system.

Love and family relationships

Donat is tuned into family relationships for a long time, because of which his girlfriend can either leave him, or initiate marriage herself. In his life companion, he chooses a calm, economic woman, in whom he especially appreciates loyalty. In general, Donat is a good family man, loves children, takes care of their well-being.

Professional sphere

In the professional field, Donat shows organizational skills. It can make a successful head of an enterprise, engineer, builder, designer, designer, architect, customs officer, controller, dentist, surgeon.


According to the Orthodox calendar, Donat celebrates the birthday on May 13, May 19, June 4, July 17, August 24, September 17 and October 14.

The name Donat does not sound very familiar to the Russian ear. To many, it seems foreign, more characteristic of the Baltic peoples. Some people find something Asian in him. Is it true or not? Where does it come from? What qualities does it endow a person with? How does he determine his fate? What does the word and each letter mean? To analyze the name Donat in all its aspects, the theories of Pavel Florensky, Pierre Rouge and Boris Khigir, well-deserved authorities in this field, are used.

Where did it come from, what does it mean

The name Donat comes from the Latin word "donatus", which translates as "gift", "presented", "gift". There is a derivative from this word - "donatianus", meaning "belonging to Donatus." Both forms, which were Roman family names, later became a separate name.

The name gained wide popularity with the spread of Christianity. There were especially many bearers of this name among the first martyrs. Some of them, such as Donatus of Evria, became famous for their miracles.

The name Donat comes from the Latin word "donatus", which translates as "gift", "presented", "gift"

Donat of Evrya - the conqueror of the dragon

One of the most famous carriers of the name was Donatus of Evry. He lived during the era of the pious emperor Theodosius (4th century). The place of his ministry was Evria. Residents of the city complained about the inadequacy of drinking water in the nearest source. The bishop, accompanied by the faithful, went to the lake to serve a prayer service. When the procession approached the place, a huge serpent came out of the water and rushed at the people. The bishop, not bewildered, began to whip the villain with a whip and purify him with prayers. Then he overshadowed the enemy with the sign of the cross and spat in his mouth. The dragon fell dead. The bishop consecrated the water in the spring, after which the first one tasted it. Seeing that the water had cleared, the townspeople thanked God and his servant.

Donatus of Evria has shown miracles more than once. They write about him that he found water in the desert and caused rain during a drought. The emperor Theodosius, in gratitude for the healing of his daughter, made a large monetary donation to the saint, which he spent on the construction of the temple. The bishop died a natural death at a venerable age.

One of the most famous bearers of the name was Donat of Evry

Today Americanism "donat", "donate" has enriched the vocabulary of Internet entrepreneurs as a short and succinct term for money investments. The same word is used to collect donations in both the real and the virtual world. The Americans have introduced another "donut" - a donut covered with glaze.

Similarities, abbreviations and other forms

The name changes depending on the language of use. So, in Lithuania it sounds - Donatos, in Italy - Donatello. There is a female form of the name: Donata, Donatella.

Name synonyms:

  • Donet,
  • Donato,
  • Donnet,
  • Donetto,
  • Donatos,
  • Donatus,
  • Donatier,
  • Donatello.

Short forms:

  • Don,
  • Donya,
  • Nata.

Diminutive variants of the name:

  • Danik,
  • Donik,
  • Danatic,
  • Donatik,
  • Donyasha,
  • Danyusha,
  • Donatka,
  • Natick,
  • Natichka.

Middle name: Donatovich, Donatovna.

Church name: Donat.

Donate - a gift for parents

In the domestic list of names there is a similar name Danat. Its origin is attributed to two languages: Kazakh and Tatar. Translated from the first, this rare name means "unique", "significant". In the Tatar language, it is composed of two parts: "dan" - "glorious" and "at" - "name". It turns out - "glorious name".

Internet alias

To present himself on Youtube, Instagram or social networks, Donat can use the following options:

  • @ don'AT-don'tAD;
  • donat-nadot;
  • donatisgift;
  • donat = surprize;
  • iy-ne-ponchik, ia-donat!

Table: name in other languages

Arabدونات dawnae
Chinese多納特 Duō nà tè
Korean도나 트 dona teu
GreekΔονάτος Donatos
Japaneseドナト Dōnato

Transliteration for foreign documents: DONAT.

First and middle name

Despite its unusualness, the name Donat goes well with Russian names. Considering that many of them have the same origin, you can safely combine them into one whole. Having remembered some simple rules, it is not difficult to put together euphonious compositions. A minimum of repetitive and stumbling syllables at the junction will eliminate the inconvenience of pronunciation and perception. The repetition of letters in both elements will strengthen their effect on the character of the child. The presence of other sounds in the father's name will give the character of the name the missing features:

  • Aleksandrovich,
  • Albertovich,
  • Antonovich,
  • Alexeyevich,
  • Andreevich,
  • Evgenyevich,
  • Emelyanovich,
  • Olegovych,
  • Osipovich,
  • Eduardovich,
  • Emmanuilovich,
  • Yakovlevich.

Name days, patron saints

In the annals of Christianity there are many saints named Donat. According to church tradition, the patron saint of a newborn will be a saint, whose day of remembrance is celebrated closer to the day of his birth or baptism. The same day will be his name day.

Table: name day dates and patron saints of Donat in the Catholic Church

NameRite of holinessDate of glorification
Donat of AlexandriamartyrDecember 30th
Donat Fiesolskybishop22 of October
Donat Messinskymartyr, monk5 october
Donat CapuanskymartyrSeptember 5th
Donat SentianmartyrSeptember 1
Donat of AntiochmartyrAugust 23
Donat Aretiskybishop, martyrAugust 7
Donatus of Caesarea, CappadocianmartyrMay 21st
bishop April 30
Donat Africanmartyr7 april
Donat ConcordiamartyrFebruary 17

Other days of celebration of the name day: January 25, February 4, February 9, March 1, August 19, October 29, December 12.

In honor of Donat Aretta in the Italian city-commune of Guardiagrela, a festive celebration takes place every year on August 7. The townspeople are carrying a sculptural image of the saint through the streets. On this day, roast piglet is served for dinner. The holiday ends with the traditional knightly tournament or, as it is also called, the Donat tournament.

The ascetics, canonized before the division of the churches, are included in both calendars. The most famous and revered of them is Donatus of Evry, bishop. The day of his memory is celebrated by the Catholics in the new style, and the Orthodox in the old way.

Donat of Evry is one of the main patrons of all Donates

Table: name day dates and patron saints of Donatus in the Orthodox Church

Analysis of the name Donat

Donat at first glance gives the impression of a very positive person. This concept includes respectable appearance, calmness and steadfastness. True, upon closer examination, the superficiality of such a view will become obvious. But this is not Donat's fault. Outwardly strong, reliable and self-confident Donat will never show what is happening in his soul.


Deep down, little Donut I am sure that he knows more than others and knows how to do everything better than others. And if so, then everyone should listen only to him and do as he said. It is clear that this does not add popularity to Donat. After another quarrel with his parents or friends, Donik runs to his younger brothers - pets. This is with whom he always has a complete understanding! They do not demand anything from him except love and attention, giving in return unlimited devotion and loyalty.

Little Donat is a true friend of our smaller brothers


Adult Donat doesn't like to draw attention to himself . He chooses an observer position. From his youth, having formed his opinion about life and people, he mentally tries on his own standard of behavior for everyone. If a person deviates from this standard in some way, Donat will deny him trust and disposition. He himself also tries to comply with the once developed norms and very proud of it. Therefore, he does not love and despise those who live differently, not like him.


At school, Donat takes an honorable place among the strong middle peasants. His abilities are selective: he will not waste himself on mastering knowledge that is unnecessary in life. It is better to direct his efforts to those items that will be useful to him in the future. Donate is a jack of all trades: he will skillfully assemble, disassemble any complex mechanism, invent his own bicycle, assemble a computer or make a hang glider. In addition, Donat is fond of philately, plays football and reads science fiction novels.

The name Donat endows its bearer with talents:

  • inventor,
  • constructor,
  • athlete,
  • mathematics.

Profession, business, career

Despite the overstated requirements, Donat cannot be accused of careerism. It will fit well into the middle intermediate position between leaders and performers. Can work as a controller, administrator, timekeeper and the like. In fact, he enjoys working with machines more than people. He delights in digging into the motor, conducting electrical wiring, erecting walls and laying tiles. Strong beliefs about right and wrong prevent Donat from achieving business success. Donat considers big money to be evil, he is sure that it cannot be earned in an honest way. In addition, Donat does not like to take risks, so he prefers a solid salary to an entrepreneur's wrong income.

Professions suitable for the name Donat:

  • locksmith,
  • mechanic,
  • builder,
  • design engineer,
  • programmer,
  • dentist,
  • orthopedist.


As a child, Donat often suffers from colds, although outwardly he looks strong. In adolescence and adulthood, it is useful for him to train endurance and strengthen the nervous system... Fatigue, increased excitability can eventually develop into urological and nervous diseases.

It is important for Donat to strengthen the body's endurance, go in for sports

Love, sexuality, marriage

This is not to say that Donat does not know how to love at all, but for him this is a question of the second order. The first place in his intentions is occupied by the search for a faithful friend of life, corresponding to his idea of ​​the ideal. He is looking not so much for his beloved as for the mistress of the hearth: calm and homely. Heart ardor and sexual attraction only prevent Donat from taking a good look at his future spouse. Therefore, he will try to take control of his feelings and postpone it for later.

In relationships, Donat values ​​the unity of views and common interests. He is also very afraid of making mistakes, so he looks closely at possible candidates for a long time and carefully. Having made his choice, he will patiently and persistently follow the courtship rite. But even after passing all the mandatory stages, there is no guarantee that he will make an offer. In this case, a lot depends on the girl: she will have to take the initiative and most delicately hint about the wedding. D It’s worth it: Donat is an excellent family man: a husband and father like him is a real gift for his wife and children.

Video: the meaning of the name Donat

Table: compatibility with female names

Anna80% 90% Anna is quite in Donat's taste, but the fastidious groom will not make an offer to her soon. He will weigh the pros and cons for a long time, observing his future wife along the way. This procedure lasts until Anna raises the question point-blank: a wedding or parting. There is nothing to do, Donat is leading his beloved down the aisle. Later life will show that he made the right choice. Anna will help him relax and distract him from the fight for justice.
Anastasia60% 40% The modest and rustic Donat is unlikely to please Anastasia, who is interested in men of a different type.
Arina70% 100% Arina, with her emphasized out-of-dateness, has every chance of being noticed by Donat and even runs the risk of being included in the list of his brides. Having withstood the test tests with honor and dignity, she will be able to get a lucky ticket to life together. They perfectly complement each other: Arina will find the support she needs in Donata, and he will find in her a weakness that needs constant care.
Evgeniya60% 40% Donat is not included in the circle of interests of Eugenia, who firmly knows what kind of man she needs. Yes, and he keeps away from her. These two names do not overlap.
Elena90% 100% About such a union, one well-known character said: "She fell in love with me for the torment, and I fell in love with her for compassion for them." Elena, with her characteristic cordiality, will see under Donat's external restraint and severity his delicate, vulnerable soul and will be imbued with compassionate love for him. Donat will not be able to resist this almost maternal tenderness and will lead Elena down the aisle. Of course, after a thorough check and a long preparatory period. In family life, both will find what they were looking for, and will live happily ever after.
Tatyana90% 90% Donat and Tatiana will make up a rather original duet. Their love can begin with camaraderie or business communication. But one day they will see each other in a new way: Tatiana will understand that she dreamed of just such a husband - strong, calm, balanced. Donut will see that he needs just such a wife. If the fateful meeting occurs in adulthood, success is assured.
Olga90% 80% Olga, as an active fighter for personal happiness, will not miss Donat if he gets into her orbit. Here the roles will change: the woman will take the initiative and, long before the wedding, will lead and direct the relationship in the direction she needs. In the end, Donat will have no choice but to marry Olga. Family life she, too, will build in her own way, and Donat will again have no choice but to accept it. However, both will be quite happy with this outcome.
Irina50% 40% Irina and Donat are looking in different directions, so they are unlikely to notice each other, even when they are nearby. Irina can be the manager in the office where Donat changes the wiring, and neither he nor she would ever think of recognizing each other as the love of a lifetime.
Julia50% 40% Donat does not see Julia as the wife and mother of her children, she is too extravagant and unusual for him. If not for his moral principles, he could have fallen in love with this intelligent girl, but as an honest man, knowing that he will never marry her, he does not fall in love.

Donat can make his chosen one happy

Significant years of life

Donat's life flows measuredly and smoothly: the rise is replaced by a decline, activity - passivity. The rate of its existence is somewhat behind the general average level. This is due to individual characteristics - long deliberation before making a decision, indecision and moderation:

  • 18 - 20 years - mastering the profession;
  • 20 - 25 years - professional development, preparation for marriage;
  • 25 - 30 years - approval in the profession, preparation for marriage;
  • 30 - 35 years old - marriage, having children;
  • 35 - 40 years - passive period: hunting, fishing;
  • 40 - 45 years old - watching over his wife and children;
  • 60 - 80 years old - calm old age in the bosom of the family.

Table: astrological correspondences

PlanetThe sunMoral purity, strength, masculinity, positivity. Love of life.
ZodiacAquariusIndependence, sincerity of motives, ingenuity.
ElementWaterUncertainty of desires, vagueness of goals, movement with the flow.
A rockBloodstoneVitality, wisdom, courage.
MetalLeadStrength of installations, loyalty to principles. Spiritual firmness, depth in oneself.
ColorVioletMystery, sadness, intuition, eldership.
AnimalThrift, caring for family and home. Practicality. Creativity.
PlantCaneSymbol of purification, fragility and hesitation.

Badger - Donat's totem animal

What the letters say

The first letter of the name is defining in the character of the person. The second one shows the qualities that help or hinder the realization of the potential. The third and subsequent ones draw a line under the fate of the name, consolidating its meaning:

  • D - thinking before starting each business, planning, dislike of criticism, adherence to principles;
  • О - the ability to set a goal and find ways to achieve it, high efficiency, prudence and pragmatism;
  • N - a critical view of reality, distrust of others, caution;
  • A - initiative, discovery of something new, the ability to act;
  • T - bearing your cross, completeness, confidence and conviction.

Characteristics by seasons

"Winter" Donat most fully combines all the features of the name. It is characterized by loyalty to principles, reliability, stability and physical strength. A truth-lover who makes a lot of enemies for himself because of the inability to get around sharp corners.

"Spring" does not look as monumental as its winter namesake. He is more mobile and lighter. However, he is very serious and alert inside. It is not known what to expect from him in the next minute.

"Autumn" is a good performer of boring tasks. Capable of methodical work requiring concentration and composure. With his love of order and justice, this is the ideal employee of customs, security and security agencies.

The contradictions in the name were most vividly embodied in the "summer" Donat. External strength and internal instability, moral requirements and unsatisfied desires sometimes lead him to a nervous breakdown and melancholy.

The external strength and internal instability of the summer Donat sometimes lead him to a nervous breakdown and melancholy

Name horoscope

Pierre Rouget calculated that the name Donatus corresponds to the sign of Aquarius. Giving this name to a child born under a different sign will give the personality new features, which can significantly complicate existence.

Table: a brief description of the signs of the zodiac

AriesIrresistibility, will, perseverance, passion to self-forgetfulness.
TaurusFearlessness, overcoming difficulties, strength.
TwinsCharm, mobility, eloquence, frivolity.
CrayfishNepotism, touchiness, isolation. Stability.
a lionGreatness, responsibility for others, decency, nobility.
VirgoPlanning, diligence, attention to detail. Accuracy.
scalesSearching for the golden mean, thinking, monotony, moving forward and backward.
ScorpionOwner instinct, vindictiveness, aggressiveness.
SagittariusAccuracy, vigilance, focus on results.
CapricornHardness, limitation, hard work. Stubbornness in achieving the goal.
AquariusNon-standard, globality of thinking, originality, the need for communication.
FishesExposure to someone else's opinion, dependence on the environment, good adaptation.

The people say so that your back does not hurt, on September 17, on Donat the Martyr, you can speak to her. Seeing a school of flying cranes, lie down in the grass, do seven somersaults over your head, or roll over from side to side the same number of times, saying: "Crane, crane, you have a stake in your neck, but my back is a wheel, not a hook!" And the back will be straight.

"Crane, crane, you have a spike on your back, I have a wheel, not a hook!" - a conspiracy against Donat the Martyr, so that the back does not hurt

If the stars rise on Donata, on May 13, and the autumn wind blows, the summer will be stormy and warm, the harvest will be good. Weddings and matchmaking ceased.

Nikolay Uvarov "A glorious name is a high honor"

Donate in history

So what exactly is the name Donat? A gift of fate or a test? Most likely, both. Earthly life is multicolored, and the name is one facet of it, albeit a symbolic one, but not the only one. Donat will have to carry his name, like a cross and like a banner, in order to know himself through it, and through himself - the world.

Detailed, reasonable, balanced, a little stubborn - such is Donat. It will be useful to remember the meaning of the name for parents who plan to give it to their son. This information is also valuable for its owners.

What is the origin and meaning of the name Donat

First, you need to understand where it came from and what it means. What can you tell about the origin and meaning of the name Donat? Linguists are unanimous that it has Latin roots. The name is derived from the word donaus. In our language, it is translated as "given", "donated". This is what the name Donat means.

It is first encountered at the beginning of the last millennium. That was the name of the bishop of the city of Evria, who lived during the reign of Theodosius the Great, the last emperor of the united Roman Empire. This man gained fame as a miracle worker, many good deeds are attributed to him.

Nowadays, the name Donat, the meaning and interpretation of which this article is devoted to, is rare. This gives its owner the opportunity to feel their uniqueness even in childhood.


What influence does the meaning of the name Donat have on a child? Even in childhood, its owner demonstrates a rare stubbornness, inability to compromise. He does not develop a close relationship with his parents. The boy will not go to complain to mom and dad if someone offends him, but prefers to solve the problem on his own.

Little Donat loves to spend time alone with himself, but this does not mean that he has no friends. He is quite sociable, easily finds a common language with other children.


How does the meaning of the male name Donat affect the character of its owner? This guy has many positive qualities - thoroughness, prudence, poise, modesty. He is not inclined to make impulsive decisions, he prefers to think over and weigh everything first. Also, the man who is called that is distinguished by generosity, knows how to forgive insults. This person has spiritual values ​​and clear goals. In difficult times, knowledge of people and intuition comes to his aid.

Of course, Donat also has drawbacks that complicate his life. Sometimes the owner of the name is too straightforward, it is not easy for him to adapt to circumstances and go around sharp corners. Any changes knock him out of the rut, Donat can hardly endure the move, change of work. Conflicts with loved ones also make him suffer.


Much depends on what time of year the owner of a rare name was born. Donat, born in spring or summer, is distinguished by kindness and generosity. He is characterized by a dislike of decision-making, a tendency to depression.

Donat, born in autumn or winter, belongs to the category of fighters for the truth. Unfortunately, his searches do not always bring him happiness. Materialist, realist, a little slow-witted - this is how you can briefly describe this person. It should also be noted that he can be overly meticulous and quarrelsome.

Friendship, communication

What is the meaning of the name Donat, if we talk about the friendly ties of its owner? As mentioned above, this person loves and knows how to be friends. To himself, he prefers to approach such serious and solid personalities as himself. People who talk a lot and do little are not to his liking. Donat is a hospitable person, friends often gather at his home.

The owner of the name is a faithful friend who will not give up in a difficult situation. Interestingly, he himself rarely turns to someone for help. Since childhood, Donat has been striving for independence, so he prefers to solve all his problems himself, and not to put them on other people's shoulders.

Love, family

Donat approaches the creation of a family very responsibly and thoroughly. He will meet with the chosen one for a long time before daring to propose to her. The candy-bouquet period can take so long that the girl herself will be forced to push him to think about the wedding.

Donat's life partner must exactly match his ideas about the ideal woman. Above all, this man values ​​poise, thriftiness, love for children. Loyalty also plays a very important role for him; this person will never forgive betrayal. He does not attach decisive importance to external data.

Donat can make a good father. He is ready to devote a lot of time to raising children, trying to instill in them respect for family values ​​and work. It is highly likely that his wife will give him sons who will be very similar to himself.


Does the meaning of the name Donat affect the choice of profession? Medicine, science, education are areas in which this man has every chance to succeed. He will also make an excellent builder or engineer.

This man sometimes seems to others too soft and indecisive, but this is not true. He may slowly move up the career ladder due to the fact that he does not want to specifically draw the attention of his superiors to his merits. If Donat is still entrusted with a leading position, then he will perfectly cope with his duties. This person easily finds a common language with subordinates, does not provoke conflicts, shows severity when necessary. In the role of a small business owner, he also has every chance of succeeding.


The love of nature develops in the owner of the name even in childhood, and remains in adulthood. It is easy to persuade him to spend the weekend in the woods or on the banks of the river, he is often the organizer of friendly picnics himself. Hunting, fishing - activities that especially attract him.

The owner of the name rarely shows interest in creative activity. But Donat is very attracted to reading, he gives preference to "serious" literature. Nobody can force this man to take part in gambling. Donath is used to relying on common sense, not luck.


The article explains what the name Donat means. It is also impossible not to pay attention to the health of its owner. In childhood, he practically does not get sick, which makes his parents very happy. In adulthood, he needs to be attentive to the state of his nervous system.