9 month of pregnancy what a woman feels. Ninth month of pregnancy: preparation for childbirth and overdue pregnancy

Nine months have flown by, as if one moment, your baby has grown up and is about to be born, the time until this bright moment is less and less, and the surprises do not end there.

What to expect at the 9th month of pregnancy?

To begin with, your position requires constant monitoring, and therefore visits to the doctor will become more frequent, and you will be a constant guest in the gynecological department.

So be prepared to visit your doctor afterwards at least once a week.

Such frequent examinations are necessary to be able to determine when the long-awaited birth of the child will come.

For this, as well as in order to be confident in the state of your health, the attending physician prescribes the following examinations:

  • determination of blood pressure - after all, your body is not iron, for nine months it lived in a mode of constant stress, and therefore it is not surprising that the pressure may be slightly higher than normal. Constant weighing is also necessary, since the increase in body weight may slow down, or even stop altogether. Weighing is necessary in order to determine how harmoniously the child's development proceeds with growth;
  • determination of the content of sugar and blood in the urine;
  • an ultrasound visit to determine the state of the placenta and internal organs of the child;
  • a visit to the functional diagnostics room, where they will make you an encephalogram and an electrocardiogram and give an opinion on how calm the pregnancy and childbirth will be;
  • listening to baby's heart tones. Absolutely indescribable sensations when the doctor outputs sound to the speakers, and you hear the heart of your bloodstream beating;
  • determination of the height of the fundus of the uterus;
  • determining how the fetus lies. These little tricksters can make your life fun by taking the booty down position. It is also necessary to constantly determine the size of the fetus and how low it is;
  • determination of the presence of edema and varicose veins. By the way, edema is considered a pathology, and therefore be prepared for an offer of hospitalization. And don't give up - it's a good idea, by the way. It is very beneficial to be under the constant supervision of specialists before the onset of childbirth - God forbid, of course, but this is undoubtedly calmer;
  • determination of the degree of dilatation of the uterus. Not a very pleasant examination, the main thing here is not to break loose and not get nasty at the doctor - he, by the way, does his job, but bear with what is unpleasant for you. Do you want it to be without complications? Here it is;
  • Determination of the frequency of Braston-Hicks contractions. In another way, these contractions are called false. The phenomenon is usually completely painless, so don't worry - it's just that the uterus and cervix are preparing for the upcoming birth and exercising by contracting. The closer the delivery is, the more often false contractions may appear. Their duration ranges from 3 seconds to 2 minutes. And do not rush to worry if you do not have such a phenomenon - your uterus just does not need such training, she already knows how to behave correctly during childbirth. It is quite simple to distinguish false contractions from real ones - real ones cause much more unpleasant sensations and appear much more often;
  • discussing with your doctor questions regarding your well-being and symptoms that concern you.

Also in the antenatal clinic you may be offered to take courses for pregnant women. Do not rush to refuse - the advice of friends and information picked up on the Internet is a good thing, but not always correct, while the recommendations of professionals, as they say, “from hand to hand,” are much more reliable.

What do doctors say about the 9th month of pregnancy and the upcoming birth?

During this period, you may become more tired, your body weight may decrease slightly, which indicates an upcoming event. The movement of the fetus before childbirth can also change. As a rule, it slows down, the baby becomes cramped in your uterus.

How to determine if it's time to get ready for the maternity ward?

Doctors name the three most important symptoms for which you should not postpone the transfer to the hospital, and which say that childbirth has already begun:

  1. The appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract.
  2. Outpouring of amniotic fluid.
  3. The beginning of the contractions.

It does not hurt to consider the rest of the symptoms accompanying the ninth month of pregnancy in order to be able to navigate in future events.

  • vaginal discharge has changed - it has become thicker, a small amount of blood may appear or a change in shade to pinkish-brown;
  • you have become more likely to be bothered by problems of the gastrointestinal tract, your appetite has changed;
  • dizziness and headaches have become more frequent;
  • during sleep, cramps of the lower extremities began to appear, the sleep itself was disturbed;
  • worried about pain in the back and lumbar spine, pains in the lower abdomen are felt;
  • swelling of the limbs appeared, sometimes it can also affect the face;
  • possible nosebleeds and bleeding of the gums;
  • fluctuations in emotional state have become more frequent.

In general, the emotional state in the ninth month of pregnancy is a completely unpredictable thing. Along with the joy and feeling of relief that the baby is about to be born and all the inconveniences of pregnancy will be left behind, unreasonable fears and anxiety may appear.

You may begin to react sharply to others, excessive excitability appears.

Try not to be nervous or worried, this is harmful to both you and your child. And everything will definitely be fine.

You are already 9 months old. Your whole life now passes under the sign of the birth of a child. What is happening to you and what you need to know about the development of the baby at the 9th obstetric month of pregnancy, about possible childbirth at this time - in all this we will try to help you figure it out.

In the ninth month, you already need to tune in to prepare for the upcoming birth. You need good rest, absence of heavy loads and stress.

9 months pregnant: how many weeks is it? If you count from the start of your last menstrual period in obstetric weeks, then this is the period between 33 and 36 obstetric weeks. The midwife month is exactly four weeks (28 days). It is in the obstetric months that the date of birth of your baby is determined. The real age of the fetus at the beginning of the 9th obstetric month is 31 weeks (counting from the moment of conception / ovulation).

9 months pregnant: what happens to the fetus?

From the 29th to the 32nd week, the improvement of your baby's body systems continues, and he significantly gains weight. What does a baby look like at 9 months of pregnancy, what is the weight and size of the fetus at the end of this period? The main parameters of vital activity are determined using ultrasound. By the end of 36 obstetric week the baby weighs about 2700 g. Its height is approximately 43-47 cm.

These characteristics are individual and may vary depending on genetic predisposition, intrauterine developmental characteristics, etc. Whether everything is normal with the baby can only be said by your doctor, who observed the entire process of your pregnancy.

What are the features of the development of a baby in the 9th month:

  • the baby's head has already sunk into the pelvic area - there is not enough space in the uterus and it is so more comfortable for him;
  • about 8% of its total weight is subcutaneous fat;
  • the baby's skin becomes brighter, red pigment and fluff disappear;
  • the child is already learning to breathe through his nose - he makes breathing movements not only with his mouth, but also with his nose;
  • he already distinguishes tastes when swallowing amniotic fluid;
  • he already has a developed memory - he emotionally reacts to melodies and rhymes that he hears not for the first time;
  • organs and systems of the body continue to improve and grow;
  • all systems and organs are fully functional.

The activity of the baby decreases during this period. This is due to the fact that he felt cramped, and he cannot turn over freely. The tremors became less frequent, but very noticeable. Almost 95% of babies by the end of the 9th month are in a head-down position - the best for a successful birth.

If the child is located with the pelvis down, then there are still chances that he will turn around.

There are special exercises for turning the child.

If you notice your baby is very active 9 months pregnant, consult your doctor. Perhaps this is due to hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus.

What does the belly look like at 9 months of pregnancy

The belly is already quite large. It prevents you from sleeping and moving freely. From the pubic symphysis to the bottom of the uterus about 40 cm. It rises above the navel in two palms. By the time you were nine months old, you could have gained about 12-15 kg. This is normal weight gain. Remember to wear a special bandage that supports your belly. It helps redistribute the load on the back and prevents large stretch marks.

9 month pregnant sensations

You probably notice increased anxiety about the successful outcome of pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, for no apparent reason, mood can disappear. This is normal for this period.

How do you feel at 9 months pregnant?

  • due to the fact that the child took a position upside down, the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm decreased, so the problems with heartburn and shortness of breath become less;
  • from time to time you feel uterine cramps - these are training contractions;
  • pain in the lower back, in the lower abdomen may increase;
  • slight swelling may remain

Childbirth at 9 months of pregnancy

Labor in the third trimester can begin at any time. Causes of premature birth at 9 months of pregnancy:

  • hormonal disruptions;
  • pathology of the placenta;
  • severe stress;
  • isvico-cervical insufficiency;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • blows to the abdomen, strong vibrations.

Why is it impossible to give birth at 9 months of pregnancy, is it dangerous? A baby who was born before 37 obstetric week is considered premature. But the dangerous consequences of a premature birth at 9 months (between 33 and 36 weeks of gestation) are very few. The baby's lungs are fully formed, he can already breathe on his own. All his organs and life support systems are functioning normally. In the first weeks, he will need special care in the neonatal unit.

We leave on the home stretch. There is very little time left, and the miracle of which you have dreamed all this time will come true. The less time is left before this long-awaited moment, the more you think about how it will happen. You listen and watch yourself for signs of impending labor. And even though this month is the last one, one must also live it. Let it be remembered by you as one of the happiest months of your life.

What happens in the body of the expectant mother

You don't grow in size anymore. From the pubic symphysis, the uterus rises by 36-40 cm, everyone has it differently.

By the end of the ninth month of pregnancy, the overall weight gain is on average 8 to 15 kg. Moreover, in the last weeks, you may not get better at all.
The total weight gain is:
... placenta - 10%
... fruit - 30%
... amniotic fluid - 10%
... an increase in the volume of blood and tissue fluid - 25%
... an increase in the mass of the uterus - 10%
... increase in "fat depots" - 15%

Already from the beginning of the ninth month, your body began to rebuild at an accelerated pace from "preserving pregnancy" to "giving birth". The placental clock, laid down by nature, counts the last days of your pregnancy. The placenta from 36 weeks begins to reduce its hormonal production, primarily progesterone. Relative placental insufficiency develops and the fetus begins to lack components for nutrition and respiration. In addition, due to the high growth rate of the fetus and a decrease in amniotic fluid, the uterus seizes it more and more closely. In response to stress, the fetal adrenal glands begin to secrete a large number of cortisol, a stress hormone. In addition, it is believed that the normal course of childbirth is possible only with the formed "generic dominant" in the brain of a pregnant woman.

In response to these processes, the hormonal balance in the mother changes. In a woman's blood, the level of oxytocin, a hormone of the pituitary gland, increases, which ensures the release of prostaglandins and the release of other substances that stimulate the contraction of the uterine muscle. The state of readiness for childbirth is most accurately manifested when determining the "maturity" of the cervix during vaginal examination.

Your hematopoietic system strenuously produces red blood cells - this is a preparation for blood loss during childbirth. Physiological anemia of pregnancy loses its severity as the number of red blood cells begins to match the volume of plasma.

Future child

With an occipital presentation at 38 weeks, the fetal head usually descends to the entrance to the small pelvis and takes a characteristic position: the baby's torso is bent, the head is pressed to the chest, the arms are crossed on the chest, and the legs are bent at the knees and hip joints and pressed against the tummy. In this position, the baby will move along the birth canal during childbirth.

Determining the gestational age and the date of delivery is difficult, due to the fact that it is often difficult to establish the exact date of release of the egg from the ovary and the time of fertilization. Therefore, delivery is considered timely in the period of 37-42 weeks from the first day of the last menstruation, provided that there are signs of fetal maturity.

The concept of fetal maturity is determined by a number of characteristic features.

A mature fruit has a body weight of 2600 grams and a length of more than 47 cm. In the ninth month of pregnancy, the baby gains weight from 14 to 28 g per day every day. It is extremely difficult to determine the exact weight of the unborn child, the error in such measurements is from 0.5 to 1 kg, even when using ultrasound.

The skin of a mature newborn is light, pale pink, the subcutaneous fat layer is well developed, in the folds of the skin there are remnants of a cheese-like lubricant. If, for some reason, childbirth is delayed, then a decrease in lubrication leads to maceration of unprotected places, first of all, "bath" piles and palms appear. A mature newborn screams loudly, breathes, sucks well, retains heat and does not need special heating. His face is smooth, there are thick cheeks - the result of an increase in subcutaneous fat and intensive training in thumb sucking. The skull is still soft enough to make it easier for the baby's head to pass through the birth canal. Ear and nasal cartilage is elastic. The child has already lost most of the vellus hair on his body, with the possible exception of only his shoulders and the places that hide in the folds of his skin. Toenails have grown completely.

In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum; in girls, the clitoris and labia minora are covered with the labia majora. In very few full-term boys (about 1%), the testicles do not descend into the scrotum at the time of delivery, which requires mandatory observation by a surgeon. A dark substance accumulates in the intestines - meconium, primary feces. In the last week, the child has accumulated a lot of waste products in the intestines. This is meconium - the original feces: the child will push it out of himself after birth. However, sometimes he is able to do this even before giving birth: then he is born covered with a rather unappetizing black-green mucus. Meconium is made up of dead intestinal cells, as well as scaly skin cells, decayed blood cells, embryonic vellus hair, and other components that are swallowed with amniotic fluid.

The child is completely ready for the coming changes. Iron accumulates in his liver, which will help hematopoiesis in the first year of life. The lungs are fully ripe to provide oxygen. The heart prepares for work in a completely different mode: immediately after birth, a hole in the central septum closes, which, as it were, turns off the lungs from the circulatory system, and blood will begin to circulate through the lungs.
The only thing that hasn't matured yet is the immune system. As long as the baby receives your antibodies through the placenta, and after birth, he will receive them from breast milk.

Feelings of a future mother

This month gives you a whole range of new sensations, indicating the approach of childbirth. All these sensations are harbingers of childbirth. They can appear a couple of weeks before childbirth, or even a few hours before.

"Ptosis" of the abdomen. This is due to the fact that the fetal head enters the pelvic cavity. Sometimes women even visually notice that the stomach has gone down, but more often this is judged by indirect signs. As a result of the movement of the child, pressure is relieved from the diaphragm and stomach, it becomes easier to breathe, heartburn passes, and appetite changes. In multiparous women, this rarely happens before labor begins.

Drawing pains. Spasms and a feeling of discomfort in the lumbar region, sacrum, groin are associated not only with pressure from the child, but also with an increase in the extensibility of the connective tissue. In addition, false contractions can appear, which can be as painful as true contractions, but at the same time disappear when you change your position or begin to move around the room.

Frequent urination and bowel movements. After the displacement of the head into the pelvic cavity, the uterus presses with even greater force on bladder, and therefore it is necessary to empty it more and more often. The hormones of childbirth affect a woman's intestines, and some women may experience mild abdominal cramps and loose stools. Like before an exam. :)

Insomnia . At this time, it is difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position, you have to often get up to use the toilet, false contractions at night are much more likely to disturb you, in addition, leg muscle cramps during sleep may disturb you.

Decrease in body weight. Before the onset of childbirth, some women lose weight from 1 to 2 kg. This is how the body prepares for childbirth.

Loss of mucous plug. As the cervix matures, it becomes softer, shorter, shifts to the center of the small pelvis, and its canal begins to open slightly. All this leads to the fact that a lump of colorless, yellowish, or slightly colored mucus is pushed out of the cervical canal, which you will find after a while on your underwear.

Changes in fetal activity. The kid is no longer pushing so actively, it is cramped for him, his movements are more like swaying.

The manifestation of precursors of childbirth is very individual and optional. Childbirth can begin without any precursors at all. If you are in doubt, consult your doctor, he will evaluate this or that symptom from a medical point of view.

Psychology of the ninth month of pregnancy

Normally, in the emotional state of the expectant mother in the last month of pregnancy, the processes of inhibition and inertia prevail. She becomes somewhat forgetful, absent-minded, withdrawn, with difficulty concentrating attention. This is necessary to create a "generic dominant" in the brain. However, against the background of apparent calmness, there are still frequent changes in mood, when one moment passes from pouring tears to unrestrained laughter. The state of calmness and fatigue can be replaced by periods of violent "nesting" activity: even in the middle of the night, you can rush to wash, clean, wash or iron something.

Analyze your emotional state. Maybe you are overly excited, tense. Imagine yourself as a bowl that can only be filled with clean water, and do not allow debris to get there. It is very important during this period to communicate with the child. He senses your mood and mood for childbirth, and depending on your condition receives hormones "joy" or hormones "stress". Invite your baby to this world, invite him to meet you.

Decide finally where you will give birth. In this case, be sure to find out when the maternity hospital you have chosen closes for a sink, if necessary, select a "fallback" option. Think again about having your husband or someone close to you at the birth. Just remember that this is only possible if you both really want it. Not the best option is the presence of the dad at the birth, who was persuaded. This can affect not only your emotional state, but also the very course of labor. It takes time for a man to recognize himself as a father.

Possible deviations from the norm

In the later stages of pregnancy, you can again remember its beginning - fainting comes back. However, now this may not happen in a stuffy subway car, which would be easy to understand, but at home, in bed. This is how it manifests itself "Inferior vena cava syndrome" when a heavy pregnant uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, disrupting blood flow to the heart. In response to this, it reflexively falls sharply arterial pressure causing fainting. To avoid these troubles, you should only rest on your side.

On the later dates pregnancy, the sense of balance is disturbed, weakness and dizziness may occur. Now is not the time to jump and chase the departing bus like you did before. Take care of yourself and your baby - avoid falls in every possible way. Be very careful, especially in winter when it is slippery outside. As you go down and up the stairs, hold onto the railing. Fortunately, falls usually do not have serious consequences for either the mother or the baby. Your belly, uterus, and amniotic fluid serve as good protection for the fetus. But if you fall, be sure to see a doctor. Let him check if you are all right. In some cases, the fall may not be as harmless. Placental abruption- one of the most serious consequences of a fall or impact. In this case, the placenta is separated from the uterus prematurely (during normal pregnancy and childbirth, placental abruption occurs only after the birth of the child), which leads to significant blood loss to the mother and threatens the life of the fetus. With placental abruption, the fetus stops receiving blood from the umbilical cord, which is attached to the placenta, the supply of oxygen stops, and nutrients from the mother's blood to the fetus. Death of the fetus is possible. The symptoms of placental abruption are not the same in different cases. There may be severe bleeding from the genitals, or it may not be at all. Perhaps the absence of fetal movement, severe persistent pain in the lumbar spine and abdomen, a change in the shape of the uterus. When diagnosing placental abruption, ultrasound is used. However, sometimes a blood clot between the placenta and the wall of the uterus may not be visible, which makes diagnosis very difficult. When the diagnosis is confirmed, immediate delivery by caesarean section is indicated.

Postponing pregnancy within a week or two does not cause much concern for doctors, and only in cases where the pregnancy is delayed for an even longer period or there are signs of fetal suffering, they can offer stimulation of labor or C-section... Pregnancy is considered post-term if more than 42 weeks have passed since the last menstrual period. The reasons for overdue are: various diseases and the age of the mother, undergone abortions, disorders menstrual cycle, malformations of the uterus, abnormal position of the fetus. With a post-term pregnancy, the placenta has already worked out its term, it ages quickly and worsens the supply of the child with the substances necessary for his life. In this regard, the risk of hypoxia and fetal death increases. At birth, a post-term baby has dry, flaky and tight skin, elongated nails, no vellus hair and no damp grease. If your pregnancy is approaching 42 weeks, talk with your doctor about possible methods of birth. It is not worth hoping that childbirth will begin if you overload yourself with physical labor, this has no medical evidence. Try massaging your nipples to increase the production of oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions.

Necessary medical measures

From now on, your doctor visits should become weekly. At each visit, your health is assessed, your weight, blood pressure, abdominal circumference and fundal height are measured, a urine protein and sugar test is performed, and an examination for edema is performed.

From additional studies in the ninth month, the last complete blood count is taken, first of all, to determine the level of hemoglobin and platelets in the blood. These indicators are now especially important, since there is always a risk of significant blood loss during childbirth.

At the end of the eighth - beginning of the ninth month of pregnancy, a vaginal examination is performed. In addition to assessing the degree of maturity of the cervix, such an examination helps to determine the position of the fetus and the position of the fetal head relative to the pelvic bones. A sampling of material for the study of a smear for flora is carried out. If at least minimal changes are found in the smear, the doctor will definitely suggest that you undergo preventive treatment. This is very important, as only a healthy vaginal wall can stretch a lot during labor. With inflammation, it breaks much easier than stretches. Also, if there is an infection, any birth injury heals very slowly. If your pregnancy is over forty weeks, you will be offered an additional vaginal exam that re-assesses your readiness for childbirth. If there are no signs of cervical maturity, then you may need hospitalization to create an artificial background in order to prepare your body for childbirth. If there is clear progress, then you should not rush to the hospital, you just need to wait a little.

On a weekly basis, the doctor assesses the function of the placenta and the condition of the fetus. Most often this is done on the basis of the fetal cardiotocogram, less often by simple listening with a stethoscope. In some cases, additional ultrasound, Doppler imaging, or biophysical test. The latter test is used in order to assess the condition of the fetus during prolonged pregnancy, or when there are doubts about its health. With the help of ultrasound for 20-30 minutes, the presence of fetal movements, its heart rate, the amount of amniotic fluid, the tone of the fetus and its attempts to make respiratory movements are assessed.

If the test result is unsatisfactory, then prompt delivery may be indicated. If all is well, then the test is repeated a week later. If the results are questionable, a control test is carried out after a few hours.

Behavior rules

Only a few women prefer to go to the hospital a few days before the expected due date, most are going to come there with the onset of labor, so we’ll figure out what is considered the beginning of labor.

There are two main signs of onset of labor:
1. The appearance of contractions - regular contractions of the muscles of the uterus. It is not the strength of painful sensations that is important, but their rhythm. Real labor pains should be repeated every 15–20 minutes, and the intervals between contractions should be reduced. When you count 3-4 contractions in 30 minutes, go to the hospital.
2. Water discharge. The fetal bladder can leak, then the water flows out slowly. It can burst suddenly, then the water will "rush out of a bucket." When the fetal bladder ruptures, pain is not felt.
The amniotic fluid is usually clear, but may be slightly bloody or yellowish or greenish. In some women, the water withdraws before regular contractions appear, such women in labor should go to the hospital immediately. You should also hurry up if the waters are very dark or heavily colored with blood.

In the meantime, there are no signs of the onset of labor yet, make your last efforts to ensure that the baby is born healthy. It's time to change your diet. During this period, it is not recommended to eat large quantities of meat, as well as fatty cottage cheese, mature cheeses, flour and confectionery products. Better to switch to a non-strict vegetarian diet. Eat more vegetables and fruits, cereals, nuts, fish, low-fat dairy products. Remember to limit salt and sugar! Continue to do the stretching exercises recommended in preparation for childbirth, do joint exercises, and learn to relax.

Household affairs

You, of course, should already have a bag of things ready for the hospital. In addition to personal accessories, it must contain your medical documents and passport. This is to avoid unnecessary last-minute hustle and bustle. Having prepared for the little things, you can calmly, without nervousness and tension, meet the most important moment. When that moment arrives, you will have some time to shower, put on clean underwear, trim your nails and rinse off the polish. For many women, shaving the perineum on admission to the hospital is a very unpleasant moment. However, this procedure is necessary, as it allows you to control the degree of stretching of the perineum during childbirth, to prevent its rupture, and in case of injury, it is better to match the tissues during suturing. Feelings of awkwardness can be avoided by doing this simple procedure at home on your own. Just get a brand new razor and treat your skin well with an antiseptic solution or antibacterial soap.

In the last days before childbirth, reconsider whether everything was bought for the baby, give relatives detailed instructions for urgent purchases and assembly of the crib.
Stock up on food for the duration of your stay in the hospital and for the first days after returning. Do not forget the main thing - this is a positive, kind attitude towards childbirth. And you will succeed! :)

The last month of the third trimester, the final month of pregnancy, is all about him, about the final stage of a long journey of 9 months long. Now the woman is having a hard time - she is overcome by doubts about whether the birth will go well, it seems that not everything is ready for the appearance of a new family member, and the impressive size of the belly significantly limits activity. Now you need to take care of your well-being with doubled activity, sleep more, walk, rest, getting ready for childbirth.

This date depends on the period of fertilization of the egg, but since it is not possible to establish it exactly, the gestation period is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. With this method, pregnancy lasts an average of 40 weeks, or 280 days. Deviations in the 38-42 week range are considered normal options.

There are two ways to calculate your due date by your period:

    Add 280 days, or 10 obstetric, or 9 calendar months to the first day of menstruation;

With an irregular cycle, this technique does not work, moreover, a woman may not remember the date of her last menstrual period. Another method for determining the due date is focusing on the time of the first fetal movement. During the first pregnancy, the onset of perturbations is 20 weeks, during the second and subsequent - 18 weeks. This method is not entirely accurate, since a woman's sensations can be subjective, depending on her sensitivity and constitutional characteristics.

When using an ultrasound scanner, the exact date of birth is determined by examining the size of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy - up to 12 weeks. At a later date, the parameters of the fetus may differ significantly from woman to woman.

Harbingers of childbirth at 9 months of pregnancy

During the ninth month, the uterus sinks lower, and its bottom is at the level of 32 weeks - in the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process.

A woman will definitely feel it on the following grounds:

    Breathing has become easier;

    Heartburn has decreased or disappeared completely;

    It became easier to sit on a chair;

    Frequent urination;

    From time to time, pain occurs in the lower abdomen.

The last two signs are caused by the fact that the child's head is lower than more recently, it entered the pelvic area.

The excitability of the uterus at this time has increased markedly, it is increasingly weak and irregularly reduced. These preparatory (preliminary) contractions are accompanied by mild painful sensations, they prepare the uterus for the upcoming labor. Even a specialist cannot determine the fine line between these and real contractions. Excitability of the uterus, lasting more than 1-2 days, requires treatment in a specialized department of the maternity hospital. A prolonged preliminary period is harmful to the fetus and can lead to a deterioration in its condition.

On the day of childbirth, or a few days before it, a mucous plug leaves the cervical canal of the cervix. This is a sign that the cervix is ​​softening, it is ripe for labor. "Cork" consists of light mucus, sometimes there are bloody streaks in it.

Another sign of approaching labor is a decrease in body weight by 1-2 kg a couple of weeks before the alleged event. This phenomenon can be explained by a change in the balance of hormones, a decrease in the amount of fluid in the body, and a decrease in appetite.

At this stage of pregnancy, almost all women have already decided on the maternity hospital in which their child will be born.

Now you should always have the following documents at hand:

    Exchange card of a pregnant woman with the data of the last ultrasound and fresh test results entered into it;

    Insurance policy;

Each time you leave home, you need to take these documents with you, because in case of the onset of labor, a pregnant woman who has not undergone a full examination will be placed in the observational department of the maternity hospital or in a specialized infectious maternity hospital.

Video about preparing for childbirth, about partner childbirth, about changes in a woman's body, lifestyle requirements:

In a fetus at 40 weeks of gestation, all the parameters inherent in a mature newborn are determined:

    Body length - from 48 to 54 cm;

    Body weight - from 2.6 kg to 5.0 kg;

    Convex chest;

    Elastic cartilage of the nose and ears;

    The tips of the nails reach the fingertips;

    The head has hair up to 2 cm long;

    The umbilical ring is located midway between the xiphoid process and the pubic bone;

    Boys' testicles descend into the scrotum;

    The labia minora in girls are covered with large lips;

    There are no vellus hair on the body;

    cheese-like lubricant is available only on certain parts of the body.

The child's digestive system is fully ripe, he has a developed sucking reflex, the lungs are already trained to perform breathing movements. His body is proportionally folded, the skin is pink, underneath there is an evenly spaced fatty tissue, which gives an infant roundness.

In the baby's intestines there is meconium - the original feces, consisting of transformed blood cells, skin and intestines, waste from processed amniotic fluid. Iron for hematopoiesis in the first year of life has accumulated in the liver of the fetus, nervous system is also formed almost completely. The baby's heart is ready for independent autonomous work; immediately after childbirth, a hole in its central septum will close. This will be a signal for the beginning of air circulation through the lungs, including them in the blood circulation system.

The immune system of a baby preparing for birth is still far from perfect. While the child receives the antibodies he needs through the placenta from the mother's body. After birth, he will receive them from breast milk. That is why every effort should be made to maintain breastfeeding.

The ninth month of pregnancy is considered a difficult period, in particular due to the fact that often a woman has to experience a sensation of pain: in the lower back, in the lower abdomen, due to cramps in the legs, due to contractions of the uterus. Plus, she becomes distracted and forgetful. Immersion in one's own thoughts periodically changes to hyperactivity, aimed at preparing for the appearance of a child.

Although the uterus has already sunk into the pelvic area, it has not stopped pressing on the abdominal organs. Hence it follows bloating, a tendency to, the risk of varicose veins ,. Vaginal discharge becomes thicker, after sexual intercourse and a gynecological examination, bloody streaks may appear in them.

The stomach can itch a lot, the risk of stretch marks on the surface of his skin, on his chest and thighs is still high. To prevent the appearance in problem areas, they are treated with special means.

Part of pregnant women at 9 months old suffer from vena cava syndrome. This vein runs behind the uterus and can be pinched by pressure on it. Then the woman feels dizzy due to lack of oxygen, she may faint. To prevent discomfort, you need to try to sleep not on your back, but on your side.

9 month doctor visit

A visit to the doctor at this stage of pregnancy is planned every week. Before visiting the antenatal clinic, you should take a urine test to determine sugar and protein in it.

After the obstetrician-gynecologist asks the woman's well-being, he assesses the following parameters:

    Blood pressure indicators;

    The presence of edema;

    Fetal heartbeat;

    The height of the standing of the fundus of the uterus;

    Presentation and size of the fetus.

Before giving birth, the doctor may be interested in the condition of the cervix, its maturity and readiness for labor. When the optimal term of labor is “crossed”, the cervix is ​​re-examined, and, in the absence of changes, the woman will be shown artificial stimulation.

At the beginning of the 9th month, a smear is examined for the purity of the vaginal flora, if necessary, the identified problems are treated.

Possible pregnancy problems

In the absence of health problems, a pregnant woman can stay at home until the very due date. Possible deviations are recommended to be treated in a hospital setting. A complication of pregnancy such as preeclampsia or late toxicosis is especially dangerous.

The main symptoms of gestosis:

    The appearance of protein in the urine;

    Severe edema.

Gestosis can be complicated by eclampsia, expressed by convulsions, loss of consciousness, cerebral edema. Eclamsia is dangerous because it can be fatal for a woman and a child. Do not be alarmed by the appearance of minor edema, weight gain is a natural phenomenon for half of women at this stage of pregnancy. To eliminate small edema, it is enough to limit salt, excessive fluid intake, and follow a diet.

A significant problem for hospitalization can be breech presentation of the fetus. In this case, specific methods of labor management are planned.

Indications for preliminary hospitalization at 9 months:

    History of complicated previous labor;

    Pregnancy with twins, triplets;

    Age over 40;

    Large fruit;

    A scar on the uterus after a previous cesarean section;

    Low placentation;

    History of miscarriage and infertility (pregnancy after IVF);

    Narrow pelvis;

    Pathology of the reproductive organs.

Even in the absence of indications for early hospitalization, you should immediately seek emergency help with the following symptoms:

    Weak fetal movements;

    Bloody vaginal discharge;

    The appearance of amniotic fluid is light green (may be mixed with blood);

    Severe painful contractions;

    The appearance of severe edema, a decrease in the amount of urine excreted;

    A jump in blood pressure,.

Bleeding can be a symptom of placental abruption. If it is severe, the woman undergoes an urgent caesarean section. Minor bleeding may go unnoticed and will not cause significant harm to the course of pregnancy.

Food at this stage of pregnancy should be light and nutritious.There is no place on the menu for fatty and fried foods, canned foods, dishes containing allergens. The main filling of the diet is lean meat, fish, cereals, salads seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice, not mayonnaise.

The use of pickles, sweets, muffins, fatty foods is excluded. It is worth reconsidering your attitude towards foods containing calcium. If this element was vital at the stage of fetal formation, now its excess can lead to premature ossification and closure of the fontanelle in the baby, an increase in his intracranial pressure. Daily rate- 150 g of cottage cheese or a couple of glasses of kefir. To improve digestion and prevent constipation, you can drink a glass of cool still water before meals.

Intimate relationship

The question of whether sexual relations between spouses at 9 months of pregnancy are allowed or not is still not clear. In women with a predisposition to abortion, intimate contact can cause premature birth... If there is no danger in the form of a low location and the threat of placental abruption, pregnancy with twins and triplets, leakage of amniotic fluid, intimate relationships can be carried out with extreme caution.

It is believed that such contacts between spouses can stimulate the onset of labor during pregnancy that lasts longer than expected. The reason for this is the prostaglandins contained in male sperm. Once in the vagina, these substances help to soften the cervix and stimulate its contractions.

Education: Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology was obtained at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development (2010). In 2013 completed postgraduate studies at N.N. N.I. Pirogova.

- the most emotionally intense period for every mother-to-be, because after it the finish line and future motherhood are already visible on the horizon. It is not surprising that all the weeks of this month for a woman are full of thoughts and worries about the future and the baby. A pregnant woman constantly looks at herself and listens to her own feelings: what if childbirth begins? Of course, the pregnancy, 33 weeks behind, is about to end. However, a woman should live her ninth month, treating her own body no less attentively than before.

Baby development in the ninth month of pregnancy

Pregnancy, 38 weeks of which is already in the past, is marked, as a rule, by the movement of the child into a characteristic position: his head approaches the entrance to the small pelvis and presses against the chest, the torso bends, the arms are crossed over the chest, the legs are bent and pressed against the tummy. The baby thus prepares for the upcoming passage through the birth canal.

Every woman who is 9 months pregnant should know that the onset of labor at 37-42 weeks (the date is counted from the first day of the last menstruation) is considered timely, and the fetus is already fully ready for birth. In a mature fetus, the body length is more than 47 cm, and the weight is more than 2600 g. And during the period of development in the ninth month, the baby is still growing quite intensively: he can add up to 28 g of weight a day.

These days, there is an active accumulation of iron in the baby's liver: it is necessary for hematopoiesis in the first year of his life. The lungs of the fetus are already fully ripe and are ready to provide oxygen to the body of a small person. The heart still works in a special way, and after birth, the mode of its functioning changes. There is a closure of the hole in the central septum, which turns off the lungs from the circulatory system during intrauterine development. After birth, the baby's blood circulates through the lungs. But the immune system the fetus in the ninth month of development is not yet fully ready for the independent existence of the organism. Before giving birth, mothers through the placenta get to the baby, but after he is born, they will get already at breastfeeding from milk.

If the pregnancy, 37 weeks of which the woman fully carried the baby, ends in childbirth, then already at this time the baby appears with light pinkish skin, a developed layer of subcutaneous fat, and a cheese-like lubricant will remain in the folds of the skin. But when labor is delayed, the lubrication gradually disappears, and the baby can be born with slightly wrinkled skin, as if it has been in water for a very long time. When a baby is born mature, he breathes air, screams loudly, and can suck well. It does not need to be heated additionally, as it can keep the heat on its own. The child has pink cheeks with subcutaneous fat, fairly soft bones of the skull, elastic cartilage of the nose and ears. Fluffy body hair remains only on the shoulders and in the folds of the skin.

Most male infants already have their testicles descended into the scrotum at birth; only about 1% of boys do not have their testicles descended into the scrotum at the time of delivery. These babies should remain under the supervision of a specialist surgeon. In a newborn baby, meconium has already accumulated in the intestines - dark primary feces, which are made up of intestinal cells, previously dead, vellus hair and everything that the child swallowed along with amniotic fluid.

The appearance of a woman in the ninth month of pregnancy

Pregnancy, 34 weeks of which the woman's abdomen was actively enlarging, ends, and this month the abdomen no longer occurs. Now the uterus of a pregnant woman is elevated from the pubic symphysis by about 36-40 cm. At the very end of the month, a woman may already know how many kilograms of weight she has added during the entire period of bearing a child. Basically, this figure varies depending on the individual characteristics of each expectant mother. But on average, a woman gains from 8 to 15 kg. By the way, in the last weeks of carrying a baby, many women can even lose some weight by getting rid of excess fluid. Otherwise, the appearance of a woman has not changed significantly in recent weeks. But the psychological state is very tense, since both the body and consciousness are in anticipation of the upcoming birth. Doctors advise to try to relax as much as possible and devote the last days to rest. After all, the pregnancy, 39 weeks of which the woman was dedicated to herself, will soon end, and time for a respite will not appear soon.

Well-being of a woman in the ninth month of pregnancy

Pregnancy, the 9th month of which is just beginning, is characterized by intensive growth of the fetus, as well as active restructuring of the female body for the upcoming birth. All these processes contribute to active change hormonal balance in the female body. The content in the body gradually increases. This hormone, produced, is responsible for the release of prostaglandins, which stimulate the uterus to contract and, therefore, start labor. This month, the circulatory system increases the production of red blood cells in preparation for the large loss of blood during labor.

At this stage of the baby's development, a woman may note that discharge from the genitals becomes more frequent and abundant. In a dream, the expectant mother may periodically be disturbed. convulsions resulting from a lack in the body calcium or potassium ... At 9 months, it can clearly appear on the legs.

A woman who is in the ninth month of pregnancy feels a certain lethargy and inertia. It is difficult for her to concentrate, forgetfulness and absent-mindedness are constantly manifested. However, sometimes periods of inertia are suddenly replaced by sharp outbursts of vigorous activity: this is how the "nesting" effect, characteristic of the last weeks of pregnancy, is manifested.

What are the harbingers of childbirth?

When the 9th month of pregnancy comes, the woman gradually notes the appearance of some completely new sensations for her. All of them directly indicate that childbirth is already approaching. Such sensations may already occur several weeks before childbirth. However, in some cases, pregnancy, 40 weeks of which is behind, is never marked by such precursors. They appear only a few hours before delivery.

First of all, a woman feels that her stomach has dropped a little. This happens when the baby's head has entered the pelvic cavity. Accordingly, the diaphragm no longer exerts such strong pressure as before, and it becomes easier and easier for the woman to breathe. In addition, seizures stop, changes in appetite are possible.

However, due to the drooping of the child's head, the woman also notes that urination and defecation have become even more frequent. And due to changes in hormonal balance, loose stools may appear.

Another harbinger of childbirth is a woman's slight weight loss due to decreased appetite and fluid loss before childbirth.

The so-called mucous plug leaves the cervical canal: it is a lump of mucus, or colorless, or slightly colored blood. Sometimes a woman can find her on her underwear. Immediately before childbirth, the fetus becomes less active: it is already quite cramped inside. But all these precursors are manifested individually in each individual case, so a woman must understand that childbirth can begin without their manifestation.

A woman in the ninth month of pregnancy should know that there are two main signs of childbirth. First of all, these are the begun contractions - uterine contractions that gradually become regular. If the contractions are real, then they initially appear every 15-20 minutes, and over time, the intervals of contractions begin to increase. When a woman has 3-4 contractions in half an hour, it means it's time to go to the maternity hospital.

The second sign of the onset of labor is discharge of water ... When the amniotic sac ruptures, the woman does not feel pain. And even if there are no contractions, then after the waters drain, the pregnant woman should immediately go to the hospital.

What can worry a woman in her ninth month of pregnancy?

Pregnancy, 36 weeks of which have already passed, may again have the signs that the woman noted at the very beginning. So, for the ninth month, fainting, dizziness is characteristic. But such phenomena are noted when the expectant mother lies on her back, since the uterus puts pressure on the inferior vena cava, and as a result, blood flow to the heart is disrupted. As a result, it decreases, which leads to fainting. Therefore, in the last weeks of gestation, it is best to sleep on your side.

In the days preceding childbirth, a woman very often loses her balance, feels periodically impending weakness. Therefore, it is extremely important to be very careful about your own health. If, nevertheless, the fall could not be avoided, then the woman should immediately see a doctor. At least for this period of time, the child reliably protects the subcutaneous fat and amniotic fluid.

Sometimes the expectant mother is very worried about the "prolonged" pregnancy. But if prolongation lasts one to two weeks, then doctors are not worried about this situation. However, with an even more prolonged pregnancy, as well as in the presence of signs of discomfort for the fetus, labor may be stimulated or carried out. Doctors determine prolongation of pregnancy in the event that the period from the last menstruation has exceeded 42 weeks. This phenomenon is typical for those women who have certain diseases, previously suffered, had menstrual irregularities, etc. Postterm pregnancy is characterized by aging of the placenta, which, in turn, can lead to fetal hypoxia. This is a dangerous condition, therefore, when overmatched, it is advisable for a woman to go to a hospital.

Studies in the ninth month of pregnancy

Now that there is only one month left before the birth, the pregnant woman visits the doctor every week. The doctor necessarily determines whether a woman feels normal, whether she has edema, measures blood pressure, weight, the height of the fundus of the uterus, and the circumference of the abdomen. Also, tests for sugar and protein in urine are mandatory.

As an additional study at this stage of pregnancy, it is advisable to conduct a general blood test to determine the level and. This is important because there is a risk of large blood loss during the upcoming labor.

Even if the pregnancy, 35 weeks behind, is proceeding normally, a vaginal examination should be done during this period to assess the maturity of the cervix. A smear is also taken for examination for flora. A repeated vaginal examination is carried out in the event that the 40th week of pregnancy ends, and childbirth does not occur.

On a weekly examination, the doctor also listens for the fetal heartbeat to assess whether the baby is developing normally. If necessary, an additional ultrasound is prescribed, it is also possible to carry out dopplerometry.

In the last month of pregnancy, sometimes a woman is recommended to undergo an additional ultrasound examination in order to determine some parameters of the fetus, its position and condition.

Even if the pregnancy, 36 weeks of which went well, and now does not deliver any unpleasant moments, keep an active sex life at this time, doctors in most cases still do not recommend. The fact is that during intercourse, the uterus is strongly excited, which is fraught with premature onset of labor. But if the pregnancy is delayed, then intercourse can stimulate the onset of labor. Therefore, in this case, having sex is even welcome.

If a woman suddenly begins to have severe abdominal pain, and at the same time there is also discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor.

This period is a real final straight line, so it is extremely important not to leave far from home, since childbirth can begin at almost any moment. Therefore, a 9-month-old woman, leaving the house, must have all documents, an exchange card, and a clean diaper with her.

What to take to the hospital?

Sometimes a woman, to prevent unforeseen situations, goes to the maternity hospital even before the start of labor on the eve of childbirth. But in most cases, the expectant mother expects contractions at home.

Most women prepare the entire contents of the bags intended for travel to the hospital even earlier. At the 9th month, they should be fully prepared and wait for the crucial moment. It is very important to bring all the necessary documents with you. In the maternity hospital, you should take the necessary personal hygiene items, underwear (it is possible to use disposable instead of ordinary panties), a special bra for nursing mothers, sanitary pads (two large packages: one for normal discharge, one for abundant discharge). The woman also prepares clothes that she will wear in the maternity hospital, and, if desired, and. For the child, you should prepare a package of diapers, some items of baby cosmetics (powder, cream), diapers, baby clothes. And, of course, you should go to the maternity hospital with a positive attitude: this is the most important condition for everything to go through without difficulties, and the child was born easily.