What do stretch marks look like and how to prevent during pregnancy? Pregnancy and stretch marks. Methods of prevention and treatment What is it

After pregnancy, many women experience stretch marks, especially on the abdomen and hips. The stretch looks different in the photo. The appearance of such a nuisance after the birth of a baby is facilitated by the stretching of the skin on the abdomen during pregnancy. This causes a lot of inconvenience to the fair sex and causes negative emotions. Striving for beauty and aesthetics, for harmony in everything is quite natural for any woman. At the same time, it is quite possible to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the body, if all the required measures are taken in time.

Today there are a considerable number of all kinds of remedies, each of which helps to get rid of such an ailment. Such funds can be used already during pregnancy and continue after childbirth. The treatment of old stretch marks may take more time, but at the same time it is quite possible.

Reasons for appearance and appearance

During pregnancy, the walls of the abdomen stretch as the baby grows in the womb. It should be noted that striae are a kind of tears that lead to unaesthetic skin integuments in certain areas of the body. The worse the elasticity of the skin, the drier it is, the more stretch marks appear and the harder it is to fight them. You can see what the presence of stretch marks looks like in the photo. It is best to prevent such defects from appearing than to try to get rid of them later.

Very thin skin is capable of tearing under certain circumstances. This often happens during pregnancy. Usually women notice imperfections in the skin after giving birth. A high-quality, modernly applied tool helps to get rid of such problems. Therefore, you need to immediately begin treatment in order to quickly cope with such a nuisance. But the easiest way is to prevent the appearance of stretch marks by using useful remedies.

Stretch marks are not characterized by complete ruptures of the epidermis, but only its inner layer. This happens most often during pregnancy. Ruptures result in unsightly scars. At the beginning of their recovery, striae acquire a purple or pinkish tint. You can see how it looks in the photo. The shade is acquired for a reason a large number capillaries. Sometimes white scars can be observed. At the same time, the tan does not turn out to be uniform, since the traces of stretch marks remain noticeable.

Ideally, the skin is able to stretch and return to its original state. This avoids tears that are unnatural for the skin. In some cases, the normal function of the skin is lost and it becomes excessively dry and thin. This leads to stretch marks. The main reasons for the appearance of stretch marks:

  • excessively large fetus during pregnancy (this fact leads to overstretching of the inner layer of the epidermis);
  • multiple pregnancy (also leads to overstretching of the abdominal walls, which subsequently look bad);
  • the influence of hormonal levels on the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy (fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone - an increase in these hormones leads to a decrease in collagen production);
  • a decrease in the production of elastin, which can occur during pregnancy with less stretching of the skin;
  • violation of the recovery process of overstretched skin;
  • heredity;
  • malnutrition;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • the speed of weight gain;
  • the presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • metabolic disorders (with chronic diseases, endocrine disorders);
  • obesity (leads to sagging skin);
  • weakness of the abdominal muscles;
  • the age of the pregnant woman (the younger the woman, the faster her skin is restored).

To the great regret of women, the process of skin restoration after its excessive stretching (and this occurs during pregnancy, for long periods of time) cannot be controlled. And as a result, skin defects often appear on the abdomen and thighs. A quality product helps to get rid of such a problem within a certain time.

As for heredity, this is almost the very first culprit for unsightly stretch marks after pregnancy. If the grandmother or mother suffered from such a nuisance, it can be inherited by the granddaughter (daughter). Women who are fortunate enough to receive a gene from their mother that allows their skin to quickly recover are not threatened with any stretch marks, even after multiple pregnancies.

Women who have inherited a gene that contributes to the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen will notice such a disgrace in themselves "even with a small fetus. In this case, it is important to deal with such a defect. Stretch marks appear not only on the abdomen, but also on the chest, which is associated with overstretching of the skin in these areas with an increase in the mammary glands and the appearance of milk.

Thus, completely natural processes can lead to stretch marks, both during and after pregnancy. A competent approach to this problem and high-quality treatment can either make stretch marks less noticeable, or get rid of them. But in most cases, stretch marks remain permanently.

How to prevent?

First of all, it is important to establish nutrition. Since during pregnancy there is a large consumption of vitamins, protein, microelements, it is necessary to ensure their full intake into the body. Lack of protein food can lead to the most serious health problems.

That is why it is so important to eat meat foods, as well as vegetables and fruits. It is useful to eat chicken eggs, beef, chicken, rabbit, nuts, legumes, grains. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude from your diet or minimize starchy foods and sweets. These are the first enemies for the skin.

In addition to proper nutrition, you should lead a correct lifestyle - get enough sleep and walk in the fresh air. You need to walk (if there are no contraindications). In parallel, you can use useful cosmetics. Numerous reviews suggest that using a cream for getting rid and preventing stretch marks is very useful. You need to start such procedures even before pregnancy.

This allows the skin to become more resilient. During pregnancy, you need to consume vitamin E, which is responsible for the elasticity and health of the skin. Multivitamin complexes, which are designed specifically for pregnant and lactating mothers, are quite useful.
It is very important to control your weight during pregnancy. Weight gain should be normal and physiological, increasing as the fetus grows. But if it exceeds the permissible norms, it is time to sound the alarm and try to take healthy food, which will not contribute to overfeeding the fetus and the appearance of excess weight in the mother. Obesity is the first evil of health. For its reason, metabolic processes are disrupted, the skin is excessively stretched. And in this case, it becomes more and more difficult to bring the skin back to normal.

Preventive measures used during pregnancy to exclude the appearance of stretch marks make it possible not to experience problems in the future. Currently, you can see how the stretch marks look in the photo. Today there is a considerable selection of all kinds of cosmetic lotions and creams that give a good effect.

Folk remedies:

  • almond oil;
  • lavender oil;
  • wheat germ oil;
  • grape;
  • comfrey;
  • horsetail;
  • cacao butter;
  • tretinoin.

All of the listed funds can be used separately, while some of them, when mixed, give the best result.

Creams to combat stretch marks:

  • Clarins Stretch Mark Control, which contains a variety of oils and herbs to moisturize the skin and prevent stretch marks.

  • Elastin 3 - based on elastin and collagen. Expensive but practical.

  • Palmers Cocoa Butter Cream for Stretch Marks - based on oils, elastin and collagen. A very popular skin moisturizer. It is inexpensive, but it includes components as in the previous tool.

To prevent stretch marks, it is necessary to fight excess weight, and use creams at least 1 time per day (ideally 2). The chosen remedy should include vitamin E in its composition, as this will reduce the risk of stretch marks. It will not be superfluous to use this vitamin for food. Take care of yourself, because the baby needs a healthy mother.

Can this cosmetic defect be prevented or is it an inevitable companion to pregnancy?

Stretch marks, or striae, are scars on the skin that occur in places of its stretching and microdamage. They appear in most pregnant women, but they are expressed to varying degrees. Stretch marks can vary in color from light pink to crimson and purple, and sometimes they can protrude above the surface of the skin.

Stretch marks: causes of appearance

There can be several reasons for the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy, and one of them is severe stretching of the skin. Most often, stretch marks occur on the abdomen, since it is he who grows the most. The second most frequent occurrence of stretch marks is taken by the breast, since its size also increases significantly during pregnancy and lactation. Stretch marks can also appear on the thighs and buttocks.

When the skin is stretched, its upper layer, the epidermis, becomes thinner, and the subcutaneous tissue tears. Places of such micro-tears are replaced by connective tissue: thus striae appear. Blood vessels are visible under the thinned layer of skin, and this explains the reddish or purple color of the scars. Over time, these vessels become desolate, as blood flow to them stops, and stretch marks fade.

Mechanical tension of the skin is not the only reason for the appearance of stretch marks in expectant mothers. The properties of the skin also change under the influence of hormonal levels. Its changes during pregnancy reduce the moisture and elasticity of the skin, so it is more susceptible to microtraumatization when pulled. The greatest importance in this case is an increase in the level of progesterone, at a high level of which the synthesis of collagen, a protein necessary to maintain skin elasticity, decreases.

Genetic predisposition plays an important role in the appearance of stretch marks. If your mother or sisters developed striae during pregnancy, then you may also have them.

Stretch marks: risk factors

The likelihood of stretch marks is increased if the following risk factors are present:

  • overweight; and the faster the weight gain occurs, the more likely it is that the skin will not have time to adapt to the growing volumes and stretch marks will appear;
  • large fetus, polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies: in these conditions, the size of the abdomen is larger than the average during pregnancy;
  • weak abdominal muscles, which are less able to hold the pregnant uterus, as a result of which the abdomen stretches more;
  • smoking: during it oxygen starvation of the skin occurs, therefore, the processes of synthesis of the elastic skeleton of the skin - collagen and elastin fibers are slowed down;
  • the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy in close relatives: this suggests that a woman has a hereditary predisposition to the formation of stretch marks on the skin;
  • endocrine (hormonal) disorders, such as diabetes mellitus;
  • if, for some reason, even before pregnancy, a woman developed stretch marks - for example, with sharp fluctuations in weight, then during pregnancy new ones are most likely to appear.

Stretch marks: how to prevent

Unfortunately, there are no methods that would completely guarantee that stretch marks will not occur. However, preventive measures do reduce the risk of their occurrence. And if stretch marks still appear, then in smaller quantities.

Currently, you can buy many products that maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin, and therefore prevent stretch marks. You can use them from the very beginning of pregnancy. Moreover, the funds should be recommended for pregnant women. Substances contained in the cream in small amounts can penetrate the skin into the body, so there should not be any harmful impurities that can negatively affect the baby.

For skin care to be effective, it must be done regularly. Cosmetics are aimed at stimulating the production of collagen and elastin; in addition, they moisturize and nourish the skin.

To improve blood circulation in the skin, better supply it with oxygen and stimulate renewal processes, a contrast shower and skin massage with a special massage washcloth or glove are recommended. However, if during pregnancy there are symptoms of a threatening miscarriage, a contrast shower cannot be used, since this procedure can stimulate the central nervous system, impulses from which are transmitted to the uterus. Stimulation of the nipples causes uterine contractions and should be avoided when massaging the breasts.

Alternatively, you can use olive, peach, or almond oil. They moisturize the skin well and increase its elasticity due to the content of vitamin E.

It is important to ensure that there is not too much weight gain during pregnancy. It is especially important to avoid sudden weight surges. To do this, you need to eat right, reduce the consumption of fat, flour and sugar-containing products, increase the amount of vegetables and fruits. Proteins play a very important role in the synthesis of elastin and collagen, so eat enough meat, cheese, eggs. Vegetable oils are essential to maintain skin moisture and elasticity.

If you have no medical contraindications, do not forget about gymnastics for pregnant women. Exercise not only helps to avoid weight gain, but also increases the elasticity of muscles and skin, as their blood supply improves.

The lack of vitamins affects the condition of the skin. Therefore, taking multivitamins during pregnancy is some kind of prevention of cosmetic problems. Vitamin E is especially important for the skin. If there are contraindications for taking multivitamins during pregnancy, for example, allergic reactions, it is possible to use vitamin E separately, but you should first consult your doctor about this.

After 22 weeks of pregnancy, it is recommended to start wearing the bandage. It supports the growing abdomen, thereby reducing stress on the skin and its stretching. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the breast, wearing special bras for pregnant and lactating women, which support the breast, prevent it from sagging and pulling the skin. Maternity bras are tailored to support the breasts without crushing the milk ducts. Wide straps are used for better support. In addition, maternity bras do not have pits because they can compress the milk ducts.

Stretch marks: methods of struggle

Unfortunately, after pregnancy ends, stretch marks do not completely disappear. But after 6-12 months after giving birth, they become paler, almost the same color as the skin.

To make stretch marks less noticeable, there are also special cosmetics - no longer for prevention, but for stretch mark correction. They contain ingredients that promote the processes of regeneration - the restoration of skin cells. The action of these funds is aimed at regenerating the epidermis, which is damaged at the site of stretch marks. If the stretch marks are fresh, then the epidermis can partially recover, although it will not fully recover and the scars will still remain.

After giving birth, you can go to the beauty salon, where various procedures are offered to combat stretch marks - mesotherapy, laser skin resurfacing, chemical peeling.

  • Mesotherapy- the introduction of medicinal substances directly into the dermis - the middle layer of the skin. In the treatment of stretch marks, substances are injected into the damaged area of ​​the skin that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin and the restoration of the epidermis.
  • Chemical peeling removes old skin layers and exposes younger ones, and also stimulates collagen production in them.
  • At laser resurfacing using a laser, the damaged layer of the skin is removed. after this, the growth of young skin cells begins, which can replace the damaged area.

A cosmetologist will help you choose the best method. These procedures are not recommended during pregnancy. It is also worth remembering that if you are planning to have another baby, stretch marks will reappear.

Stretch marks on the skin are not a disease. They do not disrupt the functioning of the body, do not cause pain. We can say that this is a natural phenomenon during pregnancy. Therefore, if you have them, you do not need to worry, although, if possible, you should try to prevent their occurrence.

Pregnancy is the most exciting and touching state in a woman's life. But along with the joys of new discoveries and the expectation of a miracle, you have specific problems. In particular, skin changes such as stretch marks. You need to take care of yourself in advance so that you still feel attractive after giving birth. We will tell you what causes stretch marks and what you can do during pregnancy and after delivery.

Stretch marks (striae) are internal scars of the skin, they arise due to stretching of the skin, the upper layer of the skin (epithelium) does not keep pace with the growth of the abdomen, elastin fibers are torn and replaced by scar tissue. It is difficult to predict the appearance and appearance of stretch marks.

The skin consists of three layers: the epidermis (the upper, constantly renewing layer), the dermis (a dense connective tissue frame, a kind of "mesh" that provides elasticity, elasticity of the skin) - stretch marks appear in it, subcutaneous adipose tissue (adipose tissue, expressed in all to varying degrees).

Reasons for the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy

1. Rapid growth of the abdomen.

The rapid growth of the abdomen can be a physiological change, or indicates an excessive increase in body weight, polyhydramnios, the formation of a large fetus. How natural the changes in the body are, your doctor will tell you, do not hesitate to ask about an exciting question.

2. Changes in hormonal levels.

During pregnancy, a woman's body must maintain high levels of progesterone, as this is the hormone that preserves pregnancy. Progesterone has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, preventing the uterus from toning. But together with the relaxation of the myometrium, the tone of all muscles decreases and the connective tissue of the dermis is weakened. The growing belly often outstrips the skin's ability to stretch, and tears form in the middle layer of the skin.

3. Improper nutrition before and during pregnancy.

An unbalanced diet is an inadequate intake of minerals, vitamins, protein and vegetable fats, and an excess of carbohydrates and salt. In addition to the risk of gaining excess weight, food that often contains carbonated drinks, chips, convenience foods, excess sugar, alcohol and fast food has a direct damaging effect on the skin. First of all, the synthesis of new collagen fibers in the dermis suffers.

4. Heredity.

Genetic predisposition can be traced very often, the point here is in the inheritance of skin type (density, level of sebum production, ability to regenerate). It happens that a woman with a large belly during pregnancy, after the birth of a large baby or twins, has almost no skin changes. And my mother, who wore a small tummy throughout the pregnancy, is upset because of the multiple bright stretch marks. Pay attention to such changes in close relatives (mother, sister, aunt), ask. This will most likely help predict these changes.

5. Smoking.

In women who smoke, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is impaired, the skin is more "fragile" and the risk of stretch marks increases.

6. Age.

Primary pregnant women after the age of 30 and up to 18 years are more at risk of getting unpleasant skin changes, since in the first case, collagen synthesis is already somewhat slowed down, and in the first case, the exchange of female hormones may not yet be stable.

7. Parity of childbirth.

In multiparous women, abdominal skin changes are, of course, more pronounced. The break between childbirth also matters. From many points of view, the optimal interval is 2 years. During this time, the balance of hormones is restored, the reserves of iron, calcium and other nutrients are replenished.

8. Concomitant diseases.

Obesity is a chronic metabolic disorder. The manifestation of the disease will not only be overweight, but also a malnutrition of the skin.

Women who have had stretch marks before pregnancy, childhood or adolescence (for example, due to hypothalamic syndrome) are also more at risk.

Diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2 are also metabolic diseases. Due to high blood sugar levels, collagen synthesis is impaired, the skin becomes thinner, dry and much easier to damage. The regenerative (restorative) abilities of the skin are also reduced.

Systemic diseases (systemic scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus and others), dermatitis, psoriasis cause specific changes in the skin, and also reduce its elasticity and regenerative capacity.

9. Motor mode.

A sedentary lifestyle reduces the delivery of oxygen to all tissues of the body. Also, hypodynamia threatens with excessive weight gain and fetal hypoxia.

10. Weakness of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

Insufficiently trained muscles do not create a "muscle corset" and the pressure on the skin from the inside increases.

11. Lactation.

We talk a lot about stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen and thighs and forget about the breasts, and meanwhile, active lactation can provoke such changes on the skin of the mammary glands. Especially in the first weeks after childbirth, when milk arrives, the skin of the breast is under significant stress.

How stretch marks manifest themselves in pregnant women

The location of stretch marks in terms of frequency of occurrence: abdomen, breasts (breast augmentation during pregnancy and lactation individually), thighs and buttocks (physiological increase in body fat was conceived by nature for the normal exchange of female hormones, in particular estrogen, but weight gain is far from always and not in all corresponds to the needs of the body), caviar (here stretch marks are formed very rarely, mainly in women with severe edema that cannot be treated for a long time).

Stretch marks can be pink, dark purple, light purple, red and vary in width and length. From small, narrow and light pink stripes in the lower abdomen or chest to wide dark purple stripes along the entire anterior abdominal wall and thighs. The critical period for the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen and thighs is the third or fourth month of pregnancy, on the chest - the lactation period, on the legs - the postpartum period, when edema decreases.

After childbirth, stretch marks gradually fade, become denser in texture and acquire a light silver, white color. These changes do not completely disappear, but with proper care, the skin tone is restored and stretch marks become less noticeable. Stretch marks do not tan, as they are represented by scar tissue and melanin pigment is not produced in them.

Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

Prevention of stretch marks should be started even before pregnancy occurs. Elastic, moisturized skin is much less susceptible to damage and has a greater ability to regenerate.

1. Normalization of weight.

You must carry out weight control on your own and regularly, it is not recommended to gain more than 14 kilograms during pregnancy, and the risk of stretch marks increases with a sharp jump in weight.

2. Rational nutrition.

In addition to weight control, proper diet is designed to saturate the body with enough protein and vitamins. It is the protein that helps the skin to renew itself and maintain its elasticity.

It is recommended to include: vegetable oils, cottage cheese, chicken, turkey, eggs, cheese, beef, nuts, legumes. Potassium-rich foods (raisins, dried apricots, banana, pears) and an optimal drinking regime (still mineral water, natural fruit drinks, green tea up to 2 liters a day, unless you are advised to restrict fluid).

But flour, sweet and carbonated drinks should be excluded or significantly limited.

You should also take multivitamin complexes for pregnant women, they contain an optimal combination of vitamins and minerals and are easily absorbed.

3. Regular dosed physical activity.

Of all kinds physical activity walking and swimming are most suitable for pregnant women. There is also a special direction - fitness for pregnant women, it includes lightweight versions of physical training complexes, but, nevertheless, it is effective for strengthening the muscular system. Check with your doctor and, if there are no contraindications, get down to work. Classes can be conducted on the basis of antenatal clinics.

If you want to practice at home, then use the following complexes, but first show them to your doctor. Classes are shown after 12 weeks, in the first months the load should be minimized.

It is better to start classes accompanied by a spouse who can insure you.

Positional gymnastics from stretch marks

Cat pose: standing on all fours, smoothly round your back and lower your head down, and then bend your back and raise your head, repeat 10-12 times as you feel

Butterfly pose: sit on the floor, bring the soles of the soles to each other and move them as close as possible to you, gently press on your knees with your palms and swing, as if making a movement of the "butterfly wings"

Twisting: while sitting or standing, turn the torso to the right and left at a comfortable angle, while the pelvis remains motionless

Fitball exercises (gymnastic ball)

We sit down in Turkish and take the ball in our hands, raise it to the level of the face and begin to squeeze rhythmically with our palms, repeat 10-15 times (the muscles of the chest and arms are strengthened)

We lie on our back, legs are bent, the right one rests on the floor, and the left one stands on the ball, we roll the ball with our left foot and return it to its original position. For each leg, 6-10 reps.

We lie on our back, bent legs rest on the floor, then raise the left leg and rotate the foot to the right and left in turn, then repeat with the right leg

4. Wearing anatomical underwear for pregnant and lactating women, bandages.

Special underwear creates soft, but dense, uniform compression, preventing the fabrics from sagging and unnecessarily stretching, does not cut into the skin and should be made of hypoallergenic, natural materials. You should think about wearing such underwear already from 12-14 weeks of pregnancy.

Wearing prenatal bandages is also indicated. The bandage should be purchased from an orthopedic pharmacy and the abdominal circumference should be measured beforehand. The growth of the abdomen depends on many factors and each woman may need a bandage from a different period of time, but on average, wearing is indicated from 21 weeks.

5. Massage.

Daily gentle massage prevents the appearance of stretch marks and has a general strengthening effect on the body. It consists of two stages:

Massage under the shower, the jet should make circular movements on the skin of the abdomen, chest and thighs, cool (not cold !!) water should be alternated with warm water, the period of exposure to warm water should be three times longer than cool, circular massage with a washcloth is also used - a mitten made of natural materials (loofah, sisal).

Massage using various creams and oils approved for pregnant women is performed on wet skin, with gentle circular movements.

Cosmetic products that you use must be purchased from a pharmacy, be labeled "hypoallergenic" or "tested for allergens" and be approved for use by pregnant and lactating women, and it will not be superfluous to require a hygiene certificate and a quality certificate.

You can use creams for stretch marks of the brands MamaComfort, Vichy, Avent, Sanosan, ChiccoMammaDonna, Clarins, Bioterm, Vitex FOR MOTHER, World of Childhood, GreenMama.

If you do not want to use industrial cosmetics, you can massage with warmed olive, peach, almond oils or jojoba, cocoa, grape seed.

If you are using oil, cream, gel or emulsion for the first time, then conduct an allergic test, apply a small amount of the product to the elbow and observe for about 2 hours, if redness, swelling, itching does not appear, then you can safely use it.

Massage is contraindicated in women whose pregnancy proceeds against the background of the threat of termination, as this is additional muscle stimulation.

6. Respiratory gymnastics.

As a result of correct breathing exercises, the body is saturated with oxygen, which has a positive effect not only on the skin. You can alternate gymnastic exercises and breathing. Check with your doctor before using this method.

Treatment of stretch marks after pregnancy

If pale stripes still interfere with your life and feel attractive, then use the services of a beautician. The most effective fight against stretch marks "age" up to 1 year, then the fight becomes more difficult. Most methods can be used while breastfeeding, but check with your gynecologist. The following methods are used:

1. Laser therapy.

With the help of a laser beam, the upper layers of the skin are resurfaced and the color and structure are smoothed; the procedure is performed under anesthesia.

2. Mesotherapy.

The essence of the procedure is that various preparations are injected into the skin around and in the area of ​​stretch marks. A very fine needle is used and the solutions are injected to a depth of 3-5 mm. Most of the reviews are positive.

3. Microdermabrasion.

Skin resurfacing with the help of a special apparatus, the effect will be noticeable rather quickly, but the trauma to the skin with this method is significant.

4. Microcurrent therapy.

Exposing the skin to currents up to 1000 microamperes increases blood flow and helps the skin to renew itself. In addition to stretch marks, this method is used to treat acne and age spots that complicate pregnancy. Treatment, of course, after delivery.

5. Chemical peeling.

Application to the skin chemical composition(most often containing fruit acids), which causes the top layer to peel off and thereby even out the tone and structure. After the procedure, a superficial skin burn is formed and a recovery period is required. The method is not used during the sunny season, as the irradiation produces persistent pigment spots.

6. Ozone therapy.

Many injections with an oxygen-ozone mixture are made into the affected area. Metabolism improves and the production of new cells is stimulated.

7. Abdominoplasty.

The most radical method consists in removing damaged skin areas and suturing the defect.

In addition to salon procedures, you continue to self-massage and use specialized creams and oils.


Stretch marks are a cosmetic nuance that does not threaten you and your baby in any way, so if you have already acquired such changes (like most women), then do not be discouraged and do not dwell on it. Over time, the stretch marks will fade significantly and will not be conspicuous. Maintain a healthy weight, use our advice, because at any stage you can improve your skin condition.

And remember “the most beautiful of women is a woman with a child in her arms”!

One of the fears women experience during pregnancy is the fear of losing their former beauty and attractiveness. One of the concerns of expectant mothers is stretch marks on the body: abdomen, breasts, hips and buttocks. Stretch marks (striae) are scars or streaks on the skin that occur where it is severely stretched, such as when you gain weight rapidly. The first signs of the appearance of stretch marks in the form of pink stripes can be noticed by expectant mothers already in the 1st trimester, when the tummy begins to grow and round. How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, and what methods are there to deal with them if they have already appeared?

The appearance of stretch marks is associated with the tension of the upper layer of the epidermis of the skin, which becomes thinner, as a result of which a micro-rupture of collagen fibers occurs. Stretch marks on the body look like scars or scars of a reddish or purple hue due to the translucence of blood vessels through them. Over time, if you do not take any measures to combat them, the scars become white and rough to the touch. Stretch marks during pregnancy tend to appear on the tummy, as the abdominal skin is most susceptible to stretching due to the rapid enlargement of the uterus. They also affect the delicate skin of the breasts, which significantly increase in size during pregnancy, as well as the thighs and buttocks as a result of weight gain.

Stretch marks during pregnancy, photo

Stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy

Stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy

It should be noted that skin tension is not the main reason for the appearance of stretch marks on the body of expectant mothers. In addition, in pregnant women, due to hormonal changes in the body, the elasticity and moisture of the skin decreases, and the skin becomes more susceptible to trauma and microdamage during tension. Due to the rapid change in progesterone levels, the production of collagen in skin cells, which is responsible for their firmness and elasticity, decreases.

Another significant cause of stretch marks during pregnancy is genetic predisposition. In most cases, if the mother or grandmother had this cosmetic defect while carrying a child, then there is a high probability that you will have them during pregnancy. At the same time, gaining excess weight or the size of the abdomen will not matter. There have been cases of stretch marks in slender women with a small tummy and their complete absence after the birth of a baby in a woman with a very large belly.

Also, the following factors have an effect on stretch marks during pregnancy:

  • unhealthy diet, overweight with rapid weight gain;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • with metabolic disorders ( diabetes mellitus or obesity);
  • if a woman has polyhydramnios, as well as a large fetus, multiple pregnancy. The abdominal muscles do not have time to adapt to the rapidly growing tummy;
  • weakness of the abdominal muscles;
  • smoking produces oxygen starvation of skin cells, the production of collagen and elastin slows down in them;
  • women of a more mature age are predisposed to the appearance of stretch marks, since with age the skin loses its elasticity and firmness.

Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy: how to prevent their appearance

Unfortunately, there are no methods and means, except for surgical intervention, that would completely get rid of stretch marks. Therefore, it is so important to observe preventive measures and prevent the likelihood of their appearance on the body.

Correction of nutrition for stretch marks during pregnancy

Controlling weight gain during pregnancy is very important to prevent stretch marks. Doctors do not recommend gaining more than 10-11 kg for the entire pregnancy, and this recommendation must be adhered to. It should be remembered that the faster your weight increases, the more likely it is that non-aesthetic stripes will appear on your body. Do not eat for two, as many caring mothers and loving grandmothers advise, do light physical activity and reconsider your diet in favor of a healthy diet.

  1. A pregnant woman should change her diet to include a large amount of protein foods. It is the protein that is involved in the synthesis of collagen and elastin production in skin cells. Protein is found in white poultry meat: turkey, chicken.
  2. Eat fatty fish such as salmon, trout, which are rich not only in protein, but also in omega acids, which are responsible for skin elasticity.
  3. Fresh fruits and freshly squeezed juices, rich in vitamin C, as well as vegetables in combination with vegetable oils: olive, sesame, corn are useful to increase skin elasticity. Include in your diet nuts, legumes, whole grains, which contain B vitamins and vitamin E.
  4. In addition, it is important to drink enough fluids, as it is the moisture that the skin lacks. The only thing that pregnant women need to control is the amount of fluid consumed, especially in the 3rd trimester, in order to avoid edema.
  5. If you want to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, limit your sugar and starchy foods.
  6. You can not do without fermented milk products rich in calcium.

Cosmetic and natural remedies for the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

It is very important to start using cosmetic and natural remedies to prevent the appearance of stretch marks from the very first days of the long-awaited pregnancy, and even better - before it. The most effective natural remedy- olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy, which is applied daily to moisturized skin, pay special attention to areas prone to stretch marks: tummy, breasts and thighs. You can add liquid vitamin E to it, thereby increasing the effect of moisturizing and nourishing the skin with useful vitamins.

In addition to olive oil, you can use almond or peach oil. Before applying the oil to the skin, it is recommended to cleanse the skin with a scrub to remove the top layer of the skin and activate the processes of its renewal and the production of collagen fibers, thanks to which the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases. Peeling can be prepared from natural products that you have at home. The main requirement for natural peeling is the absence of large particles, so as not to injure delicate skin. Excellent peeling - scrub based on natural coffee beans. Coffee beans must be ground in a coffee grinder and mixed with sour cream or any vegetable oil. The coffee scrub is great for cleansing the skin and preparing it for more effective oil application. Coffee can be replaced with sugar or salt (only not coarsely ground).

To prevent stretch marks, you can make a homemade preventative cream for stretch marks. To make it, you will need about a glass of sour cream, low-fat yogurt, to which 1 tbsp of oil (olive, almond, peach) and grated lemon zest are added. Rub the homemade cream into moisturized skin after showering.

Contrast shower is a great way to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

Everyone knows the benefits of a contrast shower for the skin - its elasticity increases. Changing the water temperature from comfortable to cold within 30 seconds - strengthens the skin, stimulates the work of cells, gives it elasticity. Effectively combine a contrast shower with a massage with a coarse washcloth or a special stiff body brush. Before using a contrast shower, consult your gynecologist, because this procedure allowed only with a normal pregnancy.

Bandage and prenatal bra for stretch marks during pregnancy

An excellent prophylactic remedy for stretch marks on the abdomen is wearing special supportive underwear or a bandage in the form of a belt for pregnant women, starting from the 22nd week of pregnancy, when the tummy noticeably increases in size. Their main function is to prevent sagging of the skin on the abdomen, to maintain its tone and elasticity.
A prenatal bra with wide straps without wiring also serves the same purpose, providing support for growing breasts.

Do not forget about light gymnastics and physical exercises aimed at maintaining muscle tone in problem areas. If the muscles have good stretch, the likelihood of stretch marks on the body is significantly reduced. Do light exercises for your glutes, thighs, and legs. There are special classes for pregnant women, with minimal but very effective muscle stress: yoga, water aerobics, fitball classes, swimming.

How to remove stretch marks if they have already appeared: methods of struggle

Unfortunately, after the birth of the baby, the striae that appeared during pregnancy do not completely disappear. Over time, they become paler, but are clearly visible on the skin, especially after sunburn. Under the influence of UV rays, the skin tans and white scars become visible. To remove fresh stretch marks and make them less noticeable, it is necessary to use special corrective creams for stretch marks, which contain active ingredients that promote skin regeneration, the restoration of epidermal cells in places where striae have appeared. Anti-stretch marks during pregnancy will help your skin to heal.

You can use creams, ointments, starting from 3-4 months of pregnancy, rubbing into problem areas, combining with self-massage. The composition of anti-stretch marks intended for expectant mothers, as a rule, includes natural ingredients and active substances allowed for pregnant women. But, do not forget about the individual intolerance of any substance that is part of the cream. Before applying the product, be sure to check it for an allergic reaction. Apply some cream to the inside of your hand, leave it on for 20 minutes. If the skin does not turn red, you can safely apply this cream for stretch marks on the body.

How to smear stretch marks during pregnancy?

Among the most popular and effective remedies for stretch marks, designed for expectant mothers, the following innovative caring products can be distinguished:

  1. Avent- one of the best creams for stretch marks during pregnancy, reviews of which are only positive. Its rich vitamin composition, including minerals, amino acids, natural extracts and oils, restores and regenerates the skin. The cream has a pleasant citrus scent and can be used for massage.
  2. Clarins Stretch Mark Control- natural cream for stretch marks during pregnancy, stimulating protein synthesis and cell regeneration. It contains extracts of essential, natural vegetable oils, extract of dropsy berries, Asian centella - components that moisturize and nourish the dermis. The visibility of scars is visually reduced.
  3. Pregnacare cream- the cream contains natural ingredients that nourish the epidermis and accelerate cell division. Calendula and soy glycine detoxify. The cream stimulates collagen production and actively removes stretch marks, preventing their reappearance.
  4. Mama Comfort- cosmetic series of effective and inexpensive remedies to combat stretch marks. Suitable for sensitive skin, this series of creams nourish the skin, protect it from breakouts.
  5. Mustella- a cream with a double effect, its action is aimed both at correcting stretch marks and at preventing their reappearance. Contains natural ingredients (shea butter, avocado oil) that nourish the dermis.

In addition to cosmetic care products that can be purchased at cosmetic stores, you can use pharmacy ointments to treat striae to treat scars and scars.

  1. Mederma- the gel, which contains onion extract, has practically no contraindications, it is allowed for future mothers.
  2. Ointment Contractubex... Heparin, an active substance that is part of the ointment, is an effective remedy for removing raised scars and scars.
  3. Phytolastil gel- perfectly fights fresh and mature scars, the course of treatment is up to 2 months.

How to make your own stretch mark cream

Homemade creams made from natural ingredients are an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetics, they rarely cause allergic reactions.

  • Cream with mummy.

Shilajit is a mountain resin, mined in the mountains of Asia, which has healing properties to heal wounds, regenerate tissues, and dissolve scars and scars. You can buy a mummy at a pharmacy. To prepare the cream, you will need 2-3 grams of mountain resin, it must be dissolved in water (1 tsp) and mixed with any baby cream. The first effect of application can be seen within a week, it is not recommended during lactation.

  • Natural remedy for stretch marks with aloe.

To make homemade cream, you need to squeeze out 0.5 cups of aloe juice, you can twist the leaf through a meat grinder or chop it finely, and then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Add 0.5 cups of olive oil, 15 drops of vitamin E and 5 drops of vitamin A to the aloe juice, stir. Apply the product once a day, store in the refrigerator.

  • Fruit peeling.

Take natural yogurt, add lemon zest and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of almond oil. Apply the product to problem areas for 20 minutes, and then rinse off under a warm shower, after the procedure, be sure to moisturize the skin with a cream or body lotion.

  • Peeling from white clay.

To make the peeling, you will need an avocado, beat its pulp in a blender, add wheat germ oil, 3 tablespoons of white clay, 1 tablespoon to the mixture. l olive oil. Apply the product to the skin for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

  • Essential oils.

Essential oils do well in the fight against stretch marks:

  • jojoba oil gives the skin elasticity;
  • rosewood oil dissolves scars, visibly tightens the skin;
  • almond oil - provides the skin with elasticity, improves its tone;
  • grape seed oil, having regenerating properties, heals scars, increases elasticity.

Exercise for stretch marks during pregnancy

To give the skin elasticity and firmness, pregnant women should not forget about exercise, if they are not contraindicated for them. Stretching, fitball exercises will strengthen the muscles of the press, hips and back, increase muscle tone. All kinds of water-related activities are useful: swimming, exercise in water. In addition to physical activity, water contributes to the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Exercise after your baby is born.

Cosmetological procedures for stretch marks

If stretch marks cannot be avoided during pregnancy, after the birth of your baby, you can remove them at a beauty salon, which offers services to eliminate unwanted scars on the body. You may be offered treatments such as:

  1. Mesotherapy. To remove stretch marks, a drug is injected into the middle layer of the skin (directly into the dermis), the action of which is aimed at stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. The epidermis is restored and striae disappear or become almost invisible.
  2. Chemical peeling. With the help of active ingredients, peeling of old skin layers is carried out. Collagen production is stimulated. The skin becomes firm and revitalized.
  3. Laser resurfacing... The laser beam removes old damaged skin cells and stimulates the growth of new smooth epidermal cells. Laser resurfacing is prohibited during lactation; after the procedure for about six months, you cannot sunbathe on the beach or visit the solarium.
  4. Abdominoplasty... It is possible to remove stretch marks permanently with the help of surgery. Abdominoplasty will help get rid of deep stretch marks on visible areas of the body, tighten the skin and restore its beauty.

Which method of dealing with stretch marks to choose depends on the expectant mother. It should be remembered that it is easier to prevent their appearance than to get rid of a non-aesthetic skin defect later. Stretch marks in pregnant women are not a disease, but a natural phenomenon. When they appear, do not worry and panic, use our advice and be always beautiful!

When and from what stretch marks appear during pregnancy is one of the main issues that torments women. During the period of intensive growth of the fetus, the abdomen grows rapidly, skin cells do not have time to regenerate, replacing the place with connective tissue. Thus, scars of a burgundy hue are formed, which over time become less noticeable, whitish in color.

When do stretch marks appear during pregnancy?

Typically, stretch marks begin to appear at 5-6 months of pregnancy. At this time, the child grows significantly and gains weight. The skin on the abdomen is subject to stress and does not have time to cope with it. Therefore, connective tissue comes to the rescue, the cells of which are able to quickly divide and repair damaged areas, thereby forming crimson scars.

In the third trimester, stripes may appear on the chest due to their gradual swelling and colostrum filling. A sharp increase in weight is also caused by the appearance of stretch marks on the inner side of the thigh and on the buttocks.

Typical photos of women indicate that the appearance of stretch marks is possible at any week of pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of stretch marks, to prepare the skin for drastic changes with the help of preventive measures.

How and why do stretch marks appear during pregnancy?

The body of a woman, during the period of gestation, is under tremendous stress, significant changes are taking place in order to save the life of the child and ensure his normal development.

Changes in the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone are considered the main reason stretch marks appear during pregnancy. The synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for strength, directly depends on the high level of production of these substances.

Other causes of occurrence include:

  1. A hereditary predisposition indicates the inability to prevent the occurrence of stretch marks. If close relatives had significant sprains, then a woman, with a 90% probability, will have this problem.
  2. Absence rational nutrition with a minimum amount of vitamins affects the dramatic weight gain. The skin does not have time to produce collagen, so scar tissue is quickly replaced.
  3. Restrictions on motor activity leads to weakening of the muscles, the tone of the skin decreases.
  4. Smoking reduces elasticity and firmness, peeling begins, the surface becomes dry and dehydrated.
The age category is also of great importance due to the low level of elasticity and strength of the epidermis. In the absence of striae during the first gestation, the second pregnancy may respond to the epidermis with stretch marks.

Stretched areas begin to appear in places of strong tension, where microdamage is most clearly visible. The degree of formation at different gestation periods is different. In this case, the severity and number of stripes in women may vary.

Where do stretch marks most often appear during pregnancy and what do they look like?

During gestation, the dermis becomes thinner due to strong tension and active growth of the fetus. The inner layer of the epidermis tears, not having time to regenerate cells. Most often, stretch marks are formed:
  • on the stomach, due to the intensive growth of the baby inside the womb or due to the formation of a large fetus;
  • the production of colostrum by the body begins on the breast, and after childbirth, stretching occurs due to the presence of milk;
  • on the thighs and buttocks, stretch marks occur due to rapid weight gain.
Incipient stretch marks appear on the body as defects, in the form of narrow stripes with uneven edges. They do not cause any discomfort, only slight itching is possible at the time of their inception. This is due to the fact that the middle layer of the epidermis begins to break down due to tension and pressure. The fibrous part, together with small vessels, burst and rupture, which provokes the formation of insignificant depressions.

Stretch marks initially look like small scars or scars with loose, softened and thinned skin. The color coloration at first has a reddish tint, depending on how many capillaries are damaged. Gradually, over time, the connective tissue changes color to a lighter shade, since blood circulation in these places stops.

Stretch marks are dense stripes that lack melanin. Therefore, when exposed to ultraviolet radiation or sunlight, staining does not occur. The lack of this pigment is due to the resistance of the stretched skin to tanning, it remains light against the background of the rest of the body. Also, rapid replacement with connective tissue makes these areas unable to secrete sweat as a result of impaired blood flow.

Treatment methods

Getting rid of existing strips is very difficult. At the present stage of development of medicine, there are 2 ways:
  • dermabrasion - involves scraping the upper layer of the dermis, which refreshes the general condition and makes the skin smoother. Resurfacing is done with crystals that are under pressure, but at the same time stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.
  • laser surgery, an expensive procedure that in the early stages of stretch marks, thanks to a pulsed laser, changes the pigmentation of the skin.
The success and duration of the laser method depends on age, and in the process, a woman may experience a slight pain syndrome.

The most effective method will be to prevent stretching of the epidermis immediately after conception. Using special creams, contrast showers and massage will significantly reduce the likelihood of stretching. The main remedy in the fight against the occurrence of stretch marks is the normalization of nutrition. The consumption of a large amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals will strengthen the epidermis, make the surface firm and elastic.