What does a woman feel right after giving birth. The postpartum period and all the most important about this time

On the eve of the birth of the child, mommy only thinks about the fact that she is about to give birth and how she will meet the baby, but the postpartum period is also a rather serious test. It is advisable to prepare for it in advance, consult with older women, and visit a psychologist.

Immediately after childbirth, especially when they go without complications, the young mother feels great - the painful sensations are over, her wonderful baby was born, she is very glad to see him. After a while, she gets very tired and wants to sleep. This is natural, after giving birth, mother should have a good rest, since she has worked hard enough. The state of the internal organs begins to change and come to what it was before pregnancy. On the first day, the uterus begins to contract, the lumen becomes smaller, the pharynx closes completely after three weeks. The inner surface of the uterus is one large wound, so that there are no unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to observe a doctor and follow all his recommendations.

In the postpartum period, the woman's body begins to rebuild, lactogenic hormone is produced and milk is produced for feeding the child. At first, the gastrointestinal tract does not work very well, so the recommended diet should be followed. For a few more months, hair and nails will be quite weak and brittle due to a decrease in growth hormones in the body, but then everything will return to normal. After giving birth, a woman notes the appearance of so-called stretch marks on her abdomen and hips, for many they disappear on their own, but others need to do special exercises to get rid of this phenomenon.

You also need to know about such an intimate process as menstruation. For most mothers, it can begin as early as 40 days after giving birth. If a woman is breastfeeding her baby, the resumption of menstruation will be much later. It is believed that if fully breastfeeding occurs, the discharge begins only after the baby is fed. This is how nature ordered - the body will not be ready for the birth of a new life until the already born baby grows up. There are some changes in the genitals, immediately after childbirth, the vagina is a little swollen, this disappears within ten days, there are also small spotting during this period.

It is known that a woman after giving birth returns to normal within a couple of months. During this time, there is stronger blood circulation, as a result of which there may be noticeable palpitations. There are irregularities in the work of the urinary system, this is due to the fact that there are not healed wounds and cracks in the genitals, therefore a burning sensation occurs, a woman must carefully observe hygiene, then there will be no serious consequences. Everything that happens after childbirth should not scare anyone - the body will certainly recover.

A woman who has just given birth may well have some signs of depression, and it is very important if there are close people nearby who can help her, calm her down, explain that she is loved and desired. It is advisable to help mom in caring for the child and give time to rest.

In the last days of pregnancy, the breast begins to swell, you should pay attention to what happens to her after childbirth. The nipples and the area of ​​the skin around them darken, they become painful, the mammary glands greatly increase in volume. This means that milk arrives, with which the mother feeds the child. The skin becomes sensitive and delicate, therefore it is necessary to wear special underwear, do a gentle massage and carefully observe hygiene. Sometimes women ask after childbirth: “When can I sleep? Is it dangerous to fall asleep right away?” Doctors usually advise to rest after all the necessary manipulations, when the woman in labor is taken to the ward.

In the postpartum period, a woman needs to recover quickly, so doctors recommend following a special diet. Some have cracks in the vagina and perineum during the passage of the baby through the birth canal, in such cases, you need to follow some simple rules. You can not sit on hard surfaces, after visiting the toilet, you should wash yourself using baby soap, treat visible wounds with hydrogen peroxide. It is very important to visit a doctor periodically, and if a woman feels unwell, it is simply necessary to go to the doctor.

Many mothers after the birth of a child give him all their time and all their strength. This is of course wonderful, the little man needs constant care and attention, but do not forget about yourself, you need to rest enough time, have time for exercise and cosmetics. First of all, of course, you need to learn how to allocate time in such a way that there is enough of it for everything. All relatives should help in this - the grandmother of the newborn, the husband, if possible, you can hire a nanny. Sometimes a woman loses herself and does not know what to do after giving birth, do not forget your favorite activities - reading, knitting, weaving various trinkets from beads.

When a child is born, a woman has to rebuild her whole life, she needs to feed the baby by the hour, bathe him, do a massage, change diapers and diapers, sometimes mommy gets tired to such an extent that all her thoughts are only about the pillow. If there is no person nearby who is able to take on some of the worries, then it is very difficult. The body will recover much faster if, following the advice of a doctor, a young mother will drink a lot of juices and mineral water and do a set of exercises. Do not be surprised by the mood swings - the nervous system is being rebuilt.

A woman who has given birth to a child has a lot of different urgent matters, but she does everything for the sake of her beloved baby, so it seems that she is only gaining strength. If daddy helps her in everything, just walks with her son so that mom can rest, then the recovery process will go much faster.

After giving birth, a woman should be attentive and loving not only to the child, but also to herself. There is a big restructuring in her body, so it is advisable to be in contact with the doctor, talk to him about the problems and follow all the recommendations.

As the due date approaches, the exciting expectation of the most important period in a woman's life becomes ever stronger. A new person will come into the world - your child. And although pregnancy and childbirth are not a disease, but completely natural processes, nevertheless, these are physically and psychologically difficult sensations for a woman.

Finally, this long journey - 9 months of joy and anxiety, visits to antenatal clinics, mood swings, nausea in the morning and insomnia at night - is left behind. Behind the pain and stress of labor. What will these first days and weeks after childbirth be? What does a woman feel during this period? What can be worrisome, and what do you need to be prepared for?

UroMedik addresses this article to those who are experiencing pregnancy and childbirth for the first time, we hope that such information will be useful to future fathers. After all, the postpartum period is important for the whole family. "Experienced" mothers, I hope, will remember their feelings in the first days after childbirth and, perhaps, will supplement the article with useful comments.

Psychological sensations

It is generally accepted that a newly-made mother should experience a vivid euphoria after she has given birth to a charming baby. In fact, the psychological state of a woman after childbirth largely depends on how difficult or, on the contrary, easy the birth was. Therefore, among the first sensations of women in labor may experience:
  • tiredness, exhaustion;
  • excitement, joy;
  • frequent mood swings from excitement to fatigue and even depression;
  • disappointment with childbirth and yourself;
  • increasing self-confidence and self-confidence;
  • a feeling of lack of competence and knowledge regarding infant care;
  • feeling a turning point in life and worrying about it;
  • dissatisfaction with their appearance.
As you can see, the set of sensations is quite diverse and a little paradoxical. Although, if you think about it, there is nothing surprising in it. The birth of a child puts a young woman in a new position for her in society and in the family. These are very serious changes in life. In addition, one should not forget about the intensive physiological restructuring of the body. After childbirth, the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body rapidly decreases. Therefore, in the case of a negative emotional state, both the woman herself and her relatives need to understand that in many ways the hormonal background controls the behavior. Don't worry about this. Usually, the mental state returns to normal fairly quickly. The main thing is to provide yourself with the opportunity to rest and not demand too much from yourself.

Physical sensations

All, and only some of the described manifestations can take place.
  • Soreness in the abdominal muscles, pain in the perineum, general soreness throughout the body. These sensations can occur as a result of strong pushing during childbirth.
  • Difficulty walking and sitting.
  • Bloody vaginal discharge can be profuse. Postpartum discharge is a mixture of blood, mucus, and uterine tissue elements. In the first days, the discharge has a blood red color, gradually acquires a bloody color, and after 2 weeks it becomes pink or light yellow.
  • Difficulty with urine flow, there may be several reasons for this. Trauma Bladder during childbirth. Perineal pain and possible swelling can spasm the urethra. Finally, there may be a psychological fear of painful sensations. However, it is very important to empty the bladder no later than 8 hours later. The obstetrician will definitely take an interest; Did the woman in labor urinate? Reducing the tension in the bladder promotes better uterine contraction. In addition, timely emptying of the bladder is important to protect against infection of the urinary system.
  • Constipation is possible, abnormal bowel function in the postpartum period can be explained by a psychological factor - fear of pain, unusual surroundings, too much concentration on this process. Physiologically, stool problems after childbirth are attributed to a temporary weakening of the abdominal muscles.
  • Heavy sweating for 1-2 weeks, which is a completely natural process of removing excess fluid from the body. By itself, this phenomenon contributes to recovery from pregnancy.
  • Redness of the eyes is a temporary phenomenon, due to the rupture of small capillaries during strong attempts.
  • Sore nipples and swelling of the breasts are experienced by almost all women in labor. But even these phenomena disappear as soon as regular feeding of the child is established.
  • On the third or fourth day, a moderate rise in temperature is possible. This is due to the flow of milk into the breast. However, the rise in temperature should be of a short-term nature. If the temperature does not return to normal within 4 hours, you should consult your doctor.

How to recover faster after childbirth

There are several simple and affordable remedies to help you recover quickly after childbirth.
  • Start moving as early as possible. Take short walks down the hallway. If you are unable to do this, start with simple exercises that you can do while lying in bed.
  • Try to drink plenty of fluids. Juices and clean water are especially useful. This will help to quickly restore bowel function, which means it will improve metabolism.
  • Follow your diet. The most useful for you are raisins and dried fruits, bran buns, apples, boiled meat and fish, fresh cottage cheese. But it is better to refuse chocolate and coffee, at least temporarily.
  • Start feeding your baby as early as possible. It is desirable that the first attachment to the breast occurs within the first 24 hours after childbirth. And the sooner the better.
  • After giving birth, it is important to have a lot of good sleep. As paradoxical as it sounds, but it is so. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Returning from the hospital, do not immediately grab onto household chores. Relax, give yourself small pleasures. Usually, kids are quiet at first. More than anything, they need mother's milk, gentle touches and a good long sleep. Take advantage of this period to restore strength and health, dear mothers.

When do you need to see a doctor?

Occasionally, postpartum complications may occur. Therefore, you need to be attentive to yourself in the first 6 weeks after giving birth. UroMedik gives some symptoms, when they appear, a mandatory visit to a doctor is required.
  • Abundant bleeding, when 2-3 pads are soaked in blood in 1-1.5 hours. Or discharge with an unpleasant odor (the smell should be like with menstruation). This situation requires urgent medical attention. Try to lie down while waiting for an ambulance to arrive or while being transported to the hospital.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, swelling of this part of the body, persisting for several days after childbirth.
  • Acute chest pain, pain in the calf, hip, pain and swelling when bending the knee, pain and redness in other parts of the body can all be signs of a blood clot in a vein. Seek medical attention immediately.
  • Lump, hardening in the chest, sometimes accompanied by a rise in temperature, signal a blockage of the milk ducts. You need to start treatment.
  • The seam left after the cesarean section is oozing.
  • No stool for 1–2 weeks after delivery.
  • Too frequent urge to urinate, burning during this process, dark urine. Drink plenty of fluids and be sure to see your doctor.
In conclusion, I would like to mention the emergence of an emotional connection with a newborn child. A strong maternal feeling, like a paternal one, does not always arise immediately at the sight of a child. Don't worry about it, let alone blame yourself. Allow yourself and your child to get used to each other. Let your mutual love and affection develop slowly in natural conditions.

Immediately after childbirth, the uterus begins to contract. Within 6-8 weeks, the weight of the uterus decreases from 1000 g to 50 g. Contraction of the uterus occurs due to periodic contractile movements of the uterine muscles, which is accompanied by painful sensations of varying intensity, which are similar to light contractions. Contractions intensify during breastfeeding (when the nipple is stimulated, the level of oxytocin, a substance that contributes to the contraction of the uterus, rises in the blood). It is noticed that after repeated childbirth, the uterus contracts more painfully than after the first. With very painful contractions, pain relievers and antispasmodics can be used, but in most cases pain relief can be dispensed with. In cases of insufficient contraction of the uterus, the doctor prescribes additional reducing drugs.
Pain in the perineum is possible even if there are no tears. This is due to the fact that the tissues have undergone severe stretching during childbirth. Usually the pain is not very intense and disappears in 2-3 days. If there were tears or incisions in the perineum, the soreness lasts longer. It takes 7-10 days to heal. It should be noted that when suturing the perineum, the woman should not sit down during this entire time. For better healing, careful hygiene and treatment of the suture with antiseptic solutions is important.
Hemorrhoids (varicose veins of the rectum) sometimes appear during pregnancy or after childbirth and can also cause pain. Thorough hygiene (shower after each act of urination and defecation), applying ice to the perineum, helps to reduce pain. Medication can be used as directed by your doctor.
Stool problems are also possible during the postpartum period. If there are stitches in the perineum, the first emptying after childbirth always causes the fear that the stitches might "come apart." This fear is unfounded, since the seams never part. During bowel movements, you can hold the suture area of ​​the perineum with a napkin, which will reduce tissue stretching, and bowel movements will be less painful. Stool usually occurs on the 2-3rd day after childbirth. To facilitate this process, include dried apricots, prunes in your diet, drink mineral water. If there is no stool on the 4th day, then you can use a laxative suppository.
On the first day after childbirth, due to the fact that large blood vessels remain at the site of the separated placenta, there is a rather a large number of bleeding from the uterus (as with heavy menstruation). They may contain small clumps. If the amount of bleeding seems to be excessive, then it is necessary to urgently call a midwife or doctor who will be able to assess the situation and, if necessary, take medical measures. After 3 days, the discharge becomes serous-bloody (yellowish-brown), and from the 10th day - serous (yellowish-white). By the 5-6th week, the discharge from the uterus stops. Sometimes, in the first few days after childbirth, there is a partial retention of secretions in the uterine cavity.
The addition of an infection in this case can lead to an inflammatory process of the uterine mucosa - endometritis. Therefore, with a delay in discharge and an increase in body temperature, an ultrasound examination is performed and, if necessary, an operation, during which clots are removed from the uterine cavity (washing or scraping the uterus).
In the postpartum period, under the influence of hormonal changes, significant changes occur in the mammary glands, which at this time begin to produce milk. In the first 2-3 days, colostrum is excreted, on the 3-4th day - transitional milk, which gradually turns into mature breast milk. Feeding the baby and emptying the breast stimulates milk production. Therefore, in case of insufficient milk supply, more frequent breastfeeding is recommended. Quite often, women are faced with another problem - an excessive amount and difficult outflow of milk, which leads to its stagnation and pronounced engorgement of the mammary glands. At the same time, the mammary glands harden, increase in volume, become painful, and the body temperature rises. To avoid this, it is recommended to limit fluid intake to 800 ml per day in the first 3-4 days after childbirth and try to feed the baby regularly. Engorgement gradually disappears with the correct feeding regimen. Already after 1-2 days it becomes much easier. Wearing a comfortable bra also contributes to the proper development of lactation. The nipple skin is very delicate. When breastfeeding, a gradual hardening of the nipples occurs, but cracks may form in the first days. To prevent this from happening, you need to apply the baby to the breast for 5-7 minutes in the first 2-3 days after giving birth, then give him another breast, also for 5-7 minutes, then again attach the baby to the breast from which feeding began. You can use a special cream to prevent cracked nipples.

While the woman is in the hospital, she is monitored daily by a doctor and a midwife. They find out complaints, assess the general condition, measure the pulse, arterial pressure, body temperature, observe the state of the mammary glands, uterus, external genital organs, the nature of the secretions and physiological functions. With each passing day, the unpleasant symptoms subside and the state of health improves.

Childbirth is not the easiest moment in every woman's life. How does a woman in labor feel at first?

Well-being of a woman:

Vaginal discharge

In the postpartum period, discharge from the uterus is considered the norm. It seems that lochia occurs somewhere in the vagina, but it is not. It's just that abundant discharge lingers in the vaginal cavity and flows out later.
Allocations are considered acceptable if:
  • There is a tendency towards a decrease in their number.
  • The color from red changes first to a weak pink, then to white or brown.
  • They stop for everyone in different ways, but within 1-1.5 months.
  • They are not accompanied by a pungent odor.
  • The body temperature does not rise.
For any deviations, you must see a gynecologist.

Contraction of the uterus after childbirth

As soon as the fetus leaves the womb and the baby's place is separated, the uterus will begin to contract to acquire its original appearance, as nature has laid down. To speed up the process, special drugs are injected in the maternity hospital. The contraction is accompanied, mainly, by an unpleasant pulling pain in the abdomen, as with menstruation, but in the first few hours or days, then everything happens almost imperceptibly. In a month and a half, the uterus from 1 kg turns into a 50-gram one. If you can't stand it, you can use pain relievers or antispasmodics.

Changes in the mammary glands

Significant changes also occur in the breast - milk appears. Approximately during the first day, depending on the process of childbirth, colostrum (thick first milk) is produced. After a couple of days, the situation changes and a transitional form of breast milk appears, then permanent or mature. The more the baby pulls at the breast, the more milk will come. Therefore, it is recommended for the first time to apply the newborn to the breast quite often. If the milk arrives too quickly, the breasts will swell and the nipples will hurt. At first, cracks on the nipples appear due to the fact that the baby sucks the entire nipple into his mouth and saliva gets on them, which contributes to the multiplication of various bacteria, as well as drying out of the skin. Cracks must be healed in a timely manner so as not to get an infection.

Stool problems

Constipation in the first few days after the birth of a baby is a common occurrence. Pathological cases are extremely rare. Simply due to the inability to go to the toilet, feces accumulate and harden. You cannot rush to get rid of feces. Everything has its time. As soon as the hormonal background normalizes and the wounds heal a little, you can try to go to the toilet on your own, and an enema helps at first.

Difficulty urinating

A lot of blood is lost during labor. Let's not forget that blood is liquid. Its loss requires compensation. Therefore, at first it is difficult to go to the toilet in a small way. To get things going faster, it's important to force yourself to go to the toilet several times a day, including a tap with water for a reflex reaction. As soon as everything is normalized, the urinary tract will resume its work.

Pain in the perineum

If the fetus is larger than expected or if there are other complications during childbirth, doctors may cut the perineum with a scalpel to make it easier for the baby to leave the womb. Natural breaks are also possible. In such cases, stitches are applied. Understandably, the first few weeks will be difficult to sit down. The pains are not severe, but unpleasant and interfere with the normal going to the toilet, sitting and performing some functions. Only time will win this situation. The main thing is to try once again not to strain the crotch area so that the seams are intact.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth

As a rule, hemorrhoids develop before childbirth, but not all. During the birth of the baby, you need to push hard. A certain pressure is created near the anus, which leads to blockage of the veins and the appearance of hemorrhoids. Some things are inevitable. After childbirth, hemorrhoids should be cured early so as not to complicate the situation. It is treatable with modern drugs and alternative methods.

When might you need a doctor?

Childbirth is not the best way for a woman's body. The first few days, various unpleasant consequences may occur. For example, pieces of the placenta or membranes remain and cause abdominal pain and fever in a woman. In this case, a doctor is needed. Thorough cleaning is necessary if pus or inflammation has occurred.
The divergence of the seams also requires immediate medical intervention... Also, abnormal discharge, hardening of the breast from milk stagnation, excessively low blood pressure after a lot of blood loss, etc.
In the maternity hospital, the woman in labor is under close supervision, so emergency situations rarely arise. It's another matter after discharge. It is important to remember that a woman's body after childbirth is very vulnerable, it is necessary to immediately respond to any alarming changes.

The nature is so arranged that, receiving a real gift of fate - a long-awaited baby, a woman gives her beauty, or rather, the beauty of her body. Indeed, in preparation for bearing and giving birth to a child, the entire body of a woman changes. But only after rebuilding for 9 months for the baby, the body is waiting for the next shock - childbirth. And the woman's body after childbirth must endure another test, which is called recovery.

The postpartum period is often called the first two months, the period in which the woman's body, or rather the uterus, the organ most suffering from childbirth, returns to the prenatal state as much as possible. Moreover, for the first few days, a woman is necessarily under the close supervision of a medical staff, because often the internal organs of a woman, such as the uterus, cervix, are damaged, cut, torn as a result of childbirth. All these organs, if necessary, are promptly sutured, but for some time they need to be monitored, excluding, and even before healing, asepsis should be maintained in the entire wound part of the vagina. This is especially important when childbirth took place using a cesarean section.

The woman's uterus begins to shrink in size immediately after childbirth. She has a lot of work to do, because immediately after giving birth, she weighs about 1.5 kg, and in two months it will be reduced to about 50-70 grams. The contraction of the uterus is especially felt in the first few days, when a woman experiences pain, tension and heaviness in the uterus.

In addition, for the first week and a half, lochia leaves the woman's uterine cavity, clearing the uterus from the remnants of the placenta, clots of blood cells and endometrium. This period is also very important, because the state of a woman's body after childbirth largely depends on how the lochia leaves, and whether they remain in the uterine cavity, which can threaten a woman with an inflammatory reaction, leading to such a dangerous disease as endometritis.

The woman's endocrine system is awake at this moment and immediately after birth begins, with the help of the pituitary gland, to produce the hormone prolactin, which promotes the appearance of breast milk in the woman's mammary glands. And a woman for about 2-3 days can begin to feed her baby with natural food - breast milk. It is very important for the baby to adapt to breastfeeding and the woman did not develop postpartum mastitis. If you feel a lump in your chest, you should immediately consult a doctor.

A woman's belly also undergoes changes after childbirth. From round, like a ball, it becomes saggy, and the skin is flabby. The first 5-7 days, the stomach often aches, as if after a severe physical activity... There is nothing strange in this, he did a great job during pregnancy. A few days will pass, the pain will subside, and in another month the stomach will return to the postpartum norm as much as possible. Further should be caused by the desire of the woman to look attractive.

Some women after childbirth may complain of inability to urinate. You need to do this on your own and as quickly as possible, because if a woman herself is not able to urinate during this period, she is given special medications or a diverting catheter is installed. In general, the restoration of a woman's body after childbirth is a big job, in which every little thing is important. Do not neglect the advice of obstetricians, and your recovery period will be as quick and painless as possible.