50 g of carbohydrates in what contains. Calculation of carbohydrates per day for weight loss

To a large extent, it is up to you - how strictly you are going to adhere to the principles of the LCHF, what is your starting weight, how quickly you plan to lose weight and how much (and whether you plan to lose weight or just, for example, want to get rid of sugar addiction).

There is such a very average concept: the most strict version of the LCHF or keto diet allows you to consume no more than 10 grams per day, the average version is up to 25 grams, and the free version is up to 50 grams of carbohydrates. Usually, 20-50 grams per day accumulates even from foods that are not rich in carbohydrates - vegetables, fruits, nuts and milk. And by the way, even the most liberal version of the LCHF suggests that we get carbohydrates from vegetables, fruits and berries, whole dairy and sour-milk products, nuts, a small amount of root vegetables, in short, from foods with a low glycemic index - their consumption does not lead to a strong spike in blood sugar. wheat flour and cereals, breads and pastries, sugar and sugary drinks should be avoided in any case.

Another way to calculate is related to the percentage of calories obtained from carbohydrates. When following the LCHF, this figure varies between 5-10%. If you stick to an average intake of approximately 2,000 kcal per day, then carbohydrates should give you no more than 200 kcal. Because one gram of carbohydrates contains about 4 kcal, then we get all the same 50 grams. But if you are involved in intensive sports, or your work is associated with heavy physical exertion, then your need for energy can be much higher - and three and four thousand calories. In this case, you can consume more carbohydrates, but be careful not to go beyond 10% of all calories. Well, and besides, make sure not to overeat. LCHF allows you to eat as much as you need to fill up, but, unfortunately, not everyone is able to stop in time. This often happens in people who are already very overweight. In such cases, try to plan your diet more carefully to avoid overeating.

However, even if you end up getting more than 10% of calories per day from carbohydrates, but gradually reduce their number and refuse at least the most harmful refined carbohydrates, this can also make sense. Even diets that restrict carbohydrates to 20% of total calories technically fall under the definition and they also work. It's just that you're likely to lose weight more slowly than on a strict keto diet, but this, like much else in our body, is largely determined by individual characteristics.

While there are many benefits, especially if you can afford to kick your sugar habit or lose weight to improve your health, many are not willing to try eating this way for fear of giving up a lot of goodies. They wonder if low-carb foods can be enjoyable.

Rest assured that by following a healthy, low-carb diet, you can still continue to enjoy a variety of great meals. Low-carb recipes include everything from slow cooker chicken with vegetables to burgers. What about low-carb breakfasts or light travel snacks? These can be green smoothies or protein shakes, low-carb desserts made from foods like coconut or almond flour, 1-2 hard-boiled homemade eggs, or newer varieties of grass-fed beef jerky, for example.

And while a low-carb diet may not be the magic pill for everyone to achieve long-term weight loss, it can help most people cut back on sugar and carbs from a variety of sources. Even if you're only planning to cut back on sugar and carbs for the short term, perhaps to ease your sugar cravings or start eating healthier foods, without heavy processing, you'll probably see improvements pretty quickly.

Eliminating foods like bread, cereals, sweetened drinks, processed dairy products, and even whole grains or starchy vegetables from your diet will be an important change in your diet that will cause your body to produce less insulin. This will help balance your blood sugar, reduce addiction and fatigue, speed up weight loss, which means a clearer head (at least once you get used to the change) and even reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Replacing high-carbohydrate foods with low-carbohydrate ones, such as non-starchy vegetables, healthy fats, and high-quality proteins, will take these benefits to the next level: reduce hunger, so you feel better, and maybe even even out certain deficiency. nutrients.

Understand what carbohydrates are and how to avoid them. A "low carb" diet will look different for different people. In the most general sense, however, a low-carb diet means that you get only about 20-30 percent of your daily calories from carbohydrates - such as added sugar, grains, fruits, or starchy vegetables. Usually it is about 50-100 grams or less. In some cases, for example, if a person is on an LCHF (low carb, high fat) or ketogenic diet, which is also a low carb diet, they may consume even fewer carbohydrates, about 20-50 grams per day, in order to enter a state of ketosis. (a condition in which fat is burned instead of glucose/carbohydrates for energy).

If you were to aim for about 100 grams of net carbs per day, split it between three main meals of 30-35 grams of net carbs each. What are net carbs? This is the amount of carbohydrates obtained after subtracting the weight of fiber from the total carbohydrates.

In other words, fiber doesn't count towards the total since it isn't actually digested and doesn't affect blood sugar like glucose does. For this reason, most people, even on a very low-carbohydrate diet, still try to consume fiber-rich foods such as non-starchy vegetables and sometimes nuts/seeds.

Even those on a very low-carb/ketogenic (daily carb count of 20-30 grams or less) diet can still eat any non-starchy vegetables as they are high in fiber, high in water and nutrients, high in satiation, and very low in fat. few calories.

What would a low-carb meal with 30-35 grams of net carbs look like?

One meal on a low-carb diet may include the following:

85g serving of protein (such as chicken breast), 2 cups of non-starchy vegetables like broccoli and peppers, mixed greens salad topped with 1-2 tablespoons of oil or sauce. This will all have less than 35 grams of net carbs. If you replace vegetables with starchy ones, say, beets or turnips, you would get more carbohydrates, but not much. For a meal to be considered moderate or high carbohydrate, you would need to add cereals, fruits, sweeteners like honey or potatoes - and this is 20-25 (or more) grams per serving.

  • Lettuce leaves or something green and decorative, such as cabbage, on which vegetables are laid out with chopped chicken, sprinkled with sesame seeds.
  • Fajitas with any protein of your choice and a variety of vegetables
  • Chicken or salmon burgers
  • Almond and coconut flour empanadas or quesadillas with farm beef and cheese
  • cabbage based pizza
  • And many other options like smoothies, casseroles and slow cooker dishes

Good and Bad Low-Carb Foods

You may be wondering what has carbs and what doesn't. Let's be clear: even if a product or dish is low in carbohydrates, this does not mean at all that it is a healthy food! In many cases, the quality of the carbohydrates you consume is more important than the quantity. I recommend avoiding packaged low-carb foods, such as most store-bought protein bars or quick bites, in order to avoid processed or synthetic ingredients in the diet. Yes, they will provide you with fats and protein, yes, they are low in carbohydrates, but they are still unhealthy globally because they contain processed protein powders, refined oils and artificial sweeteners.

If you're thinking about what to grab for a quick snack on the run, it's best to make something yourself. You can make low carb snacks at home using ingredients like nuts, seeds, humus, coconut flour and coconut oil, protein powders (whey or bone broth), energy bytes based on oatmeal and cocoa powder, kale ovaries, and even these low carb " sweets" like cookies, muffins or doughnuts. And the fastest way is to make a low-carb protein shake.

If you're looking to clean up your diet and move on to new low-carb recipes, you'll also want to get rid of "diet" or "light" foods that contain low-fat, artificial ingredients. To achieve a lower fat content in these products, more flour or carbohydrates, thickeners, emulsifiers or artificial sweeteners are usually used. And although they may not have as many carbohydrates or cane sugar, I would still avoid foods with trans fats or hydrogenated oils, because in essence they are the same fast food or food with a long shelf life.

Top 50 Low Carb Foods

Below are dozens of low-carb foods that are great for your diet:

low carb vegetables

  1. Broccoli
  2. Cauliflower
  3. Mushrooms
  4. Pepper
  5. Chard or collard greens
  6. Asparagus
  7. Spinach
  8. green beans
  9. Arugula
  10. Onion or leek
  11. Tomatoes
  12. Brussels sprouts
  13. Avocado
  14. Cabbage
  15. Carrots (moderate carbs)

Eggs and dairy products

  1. domestic eggs
  2. Fatty unsweetened yogurt or kefir
  3. Raw whole milk
  4. Hard cheese, sour cream and heavy cream (these are low in carbs, but I highly recommend making sure they are as natural and organic as possible, ideally raw milk). Low-carb cheeses include blue, cheddar, goat cheese, feta, swiss, parmesan, and asiago.

Meat and seafood

All of the following are low carb foods. I recommend looking for wild-caught fish and avoiding most shellfish like shrimp as they often contain heavy metals like mercury. Organic beef and other fatty red meats can also be included, as can poultry and eggs. While some low-carb ketogenic diets include pork and processed meats like bacon, I don't recommend eating these unhealthy foods.

  1. Salmon
  2. Haddock
  3. Trout
  4. Halibut
  5. sardines
  6. Anchovies
  7. Mackerel
  8. Tuna or cod (in moderation)

Nuts and seeds

  1. chia seeds
  2. Flax seeds
  3. Almond
  4. Walnuts
  5. Pumpkin, sesame or hemp seeds
  6. Cashews and Brazil nuts (and pretty much every other nut or seed too)

Oils and fats (all are carb-free)

  1. Coconut, olive, hemp, linseed, walnut or avocado oil
  2. Butter or ghee
  3. Palm oil
  4. Smalets

Condiments, herbs and spices

  1. Herbs such as turmeric, ginger, oregano, rosemary, basil, natural sea salt, pepper, etc.
  2. hot sauces
  3. Apple cider vinegar and most other vinegars in small amounts (balsamic, white, red, etc.)
  4. Cocoa powder (best raw and unsweetened)
  5. Mustard (just avoid high sugar mustards like honey mustard)
  6. Soy sauce, tamari or coconuts
  7. Bone broth (drink alone or use in meals)

Non-carbohydrate drinks

  1. Teas including green, black, oolong or white
  2. Herbal teas (ginger, chamomile, honey plant, mint, tea, etc.)
  3. Freshly squeezed vegetable juices or green smoothies

What about starchy vegetables, beans and fruits: can they be used in diet meals?

If you're having a hard time remembering which vegetables are starchy and therefore rich in carbs, here are a few simple signs:

  • Most vegetables that grow above ground are considered "non-starchy" and therefore have fewer carbohydrates (e.g. cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, leafy greens, peppers, chard, and kale). Some pumpkins are also considered non-starchy, including spaghetti squash and zucchini.
    • Underground vegetables, also called "root vegetables", are usually richer in starch and carbohydrates (eg potatoes, carrots, turnips, beets).
    • This is not an ironclad rule. For example, ordinary pumpkins grow above the ground and are rich in carbohydrates, but these traits can be used as a starting point.

While most root vegetables and fruits aren't usually considered "low-carb", many of them are nutrient-dense, low-sugar, and a good addition to any diet. In fact, strained, chopped or mashed vegetables and fruits can in many cases serve as substitutes for sweeteners or even cereals. A good example is shredded cauliflower.

The same applies to legumes or legumes, for example, chickpeas can be made into flour or hummus, and then they make a great pasty side dish that goes well with many low-carb dishes. These foods are rich in antioxidants, provide you with the fiber you need, and make your food sweeter, which helps you overcome your sugar addiction so you don't have to add it to your meals separately. For this reason, I recommend including the following fruits and starchy vegetables in your diet:

  • Berries - such as strawberries, blackberries, blueberries or raspberries
  • Cherry
  • Cranberry
  • Citrus
  • Sweet or purple potatoes
  • Swede
  • Beet
  • Celery
  • Parsnip

Legumes and legumes - such as chickpeas, black beans, mung beans, adzuki, etc. are also not considered low-carb foods, but in moderation are healthy foods. If you decide to include legumes or grains in your diet, I recommend pre-soaking and sprouting them before cooking. This helps release more protein, vitamins and minerals and makes them more easily digestible.

Low Carb Diet: An Overview of Benefits and How It Works

Plenty of research shows that for those who put in a consistent effort, a low-carb diet brings great benefits. It's not always necessary to cut out all unprocessed, whole carb sources (like the fruits and starchy vegetables mentioned above), but cutting out processed foods, sweeteners, and even grains can benefit you in the following ways:

  • Faster weight loss and usually easier maintenance of a healthy weight. Since glucose from carbohydrates is no longer available as an energy source, the body will use stored fat in the body instead of dietary fat and protein.
  • More satiety from food, less hunger and cravings (especially carbohydrate-rich foods and sweets).
  • Normalization of blood sugar levels. This is due to better control of spikes in insulin and glucose. For a pre-diabetic or diabetic condition, this can be the deciding factor in preventing symptoms or complications.
  • Neuroprotective effects, improved cognition, including reduced brain fog or fatigue, improved memory later in life, and elimination of epilepsy symptoms.
  • In some cases - improvement of hormonal balance. This often results in better sleep, less fatigue, less pain or muscle weakness, and improved overall tone.
  • Reduces bone loss and the risk of osteoporosis.
  • For athletes, this provides possible beneficial changes in weight and physique, as well as an increase in the relative values ​​of maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and oxygen uptake at the lactate threshold (VO2 LT).
  • In some cases, the risk of cardiovascular disease or metabolic syndrome is reduced by normalizing blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels.

Wondering what types of foods you should really avoid if you're on a low-carb diet? They have more things like sweeteners, flours, and thickeners, so cutting them out will help keep your carb intake low:

  • If you want to eat really low carbs, avoid grains (including wheat, barley, oats, rice, and other whole grains). This also applies to all foods made from grain flour such as bread, cakes, cookies, chips, cereal, muffins, pasta, etc.
  • Sugar and products containing artificial sweeteners or added sugar (honey, cane sugar, coconut sugar, etc.)
  • Most store-bought fruits and fruit juices (with the exception of lime and lemon juice, they have a lot of added sugar)
  • Most ready-made condiments, sauces, or package mixes that typically contain sugar.
  • Alcohol, soda and other sweetened drinks.
  • If you're looking to cut out carbs drastically (if you're on a ketogenic diet, say), avoid most dairy products like yogurt, ricotta, or cottage cheese as well. High-fat, low-carb cheeses are often included in low-carb diets because they are low in carbs.

Remember that no matter how many carbs you plan to consume per day, it's good to purposefully aim to consume more. natural products and less processed.

It is best to experiment with a very low carb diet for a certain period of time, but in the long run (based on how you are going to eat always), consider eating a variety of herbal products containing at least some amount of carbohydrates.

To maintain a long-term healing diet, you need to have a good understanding of how many carbohydrates per day, assuming a balanced diet, you can consume without the risk of gaining weight or other health problems. This information about your personal biochemistry is what you should use in order to follow a balanced diet - which will include healthy proteins and fats, as well as fresh vegetables, fruits, and even starchy vegetables, legumes or grains, if they suit you.

Examples of low carb meals


country style eggs

Nutritional information per serving:

  • 151 calories
  • 46.8 g protein
  • 10.4 g fat
  • 1.7 g sugar

Try this soulful breakfast dish: Mexican-style country eggs. This dish includes minced meat, eggs, peppers and spices served on a tortilla with fresh tomatoes, avocado and cilantro. This low-carb meal will give your day a healthy protein start, keeping you energized and feeling full until lunchtime.


Shredded cauliflower

Nutritional information per serving (1 1/3 cups):

  • 108 calories
  • 9 g protein
  • 3 g fat
  • 1 g sugar

Shredded cauliflower is a quick and healthy alternative to rice and will become your new favorite for lunch. Slice the cauliflower and place in a blender or food processor to create a crumbly mass. Add eggs for protein, ghee as a healthier substitute for butter, onions, and garlic, and you have a simple, delicious, and healthy meal.


Salmon with Pecan and Pesto

Nutritional information per serving:

  • 140 calories
  • 17 g protein
  • 5 g fat
  • 2 g sugar

For this quick and a simple dish it only takes 25 minutes. Packed with omega-3 fats and healthy protein, Salmon with Pecan and Pesto is an amazing dish that you'll want to come back to. To complete the picture, serve it with a leafy green salad.

You can also look, but it is more suitable for professional athletes before the competition.

Key takeaways from low carb diets

  • Low-carbohydrate diets can help you lose weight faster and potentially help with certain health conditions such as sugar addiction, mental fog, fatigue, and those at risk of metabolic syndrome or diabetes.
  • Low-carb foods include non-starchy vegetables (such as leafy greens or cruciferous vegetables), healthy fats such as coconut or olive oil, butter and hard cheeses, meats, seafood, and eggs. Moderate carbohydrate foods include nuts, seeds, legumes, legumes, and some starchy vegetables.
  • Depending on your overall health and goals, it may not always be necessary to completely cut out healthy carbohydrate sources such as fruits or starchy vegetables. In some cases, soaked grains and legumes (which have more carbohydrates) can be included in balanced diet consisting mainly of low-carb foods.
  • What can you cook with low carb foods? Recipes that include no added sugar, refined grains, or artificial sweeteners include protein shakes, smoothies, salads, slow cookers, fajitas, burgers or meatballs, and more.

Such a diet not only removes excess fat on your body, but also does not harm your health. And all thanks to one banal rule: eat no more than 100 grams of carbohydrates per day!

Why are 100 grams so "magic"?

Consuming 100 grams of carbohydrates per day will bring you as close as possible to the magic balance:
This is a fairly small amount of carbohydrates. You won't be in "ketosis," but the amount will be low enough to keep your metabolism fueled by the fat on your sides. In addition, most people will not experience any of the mental fatigue, irritability, or lack of energy that often accompanies low-carb diets.
At the same time, this is a fairly high level of carbohydrates. At 100 grams of carbs, you are still able to get fast-digesting carbs as part of your pre-workout nutritional diet.
There is no reason to forego carbohydrates consumed shortly before the start of a workout. Carbohydrates taken at this time will not contribute to the accumulation of fat, but on the contrary, will help accelerate its loss. At 100 grams per day, you can burn fat and increase the anabolic potential of the body before training.
Also, with 100 grams of carbs every day, there is no reason to avoid fruits, berries, and vegetables as you would with a 20 or 30 gram diet. This not only allows you to eat healthy food for you, but also makes your diet more open, there is more variety in the choice of dishes. You don't have to eat only chicken breasts for twelve weeks.

The effect of self-regulation

With 100 grams of carbohydrates each day, the average person will feel the results of self-regulation, even if they pay little attention to other macronutrients. Follow the "100 grams of carbs a day" rule and everything else will fall into place.
With a 100g carb limit, you will naturally be more careful about your carb types, especially on workout days. Gotta take it all away simple carbohydrates and, of course, fast food. It will be necessary to consume mainly green fibrous vegetables, a small amount of berries and nuts.
You will have to choose foods that are at the very end of the list in terms of carbohydrate content. The upside is that it will be very difficult for you to overeat by controlling your food choices and not exceeding 100 g of carbohydrates per day.
Many fitness enthusiasts read food labels, weigh food, carefully study the composition of products and even ask waiters... And some people don't even know what carbohydrates are... Perhaps they are too busy or lazy to have a beautiful figure?

The 100-gram rule is becoming an educational tool. A person familiar with this rule will be forced to read labels and check portion sizes. He might even learn how to cook his favorite meals, as store-bought versions are loaded with all sorts of unnecessary carbs.

A person who knows about the rule "100 grams" will not be led to the inscription "Low-calorie!" and the "Made from Whole Grains!" you see everywhere on the cereal, bread, and convenience store shelves. He will study fruit juice, sweet dairy products, pasta and even condiments.


You can independently adjust the proposed diet.

As mentioned above, on training days, with 5 meals a day, you can eat about 10 grams of carbohydrates at each meal, then take a large serving of carbohydrates (50 grams) before training.

On non-workout days, don't add more veggies and beans to get to 100 grams of carbs. Thus, on this day you will eat only 50 grams of carbohydrates.

It turns out, about 100 grams of carbohydrates per day of training and 50 grams per day when it is not. This simple carb intake plan will immediately get you out of a slump or speed up your weight loss.

The rest of your diet

For the rest of your diet (i.e. proteins and fats) there are a few guidelines.

Eat protein at every meal: a bunch of eggs, protein powder or a piece of meat. There will never be many.

Also add unsaturated fats to every meal. Don't go overboard with nuts and grains because they will add their share of carbs and you'll soon be on a 200g carb diet. Walnuts are the best because they have the lowest carbohydrate content of any other nut and they contain a wide variety of fatty acids (including omega-3s).

Eat some vegetable and butter with vegetables. Add a variety of oils or cheeses to your salad. Don't skimp on oily fish like salmon and take flaxseed oil daily.

Why not just count calories? You ask…
Good question. Of course, eat no more than 1200 calories of anything a day and you will lose weight. Thank you for this laws of thermodynamics! But because of this, you can also lose muscle, mess up your metabolism for a long time, waste your body's capabilities, lose control of your hormone levels, and risk programming yourself for improper nutrition. Who agrees? In addition, this type of diet is harmful and, as a rule, leads to the accumulation of even more fat.

Oh, and one more little caveat: the high-carb diet (otherwise known as “just cut back on fast food”) has the highest weight loss failure rate of any diet.

Carbohydrates (saccharides) are organic compounds containing carbonyl and hydroxyl groups. They are the main source of energy for the body. For the first time, the name of the class of saccharides was introduced into scientific use by the Russian chemist K.G. Schmidt in 1844. The term "carbohydrates" (English - carbohydrate) comes from the phrase "carbon hydrates" and combines low molecular weight and high molecular weight substances. The latter, in turn, contain residues of simple sugars. According to the chemical structure, they are divided into simple (, disaccharides), containing one or two units of saccharides, and complex (polysaccharides), consisting of three or more particles.

When the compound enters the body, the level of glucose increases, which causes a surge of vigor and strength. With a decrease in the concentration of sugar comes a feeling of depression, lethargy, a feeling of hunger.

Simple or fast carbohydrates have a pronounced sweet taste, are easily absorbed in the body, and are characterized by a high glycemic index. Such compounds dramatically increase the percentage of glucose in the blood. Complex or slow saccharides have a low GI and lead to a gradual increase in the amount of sugar in the body.

Compounds of this class make up 3% of the mass of animals, 80% of the dry weight of plants.

Carbohydrates are needed to nourish the brain, provide energy for all life processes, metabolize nutrients, and regulate the functions of the central nervous system. In addition, the human body uses saccharides as building material for the production of nucleic acids, immunoglobulins, amino acids, enzymes.


Organic compounds of this class are the fastest source of energy.

Types of monosaccharides


It is the most common member of the simple carbohydrate class. Glucose is the main source of energy for the brain. The compound enters the body with fruits and berries; it can be synthesized during the breakdown of starch, food disaccharides. The main functions of glucose: nutrition of working muscles, in particular, cardiac, for the formation of glycogen stores in the liver tissue, maintaining sugar within normal limits. At peak loads, it is used as an energy source, released from amino acids and triglycerides. Foods rich in glucose: bananas, apples, peaches, grapes, persimmons, freshly squeezed fruit juices.


It is easily digestible, the sweetest carbon, and has the same properties as glucose. After entering the bloodstream, fructose is absorbed more slowly in the intestines, but is very quickly removed from the bloodstream. Up to 80% of the substance is retained in the liver. Fructose, in relation to glucose, is more easily transformed into glycogen, is more sweet, does not oversaturate the blood with sugar. The main sources of monosaccharide: honey, black currant, peaches, apples, pears, raspberries, watermelons.


It is a breakdown product of lactose (the main carbohydrate in milk). The empirical formula of glucose, fructose, galactose is C6H12O6. In the free form, the compound does not occur.


The monosaccharide is part of the structure of nucleic acids, and its derivative, deoxyribose, is part of the DNA molecule. The structural formula is С5Н10О5. Ribose is involved in aerobic energy metabolism, determines the structure of genes, chromosomes, accelerates the absorption of creatine, fights free radicals, increases performance and endurance. Release form of biologically active additive: powder, capsules.


It is a monosaccharide belonging to the aldose. The empirical formula of the compound is С4H8O4. Erythrosis is an intermediate component of carbohydrate metabolism involved in the production of fructose-6-phosphate.

In nature, monosaccharides are most often found in molecules containing five carbohydrate atoms (pentoses) or six (hectoses). At the same time, the composition of heterofunctional compounds includes hydroxyl groups and one carbonyl (ketone or aldehyde).


Disaccharides are two monosaccharide residues interconnected by means of the interaction of hydroxyl groups (one hemiacetal and alcohol, or two hemiacetal). The general formula for carbohydrates with 2 saccharide units is C12H22O11.

Types of disaccharides

  1. . Represents the greatest value for the human body: in the process of hydrolysis, the compound is broken down into glucose, fructose. The most important food sources of sucrose: beet roots (up to 20%) and sugar cane stalks (up to 25%). In addition, it is concentrated in fruits, berries, fruits, wedge syrup. The content of disaccharide in granulated sugar is 99.75%. When buying products, it is recommended to give preference to natural sources of organic compounds, which, when ingested, quickly decompose into monosaccharides without creating a burden on the human gastrointestinal tract. An excess of carbohydrate increases fat formation, contributes to "fat" degeneration of nutrients, namely protein (partially), triglycerides, starch. Abundant consumption of sugar enhances putrefactive processes in the intestines, disrupts cholesterol metabolism, causes flatulence.
  2. Lactose. It is the main carbohydrate in dairy products. The chemical formula of sucrose and lactose is C12H22O11. The disaccharide is broken down into galactose and glucose. Lactose deficiency causes digestive disorders, indigestion, gas formation, milk intolerance. Deficiency of the compound in the human body is observed with insufficient production of the lactase enzyme.
  3. Maltose (malt sugar). The compound is formed as a result of the enzymatic breakdown of glycogen and starch in the digestive tract. Interestingly, maltose is inferior in sweetness to sucrose, but surpasses lactose. The structural formula is C12H24O12. Maltose contains two glucose residues. In free form, carbohydrate is found in the following foods: cereals, sprouted grains, beer, yeast, malt, honey, molasses.

According to their chemical properties, lactose and maltose belong to the class of reducible (reducing) disaccharides, and sucrose to non-reducing (non-reducing). In compounds of the first category, one of the monosaccharide residues takes part in the formation of a glycosidic bond with the help of a hydroxyl group. The presence of free hemiacetal hydroxyl determines the possibility of the substance to open the ring. In non-reducing disaccharides, the OH-group is absent in any anomeric center. As a consequence, they do not react with Tollens' reagent, Fehling's liquid.

Compounds of this category have a complicated molecular structure, they include from ten to thousands of monosaccharides. By structure, in the group of slow carbohydrates, homopolysaccharides are distinguished, which are synthesized from units of the same type and heteropolysaccharides containing two or more types of monomeric residues. The process of digestion of polysaccharides takes 2-5 times longer than mono- or disaccharides.

There are the following types of complex carbohydrates: fibrous, starchy. The compounds of the first group are an indigestible part of plants; they pass through the gastrointestinal tract in transit without adding calories to the diet. Fibrous polysaccharides (fiber) speed up the passage of food through the digestive tract, protect against colon cancer, stomach and liver diseases. Starchy carbohydrates (glycogen) are a form of energy conservation in humans. Such polysaccharides provide a boost of human energy for the whole day.

Consider representatives of the class of slow carbohydrates.

  1. . The compound is a white powder, insoluble in cold water. About 80% of carbohydrates a person consumes from starch. The chemical formula of the substance is (C6H10O5) n. The compound accumulates in plant chloroplasts and passes into water-soluble sugars, from where it moves through cell membranes to tubers, roots, seeds. In the human body, the starch of raw plants begins to decompose even in the mouth into maltose under the influence of saliva. Which once again proves the hypothesis that thorough chewing of food is the key to good digestion. In the gastric tract, the compound undergoes hydrolysis, as a result of which starch is converted into glucose. This reaction is aimed at meeting the needs of the human body for sugar. Long polysaccharide chains are ideal for providing the body with energy for a long time (day). Natural sources of carbohydrate: bread, pasta, wheat, rice, legumes, cereals, potatoes.
  2. Glycogen. It is a polysaccharide formed by glucose residues. Glycogen is the main storage carbohydrate in the human body. It forms an energy reserve that can compensate for a sudden lack of glucose in the blood. The compound accumulates in the liver, muscles. The empirical formula of the compound is identical to starch - (C6H10O5) n. In the liver of adults, the total mass of glycogen can reach 120 grams, and in the muscles it can exceed the reserve accumulated in hepatocytes.
  3. Pectins. These substances are formed by galacturonic acid residues and are found in all fruits. In the food industry, compounds are used as thickeners, clarifiers, stabilizers, and water-retaining agents; in the medical industry, they are used to encapsulate drugs. The polysaccharide is registered as a food additive under the E440 mark. Pectin substances act as enterosorbents, they are not absorbed in the human gastrointestinal tract, but they have a triple benefit for human health: they reduce the percentage of glucose in the blood and the amount of “bad” cholesterol, cleanse the body (remove carcinogenic substances), reduce the possibility of cancer, heart disease. Sources of pectin: pears, quinces, persimmons, tangerines, grapefruits, apples, bananas, plums, pineapple, dates, blueberries, cherries, apricots, figs.
  4. Cellulose. The polysaccharide is a plant fiber that is not digested by the human digestive system, which led to the second name of the compound - “indigestible carbohydrates.” Types of fiber: soluble (hemicellulose, pectin, resin), insoluble (cellulose, lignin). Complex carbohydrates of the first type slow down the absorption of glucose from the blood, lower the level of cholesterol in the body, the second - they absorb liquid on their way, speed up the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract, and prevent constipation. In addition, fiber cleanses the body of toxins, saturates without extra calories and prevents the formation of gallstones. Foods rich in polysaccharide: bran, almonds, soybeans, carrots, cabbage, apples, baby peas, peanuts, raisins, freshly squeezed orange juice, whole wheat, meat, fish products, sugar, milk, cheese. Every day a person needs 30 grams of fiber: 7.5 grams of insoluble and 22.5 grams of soluble.

Unlike mono- and disaccharides, glycogen and starch are gradually broken down in the intestines, providing a slow increase in blood sugar and a uniform saturation of the body with energy. In this regard, it is recommended to replenish the daily requirement for carbohydrates at the expense of polysaccharides (85% of the daily requirement). At the same time, the use of rapidly absorbed compounds should be reduced to 15% of the total amount of saccharides eaten per day.

People with diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases should limit the intake of slow harmful carbohydrates (flour, confectionery, sugar) to 5% per day.

Remember, it is better to use products containing natural sucrose, glucose, fructose (sprouted grains, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits) as the main sources of saccharides.

Foods containing fast, slow carbohydrates

To determine the rate of breakdown of saccharides, the glycemic index was introduced into use. Products with a GI above 69 units are classified as quickly soluble carbohydrates. Such ingredients put a great strain on the pancreas, lead to obesity and disruption of the heart, so their consumption should be minimized. Nutritionists recommend replacing mono- and disaccharides with polysaccharides. The GI of slow carbohydrates does not exceed 69 units.

Table number 1 "Simple (fast) saccharides"
Product name GI index, points
corn syrup 113
Beer 108
Dates 102
Rice and wheat syrup 100
Starch 100
glucose syrup 100
Glucose 100
Fried potato 94
Rice flour 94
Fried potatoes, french fries 94
Baked potato 94
Potato starch 94
Maltodextrin 94
Instant potato 90
Honey 90
sticky rice 90
Gluten free white bread 90
Celery root 85
arrowroot 85
Rice cakes, puffed rice 85
rice milk 85
White bread for breakfast 85
Refined wheat flour 85
Popcorn unsweetened 85
Turnip 85
Rice pudding 85
Parsnip 85
Buns for hamburgers 85
Cornflakes 85
Instant rice, popcorn 85
carrots cooked 84
Tapioca (groats) 84
Corn starch 84
Mashed potatoes 80
Muesli 80
rice with milk 75
Corrugations sweet (waffles) 75
Pumpkin 75
Squash caviar 75
lasagna 75
Donuts 74
Watermelon 72
Bagels and bagels 70
Corn porridge, hominy 70
White bread, baguette 70
milk chocolate 70
Biscuit 70
air amaranth 70
Table No. 2 "Complex (slow) saccharides"
Product name GI index, points
Oatmeal 66
boiled rice 65
Boiled potatoes 65
Beet 65
Raisin 65
Rye bread 65
Compote 60
Melon 60
Bananas 60
Mayonnaise 60
Processed cheese 57
Chees Feta 56
Persimmon 55
Jam 55
Sugar free coffee 52
Buckwheat porridge 50
Egg 48
grape juice 48
Red beans 40
Durum wheat pasta 38
Carrot 35
oranges 35
Bread with bran 35
Sausage 34
Milk 32
Kvass 30
Wine 30
Peaches 30
Dried apricots 30
Apples 30
Cottage cheese 30
Cream 10% 30
Marmalade 30
sausages 28
Kefir 25
Prunes 25
sea ​​kale 23
Barley porridge 22
Bitter chocolate (cocoa content above 60%) 22
Grapefruit 22
apricots 20
cucumbers 20
bitter chocolate 20
nuts 15
Tomato juice 15
Olives 15
Olives 15
Soya 15
Black currant 15
Ketchup 12
Tomatoes 10
Onion 10
Broccoli 10
White cabbage 10

As you can see, foods with a high GI (over 69 points) are mainly processed, starchy, sweet products: potatoes, cereals, cakes, pastries, pasta, rice. Low glycemic foods tend to include perishable goods.

By enriching your daily menu with useful slow carbohydrates, you can improve your health.

Functions of carbohydrates in the human body.

  1. Energy. Saccharides provide 65% of the nutritional value of the diet. When a gram of carbohydrate compounds is oxidized, four kilocalories of energy are released, which are dissipated as heat or “stored” directly in ATP molecules. When replenishing the daily human need for a useful compound, only a small amount is spent on energy needs by the body. The main source of nutrition is stored carbohydrates (glycogen) or free glucose.
  2. Plastic. The human body uses ribose and deoxyribose to build nucleic acids, ATP, ADP. In addition, saccharides act as a structural part of cell membranes, and are partially contained in enzymes. Glucose conversion products, namely, glucosamine, glucuronic acid, are concentrated in polysaccharides and complex proteins of cartilage tissue.
  3. Supply of nutrients. Organic compounds accumulate in the form of glycogen in the liver, skeletal muscles, and tissues. Polysaccharide reserves depend on the nature of nutrition, the functional state of the body, and body weight. Systematic muscle activity contributes to an increase in the amount of glycogen and, as a result, an increase in a person's energy capabilities.
  4. Specific. Carbohydrates play the role of anticoagulants, ensure the specificity of blood groups, are receptors for a chain of hormones, and have an antitumor effect.
  5. Protective. Polysaccharides are found in the components of the immune system. Mucopolysaccharides are part of the mucous substances that cover the surface of the vessels of the nose, urinary tract, bronchi, gastrointestinal tract and protect them from mechanical damage and the penetration of bacteria and viruses.
  6. Regulatory. Despite the fact that food fiber does not break down in the intestine, it stimulates digestion, activates gastrointestinal enzymes, intestinal peristalsis, and improves nutrient absorption.
  7. Osmotic. Saccharides are involved in the regulation of excess hydrostatic pressure, due to the content of glucose, which affects this indicator.

Thus, carbohydrates are compounds that perform a lot of useful functions for the full functioning of the body. Saccharides are involved in the synthesis of glands, secretions, hormones and participate in the course of metabolic reactions. Without natural carbohydrates, no living organism will be able to withstand the attacks of viruses.

Carbohydrate metabolism is a set of reactions for converting saccharides and biological polymers into energy necessary for the life of the human body.

Stages of metabolism

  1. Digestion. The processing of carbohydrate foods begins in the mouth, where, under the influence of the saliva enzyme (amylase), the first phases of starch breakdown () occur. After the chyme enters the stomach, the influence of enzymes ceases due to the aggressive influence of the acidic digestive juice (pH 1.5–2.5). At the same time, in the layers of the food mass, where the secret did not have time to penetrate, the action of amylase still continues. As a result, a partial breakdown of polysaccharides occurs in the stomach with the formation of maltose and dextrins. The most important phase of starch breakdown occurs in the duodenum, since the pH of pancreatic juice increases to neutral values, and amylase acquires maximum activity. At the same time, polysaccharides break down to monosaccharides, including glucose, 90% of which enters the circulatory system through the capillaries of the intestinal villi, and then is delivered to the liver with the blood stream. The remaining saccharides enter the venous system through the lymphatic ducts.
  2. intermediate exchange. In the liver, the absorbed glucose is converted into glycogen (a form of storage of carbohydrates), which accumulates in the form of microscopic granules. With the energy needs of the body, a signal enters the brain, after which blood saturated with glucose is delivered to the “destination”. The rate of saccharide breakdown depends on the degree of permeability of cell membranes. So, in the passive phase of wakefulness, the plasma membranes have a low permeability, as a result of which the penetration of glucose into the muscles occurs with a colossal expenditure of energy. During physical activity, cell permeability increases three times, which leads to the free flow of macronutrients into the tissue.
  3. Completion of metabolism. In tissues, the final breakdown of monosaccharides occurs in two ways: aerobic (in the presence of oxygen, pentose cycle) and anaerobic (oxygen-free glycolysis). In the first case, during the oxidation of glucose, the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine nucleotide phosphate (NADP) is formed, which is necessary for the occurrence of reductive syntheses. In the reactions of glycolysis, for each split glucose molecule, two molecules of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and lactic acid are synthesized. Moreover, pyruvic acid (an intermediate metabolite of carbohydrate metabolism), being oxidized to carbon dioxide and water in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, is not reduced to lactic acid (provided there is a sufficient amount of oxygen in the tissues).

The regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in the human body is carried out by hormones that are "accountable" to the central nervous system. For example, glucocorticosteroids (hydrocortisone, cortisone) inhibit the rate of transport of monosaccharides into cells, insulin accelerates the delivery of glucose to the tissue, adrenaline stimulates the process of "sugar formation" in the liver. In addition, the cerebral cortex is involved in the regulation of saccharides, increasing the synthesis of glucose through psychogenic factors.

The state of carbohydrate metabolism is judged by the content of glucose in the blood (the norm is 3.3 - 5.5 millimoles per liter). With the receipt of products rich in saccharides, this value increases, and then quickly returns to acceptable limits.

The constant retention of glucose in the blood within the normal range occurs due to the simultaneous occurrence of two processes: the entry of saccharides into the blood from the liver and their consumption from the plasma by tissues, where they are used as an energy material. When sugar levels are high, the muscles and liver are oversaturated with glycogen, as a result of which the “extra” insulin transports it to the fat depot. This phenomenon is a harbinger of carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

daily requirement

During the day, a person's well-being is determined by the daily intake of carbohydrates. 50% of the energy produced by the body comes from the action of saccharides. The daily requirement of an employee engaged in non-hard physical labor is calculated based on the condition: 5 grams of the compound per kilogram of body weight.

Athletes and people who systematically perform hard work should increase the amount of carbohydrates eaten per day to 8 grams per kilogram of weight.

Obese workers who are very overweight daily allowance saccharides need to be reduced to the level of the "ideal" weight that they strive to achieve.

On the day of 100% of carbohydrates consumed, 70% should be starchy foods (, legumes, cereals), 20% - mono- or disaccharides (fruits, in particular bananas, pineapples), 10% - dietary fiber (vegetables, cereals ).

For a uniform burst of energy throughout the day and the absence of hunger that occurs between meals, meals should be divided into five times. Small portions of food will improve the functioning of the digestive system and relieve stress from the gastrointestinal tract.

A group of people Age, years Men Women
carbohydrates, grams energy, thousand kJ carbohydrates, grams energy, thousand kJ
Predominantly knowledge workers 18-29 378 11,7 324 10,1
30-39 365 11,3 310 9,6
40-59 344 10,7 297 9,2
Workers engaged in light physical labor 18-29 412 12,6 351 10,7
30-39 399 12,2 337 10,3
40-59 378 11,5 323 9,8
Medium labor workers 18-29 440 13,4 371 11,3
30-39 426 13,0 358 10,9
40-59 406 12,4 344 10,5
Hard labor workers 18-29 518 15,5 441 13,2
30-39 504 15,1 427 12,8
40-59 483 14,5 406 12,2
Workers engaged in especially hard physical labor 18-29 602 18,0
30-39 574 17,2
40-59 546 16,3

During pregnancy daily requirement women in carbohydrates increases to 350 grams, during breastfeeding - up to 400 grams.

The main role of carbohydrates is determined by the energy function. Moreover, the rapid rate of decay, as well as its reactive extraction from the liver depot, causes an emergency mobilization of resources during emotional overexcitation, intensive sports, overload.

In the blood of a healthy person, the concentration of glucose is maintained at a constant level, regardless of food intake, wakefulness phases or physiological states of the body. Possible fluctuations are neutralized by the nervous and endocrine systems. Any violations lead to destabilization (decrease or increase) of glucose levels, causing, in some cases, hormonal disruptions.

With a decrease in sugar to 2.2 - 1.7 millimoles per liter, a condition called hypoglycemic coma develops.

Depending on the degree of "decline" of blood sugar, the following symptoms appear:

  • fatigue, weakness;
  • trembling of the limbs;
  • drowsiness;
  • "fading" of the heart;
  • dizziness (up to fainting);
  • pallor of the skin;
  • excessive sweating;
  • convulsions;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • "cloudiness" of consciousness.

When these symptoms appear, they immediately eat a portion of instant carbohydrates (if consciousness is preserved) or give the patient an injection of glucose (with loss of consciousness).

If the concentration of sugar in the blood exceeds the upper permissible limit (5.5 millimoles per liter), hyperglycemia develops - a condition in which the glucose content is so high that the resulting insulin "is unable" to completely neutralize it.

Primary symptoms of hyperglycemia:

  • persistent thirst;
  • reduced immunity;
  • skin itching;
  • weakness;
  • the appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • profuse urination;
  • lowering blood pressure.

As a result of systematically high glucose levels, human body ceases to synthesize insulin, as a result of which the mechanism of energy supply to cells is disrupted. Hyperglycemia most often manifests itself against the background of hormonal diseases, increased thyroid gland, liver and kidney failure.

Remember, if symptoms of hypo- or hyperglycemia are detected, it is important to immediately contact an endocrinologist. Prolonged inactivity threatens to further aggravate the pathology, the development of diseases of the endocrine glands, further hormonal failure, and death.

Causes of disorders of carbohydrate metabolism:

  • malabsorption of saccharides in the digestive tract;
  • hereditary pathologies accompanied by an imbalance in the functioning of the enzyme apparatus (Girke's disease and glycogenoses);
  • conditions that cause a failure in the intermediate metabolism of carbohydrates (liver disease, hyperlaccidemia, acidosis, hypoxia associated with anemia or circulatory disorders);
  • low-carbohydrate diets, starvation;
  • violation of intrauterine development of the fetus;
  • prolonged hypovitaminosis;
  • excessive consumption of harmful sweets (cakes, pastries);
  • the predominance of fats and light carbohydrates in the diet;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • alcohol abuse, due to a decrease in activity and inhibition of the pancreas;
  • hormonal disruptions.

The imbalance of carbohydrate metabolism is manifested by excessive or insufficient concentration of glucose in the blood, impaired functioning of the endocrine glands and chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

Consider common diseases arising from dysfunction of carbohydrate metabolism.

  1. Diabetes mellitus is a condition caused by insufficient production of insulin or a violation of its absorption by the cells of the body, as a result of which the content of glucose in the blood increases (so-called hyperglycemia), the concentration of glycogen in the liver decreases, and saccharides appear in the urine (glucosuria). At the same time, the cells do not receive the necessary energy for full-fledged life, which leads to disruption of the normal functioning of organs, including b-cells of the pancreas. Along with this, muscle tissue loses its inherent ability to utilize blood saccharides, and liver tissue, on the contrary, against the background of a decrease in the intensity of biochemical reactions, increases the synthesis of gluconeogenesis enzymes. diabetes a person has a constant feeling of hunger, fatigue, dry mouth, vaginal infections, frequent urination, thinness, blurred vision, numbness of the limbs, decreased libido, tingling in the hands and feet. The introduction of insulin injections leads to a rapid correction of metabolic shifts: the balance between glycolysis and gluconeogenesis is restored, the permeability of the membranes of muscle cells for glucose is normalized. The pancreatic hormone controls these processes at the genetic level, acting as an inducer of the synthesis of glycolysis and glycogen synthase enzymes. In this regard, even with preserved secretion of corticosteroids, the elimination of the influence of insulin leads to a sharp increase in the concentration and synthesis of gluconeogenesis enzymes, which, in some cases, cause a hyperglycemic crisis. This phenomenon occurs due to the excitation of the metabolic centers of the brain by impulses from the chemoreceptors of cells that experience energy hunger due to insufficient supply of glucose to tissue cells.
  2. Glycogenoses are hereditary diseases caused by a violation of the synthesis of glycogen due to the insufficiency of certain enzymes that are involved in carbohydrate metabolism. At the same time, the clinical picture of the pathology directly depends on the nature of the enzyme failure. In Gierke's disease, glycogen accumulates in the muscles, kidneys, liver, in Andersen and Hers's disease - mainly in the liver, in Pompe pathology - in myosomes, kidneys, heart, and brain.
  3. Fructose intolerance is a condition that occurs when the absorption of natural sugars is impaired due to a lack of the enzyme fructokinase.
  4. Galactosemia is a hereditary pathology, which is based on a failure in carbohydrate metabolism on the path of modification of galactose into glucose. This phenomenon is due to a mutation of the genome responsible for the enzyme that breaks down "simple" monosaccharides.
  5. Metabolic syndrome (prediabetes) is a complex of interrelated changes in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, in which insulin resistance (insensitivity) to insulin develops. This dysfunction leads to a violation of the penetration of glucose into the liver tissue, resulting in damage to the pancreas. The metabolic syndrome is closely associated with thyroid diseases, obesity, hormonal failure, fluctuations in blood sugar levels, and high levels of triglycerides.
  6. Malabsorption syndrome is a complex of symptoms that occur when there is a violation of the absorption of macro and micronutrients, including carbohydrates, in the small intestine. This condition develops against the background of hereditary or acquired pathology of the organ, occurring with the syndrome of intestinal digestive insufficiency.
  7. Modifications of the pancreas are diseases caused by a violation of the secretion of enzymes, including carbohydrate ones. These include: pancreatitis, viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, benign and malignant neoplasms.

Symptoms of a hereditary disorder of carbohydrate metabolism appear in the first days of a child's life during breastfeeding (with lactase deficiency) or after switching to artificial mixtures (with a deficiency of disaccharidases or os-amylase). These pathologies in 80% of cases are accompanied by a lag physical development infant and chronic dysbacteriosis.

If you suspect an imbalance in carbohydrate metabolism in the baby's body, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

food sources

Saccharides are mainly found in fruits, vegetables, berries, dairy products, cereals, freshly squeezed juices, sweet, flour products. To lose weight, nutritionists recommend limiting carbohydrate intake to 60 grams per day, to maintain body weight at a stable level - up to 200 grams, to gain weight - eat more than 300 grams daily.

Mono-, di- and polysaccharides are found mainly in plant products.

Table number 3 "The body's need for carbohydrates during the day"
Product name Calorie content of kilocalories in 100 grams Carbohydrate content in 100 grams of product, grams
Rice 372 87,5
Cornflakes 368 85
plain flour 350 80
Pearl barley 324 73,7
Millet 334 69,3
Buckwheat 329 68
oatmeal 345 65,4
Raw oats, nuts, dried fruits 368 65
chickpeas 328 54
White bread 233 50
Wholemeal bread 216 42,5
Rice boiled 123 30
Wheat bran 206 27,5
Macaroni boiled 117 25
Wheat bran 165 3,8
cream cake 440 67,5
shortbread cookies 504 65
Sweet pastries 527 55
Biscuit dry 301 55
Eclairs 376 37,5
Milk ice cream 167 25
Milk and dairy products
Kefir fruit 52 17,5
Whole milk powder without sugar 158 12,5
Kefir 52 5
Meat and meat products
Fried beef sausage 265 15
Fried pork sausage 318 12,5
liver sausage 310 5
Fish and seafood
fried shrimp 316 30
Cod fried in oil 199 7,5
Flounder fried in breadcrumbs 228 7,5
Perch cooked in the oven 196 5
Lentils 310 53,7
Potatoes fried in vegetable oil 253 37,5
boiled corn 70 22,5
Garlic 106 21,2
raw green pepper 15 20
boiled potatoes 80 17,5
Horseradish 71 16,3
Sweet corn kernels 76 15
green olives 125 12,7
Boiled beets 44 10
black olives 361 8,7
Parsley (greens) 45 8
boiled beans 48 7,5
eggplant 24 5,5
boiled carrots 19 5
Tomatoes (ground) 19 4,2
dried raisins 246 65
Dried currant 243 62,5
Dried dates 248 62,5
Dried rosehip 253 60
Prunes 161 40
fresh bananas 79 20
Grape 61 15
cherry fresh 47 12,5
Mulberry 53 12,5
A pineapple 48 12
fresh apples 37 10
fresh peaches 37 10
fresh green figs 41 10
Pears 41 10
Raspberries 41 9
Black currant (fresh) 40 8
Kiwi 47 8
Blueberry 37 7,7
fresh apricots 28 7,5
fresh oranges 35 7,5
fresh tangerines 34 7,5
Sea buckthorn 30 5,5
Blackcurrant compote without sugar 24 5
grapefruit fresh 22 5
Honey melons 21 5
Raspberry fresh 25 5
chestnuts 170 37,5
Cashew nuts 600 22,5
pine nut 675 20
Poppy 556 14,5
Soft walnut oil 623 12,5
Hazelnut 650 9
Hazelnuts 380 7,5
dried coconut 604 7,5
Roasted salted peanuts 570 7,5
Sunflower seeds 578 5
Sesame seeds 565 5
Almond 565 5
walnuts 525 5
Sugar and jam
white sugar 394 105
Honey 288 77,5
Jam 261 70
Marmalade 261 70
lollipops 327 87,5
Iris 430 70
milk chocolate 529 60
Soft drinks
liquid chocolate 366 77,5
cocoa powder 312 12,5
Coca Cola 39 10
Lemonade 21 5
Dried boletus 314 37
White dried 286 9
Boletus fresh 31 3,4
Butterfish fresh 19 3,2
Truffles 24 2
Fresh syroezhi 17 1,4
Milk mushrooms fresh 18 1,1
White fresh 34 1,1
Champignon 27 0,5
Alcoholic drinks
Alcohol 70% 222 35
Vermouth dry 118 25
Red wine 68 20
Dry white wine 66 20
Beer 32 10
Sauces and marinades
marinade sweet 134 35
Ketchup tomato 98 25
Mayonnaise 311 15
Chicken noodle soup 20 5

Nutritionists strongly recommend not to follow strict carbohydrate-free diets, as the lack of polysaccharides in the diet introduces the body into a stressful state, which can negatively affect your health. In addition, remember that the beneficial intestinal microflora needs regular feeding, which is provided by saccharides.

Among the variety of nutrients, carbohydrates are most actively involved in energy production. During the course of metabolic reactions, 2 times more resource is released than during lipid metabolism. Considering that oxygen is the limiting factor during prolonged training, it is advisable for athletes to use a carbohydrate energy source that requires the lowest concentration of O2 for continuous energy production. Along with this, saccharides accelerate the burning of adipose tissue and potentiate muscle building. However, to get a lasting effect, it is important to know what type of carbohydrates are needed in a particular phase of the training cycle.

Consider a step-by-step plan for taking saccharides during sports.

  1. Before the competition. An athlete's meal before exercise is needed to satisfy hunger and replenish plasma glucose concentrations. If you train in the morning on an empty stomach, there is a rapid depletion of glycogen in the liver, which leads to a decrease in physical performance. Therefore, in order to maintain the proper level of glucose, it is advisable to plan morning exercises 1-4 hours after a high-calorie low-fat breakfast (60-70% of the daily diet). At the same time, a portion of carbohydrates is calculated based on the ratio: 4 grams of a compound per kilogram of an athlete's weight. The shorter the interval between food intake and physical activity, the less food you need to eat. So, 4 hours before training, they consume 4 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight, and 1 hour before training - grams per kilogram of body weight. Along with this, 15 minutes before playing sports, it is advisable to drink 200 milliliters of pure non-carbonated water (to compensate for future fluid losses). This diet helps the athlete to “come” to the time of the competition with an empty stomach, a completed cycle of enzyme formation, and a supply of glycogen in the muscles and liver.
  2. During training or competition. With prolonged loads that require endurance (1 - 3 hours), it is important to replenish the body's energy costs. To do this, during physical exertion, take 200 milliliters of a carbohydrate drink every 20 minutes. The optimal glucose content in the "cocktail" is 7 - 8%. A low concentration (up to 5%) is ineffective, and a high concentration (from 10%) is fraught with spasmodic pain, nausea and diarrhea. Thanks to regular nutrition, the athlete increases efficiency and endurance, delays the onset of fatigue.
  3. Carbohydrate intake after exercise. At the end of intensive sports, the rate of recovery of glycogen in the muscles is 5% per hour. In view of this, the replenishment of energy reserves in the body occurs after 20 - 24 hours, subject to the consumption of 600 - 900 grams of carbohydrates. The choice of products directly depends on the ability to increase plasma glucose. For emergency replenishment of sugar reserves, it is recommended to eat 100 grams of carbohydrate food within 30 minutes after training. Considering that after physical activity decreased appetite, an acceptable way to consume saccharides is carbohydrate-containing drinks. In the first 6 to 24 hours after sports, consume food with a moderate or high glycemic index. In later periods, complex carbohydrates will help increase the concentration of glycogen in the muscles. In addition, adding 5 to 9 grams of protein for every 100 grams of carbohydrates helps activate the glucose branching enzyme (glycogen synthetase), which speeds up glycogen resynthesis in the muscles.

To achieve the desired result, it is advisable to coordinate the carbohydrate intake scheme with a nutritionist. Uncontrolled intake of saccharides during training threatens the development of serious problems: weight gain, depression, muscle flabbiness.

Frequently asked Questions

What are the harms of eating too many carbohydrates?

Abundant intake of saccharides with food depletes the insulin apparatus, disrupts the processing, absorption of food, leads to a deficiency of mineral salts in the body, and causes malfunctions of organs and systems. In addition, the breakdown products of carbohydrates inhibit the growth of beneficial microorganisms for human health. For example, baker's yeast come into conflict with the intestinal microflora.

What principles should be observed during the use of polysaccharides?

It is preferable to eat carbohydrates in the first half of the day, since it is easier for the body to process sugar before lunch. Toward evening, the likelihood of deposition of fast mono- and disaccharides as extra pounds increases. Remember, pectin, proteins slow down the absorption of glucose, so a baked apple, dried fruits, marshmallows, marshmallows will be safer for the figure than cakes or cakes.

How many kilocalories do saccharides contain?

Given the fact that carbohydrates contain compounds of the same type, which differ only in the method of organizing molecules and their number, the energy value fiber, starch, fructose, according to the literature, is equal to 3.75 kilocalories per 1 gram. In practice, plant fibers are not digested in the human body, as a result, the final indicator of the calories received from the dish depends directly on the composition of the saccharide. For example, the amount of energy released from complex carbohydrates, in particular, cereals, vegetables is 50 - 70%, and from sugar from carbonated drinks increases to 95 - 100%.

Why are carbohydrate-free diets dangerous?

Refusal of saccharides causes a loss of dietary fiber, antioxidants (vitamins A, C, K). The loss of extra pounds does not lead to a deficiency of vitamins in the body and wear and tear of internal organs, working hard to process amino acids. This process is much more complicated than the breakdown and digestion of carbohydrates. The restructuring of the body to extract energy from protein products is very difficult for the body.

Carbohydrates are concentrated only in solid foods?

No. Beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) are also sources of saccharides. The main ones are: vegetable juices, in particular, tomato and 100% freshly squeezed fruit. Only in such drinks contain the greatest amount of useful "liquid" carbohydrates.

What role do polysaccharides play for weight loss?

If a person is tasked with throwing off overweight, you need to exclude from the diet fast (simple) carbohydrates, which lead to the accumulation of fatty tissues. In this case, nutritionists recommend switching to polysaccharides. The compounds are slowly broken down, gradually saturating the body and eliminating the feeling of hunger. Monosaccharides, on the contrary, suppress appetite for a short time, after which you need to re-eat.

What are phytonutrients and how are they related to carbohydrates?

Phytonutrients are the active ingredients in vegetables and fruits. These compounds, like carbohydrates, are concentrated in components of plant origin. Thus, when consuming berries and root crops, a person receives phytonutrients with food that slow down the aging process, burn fat, fight inflammation, and participate in metabolism.

How many saccharides should be consumed during the day?

The daily dose of carbohydrates depends on the activity and purpose of the person (see Table No. 3 "The body's need for carbohydrates during the day").

Is it true that all dairy products are high in carbohydrates?

This is nothing more than a myth. Indeed, there is a disaccharide in milk, which is broken down to galactose under the influence of the lactase enzyme. The processed monosaccharide, when oxidized, forms mucus, galacturonic, galactonic acids, it is easily absorbed and enters the bloodstream. At the same time, 100 grams of whole milk contains only 4.7 grams of carbohydrates and 60 kilocalories, respectively.

How much saccharide should be consumed daily to prevent ketosis?

The minimum norm is 130 grams (55% of the daily calorie intake).

How to nourish the body with energy without harming yourself?

Whole grains that are allowed for frequent consumption: brown rice, hash browns, unleavened pancakes, crispbread, cereals, crackers, pasta, oats, bagels, bagels, pasta. In addition, it is recommended to eat legumes, low-fat dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Sometimes you can include potatoes, white rice, white flour products, fruit juice in the daily diet. Try to exclude sweets and desserts from the menu: ice cream, sherbet, potato chips, cakes, pies, cakes, salted pretzels, sweet cereals, soda, pastries , donuts, candy and table sugar.


Carbohydrates are an important component healthy eating. To make wellness your constant companion, nutritionists recommend reducing the intake of harmful monosaccharides by increasing the intake of polysaccharides. This will prevent insulin release into the blood, the development of dangerous diseases and weight gain.

Consumption of foods with low GI (up to 55 - 69) will give a feeling of lightness, provide a uniform burst of energy throughout the day, a good mood and a toned figure.

Before telling you about carbohydrates, their role in the body, as well as how many carbohydrates you need to eat in order to lose weight, I would like to pay attention to this: for weight loss, it is more important to determine not what and in what quantities you need to eat, but something that should be completely abandoned. And these are, first of all, fast ones - sugar, products made from white sifted flour, any bun, muffins and sweets, white polished rice. If you want to lose weight, these products should be completely forgotten. But slow carbohydrates eat is possible. In what quantities - now we will tell.

The brain needs about 150 g of carbohydrates per day to perform its function. Most of them enter the body with food, a little more is obtained as a result of the breakdown of its own fats, plus a certain amount is synthesized by the normal microflora of the large intestine.

In order not to take risks once again and not rely on your little friends (germs), you need to insure yourself and start from this figure - 150 g. This is the minimum that will allow you to maintain normal mental activity in the absence of serious physical activity and not drive yourself into depression due to lack of glucose.

The same amount of carbohydrates - no more than 150 g per day - is recommended by Mark Sisson, a popular Western preacher of the paleo diet. In particular, he writes:

“Consuming 300 grams of carbohydrates per day, you put yourself at risk of getting obesity, diabetes and other diseases.

Eating 150-300 g of carbohydrates per day, you will slowly but surely gain weight (one kg of fat per year). If you do not exceed the figure of 100-150 g per day, you will be able to maintain weight within the normal range.

Reducing the amount to 50-100 g of carbohydrates per day, you will lower your insulin levels and increase your own fat burning.

Less than 50 g of carbohydrates puts the body into a state of ketosis, but this is only allowed for one to two days in order to start the process of losing weight, and at the same time taking food additives».

low carb diets

Popular low-carbohydrate diets are based on the principle of reducing the amount of incoming carbohydrates, for example, and the diet of Dr. Atkins. At the first stage, patients will face a sharp restriction of carbohydrates (up to 20-40 g per day), which puts the body into a state of ketosis and starts the process of losing weight. In subsequent stages, the bar is increased to 60 g per day, which helps to maintain weight.

The bad news is that adherents of these diets do not limit the amount of fat they eat by eating fatty meats and sausages. In addition, there are other shortcomings, the main of which I would note polydeficiency of vitamins and microelements. Not without reason, in his works, Dr. Atkins indicates a long list of all kinds of nutritional supplements that are strongly recommended for use, otherwise the body has a hard time.

Yes, and his own negative example - Dr. Atkins died at 73, and at the end of his life had a weight of 120 kg - does not particularly inspire confidence in this technique, as well as its own Russian analogue - the Kremlin diet. However, the principle itself - eating less carbohydrate foods to cause weight loss - is correct. If you want to lose weight, you need to reduce the amount of incoming carbohydrates.

I do not see much point in counting carbohydrates in natural foods - vegetables and fruits that can be eaten in any quantities. Judge for yourself, in order to gain 100 grams of carbohydrates, you will have to eat two kilograms of cabbage or one kilogram of apples. Therefore, vegetables and fruits should not be afraid. The only exception is foods high in starch (potatoes and other root vegetables, peas, legumes), the intake of which should be limited and controlled. In the case of store-bought food, the necessary information can be found on the label.

Take, for example, whole grain rye bread. Look for the carbohydrate content on the label. Let's say it is equal to 40 g per 100 g of product. To maintain a figure, we are allowed to eat no more than 150 g of carbohydrates per day. This amount is contained in 375 g of whole grain bread.

To lose weight, you should eat less than 100 g of carbohydrates per day, which corresponds to 250 g of such bread.

How much of what carbohydrates can you eat to fit that very figure of 40 g, which is recommended at the first stage of low-carb diets? Actually quite a lot.

For example, two green apples in the morning (200g = 20g carbs), 300g green salad for lunch, and 200g zucchini for dinner (10g).

Counting carbohydrates in white bread, muffins and cakes is not worth it. Let me remind you that any refined and highly processed foods are not suitable in principle.