What not to do for pregnant women. What is prohibited for pregnant women

There are many prohibitions that accompany pregnant women. What advice regarding what should not be done for pregnant really should you listen? What prohibitions should be ignored? Some rules are nothing more than fears, superstitions. One of these superstitions is the opinion that women in position should not cut their hair, travel, eat citrus fruits and do fitness. These or those activities can be harmful to the health of the expectant mother, depending on the place and time. So, in the last stages of pregnancy, travel abroad is prohibited. Fitness classes should be lightweight, no exercise equipment.

Don't change the climate

Begins a list of what should not be done for pregnant, climate change. Traveling is not prohibited in the early stages of pregnancy. Doctors allow flights to other countries up to 24-26 weeks. But flights are prohibited at a later date. This is due to changes in atmospheric pressure. Low blood pressure can even lead to premature birth. Some women find it difficult to tolerate simple weather changes, and at low atmospheric pressure it is generally better not to leave the house. In winter, changing the frost in the sun is not recommended even for those ladies whose pregnancy is calm.

Don't go to the hairdresser

Such advice, what should not be done for pregnant, will only cause protest and stress. A woman, being in an interesting position, should not stop caring for herself. In addition, pregnancy is not always a natural adornment for women. Visits to hairdressing salons are not prohibited. Special attention should be paid to such a procedure as hair coloring. It is not prohibited to use natural paints that do not contain chemical dyes. Chemicals can be dangerous for the expectant mother and baby. In the salon, it is imperative to inform the master about his pregnancy, which will allow him to pick up non-toxic paints.

Do not chat on the phone

Cellular use has been proven to be what should not be done for pregnant.But in the modern world, communications are built mainly on communication through such intermediaries as the Internet and a mobile phone. So giving up using a cell phone, even knowing its harm, will be quite difficult. If you harshly take away the phone from the young lady, this will lead to even greater nervousness - cut off from the world will worry about her relatives. It is necessary to limit communication on the phone, do not fall asleep next to a mobile phone. It is advisable to completely turn off the device at night.

Do not limit yourself to food

The main rule during pregnancy is to eat whatever you want. Diets can lead to trauma and physical illness. Nature is so arranged that the immunity of the fair sex decreases during gestation. Diets and unbalanced nutrition will only lead to its weakening. But this does not mean that you can eat everything indiscriminately. You should try to eat less unhealthy foods, especially after the 16th week of pregnancy. What foods are considered unhealthy food? First of all, these are sweets, cakes, salty, fried, spicy, bananas, grapes. You need to try to tune yourself to healthy eating.

No hot tubs

Taking hot baths for a long time can lead to dizziness and increased blood pressure. Experts especially advise to carry out contrasting procedures. A contrast shower is a hardening that has a beneficial effect on the body. Instead of a shower, it is better to use a container. The water should be doused from head to toe. The redistribution of blood resulting from the procedure is beneficial for the functioning of organs such as the brain, liver, heart, and the reproductive system. Douche cold water- a procedure to which it is much easier to accustom yourself than to sports training. Experiments should begin with dousing your feet, gradually rising higher.

Do not play sports

If before pregnancy the girl did not lead an active lifestyle, did not visit the pool, fitness training, then if you start doing fitness during pregnancy, complications may arise even with minor loads. For those young ladies who want to keep in shape and further, there is only one advice: do not be too zealous. In case of complications during gestation, you cannot go in for sports. For the inexperienced, light workouts at home, such as cleaning, are suitable. The main thing is to monitor the correct breathing. At maximum load and with muscle tension, inhale, and when relaxed, exhale. Thanks to simple cleaning activates metabolic processes, blood flows to the muscles.

Don't drink a lot of water

At the insistence of doctors, pregnant women are advised not to drink more than 2 liters of water per day, preferably 1.5 liters. Natural juices should prevail among liquids. It is advisable for ladies to exclude from the diet not only coffee, which increases arterial pressure but also tea. Even green is not recommended. Strongly concentrated infusions can be dangerous. Mineral water is also undesirable for the expectant mother. The amount of fluid you consume has a lot to do with proper nutrition. The balance is improved by excluding spicy and salty. Do not forget that liquid is not only water, but also soups, fruits and juices.

Do not smoke or inhale smoke

Smoking is dangerous for both the smoker and the bystander. Scientists have long concluded that inhaling cigarette smoke is harmful to human health. Intrauterine growth retardation can occur from secondhand smoke during pregnancy. The possibility of premature birth is not excluded. Inhalation of smoke from someone else's cigarette can lead to the development of cancerous tumors in the fetus. Individuals who smoke are at double risk. Babies born to women who smoke are more likely to have problems with the central nervous system and weigh little. You should try to quit smoking at least before the fourth month of pregnancy.

It is clear that after becoming pregnant, a woman tries to lead healthy image life, eat balanced, saturate your diet with vitamins and microelements. Each of us knows that pregnant women need positive emotions, attention, fresh air, walking, support and understanding, and so on. But relatives and girlfriends are beginning to actively bombard the future mother with various instructions: then don't do this, don't eat this. What are the prohibitions during pregnancy?

What can you do during pregnancy?

  • Clean water should be the main and main drink for a pregnant woman. You can also natural juices, fruit drinks, kvass (especially homemade).
  • Many pregnant women "breaks" on. A little you can, but it is better to choose non-alcoholic.
  • In the last trimester, you can afford a glass of good wine (but not champagne). True, we are all different, and dosages may vary accordingly. There is an opinion that if the expectant mother feels a slight intoxication, the baby is completely unconscious.
  • Hair can be cut, it will not do any harm to the unborn baby, and the mother's hair will not stop growing.
  • Of the drugs, only paracetamol (3 tablets 3 times a day for no more than 3 days) are harmless (for the entire period).
  • You can sleep on your back (if it is convenient for you).
  • There is no better physical fitness for expectant mothers than swimming and water aerobics.
  • You can use cosmetics. But face cream should not contain vitamin A (in large quantities it is very harmful), hydrocortisone (this is a steroid that, when used daily, is dangerous for a child), benzoyl peroxide. Regarding gel and body lotion, it is best to choose those specifically for pregnant women. They are safe and contain ingredients designed to minimize the chances of stretch marks and breast deformities.
  • Have sex if the pregnancy is normal. However, it will not be superfluous to specifically ask the doctor about this.

What is not allowed during pregnancy?

  • , alcohol and drugs - under an iron taboo! There are no safe doses of these poisons. So stay away from them. Also, avoid secondhand smoke.
  • Caffeine can cause miscarriage or underweight at birth. And green tea interferes with the absorption necessary for the normal development of the baby. Therefore, it is better to refuse them. But if you really want to - then you can sometimes a little.
  • It is not recommended to eat such foods: raw meat, unpasteurized milk and soft cheeses, hematogen, sushi, seafood. Fast food and harmful additives are also not for pregnant women. Try not to eat spicy, salty and fatty foods.
  • Carbonated drinks can cause active fermentation in the intestines, which provokes uterine contractions.
  • It is prohibited to wear synthetic underwear, especially thongs. Choose natural cotton panties and specialty maternity bras.
  • It is not advised to dye your hair and do a perm. During pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman changes, this often affects the skin and hair, and chemical agents can further worsen their condition. But if you still decide to paint, then choose gentle paints.
  • Changing cat litter increases the likelihood of contracting toxoplasmosis. The result can be stunted growth of the baby, poorly developing brain, and damage to the eyes of the fetus.
  • Do not overheat. Therefore, saunas and baths will have to be abandoned.
  • Do not start repairs during this period - paints and toxins will disappear no earlier than in a year.
  • Insect sprays are not recommended. The toxins enter your bloodstream and from there to your baby.
  • The following medications are categorically contraindicated: Aminopterin, Methyltestosterone, Progestins, Quinine, Thalidomide, Trimetadine, Retinoids (isotretinoin, roancutane, etretinate, tigazone, acitretin).
  • You shouldn't get any vaccinations.
  • It is better to give up high heels now. First, it is dangerous: the risk of falling increases. Secondly, during this period, the center of gravity shifts, and the load on the spine increases. And the heels enhance it. Therefore, starting from the second half of pregnancy, the risk of all kinds of radiculitis and neuralgia increases, which, of course, is useless for expectant mothers.
  • You cannot raise your hands when the baby has already taken the correct position.
  • You cannot lie on your stomach and sit cross-legged.
  • They say that you can not show a newborn to anyone until he is 40 days old. They can jinx. In fact, doctors do not recommend bringing strangers into your baby's house for about a month. Your home has its own atmosphere and microflora, the guests who come have their own. The child should develop immunity to his environment, so do not gather crowds of people. But on the street, when the baby is asleep - please show him to anyone you want.

Neither yes - nor no

  • A visit to the solarium is not recommended. But many disagree with this. If you cover your tummy with a towel and adhere to the basic rules, there is nothing to fear.
  • If you are a lover of soy, you should not deny yourself the consumption of this product. But if you haven't tried these beans before, it's better not to risk it. And you need to choose natural soy. Although there is no evidence that genetically modified foods adversely affect our health.
  • Antiperspirant deodorants that contain aluminum salts are best avoided. But you can use perfumed alcohol deodorant.
  • It is better to refrain from any trips. Vibration-causing transport is a clockwork mechanism to hyperexcitability of the uterus and can provoke a miscarriage or. But if a woman feels great, then you can go on vacation. But it's better not in the period when the risk of miscarriage increases: 11-12, 26-27 and 31-32 weeks.
  • You can sit at the computer, but only for a short time. Abuse is dangerous from the earliest possible date - it increases the risk of a missed (frozen) pregnancy.
  • Exercise is beneficial, but it includes walking and special exercises for pregnant women. You should not lift a barbell, climb mountains, run marathons, or dive into the water.
  • Doctors do not recommend overusing food allergens (chocolate, citrus fruits). And in general, you need to be careful with such products, that is, if possible, exclude. But opponents of the prohibitions argue that you can eat whatever you want. After all, the body itself feels that it can. In addition, for a while breastfeeding you will have to give up a lot, and so you want to eat up for the future!
  • It is advisable not to take any medications. But if there is such a need, consult your doctor and study this issue further.
  • If you do not drink pills, preferring to be treated with herbs, you need to carefully read the composition of the medicinal fees. Harmful for pregnant women: aloe, barberry, oregano, ergot, tansy, sowing - these herbs can increase the tone of the uterus. Wild strawberries and succession - can predispose a child to allergies. Seaweed, spinach, sorrel - if consumed excessively, can cause fetal development disorders. St. John's wort - increases blood pressure in a pregnant woman. Marsh calamus, blue cornflower, elecampane, juniper, celery - can disrupt kidney function. In addition, plants are poisonous: belladonna (belladonna), yellow egg capsule, glossy euphorbia, male fern, evading peony, common lilac, field horsetail, bird cherry. These plants are sometimes used for treatment in small doses, but this should not be done during pregnancy.
  • The same goes for aromatherapy. If you do not have allergies, you can safely use oils. Among the safe ones are petitgrain, rose, sandalwood and tea tree, neroli, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, lavender, lemon, orange, calendula, wheat germ, jojoba. On the advice of a specialist, you can use the oil of bergamot, chamomile, peppermint, incense. It is categorically impossible during pregnancy to oil of laurel, basil, nutmeg, hyssop, juniper, marjoram, myrrh, thyme, sage, cloves, oregano, patchouli (in the last weeks), cedar, cypress, Chinese magnolia vine, rosemary, yarrow, fennel. They can have a toxic effect on a child and even provoke a miscarriage of tansy, burdock, wormwood, oregano, and mint oil.
  • They say that ultrasound can be done no more than 3 times during pregnancy. Doctors themselves disagree on this question. Some say that modern ultrasound machines are almost completely safe for a baby, and you can be examined as often as you like. Others - whatever it may be, but irradiation is irradiation. Do not give up ultrasound if it really needs to be done. But going specifically to find out the gender of the child is perhaps not worth it.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

As soon as the expectant mother informs her family about what is in store for the baby, advice from all sides begins to flow on what she needs to do and what should be given up. Moreover, there can be a lot of such information. Diverse and binding instructions come from the husband, from the mother, girlfriends and other people who now follow the development of events with excitement. Let's try to put together all the recommendations and figure out what pregnant women should not actually do.

What should not be forgotten

Nine months is a short time in which a great miracle can be accomplished. A new person grows out of two cells. In order for the process to go exactly according to the planned scenario, without interruptions, the expectant mother will have to seriously reconsider her lifestyle. The most important thing is to fine-tune your diet and daily routine. The psychological attitude is also important. But we want to pay more attention to what should not be done by pregnant women. This will allow expectant mothers to prioritize and avoid numerous mistakes.

Opinion of doctors

Let's start with what the official medicine says. When the expectant mother registers with gynecology, a conversation is required with her. During her, the doctor will talk for a long time about what should not be done by pregnant women, plunging young women into some confusion. Of course, most of the prohibitions imply that a woman with a problem pregnancy will follow them. If the condition of the mother and the fetus does not cause concern, then there is little point in limiting yourself too much. But some points, nevertheless, must be observed strictly. So, let's figure out together what can not be done by pregnant women.

Bad habits

No matter how trivial it may sound, the bad habits of the mother cause great harm to the unborn child. Recent Research prove that even a single dose of toxic substances contained in cigarette smoke or alcohol is enough to cause irreversible changes. This means that a pregnant woman should avoid the following:

  1. Smoking, and not only active. It is necessary to bypass those places where smokers gather. The accumulation of nicotine and tar in the body increases blood pressure. And this can provoke a miscarriage.
  2. Alcohol. It jeopardizes the functioning of all important internal organs. Even weak and seemingly harmless drinks, such as beer, are dangerous. And this applies not only to the mother herself, in whom all organs have long been formed and are working in full force. First of all, we are talking about the body of the embryo. Remember that alcohol is harmful to brain cells.

The above is beyond doubt. Of everything that cannot be done by pregnant women, smoking and alcoholism come first.

Clothes and footwear

During this difficult period, a woman's skin becomes especially vulnerable, and therefore requires increased attention. For the next 9 months, you need to revise your wardrobe and completely change your addictions.

  • Tight outfits are bad for a pregnant woman's body. Therefore, you need to immediately abandon the thong panties made of synthetic fabric. Set aside for a while pipe trousers, skirts with tightening belts. All this you will wear when you give birth to your baby. In the meantime, clothes should be as comfortable as possible, breathable, and made from natural fabrics.
  • Shoes. Making the right choice is also not so easy. First of all, it is worth understanding why pregnant women should not walk in heels. Such shoes have a narrow last and a high rise, which negatively affects the natural blood circulation. This contributes to the appearance of edema and the development of varicose veins. Shoes should be lightweight, comfortable and made from natural materials. And, of course, there must be a separate pair for each season that meets the requirements.

Healthy sleep

Healthy sleep of the expectant mother is very important for the correct formation and development of the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to forget about business and rest as much as possible. Some women note that on early dates pregnancy they really wanted to sleep. So, you need to talk to a doctor, take sick leave and rest for a few days. Believe me, this is now much more important than the report submitted on time.

But it's not just the duration of sleep that matters. Expectant mothers need to change their habits. So, soon it will be impossible to sleep on your stomach. Since doctors do not even recommend lying on your back for a long time. And, of course, pregnant women should not sleep on their backs. This leads to the fact that the pressure on the vena cava increases, adversely affecting blood circulation.

To make the rest comfortable, it is best to buy a special pillow for expectant mothers. It is represented by a large G or P. Both models encourage a comfortable lateral position.

And we continue to talk about the fact that a pregnant woman should not be in the first trimester. And next in line we have food.

We are what we eat

You should pay special attention to this. The nutrition of the expectant mother is inextricably linked with the correct development of her baby. What shouldn't pregnant women eat and drink? Of course, these are all products of fast food chain enterprises. We remove all this at once and for a long time. Sweet carbonated drinks are sent to the same basket. Alcohol has already been mentioned.

But if this is understandable, then sometimes the prohibitions on quite ordinary and even useful products are puzzling. So, when talking about what pregnant women should not eat and drink, experts often mention dairy products and eggs. You should not abandon them completely, but a reasonable restriction is necessary so as not to provoke allergic reactions in the baby. If they develop so early, they will become a real problem in the future. It is worth excluding soft cheeses, unpasteurized milk, liver, smoked meats, mushrooms and dietary supplements from the diet.

We lead an active lifestyle

Pregnancy is not a disease at all. You should not sit around, you need to walk a lot, walk and breathe fresh air. Of course, if there are no special contraindications. But for the most part, we spend our working day sitting at the computer, and at home we rush to take a seat near the TV. By the way, how can you not sit pregnant? On this score, doctors have their own opinion.

First of all, it must be said that it is completely undesirable for an expectant mother to sit for a long time. If you want to give birth easily, without complications, then you need to get used to walking every day from the first weeks. This is important as prevention of excess weight, for normal blood supply to the embryo, blood oxygenation. But until the 30th week, most women work, so you have to adapt to the requirements of the employer.

How not to sit pregnant? First of all, crossing your legs, that is, throwing one on top of the other. This disrupts blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and during pregnancy and in the placenta. You cannot squat either, as the uterus can sink. But in fact, until the last term of a pregnant woman, you can sit "in Turkish". This position is both comfortable and useful, as it stretches the internal muscles necessary for childbirth.

Calm, only calm

Peace of mind is something that will be very useful to you throughout the entire period of carrying a baby, as well as after his birth. Pregnant women should not be nervous also for the reason that a small miracle inside her feels all the changes in her mother's mood. And strong stress is completely destructive for the crumbs.

If pregnancy proceeds against the background of severe nervous shocks, this often leads to the fact that the baby is born with diseases of the nervous system. He is overly agitated, does not sleep well, and does not gain much weight. Sometimes this condition is reversible or needs to be corrected with medication. In other cases, the lesions are too deep and you can only slightly smooth out their manifestations.

Often trying to calm down and lead nervous system in order, the woman begins to drink strong coffee. This helps because coffee is a pretty strong stimulant. If you admit such addictions to the doctor, he will tell you that pregnant women should not coffee. In fact, there is no strict ban on this drink. If you feel well, then it is permissible to drink 1-2 cups a day. Very often, in expectant mothers, blood pressure decreases, and coffee corrects this condition.

We exclude from the schedule

Your love life is undergoing significant changes. Now you need more rest and more fresh air. And some familiar activities need to be erased from life for a while. Believe me, this is not such a big loss:

  • Expectant mothers are not allowed to visit the solarium. This is bad for your skin in the first place. Melanin production increases during pregnancy, leading to age spots, and tanning beds can exacerbate the situation.
  • Flights by plane. Considering the list of what should not be done by a pregnant woman in the first trimester, it is necessary to note the need to reduce the number of flights, or even better to completely cancel them. At the time of takeoff, blood pressure rises sharply due to the difference in atmospheric pressure and the low concentration of oxygen in the air. This can lead to miscarriage.
  • X-ray and fluorography. These examinations should be excluded until delivery.
  • Hot tub and sauna.

Signs and superstitions

If doctors justify all their prohibitions, then referring to the signs, we are faced with an even greater variety of impossible, which are not explained in any way. Earlier, expectant mothers were forbidden a lot, because people believed that the mystery of the birth of a new life should be protected from numerous spirits. This means that you need to limit the likelihood of meeting them. Most of these signs have already lost their relevance today, and they have been forgotten. But some of them are still alive and passed on from generation to generation. Let's take a look at the signs for pregnant women. What cannot be done from the point of view of folk wisdom?

Limit interactions with pets

It has long been forbidden for expectant mothers to stroke a cat. It may seem strange to lovers of fluffy beauties, but this rule should be observed. Today, doctors are in complete agreement with traditional healers. The fact is that cats carry toxoplasmosis. This disease is very dangerous for the fetus. It leads to damage to the central nervous system of the child. Therefore, you should not pick up your own or someone else's cats, and even more so change their litter box.

Can't sit on the doorstep

This is just the very beginning of the Do's list. Signs for pregnant women apply to all areas of life. Wise people have always said that pregnant women should not sit on the doorstep. This was explained by the fact that the threshold separates two worlds, this and the other world. And since the baby does not yet have protection, he can harm him. If we look at it from the point of view of modern medicine, then we can find a completely logical explanation. There is always a draft on the doorstep, which is harmful to the health of the expectant mother.

Prohibition on the purchase of children's things

Our grandmothers were of the opinion that until the baby was born, it was forbidden to buy or sew things for him, put a cradle or bring toys into the house. This is also easy to explain. The mortality rate of children was very high, as was that of their mothers during childbirth. Therefore, the dowry for the child was prepared after his baptism.

Believe it or not, it's up to every mother to decide. Doctors today have nothing against you buying things for your baby from the very first days of pregnancy. But don't get too carried away. Babies grow out of their clothes very quickly, so most of the costumes will have to be given to friends or put off until the next child is born.

Taking care of your appearance

All women want to be beautiful. The mom-to-be is no exception. But folk signs recommend refraining from going to stylists and hairdressers.

Why shouldn't pregnant women cut their hair? This sign is rooted deep in antiquity. People believed that feminine power was in the hair. And if they are cut off, she will not be able to give birth to a healthy child. Everything has changed today. Expectant mothers visit beauty salons and look like from the cover of a fashion magazine. Doctors do not explain in any way why pregnant women should not cut their hair. But with painting you need to wait. The chemicals it contains can penetrate through

Burial rites

For a long time, there was an unwritten rule that pregnant women were not allowed to go to funerals. This was associated with the saturation of such a ceremony with negative energy. The dead pulls the living along with it, so the expectant mother cannot even come close to the cemetery fence. A huge number of beings of their subtle world live here. And, of course, they feed not only on the energy of the dead. In addition, children's energy is the tastiest, sweetest, and they will first of all covet it on it.

Often, sorcerers come to the cemetery who want to save someone's life. And the easiest way is to exchange the life of a dying person for the one you are wearing. Therefore, pregnant women are not allowed in the cemetery.

But, of course, there is no scientific basis for this. Therefore, it is up to you to decide again. The death of a loved one is a strong stress and a reason for worries, from which it is better for a pregnant woman to protect herself. Therefore, observing the surrender of the body to the earth is not at all the best way to spend time.

Keeping pregnancy a secret

This tradition has existed for a very long time. Nobody knew that a woman was expecting a child, until the moment when it became obvious. And then it was believed that it should be kept secret. Many people today follow this rule. Even if we exclude the evil eye, such caution still makes sense. Closer to the estimated date, relatives will torment you with questions, but if you were mistaken for a few weeks? Then you will be called every day asking the same question.

Instead of a conclusion

There are many more signs. For example, you cannot kill snakes or eat rabbit meat, eat red berries, or eat from a knife. You can't sew and knit, you can't even talk to your family at night. To observe them or not is a personal matter for every expectant mother. But the most important thing is to eat right and enjoy your pregnancy every day. Then all adversity will bypass you. Of course, this does not apply to the recommendations of doctors. They must be strictly observed.

The article contains only general recommendations, more precisely, only your doctor can advise you. It is especially important to know that you cannot be pregnant in the first trimester, because it is at this time that all the organs and systems of the unborn baby are laid.

For women carrying a child, a healthy diet is a very important condition for creating favorable conditions for the growth and formation of the fetus. Compliance with the principle, eat everything that does not harm the baby is considered fundamental. You just need to firmly know which foods are dangerous, and which you can eat when you want.

Now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Nutrition of a woman in position

Proper nutrition of a pregnant woman is the key to the health of the child and mother. Therefore, it must be balanced. Together with food, all the substances necessary for the vital activity of the nascent new life enter the body. In order not to clog organs and systems, harmful and useless foods should be excluded from the diet. To do this, you need to have information about what is recommended to eat and what is prohibited, as well as about dietary habits at different stages of pregnancy.

  1. A pregnant woman should eat heavily, as they say for two, - this is the main principle of changing the diet.
  2. In terms of energy consumption, the increase should be from 500 to 800 kcal per day.
  3. Overeating is strictly prohibited, since there is a threat of the appearance of an overweight woman, an increase in the load on the internal organs, which worsens the well-being of a pregnant woman.
  4. Excessive nutrition also affects the fetal body weight, if it goes beyond the permissible limits, then childbirth will be difficult. This will negatively affect the health of the child.

Avoiding any foods during your entire pregnancy is the wrong move. Medical practice has proven that the complete absence of certain foods in the diet can lead to unpleasant consequences in the future. Namely, your child, who will not receive these products in the womb, will be born with physiological aversion to them. That is, there will be a risk of developing allergic reactions to whole types of common foods. Fighting allergies is very difficult; it will poison the lives of your children. They will have to give up many goodies. Therefore, adhere to the nutritional algorithm, which provides for the rejection of certain dishes only during a certain period of pregnancy. If you can eat them in another trimester, then eat them for health.

Diets should also not be adhered to, eat various healthy foods, but in limited quantities. If you have any doubts whether you can eat a particular delicacy or drink drinks, consult your doctor about this. This will be the right decision to help eliminate the slightest risks.

Prohibited foods

The list of foods that will harm you and your baby is quite wide. Pay attention to it and understand for yourself what their use will be fraught with.

  1. Dishes made from raw products - meat, fish, eggs, fresh milk, oysters are dangerous because bacteria and helminths, as well as viruses, live and multiply in them. These include salmonella, worms, noraviruses, and rotaviruses. They are the cause of intestinal infections and poisoning. Any intoxication during pregnancy affects the condition of the mother and fetus. The well-being of a pregnant woman during infection can be difficult: chills and prolonged diarrhea, dehydration and exhaustion of the body. Some of the pathogens have a negative effect on the fetus, its development can be abnormal.
  2. Substandard foods, which include vegetables, fruits, and other foods that have expired. Such food causes serious systemic diseases from gastrointestinal disorders to dysentery and typhoid.
  3. Allergens that are dangerous for the child. It is better for pregnant women to temporarily, depending on the duration of pregnancy, give up strawberries, citrus fruits, nuts, honey and tomatoes. Practice has proven that from the use of this category of products, children often develop, less often - allergic rhinitis and asthma.
  4. Salt, it is impossible to do without it, but it is necessary to reduce its use. Salt has the ability to retain moisture, therefore, pregnant women develop edema, blood pressure rises, and the load on internal organs increases. As a result, the course of pregnancy is complicated and the woman's health becomes unsatisfactory.
  5. Smoking. This is knowingly harmful products, therefore, it is recommended to exclude them from the diet completely. The categorical nature of the ban is associated with the carcinogenicity of the components that make up the smoked meats. And they cause cancer. For example, a scientifically proven fact is the connection between the occurrence of cancer and benzopyrene. It affects tissues in such a way that they begin to grow uncontrollably, this can occur in the body of the mother and fetus.
  6. Canned food and twists. Their harm lies in the content of additives such as vinegar, salt in a large number, preservatives, marinades, flavor and aroma enhancers. Especially dangerous is sodium nitrite, which keeps meat products fresh. To avoid the risk of the influence of these substances on the baby's body, you should refuse to buy products containing them. Bad influence canned food consists in changing metabolic processes, which is not as scary for adults as for a child in the womb. He itself has an accelerated metabolism, it cannot be stimulated to a critical level.
  7. Margarine and substitutes contain the maximum amount of fatty acids that affect cholesterol levels. The formation of plaque in blood vessels during pregnancy is faster than ever. The woman's body is busy supporting a new life and does not have time to fight the accumulation of harmful fats on the vascular walls. That is, a woman can get atherosclerosis at a young age, which will become a problem for life.
  8. Alcohol is categorically prohibited for pregnant women. It directly affects the development of the child's organs and systems. Violations are expressed in what becomes the cause of brain pathology, in the failure of the formation of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. World practice has proven that alcohol consumption can provoke anomalies in the physical and mental development of an infant. Therefore, you should never drink alcohol.
  9. Digestible carbohydrates. These are refined sugar and sweet baked goods that affect weight gain, pancreatic function, and blood glucose levels. Overuse of sweets leads to gestation, which can remain a lifelong illness. Only on rare occasions, does he leave after being released from the burden.
  10. Fast food, various semi-prepared meals, fried foods are unhealthy diets for pregnant women. Everything that is prepared quickly and without hassle, is stored for a long time, is eaten on the go, contains bad fats and carcinogenic substances. All expectant mothers should remember this.

This list should be in your head all the time, it is far from complete, so expand it for yourself. To do this, focus on your own well-being and expert advice.

What you can't eat in the early stages

In early pregnancy, nutrition should be treated with special care. At this time, the formation of the vital systems of the embryo begins. Any adverse external impact can lead to developmental delay or miscarriage. During this period, there are many categorical prohibitions:

  • Alcohol - it is completely excluded from the food set.
  • Sparkling drinks and convenience foods such as soups, noodles and other instant foods are not allowed. The same goes for chips and croutons with additives.
  • Mayonnaise and ketchup should be replaced with other condiments - sunflower oil, low-fat sour cream, natural yoghurts and homemade sauces.
  • Smoked meats should be discarded flatly. Because they contain a lot of carcinogens.
  • Allergenically dangerous nuts, chocolate, citrus fruits, red berries should be eaten with great care due to possible allergies in newborns. It often develops from the first days of a baby's birth.
  • Reduce your coffee intake. Drink only a couple of cups a day, try not to consume the drink at night, as you need to get good rest and gain strength to carry the baby. Coffee has practically no effect on the child's body, and for the mother, increased pressure or insomnia can become a problem.

It is important to remember that even permitted foods during pregnancy should be eaten with an eye to well-being. The main way to avoid the risk of disease is to follow the rules of hygiene and food handling. Cook food correctly, boil and wash thoroughly, keep your hands and dishes clean.

What you can't eat at a later date

For late pregnancy, there is a list of prohibited foods. Some of them should be abandoned altogether. Others should be used only occasionally.

  • During this period, you need to drink only healthy drinks, and everything that contains caffeine for a pregnant woman should be drunk less. It increases blood pressure, prevents the absorption of calcium, removes the necessary trace elements from the body magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium. Chicory is a good substitute for coffee.
  • Fried food falls into the category that is allowed to be eaten, but rarely.
  • Smoked products, hot spices and fatty foods must be excluded from the diet, since they add loads to the organs and systems of the expectant mother and negatively affect the child.
  • Salt preservation is undesirable at any stage of pregnancy, and is prohibited at a later stage. Its use leads to an increase in swelling and an increase in well-being.
  • Seafood, including caviar, have significant contraindications for late pregnancy, as they develop a tendency to allergies in the child. The same hazard category includes honey and some fruits and berries. For example, strawberries, oranges.
  • It is also advisable to forget about chocolate in the third trimester, since it is considered an allergen for a child under one year old.
  • Melons, especially those whose ripening is caused by artificial methods, can become the cause of intoxication.

Mushrooms are especially dangerous; it is generally better not to use them. Since even edible mushrooms growing in poor environmental conditions can become poisonous. By eating them, you put your life and the life of your unborn child at risk.

What should be used with care?

If you cannot do without any of these products, then consult with your doctor about how much you can introduce them into your diet, and in what time frame to reduce their use.

The consequences of malnutrition

Knowing the list of prohibited products is one side of the issue, you need to understand the consequences of their use despite the prohibitions. And they can be truly tragic.

For example, alcohol, even in small doses, alters blood flow in the placenta. Behind this lies the danger of an offensive. That is, the brain does not receive necessary nutrition and the inhibition of its formation begins. Alcohol in the mother's blood is a danger for the child to get fetal alcosyndrome, leading to developmental abnormalities. Therefore, before drinking one hundred grams, think about what kind of trouble can happen to a baby.

With information about the dangers of certain foods, a woman can organize her meals in such a way that the food will help her to survive the pregnancy, and not create additional problems. We wish you prudence and recommend using the recommendations of specialists given in this material.

Pregnancy is the most important moment in a girl's life. The responsibility falls on the shoulders already at the planning stage. And the goal of the expectant mother is the birth of a healthy child. For a successful pregnancy, it is recommended to unswervingly listen to the advice of doctors, read thematic literature and follow the recommendations of experienced mothers.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to eat right, appear more often in the fresh air, monitor your health, pay attention to sleep and rest, minimize physical exercise and be patient. As a result, childbirth will be successful and less painful. To future child developed normally and appeared healthy, you need to know what pregnant women can do. We will analyze this topic in an article where we will answer 20 popular questions.

1. Drink coffee

Drinking coffee in reasonable quantities will not harm the child, and the expectant mother will invigorate and reward with an excellent mood. Therefore, you can not refuse coffee. The main thing is that the daily dose does not exceed two cups of a weak drink.

However, some doctors claim that drinking coffee during pregnancy, even in small amounts, reduces the weight of the baby. Drinking in liters increases the risk of stillbirth. The drink contains a lot of caffeine, which increases blood pressure and excites the nervous system. Drinking it is advised taking into account the characteristics of the organism.

2. Drink tea

Drinking tea during pregnancy is not prohibited as long as reasonable amounts are involved. Pregnant daily rate weak tea is two cups. It is allowed to add honey or lemon slices to the drink. The beneficial elements contained in such an amount of black tea are sufficient to protect and strengthen teeth, increase the permeability of blood vessels.

Handle with care when it comes to dietary supplements in tea. Contrary to their naturalness, some of them tone the muscles of organs, including the uterus. In an unfortunate combination of circumstances, a miscarriage will occur. Therefore, it is better to refuse additives.

3. Drink beer

Frivolous use of alcoholic beverages will lead to the appearance of mental disorders and developmental disabilities in the child. Having knocked over a small glass of beer once again, the mother will reward the baby with addiction. The abuse of beer and other alcohol-containing drinks leads to such dire consequences.

It is not only the alcohol contained in beer that is dangerous. The drink contains phytoestrogen - a substance that resembles hormones in structure. The intake of "third-party" hormones in a woman's body badly affects the hormonal balance and is dangerous for the child.

4. Drink milk

There are no prohibitions regarding the use of milk during pregnancy. A woman in a position is allowed to consume liquid or powdered milk, and the choice of goat, cow, baked or fresh milk depends on preferences, usefulness and frequency of use.

If after a glass of milk a rash appears, an upset stomach or other negative reactions appear, it is better to refuse the product. Homemade yogurt, cottage cheese or cheese would be a worthy substitute. These products are rich in protein and calcium and are able to take care of the health of the expectant mother and baby no worse than milk.

5. Get vaccinated

Doctors base their decisions on whether to be vaccinated on a benefit-to-harm basis. Vaccination is carried out in the presence of an increased likelihood of contracting the disease. Pregnant women are not advised to travel to certain countries due to the need to affix certain vaccinations. In case of contact with a sick person, vaccinations are welcome.

Vaccinations are different vaccinations, and each of them can lead to complications. Vaccination with live viruses is not allowed during pregnancy. As for vaccinations based on inactive viruses, in some cases they are allowed. In this case, the antibodies contained in the injection are transferred to the baby and provide protection.

6. Do inhalation

According to the unanimous opinion of doctors, inhalation is a necessary remedy for the treatment of pregnant women. They, unlike medicines, do not affect the functioning of organs. Coughing fits in the mother bring discomfort to the baby, and with a runny nose, the placenta does not receive enough oxygen. Therefore, inhalation therapy is a safe solution.

Inhaled steam is useful in the early treatment of dry and stubborn coughs. But if the ailment is accompanied by a temperature, inhalation is prohibited. You better breathe essential oils... Inhalation during pregnancy is allowed an hour after eating.

7. Do fluorography

Fluorography is a low-dose research method. The procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy. Women in position are exempted from routine research. Doctors resort to any X-ray research methods only in case of serious clinical indications.

In some cases, fluorography is done for girls in position, but on condition that the benefits of the study for the expectant mother are higher than the risk for the child. In all other cases, research methods are used that do not involve ionizing radiation.

8. Make epilation

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use epilation techniques that are performed at home and do not affect the woman's body. These include waxing and removing unwanted vegetation with an electric epilator. It is risky to resort to other methods during pregnancy. It is better to refuse them.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to fight hairs by shaving. Set aside more effective methods of depilation until the application is safe for the child.

9. Make shellac

Doctors did not agree on this issue. Some argue that the shellac manicure technique is safe, while others see harm in it. Cautious masters believe that it is not worth doing shellac during pregnancy, since the reaction of the female body to chemistry is unpredictable.

Girls in position are very sensitive, capricious and have a heightened sense of smell. It is possible that during the procedure, a pregnant woman will develop severe toxicosis. It is better to exclude shellac for a while and think about the health of the child.

10. Make a tattoo

Tattooing during pregnancy is a demanded procedure, as it facilitates self-care. After tattooing, you do not need to tidy up your eyebrows. There is no consensus on whether it can be done while in position.

One thing is safe to say that a master who is building a career in this area will not want to make a tattoo for a girl in position, since there are many nuances that are impossible to predict. We are talking about painful sensations, spoiled mood when the color does not match the wishes of the lady and other points.

11. go to the cemetery

Church representatives argue that pregnant women should visit the cemetery and commemorate those who have passed away. God blesses people who remember their ancestors. It is only recommended to do this at will. Do not forget about the superstitions that pregnant women should not visit the cemetery.

Once near the grave of a loved one, a woman can be overwhelmed by negative emotions and strong experiences, which will affect the health of the mother and baby. Stress is the main cause of ailments. Therefore, it is better to refuse to visit the cemetery.

12. Go to church

The answer of popular customs to this question is negative, and the church welcomes. Let's figure it out. According to the church, the unborn child is God's blessing. Therefore, the representatives of the church do not see reasons to refuse to visit the temple.

For many, pregnancy is associated with menstrual cycle, within the framework of which it is forbidden to attend church, but it is incorrect to compare these states. According to the priests, the expectant mother should go to church and pray. It is also not forbidden to confess and receive communion.

13. Go to the bathhouse

If everything is in order with the health of a pregnant woman, it is allowed to visit the bathhouse after consulting a doctor. Remember that going to the bathhouse in the early stages is contraindicated.

In all other cases, a visit to the bath trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthens the immune system. Bath procedures are an excellent prevention of colds. If a pregnant girl has not previously visited the steam room, it is not advised to start during pregnancy.

14. Go to the funeral

A funeral is a powerful source of stress that can lead to the loss of a child. If a pregnant woman is afraid of attending a funeral or worries about comfort, it is better to stay at home. If a funeral of a loved one is being held and there is a great desire to attend them, it is recommended to listen to the inner voice. When you are confident that everything will be fine, go.

There are often cases when there is no desire to attend a funeral for other reasons. In this situation, it is possible to argue the refusal by pregnancy, no one will condemn anyone. You can say goodbye to the one who has left the world on the mental level.

15. Walk in heels

Sexy, beautiful and fashionable shoes are contraindicated for girls in a position for all three quarters. Shoes with heels are allowed to be worn in the first half of pregnancy, although do not forget about the state of health.

Even if you feel well, it is better to refuse to constantly wear heels, otherwise it will increase the tone of the uterus. If you can't imagine life without shoes, limit yourself to wearing such shoes for a few hours and, having fun, massage your feet.

16. Go to the pool

Some expectant mothers consider regular visits to the pool useful, while others are afraid of catching an infection. In any case, consult your gynecologist before visiting the pool. In the absence of complications and objections from the doctor, visit the pool in this moment... It was not for nothing that I added the phrase "this moment". It is allowed to visit the pool after the formation of a mucous plug and until it comes out.

17. Go to the solarium

Prolonged sun exposure is undesirable for a pregnant woman. Doctors recommend that pregnant women temporarily forget about artificial tanning and not go to the solarium.

Under the influence of lamps, the hormonal background will change, which will lead to the appearance of age spots. During pregnancy, the skin is sensitive to external factors and the risk of burning is great.

18. Dye your hair

During pregnancy, the hormonal background of the body undergoes changes that affect the structure of the hair. Increasing progesterone levels help reduce hair loss, resulting in thicker hair.

Research results have shown that paints are safe for pregnant women. But do not forget that a woman's body is individual. Medical representatives claim that the chemicals that are part of the paints adversely affect the scalp and the state of the body. Therefore, consult your doctor before using hair dyes.

19. Smoking during pregnancy

In the second trimester, cigarettes negatively affect the condition of the child and increase the likelihood of violations. Smoking often leads to disastrous consequences, including: premature birth, miscarriage, premature detachment of the placenta, or bleeding from the uterus.

It is recommended to quit smoking before conceiving a child. At the same time, it is not necessary to fight the habit after learning about pregnancy. The woman's body is used to receiving a dose of nicotine. It is best if you reduce the dose in the first trimester. As a result, the body prepares itself to quit cigarettes.

20. Fly an airplane

There is no unequivocal opinion about flying during pregnancy. During the flight, the female body is exposed to stress, but they pose a danger to a pregnant woman only in some cases.

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, there are no contraindications to the use of air transport. But if it is possible to get to the desired place by another means of transportation, it is not advised to take risks. You can enjoy the comfort of air travel after the birth of your baby.