Ekaterina andreeva reveals her beauty secrets. Secrets of youth and beauty of Ekaterina Andreeva Ekaterina Andreeva how she remains young

The famous TV presenter, journalist and actress Ekaterina Andreevna was born in 1961, but despite her age, she looks no older than 35 years old.

She does not age and has a good figure, and that is why many are interested in her diet and beauty secrets.

If you watch the Novosti program or at least one photo of Ekaterina Andreeva, you can hardly give her her 54, because she looks much younger. The TV presenter herself does not hide that she owes her appearance to a special nutrition system and regular training in the gym, because without them it is impossible to keep youth, in her opinion.

Many TV viewers think that Catherine looks so young thanks to plastic surgeries or drugs, but in fact this is not so: in her entire life she did not resort to the services of surgeons, and she also believes that such experiments with appearance are extremely harmful to health.

Ekaterina Andreeva: height 176 cm, weight 66 kg

  • She is always in an optimistic mood, because believes that only a good mood gives strength for further movement;
  • The TV presenter sleeps for 7-8 hours a day, because sleep supplies a person with the necessary energy for the whole day, and with frequent lack of sleep, the skin ages faster, besides, the metabolism slows down;
  • There is always a cool air temperature in her bedroom. before going to bed, Ekaterina opens the window for 10-15 minutes, even in winter;
  • 2-3 times a week Ekaterina visits the pool and massage parlor;
  • Proper nutrition is a prerequisite, without which it is impossible to stay always in shape and preserve youth.

Ekaterina Andreeva with a coach

The main recipe for harmony from Ekaterina Andreeva is good sleep, healthy food and regular physical exercise... According to her, only these three points can guarantee a slim figure and smooth skin for those who are as opposed to plastic surgery as the TV presenter.

It is worth noting that the height and weight of Ekaterina Andreeva are close to ideal parameters - 176 cm and 66 kg, and every second woman can envy her figure. This can be seen by barely looking at the photos of the TV presenter.

How Ekaterina Andreeva is losing weight: rules, menus and recipes ^

How does Ekaterina Andreeva manage not to gain weight and maintain an ideal figure: the secrets of harmony and unfading youth

In order to always remain young and not have excess weight, it is enough to adhere to the simple rules that Catherine herself uses:

  • Drink only purchased purified water, because plumbing is harmful to health;
  • It is necessary to drink at least 8 glasses of non-carbonated mineral water per day - this allows you to avoid bouts of hunger and speed up metabolism, which ultimately leads to rapid weight loss;
  • Under no circumstances should you go hungry: breakfast, lunch and dinner should be complete, however the largest number food should be eaten in the morning, leaving only light meals for the evening;

Photoshoot with daughter Natalia

  • Dinner should take place no later than 3 hours before bedtime, because overeating negatively affects health;
  • Sausage and ham should be excluded from the diet, because they contain too much fat;
  • Sweets can be eaten only on weekends and in small quantities;
  • All fasts should be observed, because as soon as they provide a complete purification of the body and soul;
  • In your diet, you need to give preference useful products: fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs, cottage cheese, eggs, lean meat, lean fish, kefir.

Ekaterina with her husband Dusan Perovich

Having familiarized yourself with Catherine's menu, you can plan your diet yourself using his example:

  • For breakfast we eat a boiled egg and a portion of any porridge, except semolina;
  • We have lunch with a piece of boiled meat or fish, as well as a salad of vegetables;
  • We have dinner with 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

Oatmeal breakfast recipe:

  • Pour 0.5 liters of water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil;
  • Throw in 2 cups of oatmeal to boil, reduce heat and cook for about 20 minutes until tender, stirring occasionally.

Vegetable salad recipe:

  • Finely chop the cabbage, grate the carrots, cut the bell peppers;
  • After mixing, season the vegetables with olive oil, sprinkle with herbs on top.

Curd dessert recipe:

  • Beat sugar, sour cream and cottage cheese with a blender until smooth;
  • Dissolve the gelatin and pour it into the previously prepared mass;
  • Fill the pre-chopped fruit in the form with the composition, leave it to freeze in the refrigerator for several hours.

The opinion of doctors and reviews about the diet of Ekaterina Andreeva ^

Doctors speak favorably about Catherine's nutritional system and lifestyle, claiming that her diet is completely safe for the human body, and the products present in it only have a positive effect on health.

What does Ekaterina Andreeva look like now: photo

Ekaterina Andreeva in Africa

However, it is advisable to consult a dietitian before using this technique, as in some cases it may be contraindicated.

"I really liked this diet: it is easy to withstand it, and it gives good results, because on it I lost 7 kg in just 3-4 weeks"

“Looking at Ekaterina, I wanted to change my appearance myself, and I started with a figure - I went on a diet. Thus, I removed 10 kg in a month, but now I continue to lose weight, because it is not worth stopping at what has already been achieved ”

Valentina, 50 years old:

“I, like Catherine, lead healthy image life, but now she has made it a rule to also observe the daily regimen. It paid off well, and now I finally stopped gaining weight. "

Ekaterina Andreeva on weight loss, youth and beauty

Most importantly, there are three important things: Daily routine. Positive thoughts. Physical exercise.

Every morning I either do yoga, or tai chi chuan, or go to the gym. I have a fighting type of Tai Chi Chuan, but with elements breathing exercises... First of all, you need to learn how to breathe correctly and correctly accumulate energy in the body, without this it is impossible.

Having learned how to properly distribute forces and energy inside the body, you stop getting tired. And in general, you begin to interact with the outside world in a different way. But all this, of course, only if you practice regularly. I personally practice three times a week for an hour and a quarter. Plus yoga - an hour and a half ...

My teacher brings me the very best green teas. Naturally Chinese. China is the birthplace of tea, where it is best fermented and dried. I love Longjing - it's made from simple teas. There is also my favorite "Te Guanyin", there are pu-erhs of different years, there is "Alishan (Oolong from Pear Mountain)", there is white tea.

Each of the varieties affects a specific organ human body... For example, white teas - made from the topmost leaves - have a powerful cleansing effect. "Tie Guanyin" is made from the following leaf, it tones up very well, and is also used to prevent cancer. Pu-erh forms the correct intestinal microflora.

In general, Chinese medicine, the Chinese attitude to life is a special topic. For example, your knees hurt, which means you have a problem with your stomach. If the person becomes tearful, it is a kidney problem. If he is prone to depression and sadness, then the spleen is not in order. And if he is very angry, the liver is out of order. Etc. And the Chinese treat with herbs, acupuncture, mushrooms, roots. They have, for example, a wonderful powder that is made from the chitin of a fruit fly when it drops it.

You have to get carried away with Chinese medicine, you have to immerse yourself in it, you even have to live with it! Their medicine is mostly preventive. In China, a doctor receives a lot of money not for treating a patient, but for prevention. And if you still have to be treated for something, then the doctor was not very good.

By the way, my Chinese doctor insisted that I go to bed at nine in the evening. I objected: “How do you imagine this? So I took the Vremya program, came to the meeting at half past nine, brought a pillow with me and fell asleep? " Still, I try to go to bed early.

It is a rare occasion that I was awake after 12 o'clock in the morning. Usually I'm home around half past ten in the evening. And the three of us - me, husband and daughter - do tai chi chuan or yoga. And only after that do we go to bed. And at six or eight in the morning we wake up.

Did Ekaterina Andreeva do plastic surgery?

Many are surprised that Ekaterina Andreeva is already well over fifty, but she is still young and beautiful. Fans and spiteful critics are wondering - is it the merit of the TV presenter or plastic surgeons? There is no obvious evidence that Andreeva did plastic surgery.

Catherine herself says that the secret of youth lies in a timely visit to a beautician, acupuncture, and sports. She also uses cosmetics from a French company, based on herbal extracts.

It is easy to take a well-groomed woman at her word, because she looks dignified, young, but not artificial. Facial skin is in excellent condition, wrinkles are minimal, facial features have not changed over the years. The contour of the face swam a little, but these are just age-related changes and, using Andreev's plastics, the contour would be outlined and clear.

The figure of a celebrity is also a subject of heated debate. But it would be strange to devote half your life to yoga, Pilates, proper nutrition, gymnastics, control of sugar and salt intake, resort to liposuction.

It's time to come to terms, her appearance is the merit of Catherine herself. There are no photos before and after plastic surgery, there are no rumors about this either.

The TV presenter herself believes that plastic is everyone's personal business. And it is not known whether she will resort to the services of surgeons in twenty years, but now it is definitely not necessary.

She is sure that beauty lies in a happy personal life, being in demand in a profession, in harmony with herself and the world around her.

Ekaterina Andreeva with her daughter: photo

The beauty of Ekaterina Andreeva is the admiration of many women. It seems that Andreeva is not aging: her skin shines, her eyes shine, she is full of strength and energy.

The TV presenter with many years of experience is not even so affected by the frantic rhythm of her work as it is on her other colleagues. This is because Ekaterina Andreeva adheres to certain rules in life that allow her to preserve her beauty.
It is necessary to sleep in a dark and cold room.

It is in the dark that melatonin is produced, which is necessary for the full recovery of the body. Andreeva always closes the windows with blackout curtains and opens the window - at any time of the year. Sleep is most useful from 10 pm to midnight.

That is why it is better to go to bed early. Moreover, Ekaterina Andreeva tries to spend at least 8 hours in a dream. She puts an orthopedic pillow under her head. Getting up early is more useful than getting up late. Therefore, the TV presenter tries to wake up no later than eight in the morning.
Before getting up, Ekaterina Andreeva performs special exercises for the face and neck. No need to jump out of bed. It is better to rise slowly, so as not to harm yourself with a sharp transition from one position to another. So that the morning does not start nervously, choose an alarm clock with a pleasant melody.
Drink a glass of water an hour before breakfast. The best option is purified still water, pre-filtered or purchased from a store.

The TV presenter drinks about 1.5 liters of water a day, before or after meals.
After drinking a glass of water, Ekaterina Andreeva starts gymnastics.

Then it's breakfast time. In the morning, the TV presenter prepares whole grain cereals in the water, adding nuts or dried fruits to the cereals if desired. Favorite cereals are black rice and buckwheat.
Ekaterina Andreeva prefers to drink green tea.

She considers coffee harmful. But she also has special requirements for tea. She does not recognize tea bags and only brews Chinese tea that was harvested no later than eight months ago. Tea must be kept in the refrigerator after collection.
Food after 7 pm is strictly prohibited. Also, there is no meat, fatty, sweet, flour or salty foods in the TV presenter's diet. She is against any canned food.

Her menu is fish, cereals, vegetables and some fruits. Andreeva eats milk and dairy products no more often than once a week.
The best food option is organic products. That is, no chemistry, everything is natural, raw and pure. To make sure that she is in control of her health, the TV presenter buys food from special ecological supply locations: berries, herbs, nuts, fruits, grains and vegetables.
Andreeva is a fan of low temperatures when cooking. She does not cook over high heat, and in the oven she never turns on a mode hotter than 120 degrees.

She is helped in this by a special saucepan, designed specifically for cooking at low temperatures. In addition, the oil should not be heated because it becomes harmful.
The TV presenter gave up sugar in favor of honey, fructose and dried fruits. Salt is consumed in minimal quantities and, mainly, sea salt.
To constantly monitor her weight, Catherine keeps a scale at home.

And, at the slightest change, he immediately takes action. For example, it can go hungry for a while, eating only tea and rice. Or even drinks only water for ten days. Traditional fasts help her in keeping in shape, as well as certain dietary restrictions every Wednesday and Friday.
The TV presenter necessarily goes in for sports and is fond of precious stones.

Her regular workouts: fitness (3 times a week), yoga (three times a week), health gymnastics from China tai chi (2 times a week), Pilates (2 times a week). She also goes to the pool. The training time is evenly distributed in the morning and evening every day.
Brisk walking is another helper in the fight against excess weight. It is necessary to walk for at least 30 minutes and at every opportunity. Walking is much healthier than jogging, which causes minor concussions to the brain and joints.
Andreeva visits the sauna several times a week.

Instead of peels, he applies a mask made from ecological herbal extracts by the French cosmetic line to the face. Once a week in the salon, the TV presenter rejuvenates with oxygen therapy and an energetic facial massage using silver ailerons.
Tanning and tanning beds cause premature aging of the skin, Andreeva is sure. Therefore, relaxing on the beach is certainly possible for her under an umbrella, in a closed swimsuit, and her face and body should be lubricated with high-level sunscreen.
After quitting smoking, the TV presenter discovered how much improved her sense of smell, well-being and complexion. At the same time, she allows herself to drink a little wine. Her favorite wines are produced in Georgia, Portugal and Spain.
It is better to use less makeup, especially in everyday life. If the skin is healthy, then you can get by with a small amount of cosmetics: a little powder, mascara and lip gloss. Bright makeup adds age and is therefore undesirable.
On the way to a healthy lifestyle, many obstacles await you, the TV presenter warns. And the first of them are obstacles in the person of loved ones.

To avoid feeling like an outcast in your own family, look for ways to attract loved ones to your side and even inspire them to follow your example.
Work is an important source of youth. There is no need to rush to retire, because your favorite activity allows you to preserve your taste for life longer, and even allows you to extend your life.
Always remember that not only your mood, but also your health depends on your state of mind. Therefore, strive to make your eyes shine, do not be irritated and do not envy. After all, inner harmony is the key to external attractiveness.

Her name is not known to a wide audience, but infinitely dear to those who have resorted to her services. Her hands, without exaggeration, work wonders and stop time, returning youthful contours to faces, and smoothness and elasticity to the skin. Zinaida Nikolaevna Kudrina tells the site how the technique of her author's massage was born and how the silver she works with cancels the laws of gravity. As a bonus - effective beauty tips.

Discussing the age of women is tactless and indecent. And in the case of Katya Andreeva, it doesn't make sense at all. The favorite of millions of Russians on the screen is not the first year, but the whole country still calls her Katya, and not Catherine, because outwardly Andreeva does not seem to change at all. It is all the more interesting what and who is behind the appearance of this exceptional beauty with a toned face, large, calm eyes and chiseled cheekbones. Botox, fillers, lasers - there are a lot of options, but Andreeva has never done anything of the above. This is guaranteed by the person who has been working with her for the 15th year - Zinaida Nikolaevna Kudrina, cosmetologist, author of a unique anti-age technology, backed up by a number of patents.

Little is known about her: only rare interviews can be found on the Internet, the rest is rumors that Moscow has been full of for decades. Back in the late 1990s, in certain circles, a mysterious cosmetologist was discussed with might and main, to whom it was impossible to get to without special recommendations and who allegedly wielded with "silver spoons". Everything is so - let's say, except for the spoons (these very "spoons" always upset her). The instruments with which Zinaida Kudrina works are really made of 999 silver, but they are called ailerons - like aircraft lockers. With the help of these devices, for many years now, she has been carving out ideal facial features for those whose names it is better not to name: believe me, the list is impressive.

As for communication with the press, our heroine rarely gave interviews for a banal reason: lack of time. “I only have two hands,” she admitted to us. "And they are still constantly busy." Moreover, they are busy not only with massage, but also with the development of accessories for home use, which give an equally stunning effect. But about everything in more detail.

Zinaida Kudrina: Literally from the age of 15, I began to take care of my face. Then it was not even accepted, and my mother in this regard did not influence me at all. Everyone has their own craving - to drawing or singing, I turned to myself - to skin care. I always made masks using everything that was at hand: yolks, fruits and even vegetables ...

“By the way, carrots help to achieve an amazing complexion. Put a spoonful of carrot juice in a nourishing cream, apply regularly and you will achieve amazing results. The main thing is to do it all the time, the system is important in leaving ”.

I came to silver by trial and error. I read a lot of cosmetology literature and one day I came across an article that hooked me. I began to delve into and realized that silver is a miracle.

Z.K .: Based on many years of experience working with silver, I can say that it is a salvation for the skin. It would seem impossible to stop the aging process, but silver stops them!

This wonderful metal reduces wrinkles, as it were, tightens them. And how silver moisturizes the skin! This is one of the strongest conductors. Helps nutrients to enter the deep layers of the skin. That is, if you apply a cream or mask, and then massage with silver, the effectiveness of the product increases many times over and it goes exactly where you need it.

Unsurprisingly, I got the idea for a massage with silver instruments. Through trial and error, I went to the ideal form, which I was helped to create by my fellow scientists from the research institute. I tried everything first on myself, then on loved ones ... The effect was incredible. It was obvious that I needed to do this.

Zinaida Nikolaevna began to practice only after thirty. Before that, she devoted all the time to her family, raised two daughters. But the main thing, as we understand it, is to find your own way. After graduating from medical school so that she could practice in the salon, and having found the ideal shape and size of her silver aileron instruments, Kudrina set to work - first in the suburbs, where she lived and where very soon all the then Moscow "high society" rushed. Soon she moved to the Moscow salon of Irina Baranova, from where the very rumors about the "miracle cosmetologist" canceling the laws of aging began to spread.

“The technique makes a woman not even young, but young. Gravity pulls our muscles down, but here - literally after several sessions - they rise up again, ”says Zinaida Nikolaevna. Meanwhile, lovers of high life are discussing her next client, wondering what she had injected herself so that her cheekbones became like that of a 16-year-old model of Italian Vogue in just a month. But imagine, I didn’t inject anything!

website: What can you say about the Russian type of aging?

Z.K .: Our misfortune is pastiness, and among foreign women - leanness. The same French women eventually become covered with fine wrinkles, while remaining lean. Our women resist wrinkles longer, but they quickly get to know this very pastiness, puffiness.

Either the whole thing is in ecology, or we eat wrong, or genetics and our “broad-facedness” need to be blamed ... But all this is exacerbated many times by the lack of a sense of proportion. When an already wide face, which has already begun to crawl down, is "inflated" with the help of fillers, this sight looks sad.

“I don’t want to say that I am against injections. Everything should be according to indications. Some faces - dry, narrow - look decent thanks to fillers. Yes, and deep wrinkles are still better to fill. But ... Moderation and moderation again. "

Initially, it seems to me that we do not have a culture of personal care. I believe that from the age of 17, from the senior classes, it is necessary to introduce lessons in caring for your face. So that girls from a young age know that it is necessary to make masks.

Z.K .: At the age of 20, you need to moisturize the skin with herbal remedies, be sure to wash yourself with herbal infusions - the same parsley leaves, especially for owners of problem skin. I really like currant and raspberry leaves. You can simply steam them, wash - and such a beauty!

“Here is a recipe for a universal mask - a spoonful of your cream and yolk. As an SOS agent, I recommend adding mashed banana to the cream. When you are not feeling well, you look the way, the banana will nourish great. Natural masks are not just important, but mandatory as an addition to the tools that you use. After 30, masks should be done at least twice a week. "

Having patented her ailerons back in 1994, Zinaida Kudrina did not even think to stop. She had loads of ideas for silver accessories in her head that her clients could use at home, enhancing the already incredible effect of massages. “Initially, I thought about applicators under the eyes, such as patches, but made of silver, so that women could pass them on from generation to generation,” recalls Zinaida Nikolaevna. “We worked with them for two years before we came to perfect shape.”

When the patches were created, our heroine caught fire with the idea of ​​a mask. After a while, it became obvious that it was impossible to make it out of silver. “And then again I came across an interesting book,” she says. "And it dawned on me - silk!"

website: You produce all kinds of silk masks under your own brand Argent-Znak. Why are they so good that they are swept off the shelves of the Articoli chain?

Z.K .: Silk for the skin is the same elixir of youth. Silk soaked in silver is a bomb. When we conducted clinical trials (took place in 2011 in France in the Gredeco laboratory - approx ..

Silver is a conductor of nutrients inside. Imagine: you have found an ideal cosmetic mask for yourself that works and does not let you down, so if you put on a silver mask on top, it will "drive" the beneficial components of your favorite product even deeper, and you will get a double effect and, I promise, you will not believe your own eyes.

The beautiful TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva has been working on TV for twenty years, last year she celebrated her 50th anniversary! A charming woman, the face of Channel One, does not hide either her age or the secrets of how she manages to preserve her youth.

Ekaterina Andreeva always sleeps with an open window, and getting out of bed, immediately wipes her face with frozen tea, then takes a contrast shower and drinks a glass of cool water on an empty stomach. Every week - a mandatory visit to the pool or sauna.

Andreeva's breakfast, lunch and dinner include the simplest products (necessarily fruits and a piece of natural meat), but without animal fats and sweets. And certainly - green tea.

The best way to preserve a woman's beauty is love. Ekaterina Andreeva has been happily married for many years and wishes the same to everyone.


“Staying young is not so difficult,” says Ekaterina. - I will gladly reveal all my secrets!

Sleep in the dark and cold

- The bedroom should be no higher than 18-20 degrees. For health, and therefore beauty, you need coolness. Even in winter, I always open the window at night. Hang blackout curtains on the windows. Indeed, in the dark, melatonin is produced, which helps the body to recover. Go to bed early and sleep eight hours.

I try to go to bed at 10 in the evening, because from 22 to 24 hours a hormone is produced in my sleep, which is responsible for youth and beauty! It is not for nothing that the British call these two hours "beauty slip" - that is, a dream of beauty. Sleep at least eight hours a day and preferably on an orthopedic pillow!

Get up in stages

- Wake up no later than eight in the morning. Sometimes I get up at six! Don't jump out of bed right away. Stretch first, then pat yourself on the head 10 times. Then rub your ears - 15 times clockwise and the same amount - counterclockwise. Then start slowly turning your head left and right. And so - 100 times! You will feel how energy literally fills you! You need to climb slowly, because a sharp transition from one state to another is very harmful. And more - buy an alarm clock with a quiet, pleasant sound for you.

Drink clean water

- The first thing I do when I get out of bed is to drink a glass of water. Moreover, it should be at room temperature. And not from the tap! It's worth having filters or buying bottled water from the store. Personally, I prefer non-carbonated mineral. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day one hour before or one hour after a meal.

Choose the right tea

- I don't drink coffee, but I really like tea! Especially green. But not from bags, but custard, from whole leaves. Moreover, only one that is no more than eight months from the date of collection, and stored in the refrigerator. I even have a special refrigerator for tea from China at home.

Have breakfast with porridge

- In the morning I eat only after gymnastics. I have breakfast with berries and cereals made from whole grains boiled in water. Sometimes I add dried fruits and nuts to them. I love buckwheat and black rice.

Healthy menu

- I don't eat after 7 pm. And I don't eat anything fatty, sweet, salty, starchy and canned! There is no meat on my menu. I only eat cereals, fish, vegetables and a little fruit. I allow myself dairy products once a week or two! Almost three kilograms of various fungi, bacteria and microbes live in each person. Milk and all dairy products stimulate the reproduction of these organisms! Why stress your immune system?

Eco-friendly raw foods

- No chemical additives! Everything is only natural! Now there are suppliers of environmentally friendly biological products. Make it your goal to eat quality food - you will definitely find where you can buy such food! Try to give preference to foods that can be eaten raw: berries, sprouted grains, herbs, vegetables, fruits, nuts.

Cook right

- Never heat the oil when cooking, as it starts to release harmful substances! Discard large fire. And best of all - buy a special saucepan in which food is cooked at a low temperature due to high pressure. Then everything will be preserved in it useful material! If you cook in the oven, make sure that the temperature does not exceed 120 degrees.

Salt - yes, sugar - no!

- Salt is necessary for our body. But you need to use it in minimal quantities, best of all - seafood. But I completely replaced sugar with dried fruits, honey and fructose.

Weigh yourself and fast

- Keeping weight is much easier than shedding extra pounds. I always keep a scale close at hand. And if the arrow swung forward, I immediately do everything to bring it back! When necessary, I can sit on the water for 10 days. Or green tea and rice without salt! But in order not to resort to such extremes, it is enough to observe all the fasts. I also fast on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Go in for sports

- In order for the body to remain fit and slender, it must be trained. I go to fitness three times a week, three to yoga, two to tai chi, which is Chinese health-improving gymnastics, and two more times to Pilates, a special exercise system. Plus a pool. In general, I train in the morning and in the evening after work.

Walk a lot and quickly

- Problems with excess weight will go away without a trace if you walk a lot and quickly. Please note: fat begins to burn only after 30 minutes. So take every opportunity to walk! You can, of course, run, but during running there is a mini-concussion of the joints and brain.

Take care of your skin

- I go to the sauna once or twice a week. But I don’t do peelings! But once a week I make a mask based on cosmetics from a French company. It contains extracts from plants collected in an ecologically clean place. Once a week, they also do the so-called oxygen therapy and energetic face massage with silver ailerons in the salon - this has a strong rejuvenating effect!

Do not sunbathe

- Ultraviolet light causes early skin aging! Therefore, I go to the beach only in a closed swimsuit with sunscreen applied to the face and body with a strength of at least 50 units! At the same time, I sit under an umbrella all the time! I generally keep quiet about solariums!

Don't smoke and drink wine

- I have not smoked for over two years. Happy immensely! I began to feel much better, to distinguish even the most subtle smells, and, of course, my skin also thanked me with a beautiful complexion. Therefore, quit smoking urgently! As for alcoholic drinks ... Dry wine is even good for health in very small quantities. I prefer Georgian, Spanish and Portuguese.

Minimum cosmetics

- If the skin is well-groomed, makeup may not be needed at all. But if I really want to "draw something" on my face, I get by with a minimum of makeup. A wave of a puff dipped in powder, lip gloss, mascara on eyelashes. Bright makeup tends to age.

Re-educate your family

- Leading a healthy lifestyle is very difficult if there are no like-minded people. Therefore, unobtrusively, slowly involve relatives in this matter. My husband and daughter, like me, do not eat meat, drink clean water and play sports.

Work hard and don't rush to retire

- The later you retire, the longer you will stay young! Even very old people work in Japan. That is why there are so many long-livers. Work prolongs both years and youth!

Don't be angry or envious

- Monitor your state of mind. As soon as you learn to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, stop being angry and envious, you will immediately notice the changes: the wrinkles will even out, and the eyes will shine, and the figure will grow slimmer! My motto: "Give me, God, peace of mind to accept what I cannot change, give me strength to change what I can, and give wisdom so as not to confuse one with the other!"