Knowledge Engineering Knowledge Representation Models
An engineering discipline that deals with the integration of knowledge with computer systems to solve complex problems, usually...
Representatives of Russian philosophical thought
Russian philosophy is a distinctive section of world philosophical thought. We present 20 of the greatest Russian thinkers who had the most powerful...
What will children born in the year of the rooster be like? Characteristics of those born in the year of the fire rooster
For children born in the year of the Rooster, 2017 promises to be truly important and significant. After all, every parent thinks about how the year...
How to fry asp.  Recipes for asp dishes.  Asp dishes
Asp is found in rivers flowing into the Caspian and Black Seas. Its meat is white, and the carcass itself is covered with a thin layer of silvery scales, on...
Liver cake: the most delicious recipes and useful recommendations
What to cook quickly and tasty for dinner. Liver cake for those who like to eat delicious food and who don’t like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen....
Passing points for college: what is it, how are they calculated
Don't be discouraged if your passing score is not too high. Enrolling on a budget (or at least just enrolling) will help you successfully...
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