Warming and cooling products. Food Combination: The Complete Guide to Neutral Foods

In this section, we will consider the features of the combination of various food products, i.e. their compatibility in our body with you at the same time.

Studying the issue of separate nutrition, you involuntarily begin to compare different methods and recommendations presented by different authors. In general, all the proposed methods are very similar in essence, and the difference lies only in a more in-depth analysis of the compatibility of products among specific groups and in the time interval of the process of splitting and assimilating consumed food.
For example, William Hay believed that between receptions different types there should be an interval of 4-5 hours, and you should not eat proteins and carbohydrates at the same time, because different conditions are required for their digestion: an acidic environment for proteins and an alkaline environment for carbohydrates.

Haye in his works gives the following recommendations for separate nutrition:

  • Carbohydrates should not be eaten with proteins and sour fruits.

  • Proteins, carbohydrates and fats should be eaten only in small quantities, and sausages, sausages and other refined foods should be abandoned altogether.

  • The basis of food should be salads, vegetables and fruits.

As a result, all products were divided into three groups:

  • Protein foods - meat, fish, organ meats, eggs, legumes, nuts, and other protein-rich foods.

  • Foods containing carbohydrates - bread, cereals, sugar, pasta, potatoes and other foods rich in carbohydrates.

  • The group of “neutral” products is represented by: animal fats, butter, sour cream, cream, fat cottage cheese, fatty cheeses, dried fruits, herbs, fresh vegetables and fruits.

A feature of "neutral" foods is their compatibility with both protein and carbohydrate foods, and most of the daily diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits.

Professor Zhdanov adheres to similar views, who believes that for normal digestion, i.e. for the breakdown and assimilation of protein products in the human gastrointestinal tract, an acidic environment should be created, and an alkaline environment should be created for the normal digestion of carbohydrate products.
And if you use these products at the same time, then in the process of digestion, an interaction of an alkaline and acidic environment occurs, which ultimately leads to their mutual neutralization.
As a result, poorly digested, i.e. incompletely split food, getting into the intestinal tract, is poorly absorbed by the body. As a result, we get the deposition of fecal stones, constipation and, as a result, intoxication of the whole organism. Therefore, it is very important to eat separately, and the interval between meals of different types of food should be at least 2 hours.

Professor Zhdanov also divided all products into three groups:

  • Protein foods - mainly meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, soy, eggplant, nuts, seeds, legumes and other protein products.

  • Carbohydrate food - mainly bread, cereals, sugar and its derivatives, as well as honey, potatoes and other carbohydrate products.

  • "Live" products - greens, fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, fresh juices, various berries, including watermelons, and fats.

Proteins and carbohydrates are incompatible foods and, when consumed simultaneously, are "Food poison!"

But "live" foods have enzymes that promote the breakdown and assimilation of both proteins and carbohydrates.

Below is an introductory video from Professor Zhdanov's lecture on separate nutrition.

The following is a nutritional system designed by the American hygienist Herbert Shelton. In practice, he proved the high preventive effectiveness of separate nutrition, which, in his opinion, is the only basis on which proper nutrition is based.

Shelton's main commandment is: “If you value your health, then don't eat everything!

  • Never eat protein and carbohydrates at the same time- this means that you should not eat meat, fish, eggs, cheese, mushrooms, nuts and other protein food along with bread, cereals, potatoes, cakes, sweet fruits, etc. This need is due to the fact that in the process of assimilation, these products interfere with each other, since acidity in the stomach increases for the digestion of proteins, which quickly stops the assimilation of carbohydrates, which occurs only in an alkaline environment. Therefore, after the simultaneous intake of such products, fermentation begins.

  • Never Eat Two Concentrated Proteins at One Time... Each product in such combinations as meat and eggs, meat and nuts, meat and fish, cheese and eggs, eggs and milk, cheese and nuts, etc., differing from the other in its composition, requires a different time for assimilation. When eaten at the same time, they are not fully absorbed by the body.

  • Never eat fats with proteins. In other words, do not use butter and vegetable oil with meat, eggs, cheese, nuts and other proteins, because fat inhibits the secretion of gastric juices.

  • Never eat acidic fruits with proteins. It would seem that the acid should promote better protein absorption. But everything in the body is arranged in such a way that a normal stomach secretes all the necessary acids in abundance and does not need to be supplied from the outside. Fruit acids will only delay the natural secretion of gastric juice and thereby interfere with the digestion of protein, which will eventually lead to fermentation. Therefore, you should not eat tomatoes with cheese or eggs, or serve meat with vinegar or tomato juice.

  • Never eat acidic and carbohydrate foods at the same time... This means that you should not eat bread, potatoes, peas, beans, sugar, honey and jam along with apples, plums, sorrel and tomatoes, as well as citrus fruits. The acidity of these foods and fruits destroys the ptyalin enzyme, which is necessary for the breakdown of carbohydrates.

  • Never eat more than one type of concentrated starch at a time For example, you should not eat bread, mashed pea potatoes and sweet pastries together, since only one type of starch will be accepted by the stomach for digestion, and the rest remain intact, delaying the passage of food, which will eventually lead to fermentation.

  • Never eat carbohydrates and sugars in one go, as traditional jam pies, sweet cereal and pasta casseroles, sweet cereals, jam and honey on bread ferment in the stomach.

  • Melon is an excellent digestive tract cleaner and should be eaten separately... Melon eaten with other foods causes upset and fermentation in the stomach.

  • Milk should be consumed alone or not consumed at all... Animal milk in our stomach is completely indigestible, and its assimilation begins only in the duodenum. Thus, the stomach will not process well the food consumed with milk.

From the above, the following rule follows:"The simpler the food, the more it contributes to health and longevity!"

Below is the Herbert Shelton food compatibility chart.

Food Compatibility Chart for Separate Meals

Product name1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1. Meat, fish, poultry + 0
2. Pulses 0 + + 0 + + 0
3. Butter, cream0 0 + + + + 0 0
4. Sour cream+ 0 0 + + 0 + + + 0 0
5. Vegetable oil+ 0 + + 0 + + +
6. Sugar, confectionery +
7. Bread, cereals, potatoes0 + + + + + 0 0
8. Sour fruits, tomatoes+ + + 0 + 0 0 + +
9. Sweet fruits, dried fruits0 0 0 + 0 0 + 0
10. Vegetables are green and non-starchy+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
11. Starchy vegetables0 + + + + + 0 0 + 0 + + 0 +
12. Milk0 0 0
13. Cottage cheese, dairy products+ 0 + + + + +
14. Cheese, feta cheese0 0 0 + + + + 0
15. Eggs0 + 0
16. Nuts0 + 0 + 0 + + + 0

Legend: “+” - useful; “0” - acceptable; “-” is harmful.

Eat right and everything will be in perfect order.

I wish you health and longevity!

Dr. William Hay- an American physician who developed the principles of separate nutrition in the 30s of the last century and practiced them in his sanatorium in Pennsylvania.

Zhdanov Vladimir Georgievich- Professor of the Siberian Humanitarian and Ecological Institute (Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia): - Russian public figure, promoter of a sober lifestyle, chairman of the Union for the Struggle for Popular Sobriety (SBNT), popularizer of the non-medical method of getting rid of bad habits (alcohol, tobacco) and method of natural (i.e. non-medical) restoration of vision (wearing glasses Zhdanov also refers to bad habits), one of the authors of the Common Cause project. He was awarded the gold medal of the RANS named after II Mechnikov "For his contribution to strengthening the health of nations", and was also awarded the medal of the RANS (EAEN) named after Paul Ehrlich.

Herbert M. Shelton(The author of the book is Orthotrophy: the basics proper nutrition and fasting therapy) is an outstanding American hygienist, holder of several honorary doctorates, whose works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

Neutral foods, especially those that are sweet or mild, including grains, starchy vegetables, beef, and legumes, replenish Qi deficiencies and balance organ activity. As a staple food, boiled grains can help you prevent or reduce excess or deficiency of qi or juices for a long time. Therefore, the bulk of the diet should consist of neutral foods. Cereals contain most of the substances necessary for the body, so a healthy person can, without any damage, eat very simple food for many years in a row - boiled cereals and vegetables, daily supplementing them with legumes or from time to time with other sources of protein, which include meat, fish and eggs.

Speaking about the classification of cereals according to their thermal properties, one should bear in mind the following: all cereals belong to balanced, that is, neutral, food products, because they combine the golden mean: they equally strengthen the yin and yang root, replenish qi and juices ... But some grains additionally have a special property - they contribute to the production of qi or juices. This can be clearly seen from the table, where some are classified as refreshing (yin-producing) or warm (yang-producing) foods. For example, wheat helps replenish qi, but in addition has the ability to cool the heat, especially in the heart. Therefore, in the table, it is classified as refreshing food, and it is not recommended to eat it with a lack of yang.

The classification of cereals according to taste, reflected in the table, is also complex: since all cereals have a mild sweet taste, in the doctrine of the five elements they obey the element earth, which corresponds to a sweet taste. However, some cereals, in addition to direct communication with the organs of the element earth, also affect the organs of other elements. For clarity, these types of cereals are assigned to the organ on which they have a particularly pronounced effect. Rice, like all other grains, has a mild sweet taste. It replenishes the qi of the spleen. But in addition, it has an enhancing effect on the lungs and large intestine, that is, the organs corresponding to the element metal. Therefore, in the table, it is classified as sharp products that belong to the element metal.

Grain is a small miracle

As with any seed, it contains the energy potential of the entire plant. In the burials, grains were found that had lain there for millennia, and when they were sown, they sprouted. Cereals combine amazing qualities: they contain a very balanced, from the point of view of the consumer, kind of qi, which contributes to an even supply of all organs. In a healthy body, boiled cereals are digested for a long time and without much effort. This means that such food is enough for a very long time and it satisfies the basic needs of the body. After a meal containing cooked whole grains, a person usually does not feel hungry for a long time, and this is very cost-saving. In addition, craving for sweets and coffee disappears, which has a beneficial effect on the figure and the nervous system.

The first of the so-called fast food, quick food, was bread. It was traditionally consumed with cooked dishes. Today's way of eating bread, even high quality bread, carries all the disadvantages that fast food has. It is by no means a substitute for a cooked breakfast - a hearty, easily digestible and replenishing qi. This is confirmed by many years of experience, and I would advise all passionate lovers of bread, especially those who want to lose weight, to eat hard boiled food for at least two weeks. Try it and you will see for yourself.

Ultimately, not the bread itself, but rather all those sweet, salty or fatty foods put on it, cause a weakening of the qi of the digestive organs, which leads to the emergence of excess moisture in the body. Another reason for the accumulation of moisture is the consumption of fresh bread. This used to be considered unthinkable. Everyone knew that fresh bread was gas-forming and difficult to digest. Two-day old bread, dry, and not sticky-wet inside, is much easier to tolerate.

The habit of eating bread for breakfast has appeared in our time, in the last eighty years, and the reason is our hasty lifestyle. Boiled cereals, millet or polenta with vegetables or nuts, sweet or with little vegetables, herbs, butter or eggs, bring with them a new sense of life, a long-lasting feeling of fullness and a healthy appetite at lunchtime.

With excess weight and a constant need for sweet, a hot breakfast works wonders. I can say this based on fourteen years of experience as a nutritional consultant. And one more consequence, confirmed by experience: children begin to study better, and in the morning, none of the family members refuse to eat chicken soup with vegetables and cereals, lightly seasoned with spices. No matter how strange it may seem - there is meat soup for breakfast - in fact, very many inhabitants of our planet eat for breakfast boiled food to properly refuel for the day ahead.

Cereals Calm the Mind

The peoples of India, who were sedentary and ate mainly grains, were rather friendly, in contrast to their nomadic relatives, whose diet consisted mainly of meat. In India, the majority of the rural population eats plant-based foods, while the townspeople eat meat, which helps to cope with the daily stresses of urban life.

Boiled cereals and vegetables have a special ability to remove toxic substances from the body. Lack of movement, cooling food, and emotional breakdowns lead to a lack and stagnation of qi. Food is no longer completely digested, as a result, waste accumulates, which turns into toxic substances. To prevent this process, you need to eat cereals more often in combination with aromatic herbs and herbs - especially for people with a sedentary lifestyle. When the organs are nourished in a balanced manner and the qi flows smoothly, the mind

calms down. This creates ideal conditions for practicing meditation or other creative activities.

Beef is also a neutral food. It is an important source of vitality and concentration as it recovers qi and blood. One of the most widespread half-truths these days is that meat is harmful. The easiest way to be convinced of the usefulness of meat can be someone who has to cut back on their diet for a while - for example, a person finds himself in a country where it is difficult to find food acceptable from a hygienic point of view, and for this reason is forced to abandon meat. When, after several weeks of hiking in the Himalayas, you finally can eat a piece of decent meat again, you get a unique opportunity to be convinced of the extraordinary nutritional value of this product. Of course, this statement, like everything that is said about nutrition, is not a universal truth that is true for everyone. A very small percentage of the population of our planet has an increased metabolism, as a result of which they can assimilate almost all the constituents of food and live, literally eating air. But for most of us, a small amount of high-quality wild-raised meat is likely to have a beneficial effect on our health and vitality.

It is also helpful to bake food more often in the oven and regularly use spices and herbs with warm and hot properties. Drink warming teas, such as cinnamon or cumin tea, or hot water. Cold water, especially mineral, which contains salts, has a cooling effect. To make a bag soup or mug of instant vegetable soup from the store healthy eating, it takes no longer than making a cheese sandwich, but soups have a more warming effect. Those who eat a lot of meat need to balance their diet by including refreshing vegetables, lettuce, mushrooms, fruits and cereals. There is a way of cooking that helps to harmonize the whole organism. If many people live under the same roof, who, as a rule, have different temperaments, it is important that the food is balanced. It's very easy! Combine foods and spices with different thermal properties. Using seasonings with hot properties, add refreshing fruits or vegetables. If you want to serve salad as a main course, precede it with a warming soup. If you are cooking grilled meats, sprinkle with sprouts. It is important that the dish is "balanced" so that its warm and refreshing properties are balanced. It would be a mistake to use a lot of seasonings with hot properties every day, even if you are a vegetarian and are constantly freezing. As a result, certain organs will overheat and begin to dominate others, which will lead to an imbalance in the body.

  • green color - indicates good product compatibility
  • yellow- neutral product compatibility
  • Red color- poor food compatibility.

How do I use the Separate Feeding Compatibility Chart?

Each product is assigned a number. For the first product, see the row under the corresponding number, and for the second product, see the column under the corresponding number, at the intersection of the row and column, the result of possible joint use is indicated.

For example, it matches the 4th row and 4th column.

Can bread and cheese be combined? Bread is at # 7 and cheese at # 14. At the point where they intersect, the square is colored yellow. This combination is valid.


Neutral products

Neutral foods work well with protein and carbohydrates. Neutral foods include fresh and fruit.

If more than 50% of neutral foods are included in the diet, then not only the cleansing and healing of the body will take place, but also the process of reducing excess weight .

Let's consider in more detail the combination of certain foods in a separate diet:

  1. Lean meats, poultry and fish... All meat products combine positively with non-starchy and green vegetables. This combination helps to neutralize the negative properties of animal proteins, promotes their active digestion and removal of excess cholesterol from the blood. Combining animal proteins with alcoholic beverages is dangerous to health, since alcohol precipitates the enzyme pepsin, which is necessary for the full assimilation of animal proteins. When cooking any meat product, fat must be carefully removed.
  2. Cereals and legumes. Most often, the menu includes beans, soybeans, peas, lentils, beans. The peculiarities of combining these products with other products are explained by their dual nature. As a source of vegetable protein, legumes and cereals are perfectly combined with starchy vegetables and herbs, and as starches - with fats, namely vegetable oil or sour cream.
  3. Butter and cream. It is forbidden to store butter and cream in oilers made of transparent material, as sunlight destroys everything in them. useful material and vitamins for 24 hours. Butter must be chosen natural, without additives and consumed in small quantities.
  4. Sour cream. This lactic acid product contains microelements, vitamins, niacin, valuable for the body. Sour cream is shown to be included in the menu in small quantities.
  5. Vegetable oil is an irreplaceable food product in the human diet if consumed unrefined and raw.
  6. To the product group - sugar and confectionery, also includes preserves, syrups, marmalades, jams, etc. It is necessary to minimize the amount of sugar and confectionery in the diet, since this product slows down the process of secretion of gastric juice. If sweets are consumed with other foods, then they linger in the stomach for a long time, causing fermentation in it and, in addition, reduce the level of stomach mobility. Heartburn and sour belching are the end results of this process.
  7. Honey does not belong to the group of sugars, as it is already a processed product. In this regard, honey is quickly absorbed into the blood and does not burden the organs of the digestive tract.
  8. Potatoes, bread and cereals. Starchy foods include rye, wheat, oats and products based on them - bread, pasta, etc. The menu is allowed to include a wide variety of cereals. Foods that contain a lot of starch should always be handled with caution. After all, pure starch is a poorly digestible product. The taboo on the combination of starchy foods and animal proteins is the main rule of separate nutrition. Separate bread can be a separate meal rather than a constant addition to each meal. However, whole grain breads are recommended to be eaten with a variety of salads, regardless of the ingredients in the salad.
  9. Sour fruits and tomatoes... This food group includes citrus fruits, cranberries, sour apples, plums, apricots, pears and grapes. Tomatoes differ from other vegetables in their content. a large number various acids. Semi-acidic fruits include strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, blueberries.
  10. Sweet fruits and dried fruits. You can combine these products with nuts and milk, but in small quantities, as they take a long time to digest. But it is best not to combine any fruit with any other products, but to consume it 20 minutes before the main meal. This rule is especially true for melons and watermelons.
  11. Non-starchy and green vegetables. This food group includes the green parts of edible plants, lettuce, cabbage, onions, garlic, cucumbers, eggplants and bell peppers. Radishes, radishes, rutabagas, and turnips are semi-starchy vegetables that combine with other foods in a similar way to green and non-starchy vegetables.
  12. Starchy vegetables. This group includes horseradish, beets, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, celery and parsley roots. It is forbidden to combine these vegetables with sugar, due to the formation of strong fermentation in the stomach. Other combinations in a separate diet with starchy vegetables are permissible.
  13. Milk. This product is a standalone meal and not a drink. In the stomach, milk curdles under the influence of sour juices. If at this moment there is another product in the stomach, then milk envelops it and blocks it from the action of gastric juice. Until the milk is digested, the food is not absorbed, it begins to rot and the digestion process slows down. It is better to use milk as a separate independent dish.
  14. Cottage cheese and other fermented milk products. Cottage cheese is a poorly digestible complete protein. Products that are homogeneous in composition with sour milk are well compatible.
  15. Cheese and feta cheese. Acceptable cheeses for separate meals are homemade young cheeses. It is better not to include processed cheeses in the menu, as this product is processed and not natural. Very useful protein product- feta cheese. But it needs additional soaking from excess salt in cold water.
  16. Eggs. This product contains a high percentage of protein, which is slowly absorbed by the body. However, eggs go well with green and non-starchy vegetables. In this case, the process of neutralizing cholesterol in the egg yolk takes place.
  17. Nuts, which are saturated with easily digestible vegetable fats.
  18. Melon. Melons are a complete separate meal and are incompatible with other foods. The pause between meals should be at least three hours.

With rare exceptions (beans, peas), nature offers humans products that are either predominantly protein or mainly carbohydrates. In the third food group, there is neither an abundance of proteins nor an abundance of carbohydrates. For this reason, Dr. Hay has designated this group as neutral.

The split food system strives to avoid consuming foods rich in protein and carbohydrates together. Yet absolute separation of these products is neither possible nor useful. The separation of extremes is already significantly relieving the digestive tract. According to Dr. Hay's theory, the bloating and feeling of fullness that occurs when eating legumes is due to their high protein and carbohydrate content.

The system of separate feeding is recommended when taking protein foods to choose only foods rich in protein (or meat, or fish). The same should be done when consuming carbohydrate food, that is, take a product with a high concentration of carbohydrates (either potatoes, or rice, or pasta), since such food is better absorbed.

Below we present the dividing plan and table proposed by Dr. Heintze in the book "Encyclopedia of Health. All about Dr. Hay's separate feeding system. " They give an accurate idea of ​​which foods belong to the carbohydrate group, according to the separate nutrition system, which to the protein group, and which to neutral.

Dividing plan

It is undesirable to eat during one meal foodstuffs belonging to the group of carbohydrates and to the protein group. However, the following combinations are possible:

  • protein group products with neutral group products;
  • products of the carbohydrate group with products of the neutral group.


  1. all types of grain (wheat, spelled spelled, rye, barley, oats, green grain, maize, natural rice);
  2. all products made from wholemeal flour with bran (bread, buns, pies, pasta);
  3. vegetables and fruits: potatoes, earthen pear, goat, bananas, fresh dates and figs, sulfur-free dried fruits: apricots, bananas, figs, raisins (cinnamon - small raisins and raisins - seedless raisins);
  4. sweets: honey, maple syrup, apple and pear condensed juices, frutiloza (gently evaporated condensed fruit juice). Tip: Ideally, sweets should be eaten with restraint. Although they belong to the group of carbohydrates, they can be combined in small amounts with products of the protein group;
  5. beer;
  6. other products: carob (crushed carob, used as cocoa), baking powder with tartar.


These products are allowed to be combined either with products of the carbohydrate group or with products of the protein group.

  1. Vegetables and salads: artichokes, eggplant, leaf salads, cauliflower, watercress, chicory salad, Chinese cabbage, valerian, fennel, cucumbers, carrots, garlic, kohlrabi, cabbage lettuce, pumpkin, green onions, dandelions, magold (beetroot), red chilli, parsnips, bell peppers, radishes, radishes, Brussels sprouts, table beets, red cabbage, rutabagas, sauerkraut, celery, asparagus, red spinach, fresh tomatoes, white cabbage, savoy cabbage, zucchini (a type of zucchini), onion;
  2. any sprouted grains, sprouts, shoots;
  3. mushrooms: all edible varieties (champignons, chanterelles, porcini mushrooms and oyster mushrooms);
  4. any fermented dairy products: yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, buttermilk, skim cream and kefir, molkozan (fermented whey concentrate);
  5. sweet cream;
  6. 60% fat cheese: whole milk cheese with cream, cream cheese, camembert;
  7. all types of curd cheese: feta cheese, sheep and goat cheese, mozzarella, grainy cheese;
  8. fats: vegetable oils and fats, cold-worked vegetable oils from seeds and germs, such as wheat germ oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, olive oil, sesame (camelina) oil, soybean oil, grape seed oil or walnut oil and butter butter;
  9. any nuts and seeds (except groundnuts - peanuts, which have an acidic effect);
  10. egg yolk;
  11. avocado (fruit);
  12. olives;
  13. yeast;
  14. spices (seasonings), for example sea salt, vegetable (herbal) salt, wild and garden herbs, garlic, ground pepper, chernobylnik, caraway seeds, nutmeg, horseradish (the basic rule is: add spices in small quantities);
  15. any jelly, for example agar-agar (ground seaweed: the powder is dissolved in a cold liquid, brought to a temperature of 60 to 80 degrees Celsius and left to solidify), vegetable astringent products from carob flour;
  16. drinks: mineral water, herbal teas and diluted vegetable juices.

TIPS: Salad sauces consumed with protein foods should be made with vegetable oil, cream (in small amounts), herbs, and lemon juice.

Sauces for salads, combined with carbohydrate foods, should consist of fermented dairy products (kefir, yogurt, yogurt and lactosan).

The main thing is that foods rich in fats and vegetable oils are consumed in small quantities. And vice versa, vegetables, fruits, green salads can be eaten in unlimited quantities.


  1. Any kind of cooked meat, except pork, for example beef: roast, entrecote, goulash, roll, minced meat dishes, minced meat;
  2. veal: schnitzel, roast, minced meat;
  3. lamb: roast, cutlets, rump (all types of meat should be consumed in small quantities);
  4. Any type of cooked pizza, such as schnitzel, turkey brisket, minced meat, roast rolls, poultry sausages, grilled chicken (poultry should be consumed in small quantities);
  5. any kind of cooked sausage, such as beef ham, beef salami, game sausage (sausages should be eaten in small quantities);
  6. any varieties of fresh fish, as well as cooked molluscs and crustaceans, for example, flounder, cod, salmon, trout, salmon, tuna, mackerel, halibut, herring, pike;
  7. milk;
  8. any kind of cheese 50% fat, for example Harz cheese - soft, Tilsit, "Gouda";
  9. eggs;
  10. tofu (soy products);
  11. ready-made tomatoes, including those from cans;
  12. ready-made spinach;
  13. drinks: fruit teas, fruit juices, apple wine (cider), dry and semi-dry wines, champagne, champagne wines (alcoholic drinks should be consumed in small doses);
  14. stone fruits such as apricots, cherries, mirabelles, peaches and plums;
  15. Berries such as lingonberries, currants, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and gooseberries
  16. pome fruits such as apples and pears;
  17. wild fruits: wild rose, elderberry, hawthorn, sea buckthorn;
  18. exotic fruits other than bananas, such as pineapple, kiwi, mango, papaya, passion fruit, melon, watermelon;
  19. citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons, sweet lemons (clarification: although lemon juice is a protein, it can be combined with a small amount of carbohydrate foods).

THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS SHOULD BE AVOIDED: white flour products (pasta), polished rice, legumes, ready-made meals in bags, canned food, sugar, sweets, table salt, mustard, ready-made soups and sauces in bags, pork, sausages, ham, pork, raw meat, raw egg whites, hardened fats, purchased mayonnaise, vinegar, peanuts, marmalades, smoked and salted meats, coffee, black tea and cocoa, and spirits.

Products table

Protein-rich foods
Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates
Veal 21 3 +
Beef, lean 21 7 1
Pork, lean 21 7 +
Chicken meat, fatty 20 6 +
Turkey breast 24 1 +
Goose meat 15 31 +
Salami (Italian) 13 45 +
Game sausage 16 5 +
Salami 18 50 +
Trout 20 3 +
Herring 17 15 +
Cod 17 0,4 +
Salmon 20 14 +
Sea salmon 18 0,8 +
Fish sticks (quick-frozen product) 13 4 20
Chicken eggs 20 12 1
Bottle milk 3,3 4 5
Cow's milk 1.5% 3,4 1,5 5
Eden cheese 30% fat 26 16 +
Neutral products
Eggplant 1 + 2,7
Cauliflower 2 + 3
Broccoli 4 + 3
Chicory 1 + 2
Chinese cabbage 1 + 1
Chicory salad 2 + 0,3
Field salad 2 + 3
Savoy cabbage (boiled) 2 0,4 3
Cucumbers 0,6 + 1,5
Carrot 1 + 5
Kohlrabi 1 + 3
Head salad 1 + 2
Green onions 2 + 3
Swiss chard beet 2 + 1
Pepper pods 1 + 3
Radish 1 + 2
Red beetroot 2 + 9
Kozelets 1 + 2
Celery 2 + 2
Asparagus 2 + 2
Grunkol (green cabbage) boiled 4,5 1 4
Spinach 3 + 1
Tomatoes 1 + 4
White cabbage 1 + 5
Zucchini 2 + 2
Champignon 3 + 3
Hazelnuts (hazelnuts) 13 61 11
Almond 19 54 9
Butter 0,7 84 0,7
Dietary 0,2 80 +
Margarine 0,2 80 0,4
Olive oil - 100 +
Sunflower oil + 100 -
Chicken egg yolk 16 32 +
Buttermilk 3,5 0,5 4
Whole milk yogurt 3,3 3,5 4
Cream, 10% fat 3 10 4
Baker's yeast 12,1 0,4 11,0
Camembert cheese 60% fat 18 34 +
Foods rich in carbohydrates
Natural rice 7 2 73
Oat flakes 14 7 63
Cornflakes 8 1 80
Pasta 13 3 70
Coarse bread 7 1 41
Mixed rye bread 7 1 45
Wheat flour type 405 11 1 71
Pineapple 0,4 0,2 14
Apples 0,3 0,4 12
Apricots 1 + 10
Dried apricots, apricots 5 0,5 56
Bananas 1 0,2 21
Pears 1 0,4 13
Strawberries, strawberries 1 0,5 6
Kiwi 1 0,6 10
Peaches 1 + 9
Plums 1 + 12
Prunes 2 0,6 53
Cherries 1 0,4 14
Grape 1 + 16
Potatoes (boiled) 2 + 15
Bean grains (dry) 22 2 48
Peas (dry) 23 2 53
Lentils (dry) 24 1,4 52

+ presence of proteins, fats, carbohydrates
- lack of proteins, fats, carbohydrates

Explanations for the table:

This table shows how many grams of protein, fat and carbohydrates are contained in 100 g of individual foods. Thus, it is easier to understand why some products in the separation plan belong to the protein, carbohydrate or neutral group. Here are some examples from this table for clarification.

Meat, fish and eggs contain a lot of protein and to some extent fat, but almost no carbohydrates. Therefore, they belong to the protein group.

Fat cheese, as opposed to low-fat, contains more fat and, accordingly, less protein. Therefore, fatty cheese belongs to the neutral group, and low-fat cheese belongs to the protein group.

Grains and grains are very rich in carbohydrates and relatively poor in protein. They belong to the carbohydrate group.

Fruits contain more carbohydrates than protein. But since they are usually high in fruit acids and can damage the digestion of carbohydrates, they are classified as a protein group. This distribution is not due to the high protein content.

The essence of separate meals - carbohydrates and proteins are not combined together

Separate nutrition principles, product compatibility table

There are many nutritional systems developed by different nutritionists. One of the most popular not only in our country, but all over the world is the Herbert Shelton separate feeding system. This famous American naturopath was the first nutritionist to proclaim that when eating, one should not combine foods rich in protein and foods rich in carbohydrates. "When incompatible foods enter the stomach at the same time," Herbert Shelton argued in his works, "digestion becomes difficult, and non-oxidized fats and carbohydrates are deposited as fat, and therefore incompatible foods can only be consumed after at least two hours."
At the same time, Herbert Shelton emphasized that general rules separate power supply systems are not a dogma. they refer only to healthy people. And those who suffer from any diseases (for example, diabetes or chronic kidney failure) should make their own adjustments to the separate food menu. It is always necessary to take into account the characteristics of a particular person and, depending on this, make up a separate diet.

Separate food rules

After the research, Shelton drew up a set of rules for a separate food system and divided the products into several main groups according to compatibility.
Here are the basic rules for separate feeding, formulated by Herbert Shelton:
1. Whenever possible, only natural foods should be eaten, avoiding industrially processed foods with a certain shelf life, as well as ready-made meals.
2. When eating, you should not combine foods rich in protein and foods rich in carbohydrates.
3. All neutral food products can be combined with either protein products or carbohydrate products.
4. To avoid over-acidification of the body, you should limit the consumption of foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates.
5. To maintain the acid-base balance, food should consist of about three-quarters of predominantly raw alkalizing agents - vegetables, lettuce, fruits. And only a quarter - from acid formers, that is, meat and fish.
6. In the morning, it is advisable to eat alkaline food, at lunch - protein, and in the evening - carbohydrate. No protein foods should be taken after 3 pm.
7. It is recommended to maintain intervals of about four hours between breakfast, lunch and dinner (although, if necessary and desired, you can eat something at this time).
8. You should eat slowly and calmly, chewing food thoroughly.

Groups of products in a separate food system

Herbert Shelton distinguishes three main groups: foods consisting mainly of proteins, foods consisting mainly of carbohydrates, and neutral products in which there is no benefit of either protein or carbohydrates.

The essence of the split food system is not to consume foods rich in protein and carbohydrates together. Although Shelton emphasizes that it is not always possible and not useful to completely separate these products.

The split food system recommends choosing only protein-rich foods (meat or fish) when eating protein foods. The same should be done when consuming carbohydrate food, that is, take a product with a high concentration of carbohydrates (either potatoes, or rice, or pasta), since such food is better absorbed.
During one meal, it is undesirable to eat foods belonging to the carbohydrate group and the protein group. You should combine protein products with products of the neutral group and carbohydrate products with products of the neutral group.

Products of the carbohydrate group

1. All types of grain: wheat, rye, barley, oats, rice.
2. All products made from wholemeal flour with bran (bread, buns, pies, pasta);
3. Vegetables and fruits - potatoes, earthen pears, bananas, fresh dates and figs, dried fruits: apricots, bananas, figs, raisins.
4. Sweets - honey, maple syrup, condensed apple and pear juices. Sweets should be consumed in limited quantities; their combination with products of the protein group is allowed;
5. Beer.

Neutral group products

1. Vegetables and salads - eggplants, lettuce and head lettuce, cauliflower and white cabbage, fennel, cucumbers, carrots, garlic, kohlrabi, pumpkin, green onions, Swiss chard (beetroot), red chilli, parsnips, bell peppers, radishes, radish, Brussels sprouts, beets, rutabagas, celery, asparagus, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini, onions.
2. Any germinated grains, sprouts, shoots.
3. Mushrooms.
4. Sour milk products: yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, buttermilk, kefir, cream.
6. Cheese of 60% fat, all types of curd cheese: feta cheese, sheep and goat cheese, mozzarella, grainy cheese.
7. Fats: any vegetable oils.
8. Any nuts and seeds (except peanuts, which have an acidic effect).
9. Egg yolk.
10. Avocado (fruit).
11. Olives.
12. Yeast.
13. Spices (seasonings) - sea salt, wild and garden herbs, garlic, ground pepper, caraway seeds, nutmeg, horseradish (the basic rule is: add spices in small quantities).
14. Any jelly - for example, agar-agar (ground seaweed): the powder is dissolved in a cold liquid, brought to a temperature of 60 degrees and left to solidify.
15. Drinks - mineral water, herbal teas and vegetable juices diluted with water.
All of the above products may be combined with either carbohydrate products or protein products.

Protein group products

1. Any meat, except pork (all types of meat are recommended to be consumed in small quantities).
2. Any bird
3. Meat products: sausages, beef ham, beef salami.
4. Any kind of fresh fish, as well as molluscs and crustaceans.
5. Milk and dairy products.
6. Cheese.
7. Eggs.
8. Tofu (soy products).
9. Tomatoes, including those canned in their own juice.
10. Spinach.
11. Drinks - fruit teas, fruit juices, apple wine (cider), dry and semi-dry wines, champagne (alcoholic beverages must be consumed in small doses).
12. Stone fruits: apricots, cherries, plums, peaches.
13. Berries: lingonberry, currant, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, gooseberry.
14. Pome fruits - apples and pears;
15. Wild fruits - wild rose, elderberry, hawthorn, sea buckthorn.
16. Exotic fruits(excluding bananas): pineapple, kiwi, mango, papaya, melon, watermelon.
17. Citrus fruits: oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons (although lemon juice belongs to the protein group, it can be combined with a small amount of carbohydrate products).

Food Compatibility Chart for Separate Meals

Focusing on this table, you will understand the main principle of the separate feeding system and subsequently you will be able to independently compose your own menu for separate feeding.

Pros and cons of separate meals

The advantage of separate nutrition is that the person using it, firstly, facilitates the digestion process and reduces the intoxication of the body, which significantly improves the state of health, skin color and appearance. And secondly, which is very important for many, the weight is normalized. And if you adhere to such a system constantly, you can noticeably lose weight and not gain extra pounds.
But not all doctors agree that separate food healthy. According to some doctors, the use of this technique is an artificial disruption of normal digestion. After all, people have always eaten mixed food, and our digestive tract for many millennia has been fine-tuned by nature itself for the digestion of such food. If you follow the rules of separate nutrition for a long time, then the digestive organs will "forget how" to cope with mixed food. And the supporter of separate nutrition will have to give up pies, borscht and many other traditional dishes all his life. To comply with such a diet, special discipline is required, because, once breaking loose and eating, for example, a sandwich, it is quite possible to get serious digestive disorders.